Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Low Carb Diet Tips-5 Ways a Sugar Addiction Ruins Health

Low Carb Diet Tips-5 Ways a Sugar Addiction Ruins Health
Whether you are on a low carb diet or not, sugar is
damaging to the body in many ways. The following is a
partial list of some of sugar's consequences from a variety
of medical journals and other scientific publications. To
find out more about why sugar is an addiction and how it
upsets your whole body chemistry, read "Lick The Sugar
Habit" by Nancy Appleton, PhD. The research in her book
contributed to this article.

1. Sugar can suppress the immune system. This is probably
the most important reason to avoid sugar, whether you are
trying to stick to a low carb diet or not. The information
here comes from two different research projects that have
been done at Loma Linda University. The research evaluated
the effects of sugar on phagocytes, the white blood cells
of the immune system that eat up bad bacteria and foreign
invaders. To put it simply, the more bacteria consumed by
the phagocytes, the stronger the immune system, and the
less chance for disease. One of the Loma Linda studies
showed that sugar caused the phagocytic index to drop
dramatically which had a negative effect on the amount of
debris that could be removed by the immune system.

2. Sugar can upset the body's mineral balance. Minerals
such as calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, iron and zinc are
crucial to bodily functions. If there is a shortage of
just one of these minerals, the entire system can be thrown
out of balance. With just two teaspoons of sugar,
micronutrients in the body can change radically, throwing
the blood chemistry out of balance. Some mineral levels
increase, some decrease, and delicate ratios are upset.
So, even a little sugar can negate the effects of consuming
extra calcium or mineral supplements. If you are on a low
carb diet and concerned about getting enough of the right
nutrients, this is another good reason to avoid sugar.

3. Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, and
concentration difficulties in children. Oh, and did we
mention, obesity? Take a look at Saturday morning TV ads or
the breakfast products on grocery store shelves and it
seems that sugary cereals are part of the standard American
diet for children. Sugar Smacks, Cap 'N Crunch, Corn Pops,
Fruit Loops, Frosted Flakes, Lucky Charms and Trix are just
a few of the cereals loaded with sugar that are still being
eaten by kids everywhere before they head off to school.
Even something as healthy as oatmeal is full of sugar in
those instant flavor variety packs. You may think oatmeal
is a good low carb, high fiber food, but once the sugar is
sprinkled on it, oatmeal is no longer part of a low carb
diet. In addition, look at all the sugar being consumed by
children in sodas and other products that are loaded with
high fructose corn syrup.

Writing for The Journal of Abnormal Psychology in 1986, J.
Goldman noted in "Behavioral Effects of Sucrose on
Preschool Children" that a dose of sugar equivalent to that
found in a 12-ounce soda did indeed disrupt the performance
of children at school. It caused their concentration
levels to decrease and their inappropriate behaviors to
increase. It is important to note that in 1976 the sugar
industry found it was less costly to make sugar from corn
than from beets or sugar cane. Since then, high fructose
corn syrup has replaced sucrose as a sweetener in processed
foods and sodas. It has been shown that fructose causes
the white blood cells of the immune system to become
inactive and unable to defend the body against harmful
intruders. Anyone on a low carb diet should watch out for
high fructose corn syrup.

4. Sugar can speed the aging process, causing wrinkles and
gray hair. When sugar is consumed on a regular basis the
pancreas can become over stimulated and secrete too much
insulin. Excess insulin can cause a drop in normal blood
sugar levels, and hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, may
develop. Symptoms of hypoglycemia can include fatigue,
memory failure, rapid heartbeat, anxiety, tremors,
headaches and depression. These may sound like diseases of
the elderly, but more and more young people are
experiencing these warning signs daily. If you notice any
of these symptoms, try removing sugar from your diet and
see what happens. If nothing else, eating a low carb diet
with less sugar will probably give you more energy.

5. Sugar can cause arthritis. Arthritis is another disease
that has been linked to old age, but now there are many
indications that sugar is playing a role in younger people
developing arthritic symptoms. As mentioned earlier, a
body that is suffering a mineral imbalance may produce
inflammation in the bones, joints and cartilage due to the
accumulation of toxic minerals, mostly calcium. Once
again, the delicate mineral balance has been upset by too
much sugar. When one mineral decreases, another may
increase, and in some cases, excess calcium will end up in
joints, causing arthritic spurs and other problems
associated with bone diseases. Simply eliminating sugar
and sticking to a low carb diet, may result in weight loss,
which will help take some of the stress off those achy
knees and ankles.

This is a short list of the many ways that sugar
contributes to health challenges. It is hard to avoid
sugar in foods being sold at grocery stores. However, on
the Internet, you can find low carb foods, healthy snacks
for a child, nutrition for athletes and other all natural
foods that are not loaded with refined sugar. Have you
ever heard of stevia sweetener? It is the one sweetener
that may actually be good for maintaining normal blood
sugar levels, and healthy for anyone on a low carb diet.
Stevia sweetener is not an artificial sweetener as it is
made from the stevia plant. Primarily grown in Peru, stevia
has been used by indigenous peoples of South America for
centuries as a sweetener for their foods and beverages.
So, there are ways to avoid over consumption of sugar, but
it takes some diligence and awareness. Watch out for high
fructose corn syrup, dextrose and dextrin. These are just
as bad for you as eating refined, white sugar right out of
the bag.

Cliff Smith is the owner of and a serious athlete
who is always searching for the best low carb and high
fiber foods. He is a professional actor, voice over artist
and an avid mountain biker who cycles 50-100 miles per week
over rugged terrain in the Arizona desert. Cliff offers
free samples, free nutrition facts, and free podcasts at
his online health food store, where you can learn more
about a low carb diet.

The sad story of the hysterical uterus

The sad story of the hysterical uterus
There has not been a scientifically definitive physiology
of female anatomy until quite recently but strange images
from its ambiguous history still haunt the common
imagination and impact on women's self image. None is
stranger than the female womb.

An anatomical "reality" that persisted in Western medical
lore since ancient Greece was that the female uterus
becomes displeased and displaced, and wanders through the
body, negatively influencing the brain (I kid you not!).
"Hysteria" is derived from the Greek word for uterus.

In a fit of fury the female uterus went travelling through
the body, causing all manner of emotional disturbances -
hence hysteria, hysterical - and hysterectomy.

The mental condition of hysteria afflicted legions of women
of all ages throughout the patriarchal centuries, and was
considered the most common disease after fever. In
menopause, specifically, "the belief was that the failure
to menstruate caused the uterus to travel around the body,
eventually negatively influencing the brain".(Louis Banner
In Full Flower)

The descriptions of hysterical patients painted a terrible
caricature of the feminine. Old treatments included bed
rest, binding, beating, purging, bloodletting, and, in
worse cases, hysterectomy and/or clitoridectomy.

A kinder treatment evolved in the 19th century, when
hysteria became a veritable epidemic, especially in the
white middle classes. The doctor massaged the genitals
until there was a healing convulsion and moist spasms (an
orgasm by any other name), which relieved the patient for a
while - until the next appointment. Hysteria was considered
chronic and incurable, requiring ongoing treatment.

Electric vibrators were developed in the mid 19th century
to help the overworked doctors and ease the hysterical
women. They were even marketed to women at home for
self-treatment, and were advertised in consumer catalogues
and magazines. (There were vibrators in the house before
vacuum cleaners.) However, by 1930 vibrators had gone
underground, and were not openly advertised again until
they re-emerged as sex toys in the 1960s. (This is
according to Duana R Anderson in The wondering Uterus & A
Brief History of the Vibrator)

The treatment of hysteria was taken over by psychology, and
Freud pretty much evolved his world-shattering theories
based on his work with hysterical (and frigid) women. And,
well, we should be grateful for that.

He explained hysteria as the physical and psychological
expression of inner psychic conflicts about sexuality.
(Psyche turned into soma.) He explored his patients'
personal history for clues, practised the talking cure
(hugely innovative for its time), and developed

In my view, these legions of hysterical women were
literally quivering with centuries of misogynist
repressions, bursting to break out of the traumatized
collective psyche; an epidemic erupting out of the
universal unconscious where the goddess of myth lay buried.

In the good doctor's own words, "The character of hysterics
shows a degree of sexual repression in excess of the normal
quantity, an intensification of resistance against the
sexual instinct (which we have already met with in the form
of shame, disgust and morality), and what seems like an
instinctive aversion on their part to any intellectual
consideration of sexual problems.

"This trait … is not uncommonly screened by the existence
of a second constitutional character present in hysteria,
namely the predominant development of the sexual instinct.
Psychoanalysis … reveals the pair of opposites by which it
is characterised - exaggerated sexual craving and excessive
aversion to sexuality."

Modern psychology succeeded in shifting hysteria from the
realm of superstition. You could say it cured the mass
hysteria; by 1952, it was officially declared a non-disease.

Freud introduced the concept of libido, the psychic energy
expressed through sexuality that lies at the root of every
living individual, and drives our desires and impulses. It
can be repressed, expressed, controlled, or transmuted. But
it exists - a priori!

Psychology helped to make conscious the compulsion of
instincts hidden in the unconscious psyche. Basically
ordinary people could now understand their behaviours and
symptoms as expressions of underlying psychic/psychological
conflict. Jung introduced the idea of the collective
unconscious, which illuminated the universality of dream
images and personal unconscious content.

The hysteric's subjugated sexuality was now the very stuff
of the modern age, just waiting for the 1960s to burst out
on to the world stage of the post-war baby boomers. The
sexual liberation of that period was a huge and abrupt
cultural change. Perhaps we forget now just how radical and
fundamental it was - this sexual break from the past.

However, before we get too satisfied with this development,
we need to ask ourselves why, with hysteria safely
unplugged, we now have a virtual epidemic of
hysterectomies, now the second most frequent surgery among
American women, with caesarean section delivery being
first. One in three women in the United States has had a
hysterectomy by age 60!

If our hysterical uteruses are no longer travelling through
our bodies affecting our brains, why are so many women
having them cut out?

©2007 The Hanna G Ruby material. Extracted from Sex, Age &
Menopause: a baby boomer's manifesto. Visit Hanna G Ruby on and or email "Towards a Soulful Sexuality, a
Different Menopause and a "New" Aging through healing your
sexual self."

Take Control Of Your Body With A Healthy Food Diet

Take Control Of Your Body With A Healthy Food Diet
A healthy food diet is beneficial for everyone. It is
important to take care of your body and if you eat well,
you will reap the good benefits. A healthy diet does not
need to be boring! It should be tasty, balanced and
exciting. If you get bored with a diet, you will quickly
abandon it!

A healthy food diet is a life eating plan rather than a
short term fad diet (fad diets do not work because your
body does not get all its required nutrients and you end up
with hunger pangs and cravings).

To work best, the body needs carbohydrates, proteins, fats,
minerals, vitamins and liquids. A good selection of
vegetables, fruits, grains and proteins is necessary and
eating regular meals rather than just one huge one is
better for you.

Eating well reduces the risk of illnesses such as cancer,
high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. A poor
diet can result in obesity, lethargy and spotty skin. A
good diet will help you maintain a healthy weight which is
a big factor in overall health.

The body works like a machine in a way - if you put good,
healthy foods in, it will look and perform better.

Examples of healthy foods include vegetables, fruit, meat,
fish, nuts and whole grain products.

Foods containing carbohydrates which raise your blood sugar
abruptly (like white bread, donuts or instant mashed
potato) will cause a sharp energy spike followed by a rapid
drop. This makes you hungry again soon after eating, rather
than satisfying you. This makes you crave more unhealthy

Not being a good cook or not having the time is not an
excuse! It is possible to have healthy food delivered to
your door, either fresh ingredients or prepared meals.

You can also make a batch of healthy stew or a stir fry and
refrigerate or freeze the remainder to quickly heat through
for another day when you have less time. If you have eaten
mainly frozen dinners in the past, you might find you
actually enjoy cooking and being creative! It can be a lot
of fun to experiment with cooking.

Because a good diet should be balanced, you can still have

It is a bad idea to deprive yourself totally of your
favorite foods so the occasional slice of chocolate cake is
fine. You don't need to cut anything out completely. You
can, however, make good choices and substitute one food
choice for another.

Changes should be made gradually. You can begin by
introducing more fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet,
and perhaps swapping white processed bread for a whole
grain bread.

If you normally deep fry a lot of food, try baking or
grilling it instead.

Check the labels on foods you like and you might be
surprised at the amount of added salt, sugar or unnecessary
fillers they contain.

Your body gets used to a new eating regime within a couple
of weeks so you will find you don't miss eating all the
junk foods you did before. A healthy food diet is essential
to maintain good health and keep you feeling great.

Discover for yourself just how exciting a healthy food diet
can be. visit: to see all the
options available. Who Knows! The life you extend could be

How Do I Get Rid Of Warts?

How Do I Get Rid Of Warts?
Although not liked, and as much as we do not like to admit
it, warts are very common and virtually everyone will
experience them at some point in their lifetime. Warts are
caused by a viral infection, specifically by the human
papillomavirus (HPV) and are very contagious . Warts are
most often transmitted from person-to-person contact, but
you can even spread them around your own skin as they are
that contagious. Normally warts are painless, although it
may hurt if you get warts on the soles of the feet. One of
the positive things if you have a wart is that warts are
generally harmless growths and they often go away on their
own within two years. You can normally diagnosed a wart by
its appearance. As a rule of thumb, warts are usually skin
coloured and feel rough to the touch, but can be dark, flat
or smooth.

Although they can be passed form skin to skin contact,
warts are ultimately caused by a viral infection. More
specifically by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and are
contagious when in contact with the skin of another. This
is a family of viruses as Human papillomavirus can include
more than 100 different strains or types. Normally, the
virus will reside in the bottom layer of the epidermis and
replicates into almost normal looking skin. With this
being a group of viruses, it will come as no surprise to
find that there are a range of different types of wart
which have been identified. These warts differ in shape and
site affected, as well as the type of human papillomavirus
involved. Although nothing to get too alarmed about, warts
are actually benign tumours of the epidermis caused by a

Although treatment is not needed for most warts, and the
wart itself will clear up in time, some people do feel the
need to remove these unsightly growths. Plus, one of the
other reasons people get them treated is because treatment
helps to prevent warts from spreading to other parts of
your body and also to other people. There are various
types of treatment, and they generally involve the
physical or chemical destruction of the lesion. Medical
professionals have differing treatments they can offer, and
these include Keratolysis which is removal of dead surface
skin cells usually using salicylic acid, blistering agents,
immune system modifiers or formaldehyde. Another
treatments which is done in the doctor's office is
Cryotherapy. Basically this is freezing off the wart with
liquid nitrogen. Treatment removes the visible wart but
not the virus. And as you may expect treatment depends on
the size, location and number of warts as well as the
activities of the infected person. As with most medical
treatments there is a growing trend to shy away from them
and go down a more homeopathic or natural route to find a
remedy. This is growing more and more popular because lets
face it ,the two treatments mentioned do not sound like a
great deal of fun.

So, whilst warts are very common and most people will
experience them at some point in their lifetime, and they
are caused by a viral infection they are generally harmless
and will disappear in a couple of years. And even though
warts are actually benign tumours of the epidermis caused
by a virus it is nothing to worry about. And bear in mind
that warts are highly contagious, and if you do get one it
has probably been transmitted from person-to-person contact.

If you want to get rid of warts safely and naturally make
sure you visit
for tips tricks and natural remedies to cure your warts

Changing Your Body Fast With The Deadlift

Changing Your Body Fast With The Deadlift
The deadlift gets a bad rap these days from overly
conservative doctors, chiropractors and, well people that
issue insurance policies! The deadlift is not something to
be avoided. In fact, if you know how to do the deadlift
properly, you will pick up things from the ground in the
safest way possible. You will also have an invaluable tool
for your workout programs.

The deadlift is an incredible tool because it is a compound
exercise that works a lot of muscle groups at the same time
making it perfect for both fat loss and muscle building

Using lots of muscle at once is something that you should
be looking for in your exercises for a number of reasons.
Using multiple muscle groups makes and exercise
"functional". Meaning that it has real world uses. Using
compound exercises that involve the big muscles also means
that you burn a ton of calories while doing it. For the
mass monsters that want big muscles, the deadlift allows
the usage of huge poundage's that can translate into
massive muscle gains in short periods of time.

How To Get The Most From The Deadlift.

The shoulders need to stay over the bar in the bottom
position. Shoulders being behind the bar can start the
whole series of movements off wrong from the start. The bar
is in contact with the leg all the way up. As you come up
you press your knees back and lift your chest. This
maintains the lumbar curve. The bar travels straight up and

Make sure you come to full extension at the top. It is not
a lean back but an extension of the hips causing you to
stand up fully straight. The lean back is mostly for the
power lifters that want to prove that the lift is completed
for the judges.

On the way down you initialize the movement by pushing your
bum back then lowering the chest keeping the nice lumbar
curve and then bending the knees.

What you don't want is to sit back and have your shoulders
come back behind the bar because then the bar will break
its straight path and you will have a hard time when you
get to the knee area.

Watch out for the dreaded two-part deadlift. This is when
you are coming out of the bottom and the hips extend and
then the lower back does its work after. It is very similar
in appearance to the stiff leg deadlift but a whole lost
worse for you. That is not what you are trying to do here.

You can avoid this common fault by making sure that you
lift the chest at the same time as you push through the
hips. Everything will move up in one motion.

4 key things to remember when doing the deadlift?

1) Nice lumbar curve throughout the movement

2) Chest up at all times

3) Shoulders over the bar not behind to keep a straight bar

4) Push through the heels keeping the bar in contact with
the legs.

Remember to drive off the heels and look straight ahead.
Press your knees back once the bar breaks the floor.

The biggest common fault is the loss of the lumbar curve.
This means that the load is too heavy or you do not know
how to do the movement right yet. Reduce the weight and
practice, practice, practice.

The second biggest mistake is letting the bar come away
from the leg. This takes the weight away from your center
of power and can pull you out of position right at the
floor before you even get started. Roll that bar in to the
shins before you even start to pull.

Here is a great way to put the deadlift into your fat
burning program. Superset deadlifts with pushups. Do 10
sets of 10 for each exercise non-stop until completed. Time
yourself and try to beat that time on the next workout. Its
simple but highly effective.

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Psychic Surgery healing in the Philippines

Psychic Surgery healing in the Philippines
No other form of Alternative Therapy has caused more
controversy than Psychic Surgery. It has been tested and
analysed by scientists on numerous occasions. Proved
genuine, then proved quackery.. and the controversy still

I have personally worked with over 40 different surgeons
since 1997 and I have only retained 4. These 4 I believe to
be genuine. The others I let go of as they either were
cheating, were not powerful enough or were unethical. Be
very careful if you go to Philippines on your own. Most
people who have tried this came back disappointed.

The most tested of Psychic surgeons still alive today is
Jun Labo. American and Japanese doctors have tested him
genuine on numerous occasions and a film staring Burt
Lancaster was shot proving that Jun is genuine. The film
was banned one week after release… and the controversy
still rages about Jun's gift.

Psychic Surgery is Impossible I am often told. Yes, but
only according to modern scientific beliefs. What happens
cannot be explained rationally. But then 100 years ago who
would have believed that you could talk to somebody the
other side of the earth using a mobile phone. How do images
appear on your TV screen? I cannot explain this?

How is Psychic Surgery performed?

Basically, a Psychic Surgeon enters a person's body using
his / her bare hands and manually removes diseased tissues,
tumours, calcium deposits, pus etc.. painlessly from the
patient's body, coming out without leaving any visible
marks or scars.

No drugs are used and the person, in most cases, does not
feel any discomfort. When a pain is felt it is usually
because the part of the body where the surgery takes place
was already sensitive or that the person tensed up during
the surgery. The wound heals immediately and the person is
able to resume a normal life within a few minutes.

When you ask a Psychic Surgeon to explain his work, he will
tell you (in most cases) that he does not perform the
surgery but that the Holy Spirit channels him.

Is Psychic Surgery only practised in the Philippines?

It is true that there are more Psychic Surgeons in the
Philippines than anywhere else in the world. Their
concentration in the Philippines is observed in Manila,
Pangasinan, Baguio and Cebu.

Many theories have been suggested to explain this:

1. The concentration of Spiritist churches that train
healers and psychic surgeons is unique to the Philippines.

2. Filipinos believe in spirits that they call "anitos".
They also believe in nature spirits that inhabits every
part of the habitat (mountains, caves, rivers etc..). This
makes communication with the spirit world much more natural
than it does for the rest of us.

3. The Philippines lies on top of the sunken continent of
Lemuria. Lemurians had advanced psychic powers and
intuition. The Filipinos have inherited these qualities.

4. Poverty is rampant in the Philippines; many cannot seek
medical care, and have to rely heavily on local healers.

However, some form of Psychic Surgery has also been
documented in the Amazons, Brazil, Indonesia and Africa.
What conditions can be treated? The following represents
only a few examples of conditions I have seen treated by
the various Bare Hand Surgeons I visit:

* Seven years ago, Bare Hand Surgery was performed on a
friend of mine suffering from Parkinson's disease. This
successfully stopped the progression of the disease for
many years.

* A Psychic surgeon cleared "growths" from around my
prostate. He then left a Kleenex tissue inside my body
overnight to prevent the seeping of blood back in the
testicles (I could feel the tissue inside me).

* I had a 12" tumour removed from my large intestines. I
was eating a normal meal half an hour later.

* A surgeon cleared the ovaries and fallopian tubes of a

* Another patient had 12 feet of growth removed from his
colon. He had been suffering from IBS for years. IBS is now

* I had 42 tumours removed from my liver over a period of
two weeks in September 2001. This was witnessed by 5

* The eyes of a person suffering from cataracts where

* One member of our group had growths that were attached to
her spine removed. This lady had had problems moving her
head fully and had suffered from chronic pains in her
shoulders for many years. The instant improvement to the
head was obvious and her shoulder pains have now completely
disappeared. Months of physical therapy had previously had
very little impact.

* One surgeon removed many diseased tissues from another
group member. This man was gradually losing the use of his
hand and arm and the left side of his body was slowly being
paralysed. He is now well and full of energy.

* I witnessed two different Bare Hand Surgeons successfully
remove deep brain tumours from two different patients.

* A "goitre" was cleared from a man's throat

* One surgeon removed numerous tumours from the
reproductive organs of a patient who was suffering from
terminal cancer. This person is now feeling alright

* One surgeon cleaned the arteries around the heart of a

* etc…. etc.. the list is too long to mention.

Most of this has been filmed and can be seen on videotape.

Basically, Bare Hand Surgeons do not specialise in any
specific disease. They work with "energy" on everything
presented to them.

Is there any guarantee of success ?


I strongly recommend that you seek medical advice and care
for any medical condition from which you may suffer.

Patrick Hamouy has since 1997 taken groups of people to the
Philippines to visit Psychic Surgeons. He has worked with
over 40 surgeons. His experience in organising trips to the
Philippines is wide. He has a list of reliable contacts for
hotels, transports, dentist etc.. He knows the pitfall to
avoid in this lovely country.His web site is

Put an end to the cholesterol and the kilos in excess without medicine (Part VI)

Put an end to the cholesterol and the kilos in excess without medicine (Part VI)
Medicine against the cholesterol is not the ransom of
glory: It seems natural that a subject of around fifty at
which one discovers a cholesterol excess says: my doctor
will prescribe me a medicine and my problem will be solved.
Very simple he! Not, what a huge mistake!

Any chemical substance introduced into the body often can
involve gentle adverse effects, sometimes frightening, from
small digestive disorders until more severe incidents. You
have just to consult the famous note placed in each box of
remedy to be surprised.

A real story: Mr X is on the point of celebrating Christmas
in his family. This man with a certain corpulence has been
treated for one month by an anti-cholesterol medicine which
will allow him (he was thinking) to pass by this special
diet against the cholesterol. In this morning of this
festive, Mr X is anxious: for a few days its wild appetite
has made place with an unexplained anorexia and especially
it discovers with stupor that its eyes are yellow. Called
immediately, his family doctor quickly made diagnose an
hepatitis, confirmed the same day by a blood test. This
ignition of the liver will prove to be due to the medicine
against cholesterol. Sad end of Christmas for Mr X who
spent several weeks to recovered from the incident but
which cures fortunately without sequel. For this day, this
jovial fellow has scrupulously followed the diet imposed by
his practitioner, diet which paid off (standardized
cholesterol, kilos in excess volatilized) and he never
feels so well!

A lesson to be retained: Follow your diet which will become
after a few weeks a new manner of feeding you as far from
being sad and monotonous. You will fell yourselves much
more healthy, much more alarm and you will not want any
more to proceed in this bad way.

A capital precision: Of course, there is no question of
underestimating the peremptory necessity here to use
anti-cholesterol medicine when the results obtained by the
diet are not sufficient. But a medicinal prescription will
be made only after having been ensured that the food rules
will have been perfectly complied.

The sport, an essential complement with your diet: Studies
showed that the sport practiced regularly generates an
increase in the good cholesterol (remember, it is the HDL
cholesterol) and more the sport activity is important more
this benefit is appreciable. It is not however in our
intentions to want to transform you into a marathon runner
or high level triathlon runner!

It is enough for you to choose a physical activity which
you like and which you practice in an assiduous way. Daily
walk is completely adapted. You can also register you with
a club of swimming, pedestrian excursions or bicycle. If
your professional timing is too charged, change simply your
bad habits: do not use your car for little courses and do
not hesitate to give up the elevator for two or three

Let us announce in addition that a regular physical
activity makes it possible to fight other cardiovascular
factors. First advantage, ponderal excess: there is not
true sportsman obese. Secondly, nicotine consumption: sport
and tobacco are antagonistic terms. Thirdly, high blood
pressure (arterial hypertension): the physical activity is
an essential key to fight this affection.

Watch out! The violent sports must absolutely be avoided
starting from forty: tennis, squash, badminton, speed races
... especially in competition. So however you absolutely
wish to continue at this age such activity, it is essential
to consult your cardiologist who will propose to you a test
effort, only valid way to check your aptitude for such

Patrick Beaufay offers you an other way to diet. All diets
are hypo caloric and they have for impact to decrease your
metabolism. The burn the fat and feed the muscle program
does exactly the opposite. Therefore more calories will be
burned each day. For more info:

Facial Hair Removal - What Are Some Good Tips?

Facial Hair Removal - What Are Some Good Tips?
Unwanted facial hair and hair removal decisions are
particular problems for women because they are normally not
considered feminine and can be quite embarrassing. All
women have some amount of facial hair but it is generally
less than men. Facial hair in women can be found mostly on
the upper lip and chin area. Unwanted facial hair in large
amounts are usually caused by heredity and the excess
production of androgen.

Research surveys state approximately 20 million American
women remove facial hair at least once a week qualifying it
as an ongoing problem (you are not alone). For some women,
terminal hair (the thick unwanted stuff) begins to replace
your vellus hair (the fine almost invisible hairs) on the
face. As women age the light pigmented, practically
invisible vellus hairs which generally cover their faces
most of their lives turn into the larger, more obtrusive,
thick and pigmented terminal hairs (remember the movie "The
Fly"). Over time when women compare their facial hair
removal results at age 40 with what it was at age 30 - 20,
many women note a gradual and subtle increase that they may
deem excessive or visibly disturbing.

When trying to determine which facial hair removal solution
is right, it is always important to rule out as many
underlying conditions as possible before proceeding with a
treatment. Check to see if you have experienced an abnormal
increase in hair growth. In the event you have was it
sudden? Did it appear in a short period of time? Have you
experienced signs of deepening voice, virilization or
cliteromegaly? Several methods of facial hair removal
are readily available, each with varying degrees of cost,
effectiveness and side effects. Sometimes using a
combination of different types of treatments works best.
All women are different, there is no single type of
treatment for facial hair removal that works the same for
all women. It depends on where the hair is, the type of
hair (dark hair or light hair), the volume of hair, your
age and what procedure you are most comfortable with. Some
common treatments include:

• Shaving, Plucking, Waxing and Depilatory Creams

Shaving facial hair is not popular with most women and as a
common misconception most women believe that it makes the
hair grow back faster and thicker. Plucking hurts a little
bit and can be time consuming, the results last quite a
while but not forever. Plucking is probably the most common
and safest method women use to remove facial hair. Facial
hair removal wax can be used to remove facial hair with
decent success (works best if you have some one to help
you). A popular home remedy for facial hair removal is
Depilatory cream.

• Lasers, Electrolysis or Intense Pulse Light (IPL)

Laser hair removal is the most widely followed method and
is more strictly regulated, for individuals with sensitive
skin (and sensitive pocket books) this method can be a
little physically and metaphorically painful. The basis
for laser hair removal is simply the specific targeting of
melanin in the hair bulb. In addition the sister of the
laser is electrolysis, it is a common method of hair
removal however its practice is the least standardized. Of
all the different types of facial hair removal options
these are the most expensive, time consuming and painful
however they may be as close to permanent as you can
currently get for removing unwanted facial hair. Please
understand that some facial hair removal procedures on the
market today are often advertised as permanent, most women
only achieve about a 50 percent to 70 percent reduction
after several treatments, performed over a 30 - 60 day time
fame, this is generally the most realistic outlook.

Got Questions? For additional information regarding any
specific methods mentioned above try visiting your quality resource for
answers to all your hair related questions. Put our staff
of industry experts with over 70 years of hairstyle
experience to work for you. So don't delay, the answers to
your questions are only a click away.