Sunday, December 16, 2007

Could there be a relationship between the imbalance in the iron status and Clinical Depression?

Could there be a relationship between the imbalance in the iron status and Clinical Depression?
Discussing Body Iron is difficult and no single indicator
or combination of indicators is ideal for the assessment of
iron status in all clinical circumstances.

Each indicator may be affected by a variety of conditions
including infection, inflammation. Liver disease and
malignancy, and these factors must be considered in
interpreting laboratory investigations.

Iron is very important for sustaining good health. Iron
deficiencies can cause fatigue and make us more susceptible
to viruses, cancer and a variety of degenerative conditions.

Likewise, iron excess or alteration in the iron-binding
capability resulting in free, unbound iron carries the
potential for causing or aggravating all diseases,
infections, cancers and toxicities.

Therefore is it necessary that we do not only strive to
both acquire adequate amounts of iron and rid ourselves of
excess iron, and that every effort is made to bind and
properly escort iron from the moment it enters the body
until it exits. In addition, binding and escorting iron is
particular important during the detoxification
process.Otherwise, the many benefits iron provide are
easily overshadowed by its toxicity.

Iron is essential to life, because of its unique ability to
serve as both an electron donor and acceptor. But iron can
also be potentially toxic. Iron's ability to donate and
accept electrons means that if iron is free within the
cell, it can catalyze the conversion of hydrogen peroxide
into free radicals. And free radicals can cause damage to a
wide variety of cellular structures, and ultimately kill
the cell.

To prevent that kind of damage, all life forms that use
iron bind the iron atoms to proteins. That allows the cells
to use the benefits of iron, but also limit its ability to
do harm.

Many proteins are enzymes that catalyze biochemical
reactions, and are vital to metabolism.

The words protein, polypeptide, and peptide are a little
ambiguous and can overlap in meaning.

Protein is generally used to refer to the complete
biological molecule in a stable conformation, whereas
peptide is generally reserved for a short amino acid
oligomers often lacking a stable 3-dimensional structure.
However, the boundary between the two is ill-defined and
usually lies near 20-30 residues.

Polypeptide can refer to any single linear chain of amino
acids, usually regardless of length, but often implies an
absence of a defined conformation

The iron withholding mechanism occurs naturally at the
onset of every healthy, acute inflammatory response. Given
full recognition to the natural defence mechanism of iron
withholding allows health professionals to be far more
effective when building immunity, treating people for
cancer, iron deficiency, inflammation, excessive tiredness,
memory decline or depression.

The risk in amplified when laboratory testing is
inadequate; typical of many insurance driven health plans.
Similarly, there is risk in supplementing iron where the
decision to supplement is based solely on a low serum iron

To give an example, when in the chemistry it shows up that
a person has low serum iron, an elevated to high
Transferrin Iron Binding Capacity and a low Transferrin
Saturation, this is an indicator that there is free iron.
It also indicates that there is a Copper Deficiency.

Cerruloplasmin is a specialized copper-rich protein that
enters the Ferritin molecule to free iron, so it can be
attached to transferrin.

This is a pretty good marker, when it gets elevated, of a
copper deficiency. Remember that the Cerruloplasmin is the
copper bound protein or protein bound copper is the
compound that pulls the iron out of the ferritin cage, puts
it out on to the transferrin leash and attaches it to the

If the Cerruloplasmin are not there then of course you can
have a lot of transferrin in the serum without the iron
molecules being attached to the leash.

Each one of these transferrins has two hooks on them so you
can put two irons on each leash but if the copper is not
there, if you are deficient and can't make the
Cerruloplasmin, what happens Transferrin Iron Binding
Capacity rises because you don't have iron actually
attached to enough of the transferrins.

When there is free iron, this also indicates that the iron
is not bound to the protein. One of the consequences of the
depleted amino acids pool is that this has an impact on the

Therefore it could be helpful to access the iron status as
discussed and the amino acid pool.

The diagnosis of Clinical Depression could be dealt with an
additional different protocol, which might lead to better

By identifying the markers for disturbed iron status and
assisting you in developing a comprehensive strategy for
achieving a healthy iron status your risk of all disease
and toxicity and infection are lessened.

In addition to accurately measuring iron levels, strategies
for restoring iron balance need to take into account many

1. Maintaining a healthy intestinal mucosa

2. Sustaining adequate protein levels

3. Sustaining and aerobic versus anaerobic metabolism

4. Achieving a state of alkalinity versus acid stress

5. Maintaining a healthy cytochrome P450 system to rid the
body of organic solvents and other toxins that may hinder
protein-iron binding

6. Establishing a diet rich in whole eggs and cultured
dairy for individuals with a tendency towards free iron,
iron overload.

7. Recommending a phlebotomy program for those confirmed
with iron overload.

Transferrin, lactoferrin, lactoglobin and ovotransferrin
are iron-binding proteins.

Transferrin, the only commonly measured iron-binding
protein that is synthesized by the body, is readily taken
up by receptors of both healthy cells and cancer cells.

Lactoferrin and lactoglobin, derived from dairy foods, plus
ovotransferrin (conalbumin) from eggs binds tightly to free

Information about Free Radical Therapy can be obtained in
Helena Ederveen, Clinical Nutritionist, has worked with the
biochemistry analysis based upon the Free Radical Therapy
for 6 years.
Life Style changes are required in order to influence
changes in the biochemsitry

Contributing Factors of Aging Skin

Contributing Factors of Aging Skin
As we grow older, our skin ages with us. Although aging
skin is inevitable, the rate at which skin ages depends on
several factors. The natural aging process begins in the
mid-twenties as the production of collagen in slows. This
causes skin to slowly lose the ability to hold it's shape
like it used to and may result in wrinkles. Also, the
natural shedding of dead skin cells slows which does not
allow new skin cells to reach the surface at the same rate
as it did in a person's youth. All of these factors lead to
wrinkles, gray hair, dry skin, hair loss, etc. These
factors are considered "intrinsic" because they are
controlled purely by genetics.

"Extrinsic" aging occurs due to other factors that are not
controlled by genetics. It is much easier for people to
attempt to avoid these factors since many are caused by a
person's actions or the environment in which a person
lives. Perhaps the most damaging extrinsic factor is sun
damage. The sun is the skin's biggest enemy, as exposure
causes freckles, age spots, wrinkles, spider veins and even
skin cancer. Wearing a daily sun block is vital to
protecting your skin from sun damage. Even on cloudy days
the sun's rays can reach your skin so putting sunscreen on
every day should become a part of any person's daily
routine. Tanning has the same effect on skin as sun
exposure so it should be avoided whenever possible.

Smoking cigarettes is another leading cause of aging skin.
The chemical changes that occur within the body of a person
that smokes lead to deep wrinkles and discolored skin that
has a leathery appearance. The only way to avoid this type
of extrinsic aging is to stop smoking and avoid places
where smokers congregate. Unlike smoking, gravity is an
unavoidable extrinsic factor in aging skin. As the skin
ages and becomes loose, gravity causes skin to droop. There
is no real way to prevent gravity's effect on skin, but
healthy eating and regular exercise help to keep the body
toned and diminishes the appearance of loose skin.

Finally, repetitive facial expressions may cause wrinkles.
When a facial muscle is used excessively, an indentation is
made in the skin. Over time, as collagen production slows,
these indentations become more prominent since the skin can
not retain its shape as well as it did in the past.

Everyone's skin will go through the aging process - there's
no way around it, however, there are ways for a person to
improve the appearance of aging skin. Visiting a medical
spa for rejuvenating skin treatments can help to keep the
skin looking young. Although there is no way to fully
prevent wrinkles, age spots, spider veins, etc., but there
is also no reason to surrender to them. Contact a
professional medical spa to learn how you can fight the
appearance of aging skin and retain the youthful skin that
you had in your twenties.

By Joseph Devine
For more information visit

Bird Droppings - What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

Bird Droppings - What You Don't Know Can Hurt You
Contact with bird droppings poses serious health risks and
exposure to incurable diseases.

If you have areas where birds congregate on your property,
there is reason for concern.

The only sure way to avoid these debilitating diseases is
to avoid contact with these droppings or to prevent the
droppings from occurring in the first place.

As the line between man and nature becomes increasingly
blurred, many of you may find that contact with wildlife is
a part of daily life.

Most of these encounters are an enriching part of your day.
The sight of a cardinal in your bird feeder or a fleeting
glimpse of a wild fox or raccoon surely adds excitement or
joy to anyone's day.

Problems can arise when these encounters become more
frequent or more concentrated. For some, this issue is in
the form of critters of the avian variety.

Yes, we are talking about birds, and they can be a threat
to your health.

Birds may frequently roost or congregate on your roof,
dock, boat, or in your patio area. The accumulated
droppings can become more than just a nuisance. These
droppings may carry serious diseases that can endanger your
family, friends, and even pets.

We have all heard of Salmonella, which we typically
associate with undercooked poultry or eggs. This bacterial
disease can also be spread through bird fluids including

Salmonella can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea or even
go undetected. In some cases, humans may unknowingly carry
the disease and transmit it to others. The treatment
generally consists of antibiotics, but may require the
removal of the gallbladder to fully cure.

There are other lesser known diseases that are transmitted
by bird feces for which no known cures exist.

Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease that, if left
untreated, can lead to blindness. Other diseases can
infect the respiratory system after breathing in the dust
or spores contained in bird droppings.

Histoplasmosis and Blastomycosis are two such fungal
diseases. Histoplasmosis can lead to the loss of vision
and chronic bronchitis/pneumonia-like symptoms.
Blastomycosis begins as lesions to the lungs and skin
before spreading to the bones, liver, and nervous system.
Again, there are treatments for these diseases but no cure.

To ensure your safety and the safety of those you love, you
should avoid touching or breathing bird droppings of any

To further minimize your risk, you should consider placing
bird deterring devices in areas where birds typically
congregate or where droppings are a problem.

Safe and effective products are available that do not harm
the birds but will aid in eliminating the mess and health
hazards associated with bird droppings.

Discover an effective and low cost solution to keep
nuisance birds away from boats, docks, patios, towers,
nagivational aids, and more. The US Coast Guard, US Power
Squadron, and Irvin House Vineyards all say the WhirlyBird
Repeller really works! See the video at

Why Pyridoxine May Be The Most Vital of All The B Complex Vitamins

Why Pyridoxine May Be The Most Vital of All The B Complex Vitamins
Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, has been known to
medical science since the 1930s, and like the other B
complex vitamins performs numerous functions which are
essential for human health. A regular supply must be
ensured from the diet because the vitamin can be neither
synthesised nor stored in the body.

Vitamin B6 has probably attracted most attention from
medical researchers and nutritional therapists as a means
of reducing blood homocysteine levels, because an excess
build up of this compound is well established as an
indicator of an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
One European research project, for example, reported in
1997 that the risk was more than doubled in subjects who
showed levels of blood homocysteine in the top 20% of the
range revealed by the tests.

Vitamin B6 is known to operate together with vitamins B12
and folic acid to break down homcysteine into the harmless,
and in fact beneficial, amino acids, methionine and
cysteine; and the effect is potentially very significant.
Some research in fact suggests that moderate
supplementation with B6 may consequently reduce disease
risk by as much as a third. But as important as this
function of pyridoxine is, it's just one of the many health
benefits it can offer; benefits which have led some
practitioners to conclude that B6 may be the most vital of
all the B complex vitamins.

On a general level, vitamin B6 is vital for the body's
production of prostaglandins, hormone type compounds which
are responsible for the proper operation of so many of the
body's vital functions, including the blood supply and
respiratory system, that imbalances are suspected to be a
major cause of ill-health. Pyridoxine is also essential
for the functioning of at least 100 enzymes governing such
biochemical reactions as the manufacture of necessary
proteins, genetic matter and amino acids; and the digestion
of dietary carbohydrates and fats.

More specifically, good intakes of pyridoxine have been
strongly linked to a robust immune system, particularly in
older adults; whereas deficiencies appear to be directly
correlated with a reduction the number of the body's T
cells, the most vital for immune system function.

There is also evidence to suggest that vitamin B6 may help
stabilise blood sugar and reduce the tissue and
particularly eye damage which commonly follows the blood
sugar problems associated with diabetes.

Vitamin B6 is also particularly associated with women's
health, and is important in maintaining the correct balance
of oestrogen and other female hormones. This relationship
with the sex hormones has led to pyridoxine being used by
some therapists as treatment for the depression that often
accompanies the contraceptive pill. And more general
depression is just one of the neurological disorders, along
with epilepsy and impaired cognitive function for which B6
is claimed to be beneficial.

Vitamin B6 has been used for the relief of morning sickness
in pregnancy since the 1940s, and is also believed to help
alleviate pregnancy related high blood pressure. Vitamin
B6 has also been used with some success in the relief of
pre-menstrual tension and with the yeast growth,
candidiasis. On the face of it, given its wide
availability in common foods, the Western world should
never see deficiencies of vitamin B6. But like the other B
complex vitamins, it is all too easily removed from the
body by the normal process of excretion. Intensive
exercise, sweating, and the taking in of excessive fluids
may therefore increase the body's requirement. The body's
need for B6 also appears to be greater in proportion as it
is comprised of lean, particularly muscle, tissue and more
is required the more protein foods are consumed. So even
orthodox opnion therefore acknowledges the probable benefit
of supplementing with B6 at a level sufficient to ensure an
intake of at least 2 mg per day. Some practitioners,
however, recommend a normal target of 50 mg a day because
of the wide ranging benefits attributed to the action of
pyridoxine. But even higher doses of 100 mg may be
recommended when attempting to tackle specific conditions.
This kind of intake is in fact the suggested safe maximum
suggested by the US Food and Nutrition Board, limits which
are always set at very conservative levels; and the only
toxicities observed from vitamin B6 intake have been in
consequence of amounts very far in excess of this dosage.

But when taking B vitamins it needs always to be remembered
that they are so closely dependent on each other that no
single one of them can discharge its functions effectively
in the absence of an adequate supply of each of the others.
It is for this reason that the B complex vitamins are
commonly found together in foods, and why any additional B
vitamins should only be taken in the form of a supplement
including the entire complex. Importantly as well, like
all vitamins, those of the B complex operate best when in
the presence of good quantities of all the nutrients
required by the body. Most authorities therefore recommend
that they be taken in conjunction with comprehensive
multi-vitamin and mineral supplements, magnesium being
particularly important in maximising the effect of vitamin

Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter specialising in
direct marketing and with a particular interest in health
Find out more at

Boost your Metabolism with a Well Planned Diet

Boost your Metabolism with a Well Planned Diet
There are a number of factors which contribute towards an
increased metabolic rate. Exercise, diet and lifestyle all
play their part. In this article I discuss how a well
planned diet can super charge your metabolic rate and
increase the number of calories that you burn. In planning
your diet you first need to think about the meals you are
going to be eating each day. Then you need to look at this
diet and find ways that you can improve it further.

So first you need to actually plan your meals. Many people
eat three large meals each day and maybe some snacks
aswell. However, in doing this you are not maximising your
metabolism. Eating three large meals which are relatively
high in calories means there is a high chance that a lot of
these calories are stored as fat.

What you need to do is break these three large meals down
into five or six smaller meals (which are lower in
calories). By doing this you are boosting your metabolic
rate in two ways. First, each meal is relatively low in
calories (compared with the three larger meals) so less
calories are stored as fat. Secondly, your body's
digestion process is called into action more frequently
throughout the day and so an increased level of calories
are burned each day digesting food.

But how do you convert your three meals into five or six?
It really does not have to be that hard. Each meal can
contain the core components of the standard breakfast,
lunch and dinner, just with each portion being a little
smaller. If you are not sure how small these mini meals
should be, take a look at the food packaging which often
serves as a good indicator. If you are still stuck I have
outlined some basic ideas for small meals below:

1) BREAKFAST:- This is thought by many to be the most
important meal of the day as it is the first thing that
kick starts your body's metabolism into action. Some good
options for breakfast include; fruit, whole grain cereal or
whole wheat toast.

2) LUNCH:- This is another important meal because it boosts
your energy levels midway through the day. Ideas for lunch
include; half sandwiches (to reduce the portion size) on
whole wheat bread, fruit, nuts or a yoghurt.

3) DINNER:- With dinner you have to pay particular
attention to portion sizes because it is so easy to eat.
Try to include a lot of vegetables and lean proteins in
your dinners.

4) SNACKS:- Snacks are a great way to supplement your
meals. Ideas for snacks include; fruit, raw vegetables and

As the above shows, you can still base your six mini meals
around the traditional three but instead just reduce the
portion sizes and use snacks as supplements. Once you have
your meals sorted out there are a couple of additional
things you can do to make your diet more metabolism
friendly. I have outlined these below:

1) FOOD SUBSTITUTIONS:- This requires you to look at foods
in your diet which can be substituted for healthier
options. For example, you can swap the crisps for a bag of
nuts or substitute a chocolate bar with a banana.

2) INCREASE PROTEIN:- Increasing the amount of protein in
your diet can really fire up your metabolism. Studies have
shown that high protein diets can burn an increased number
of calories after consumption compared with diets high in
carbohydrates. The reason behind this is that your body
requires more energy to digest proteins so there is less
chance that excess calories will be stored as fat.

I hope this article has shown you that a well planned diet
can work wonders for your metabolism. An effective diet is
one of the most important factors in helping you boost your
metabolic rate and it should not be ignored. It is OK to
cheat sometimes and have the occassional chocolate bar or
burger, but make sure your overall diet is improved. If
you plan your diet carefully it really does not have to be
difficult to make the changes outlined in this article.
Take action today and you will soon start to realise the
benefits of an improved metabolic rate.

The Free Fitness Tips Blog provides you with fantastic,
free advice on all aspects of fitness. To find out more
about your metabolic rate and how to boost metabolism head
over to

Medtronic Only Contributing $800 Towards Defibrillator Lead Replacement Surgery

Medtronic Only Contributing $800 Towards Defibrillator Lead Replacement Surgery
Just over two months ago Medtronic warned doctors and about
250,000 patients that a lead that is used to connect a
defibrillator to the heart could potentially fracture. The
leads, called Sprint Fidelis, were recalled by Medtronic on
October 15, 2007 after reports of fractures, unnecessary
shocks, and death. While Medtronic has said that most
patients do not need to have their leads replaced, but this
has not assuaged the thousands of patients who have these
leads implanted.

On December 13, 2007 the New York Times published an
article chronicling the plight of these defibrillator
patients with recalled Sprint Fidelis leads. These patients
are living in fear that their defibrillator may start to
shock them when he is not required to do so, or not provide
the life-saving shocks is supposed to when it is necessary.
Making matters more complicated, Medtronic is not paying
for these patients to have their leads replaced. The New
York Times said that Medtronic is only providing $800
towards these patients lead replacement surgery. The cost
of this type of surgery is typically $12,500 or more.

Putting the financial component aside, lead replacement
surgery is risky. The Times article talks about a
48-year-old patient who opted to have the lead replaced.
The reporter described the replacement e as a "painstaking
90-minute operation". Medtronic says most patients will not
need to have their leads replaced. Instead, they recommend
that these patients have their defibrillators reprogrammed
to improve the odds of discovering a fractured lead early
on. However, many patients don't feel comfortable with a
strategy of just trying to catch the fracture early, and
are seeking second opinions from doctors who specialize in
defibrillator lead replacements.

In an ironic twist, many of the patients are replacing
their defective Sprint Fidelis leads with another Metronic
lead, the Quattro. This shift back to the Quattro lead has
helped Medtronic make up for much of its lost sales of
Fidelis. Since Medtronic is only contributing $800 towards
their patients lead replacement surgeries, the company
actually stands to profit off of these unfortunate patients.

According to several law firm websites, patients that have
recalled defibrillators may have legal rights. Over the
past few years thousands of cases were filed against
Medtronic and Guidant, another large defibrillator
manufacturer, after the companies recalled several
defibrillator models. Guidant was purchased by Boston
Scientific in 2006, after outbidding Johnson & Johnson for
the company.

On October 15, 2007 Medtronic recalled its Sprint Fidelis
defibrillator leads from the worldwide market. The leads
were recalled after numerous leads fractured causing the
attached defibrillator to provide unnecessary shocks.
Patients who have these leads implanted are extremely
concerned because lead replacement surgery is risky and

What Causes Indigestion?

What Causes Indigestion?
There are many things that can cause indigestion! Your
digestive tract can not only be upset by underlying disease
but it can also be influenced by emotional disturbances and
stress. Some of these would be fear, worry, anxiety, anger,
frustration and not taking the time required for
elimination when you feel the urge to do so.

However there is another element that can contribute to
indigestion and stomach pain, and that is the foods we
consume. Food or drink can be broken down into two
categories (1) Alkaline, and (2) Acidic foods. A normal
diet should consist of 75% alkaline foods and 25% acidic

Foods help control the pH of our bodies which is very
important if we want to live a long healthy life. The ideal
range of our bodies pH should be around 7.3 to 7.4. Values
lower than these are considered acidic and the lower the
number, the more acidic we become.

If you don't keep the pH balanced in your swimming pool,
what happens? Right, it turns green. And if you don't keep
the pH balanced in your fish tank the little fellers will
die! The human body is equally important to have a balanced
pH level because being in an acidic state for long periods
of time is the underlying cause of many diseases.

When you are too acidic the stomach can become inflamed and
irritated. The medical community terms this condition as
"Gastritis" which basically means a red sore stomach in
layman's terms. "Gastritis"will cause you to experience
stomach pains, increased stomach pressure (bloating) and
flatulence more than normal because your whole body is full
of acidic gases.

When your stomach is bloated and has too much pressure it
will force the Lower Esophageal Sphincter valve open and
allow the acidic stomach gases to reflux and enter your
esophagus. Upon entering the esophagus these stomach gases
will build up pressure in your chest and sometimes this
pressure will radiate out to the arm or back which will
cause discomfort.

The reflux of stomach gases can irritate the larynx and
cause hoarseness, and the gases can also aspirate into the
lungs, producing asthma-like symptoms. Many people have
been prescribed asthma meds for their wheezing and
coughing, when all they had to do was balance their pH
levels which then controls the reflux.

These same gases when they are building up pressure in your
esophagus may also make you feel like you have a lump in
your throat or a constriction right near your Adam's apple.
This is quite normal, and is called "Globus Sensation."

Once the gases build up enough pressure in the esophagus
they will force the Upper Esophageal Sphincter valve open
and the gases will come rushing out of your mouth in the
form of a burp. When you burp you relieve the chest
pressure, and usually the "Globus Sensation" ends at the
same time.

If you are suffering from stomach bloating, reflux, or
other digestive problems take this simple at home test to
determine the pH of your body and if you are too acidic
take the necessary steps to correct the problem.


You can purchase some "Litmus Paper" at the health food
store, and check the "acidity of your saliva" which is an
overall indicator of just how acidic you have become. Being
too acidic is the major cause of disease such as heart
disease and cancer so it is important to keep your pH
levels in an alkaline state. A body that is in an acidic
state means that all of your organs have to work much
harder, which is going to cause even further health


You fill your mouth with saliva a couple of times and then
spit into a container. Tear off a little piece of the
"Litmus Paper" and dip it into the saliva. Leave it there
until it changes color. (approx 5 to 10 seconds) Then match
your test paper up with the color chart on the package that
the paper came in and you will see a value or a number.
Your reading should be around 7.3 to 7.4, values lower than
these are acidic and should be corrected. Do the test in
the morning when your stomach is empty and then again in
the evening before you retire and then you will have an
average reading. P.S. If you cannot locate any test paper
just send us an address where we can send you out a sample
at no charge. Copyright 2006-2007

William Lagadyn is a medical researcher and was the first
person to unravel the mysteries of heartburn and acid
reflux problems. His natural healing methods were first
discovered over 20 years ago, and since that time he has
helped 1000's of people completely solve their digestive
problems. For more information on how to solve your
digestive problems such as heartburn, acid reflux or GERD
without the use of potentially dangerous drugs forever,
please visit his website at

Food Addiction and Your Longevity

Food Addiction and Your Longevity
Food addiction is a disease of the mind, affecting both
physical and mental health. Food addiction is an enemy of
longevity. All centenarians have a moderate diet.

Luigi Cornaro was one of the most celebrated centenarians,
who lived from 1464 to 1566 AD. He was famous for his
longevity wisdom on the art of living long related to
calorie restriction. By his standard of daily consumption
of only twelve ounces of solid foods and fourteen ounces
pure grape juice, very few of us would become centenarians
because many of us simply overeat.

Yes, we are living in a generation of food addiction.

So, what is food addiction?

Food addiction is an unhealthy relationship with food. This
unhealthy eating behavior interferes with your health,
happiness, relationship, and your life - food addiction is
detrimental to your longevity.

But why are many of us addicted to food? Or, why do we

Well, you may overeat if you are not happy with your body.
You don't like how you look, so you use diet as a
controlling factor to achieve your ideal body shape. You
begin to addicted to certain types of food that you think
may help you achieve your goals.

You may feel guilty about who and what you are, or
something you have done. Your guilt precipitates in your
food addiction.

You may feel lonely, unloved, or frustrated. This initiates
your addiction to comfort foods.

You may be obsessed with fad diets to control your weight.
Fluctuating between weight loss and weight gain may lead to
your switching from one diet to another, and subsequently
eating and avoiding certain foods. The imbalance in body
and mind may tip you over to food addiction.

You may have emotional problems, which cause chemical
imbalance of dopamine, a neurochemical responsible for
regulating your appetite.

You may have too much stress in you life (but who
doesn't?). Your failure to cope with your stress may cause
your serotonin (neurochemical) level to decline. In order
to elevate its level, you body needs to eat, and you become
addicted to food.

You may have genes predisposed you to food addiction, such
as sharp sensory response to food. The sight and smell of
food simply raises your level of dopamine.

You may have preference for certain types of food and
drink, which induce addiction, thanks to those food
manufacturers who have ingeniously ingested food
flavorings, taste enhancers, and other emulsifiers into
their products. Unknowingly, you become a victim of food

You may have set unrealistic expectations for yourself, and
your inability to live up to those expectation lead to
frustration, which is often a recipe for the development of
food addiction.

You may have guilt about eating. Such imbalance in thinking
and behavior often sets off a vicious circle of food
addiction and eating disorder.

Food addiction is common, especially in the affluent
western world, where there is always an array of foods to
satisfy the most discriminating taste.

Food addiction is compulsive eating - that is, eating when
you are not hungry.

Food addiction often leads to binge eating, which is eating
large quantities of food, and often without remembering
what one has eaten.

Food addiction is a complex mental disease. It is a
reaction to your emotions, to your distorted thinking. If
you have food addiction, you need to admit that you have
the problem. Denial will only aggravate your food addiction

You may have a food addiction problem if you have the
following: eating too much and too often; eating at night;
binging; vomiting; and food fixation (i.e. always planning
what to eat next, anticipating eating).

Food addiction has everything to do with your mind. To
control your mind, or to let your mind control you is the
issue with food addiction. Your obsessive thoughts and
behavior about food have very little to do with food;
surprisingly, they have everything to do with "control."
Ironically, if you are addicted to food, you may strive to
control your eating to compensate for the lack of control
you may feel in other areas of your life.

(This is the first of a series of articles on "eating and

Stephen Lau is a researcher, writing medical research for
scientists. His publications include "NO MIRACLE CURES" a
book on healing and wellness. He has also created several
websites on health and healing.

Wedding Fitness Strategies That Will Whip Your Body Into Shape For That Big Day

Wedding Fitness Strategies That Will Whip Your Body Into Shape For That Big Day
Your wedding day! It's all about you, so why not look your
best? Show off your lean shoulders, your toned arms and
your overall fit body!

How, you ask? If you want to look your absolute best on
that precious day - start with your wedding fitness plan
right now.

To get the most from your fitness plan you'll need to
combine 5 elements:

1. Supportive Nutrition

2. Resistance Training

3. Cardio Training

4. Mental Training

5. Social Support

1. Supportive Nutrition

Eating the right foods to support your weight loss and
toning efforts. You don't have to make a science out of it.
Just eat 5 or 6 quality meals with lean proteins, fruits,
vegetables and healthy grains here and there and you'll
quickly look your best for your Wedding.

2. Resistance Training

Any form of exercise that adds an external load on your
muscles. That load can be your body in the form of squats,
push-ups, sit-ups, or it can be dumbbells. 2-3 times a week
for 30 minutes is plenty to tighten and tone your muscles
so you can slip in your dress and look great.

3. Cardio Training

Any moderate activity that raises your heart rate for 20-30
minutes. Swimming, jogging, sports, hiking, or any other
activity you enjoy. This will help condition your heart and
burn extra calories helping to trim off body fat for you

4. Mental Training

A significant portion of wedding fitness is purely
"mental". Keeping yourself motivated to stay on track and
continue to make progress no matter how discouraged you may
get. Staying on track and making continual progress toward
your goal, knowing that as long as you keep making progress
you will reach your goal and look fabulous on your wedding

5. Social Support

Whether it's from friends, family, a coach, church or your
neighborhood women's group, research shows that programs
which include social support always have better outcomes
than those without.

Why is social support so effective - one word,
accountability. In one study participants in a fitness
program were 22 times more likely to stick with it when
held accountable through weekly contact.

When negative stress and pressure drag you down, you can
reach out to your support group members for encouragement.
If you're not getting social support for your Wedding
fitness endeavors from your family, you can enlist the
support from outside influences such as friends, like
minded groups or a coach. One of my good friends a Newport
Beach Personal Trainer has had great success with fitness
models and more using these techniques.

The best piece of advice is - start now on your Wedding
fitness plan, and keep going. It may take you 10, 20 or
even 30 weeks, depending on where you're at right now.

Aim for 1-2 pounds of "fat loss" per week. Now mind you
this isn't "weight loss". Anyone can lose several pounds a
week of "weight" (mainly water and muscle tissue). That's
not what you're after. That will just cause you to look
like a skinnier fat version of yourself.

Losing fat will help reveal your shapely figure so you can
look lean, toned and sexy in your wedding dress.

So if you want to lose 20 pounds, then aim for at least
10-12 weeks to allow for some breathing space in your plan.

Remember, this is a once in a lifetime event - your
Wedding. Just ask yourself, "how do you want to look on
your wedding day". Answer that question and then take the
necessary action.

If you need help with your wedding fitness or nutrition
plan, hiring a Fitness Coach or Personal Trainer can be
just what you need to kick start your program and guarantee
your fitness success.

And most of all start today and expect success! And when
your wedding day comes you'll jump with joy about how your
body looks in your wedding dress.

Zach Hunt is the head Wedding Trainer of Physzique., a
high-end personal fitness coaching service in Spokane, WA.
He helps his clients to quickly and permanently drop
unwanted fat to look their best for their wedding. He helps
brides and bridesmaids get in better physical shape then
they ever thought possible. Go now to:

Following Through With Diet And Exercise For Natural Weight Loss Success

Following Through With Diet And Exercise For Natural Weight Loss Success
There are many good, healthy, weight loss plans available
that provide good, sensible diets with effective exercise
programs, and perhaps safe natural weight loss aids. Each
of these programs have their dramatic success stories. But
if there is no real shortage of effective weight loss
programs, why do so many people have such trouble losing
weight? What is the difference between the people who
choose a program and lose 20, 50, even 100 pounds or more
and those who do the exact same program and never lose an

The key difference is follow-through. No matter how good a
weight loss program is, it won't work for someone if they
don't stick to it consistently long-term. Most people
start a weight loss program with good intentions and they
may even be highly motivated at first, but the majority get
off track quickly - usually within a week or two - and
never really get any momentum on their natural weight loss

So what happens? Why does someone who has finally
convinced him or herself that now is the time and they are
going to do whatever it takes to lose weight and nothing is
going to get in the way of accomplishing their weight loss
goals, lose their motivation so quickly?

Actually, a lot of things can happen. Temptations arise.
Other people can interfere. They run out of time and/or
energy to eat right and exercise. Or, maybe they simply
lose sight of the reasons they decided to try to lose
weight in the first place.

One key to staying focused is to frequently think about
your weight loss goals and what losing weight will mean to
you. Most people don't just decide they want to lose
weight. There's usually a reason they want to lose weight.
Maybe it's because they're worried about their health.
Maybe it's because they can't find clothes they like that
fit them. Maybe it's because they want to find a romantic
partner and think that it will be easier if they look
better. Maybe they're tired of people calling them fat and
making jokes about their weight. There are probably as
many reasons for wanting to lose weight as there are people
who want to lose weight. If you get clear on your reasons,
you'll have much greater success with any natural weight
loss plan.

By focusing on the reason you want to lose weight on a
consistent basis, you will tend to stay more motivated. I
recommend writing down your underlying reason(s) for
wanting to lose weight, but writing it in a way that it
will boost your motivation. The most effective way for
most people is to write yourself a negative to avoid and
the associated positive to go after. For instance, if
you're tired of not being able to find nice clothes in your
size, you might write something like, "I am committed to
losing weight because I am not willing to be limited to
wearing "fat-person" clothes. I am thrilled to be getting
my weight to where I can wear stylish, sexy clothes!"

Once you have your written motivation statement(s), place
it someplace you'll see it several times per day. Make
sure to stop an read it each time you see it and really
take the time to think about what you are reading - don't
just read the words, FEEL them!

As was discussed earlier, there are a lot of things that
can get you off-track from your weight loss program, and
there are many techniques for dealing with each of these
influences. By figuring out what really motivates you to
lose weight, and then making sure to remind yourself of
your motivating factor(s) frequently, you'll be better
equipped to handle ALL of the interfering factors that
might tend to prevent you from following-through. Natural
weight loss is within your reach if you can get your mind
working with you to achieve your goals!

Dr. George Best has been in private practice as a holistic
healthcare provider in San Antonio, Texas since 1992. For
more information, to obtain a free natural weight loss
guide, and/or to access his E-Book, "Training Your Brain
For Weight Loss", please visit .