Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Facts About Prostate Cancer

Facts About Prostate Cancer
There are many different types of cancer that affect many
people no matter what age, ethnicity, or gender they are.
Unfortunately there is one form of cancer that only affects
men, it is prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is a form of
cancer which begins when the cells of the prostate become
abnormal. After time, especially if untreated, the cells
begin to grow and form tumors. Once the formation of tumors
begins they can spread to other areas of the body. Because
only men have a prostate gland, prostate cancer is a very
real disease that all men need to be concerned about. As
with any other type of cancer, if it is not treated
prostate cancer can be life threatening. On the bright
side, prostate cancer, much like many other forms of
cancer, if found early on there is the chance that it can
be treated in order to avoid any further complications that
it might cause.

If you are wondering if there is anything that causes
prostate cancer there are some identified contributing
factors, but nothing that does or does not cause prostate
cancer. Some of the attributing factors to this disease are
age and diet. It seems that as men get older their chances
of developing prostate cancer increase. This has been found
especially in men who are 65 or older. Diet seems to be the
other contributing factor to this disease. It has been
observed by the medical community that men who tend to take
part in diets that are rich in fat seem to be more at risk
for prostate cancer that those who have a different type of
diet. Of course another health factor for those who eat
fatty foods is also obesity. If you are trying to lower
your risk for prostate cancer as well as improve your
overall health, it is wise to eat a diet that is high in
fiber and low in fat. Another factor that is linked to
prostate cancer is genetics. A man's chances of this can be
increased if the disease is hereditary.

Unfortunately it is not that easy to detect prostate cancer
by yourself. There are not always evident symptoms that
might cause you to suspect that you have the disease. Even
if you don't see the symptoms yourself, your doctor can
identify them with a simple routine checkup. This is why
that the medical community stresses to men who are over 50
to schedule regular checkups to their doctor. There are a
few common symptoms that you should see a doctor if you
experience such as any pain and burning during urination,
any blood in your semen, and also if you experience
problems when having an erection. Not only is it smart to
have a regular check up with your doctor, it could also
save your life if you are suffering from prostate cancer.
With all of the developments and new treatment options for
cancer it is quite possible that you can make a full
recovery if your prostate cancer is detected early.

Additional Information at:

Powerful Weightloss Tools!

Powerful Weightloss Tools!
Want to look the best you've ever looked? Feel better than
you've ever felt? Be the best you you've ever been?

I'm sure the answer is YES!

How to do it you wonder?

By Effective Goal Setting and Pre Empting Excuses. Sounds
simple, but don't underestimate the power of these tools.

Here are 3 steps to getting you closer to a healthier,
happier you!

1.Goal Setting. This is the most important of all 12
principles! Without a clear goal, then you can not have
clear direction. The most important thing about goal
setting is that it is realistic and very specific. For
example it's not enough to just say you want to lose
weight, or even to say that you want to lose 10lbs.

Here's what to do:

Choose a date in the future including the day, month, and
year; it's a good idea to choose a date that may be
significant to you or a date that's linked to special event.

Next describe where you will be when you know you have
achieved your goal. Will you be in your room in front of
the mirror? Will you be sitting at your desk in your
office? Be specific!

Finally how will you know you achieved it. Will you be
doing up your belt and realise you've had to tighten it a
few notches? WIll you be putting on your favourite outfit
and realise if fits perfectly? What will you look like and
feel like from head to toe? Get the picture? Start to live
that moment as if it has already happened.

2. Visualise Your Goal. It's critical that you don't go
through the hard work of setting your goal simply to forget
about it. Visualise it every single day! Choose a time in
the morning or a time when you're on your way to work,
basically a time when you know you have a few minutes to
reflect on and live the moment in which you have achieved
your goal.

3. No Excuses. At the start of each day think of potential
moments or situations that may put you off track. Come up
with a plan before they happen. For example if you know you
have to meet a friend for dinner, think ahead and choose a
place that you know will have healthy meals that you can
choose from. If you know you're going to have a busy
evening, fit your exercise in to the morning or at lunch.
Be one step ahead, all the time!

I know this is just the start of a HEALTHIER HAPPIER YOU!
Go for it! Give it a try

Rosa Coelho is a Performance Coach, Personal Trainer and
Sports Massage Therapist at Dax Moy Personal Training
Studios in London. Rosa specialises in applying a holistic
approach to health and fitness through The POWER
Principles. To download a Rosa's Free report, 'Highly
Effective Metabolism Boosters' go to

Everything You Need To Know In Choosing A Gym

Everything You Need To Know In Choosing A Gym
If you prefer to workout at home, make the best of any
place available. If you have the choice of a room, make
sure it is at least 10' x 10', well-ventilated and has
enough height and width to move comfortably. It is also
important to know that the floor can handle the stress of
any impact that may occur and that the floor is properly
protected in areas where weights may drop or clubs may

If you have a small budget, I suggest the following

* Stability ball

* Dumbbells from 5 to 25 lbs.

* Mirror big enough to see a full body move

* Tubing

A larger budget can also include:

* A piece of cardiovascular equipment (treadmill, bike,

* Weight bench or step bench

* Abs mat

* Dumbbells 30 to 50 lbs.

If you prefer to workout at a gym, here are some factors to
consider when choosing which gym to join:

First, decide what features are important to you.

* Do you need the comforts of bells and whistles like
pools, saunas, spas, nutrition bars, child care and other
upscale amenities?

* Is the gym close enough to your home or office? If you
have to drive far out of your way to workout, there is a
high likelihood of skipping it when you lack motivation.

* What are the business hours? If you are a morning or
night person, make sure that the facility is open during
the hours you need.

* Next, ask friends and family where they exercise. Odds
are they like the facility and can tell you the pros and
cons. They can also tell you about current promotions.

* Visit the facility. Take advantage of free trial
memberships. If there are a few gyms in the running try
all the free trial memberships in a row. 4 gyms that offer
1 week trial memberships = 1 month of free exercise.

During your visits, take note of the following:

* Is there an initiation fee?

* What are the membership dues for the gym?

* What is the age of the facility?

* How clean is the facility, especially the weight room,
locker room and showers?

* Is the equipment worn or new?

* Who are the typical clients that frequent the gym?

* Is there music in the background? If so, is it too loud
or not the type you like?

* What hours is the facility crowded? What hours is it

* Are there certified personnel available if you have

* What is the overall attitude in the gym?

It should be easy to make the right decision for your needs
after you have assessed these factors. If you ask the
right questions, the choice for a place to train is right
at your finger tips.

For over 17 years Bobby Kelly has taken his passion for
coaching to a level not reached by many in the fitness
profession. Bobby has been interviewed and featured as an
expert adviser on CNN, Fox News, ABC, NBC, and CBS as well
as local affiliate stations in numerous markets. Bobby
knows the success of hard work and determination. He'll get
you where you want to be. Visit Bobby today at or email

Quick Weight Loss At Your Own Risk

Quick Weight Loss At Your Own Risk
In today's society so many people are looking for quick
weight loss solutions. What people fail to realize is that
weight loss should be done gradually. There are so many
people who want to look good for the summer, fit into a
size 4 or simply feel better about themselves, but quick
weight loss is not the answer.

When people lose weight too quickly like on 1,000 calorie
per day diets or even worse on crash diets, they may be
setting themselves up for medical problems. Crash diets
for example can lead to a loss of water and muscle which
ultimately does not help in their weight loss efforts.
Here's a fact: when someone crash diets, each pound of
weight loss contains more lean tissue(muscle) and less body
fat than a moderate weight loss diet. When you are trying
to lose weight you want to burn the fat, not the muscle.

When someone engages in quick weight loss they can begin to
feel sluggish and tired more often. This is due to the
lessened amount of calories being taken in. When this
happens, the body's metabolic rate slows down. What
happens when the metabolic rate slows down, less energy and
more fat storage. You need to speed the body's fat burning
engine up. This can be accomplished by eating more small
meals throughout the day. Your goal should be to burn
energy(fat) not store it.

Along with an increased fat store, crash dieting can have
long term effects. One big problem is the bodies inability
to maintain the weight that was lost. This is due to the
fact that the body has lost lean tissue and it's metabolic
rate has begun to slow down. What people often don't know
is that when you do regain the weight coming off a crash
diet it will not be muscle, but more fat. For most, this
turns into a vicious cycle of crash dieting, lost energy
and continued loss of lean muscle mass.

When trying to lose weight it pays to be patient rather
than resorting to these tactics. There are many reasons
for this. First, when you gradually reduce calorie intake
it gives your body time to adjust, helps the body preserve
lean muscle mass and will help you sustain energy. Second,
you'll be able to maintain your strength and stamina.
Finally, you help the bodies ability to process oxygen
which aids in fat burning for fuel.

In closing, when you lose weight gradually, you not only
look better but feel better as well. Crash diets will be
around for years to come but don't fall prey. They will
only hamper your efforts for permanent weight loss.

Shane Wilson is a successful webmaster with many years
experience in weight loss revealed at . To learn more about quick
weight loss and other quality tips please visit today.

Some Clues About Buying a Knee Brace

Some Clues About Buying a Knee Brace
So, you have now decided that a knee brace is required:
from where can one be purchased? Presuming that you have
had the relevant medical diagnosis and advice, probably the
most obvious place to start would be the Internet. Any
search engine will bring up a plethora of sites, all intent
on parting you from your cash for a huge variety of knee
braces! If, on the other hand, you prefer to acquire your
knee advice, as well as the knee brace, from the Internet,
then there are sites which combine the two!

Aside from the basic decision between the functional knee
brace and prophylactic knee brace, there are all sorts of
different materials from which to choose; there are even
hinged and unhinged knee braces! There are knee braces
specifically for arthritic conditions; post'op knee braces;
magnetic knee braces; one designed for sports injuries;
professional knee braces and even paediatric knee braces
from those tender, young knees! Ultimately the matter
depends on the type of ligament injury and the problems
which you might have with knee movement.

From some sites, which claim to be constructed by
orthopaedic surgeons, comes a whole litany of advice
appertaining to fitting the specific knee brace to the
physical problem. Whether the particular symptoms are
related to definite injury to one of the four main ligament
groups, or to the more generalised and vague "knee giving
way", there is a hinged, unhinged, or lightweight knee
brace for you. Some exotic names belie the mundane nature
of the product: one might choose "Extreme", "Legend" or the
exotic "Playfair" or simply the rather more prosaic

One site that is related to the prevention of ligament
damage to those knees exposed to the rigours of motorcross,
or motor biking in general, gave graphic descriptions of
the dangers of riding without a protective knee brace.
Fortunately the injury sustained in this particular
incident, was not due to an accident of dramatic
proportions. However, it served to demonstrate that even
the simplest scrape on a bike can cause harm to the
delicate knee ligaments. The author went on to recommend
several knee braces with "Terminator"-style letter/number

Nevertheless, as the sites researched for this article
pointedly recommend, most knee braces, particularly the
prophylactic kinds designed to prevent injury must be
fitted! Therefore they suggest that an extensive visit, in
person, to a qualified medical practitioner, or
sports-injury specialist is a must!

Charlie Cory makes his living from computers as a
consultant, and has been creating web sites and marketing
them for a number of years. His website about Knee Brace
Support gives you a wealth of information about Knee
Support and related matters.
Please visit

Essential Fatty Acids: What Are They And Why Should You Eat Them?

Essential Fatty Acids: What Are They And Why Should You Eat Them?
When the words oils and fats are mentioned, do you as a
health-conscious individual tend to run for cover? What
you may not realize is that there are good fats and bad
fats. Complete avoidance of oils and fats would actually
be detrimental - rather than beneficial - to your health.

When you avoid fats you are missing a whole group of fats
called Essential Fatty Acids. They are called essential
because your body can not create these fats on its own and
they are required for good health. You must obtain these
fats from the food you eat.

Essential fatty acids are divided into two families:
omega-6 and omega-3 EFAs. While there are only very slight
differences that distinguish the two groups of essential
fatty acids from each other their impact on your body is
dramatically different.

Studies have revealed that too much intake of omega-6 EFAs
can lead to inflammation, blood clotting and tumor growth.
The good news, however, is that the omega-3 EFAs provide
the counter balance to the effects of omega-6 EFAs.

There are several different types of omega-6 fatty acids.
Most omega-6 fatty acids are consumed in the diet as
linoleic acid. Linoleic acid comes from vegetable oils and
in the fat of commercially raised animals where it is
unnaturally high. Two common vegetable oils high in
omega-6 EFAs are corn and soy oils, both of which contain
high amounts of linoleic acid.

The three most nutritionally important omega 3 fatty acids
are alpha-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Omega-3 EFAs can be found in
fish oils, flaxseed oil, canola oil, walnut oil, and green
leafy vegetables. All of these being excellent sources of
alpha-linolenic acid. Generally fish oils are the best
source for EPA & DHA which is why these are so closely
associated with fish.

It should be noted that the most benefit is derived from
EPA & DHA. These fatty acids have been observed to provide
many special benefits to the human body. In the early
1970's, a study on Greenland Eskimos have revealed that one
of the major reasons why they rarely suffer from heart
diseases is because of their high-fat diet composed mainly
of fish.

Physicians and scientists are of the same opinion about the
causes behind the decreasing health of people today. This
decrease is happening despite the availability of better
health and fitness information. Cases of heart disease,
hypertension or high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes,
premature aging and certain kinds of cancer are on the rise
and they can be linked to the imbalanced intake of omega-3
and omega-6 EFAs.

Other Benefits of EPA/DHA

The two essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA, are incredibly
helpful in preventing atherosclerosis, heart attacks,
depression and various forms of cancer. Fish oil
supplements have also proven to be useful in treating
illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, Raynaud's
disease and ulcerative colitis. There are a lot more
illnesses and situations in which the increased intake of
fish oil has proven to be significantly beneficial.

Naturally, it's in our best interests to keep our hearts
happy and healthy and one way of doing that is eating foods
that are high in omega-3 EFAs and in particular EPA & DHA.

In Athens, Greece, for instance, one study was conducted to
show if there was a direct relationship between a high fish
diet and inflammation of blood vessels. The results
revealed that those who ate the most fish had a lower level
of C-reactive protein and interleukin-6, two factors that
are commonly used to measure likelihood of blood vessel
inflammation. These benefits remained even when the
various risks associated with a high fish diet were taken
into account.

Hopefully I have done what I started out to do and you
understand the importance of returning the natural balance
of omega-3 and omega-6 EFAs to your diet. Increasing the
EPA & DHA you get through your diet whether through eating
more fish or supplementing with fish oils would be one of
the most beneficial things you can do for your health.
I've given a very short list of the positive effects of EPA
& DHA as they are too numerous to cover in this article.

Remember, nothing is good when consumed or used to excess
but complete avoidance of a particular food type is equally
harmful as well. Seek the assistance of a qualified
professional to get your diet on track to better health and
make sure that the regular consumption of omega-3, EPA and
DHA fatty acids are part of that plan.

Did you know that you can lose weight just by consuming
more fish oils? Get more health tips, reviews of the most
popular diets and score a FREE Fat Loss Report before they
are gone:

Zetia Does Not Reduce Heart Attack Risk

Zetia Does Not Reduce Heart Attack Risk
Recently, drug manufacturer Merck and chemical research
company Schering-Plough announced a new medication to
combat high cholesterol. Zetia, known chemically as
Ezetimibe, is an anti-hyperlipidemic medication, which is
used to lower cholesterol levels. Zetia is marketed as an
alternative to statin therapy. It acts by decreasing
cholesterol absorption in the intestine. Zetia has also
been combined with statin therapy in a single pill marketed
as Vytorin.

However, the company failed to successfully report their
research outcome on the given dates several times. It was
not until the media picked up on the company's suspect
behavior and delay that the announcement came for the final
deadline "soon" in December of 2007. Finally, the results
of the trial were released in January of 2008. The results
were decidedly negative by most accounts, as reported by
the media including The New York Times. In a study to
specifically measure the reduction of the growth of fatty
plaques in arteries, both Zetia and Vytorin were shown to
increase the fatty plaque growth in the patients' arteries,
almost doubling the rate of growth when compared to another
leading high-cholesterol medication.

So disturbing were the results of the study, that it
reached the ears of Congressional representatives. The
chairmen of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and of
its Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations have made
contact with the chairmen and CEOs of Merck and
Schering-Plough regarding the misrepresentation of the
drugs within their advertising campaign. The correspondence
calls into question the lighthearted nature of the Zetia
and Vytorin commercials and the misleading information they
insinuate. Additionally, the congressmen make inquiry to
the ads continued use in television advertising claiming
the exceeding success of the drug over traditional statin
drug therapy, while they possessed the results of the
ENHANCE trial for the two years contradicting that very

This one result leads many to believe that several cardiac
complications and events could have been enabled by taking
medication specifically prescribed to as a support for
people at high risk for such problems. Recently, Zetia
lawsuits have been filed in several states, charging that
Merck and Schering-Plough deliberately withheld the
information from the ENHANCE trial proving that Zetia
provided no reduction in the frequency of cardiovascular
events. Nor did they report information suggesting Zetia
side effects where Zetia could be the cause of serious
liver damage. Thus far, the lawsuits seek compensation for
the cost of the medication to the consumers named as
plaintiffs, however, this is only the beginning, as it is
highly likely that that many Zetia lawsuits claiming health
complications and damages will emerge.

It would be wise for anyone who has firsthand experience
with potential complications arising from taking Zetia or
Ezetimibe in any form to contact their health care provider
as soon as possible, and to seriously consider contacting a
Zetia lawyer in order to recoup any damages you or someone
who has been affected by this medication could be entitled
to through a Zetia law suit.

Visit LegalView at for access to a
complete legal database, including our free attorney
referral service on issues such as Zetia risks and Vytorin
side effects, which can be found at .

Where Is The LIft In A Facelift?

Where Is The LIft In A Facelift?
A facelift is one of the most recognized procedures in
aesthetic plastic surgery.....but also one of the most

The general public's perception of a facelift....based on
TV shows and the someone after such surgery
being bruised from their eyes to their neck and their face
wrapped up in a big they had been involved
in a major accident. And that it will take weeks to even
look good enough to go out in public. In reality, this
perception is flawed at best and even grossly inaccurate at

The name of the operation, facelift, is misleading. It does
not really describe what the surgery actually does or what
the objectives of the procedure are. More accurately, a
facelift should be called a neck-jowl lift, for this is
what it actually helps. It is a great procedure for
tightening the neck, getting rid of the that neck waddle,
and lifting those sagging jowls. The medical name for a
facelift, rhytidectomy (old plastic surgery meaning cutting
out wrinkles), should be described as a cervicoplasty.
(reshaping of the neck) However, the name facelift persists
and always will as it is embedded in our plastic surgery

Therefore, when you realize that only the neck and jowl are
affected by the procedure, many of its misconceptions fade
away. In isolation as a stand-alone procedure (which half
of my 'facelift' patients only have), a facelift causes no
bruising or swelling from the nose up. While many facelift
patients get their eyes, forehead, nose and other facial
procedures done at the same time, this is not a requirement
and is only done if one wants the 'total face' rejuvenated.
I find that after an isolated facelift, one can look pretty
good in about a week and can easily be out in public in a
few days with a little make-up in the neck area. Remember,
the eyes are not swollen at all!

One of the great misconceptions about a facelift is what is
actually done in the operation. A facelift operation is all
about tissue layers and vectors of lifting. The lifting off
of the skin from the underlying tissues over the side of
the face (to the cheek area) and across the neck through
incisions placed in and around the ears is obvious in any
diagram of a facelift operation. And movement of loose skin
pulled back and over the ears at about a 45 degree angle to
the face probably accounts for about 80% - 90% of the
result created by a facelift. And often this is the only
tissue moved in a facelift. This is the safest and easiest
approach with the least likelihood of complications. Deeper
layers have also been raised up and moved in more recent
versions of facelift surgery. These deep layer that can be
moved independent of the skin, is a special layer of tissue
over the muscle. This tissue, known as SMAS, is raised and
sutured up in a more vertical direction compared to the
direction of the skin pull, closer to 60 degrees usually.
The public erroneously believes that it is muscle that is
moved which is not possible. The SMAS sits on top of the
muscle. There is considerable debate as to whether the
'deeper' versions of the facelift produce better long-term
results than skin movement only.

The neck-jowl lift, known historically as a facelift, can
lift two different layers of sagging facial tissues in two
slightly different up and backward directions.

Dr Barry Eppley runs a private plastic surgery practice
through his hospital-based medspa locations at Clarian
Health in Indianapolis. To learn more about the latest
trends in plastic surgery, spa therapies, or skin care, go
to his daily blog, .

Phytonutrients And Antioxidant Foods

Phytonutrients And Antioxidant Foods
Even though a lot of people don't actually realize it, a
lot of antioxidant foods that we consume are from
vegetables. Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower,
tomatoes, and peppers are all excellent choices with some
great benefits for your body. When consuming vegetables,
you should always go for those that are rich in color, as
they are high in what is known as phytonutrients.

Phytonutrients are nutrients found in the skins of several
fruits and vegetables, which give the food color as well as
flavor and scent. Phytonutrients are quite simply the best
types of antioxidant foods that you can find anywhere. If
you are looking for a supplement value, the coQ10 offers
you a high level of antioxidant value.

Although fruits and vegetables are the best sources for
antioxidants, the problem with them is that they are
produced by the use of chemical herbicides, pesticides, and
different types of fertilizers.

Over the years, studies have shown that fruits and
vegetables which are organically grown are high in
antioxidants, and boast a much higher concentration than
those that have been produced commercially.

In the busy world of today, it is difficult to eat like we
should, nor can we eat organic fruits and vegetables all
the time. If you can't or don't have access to organic
fruits or other sources of antioxidant foods, you should
look into nutritional supplements that offer you the
phytonutrients you need in your diet.

Supplements that contain phytonutrients do have advantages
when compared to certain fruits, such as carrots - which
can elevate your blood sugar level to a very high level.
Phytonutrients found in supplements are the extract of
pigments where nutrients are concentrated, meaning that
they draw the best from antioxidant foods, leaving the
calories and sugar behind.

Don't get the wrong idea here, fruits and vegetables are
indeed good for you. They are high in antioxidants,
although those that are produced commercially generally
come with chemicals and such that aren't so good for you.
Canned fruits and vegetables come with high levels of
sugars and calories, which antioxidant supplements don't
have. The supplements offer you the levels you need,
without any chemicals, sugars, or calories. This way, you
don't have to worry about consuming anything that isn't
good for you.

No matter how you look at it, healthy eating for your body
starts and end with foods that contain antioxidants. There
are several types of foods that contain antioxidants,
although fruits and vegetables contain the most amounts.
Steak and meat are also great sources of antioxidants,
along with other great benefits, such as protein. Anytime
you can't get foods that contain antioxidants - you can
count on supplements to deliver the amount you need to stay

Steven Godlewski is a self-made millionaire and is
currently working with the staff at He
has an extensive background in nutrition as well as other
health related fields. For more health-related articles or
2 FREE bottles of Liquid Vitamins see their website at: SEE Video at: