Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Why Weight - - The Sequel

Why Weight - - The Sequel
How do we lose weight the keep it off? By committing to
health. By making health a priority. Each day that you
make the healthy choice of food and work out, you are
investing in your health. You would never miss paying an
insurance premium, would you? Now you make exercise and
proper nutrition just as important. When you got married,
you said “I do”. You didn’t say
“Well, I’ll try….” You can choose
to stand in your commitment to maintaining a healthy
lifestyle. Here are some simple steps to help you stay on
the healthy path for life:

1. Stop using that 4-letter word: DIET. That not only
connotes deprivation, but also a short-term
goal… you’ll follow the plan, get your
goal, and stop. Health is a lifelong value!

2. Start keeping a food diary. Write down everything you
eat, every time you eat. Most of us are unaware of how we
spend our calories (and our money). By keeping track of
what you eat (or spend!) you will quickly see your
patterns, and then be abler to make healthy food choices.

3. Fool-proof your kitchen and/or office. Get rid of
anything unhealthy. If you are thinking “But, Dr.
Nancy, I have kids!” Why would you want to allow
them to learn unhealthy eating habits? This is about
changing your lifestyle for maximum health and minimum
temptation. Set yourself up for success by only having
healthy foods and healthy eaters around you.

4. Accept that exercise is just as important as healthy
food choices. Check with your doctor to see what is the
best exercise program for you. If you are just starting
one, make sure you start off with “baby steps”
- - - i.e., start off walking briskly for 15 minutes a day.
After a week, bump it up to 20, then 30, etc. Then when
you are ready, start running. Or enroll in a
beginner’s yoga class. If you don’t like
exercise, pick something that doesn’t seem
“exercisey.” There truly is a sport for
everyone. Perhaps you’d enjoy a martial art, or
hiking, salsa dancing, biking with your child, or swimming,
or join a softball team, or pick up a tennis game with a
friend. You may not be in love with exercise, but you can
learn to enjoy the results, if nothing else. You probably
don’t really enjoy paying taxes either, but you do it
to avoid the consequences. You can always find ways to
make your exercise program more fun: wear a great outfit
in your favorite color, get top of the line shoes (if you
pay a lot for them, you’ll probably be more inclined
to use them), make a piggy bank and pay yourself each time
you work out. Or, make a campaign contribution of $100 to
an opposing political party (that one really hurts!!!).
Enroll a friend/family member to hold you accountable.

5. Write in your calendar or datebook each week in advance
the times/dates you will work out. Honor those appointments
as if they were more important than a doctor or dentist
appointment. They are. Nothing is more important than
your health. If you don’t have that, then you
can’t work, take care of kids, etc. There are 168
hours in the week. You can quickly calculate how many
you spend sleeping, eating, working, commuting, child
caring, etc., and see that you can carve out 10 hours a
week (including driving to gym, changing, showering, etc.)
for your health. That is less than 10% of your time, yet
your body works 100% of the time for you! Give yourself
the gift of allowing all your vital organs and systems to
recharge, oxygenate, and rejuvenate you. Every cell of
your body will respond positively. Most of us continually
overeat and stuff and never move. How would it be if you
kept filling up your car’s gas tank till it was
spilling over, and then never driving it? This is what many
do with their bodies. You can start thinking of food as
fuel. Stop fueling when full, and then burn it off. Just
imagine if you were given one car that you could drive for
the rest of your life. You’d probably be very careful
about what sort of fuel you put in it, who repaired it,
drove it, even looked at it. Well, your body is your only
vehicle for life. Start treating it like the precious jewel
that it is, and you will very soon feel better, sleep
better, look better, have more mental clarity and emotional

6. Prepare for plateaus. Most people “fall off the
wagon” when they hit a plateau. This is a perfectly
natural phase of any change process. While it appears
that nothing is happening, know that lots of things are
going on behind the scene. Much like intermission at a
play…it looks like nothing is happening onstage, yet
there’s a flurry of activity backstage that will be
revealed to you if you wait it out. What is happening in
the human body when the scale doesn’t budge is that
every system, organ, cell is absorbing the new adjustments.
It’s as if gauges and levers and toggles and
switches are all being readjusted to the new program. And
it takes some parts longer than others. Just like in a
classroom, the teacher must wait for every child to
understand the lesson at hand before moving on to the next
one. This trains every cell in the body for long-lasting
results. This is precisely why rapid weight loss programs
(“crash diets”) only promote the yo-yo effect.
If you’ve trained your body one way for 35 years, you
cannot expect it to be re-trained in 30 days! The body
cannot possibly adapt to a new program that quickly. Slow
and steady ensures permanence. So, expect
plateaus…..even welcome them. This is proof that
your new body is adapting.

7. Focus on your progress. Remember, we get whatever we
focus on, and whatever we focus on expands. If you
celebrate losing 5 pounds, 10 pounds, 20 pounds, etc., you
will enhance the process. If you focus on how slow
it’s going or what a “fat pig” you still
are, guess what will happen? Stay patient and positive,
and plan activities to redirect your energy. Remember,
being overweight is a voluntary condition. You and only
you can control what you eat and drink, and how much you
work out. There are few guarantees in life, but one thing
IS guaranteed: if you burn up more than you eat, you can't
not lose weight! See ya on the healthy path.....

Dr. Irwin is a psychotherapist/therapeutic hypnotist in Los
Angeles. She is also an author, speaker, and exercise

5 Tips On Choosing Digital Hearing Aids

5 Tips On Choosing Digital Hearing Aids
If you find yourself hard of hearing, do not fear.
Millions of people suffer from some type of hearing loss.
Hearing aids are now better than ever but choosing one can
be a little overwhelming.

Here are 5 tips on choosing digital hearing aids.

1. Style
Hearing aids come in various styles. The type and degree of
hearing loss determine the style that works best for you.
Consult with an audiologist who can advise on a suitable
style for your hearing loss.

There are 5 main styles of hearing aid.

CIC – Completely in the ear canal hearing aid fits
deep into the ear canal and is not visible. These are
super-small devices. One drawback is that the tiny size
prohibits many features.

ITC – In the canal hearing aid fits partially into
the ear canal although not as deep as the CIC style.

ITE – In the ear hearing aid fits into the outer edge
of the ear. While this style may be more visible it is
also easier to handle and insert.

BTE – Behind the ear hearing aid attaches to the
outer ear and rests on the back of the ear. It is making a
revival partially because of its similar shape to cell
phone headsets and the style lends itself to improved

Open fit hearing aid is similar to BTE hearing aid but
smaller. It uses a small tube to send sound into the ear

2. Basic features
All hearing aids have the same basic features. A
microphone is used to pick up the sounds for amplification.
The amplifier increases the volume of the sounds. A
speaker is used to provide sounds into the ear canal to be
heard. All hearing aids run on battery power. The
frequency with which the battery needs to be changed will
depend on the number of features, the size and amount of

3. Digital or analog
Analog used to be the standard hearing aid and the first
type that was available. As technology advanced digital
hearing aids were born. These started out being quite
expensive. Today, however, the prices have become quite
affordable making the analog styles all but obsolete.

4. Accessories
A remote control is handy to easily control volume and make
other adjustments. Directional microphones help to pick up
sounds that come from various directions. Adapters enable
your hearing aid to be used with your telephone and cell

5. Hearing aid brands
When choosing a hearing aid, always purchase a reputable
brand. Consider how long the hearing aid manufacturer has
been in business as well as their guarantee and warranties.
Siemens, Phonak, Starkey, Widex and Rexton offer some of
the highest quality hearing aids in the market. Shop
around, compare various brands and prices to find a digital
hearing aid that fits your lifestyle and budget.

Looking to buy digital hearing aids? Make sure your read
our comparisons of Starkey, Beltone and Siemens digital
hearing aids at

Bodybuilding Tips: 20 Rules for Packing on Muscle

Bodybuilding Tips: 20 Rules for Packing on Muscle
20 Mass Gaining Tips for the Hard Gainer. If you are having
a hard time gaining muscle mass or, if you just want to
have a little more information on how to stay on track with
continuing gains in your muscle mass, here are 20 tried and
true bodybuilding tips. Learn these 20 tips and apply them
to your bodybuilding program regularly.

1. Increase resistance regularly. Your muscles will grow
in response to increased demand upon them. You must
regularly increase your weight, reps, or intensity in order
to increase your muscle mass.

2. Use Moderate Reps. Sets of 6 to 10 reps are best for
bodybuilders. Sets of five or less reps tend to build more
strength than muscle mass and sets greater than 10 reps
tend to increase endurance in a muscle, rather than cause
it to grow in size. (The exceptions to this rule are
calves, abdominals, and forearms, which tend to respond
best in rep ranges of 10 to 15).

3. Use Basic Exercises. Build your workouts around
compound multi-joint movements such as squats, deadlifts,
barbell rows, military presses, and bench presses
(inclined, flat and decline).

4. Eat Protein Frequently. Each day you need to give your
body 1 to 1.5 grams of high quality protein per pound of
body weight. Divide this intake into five or six meals
that are spaced no more than three hours apart. Try to get
most of this protein from animal sources like beef, fish,
dairy and high quality protein supplements.

5. Do Not Use Shortcuts. Avoid trying to speed up your
progress by working out too much without sufficient rest,
taking steroids, eating too many unnecessary calories and
using weights that are too heavy. These tactics will end
up causing you more trouble than help.

6. Evaluate Your Physique. Take a good look at yourself
in a mirror and do an honest assessment of your weak points
and strong points. Structure your bodybuilding program to
prioritize the muscles that need work, and ease up slightly
on the body parts that have good muscle mass. If your
shoulders tend to be narrow, be sure to emphasize deltoid
movements, especially lateral raises. If your hips tend to
be wide, you may need to prioritize your lats to create the
V- taper.

7. Get Enough Rest. You grow when you are resting, not
when you are training. Be sure to give each muscle group
at least four days rest between workouts in order to
recuperate and grow. Be sure to get seven to eight hours
of sleep each night for maximal muscle growth.

8. Create Intensity. Use advanced techniques such as
partial reps, drop sets, and forced reps on most of your
sets. This will all allow you to push your muscles past
failure and trigger even more muscle growth.

9. Try New Equipment. You should base your bodybuilding
program around compound free weight exercises as mentioned
in Tip number 3, but don't be afraid to experiment with
some of the machines that are available in your gym. Some
machines can stress your muscles in new and different ways
which can stimulate new muscle growth.

10. Make Periodic Changes. Every month or two alter the
order in which you do your exercises, or alter the
exercises you do for a particular body part, or alter the
number of sets and reps. Your muscles will become
accustomed to the same workouts if they are repeated over
and over again. Periodic changes will keep your muscles
from adapting and therefore continue to stimulate new
muscular growth.

11. Know Your Limits. Understand what your realistic
potential is in the sport of bodybuilding. If you are
unlikely to compete at a champion level, be realistic about
how much money you spend on supplements, how much time you
spend in the gym, and how much effort you put into your
training. There is no sense in going broke, alienating
your family, and risking injury f there is realistically no
real possibility of ever making it to the pro level.

12. Supplement Your Diet. As a bodybuilder, you need much
more protein and other nutrients than your average person.
Be sure to supplement your diet with protein powder,
creatine, multivitamins, glutamine, etc. in order to meet
the additional demands on your muscles.

13. Prevent Injuries. One of the biggest potential
roadblocks to your muscle building success is a training
injury. A serious muscle tear or tending injury will not
only halt your progress in the short term, but in some
cases can limit your long term success as a bodybuilder.
Always warm up and stretch before getting to your heavy
sets. Start with a relatively light weight and pyramid up
from there to your heaviest set. Be sure to use a spotter
or power rack on your heaviest sets.

14. Limit Your Volume. Don't do more than about 15
working sets for your larger body parts (quadriceps, back,
chest) and no more than 12 working sets for smaller muscle
groups (biceps, triceps, forearms, hamstrings, cabs and

15. Prioritize your Weakest Muscle Groups. Whenever
possible, train your weakest body parts first, when you
have more energy and strength. If certain muscle groups
continually lag behind, increase the volume on those body
parts, and possibly decreased the volume in your strongest
body parts until your body reaches a better balance.

16. Train Your Entire Body. Do not neglect any body part.
Be sure to train your forearms, legs, and lower back just
as vigorously as you’re training chest and biceps.

17. Learn to Control Your Muscles. Practice flexing each
muscle in your body. This will help to develop the
mind-muscle connection that will enable you to apply more
force in each repetition of your exercises.

18. Trust Your Instincts. After you have been training
for about a year, you should have a good idea of which
exercises and techniques work best for you. You should
also have some idea about which time of day you feel the
strongest. The more closely you monitor your body and the
way you feel after a workout, the better you will be able
to increase your intensity, and therefore increase your
muscle mass.

19. Set Achievable Goals. You should always have a goal
you are working towards. You should have some short-term
goals such as adding 10 pounds to your bench press, adding
a half-inch to your biceps, or losing and inch around your
waist. Short-term goals should be achievable in a time
frame of several weeks to a couple of months. In addition,
you should have a few long-term goals such as gaining 10
pounds of muscle in one year, increasing your bench press
to 300 pounds, or competing in your first bodybuilding
contest. Goals are essential to keep you motivated and to
give you a sense of accomplishment as you reach each one.

20. Keep A Positive Attitude. It has been said that your
attitude determines your altitude. This is especially true
when it comes to changing your body from an average one to
a powerful and muscular one.

Muscular gains do not come easy, but if you keep a positive
mental outlook, continually look forward to your next work
out and apply these 20 tips, you will see great
improvements to your physique in a short period of time.

David Monyer has been an avid bodybuilder for over 20 years
and has written numerous articles on all aspects of the
sport. For more information and sources for the best prices
on supplements, visit:

How Women Can Get Six Pack Abs Even After 30

How Women Can Get Six Pack Abs Even After 30
Many women complain that it's a lot harder after you turn
30 to get what we call six pack abs.

First you need to determine where you are. If you have
let's say 28% body fat just know that your six pack abs
won't be visible until you get your body fat down. For
women it is most likely in the lower teens.

What types of food do I need to be eating?

You should be eating lots of lean proteins like chicken,
egg whites, and fish. Stay away from processed meats
because they will affect your fat loss progress. Also, I
teach women what I call 5 Star Foods, eating these foods
will help in achieving your six pack abs. Foods are not
all created equal so if you want the best results then you
have to put the best fat-burning foods in your body. The
breakdown of your foods is also important. Don't make the
mistake of eliminating all your complex carbohydrates
either as it will impair your metabolism, but you will need
to modify your intake. Every woman is different when
putting this type of program together.

What types of exercise should I be doing?

I recommend fat-burning workouts. Doing workouts that are
intense and lifting enough weight that is challenging is

What about cardio?

This is dependent on how much body fat you have. Some women
will have to do more in order to get the results they want.
Don't make the mistake of just walking, this will not
achieve those six pack abs. You need to do interval cardio
to really get your body fat down and to start seeing those

How long will it take depends on where you are. From
there, you can put together a plan of action. Diet is
crucial in sculpting those abs. Yes, you will have to be
more disciplined in your eating. But, the good thing is
that you can actually have a small treat every week while
you begin your transformation.

You must be patient in the process and focus on your goal
and don't think just because you're over 30 that you can't
accomplish this..because you can. The mind is actually the
most important part in this process as it controls
everything you do from exercising and eating exactly how
you need to.

My whole focus in working with women is re-conditioning
their mind to get the body they want. For example, I could
give you the best six pack abs diet and exercise program
but if you don't have the right "brain software", then you
will fail to get the results you want so keep this in mind
when you are setting your fitness goals.

Heather Picken, Female Fat Loss Expert, and Co-Founder Of
Fat Loss For Women online community. Learn the secrets to
getting six pack abs. Sign up for the latest fat burning
secrets and receive your FREE copy of "Blast Cellulite Now"

Tips For Those Looking To Buy A Tanning Bed

Tips For Those Looking To Buy A Tanning Bed
Tanning beds are a good alternative that can be considered
when one does not want to lie down under the sun for the
whole day. Tanning beds are of two kinds - commercial
tanning beds and the ones that are used in homes.
Commercial tanning beds are equipped for use many times
every day. On the other hand, home tanning beds are for
those who want to get the tan but do not have the time to
visit a tanning salon. So, one should first know if he or
she wants to purchase it for their home or for a commercial

Tanning is one of the most common activities that many
people enjoy. This can either be enjoyed by visiting a
salon or at home if one has a tanning bed. However, it also
has its negative effects. So, precautions should be taken
for complete protection of skin and eyes of an individual.

Purchasing the right tanning bed is very essential. The tan
depends on the quality of use of the bed one is using. It
is advisable to do a thorough search and compare the
different price options that are available in the market.
There are various sites available online that can be
visited for prices.

Before making the purchase, one should also be clear about
the features that they are looking for and the money he or
she wants to spend on their tanning bed. A better price
can be availed when more than one bed is purchased by an

UVB and UVA rays are one of the most important points of
concern while purchasing a tanning bed. This is because;
the ultraviolet rays that are given out by the tanning bed
may lead to the aging of the skin prematurely due to the
results of skin cancer and sun burn.

One may also feel unwell when the rays from the bed start
to affect their immune system.

Wattage is another important feature that should be taken
care of at the time of purchasing a tanning bed. Tanning
beds have a high output or a very high output. For high
output beds are required lamps of 100 watts and on the
other hand, very high output beds make use of 168 watt
tanning lamps. Unless one has any specific reason, it is
enough to purchase a high output bed, as they can be
purchased easily, re-lamping is comparatively cheaper.

Some of the high output beds may claim to give out high UVB
rays, but it is better to avoid them as they will merely
increase the threat of burning.

The cost and the durability of the lamp should also be
enquired before the purchase of the tanning bed. The
warranties that are offered with these tanning beds should
also be considered while purchasing a tanning bed. It is
also better to have some information about the maintenance
of the bed you are purchasing to avoid any problems in

Richard Adams is the founder of Tanning Bed Finance which
aims to provide information and advice on how to finance
your purchase of a new tanning bed. Visit him today at:

The Mentality of Physical Activity

The Mentality of Physical Activity
An exciting new study came out this week that is sure to
add fuel to the debate about cutting physical education
from schools. Study after study shows the cognitive
benefits of physical activity in school age kids. The new
research adds to previous findings in a well-controlled
experimental design.

Researchers from the Medical College of Georgia worked with
nearly 200 sedentary and overweight kids between the ages
of 7 and 11 years old. They divided the kids up into three
groups, including a control group that did no physical
activity after school, a group that did 20 minutes of
vigorous activity after school and another that did 40
minutes of activity. Each of the activity groups worked out
5 days a week for three months.

The kids wore heart monitors to track their activity levels
while they played running games like tag, relay races, jump
rope, etc. All the kids took cognitive tests for math,
reading and executive function (planning, organizing,
focusing and impulse control) before they started the
program and at its completion.

In the end, the kids in the 40-minute exercise group showed
significant improvement on cognitive tests, those in the
20-minute group showed about half the improvement and those
in the sedentary group showed no improvement at all. Brain
scans supported the results, showing increased activity in
brain regions involved in executive function in the
activity group kids.

In addition, the kids in both exercise groups showed some
improvement in math skills but no groups showed improvement
in reading skills. These results are all consistent with
other studies done in adults. Previous studies have shown
increased grey matter in exercising older adults and
increased performance on cognitive tests.

Yet we stand by and allow cutting of PE programs from our
schools due to budget constraints. Isn’t improvement
on test scores one of the major areas that schools are
focusing on today? If daily physical activity improves test
scores, shouldn’t we make it a priority for kids to
get that?

In fact a Canadian study showed just that. Those
researchers split kids into two groups; half took PE once a
day and the other half received extra classroom
instruction. Again, the PE group outperformed the non-PE
group on tests, even in subjects where the non-PE group was
getting extra instruction.

One problem is that 20 years ago, when many of
today’s parents were kids, we were able to get plenty
of unstructured activity after school all by ourselves.
Today kids’ time is sucked up by an abundance of
homework, free access to TV and video games and generally
busy schedules. Plus, they just don’t have the
freedom to run around the neighborhood like we used to.

Last year the American Academy of Pediatricians released a
statement encouraging more ‘free and unstructured
play’ in kids. Not only does this get kids the
physical activity that they need but it allows them to
employ their imagination and build their creativity levels
and social skills as well.

If we won’t pay for more PE programs in schools, then
we have to do something else. We should all strive to get
our kids huffing and puffing on a regular basis in
activities not always dictated by parents or
over-structured sports coaches (of which I’m one).

We have to get them excited about physical activity again
by bringing back the fun in it all. We should be begging
them to come in before it gets too dark, not begging them
to get out and away from the TV.

Master Brain Fitness techniques for you and your family.
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Why Vitamins Are Vital To Our Health

Why Vitamins Are Vital To Our Health
In the normal course of metablism,your body produces
small,high-energy particles that have a single electron in
their outer shell (such moleules are unstable because
electrons prefer to be paired.) These are called free
radicals, and they can be very damaging in their search
for another electron. Free radicals derived from oxygen are
the most abundant and damaging of the species.These free
radicals are normally channeled into energy production. In
some cells they may be used as the weapons to kill viruses
and bacteria. Unfortunately, if too many of them are
produced, their extremely high energy can also be damaging
to normal tissue. Free radicals disrupt the normal
production of DNA, the genetic material, and alter the
lipids (fats) in cell membranes. They also affect the blood
vessels and the production of prostaglandins. (
Prostaglandins are hormone-like substances that regulate
many physiological functions, and their production is very
sensitive to many metabolic influences.)

We are also exposed to free radicals that are found in the
environment or generated by exposure to environmental
chemicals. There are many sources of excess free- radicals
exposure, including cigarette smoke; air pollution; some
highly processed foods and food additives; ultraviolet
sun-light and radiation; processed oils such as commercial
vegetable oils, margarines and shortening;char-broiled
foods and any charred or burned foods; heavy metals ( lead,
cadmium,aluminum,and mercury) found in processed food;
excessive iron; pesticides; and some subscription
medications. Many of the chemicals found in municipal water
supplies are toxic because they generate free radicals. It
is good to drink a lot of water but to avoid tap water as
much as possible.Recently, it has been confirmed that
excessive accumulation of iron, common in meat-eating
populations, may be a highly significant risk factor in
development of heart disease, although not as important as
smoking. This is probably due to this transition metal
being a generator of free radicals. Therefore, it is also a
probable risk factor for cancer. Unless you have a
demonstrated need for iron, it is a good idea to avoid
supplements that contain it, although these studies were
not done with iron supplements. By careful lifestyle
choices some of these free radicals sources can be avoided
and others can be counteracted. By making these choices for
yourself you can slow down the aging process,decrease the
risk of cancer and heart disease and promote high energy
and vital, healthy feeling of well-being. One way to
protect yourself from free-radicals is to take dietary

Billy Vaughn

Click Here To Find Out more...

Massage and Massage Therapy: I’ll be blunt!

Massage and Massage Therapy: I’ll be blunt!
Get massaging!

I decided to avoid being vague and abstract for fear of
offending anyone’s delicate sensibilities and
I’ve opted for: Straight to the point or downright

Looking and feeling great doesn’t happen by accident.
Nobody’s going to wave a magic wand, after which
you’ll have beautiful baby soft, taut, youthful
alabaster skin, which has the look and feel of a pampered
movie star. No, the only way to look and feel great is to
massage and exercise, it’s that simple.

The reason we don’t all look and feel great is
because massage and exercise take effort. We all want
something for nothing, but unless you have deep enough
pockets to go for the slice and splice option of surgery,
it’s just not going to happen… without some

The good news is that the results of your massage and
exercise efforts, are in direct proportion to the amount of
effort you put in, and that doesn’t have to be a
great deal. Twenty minutes a day is all it takes to see a
noticeable difference, but without a doubt the hardest
thing is to actually get started. Once you overcome your
initial state of inertia and actually get your blood
pumping, you’ll begin to feel and see results almost

Feeling good about yourself needn’t involve rose
tinted spectacles, a magic wand or a plastic surgeon. It
just takes effort.

Many people have tried to quantify success, but the
definition I read some time ago has become ingrained in my
own philosophy. It stated that: “the difference
between people who are successful and those that are not
amounts to just 40 Centimetres. That is the difference
between getting off of your backside and taking action, and

The time to put the brakes firmly on the ageing process is
NOW. Decide that you will move your backside the necessary
40 centimetres and push yourself into action. Start with
giant strides or baby steps, but just start. The benefits
of massage and massage therapy go way beyond the physical
and there are no known drawbacks.

If it’s your opinion that massage therapy is a
pampering luxurious treat, a therapeutic relaxing treatment
or a rejuvenating, revitalising pleasure, then you’re
absolutely right. Massage therapy is all of those things as
well as being a powerful ally in your health and wellbeing

For well over five thousand years, massage and massage
therapy has been used to alleviate stress and aid
wellbeing. Anything that can last that long as a chosen
activity must have some merit. Go ahead, build your immune
system, build your muscles, strengthen your resolve and
build your self esteem and do it in the knowledge that your
back in control.

To your continued, outstanding health.

It’s time for some straight talking. Stop avoiding
the mirror and take control of the aging process once and
for all with the most effective Home Study Massage Program
Click here ==>

How Phenylalanine May Help You Get Over A Setback In Training

How Phenylalanine May Help You Get Over A Setback In Training
You've probably heard that around two-thirds of your
bodyweight is comprised of fluid, principally water. But
did you know that half of the remaining third (ie about 17%
of your total body mass) is made of protein. And this is
not just your muscles, important though they are. Protein
also forms your skin, hair and nails; the collagen that
literally holds your cells together is a protein, as are
many of the countless enzymes that govern your body's vital
biochemical reactions, and the antibodies that you need to
fight disease. In fact it's not too much to say that these
many thousands of different proteins are the very building
blocks of your body; perhaps even of life itself. And all
of these proteins are themselves formed of building blocks
known as amino acids, of which more than twenty have been
identified and isolated.

Phenylalanine is one of the 10 amino acids which are known
as essential because they cannot be manufactured within the
body, and must therefore be obtained from the protein
consumed in the diet. Dietary proteins are in turn divided
into two groups. Those known as first class, or complete,
which contain all of these essential amino acids, are
principally those from the animal sources - meat, fish,
eggs and milk etc. Second class proteins, typically
obtained from vegetables, grains, nuts and beans, contain
some but not all of the essential amino acids. Vegetarians
therefore need to be careful to combine these foods to
ensure they obtain an adequate intake of complete protein.

So important is dietary protein to the body that an average
adult is reckoned to need at least 56 g of a day to keep
the body in repair. This amount increases in proportion to
lean bodyweight and the stresses placed on the body. So
athletes in training may need as much as 1.5 g of protein
per kilogram of bodyweight. But weightlifters and other
strength and power athletes looking for rapid gains in
muscle mass may need considerably more; perhaps even twice
as much as this.

Dietary protein obtained through foods consumed is broken
down by the digestive process to release individual amino
acids into the blood stream, but there is some evidence
that taking these individual amino acids directly, in the
form of dietary supplements, may be beneficial in some
circumstances. These are often consumed by sports people
in training; weightlifters, bodybuilders and field athletes
in particular; and phenylalanine is one of the individual
amino acids most commonly used in this way.

In general terms phenylalanine is known to be required for
the manufacture of certain chemicals in the brain, and
research suggests it may help improve sex drive and mental
alertness, and even act as a natural anti-depressant. The
downside of these effects, however, can be an
over-stimulation of the brain which may lead to insomnia
and undue agitation during the day if an excess is consumed
for too long.

More specifically, phenylalanine is also known to be
involved in the body's production of the chemical,
norepinephrine, which has pain relieving, sedative and
tranquilising effects. Phenylalanine has therefore been
widely adopted by athletes as a way of relieving the pain
of injuries, particularly muscular strains sustained in
competition or training; and as a way of minimising the
necessary recovery time following such setbacks.
The usual recommended dose of phenylalanine is between 500
and 1,000 mg a day as capsule or powder for a period of
three weeks; taken on an empty stomach for maximum
absorption and optimum effect. Such supplements should not
be taken indefinitely, however, unless in conjunction with
a multi-amino acid supplement, because of the risk of
creating imbalances.

But those training with the intention of developing
increased muscular bulk and power will not wish to use
phenylalanine in this way in any event, because there is
also evidence that it has a role to play in the regulation
of the appetite, and may in fact be an appetite
suppressant. So it will be a matter of fine judgement in
each individual case as to the optimum length of time that
phenylalanine supplementation should be continued.

But as always, in any case, the body functions
holistically, and all nutritional supplements will function
best in the presence of optimum levels of all the nutrients
required by the body.

So if supplementing with phenylalanine for any of the
purposes described above, you should ensure you're also
getting a rich supply of good quality dietary protein, as
well as taking comprehensive multi-vitamin and
multi-mineral preparations. Plentiful supplies of vitamins
C and B6, however, appear to be particularly important to
get the best results from any program of phenylalanine

Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter specialising in
direct marketing and with a particular interest in health
products. Find out more at

Why Weight?

Why Weight?
With obesity rates at an all-time high at the same time
perfect sexual images are inescapably thrust in our faces,
it’s a wonder many of us even leave the house.
Statistics vary, but approximately 65% of Americans are
overweight. If those people are parents, what kind of
health are they modeling for their children? It becomes a
vicious cycle of health abuse.

Why is it that so many of us are overweight? Why does
weight control feel like a losing battle….or should I
say a “gaining battle?” While there are as
many answers to that as there are excess pounds, I have
found that there are several major unconscious
negative/limiting beliefs or factors that keep us

1. I don’t deserve to be at my ideal weight. Others
do, but not me! Some people actually believe that there
are born winners and born losers, and you are what you are
and there is simply nothing you can do about it. This is
completely neurotic, because we are ALL born to win. Yes,
some of us may have natural advantages (Albert Einstein,
Halle Berry) and others may have natural obstacles (Danny
DeVito, Helen Keller), but we ALL have the power of choice.

2. I’ve always been fat. In fact, everyone in our
family is fat. Sometimes our identity gets defined by our
size or appearance. It bonds us to those close to us. Some
would feel guilty being slender because it might make
mother feel bad for being overweight. The good news is that
genetics is responsible for only 35%, which means 65% is
due to our environment and/or choices.

3. Attention/Power. Sometimes people feel weak or
unnoticed. Weight gets them noticed. And to some people,
negative attention is better than none at all.

4. Chastity fat. Many young peoples, particularly victims
of molestation, gain weight to deflect unwanted sexual
advances. This also explains why some people sabotage their
mate’s weight loss programs….they don’t
want their mate to look too appealing to others.

If any of these issues touch a chord in you, then rejoice.
It means that you are now conscious, and that is the first
(and hardest) step toward positive change. Know that these
are not facts! They are beliefs, and we can always change
our beliefs. How can we be free of these limiting beliefs,
lifestyle, and thought processes? So while you may have a
slow metabolism (like me) and love food (like me), you can
balance it all out to look and feel the best you possibly
can. Look for Part 2 of this piece in “Why Weight - -
the Sequel” as we explore seven simple steps to

Dr. Irwin is a psychotherapist/therapeutic hypnotist in
private practice in Los Angeles. She treats over 100
issues, specializing in sexual abuse recovery and celebrity
stress. She is a public speaker and author as well.

Eat to look good and feel good

Eat to look good and feel good
Most of us lead a very busy lifestyle with little time to
prepare meals. We eat highly processed convenience foods
that make us feel full but often leave us feeling lethargic
shortly after.

It doesn’t need to be this way! You can eat not only
to feel full but also to look good, feel good and possibly
prevent diseases and increase longevity.

Healthy options don’t need to be time consuming or
difficult to prepare; they come down to smart choices.
Here are 5 in season super foods to get you started.

1. Apples. Packed with antioxidants including vitamin C,
needed for healthy skin and gums. Contain pectin (a soluble
fibre) that can help to lower cholesterol and keep a
healthy digestive system

The best way to have an apple is just as it is, but for a
change try having them roasted and sprinkled with a little

2. Blackberries. Help to protect against infections and
cancers, as they are rich in vitamin C. A good source of
potassium which may protect against hypertension

Try mixing them with bio-live organic yoghurt or add to
your favourite smoothie.

3. Pumpkin and Squash. They are packed full of the cancer
inhibitors beta carotene and alpha carotene and a good
source of protein. Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source
of zinc, important in maintaining a healthy immune system.

A simple way to prepare pumpkin and squash as part of a
meal is to have it roasted. Simply peel and dice into large
pieces adding a little olive oil and seasoning and then
roasting for approximately 40minutes.

The seeds also make a quick snack. To prepare, simply boil
for 5 minutes and then bake for about an hour.

4. Mushrooms. They are richer in selenium than most other
vegetables making them potentially very important in
fighting cancers in particular prostate cancer.

Add them to a sandwich for a nice texture or make a simple
mushroom omelette.

5. Kale. The super food of super foods! Kale ontains one of
the highest levels of antioxidants of any vegetable and is
also rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, which can prevent
vision loss in old age.

Chop finely and sautee with a little garlic or be
adventurous and have a go at making the traditional
Portuguese soup ‘caldo verde’; A potato-based
soup with finely chopped kale. Most recipes add chorizo
but caldo verde can also be enjoyed as a vegetarian dish.

There are many more super foods out there, this list is to
inspire and get you started. Choosing to eat in season
super foods will not only help you to look good and feel
good, being in season will also ensure they are fresher,
taste better and cost less. Enjoy!

Rosa Coelho is a Performance Coach and Personal Trainer at
Dax Moy Personal Training Studios In London. Rosa
specialises in applying a holistic approach to health and
fitness through The POWER Principles. For more information
about Rosa visit

Addiction To Food And Your Health

Addiction To Food And Your Health
When things like addiction to food and health are brought
up, most people simply work with concepts like healthy
eating habits and exercise, but often, it goes beyond that.

Food addiction is a serious issue that merits discussion in
its own right. It is a problem that affects not only the
person who has it, but also their friends and family.

Essentially, the problem of food addiction is one that
combines a food craving with a food allergy. When a person
has this condition, they are drawn to a certain food and
when they are unable to have it, they experience symptoms
that are not unlike withdrawal.

Food addiction can be indicated by a number of different
things. One of the most notable symptoms of having a food
addiction is having a constant craving for a certain type
of food and no matter how often that food is consumed,
always wanting more.

Whether the food is ice cream or potatoes, the food
addiction results in a craving that turns out to be quite
harmful. This disorder affects an estimated one-third of
Americans, and is coming to be seen as the pervasive,
damaging issue that it is.

While the cravings are the first sign that a food addiction
may be present, there are several other hints that this
disorder may be at work.

Symptoms of food addiction include migraines, arthritis,
fatigue and various mental issues. Because nutrition so
closely affects the workings of the brain, there are a host
of problems, from mood swings to schizophrenia. Because
food addiction can lead to uncontrolled binging on specific
foods, it can also lead to obesity.

An untreated food addiction can have many different
consequences, none of them positive.

Besides experiencing the health issues mentioned above,
people who have a food addiction often feel guilty and
ashamed about their condition. They feel as if they should
have better control of themselves and that by succumbing to
something that they think of as a whim, they are proving
themselves weak.

Moreover, society has many stereotypes and misconceptions
about the obese, stereotypes that those suffering from food
addiction might buy into; they may feel sloppy, lazy and
undedicated, unaware that there is a physical, chemical
component to something that they dismiss as a psychological

Moreover, there are the effects that food addiction can
have on the sufferer's family. Because people who suffer
from a food addiction that is coupled with a food allergy
are often subject to things like mood swings and migraines,
it can make living with them difficult.

During a withdrawal phase, the sufferer might be
irrationally angry and temperamental with the people that
they love.

Another thing to remember is that food addiction can have a
genetic component. If you have a food addiction, there is
a chance that you might pass it on to your children, either
in terms of the cravings you experience or the behaviors
that you fall into.

Addiction to food and health and everything that it entails
is an important topic to think about; issues like these
need to be dealt with as soon as you are aware of them!

Concerned, about a loved one or maybe even yourself? Join
us at the authors web site: where
we continue the discussion, throw out some answers and shed
some light on this ever increasing problem.

Fluoride is present in your toothpaste and could be in your tap water.. Is it good or dangerous?

Fluoride is present in your toothpaste and could be in your tap water.. Is it good or dangerous?
98% Of Western Europe has Rejected Water Fluoridation. This
includes Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, and
Sweden. But not the UK!!!

The fluoride added to drinking water is man-made. It is
called hydrofluoric acid which is a compound of fluorine
that is a chemical by-product of aluminium, steel, cement,
phosphate, and nuclear weapons manufacturing. It is one of
the most caustics of industrial chemicals. Fluoride is the
active toxin in rat poisons and cockroach powder.

Hydrofluoric acid is used to refine high octane gasoline,
to make fluorocarbons and chlorofluorocarbons for freezers
and air conditioners, and to manufacture computer screens,
fluorescent light bulbs, semiconductors, plastics,
herbicides and … toothpaste.

Fluoride changes the shape of the enzymes so that they no
longer fit. Since enzymes are proteins, once they've been
changed, they're now foreign-looking. The body now treats
them as invaders, even though they're part of that body.
This is known as an autoimmune situation - the body attacks
itself and all systems in the body are damaged and we age
much quicker.

It also has the ability to burn flesh to the bone, destroy
eyes, and sear lungs so that victims drown in their own
body fluid.”

The most thorough explanation of the origin, action,
diseases, and politics of fluoride were presented after 25
years research in a book called Fluoride the Ageing Factor
by John Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D. (Science director of the
National Health Federation and eventually head the Safe
Water Foundation).

In his book, he uncovers the facts about fluoride:

* Taylor Study, University of Austin: fluoride
concentration of 1 PPM (parts per million) increases tumour
growth rate by 25% (this is the concentration used in the

* Fluoride is more poisonous than lead, and just less
poisonous than arsenic - Clinical Toxicology of Commercial
Products 1984

* “A seven ounce tube of toothpaste, theoretically at
least, contains enough fluoride to kill a small
child.” - Procter & Gamble, quoted in Fluoride the
Ageing Factor.

* Fluoride supplements should not be given to children
under three years old - 1992 Canadian Dental Association
Proposed Fluoride Guidelines, Dr. Limeback

* Fluoride accelerates your ageing process

* Fluoride mineralises the tendons, muscles and ligaments,
making them crackly and painful and inflexible. At the same
time fluoride interferes with mineralisation of bones and
teeth, causing osteoporosis and mottling or dental

The process whereby teeth are discoloured and crumble from
fluoridation is known as dental fluorosis. The US Public
Health service has known since the research of its own Dr.
HT Dean in 1937 that as fluoride levels rose, so did the
percentage of children with dental fluorosis, in a study of
15 major American cities.

The FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) requires all
toothpaste manufacturers to print a warning on the label
that if more than a pea-sized amount of toothpaste is
swallowed, the local Poison Control Centre should be

The American Dental Association and other defenders of
fluoride have testified and continue to insist that dental
fluorosis is a “cosmetic condition” and is not
a health issue!

DR. Yiamouyiannis cites the 1990 study of 541,000 cases of
osteoporosis that found a definite connection between hip
fractures in women over 65 and fluoride levels. The study
was written up in JAMA (Journal of American Medicine
Association). Several other major studies are cited,
massive amounts of research, again all reaching the same
conclusion -

Fluoride also causes osteoporosis by creating a calcium
deficiency situation. Fluoride precipitates calcium out of
solution, causing low blood calcium, as well as the
build-up of calcium stones and crystals in the joints and

Dozens of other studies, like the Riggs study in the 1990
New England Journal of Medicine, showed that fluoride
treatment of osteoporosis in the elderly actually increases
skeletal fragility, i.e., more fractures. It's the same
mechanism at work: incorrect mineralisation, as we saw
above. Thin old bones lose calcium; young bones age too
rapidly by over-mineralisation.

Austrian and Japanese researchers both found that a
concentration of 1 PPM fluoride causes disruption of the
body’s ability to repair its own DNA. Without this
most basic cell function, cancer is promoted, and tumour
growth is accelerated.

The unmistakable fact is that for the years 1940-1950, when
none of 20 cities studied fluoridated, the average cancer
deaths were virtually identical. But after 1950, there is a
major increase in cancer deaths in every single one of the
fluoridated cities, while the non-fluoridated cities remain
clustered together at a much lower level of death.

A number was actually put on it:

“…30,000 to 50,000 deaths each year from
various causes may now be attributable to fluoridation.
This total includes 10,000 to 20,000 deaths attributable to
fluoride-induced cancer every year.”

The dental community concedes that fluoride is ineffective
at preventing the most common type of dental decay - pit &
fissures. Pit & fissure decay - which is the decay found in
the crevices of the chewing surfaces - accounts for upwards
of 85% of dental decay now experienced in the US.

New evidence suggests that fluoridation is either
unnecessary or doesn't work. Cavities have declined at
similarly impressive rates throughout the entire western,
industrialised world over the past half-century.

This decline has occurred irrespective of a country’s
fluoridation status. Western Europe, which is less
fluoridated than the US, has experienced the SAME decline
in cavities as the heavily fluoridated US, and today enjoys
the SAME low level of tooth decay.

Five peer-reviewed studies published in the last 2 years
have found that dental decay DOES NOT increase when
communities stop fluoridation.

High levels of naturally occurring fluoride causes a
crippling bone disease known as skeletal fluorosis.

According to UNICEF, skeletal fluorosis is endemic
“in at least 25 countries across the globe”
with the problem particularly acute in India, China and
other developing countries.

Skeletal fluorosis comes in varying degrees of severity
depending on the level of exposure. The earliest symptoms
are characterised by joint pain that is difficult, if not
impossible, to distinguish from arthritis.

Fluoride stimulates abnormal bone development. Clinical
trials published in the New England Journal of Medicine and
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research report that high dose
fluoride treatment increases bone mass but that the newly
formed bone is “structurally unsound”. Thus,
instead of reducing hip fracture, the studies found that
high doses of fluoride increase hip fracture.

If your local authority has allowed the use of fluoride,
your only options are:

1- Only drink bottled water or use a powerful filter that
will exclude fluoride (not a small table top filter)

2- Do not cook using tap water

3- Do not take long bath

And remember to change your toothpaste if it contains

Patrick Hamouy teaches Reiki Healing, Indian Head Massage,
Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT), Anatomy & Physiology,
Oriental Diagnosis & Psychic Development. He sees customers
for Macrobiotic, Emotional Freedom Therapy
(EFT) and Removal of toxic products from the home
environment Full information on his web site at:

Hearing Loss In Children: What You Need To Know

Hearing Loss In Children: What You Need To Know
Hearing loss does not only affect people approaching old
age. It is also prevalent in children. In fact, hearing
loss is being detected in children at a younger age than
ever before.

Type of hearing loss
The most common type of hearing loss among children is
called sensorineural which occurs due to damage of the
inner ear. The damage can be caused by an infection,
injury or most commonly, through exposure to loud noise.
This type of damage cannot be repaired.

While sensorineural hearing loss does not permanently
improve, it also does not get any worse. It involves a
lowering in the ability to hear soft sounds, to hear
clearly and can affect how well you understand speech.
Typically, this type of hearing loss can be improved
through the use of a hearing aid. Other types of hearing
loss are conductive and mixed. Conductive hearing loss is
when sounds are not conducted to the inner ear properly and
can often be corrected with surgery. Mixed hearing loss
involves both sensorineural and conductive. A hearing
professional can assess the type and degree of hearing loss
your child has.

What causes hearing loss in children
Most types of hearing loss is not genetic but is
noise-induced, brought on through outside noise that is too
loud. There are noises that you have no control over and
then there are noises that you create yourself.

Loud music, particularly music played directly into the ear
via earbuds, is one way that kids are getting exposed to
noise that can damage the ears. A recent study in
Australia found that children as young as three have shown
signs of permanent hearing loss due to listening to loud
music. Do you know that listening to music that is too loud
for more than 5 to 10 minutes can produce hearing damage?
Shocking but true.

Another similar cause of hearing loss is playing musical
instruments too loudly. It is found that playing and
practicing in a school band or orchestra can actually cause
hearing loss. This is true when the music is practiced in
an enclosed area. The National Association for Music
Education (MENC) even issued a statement that educators
need to recognize music as a cause of noise-induced hearing

What can be done
The most important thing you can do as a parent is to
become aware of the hazards of noise-induced hearing loss.
Familiarize yourself with the causes of hearing loss and
teach your children to take preventative measures.

First, try to ensure that you enforce strict volume
guidelines on things such as iPod and other listening
devices. Listen to the device yourself to determine what
you feel are safe volume levels.

Get your children to use earplugs. Just like the helmet
helps keep a child safe and protected when riding a
bicycle, earplugs can help keep ears safe from loud noises.
Ensure that your child wears the earplugs when practicing
in the band or even when mowing the lawn.

The lesson here is to be forewarned. Use precautions and
common sense to set limits for children. Teach them the
importance of taking care of their hearing and help them
understand when noise levels are too loud.

Several types of hearing aids are available for hearing
loss in children. The most commonly used hearing aid in
children with hearing loss is the behind-the-ear style.
Check out our hearing aid review at