Friday, April 18, 2008

Fitness Slogan For Women

Fitness Slogan For Women
"I'm fit not fat". This is a slogan many women need to
remember. Being thin has become a fashion statement. From
the rich to the poor, every man and woman these days aim to
be in good shape. But are you getting obsessed with it? Are
you on a track to starving yourself? Or the societal norms
have pressurized you to loose weight before you can find a
suitable match ?

It came as a pinch of pain when Suzanne reported "I was
shocked to hear that my maid's daughter had been rejected
by more than 8 guys as she is little chubby. She is having
tough times in finding a relationship."

Though a general health awareness is required, but it is
suggested by experts that one should not go overboard. If
one is healthy, active and free of any ailments or symptoms
of any diseases, then being overweight by few pounds
doesn't matter much. If you are really worried of your
looks, then don't forget that you can always wear a
clothing that will make you look slimmer. Ask or consult a
fashion expert.

Now, you can go on to join any weight loss or fitness
program but there is no need to be obsessed or overwhelmed
with it. Start out slow, maybe just shooting for 1 or 2
workouts a week. Once you have successfully added that to
your normal routine, then attempt to slowly add to your
fitness program. Plus, most women don't need to exercise
more than 3-4 times a week. That doesn't mean you can't
exercise more; it's just not necessary. Also, attempting to
do too much too fast is worse than doing nothing at all!
You may begin feeling that exercise is too hard and its
just not for you. So, if you think of joining a weight loss
program try to keep things moderate in the beginning. Also
educate yourself on how to exercise correctly.

We need to realize that every woman cannot and need not
have a perfect 'model like' figure. And there are much
better goals in life to aim for. Don't try to compare
yourself with others. Some women are genetically thin with
a higher Basal Metabolic Rate. Now, being healthier and
trying to be healthy is always an important thing in life
but weight is not the only parameter to judge your health
and fitness.

Mr Smith working in a fitness center faces a lot of
problems, "Almost every day girls come in to join one of
our several weight loss packages whereas they have normal
B.M.I. [ Body Mass Index ]. Even parents are keen to get
their teenagers to join our programs. They demand a good
shape at any cost. But I feel by the look of face of those
girls they are either stressed or depressed."

In fact , in modern world mothers don't want their
daughters to lag behind in terms of the looks even though
their daughters don't want to become models. We as parents
should learn to appreciate our daughters as they are and
give them the confidence that they don't need to look
beautiful to prove themselves.

It's high time that we change the parameters of judging
women. Next time someone comments, lash back in confidence

Andy Rogers is an independent reviewer of weight loss
related products and companies.Comprehensive criticism of
weight loss products and programs and free articles on
weight loss and dieting can be found at his site at

Girls, Ready For That Swimsuit?

Girls, Ready For That Swimsuit?
So, you've been at it for a week or two now, working out,
sweating, and moving your body.

Yet, you don't see the results you want, and you have to be
ready for that swimsuit.

Don't Give Up!

Remember that when you begin a weight loss plan and start
working out, your body begins to operate differently. Your
body begins to process your food more efficiently as fuel,
and whether your goal is to burn fat or increase muscle,
these changes will take some time to see with your naked

There are a couple of common reasons that folks don't see
the results they want.

You Gotta Get Serious

The first might be you're not working hard enough. To
really burn fat, you've got to inject some cardio. You've
heard the saying "feel the burn," well there's some truth
to that. In order to burn fat you have to get your cardio
rate up there, and for an extended period of time.

The ideal zone for each person varies by current weight and
health. By pushing your cardio rate and building your
stamina, you'll get better results, faster.

One popular way to increase your cardio workout is by
taking an aerobics class or even a spinning class.

Circuit training programs are also particularly effective
for increasing your heart rate and building muscles, in
part because of the succession of the exercises, which
mixes cardio and strength training. The types of exercise
you do directly impact the results you get. To meet your
goals of burning calories and building muscle, talk to a
personal trainer. They can help design the appropriate
exercise plan that will deliver the results you want.

Increase The Intensity

Another reason folks don't see the results they want is
they may not be exercising long enough. Something many
folks will do at the gym is over estimate the intensity of
their workouts, or the time devoted. Try creating an
exercise diary that logs the length of time for the
workout, intensity level, and the frequency. A couple of
times a week is not going to deliver the results you want
with your weight loss plan or with your fitness goals. A
common mistake is assuming that exercising at a moderate
pace for at least half an hour burns excessive calories or

Consistent exercise is certainly a necessary component to
reach your weight loss goals, but exercise alone won't do
it. To effectively lose body fat, you have to employ a
weight loss program and exercise program simultaneously.

Don't underestimate the importance of keeping a food diary.
It can be easy to incorrectly guess how many calories you
are putting in your body, and often the tendency is to
under count. While focusing on your physical fitness, make
sure to include a mixture of proteins and nutrient rich
foods that your body will be able to use as fuel.

Celebrate Every Success

And most importantly, give yourself a break. Don't expect
results to take place over night. You're making a lifestyle
change and this takes time. Don't set your expectations so
high that you can't possibly meet them. Keep your goals
realistic and celebrate your milestones!

Debbie endeavors to encourage women over 40 to take care of
their bodies and feed their minds with good positive
thoughts. She shares her expertise on natural weight loss
and radiantly healthy living at her blog .

Hotel Room Fat Loss Workout

Hotel Room Fat Loss Workout
I've had the opportunity to do quite a bit of traveling
lately and I recently took a business trip to Toronto.

It seemed like a very lovely city from what I saw from the
cab ride and the windows in my hotel room. Don't you just
love business trips?

Anyway, I learned two very valuable lessons while in

The first thing I learned was that there are a lot of
refugees from Somalia in Toronto. My cab driver to the
hotel was from Somalia and when asked about his home he
didn't seem too eager to talk about it.

I took the hint.

The next thing I learned is that when doing your bodyweight
workout in your hotel room in the morning you should catch
your breath before answering the door to tell housekeeping
to go away.

I was near the end of my workout when I got the knock and
ran to answer the door to tell her to go away...and I was

She looked at me kind of funny and said she'd come back

So that's where this article has taken me. Hotel room
workouts. I hope your mind didn't wander to the gutter.
If so, shame on you.

My workout only took me about 15 minutes to complete,
included nothing but bodyweight exercises, and as the
housekeeper found out, left me breathless.

So here's what I did, and you should try too the next time
you find yourself in a hotel but not wanting to head down
to the workout facility.

I did a quick warm-up consisting of push-ups and bodyweight
squats. I did 3 sets of 10 each with little to no rest
between sets.

I then did 4 sets of the following supersets, only resting
20-30 seconds after the second exercise before returning to
the first:

1A) Push-up w/Hand Raise - 12 per hand 1B) 1-Leg Hip
Extension - 15 reps per leg

2A) Pike Push-up - 15 reps 2B) Reverse Lunge - 15 reps
per leg

3A) "T" Push-up - 16 reps 3B) Overhead Squats - 20 reps

After those exercises, I had a pretty good sweat worked up,
and as the housekeeper could tell, left me quite breathless.

You could even give that workout a try this weekend. Do it
first thing in the morning before anything else gets in the
way and pushes the workout to the back burner.

Ed Scow's fast, time efficient fat loss workouts have
helped busy men and women lose fat faster than they ever
could have imagined.
Ed's workouts can be done in the comfort of your own home
with limited equipment in as little as 15-20 minutes! To
learn more go to

Is There Such a Thing as Healthy Junk Food?

Is There Such a Thing as Healthy Junk Food?
Can junk food be healthy?

The food industry certainly wants you to think so!

That's why they're creating an increasing number of foods
with health claims.

From vitamin-spiked Diet Coke, to whole-grain Pop Tarts,
from misleading labels on Tyson chicken, to McDonald's
salads laden with high-fat salad dressing, marketing claims

But are these foods actually good for us?

In Michael Pollan's new book "In Defense of Food," he
argues against "nutritionism," or removing nutrients from
whole foods and putting them into processed food or taking
them as supplements for their health benefits.

Don't let these ploys fool you.

Be suspicious of any food that comes in a package, box, or
a can. Most of these products just aren't real food.

Let me tell you about one of my patients.

He's a food scientist who invents new foods in the lab by
mixing chemicals. I call them "Frankenfoods."

But working with these chemicals all the time was making my
patient sick. We tried hard to lessen his exposure to them.

One day, he brought me an industry journal called "Food
Business News." I found it shocking.

The publication was filled with marketing ploys to help the
industry give their poor-quality foods the appearance of
being healthy.

One ad was for Food Ingredient Solutions, a company that
makes food dyes to color junk food with natural pigments.

Another was for Tyson Foods, which cleverly labels their
chicken as "produced without antibiotics that impact
antibiotic resistance in humans." That means they did use
antibiotics -- just not ones that cause problems in humans.

Another article focused on a company called Fitch Ratings,
which said that innovation in the food industry will
continue in areas of "perceived" health and wellness,
convenience, and ethnic products.

That's right.

It's only "perceived" health and wellness -- not actual
health and wellness.

That means that you just need to make people believe they
are eating or drinking something healthy. Whether it is
actually healthy doesn't matter.

And there were also advertisements for whole-grain Lean
Pockets, which are the same old processed pocket sandwiches
with some flecks of fiber added to make you think you're
eating healthy food.

I also saw an ad for something called Vegi Pure, a
cholesterol-lowering product that adds plant phytosterols
to junk food.

As you can see, the food industry is doing all it can to
convince you to choose its junk foods disguised as healthy

Instead, take a cue from Michael Pollan. He says, "Eat food
[meaning real, whole food]. Not too much. Mostly plants."

So what should you eat?

Choose food that comes from a farm, not a lab ' and then
you won't have to think about what all these claims mean.

You'll be eating healthy food, naturally. Here is some more
information about what to eat:

- Whole, real food such as vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts,
seeds, whole grains, lean animal protein like small wild
fish and poultry, and whole omega-3 eggs.

- Small amounts of grass-fed, antibiotic- and hormone-free
beef or lamb.

So don't believe food scientists' attempts to make you
believe you need special ingredients to stay in good health
' Choose whole, real food instead!

Now that's food for thought.

Mark Hyman, M.D. is a pioneer in functional medicine,
practicing physician and best-selling author. For a sneak
preview of his book "The UltraSimple Diet" got to:
For more on Nutritionism, see:

Green Tea For Weight Loss

Green Tea For Weight Loss
Nature seems to have a cure for everything if you can find
it with the health benefits of green tea, only just being
understood; it has excellent antioxidant properties, widely
used by drug and health product manufacturers. Using green
tea weight loss products to burn off extra calories is
claimed to be the most natural method and you won't find a
better source; one which can be purchased in liquid form,
taken as tablets and even drunk as normal tea.

The affect on the human metabolism is quite amazing as it
actually slows down the process of aging if used over a
long period by aiding cell regeneration. Although it is the
toxin removal and laxative qualities that help with weight
loss when taken regularly. The product increases the
metabolic rate and the number of calories burnt so less
fatty tissue forms.

Mention should be made that some dietary efforts should be
also taken; you can't eat hamburger and French fries and
expect green tea weight loss products to make you slim over
night. Many people seem to think that its use will solve
all their weight problems but the fact you are taking the
product implies you are trying to improve your health by
eating more healthily.

Although green tea can be used at any time of the day and
in many ways as a beverage, it is most effective when taken
immediately before bed. It is quite normal for most people
to find they're stomach and bowel upset during the first
few days after using the product but this should not last
much longer than this. Although it may seem worrying at
first, this physical reaction is quite normal and means the
green teas weight loss products are improving the
metabolism. Indications that it is working can generally be
seen within seven days of use providing other aspects of
the diet are followed like drinking plenty of fluids
combined with physical activity, fruit and vegetables.

The attributes of green tea can be further enhanced when it
is used in combination with extracts from the root of
ginseng. Ginseng has also been used in China and Tibet for
many thousands of years and helps by adding vitamins and
minerals to supplement those already being used in the
detoxification process.

Increasing the energy and vitality level of the user,
ginseng is a valuable addition to green tea products
especially for people trying to get back to what should be
their normal weight. So far no adverse side-effects have
been discovered with tests of up to half a year showing
good safety levels for products containing green tea and

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