Saturday, March 1, 2008

How Much Protein Do You Need To Eat?

How Much Protein Do You Need To Eat?
I'm beginning to hate protein. I know it sounds funny, but
it's true. Protein could be one of the most popular and
controversial topics in all of nutrition.

Protein has become the golden child of muscle building and
fat loss. Wanna build big muscles? Eat your protein. Wanna
lose fat and look like a fitness model? Eat your protein.
After all, every one knows you need to eat a minimum of 30
grams of protein every two to three hours.

Back in my earlier years, I drank my protein shakes and ate
my protein bars. I would constantly keep my protein intake
up around 250 grams per day. Why? Because I thought it
scientifically PROVEN that more protein equaled more muscle.

But now I'm not so sure.

Let's take a look at one of the research studies that the
'super-high protein advocates' always use to 'prove' that
eating protein after a workout makes you build muscle.

If you were in this study, this is how your day would have

You would show up at a research lab around 10 PM, and you
would go to sleep (no eating). The researchers would wake
you up around 6 AM and start poking and probing you (again
no eating). After a bunch of weighing and measurements, you
would start working out around 9 AM.

This would be one of the toughest workouts you have ever

Most likely you would do 10 sets of 8 reps on the leg press
machine, followed by 8 sets of 8 reps on the leg extension
machine. All of your reps would be done at 80% of your one
rep max. Like I said, one brutal workout.

After your workout you would be given a drink that contains
3 to 6 grams of essential amino acids (the equivalent of a
glass of milk).

After that, the researchers would take measurements for the
next 4 hours and measure your rate of 'protein synthesis'.

This is pretty much the standard protocol for these types
of studies.

You know what they would find? An increase in protein
synthesis over those four hours.

What does this prove? that if you haven't eaten since 10 PM
the night before, do a brutal workout at 9 AM then drink a
glass of milk, you will increase your protein synthesis for
four hours!

So much for needing 30 grams of protein, and so much for
needing protein every couple hours.

You know what else?..the only reason I say protein
synthesis increases for 4 hours is because after 4 hours
the researchers stopped measuring! who knows how long you
would have stayed in a muscle building state. Some
researchers have estimated that a single workout can put
you into 'muscle building mode' for as long as 48 hours
after your workout!

Even more interesting is that researchers have found
similar results when they made people drink the amino acids
before their workout, and even when they made them wait and
drink the amino acids a couple hours after their workout!

Protein has a role in everyone's nutrition plan. And, it is
a very important nutrient that does play a role in building
and repairing muscles. From my understanding of the
research I think it makes sense to try and consume a small
amount of protein somewhere around the time you workout. I
just don't think we need to be paying good money for tubs
and tubs of the stuff, if the amount we get in our diets
will serve our purposes just fine.

Brad Pilon is a strength training and nutrition
professional and author of Eat Stop Eat. You can learn
about his new book "Eat Stop Eat" that is quickly changing
the way people think about dieting, by visiting Brad Pilon is an expert
contributor at eFit-Today

5 Ab Exercises You Can Do In Your Living Room

5 Ab Exercises You Can Do In Your Living Room
The best exercises for working on your abs can be done
anywhere without any equipment at all. You can even get a
very effective ab workout done while you're watching
television right in your living room, there is no need to
ever step foot in a gym. As a matter of fact, these ab
exercises might even be easier in front of the television
as you can pay more attention to your favorite show instead
of the burn you will feel from the workout.

These 5 exercises can be done without distracting you from
the television. If you're going to sit in front of the
tube, might as well work on your abs and core muscles at
the same time.

1. Bridge on elbows - lie flat on the floor face down in a
starting push up position. Support your body on your elbows
and feet. Hold this position keeping your body rigid like a
board and flexing your abs tight. Beginners hold for 30
seconds working up to a minute as you become stronger.

2. Bridge on hands - lie flat on the floor face down in a
starting push up position. Support your body on your hands
and feet. Hold this position keeping your body rigid like a
board flexing your abs tight. Beginners hold for 30 seconds
working up to a minute as you become stronger.

3. Side Plank - lie in on the floor on your side. Support
your body with one hand and on your feet keeping your body
rigid like a plank. Do this on both sides for an equal
length of time. Beginners hold for 30 seconds working up to
a minute as you become stronger.

4. Lying leg raise - lie on your back with your hands
underneath the your lower back. With our legs extended
raise them a 3-4 inches off the ground, hold this position
for a 10 count and repeat 4 times.

5. Seated leg raises - sitting on a couch or chair slide
your butt to the edge and support yourself with your hands
at your sides, legs straight feet on the ground. Raise them
off the ground until they are parallel with the ground. Do
20 reps for 4 sets.

These are simple a very effective ab and core exercises
that can be done right in your living room without even
distracting you from watching your favorite tv shows. If
you know how to move your body effectively there is never
any reason to even leave your house to get a great workout.
Now that's a pretty good deal.

John Barban is a professional strength and conditioning
coach and nutrition expert. He has extensive experience
designing nutritional supplements and has developed his
trademark workout for women 6 Minute Circuits. John is an
expert contributor to and
recomends the diet program , and
believes it is the best new diet for easy and effective
weight loss.

Exercise: 7 Tips To Getting Started For Maximum Success

Exercise: 7 Tips To Getting Started For Maximum Success
Today, in honor of lists (who doesn't love lists?) here are
seven tips to help make starting a new exercise routine

1. The obligatory "consult your doctor first." This one
is particularly for if you're not normally physically
active. Before you begin a new exercise program it is
really important to make sure you're physically up for it.
Make sure you don't have anything serious that needs to be

Find a doctor that is familiar with exercise and physical
fitness. This is important because one doctor told me that
women should never lift weights, they should stick to
aerobics. Doctors generally do not get any formal training
in physical fitness or nutrition, find one who did and you
are better off. Take home lesson: don't be afraid to
question your doctor about exercise. Lecture over, let's
get to the fun stuff.

2. Set small goals. While it may be really exciting to
set a large goal like running a marathon or going to the
gym every day, the motivation fades fast if you don't have
smaller goals for positive feedback. Without the feedback
of accomplishing smaller victories it gets difficult to
motivate yourself to achieve the grander goal. Then you
risk a blind-date with feeling overwhelmed.

Think in terms of breaking the larger goal into smaller
chunks like running 1 mile a day for the first week, then 2
miles a day for the next, then 3 miles and so on. You will
find yourself going from the couch to the Boston Marathon
sooner than you think.

3. Reward yourself. Achieving your goals is supposed to
be fun. When you reach a goal, whether it is a little one
or a big one, reward yourself. This is key to keep you
moving forward. Pick your reward and then keep working
until you've earned it. It will make the reward much more
satisfying and keep you in the game.

4. Do something fun. Exercising doesn't have to be
running around a track until you can't breathe anymore.
Find a sport that you enjoy, and reaching your goals will
become easy and fun. This will keep you from a blind-date
with overwhelmed's uglier cousin burnout. If you think
that sitting on an Abdominizer for hours on end in front of
your television is fun you don't need tips, you need an

5. Mix it up. It's easy to get into a rut when you're
beginning a new workout routine. In order to keep things
interesting and maintain your motivation, change up the
exercises or sports you do. This will make it easier on
your body as well as your mind. For example, if you're
running two or three times a week, consider riding your
bike on the other days. Weight lifting? Add mobility
drills to keep your muscles strong and flexible.

6. Exercise with friends. Friends motivate you to get to
the gym, friends make it fun, and friends can challenge you
to push yourself just a little bit farther than you might
if you were working out alone. Nothing is more powerful
than a friendly "she is NOT going to do more push ups than
me!" Just remember that this is not social time and if you
can easily talk while you exercise you aren't working hard
enough to get fit.

7. Exercise during your best time of day. Are you a
morning person? I'd wager that the morning is when you
will get your best workouts. If you're a night person,
then try working out in the evening. You will need to
experiment with this until you find your sweet spot.

Like any good list you have to draw the line somewhere and
end it. There are many more that could have made this list
but information overload won't help you get started. These
are enough to get you going and once you have these under
your belt then you can start to worry about the finer

Congratulations on your decision to get into shape. Your
body is designed for movement and exercise is vital to your
health. Now go get moving!

Tired of throwing money at the diet of the week? Now you
don't have to throw away any more hard-earned cash. I
almost went bankrupt trying to buy my way to six pack abs.
Now I'm sharing what I've learned

How To Get Fit and Firm in Four Weeks

How To Get Fit and Firm in Four Weeks
February has always been a huge month for me. Many of
those who joined other facilities to get themselves in
shape are trickling into my world. They realize that
full-service gyms have over booked their facilities due to
the wave of new members from New Year. This often results
in a gym that is too crowded to get a good workout and
clients being put on cookie cutter programs. Some have
overlooked the need for saunas, steam rooms, and juice bars.

The people who have made serious commitments to themselves
to get in shape this year come to me. The others will stay
a little longer at the big box gyms. They will cut
articles out of magazines and try different workouts. They
will follow blindly and therefore they will probably not
get the best results.

Some will do well and succeed despite it all because they
are at least increasing their activity and others will not.

For those who make the commitment and come to me, one of
the first things I do is get them on a good plan. A plan
not unlike the one I will show you today.

Planning and simplicity are really the tools I have given
all my clients over the years.

Making it challenging and fun has been a huge part of it

Here are the three simple steps you need to take right now.

First: Create your own Get Fit Tool Kit and follow this
Simple Proven Easy to Follow Plan to be Fit and Firm in
Four Weeks.

Your kit should contain:

- A Calendar for the current month

- A blank Food Log: Divide a sheet of paper into seven
columns, one for each day of the week. Next, make rows for
each of the following: breakfast, morning snack, lunch,
afternoon snack, dinner and evening snack.

- And a Grocery List: Add foods to this list that will
support you in achieving your fitness goals. Things to
include are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean
proteins, yogurt, cereals, healthy snack foods and low
fat/low sugar condiments or seasonings.

Second: Take out your calendar (RIGHT NOW) and do the

- Schedule one day a week to go food shopping and to cook.

- Choose 5 workout days: 3 strength and 2 cardio. Put
these days in your blackberry or on the wall and make sure
you CANNOT change them.

Third: Pick any smart and proven nutritional plan to follow
for four weeks:

Some people like South Beach, others like Atkins, others
like Weight Watchers and some will just make better choices
over the next four weeks.

The calendar will keep you focused. Now that you have
placed these workouts and shopping days in your planner,
they are immovable. You will plan around them from now on.
There will be no skipping because of a lunch meeting if
you see a potential conflict. You already have a meeting
scheduled — a meeting with yourself. Or, consider it
a meeting with me at the gym.

Go to the grocery store one day a week. Use the grocery
list I just gave you with the food plan you like. My
grocery list is pretty clean. So if you are choosing
things that are not on the list, they probably should not
be going in your mouth.

Finally, come home and cook and prepare your meals for the
whole week. Use the food log to help you figure out which
days you will choose which meal plans. If you cook
everything ahead of time, or if you prepare the ingredients
so you can come home and whip up the meal in no time, you
are more likely to succeed.

I guarantee that if you spend a little time planning, and
you make the cooking and shopping part fun, you will make
better choices this month. You will feel better and you
will see changes without making huge sacrifices.

Besides, aren't you glad I didn't send this before Super
Bowl weekend? Now get planning!

For over 17 years Bobby Kelly has taken his passion for
coaching to a level not reached by many in the fitness
profession. Bobby has been interviewed and featured as an
expert adviser on CNN, Fox News, ABC, NBC, and CBS as well
as local affiliate stations in numerous markets. Bobby
knows the success of hard work and determination. He'll get
you where you want to be. Visit Bobby today at or email

The Herbal Way To Menopause Symptoms Relief

The Herbal Way To Menopause Symptoms Relief
We often hear middle age women talking about menopause and
menopause symptoms relief. Just what is menopause?
Menopause is a natural biological process that every woman
will face when she gets to the age of between 45 and 55.
It is by no mean an ailment, infection or a medical
disorder. This process is more of a time of physical and
emotional changes. With the onset of menopause lower
levels of female hormones are produced by the ovaries.

The majority of women do not have much trouble going
through menopause. On the other hand, there are many that
suffer from average to severe symptoms. Menopause symptoms
include night sweats, insomnia, fatigue, hot flushes,
anxiety, joint pain, headaches, depression, sadness and
heart palpitations. It is different with every woman when
it comes to these symptoms. They could in some cases get
worse or tend to last for years.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is the common
pharmaceutical treatment for alleviating symptoms of
menopause. With this method women are either given oral
estrogen hormone alone or combined with another hormone
Progesterone in the form of progestin. These hormones are
in a synthetic form. Until recently Hormone Replacement
Therapy delivers the best menopause symptoms relief
especially night sweats and hot flushes. It was also
believed that HRT could prevent strokes, heart attacks and

Many women have been taking HRT for years and it is now
reported that it carries certain health dangers. These
risks include blood clots, breast cancer, high blood
pressure and uterine cancer. Menopausal women are advised
to only take the lowest dosage that would give them
menopause symptoms relief. They are also encouraged to
take HRT for the shortest time frame possible.

There have been menopause natural relief products available
that work for some people. For those who have very severe
symptoms they have to resort to Hormone Replace Therapy.
Today on the market there are products for menopause
symptoms relief that are both natural and effective.
Generally such menopause natural relief products are
formulated with a blend of herbal extracts such as black
cohosh, soy, damiana, vitamin E and other phytoestrogen
herbal ingredients. Throughout history these components
have proved to be effective in correcting hormonal
imbalance. The ingredients in these herbal menopause
symptoms relief products are highly recommended by leading
herbal experts as alternatives to HRT.

Such menopause natural relief works by restoring the
hormone levels of the body to give menopause symptoms
relief. Females who have had a hysterectomy can also
benefit from these products. These menopause natural relief
products do not generally have interactions with drugs.
Manufacturers of such menopause symptoms relief products
often also make other quality herbal supplements.

For years manufacturers of menopause natural relief
products cautioned women about the risks of synthetic
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Herbal menopause
symptoms relief products are highly recommended by doctors
the world over as the safe and effective menopause natural
relief. Reviews from consumers show that menopause natural
relief products are effective for menopause symptoms relief.

Many specialists are of the opinion that menopause natural
relief products are safe and work better than prescription
drugs or traditional hormone replacement therapy. Many of
these herbal products do provide effective and guaranteed
menopause symptoms relief. These products also help to
maintain the normal functions of the female body.

If you are presently going through menopause and suffering
from menopause symptoms, you owe it to yourself to find out
more about such menopause natural relief products and how
they can benefit you mentally, physically and emotionally.

Discover why Paulina Jenkins and many women choose
menopause natural relief over pharmaceutical HRT. You can
find more information on such safe and effective menopause
symptoms relief products at

The Power of Visualization: How to Make the Body of Your Dreams Become a Reality

The Power of Visualization: How to Make the Body of Your Dreams Become a Reality
I never really understood how powerful using visualization
was until I actually saw the results. It was before I got
into the fitness field and I was overweight and wanted to
change my body.

I remember watching the movie, "The Terminator", and seeing
Lynda Hamilton with her incredible toned physique. She had
six pack abs, lean legs, and her arms and shoulder were

For me, that was inspiring and I decided to use her body as
my inspiration towards achieving the body of my dreams.
Every time I went into the gym, I imagined her body as mine
and working out as she did in that scene in the movie.

I used all my senses to recreate this scene and never
stopped. The hard work and visualization paid off, about 8
months later I had accomplished exactly what I had set out
to do.

I certainly had my challenges along the way, but vowed
never to give up. As time passed, I forgot about the image
I had in my mind of Lynda Hamilton's character and
strangers came up to me and would say "Do you know you look
like Lynda Hamilton?"

I was in complete awe when they said that, because they had
no idea that is exactly what I was imaging for myself.
Even years later, I would still have people that would say
that to me.

It wasn't until I started to research more and experience
more of how my visualization process is one of the most
powerful things you can do to get not only the body of your
dreams, but anything else you want to accomplish in your

Here are some helpful tips to start visualizing and
creating the slim and toned body you desire:

Get a collage of photos with bodies you like and cut out
your head and put it on the bodies you want.

Take about 15 minutes a day to visualize the exact image
you want for your body.

Imagine how it will look and feel, as well as using your
other senses.

Come up with powerful affirmations that will help you
link the image that you are creating for yourself.

When you are faced with challenges, affirm to yourself "I
will do whatever it takes, and I am committed to my goal"

Reward yourself each time you get closer to your goal,
something other than food.

It's also a good idea to surround yourself with people that
are supportive of your goals. Get a support system in
place. You can do this online, or hiring a coach. I
encourage you to read inspiring stories of others who have
overcome any type of body challenge.

If you can see it in your mind, then you can achieve it.

Heather Picken, Transformational & Inspirational Coach For
Check out the vision board software by visiting:
Create the body of your dreams:

Dieting Disaster

Dieting Disaster
You have been thinking a lot about your weight lately.
Maybe you have a wedding or another important event to
attend soon. And maybe you have decided to do something
about it.

If you are like most women, the first thought that popped
into your head was 'I'll diet it all away.' Certainly there
is no shortage of diets to choose from. Many of them work -
the scale certainly moves rapidly.

There is just one problem. Make sure you read this story
about Sally until the end to learn all about it. Sally
went on a diet, the scale is reading 10 pounds less, but
the mirror disagrees. What happened? She lost *weight*.

What she really wanted to do is lose fat, but instead she
lost weight. Let me explain the difference so you don't
make this mistake!

The two tissues that affect how we look most profoundly are
fat and muscle.

Muscle makes men look hunky and women look foxy (not
bulky). We all have and need some fat on our bodies, but
excessive fat makes both men and women look, well...FAT.

What's excessive for one person is perfectly normal for
another. 30 pounds of fat on a 200 pound man? Hunky! 30
pounds of fat on a 100 pound female? Twelve weeks away from
foxy. It is the proportion of fat to muscle that matters.

So what happened when Sally went on a diet? She lost a lot
of muscle and a little bit of fat. At the end of the diet
she looked worse than when she started.

When you reduce calories (go on a diet), your body has to
either burn fat or burn muscle to compensate. Your body
will choose muscle every time, unless you give it a good
reason to keep it.

There is only one good reason to keep muscle - use it! This
means that you MUST do proper weight training.

Muscle has other really cool benefits too. For instance, it
burns calories round the clock, even when you sleep. This
helps you get rid of fat faster, or simply eat a bit more
without getting fat.

The point is going on a diet without proper weight training
will make you look worse. Don't do it! Oh, and doing hour
long cardio sessions make the situation even worse!

Your best bet is not to diet at all and just eat nutritious
foods in reasonable quantities. But if you need to get in
shape in a hurry, there is no option but to diet. If you
must go this route, make absolutely certain that you are
performing a well-designed weight training program.

Don't lose weight, lose fat.

George Grigoryan is a fitness coach who has helped dozens
of women sculpt the body of their dreams. To get his latest
FREE e-book '46 Must Have Toning Tips For A Body That Will
Turn Heads,' please visit: =>

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

Cosmetic Dental Bonding
Bonding in dentistry technically means attaching a material
substance to the tooth structure through a chemical bond.
Typically it is used by many people to describe three
different processes: recontouring front teeth to fill
unsightly gaps, repairing chipped corners or edges on front
teeth or putting a veneer of composite resin over the whole
surface of a tooth to change its color or contour.

Bonding is actually used in many ways in cosmetic dentistry

1. Repair or fill abraded and sensitive areas of teeth at
the gum line
2. Fill cavities or chipped and broken areas of front teeth

3. Minor reshaping or recontouring teeth to provide more
natural contours and contacts between teeth
4. Filling cavities in back teeth with composite resins in
place of silver amalgam
5. Sometimes resurfacing the whole face of a tooth (best
accomplished by bonding a porcelain veneer rather than
composite resin)
6. The sealants used to "seal" and protect the grooves in
children's teeth are bonded flowable composite resins

7. Bonded cements are used now to chemically bond crowns
and bridges to their anchor teeth.

If properly applied, bonded restorations preserve more
tooth structure than traditional fillings because deeper
drilling is not required just to "retain" the material as
with older methods. Bonded restorations are strongest at
the place where tooth and bonding meet, so these
restorations do not tend to chip and pull away from tooth
structure and leak at the margins as the older materials

Since there is ofte less drilling required and less
marginal leakage, bonded restorations are typically less
sensitive afterwards than the older methods and often can
be done during the appointment without anesthetic.

These restorations are much better looking than the older
materials. Composite resins come in many shades to better
match tooth color. Due to the bonding and expansion
properties of composites, there seem to be fewer cracked
and broken teeth with these restorations.

Tooth bonding itself is a one visit procedure, though the
bonding can be associated with restorations that have been
made in a laboratory. If the area of tooth to be restored
is small, the materials used usually require only one
visit. Larger areas require the two visit procedures. If
done in two visits, there will be a temporary restoration
(usually also a composite resin) placed with a sedative
temporary cement.

Before bonding, any decay or old filling material present
is removed. Then the tooth surface to be bonded is slightly
roughened and treated with a mild etchant to provide
maximum bond strength. Then the bonding materials are
placed in a layered sequence and "cured" with a high
intensity light after each layer. Then the restoration is
shaped and polished to a smooth finish and proper contour
and fit with adjacent and opposing teeth. Sometimes the
tooth and bonding are then treated again and "sealed" with
a clear sealer layer of bonding material.

It is very important to maintain the bonded restorations
just like teeth by carefully brushing and flossing using a
non-abrasive toothpaste. If many of the biting surfaces of
teeth have been restored or there is a history of grinding
or clenching of the teeth, then the dentist may recommend a
plastic guard, called "occlusal guard" or "night guard"
since many people wear them at night. This guard protects
the jaw joints and teeth as well as the restorations.

Steven J Brazis DDS has practiced family and cosmetic
dentistry for 35 years. He practices is Sacramento, CA.
Visit his website:
Order his new book at:

Slash Cholesterol with Tofu

Slash Cholesterol with Tofu
An important source of protein in delicious Asian cuisine,
tofu has become very popular in the U.S., where it can now
be found in most supermarkets. Tofu is bean curd, made by
adding a mineral salt (usually, calcium sulfate) and water
to a soybean mash. The mineral salt makes the protein and
fiber in the soy mash turn thick and smooth. Depending upon
the amount of water it contains, tofu may vary in

Tofu is rich in calcium and is an inexpensive source of
protein, making it a good vegetarian substitute for meat or
dairy products. Plain tofu has almost no taste, but it
readily absorbs the flavor of herbs and spices added when
you prepare a meal.

Studies indicate that regular tofu consumption, as part of
a well balanced diet, may be associated with reduced risk
of heart disease, lower levels of cholesterol, improved
bone density and reduced risk of fractures

High protein foods tend to satisfy appetite better than
foods with less protein. One study found that tofu produced
greater satiety than animal protein. The effect lasted for
several hours and was not associated with a rebound
increase in appetite when it ended.

The special benefits of tofu have been attributed to two
major components: isoflavones and amino acids.

Isoflavones are a special group of bioflavonoids found more
highly concentrated in soy than in any other food and are:

1) Potent antioxidants. Antioxidants may help protect the
cells in your body from damage to DNA and cell membranes.

2) Anti-inflammatory. Inflammation in the walls of blood
vessels, by a chemical called "soluble vascular cell
adhesion molecule-1 (sVCAM-1)", is a major cause of
cardiovascular disease. Soy isoflavones may help inhibit
this type of inflammation.

3) Hormone modulators. Isoflavones have a structure
somewhat similar to estrogen and modify the effects of
estrogen in your body. It is believed that this hormone
modulating effect may account for the decreased risk of
breast cancer and osteoporosis associated with regular
consumption of tofu.

Soy foods may reduce levels of cholesterol and
triglycerides in the blood and can also reduce blood
pressure. Research has shown that the cholesterol-lowering
effect of soy is due to the amino acid profile of soy
protein. A unique fraction of soy protein called "7S
globulin" can increase the liver's ability to remove
dangerous LDL-cholesterol from the blood.

This article is provided for general educational purposes
only and is not intended to constitute (i) medical advice
or counseling, (ii) the practice of medicine or the
provision of health care diagnosis or treatment, (iii) the
creation of a physician--patient relationship, or (iv) an
endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any third
party product or service by the sender or the sender's
affiliates, agents, employees, or service providers. If you
have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact
your doctor promptly.

Director of The Foundation For Integrated Medicine, Leo
Galland M.D. is an award-winning lecturer and author of
over 30 scientific articles and numerous chapters for
medical textbooks. His book The Fat Resistance Diet has
been featured on the cover of Glamour and Fitness
Magazines. For a free one-day meal plan and recipes, visit .

Anti Aging Cream Exposed

Anti Aging Cream Exposed
Anti-Aging creams have been around for thousands of years,
and they have recently been exploding on today's beauty
market. While some of these creams have been shown to
reduce the appearance of aging, no cream will be able to
completely take away these signs. If you are looking for
an anti-aging cream, research the product first to prevent
purchases from manufacturers of fraudulent creams. It is
an additional step, but trust us it is one worth taking.

There are hundreds of anti-aging creams on the market
today, and finding the right cream for you may be a
daunting task. To help refine your search, you may want to
begin your search with three of the more popular anti-aging
creams on the market today: Rejuvenate Anti-Aging Cream,
Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Cream, SPF 15, and
Olay Regenerist Deep Hydration Regenerating Cream.
Remember that the right type of anti-aging cream for you
should suit your skin type and your budget. So make sure
to spend the proper time in making your decision.

The Rejuvenate Anti-Aging Cream product will reduce the
visible signs of aging which include uneven skin tone, fine
lines, and wrinkles. The active ingredients are ceramides
that plump up cells by adding moisture to the cells; rice
peptides also protect the skin from the ravages of the
outside environment. The Neutrogena Healthy Skin
Anti-Wrinkle Cream with SPF 15 is recommended by many
dermatologists. This cream contains retinol, and it can
reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and age-spots; in addition to
smoothing and softening the skin, the Neutrogena
anti-wrinkle cream contains SPF to prevent sun damage to
your skin. The Olay Regenerist Deep Hydration Regenerating
Cream helps to bring the skin back to a more youthful
appearance without resorting to the use of lasers, chemical
peels, or cosmetic surgery. The active amino-peptide
ingredients help to regenerate damaged skin, and will bring
a more youthful look to your skin. All of these creams are
produced by quality manufacturers, and these anti-aging
creams have all been extensively tested.

Now, with all this new information, you are now ready to go
out and start your search for the anti aging cream that is
right for you. Use the information we have provided to
make a smart, educational choice. Make sure to read the
ingredients and look for quality active ingredients that
have been tested to perform. By using all these
techniques, we are confident that you will be satisfied
with the anti aging cream you choose.

Saji Nase is involved with an anti aging project that
informs and educates enthusiasts through well-written
articles. Discover how to start looking younger with anti
aging creams, eye creams, wrinkle creams, lotions and

Alternative Health Juice: What's all the hype over Himalayan goji juice?

Alternative Health Juice: What's all the hype over Himalayan goji juice?
Himalayan Goji Juice and berries seem to be everywhere,
from Opera and Dr.Oz to Time Magazine, and now recent
double blind studies have even been performed showing that
the little berry does deliver on the promise of alternative
health. However there is alot to consider before you rush
out and buy Himalayan Goji Juice, most people don't
understand that not all products and/or berries will yield
the same benefits. However thanks to science and with a
careful eye it's not hard to find the best ones.

The secret you need to know before you even consider to buy
Himalayan Goji Juice is that the success of the product
regardless of which one, comes from the 4 unique
polysaccharides that exist within the juice of the berry.
The only difference between an inferior Himalayan Goji
Juice versus a superior on is the amount of polysaccharides
that are preserved in perfect harmonious balance. So when
reading the marketing material from one product to another
take note as to how they ensure the polysaccharides are
intact. Don't be fooled by the "100% Goji juice" and "Pure
Goji Juice" marketing hype - it doesn't mean squat. If
you're paying for pulp, seeds and skin - you're losing out
on what's important.

Check for a good guarantee. If you're going to buy
Himalayan Goji Juice make sure you have enough time to see
the results and ensure you can get your money back if don't
see any. Sometimes it takes up to 90 days to see huge
results, everyone is different - however, some people see
results in 3 days. It's safe to say that if you're going
to give it a fair shot make sure you have a 60 to 90 day
money back guarantee.

You should start seeing small benefits almost
immediately(within one week) from when you start taking the
product. People who try Himalayan Goji Juice almost always
see increased energy as well as better sleep and less
stress. Dr.Oz from Opera recommended the Himalayan product
on national TV to Ben Gordon, leading scorer for the
Chicago Bulls, who requested information on his diet. Ben
asked, "I'm a professional athlete. I train anywhere
between two and three times a day. ... What kind of foods
can I add to my diet to help me maintain high energy levels
throughout my diet and not crash after I'm finished working
out," "Bright colored fruits, like goji berries, are also
great," Dr. Oz says. "They grow in the Himalayas. They're
the most potent antioxidant fruit that we know,"

A study from Dr. Mindell's book 'Goji: The Himalayan Health
Secret', observed that 67 per cent of elderly people that
were given a daily dose of the berries for 3 weeks
experienced dramatic immune system enhancement (T cell
transformation functions tripled and the activity of
interleukin-2 doubled). Further more, the spirit and
optimism of all significantly increased, appetite improved
in 95 per cent of the patients, 95 per cent slept better,
and 35 per cent partially recovered their sexual function.

Other benefits you can expect to see are less insomnia and
forgetfulness, it also helps in cleaning the blood and
building the immune system as well as increases sexual

It's also important to ensure you are getting a
standardized product. You don't want to get results from
one bottle and then none in the next 3 - most Himalayan
Goji Juice products are not standardized so this can help
you eliminate some brands easily. There are many great
brands of Goji out there however Goji of Himalayan decent
are known to be the best.

Here is a Goji Berry fun fact, the benefits of Goji Berries
is the most ancient written about alternative health
product we as man kind know about. And there is a 2 week
festival in Central Asia dedicated to its harvest.

Now thanks to science we have unlocked the secrets of the
magical little berry and are able to bottle it, The
benefits of Himalayan Goji Juice are here to stay and
science continues to validate what the ancient Himalayan's
knew for centuries.

People looking to buy Himalayan Goji Juice may consider it
expensive however it is a solid investment in your health.

Here is to you!

For people looking to learn more about the benefits or to
buy Himalayan Goji Berry Juice please refer to the video
interview from Health Watch Today and the world's leading
goji research expert available here: