Tuesday, November 20, 2007

10 Tips to Improve Your Fitness Health

10 Tips to Improve Your Fitness Health
Here are ten tips to improve your fitness health. Even
athletes who are incredibly fit may not be really healthy.
They often tread a fine line between health and illness or

1) Listen to your body. As you are training it is easy to
become preoccupied with the repetitions you are doing, or
the time you've been exercising. Leave your watch at home
and slow down or walk when your body hurts.

2) To improve your fitness health you need to eat a varied
diet. Five fruit and vegetables a day should be your
minimum target. Your health will improve if you eat at
least five different kinds of fruit, then any vegetables
will be a bonus.

3) Take a complete day off from exercise every once in a
while. It doesn't have to be every week, but doing extra
training when you are tired may have a detrimental effect
on your health and fitness. You become fitter and healthier
through rest as much as exercise.

4) Limit the number of supplements you take. Adequate
amounts can in fact be absorbed by modifying the diet
without the risks involved by taking a dietary supplement.
Consult a professional dietician. Many sprinters and power
athletes, for example, take creatine supplements because it
gives them a legal edge. There is a risk, though, as it is
possible that they have been contaminated by banned
substances. This is a risk to your fitness health, and a
risk financially if you are a professional athlete.

5) Your health will improve if you minimize the number of
tablets that you take. Paracetamol may seem okay, but you
will be surprised how often a headache can be cured by
drinking water, having something to eat or sitting in a
quiet room.

6) You will improve your health and fitness by stretching
more. Your muscles get shorter through exercise, and if you
never stretch you will get injured. One method is to warm
up slowly first, then spend several minutes stretching
before the main workout. Stretch thoroughly after exercise
as well.

7) You need to stay hydrated if you are exercising more.
This means drinking water and sports drinks if you are
sweating a lot. You lose minerals in your body while
sweating. It is recommended to drink five glasses of water
a day, but if you are working out you need to drink more
than this. Don't get carried away, though, because it can
be just as dangerous to drink too much as too little.

8) Exercise with other people. You will meet new friends,
and your fitness will improve if you have other people to
motivate you.

9) Don't become too competitive as this may harm your
health. Motivation from other people is good, but you
should only compete against yourself. Try too hard to keep
up with someone else, and you could become injured.

10) Have fun! Your health and fitness will improve if you
are having fun because you will stick to your exercise

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Causes Of Erection Difficulties

Causes Of Erection Difficulties
Though it may seem to be a natural and effortless
occurrence, performing sexual intercourse requires any
number of physical functions in both men and women to
occur. In the absence of these physical functions occurring
as they normally do, sexual intercourse can be difficult or
even impossible to perform. Though women can and do have
difficulty with sexual functioning, what's likely the most
commonly occurring sexual dysfunction is a man being unable
to achieve erection.

Male erectile problems are a regular occurrence, though
they certainly don't happen to all men with any degree of
frequency. Erectile problems are common enough that there's
a medical terminology to describe the problem. The specific
medical term for erection difficulty is erectile
dysfunction, or ED. As there's a medical term for erection
difficulties, there's also naturally enough pharmaceuticals
available to treat the disorder. Pharmaceuticals for the
treatment of erection problems in fact have nearly become
household names, with the Viagra brand leading the way.

Treatment options aside, what are the actual causes at work
when a male is unable to achieve an erection? There are
obviously various possible explanations for the difficulty,
but a few baseline reasons typically cover much of the
problem. One possible explanation is anxiety. Males may
feel as though they are under obligation to take the lead
in sexual performance, and to be always pleasing to their
partners. This sort of expectation pressure can lead to
performance anxiety, which when significantly internalized
can prevent the male from being able to sexually function
at all.

There are also medical conditions that can prevent a male
from achieving an erection. Problems with the prostate
gland can affect erection capability. The prostate is in
direct proximity to the penis and an irregular prostate, a
condition older men tend to have, can disrupt erection as
well as cause urinary problems. Diabetes is another
condition that's linked to erection difficulties. The issue
with diabetes and poor erection capability is almost
certainly a result of the circulatory problems that
diabetes can cause. Circulation is an essential but often
overlooked component of consistently being able to achieve
an erection.

Stress is often another factor in erection difficulties.
Modern life presents a multitude of challenges and
difficulties. Many people, men included, often feel
overburdened and underappreciated. There's also the stress
that can occur from a specific problem cropping up, as
often seems to happen in most of our lives. Under enough
stress, any person is going to be compromised in how they
are able to physically perform. Still, stress rarely
remains in place indefinitely, and once stress has drained
off, erection problems caused by stress will become

Zinn Jeremiah is a freelance author. Read more of Zinn's
writings at http://www.hubonline.biz/website-content.htm .
For male enhancement products, visit
http://www.hubonline.biz/more-satisfaction.htm .

Chronic Pain, Aloe Vera and Your Immune System

Chronic Pain, Aloe Vera and Your Immune System
Everyone has known pain at some time or another. A bruised
knee when we were children, a stubbed toe in the middle of
the night, or a 'splitting headache' at the end of a very
stressful day are all forms of everyday pain that each of
us has experienced. Pain is your body's way of telling you
that you it has been damaged. Your nervous system sends
pain signals to the brain which in turns starts specific
chemical processes that sensitize the affected area. The
now damaged and sensitized area becomes inflamed.
Depending on the severity of the injury or damage, your
nervous system, automatic brain response, and resulting
inflammation can occur for short or long periods of time.

Chronic pain is something very different. Some of us have
experienced sustained and sometimes debilitating pain.
Sometimes, chronic pain results in oversensitivity of our
nervous system causing our pain response pathways to remain
open. A lower back injury is one example where even after
healing, the biological gates through which pain signals
pass can remain open. So even after the injury has been
resolved, the pain continues, becoming an illness that
quite literally takes control over your life. Chronic pain
such as this reduces your energy, reduces your ability to
sleep and rebuild, and adds significant stress to your body
and lifestyle.

Fucoidan and fucose, two of the important nutrients found
in sea vegetables are well known in Asian countries for
their healing and pain-relieving effects. Studies on both
animals and humans have shown that in certain conditions
essential glyconutrients can help heal the body and return
jammed pain pathways to their normal state. These
nutrients can help increase 'cellular communication' ' the
way and efficiency cells, especially those around injured
areas, communicate with other cells in the body.

Chronic pain can also be the result of disease, including
cancer. Our immune system plays a critical part in
fighting off disease and in turn chronic pain. Modulating
or fortifying the immune system means we strengthen the
production, activity, and effectiveness of all the body's
parts that make up our immune system. A very important
group of immune system agents are called macrophages.
Macrophages are scavenger cells found in the bloodstream
and other tissue. These immune system agents help the
immune system detect dangerous microorganisms and tumor
cells and then help to remove them from our blood.

Aloe provides excellent nutritional support for your immune
system by modulating the immune system through at least 23
different polypeptides (immune stimulators). The ability
to modulate the immune system helps us understand how Aloe
can aid in controlling many different types of diseases and
disorders. The polypeptides and the anti-tumor agents of
emodin and lectins found in Aloe Vera help explain its
ability to possibly aid in the treatment of cancer.

We can now see how a combination of sea vegetables with
their property to help increase cellular communication and
Aloe Vera with the property of modulating the immune system
can lead to an effective way of providing the body with the
tools and nutrients needed to repair itself. The nutrients
found in Aloe Vera and sea vegetables can give the body
what is needed to help fight disease, reduce inflammation
and alleviate chronic pain.

Ronald Godlewski has successfully founded and run several
businesses and is currently working with Life Force
International. You can obtain more information on the
nutritional value of vitamin supplements at
http://www.PillFreeSupplements.com and receive a FREE Quart
of a Vitamin Supplement or call him toll free at
1-888-LFI-CUST (1-888-534-2878).

How Resveratrol Packs Red Wine With Health

How Resveratrol Packs Red Wine With Health
Resveratrol has recently attracted great interest in
connection with the the so-called "French Paradox" which
has long puzzled medical science. As a polyphenol type
flavonoid it is in any case a very useful anti-oxidant, but
many now believe it also to be the explanation of the
relatively low rates of cardiovascular disease enjoyed in
France despite a national diet traditionally rich in
cholesterol and saturated fat. The French, of course, are
also known as high per capita consumers of alcohol,
particularly in the form of red wine. Recent research
appears to have established that the consumption of alcohol
in moderation offers significant protection for the
cardiovascular system, and may even reduce the incidence of
related diseases by as much as 30%. There is good
evidence, however, that the resveratrol which is almost
unique to red wine may provide benefits which go far beyond
those which can be explained by the effects of the alcohol

This is not surprising in so far as fat-soluble
anti-oxidants are known to be important protectors of the
circulatory system against damaging attack from free
radicals, and the resveratrol and other polyphenols found
in red wine are likely to be highly beneficial in this
context. Laboratory research, moreover, has revealed
significant anti-inflammatory and blood anti-coagulant
effects arising from the action of resveratrol.

But there's still more to resveratrol than this. It's
known that some potentially harmful compounds in the body
do not become carcinogenic unless and until they are
metabolised by particular enzymes. Resveratrol has been
shown in some laboratory research to help inhibit the
activity of these enzymes and it seems possible that
resveratrol may therefore have some protective effect
against certain cancers. Resveratrol has also been shown
in the laboratory to slow the proliferation of DNA damaged
cells, which have the potential to become cancerous, and to
allow time for the repair or removal of DNA damaged cells
before rapid and harmful proliferation can occur. Invasive
cancer tumours depend on specialised enzymes to allow them
to take over healthy tissue and also need to establish
their own blood supply if they are to develop. Resveratrol
has been found in the laboratory to have inhibiting effects
on both these processes, perhaps principally because of its
anti-inflammatory qualities.

Orthodox opinion, however, currently maintains that more
large scale trials are required outside the laboratory
before any protective effects of resveratrol against cancer
can be definitively established.

But the anti-inflammatory properties of resveratrol may
also have a significant protective effect in the battle
against atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), a
significant precursor of serious cardiovascular disease.
Resveratrol has also been shown to play an important role
in preventing the formation of the blood clots which if
they obstruct a coronary or cerebral artery may lead to a
heart attack or stroke, two of the leading causes of
premature death or disability in the affluent Western world.

And amazingly enough it appears that resveratrol may also
have a more direct effect in terms of increasing longevity.
A good deal of research has shown that reduced calorie
intake may increase lifespans, including those of certain
mammalian species, apparently by increasing the activity of
specific enzymes. Resveratrol has also been shown to
stimulate these enzymes and to enhance the life spans of
worms and fruit flies. It is not known whether these
findings would be replicated in higher life forms, humans
included, but there seems no logical reason why they should

To obtain a significant intake of this potentially highly
beneficial compound from wine you need to concentrate on
red wine, because only this is produced by a pulp
fermentation including the red or black grape skins where
most of the resveratrol is found. As a rule of thumb, the
richer and darker the colour of the wine, the longer the
pulp fermentation will have lasted, and the more
resveratrol and other polyphenols the wine will contain.
Generally speaking it is those produced in the sunnier
latitudes which will have the highest concentration.

No toxicity issues have been reported from the intake of
resveratrol, as such, although problems of course may arise
if red wine is used to excess to achieve a desired high
intake. Supplements of resveratrol providing up to 50 mg
are now readily available, however; whilst moderate
consumption of alcohol is now generally recognised as
potential boon to health, and to be particularly protective
of the cardiovascular system. So there seems to be every
reason to continue to enjoy a couple of glasses of wine of
an evening. And your enjoyment can only be increased by
the awareness that the resveratrol it contains may well be
doing your health a power of good.

Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter specialising in
direct marketing and with a particular interest in health
products. Find out more at

Putting 'Hope' Back into Healthcare

Putting 'Hope' Back into Healthcare
Our current health care system is ailing.

Satisfaction among patients as well as health care
providers is as low as it has ever been. Even in the era of
doctors making house calls, people had confidence in their
doctor, who, back then, represented the health care system.
Confidence was based on trust, that the doctor was offering
the best treatment and advances possible. Today, patient
trust is dwindling.

Yet, there is still a great deal of trust in doctors and
nurses. In a recent poll, the professions that were most
greatly admired and respected by the public, second to
firemen, were doctors and nurses. Lack of confidence stems
not from the health providers themselves, but from the
system that the doctors and nurses work for.

Let's examine some potential areas eroding public
confidence in our health care system:

1.) Speed: Our system has always moved quickly, but the
current pace is nothing short of phrenetic. Oh yes, a
doctor or nurse could move slower, but the price would be
at the expense of patients who would not be seen or cared
for that day. Quietly, health providers talk about feeling
like they are part of a "conveyor belt" that treats
paperwork more than it does people. Indeed, the amount of
paperwork has increased exponentially and the "system"
doesn't show any signs of slowing down. Insurance
companies, particularly managed care, have heavily
contributed to this additional layer of bureaucracy taking
time away from patient care. At the risk of offending
managed care companies, this is the truth. Managed care was
originally designed to contain costs. But the impact on
care of patients is one that has yet to be determined.

2.) Commercialization of health care: TV, radio and
internet commercials ...erode public confidence. Patients
regularly verbalize an overwhelmed and distorted image of
the role of medication from media commercials. This is not
the patient's fault! And it works both ways, commercials
can be suggestive, or implant resistance in patients who
might genuinely benefit from a trial of medication.
Patient's decisions are influenced by marketing, rather
than medical facts, and that just doesn't make good
clinical sense.

3.) "Pill popping society" stems in part from
commercialization but also from a stressed society looking
for ways to make it easier to cope

4.) Conventional health care has yet to accept natural
modalities as part of its treatment regimens. Yet, public
opinion on this matter is very evident. Annual spending on
Complementary/Alternative modalities exceeds 100 billion
dollars per year. Yet, a large reason for this lack of
integration into conventional health care remains lack of
scientific research. Without large funding sources like
pharmaceutical companies, natural treatments have been left
largely to a word of mouth market. And the word has spread
like wildfire. And most often from people with chronic
health challenges whose health has been restored. Yet why
haven't these potentially life-saving remedies been
studied? In fact, for many health providers in conventional
medicine, caring for people suffering with these chronic
health challenges, it is heart wrenching not to be able to
offer people more hope.

5.) The U.S. Health care system is rated 37th in the world
according to the World Health Organization. Clearly these
dismal results becry the need for health care solutions and
transformation for the sake of our people.

Health: not simply the eradication of disease but the
concept of healing, restoration and rejuvenation,
particularly for those with chronic health conditions.
Included in this is the incorporation of preventative
health care into mainstream medicine.

Transformation of health care = Hope for all

Copyright Citizens for Health Reform 2007

Citizens for Health Reform is a grassroots health
empowerment initiative promoting patient centered
strategies that integrate natural health into mainstream
medicine. Data from a FREE ONLINE HEALTH SURVEY will
educate legislators and the public at large. Please visit:

You Stroll Girl!—Great News for Stroller Moms

You Stroll Girl!—Great News for Stroller Moms
ACE, the American Council on Exercise, has just released
the (surprising!) results from a new study that measured
the health benefits of fitness walking with your baby in a
stroller. Research concludes that the intensity of the
activity is almost double than previously assumed, which is
great news for new moms everywhere.

Funded by ACE, researchers at the University of Wisconsin
enrolled 15 physically active women, ages 19 to 41 into the
study. To establish a fitness baseline, all of the women
were given a maximal exercise test on a treadmill that
measured their oxygen usage, heart rate, and levels of
perceived exertion. The women were then given two exercise
test sessions while pushing a baby in a stroller.

During the first stroller workout, women walked on a
treadmill at 3 mph for 20 minutes, with the strollers
weighted to 35 pounds (to mimic a one-year-old baby and
diaper bag). Every four minutes the incline was adjusted
from flat, to 2.5%, to 5%, and to 7.5% grade. The second
test session used the same protocol but at the increased
speed of 3.5 mph. Participants heart rates, oxygen usage,
and rate of perceived exertion were measured throughout
both tests.

While it came as no surprise that walking with a stroller
burned more calories than walking alone, or that an
increase in the speed and/or incline upped the work load,
what surprised researchers was the extent of the
difference. They discovered that walking with a stroller
burned approximately 18 to 20% more calories than fitness
walking alone. At that rate, the average woman would burn
about 375 to 440 calories per hour—an intensity rate
of 4 an 5 METS—which is equivalent to riding a
bicycle at 10 mph. (MET values are used to gauge exercise
intensity and allow for comparison of different types of

Previous estimates, as sited by The Compendium of Physical
Activity, evaluated walking with a stroller at 2.5 METS, or
about half the intensity that the current study has

To maintain or improve health, it's recommended that people
perform regular aerobic exercise at a moderate intensity
level, and this study confirms that fitness walking with
you baby in a stroller meets those goals. Stroller based
exercise programs like Baby Boot Camp or Stroller Strides,
which incorporate strength and flexibility exercises into
their workouts, can provide even greater health benefits.
Given the new mother's hectic lifestyle, stroller fitness
walking is an easy, economical, and fun way to improve
health, lose weight, and connect with other new moms at the
same time.

Helene Byrne, founder of BeFit-Mom at
http://www.befitmom.com , is a perinatal exercise
specialist, and author of the acclaimed book "Exercise
After Pregnancy: How to Look and Feel Your Best" and the
award winning DVD "Bounce Back Fast! Post Natal Core

The Secret To Optimum Nutrition - Organic Whole Food Vitamins

The Secret To Optimum Nutrition - Organic Whole Food Vitamins
Organic whole food vitamins are the most convenient way to
ensure a healthy, balanced diet with all the nutrients your
body needs to operate efficiently.

If you're like most people, your schedule is packed and
your days are hectic. Healthy meals are often forsaken for
the ease of fat-laden fast food and the convenience
ingredients found on the shelves of the local supermarket
lack many of the essential vitamins and minerals your body

People today are at a higher risk than ever for a number of
serious health complications, including several types of
life-threatening cancer. The average adult often feels
they lack the energy needed to complete their day. Why?

First, commercially produced foods are grown with the aid
of pesticides and fertilizers that contain harmful
chemicals. Chemical residue is responsible for a number of
allergies and illnesses and can absorb the natural nutrient
value of the farm soil, resulting in reduced levels of
vitamins and minerals in the food.

Further processing of commercial food products detracts
even more nutrient value. Most foods contain a very small
percentage of the vitamins and minerals they would provide
in their natural form. This is detrimental to the human

Our bodies require these specific vitamins and minerals for
efficient operation, daily endurance, mental stability, and
more. Nutrients are the fuel that drives the human body
and are essential for a healthy, energetic lifestyle.

So, how can you be sure you and your family are getting
plenty of protein, disease fighting enzymes, antioxidants,
and other essential nutrients in your diet with so many
processed options?

Whole live foods are foods grown naturally, without the use
of pesticides, fertilizers, and other chemically enhanced
gardening aids. Certified organic whole foods are loaded
with the vitamins and minerals today's fresh foods are
lacking and are packaged without additives or preservatives
so those vital nutrients are retained for your consumption.

Still, a busy lifestyle and modern, on the go living make
it nearly impossible to get the recommended 5 to 9 servings
of fruits and vegetables needed each day for a healthy
body. Organic whole food vitamins are the solution.

These all-natural nutritional supplements use vitamin rich,
live whole food ingredients that contain thousands of pure
nutrients not found in modern processed foods.

Not only do these whole food ingredients supply a higher
level of vitamins and minerals than commercial foods and
supplements, organic vitamins can provide the benefits of
hundreds of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains in one
single serving.

No matter how carefully you plan your meals and snacks, a
hectic schedule can often result in convenience food
substitutes and unhealthy snacking, leaving your body
craving the nutrients it needs to keep you going.

Between the teen years and the age of 50, the average
American will rarely take in the recommended daily
allowance of fruits and vegetables. Most will not eat 5
servings a day; many will not even consume 5 cups of fruits
and vegetables in a week.

The small number of individuals who do eat their veggies
will typically consume commercially processed foods, still
leaving their body deficient in many crucial nutrients and
ingesting a variety of chemical residues.

What if a healthy, vitamin packed diet was simpler and more
convenient? What if there was a pill or a smooth, fruit
flavored drink that would:

* Give you the pure, unprocessed benefits of more than 70
different power foods?

* Boost your immune system and help fight disease causing
germs and bacteria?

* Provide over 80 essential minerals and beneficial enzymes?

* Significantly lower your risks of cancer, diabetes, and
other ailments?

* Increase your daily endurance so you get more
accomplished without feeling tired before the end of the

* Improve your overall health and wellbeing by replenishing
the essential nutrients that fuel your body, nutrients not
found in most of today's foods and supplements?

Organic whole food vitamins are the answer to modern
nutrition deficiencies and the key to achieving a healthy,
balanced, nutrient rich diet in today's hectic society.

Better than the typical nutrition supplement, organic whole
food vitamins contain pure, unprocessed ingredients with
thousands of enzymes, antioxidants, and other vital
nutrients that can't be found in most available commercial

The secret to optimum nutrition lies in organic whole food
vitamins. To find out where to get them and what's best go
to the authors website:
where the discussion continues and you get the rest of the

4 Exercises To Build A Sexy Chest

4 Exercises To Build A Sexy Chest
It's 100% absolutely true; you can build a sexy chest
without surgery.

There are myths floating around regarding women and chest
training, everything from chest training will make your
boobs disappear to chest training will dramatically
increase your boob size.

Both of these myths are just that, myths.

I'm going to tell you how you can build a beautiful and
sexy chest by simple weight training tactics that can be
implemented just once a week in less than 15 minutes.

First, let me tell you why those myths are myths.

Smashing the Chest Training and Boob Shrinkage Myth:

Weight training cannot and will not make your boobs shrink.
Breast tissue is made up of fat tissue. Burning body fat
will result in smaller breast size.

Weight training develops lean muscle tissue. Adding
strength training develops the underlying chest muscle and
will add more shape to your upper body, creating those
eye-pleasing and sexy curves.

To put it bluntly, the only way to lose your breast size is
to lose a lot of body fat.

Smashing the Chest Training and Boob Swelling Myth:

Weight training won't make your boobs double in size.
Weight training builds the underlying muscle underneath the
breast's fatty tissue. Muscle is lean and dense, fat is
bulky and mushy.

Muscle tissue added to your chest area will be lean and
dense, giving your chest shape. The added muscle tissue may
give your breasts that needed enhancement and perk.

Bottom line, a good chest training program will add
beautiful shape and stunning high cleavage so you look
snazzy in that hot dress.

Now that I got the nagging myths out of the way, let's
discuss a good chest program to heed the results of a hot

Bench Press

The bench press is the core exercise for the chest muscle.
When you do the flat bench press (barbell, dumbbells, or
machine) you are hitting the entire chest muscle as one

It's important to build your flat bench press because a
strong chest will assist in other exercises.

Incline Press

The incline press is another core movement for the chest.
The incline press shifts more of the stress to the upper
chest, enhancing your cleavage.

A little plus with the incline dumbbell press is you can
get on an adjustable incline bench and change the angle for
each set or each workout. The higher you adjust the incline
the more of the upper chest area you work.

Chest Dips

An overlooked chest exercise is the chest dips. Probably
the reason this excellent exercise is pushed aside is
because it requires raw strength to execute.

If you are a beginner or haven't ever tried the chest dips,
many gyms have assisted dip machines that allow anyone at
any fitness level to perform dips.

Ideally, you want to get to a point where you can do chest
dips freestyle for best chest development.

Chest Flys

The chest fly is an isolation exercise that puts stress on
the inner part of the chest.

The chest fly can be used in a variety of ways. The basic
is the fly machine (pec deck). Another way to do the chest
fly is with dumbbells, which allows you to target either
the upper inner, middle inner, or lower chest area,
depending on how you adjust the incline bench.

Chest training program to build a sexy chest

Week #1

Flat bench: 3 x 8-10

Incline press: 3 x 8-10

Decline flys: 3 x 10-12

Week #2

Chest dips: 3 x 8-10

Incline press: 3 x 8-10

Flat flys: 3 x 10-12

Week #3

Incline press: 3 x 8-10

Chest dips: 3 x 8-10

Incline flys: 3 x 10-12

Week #4

Flat press: 3 x 8-10

Chest dips: 3 x 8-10

Incline flys: 3 x 10-12


Men agree that a woman with a well-built chest developed
through regular weight training is sexy... giving that fit,
healthy, and athletic look. If you want to look hot and
feel good about yourself, don't neglect the essential
basics of weight training.

Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988.
She is a nationally qualified bodybuilder and holds two
personal training certifications. She has written 6 ebooks
on fitness and has helped hundreds of clients transform
their bodies.

"Use of this article is authorized provided it is
reproduced in full, and all web URLS are active hyperlinks
directed to the author"

Increase your metabolism before Christmas!

Increase your metabolism before Christmas!
Christmas is coming and with it so are the parties and
irresistible high fat, high calorie foods. Let's face it,
avoiding some of our favourites this Christmas is going to
be a tough challenge, if not impossible.

It's great if you have the will power to avoid all the
tasty starters, rich meals and irresistible puddings. If
you're not one of those people then get working now to
increase your metabolism, so that you're body can handle
the great feasts. Here are 5 ways to increase your

Eat Breakfast. You're metabolism slows down during the
night, having breakfast ends your fast from the night
before and gets your metabolism going. Eating breakfast
will not only increase your metabolism, but people who eat
breakfast are more likely to consume fewer calories
throughout the day. Eating breakfast also leaves you
feeling energetic rather than lethargic first thing in the

Drink Water. Being dehydrated can cause your metabolism to
slow down. Drinking water will help to increase your
metabolism and it will also increase the feeling of being
full, you're therefore likely to consume fewer calories at
each meal. Adults should be drinking 1 litre for every
50lbs of body weight.

Exercise daily. Increasing your lean muscle mass reduces
fat and increases your metabolism. Studies have shown that
your metabolism not only increases during exercise but that
it stays elevated for a period of time afterwards. Try
doing thing you enjoy so that you're likely to commit to
exercising regularly.

Eat protein with every meal. Eating protein increases your
metabolism as your body uses more energy to digest protein
in comparison to carbohydrates. Eating protein also keeps
you feeling full for longer and decreases you're cravings
for unhealthy snacks. Try sources of protein such as: eggs,
salmon, chicken, tuna, beef, mackerel, sardines and/ or

Eat smaller meals more often. Eating smaller meals more
often ensures that your body keeps working and using energy
to digest the food. If you want to lose weight, you need to
eat! Try snacking on a handful of mixed nuts, natural
organic bio-live yoghurt or an avocado on wheat free rye

Let's face it, we want to enjoy the holiday season, but
remember it only lasts a few days; those extra 5lbs can
take a few weeks to burn off. Boost your metabolism now
and you may even find that you lose 5lbs before the

Rosa Coelho is a Performance Coach, Personal Trainer and
Sports Massage Therapist at Dax Moy Personal Training
Studios in London. Rosa specialises in applying a holistic
approach to health and fitness through The POWER
Principles. For more information about Rosa visit

Top 5 Ways to Have a Happy Thanksgiving for Adults with ADD

Top 5 Ways to Have a Happy Thanksgiving for Adults with ADD
The holiday season is officially upon us! And for some
adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), this is the
most stressful time of year. Here are a few practical tips
for managing your ADD this holiday.

1. Know Your Own ADD and Plan Ahead to Deal with It

You know yourself better than anyone, so ask yourself "How
does my ADD affect me on the holidays?" Make a list of all
the things that tend to stress you out on the holidays, and
make a plan to deal with them.

For example:

Do you tend to say impulsive things that you later regret?
Plan to take a deep breath before answering ANY questions
so that you can think about your words before you speak

Do hyper kids or too many people overwhelm you? Plan to
excuse yourself and take a brief walk when things start
feeling chaotic.

Does a family member really make you mad when s/he starts
nagging or becomes critical? Plan a simple response that
won't fuel the fire, like "I'm sorry you feel that way. I'd
rather talk about a great book I'm reading right now."

Do you get antsy after a long day? Plan to end the day
early, so that you don't reach the point of irritability.

2. Don't Expect Perfection

Accept that the day won't be perfect. Nothing is! Whether
you're hosting the holiday, going to a friend or family
member's, or visiting a restaurant, realize that something
is bound to go wrong. That's life. Don't hold it against
yourself, or the people around you. Whatever it is, do your
best to move on and let it go.

3. Ask For Help/Accept Help

If you're hosting the holiday, ask for help in the kitchen.
This is perfectly acceptable, and most people are happy to
help out where they can. If you're offered help, accept it
with gratitude! You don't have to do it all on your own.

If you're a guest, offer to take over a task that you're
good at or don't mind doing. That doesn't necessarily mean
offering to cook or serve, it can mean keeping the kids
occupied! (Or, in my family, keeping the dogs out of the

4. Remember That People Do The Best They Can

Long days with family members often end in frustration and
hurt feelings. Try to remember that people do the best they
can with the skills and tools they have. Hurtful comments
probably aren't meant to be hurtful. If someone says
something to you that you find hurtful or offensive, ask
yourself "What is this person's intention?" The answer will
most likely be "to be helpful." Don't hold it against
friends and family members who may not have the necessary
skills to express themselves effectively.

5. Smile!

Set the tone for those around you by being positive,
smiling often, and enjoying yourself!

Thanksgiving is only a few days away. Take some time now to
prepare yourself so that you don't get overwhelmed later!

Jennifer Koretsky is the Founder of the ADD Management
Group, Inc. and the author of the new book Odd One Out: The
Maverick's Guide to Adult ADD. Jennifer and her team work
with ADD adults who are overwhelmed with everyday life in
order to help them simplify, focus, and succeed. For free
resources and information on adult ADD, visit
http://www.ADDmanagement.com .

Depression Causes

Depression Causes
Depression is the most commonly occurring psychological
disorder in the United States. In the US, it's estimated
that twenty percent of the population is depressed. Taken
as an actual number, that twenty percent affliction rate
amounts to roughly sixty million people. It's also worth
noting that most depressed people in the United States
don't get professionally diagnosed or treated. Given how
widespread depression seems to be, the question of what
actually causes depression is an important one.

There are essentially two reasons for depression:
biological factors and environmental interactive factors.
There's also of course a combination of biological and
environmental factors. When discussing biological causes of
depression, essentially what's being referenced is a
chemical imbalance in the brain. There are different
chemicals at work in the brain, operating in complex
functions. Lower levels than normal of certain chemicals in
the brain are associated with various psychological and
behavioral problems, including depression.

One of the chemicals believed to have a primary function in
the regulation of mood is serotonin. Low serotonin levels
have been associated not only with depression but with
obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, sleep difficulties,
and anger and aggression abnormalities. The discovery of
serotonin in the role of mood was key in the development of
the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor class of drugs,
also known as SSRI's. Of the SSRI's, and there are now a
number available, Prozac was the first on the market and is
still the most well known. Prozac in fact is one of the
most widely prescribed pharmaceuticals in history, a
testament to the prevalence of depression and emotional

The other side of the coin in the thinking on depression
causes is that depression is purely a function of
environmental interactive factors. That is to say,
depression isn't caused by any biological imbalance at all
but instead occurs because of how a person responds to
their environment. For example, a person may perceive a
relationship break up as a major loss and therefore go into
a depression. From an environmental interactive position
the thinking would be that this particular depression isn't
due to some brain dysfunction but is instead caused by the
significance this person attaches to a life event: in this
case, the break up of a relationship. Using this sort of
explanation, all forms of depression can be explained by a
person's perspective as opposed to any biological factors.

So is depression caused by biology or by how a person
perceives their environment? The answer is likely a
combination of both. The effectiveness of drugs like Prozac
demonstrate that there is a biological element to
depression, but there's certainly also issues of
perspective at work as well.

Zinn Jeremiah is a freelance author. For depression help,
visit http://www.hubonline.biz/healthy-mood.htm or
http://www.hubonline.biz/get-better-now.htm .

5 Foods for Instant Healthier Diet

5 Foods for Instant Healthier Diet
Have you ever said to yourself that "I want to start eating
healthy?" Then only to figure out you don't know where to
start. The first idea is often fruits and vegetables which
are important though there is more to eating healthy. Live
Lean Today has listed 5 foods that will work perfect for
any person to add to their diet and it will become
instantly healthier. You can plug these foods and more
into you own online diet plan.


They earn super status for their ability to help fight off
nasty urinary tract infections. About 10 ounces of juice a
day does the trick. Plus, recent research shows that
cranberries might also help fend off colds and fight
stomach bugs, gum disease, and certain types of cancer. Add
a little unsweetened cranberry juice to smoothies, and
sprinkle some dried berries into cereal and muffin mix.
Cranberries are great to add to any weight management


These nuts are rich in omega-3s, which help reduce
inflammation and increase good cholesterol. They may even
help with depression and reduce your risk of Parkinson's
and Alzheimer's diseases. Top your salad with 1/4 cup or
try them in pesto.


The humble legume may prevent heart disease and help head
off colon cancer. Rich in two heart-friendly
phytochemicals, beans are packed with magnesium, potassium,
folate, and fiber. Get a 1/2 cup five to six times per week
by adding canned kidney and garbanzo beans (rinse and drain
first) to salads, burritos, and dips.


Studies show that eating seafood rich in omega-3s at least
twice a week could reduce your risk of heart disease. And
the reports say women of childbearing age and nursing
mothers can safely eat as much as 12 ounces of seafood a
week if they avoid high-mercury swordfish, shark, tilefish,
and king mackerel; albacore tuna should be limited to 6
ounces a week.


Loaded with the antioxidant lycopene, tomatoes and cooked
tomato products pack a big health punch (at 32 milligrams,
1 cup of spaghetti sauce serves up the day's recommended
intake). Studies show that women with lycopene-rich diets
can have as much as a 50 percent lower risk of developing
breast cancer. The antioxidant can also lower your blood
pressure and bad cholesterol, and may even reduce your risk
of getting macular degeneration and a host of cancers.

About The Author: Charles Carter, BS in Exercise Science is
President of LIVE, llc of http://www.liveleantoday.com -
visit the website for more information on weight loss, core
fitness programs, optimal diets, and online personal
trainer and dietician services. For more information on
products go to http://shop.liveleantoday.com .

How to Transition to a Healthier Lifestyle: Common Obstacles and Tips on Overcoming Them

How to Transition to a Healthier Lifestyle: Common Obstacles and Tips on Overcoming Them
Making a lifestyle change in your nutrition (I hate the
word "DIET") can be overwhelming at first. The prospect of
making this type of change in your eating habits can seem
more difficult if you are a bit of a social butterfly.
Never fear! Below are just a few "arguments" I've heard
people make about why they find it difficult to stick with
their decision to maintain a healthier eating lifestyle. Do
you see yourself in one of these examples? Check out my
response and some suggestions on how you might choose to
overcome these obstacles.

"There weren't any healthy choices available": Dining out
can be quite tricky, but it's not impossible! Most
restaurants are starting to offer healthy choice menus. But
if you are unfortunate enough to land somewhere that
doesn't offer these choices, take a close look at the menu
and "make" a healthy meal! Do you see grilled chicken or
fish anywhere on the menu? What about veggies? Don't be
afraid to make up your own meal and ask for substitutions.
Most restaurants are more than willing to make their
customer happy with these sorts of adjustments. You've just
got to ask.

"I don't have time to prepare meals": Our whole society is
seems to be in a time management crisis. I know it's
difficult. But, where there is a will, there is a way! One
method that many healthy eaters have adopted has been to
cook in bulk. For example, I cook several meals on Sundays
and Wednesdays. I pack up appropriate portions into
individual containers and put them in the fridge/freezer.
Then when I leave the house in the morning, I just grab a
few for each of my meals that day. If you have the luxury
of cooking dinner every night, try cooking an extra portion
or two for the next day's meals. Makes packing healthy
choices a snap!

"I've GOT to have (insert unhealthy addictive food choice
here... ie. Chocolate, white bread, etc...)": I've got a
question for you... do you NEED it or WANT it. If you need
it, you have what is called an addiction. Don't be
embarrassed... we all have them. I would suggest starting
to wean yourself off whatever it is that you are addicted
to. If it doesn't fit into a healthy meal plan, it probably
isn't good for you anyway. If it is just something you
WANT.... cut it out! You can easily incorporate moderation
into any healthy eating plan.

Good recommendations for weight loss aid: Hoodia Bites for
appetite control

"The peer pressure got to me... I gave in": Friends and
family can be our biggest supporters and our worst
saboteurs. They don't mean to sabotage you. More often that
not, they just don't understand. Be strong! You can do it!
Explain that what they want you to eat/drink isn't in line
with your new lifestyle... "Thank you... but NO THANK YOU!"
If they continue to push, just realize that they might be a
little jealous that they don't have the will power and
discipline to do what you're committed to. Take it as a
compliment and show em' how it's done!

I've heard many more "reasons" (excuses) than the ones
above. But these are the most common. The bottom line is,
don't let "reasons" sabotage you. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU
LIFESTYLE. You've just got to decide you are going to do it
and make a plan to make it happen!

SupplementsToGo is a leader in discount nutrition
supplements with the largest selection of diet pills,
creatine products, protein powders, and bodybuilding
supplements. Find more information on the products you are
searching for at http://www.supplementstogo.com/ . Want
more expert advice visit
http://www.mynutritionworld.com/index.php .

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