Saturday, February 16, 2008

How Bad is Salt for Your Health

How Bad is Salt for Your Health
Salt is not a food. It is a rock. If you put 4 ounces of
salt in water and drink it, you will die due to all that
sodium. There are websites that say that you need salt.
They are selling salt. Then they say that regular salt is
bad but their salt is good for you. But it still has the
sodium in it that will kill you. No fossils of man that
over 10,000 years have salt in them. So they figured that
that is when people began eating salt. They have skeletons
of people that are millions of years old.

The refrigerator is only a recent invention. Fruits and
vegetables can be kept un-refrigerated but animal products
need to be kept cold. Salt kills bacteria so that would
help keep animal products to stay good a little longer. It
could be used to keep foods from going bad, until they
could ferment. It kills life. You can rub into cuts to
torture people.

When people consume salt, the body is constantly trying to
get rid of it but can only get rid of so much per day with
you consuming more everyday. So it stores the excess under
the skin. It need to absorb a lot of water to keep it from
being toxic. So salt causes a lot of water weight.

LATEST NEWS: In an effort to reduce high blood pressure and
cardiovascular disease, the American Medical Association is
urging "the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to revoke
the 'generally recognized as safe' (GRAS) status of salt
and to develop regulatory measures to limit sodium in
processed and restaurant foods." Vitamins and minerals have
a minimum RDA (recommended daily allowance). All of them
have this except sodium. Instead it has a maximum RDA.

If you look in the foods made by nature they have around 15
milligrams of sodium. But when you look at man-made foods,
you have a large pizza with 3,000+ mg of sodium or a can of
chicken noodle soup with 2,000+ mg of sodium. An avocado
has 21 mg of sodium but 1,400 mg of potassium making it a
very healthy food for you.

The body determines how much water you need by the
concentration of sodium in it. This is why you can be on a
raft in the ocean surrounded by water and die of
dehydration. You will only get more dehydrated drinking the
ocean water or your salty urine. This is why I call salt
anti-water. It makes it so water will not work.

The book, The Rice Diet Solution (©2006) by Kitty
Gurkin Rosati R.D. and Robert Rosati M.D. says that in
addition to salt causing water retention, it also
stimulates the appetite causing people to eat more. During
the first 5 days of a fast the body dumps huge amounts (up
to 80,000 mg per day) of salt so it gets rid of all the
excess salt. So this is why someone can lose up to 15
pounds of weight during the first 5 days of a fast. They
lose 15 pounds of water.

If the body continued to lose sodium after this excess is
removed then the person would die after a few more days of
fasting due to lack of sodium instead of being able to fast
a month. But the body no longer needs to get rid of it so
the sweat and urine are no longer salty. But due to
ignorance, some people think they need to replace this salt
since the body is getting rid of it. Sweating helps you
lose retained water since you are sweating out excess salt.

Chuck Bluestein is a nutritionist, ethnobotanical herbalist
and a fasting expert. His website has information on weight
loss, healthy diet, fasting, neck and back pain, natural
cures, pure water, Amazon rainforest herbs and how to be

Acne Help is Possible

Acne Help is Possible
Acne is a problem that many people have to face at some
point in their lifetime. It causes a lot of problems for
individuals, from embarrassment to permanent scarring and
it can affect you at any time during your life. More often
than not, however, this particular disease seems to strike
during adolescence. This creates another problem as it is
during the time in your life when things seem to be the
most awkward. Along with that, other adolescents do not
display much mercy for those that suffer from this problem.

Most people associate acne with a problem that people have
on their face but the fact of the matter is that it can
affect any area of your body. Even though the face is most
common, acne can also appear on the back, arms, legs and
chest area. Most people rush to the dermatologist as soon
as this problem occurs, seeking a cure. While the
dermatologist may be able to give you a prescription or
perhaps recommend some kind of drugstore treatment, most
people would prefer a natural remedy that took care of the
problem from the root and did not simply treat the outward

All of us are different, and as individuals we may be
suffering from a case of acne for different reasons than
others. That is why it is very important for you to
understand what is at the root of the problem and not
simply try to treat it the same way as somebody else has
treated their own. Even though this is the case, there are
some natural acne treatments that seem to help in most
cases. Not only can you apply topical treatments, you may
be able to take some herbal remedies that will help to get
rid of the acne that you're suffering from. Here are a few
of the more popular natural acne treatments.

Vinegar and Salt Water - Many people, myself included, have
experienced relief from their acne by taking a solution of
50% vinegar and 50% salt water. You would dab this on the
affected areas with a cotton ball and allow it to sit on
your skin and dry for about 10 minutes. Rinse off the
solution and repeat three times a day.

Wear a Honey Mask - Honey has natural antibacterial
properties that have helped many people to be able to
overcome an active breakout. Simply apply natural, raw
honey to your face several times a week or mix it with salt
water and apply on a daily basis. This will not only help
to dry your skin, it will help to work on the acne from the
inside out.

One final way that people have been able to overcome their
acne problems is through the use of herbal supplements.
There are several different herbs that you could be taking
in order to help balance your body and treat the acne from
the root cause. You could take all of these supplements
separately but I often find that going with a
multi-supplement treatment is much more convenient and more
effective because you're less likely to skip a dose. `

Learn about help for Acne here.

Common Cleaning Products Are a Ticking Time Bomb!

Common Cleaning Products Are a Ticking Time Bomb!
If your home or office is typical, it already has dozens of
cleaning and personal care products that contain harmful
chemicals. Recent studies have revealed that most
households/offices contain over 63 hazardous products that
together contain hundreds of chemicals. These chemicals
have the potential to greatly harm or even kill your
children, your pets and you, should they accidentally not
be used with the utmost caution.

Could these tragedies happen in your home or office? When
little Jennifer Smith of Salt Lake City, UT was but a year
old she crawled over to the dishwasher while her mother was
unloading the dishes. She put her small finger in the
detergent dispensing cup and ate a finger full of wet but
un-dissolved commercial dish detergent. In minutes her face
was red and blistered, the inside of her mouth and tongue
were burned white. Luckily she was rushed to a nearby
hospital emergency room for quick medical attention. She
recovered in a few days.

Another documented case was a 20 month old boy who had to
be fed through tubes for five months and suffered through
many operations. Again, the culprit was dishwasher

This is only two of thousands of cases reflecting children
ingesting and being exposed to, what most consider common
household products, terrible life threatening consequences.

It is estimated that the U.S. Poison Control Center has
nearly 1.5 million reported cases of accidental ingestion
of poisons every year. Sadly most of these cases were under
12 years of age.

Have you ever wondered what the strong odor in the
cleaners' isle of your supermarket is?

Ingestion is only one of three major ways that these
products enter the body. Inhalation is even for more
dangerous because when breathed in these harmful chemicals
go directly into the blood stream and can quickly affect
the lungs, heart, brain liver and kidneys.

By the way, that strong smell in your supermarket cleaner
isle is caused by what industry experts describe as "out
gassing". Out gassing are the vapors escaping from the
"sealed" containers on the supermarkets shelves. Which
obviously are extremely harmful to your health!

Have you ever been literally driven out of your bathroom
shower while using one of the most popular tile cleaners?
These types of cleaners must contain strong chemicals in
order to do the job. The job may get done but you are at
risk from the strong vapors that are generated. By the time
you have exited the bathroom the chemical vapors have
entered your blood stream and are wrecking havoc with your
health. Where are your rubber gloves?

Do you know that one square centimeter of skin (the size of
a dime) contains 3 million cells and 4 yards of nerves? How
do you think nicotine and hormone replacement patches work?
Do the chemicals somehow enter the body from the patch
through the skin to do their work? Of course they do.

This same absorption occurs every time a cleaning product
touches your skin. By the way, if your baby happens to
crawl across your nicely scrubbed kitchen floor, even
several days after, the skin will pick up and absorb
whatever harmful chemicals happen to be in the cleaner.

Consumer Beware! Why isn't the consumer informed and
protected from the potentially dangerous chemicals
contained in cleaning and personal care products? * The
government has very limited power to regulate and require
proper testing. * Products that kill 50% of lab animals can
still get designated as "non-toxic". * Of 17,000 household
chemicals only about 5,100, or approximately 30%, have been
adequately tested and less than 10% have been tested on the
nervous system. * No law requires manufactures to list the
exact ingredients on the package label. All Natural

Just imagine your peace of mind if you never had to be
concerned again about your family suffering from the misuse
of harmful cleaning chemicals. Environmentally safe
cleaning products provide a powerful answer to the harm
that ingestion, inhalation and absorption of common
household products. Safe cleaning products combine
all-natural ingredients and vigorous cleaning action for
the ultimate in consumer safety and environmental health.

All-natural, gentle and powerful, safe cleaning products
use only citrus-based oils, as well as ingredients from
corn and other replenish able materials. They contain no
dyes, artificial fragrances, or pesticide residues. Even
the packaging and labels are constructed solely from
recycled materials by many safe product manufactures.

The news is incredible, a line of environmentally safe
cleaning products work like no other cleansers on the
market today.

Consumers everywhere, including those at businesses,
hospitals and schools are switching to environmentally,
safe, effective cleaners to increase health among family
members, clients and employees.

Just how good are these cleaners? The environmentally safe
formulas are used exclusively by over 30 National Parks, a
few which include Yellowstone, Grant Teton and Yosemite.
These safely formulated cleaners were also chosen by the
City of Santa Monica after conducting tests for the most
effective and environmentally safe cleansers for the city's
cleaning needs. Warner Brothers and Fox Studios, the
University Medical Center in Hackensack, NJ and
world-famous resorts have also chosen safe products to
clean their facilities. And most recently, the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is testing safe
products for use on its fleet of air and water quality
testing ships., some companies make these safe products
available to you, for use in both your home and your
office. It is a powerful, effective and non-toxic
alternative to traditional cleaners.

Start protecting your health today!! Don't waste another
minute. You owe it to yourself, your family, friends and
employees to get the protection that safe and effective
products provide. Access to these earth friendly products
is so easy and convenient.

Fill your shopping basket with safe products. Get rid of
all those harmful products forever and replace them with
environmentally safe products!

Ronald Hudkins is a consumer advocate and champions for
public safety which includes environmentally safe cleaning
and personal care products in the home and office
environments. To learn more about all natural cleaners

Is Your Fish Oil Giving You Mercury Poisoning?

Is Your Fish Oil Giving You Mercury Poisoning?
Fish - Facts and Fears

The nutrient you need most in your diet is also the
nutrient that could be contaminated!

I'm talking about omega-3 fats—and alarming new
research suggests that the fish in which you find these
healthy fats could be brimming with mercury. Omega-3 fats
may help treat depression, heart disease, Alzheimer's
disease, cancer, dementia, autism, ADHD, inflammation, and
autoimmune diseases. You'll find omega-3s in fish.

But that's not all that's lurking in fish. A recent study
of tuna sushi from different New York City restaurants
found the fish contained extremely high levels of mercury.
Mercury is the second most common toxin found in
humans—something I know all too well.

You see, I once suffered from mercury poisoning, in part
from eating too much fish. Fortunately, I got the mercury
out of my body quickly by using special foods, supplements,
saunas, and chelation therapy. In my own practice, I often
see toxic mercury levels in my patients with depression,
heart disease, memory loss, and so many other conditions.
These problems are reversible, once you get the mercury out.

Got Mercury?

Coal-burning industrial facilities spew out millions of
pounds of mercury each year. This toxin floats through the
air and ends up in the oceans, rivers, and soil of our
planet. And since mercury is in our water, it's also in our
fish—especially larger varieties.

To read more about the health effects of mercury, see my
recent report on this subject in my medical journal, which
you can download for free. Autopsies of brains of people
who have had early or long-term exposure to mercury show
deposits of this toxin throughout the entire brain.

Not sure if you're contaminated? Ask your doctor for one or
more of these tests:

1. Blood tests are the most common tests for mercury but
only show exposure from the last few months.

2. Hair analysis tests only show methylmercury levels from
fish consumption. Ideal levels are lower than 1 ppm.

3. A urine test after a provocation or chelation challenge
with DMSA or DMPS, followed by a six-hour urine collection
is the only way to know if you have accumulated a lot of
mercury in your body over a lifetime. Ideal levels are less
then 5-micrograms/gram creatinine.

4. Urinary porphyrin testing is a noninvasive way to tell
if the mercury is poisoning your cells.

Have Your Fish and Eat It, Too!

It is possible to enjoy fish—and the many health
benefits of omega-3 fats—without ingesting mercury.
Try these tips:

1. Eat only small fish, like sardines, herring, and small
wild salmon.

2. Avoid tuna, swordfish, shark, tilefish, and sea bass,
and nearly all river fish.

3. Take 1,000 to 2,000 mg of fish oil a day. It should be
distilled or purified fish oil that's 100 percent free of
industrial pollutants, especially mercury.

4. Vegetarians should eat plant sources of omega-3 fats
such as walnuts, ground flax seeds, and purslane (a green
vegetable). Also, supplement with 100 to 200 mg a day of
algae-derived DHA (one of the most important omega-3 fats
needed for brain function).

Quiz: Are You Deficient? Any positive answers to the
symptoms below can indicate an omega-3 fat deficiency.

1. Soft, cracked, or brittle nails

2. Dry, itchy, scaling, or flaking skin

3. Hard earwax

4. Chicken skin (tiny bumps on the backs of arms or on the

5. Dandruff

6. Aching or stiffness in joints

7. Thirsty most of the time

8. Constipation

9. Light colored, hard, or foul-smelling stools

10. Depression

11. High blood pressure

12. Fibrocystic breasts

13. Premenstrual syndrome

14. High LDL cholesterol, low HDL levels, and high

15. North Atlantic genetic background: Irish, Scottish,
Welsh, Scandinavian, or coastal Native American

16. Eat fish like sardines, herring, or wild salmon less
than 3 times a week

So take a good look at your life, your symptoms, and your
diet. You might need a (fish) oil change. And remember, you
can have your fish and eat it too!


Choi BH. The effects of methylmercury on the developing
brain. Prog Neurobiol. 1989;32(6):447-70. Review.

Hibbeln JR, Nieminen LR, Lands WE. Increasing homicide
rates and linoleic acid consumption among five Western
countries, 1961-2000. Lipids. 2004 Dec;39(12):1207-13.

EVES, and MARTIN J. CROWDER Influence of supplementa ry
vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids on the
antisocial behaviour of young adult prisoners: Randomised,
placebo-controlled trial Br. J. Psychiatry, Jul 2002; 181:
22 - 28.

Freeman MP. Omega-3 fatty acids and perinatal depression: a
review of the literature and recommendations for future
research. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2006

Richardson AJ. Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in
childhood developmental and psychiatric disorders. Lipids.
2004 Dec;39(12):1215-22. Review.

Freund-Levi Y, Basun H, Cederholm T, Faxen-Irving G,
Garlind A, Grut M, Vedin I, Palmblad J, Wahlund LO,
Eriksdotter-Jonhagen M. Omega-3 supplementation in mild to
moderate Alzheimer's disease: effects on neuropsychiatric
symptoms. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2007 Jun 21

Parker G, Gibson NA, Brotchie H, Heruc G, Rees AM,
Hadzi-Pavlovic D. Omega-3 fatty acids and mood disorders.
Am J Psychiatry. 2006 Jun;163(6):969-78. Review. Erratum
in: Am J Psychiatry. 2006 Oct;163(10):1842.

Mark Hyman, MD is a pioneer in functional medicine,
practicing physician and best-selling author. A sneak
preview of his book "The UltraSimple Diet" is available.
See The UltraWellness Blog for more on Omega 3 Fatty Acids:

Fear will stop your love; Love with stop your fear

Fear will stop your love; Love with stop your fear
"Fear will stop your love; Love will stop your fear"

This quote is so powerful and it really resonates with me,
especially after the workshop
( that my husband and I
attended last weekend.

The workshop's basic idea? That we all long for
connection, validation and understanding ("love") but often
times, in our relationships, something triggers an old fear
or vulnerability. This fear, if not understood, can create
distance or longing or struggle instead of connection and

However, by really truly listening to the other person,
keeping our own fears aside for a minute, we promote
understanding and connection (and love). And similarly,
when we feel heard and understood and validated (rather
than criticized, judged or ignored), we too feel safe,
supported and loved (rather than afraid). I got to
thinking about how this concept applies not only to
romantic relationships, but to all relationships, including
our relationship to ourselves (specifically, how it applies
to our relationship to food, eating and body image).

Let me explain.

Fear will stop your love.

Very often in my practice, I work with women who are
struggling with food, self-esteem, and self-care. They
wish they looked differently. They wish their body was
different. They wish they ate better. They criticize
themselves, often relentlessly. They believe they are not
good enough mothers. They wonder if they are good enough
friends. They berate themselves for not doing more, being
more, having more.

I get it - I really do. I've been there, and I still am
there sometimes! We worry and we wish and we wish and we
worry because, very often, we are tuning into our old,
unresolved thoughts - thoughts that are full of judgments,
beliefs, expectations...and most of all, fears.

These fears (fear of being rejected, fear of not being good
enough, fear of being seen, fear of not being seen, etc.)
and the resulting criticism, judgment, negative thoughts
and hurtful actions are in direct opposition to what we
really need. What we really need is some variation of
love: support, understanding, care, validation, empathy.

But rather than offering understanding, validation and
empathy to our own struggle, we do the opposite: we stress,
criticize, minimize, maximize, ignore, or berate...and very
often we disconnect from ourselves and our feelings (often
using food)...all of which just perpetuate the struggling.
We believe that if we just lost 10 pounds, started
exercising, stopped eating sugar, got thin...we would
finally be HAPPY. We would finally LOVE ourselves.

Most of us do this so often, unconsciously, that we don't
even realize the power of these thoughts. But power they
have. And unfortunately, not the power we want them to

Growth and change and health - whether individual or
relational - do not happen with negativity and criticism
and judgment and disconnection. Growth and change and
health only happen with support and safety and love.

Love will stop your fear.

So what if we were to apply love and support and
non-judgmental listening while in the midst of feeling
frustrated or unhappy? (This is just what we want from our
partners, right?) This would involve listening deeply to
our thoughts and feelings as they arise, without judgment,
and offering ourselves support and understanding. What if
we were to allow our disappointments to emerge without
trying so hard to change them; what if we were to allow our
selves to just BE, without judging? If we allowed our
HUNGERS and our CRAVINGS and our PASSIONS (for food or
otherwise) to exist, to just be what they are, we could
further understand them. And it is from here, this place
of understanding, compassion and love, where change is

Love will stop your fear. And fear will stop your love.

Karen Schachter is a licensed clinical social worker &
certified nutrition counselor who works with women who want
to have a healthier relationship with food & in turn,
improve their nutrition, improve their mood & energy,
decrease their cravings and just generally enjoy life more
fully. She helps parents figure out what to feed their
children & how to feed their children. Sign up for her FREE
newsletter @

Are These 3 Foods Making You Fat?

Are These 3 Foods Making You Fat?
It's easy to let yourself be fooled into thinking the
things you eat are healthy. Foods dressed in crafty
packaging lead you to believe they will help you lose

But do they?

The truth is that most of the time the only thing special
about the so-called healthy food product is the clever
marketing. Have you been fooled by the following foods?

So-Called Healthy Food #1:
SALAD Who doesn't get a self-righteous feeling when
ordering a salad, right? Salads are healthy, and salads
equal weight loss. Unfortunately, not anymore.

Salad in and of itself is a wonderful, healthy food. It is
filled with nutrients and untouched by artificial
additives. If only we left it at that.

Most salads on the menu today are loaded with fat laden
extras. Croutons, tortilla strips, nuts, and even fried
chicken (not the best source of protein). And let's not
forget the salad dressing.

While you know that salad dressing isn't very healthy, you
may not be aware of the staggering number of fat calorie
packed in these dressings. Most people add between a
quarter to a half a cup of dressing to their salad, and
with the average creamy salad dressing weighing in at 8-12
grams of fat per tablespoon, you can see how an innocent
collection of greens can quickly turn into a spare tire.

So-Called Healthy Food #2:
100 CALORIE PACKS In the snack section of your local
grocery store you've probably seen the attractively
packaged "100 Calorie Packs." These light and airy snack
packs send a subtle message that they are healthy and in
line with your desire to drop the fat. I mean, how harmful
can they be? Let's take a look at the snacks within the
package. Here are the most popular:

Oreo cookies Ritz snack mix Planter's peanut butter cookies
Cheese Nips crackers Chips Ahoy cookies Shortbread cookie
Hmmm, that list sounds like junk food-doesn't it? These
items are high in sugar, salt and fat, and they don't
contain a grain of nutritional value. And let's be honest,
most people don't eat just one pack...

So-Called Healthy Food #3:
CEREAL Can a box of cereal help you lose weight? That's the
message being sent out by a handful of cereal brands,
namely Special K. This cereal manufacturer has gone so far
as to create the Special K Challenge, a program which
claims to help drop 6 pounds in 2 weeks. The message that
most consumers take away from the cereal commercials is "If
I eat this brand of cereal then I will lose weight."

Wait, don't grab a bowl of your favorite cereal along with
your skinny jeans just yet.

It's dangerous to think that any food item will promote
weight loss, especially a food item that is high in simple
carbohydrates. In the fine print you will see that the
cereal claims to help lose weight when incorporated with a
very low calorie diet, and that the cereal itself has no
weight loss inducing power.

Making the Healthy Choice As a rule of thumb ignore the
bold claims on food packaging-the information you really
need is listed on the nutrition label. Finding healthy food
is simple when you use the following guidelines.

Eat Fresh: The healthiest food in the world is fresh,
unprocessed whole foods. This includes fresh vegetables and
fruit, whole grains and legumes, and raw seeds and nuts.
These fresh foods supply your body with vitamins, minerals
and enzymes that are priceless to your health. When it
comes to meat, poultry and dairy choose products that are
grass fed and hormone and antibiotic free.

Set Limits: Let's be honest. Just because something is
edible doesn't mean you should eat it. A key to healthy
eating is to identify which items to limit or even
eliminate from your diet.

Cholesterol. The American Heart Association recommends that
you limit your intake of cholesterol from food to less than
300 milligrams per day.

Saturated Fat. Your intake of saturated fat should be less
than 7% of your total daily calories. Trans Fat. It is
recommended that you either eliminate trans fat from your
diet or keep it under 1% of your total daily calories.

Sugar. Most of us consume way more sugar than we should.
Make a habit of checking the ingredient list of the foods
you eat. If sugar is the first listed ingredient then you
know that item is packed with sugar.

Look at the whole picture: A healthy diet consists of
taking in a combination of fats, carbohydrates, fiber,
protein, vitamins and minerals each day. Remember that
eating too much of even healthy foods can lead to weight
gain. All of the foods that you eat should fit together to
form a well-balanced, calorie controlled diet.

The bottom line is that you should eat to live not live to
eat. Your body will thank you for it.

Want more ideas on how to get the body of your dreams
without starving yourself or doing boring exercise
routines? Contact me today to get started on a fitness
program that will change your body and improve your health.

Get rid of those Fat Jeans and Get out the Skinny Jeans!
Are You Ready to Lose Your First 10 Pounds?

Health Savings Accounts and the Cost of Staying Healthy

Health Savings Accounts and the Cost of Staying Healthy
The costs of staying healthy are getting so out of hand
these days that many people are unable to keep up with it.
Insurance premiums keep skyrocketing; employers are
reducing benefits or eliminating coverage outright, and
many medical services that could prove beneficial for
health are not even covered at all.

So what can we do? How do we deal with this healthcare
crisis we all find ourselves in? What is the missing
piece? Simple: Just don't get sick in the first place!
Seems like a no brainer. But not so easy you say. The good
news, however, is that help is on the way. A Health
Savings Account may just be what the doctor ordered.

Remaining healthy in today's world is a big challenge. We
live in a world of fast food on every corner, noxious
chemicals in all our consumer products, environmental
pollutants destroying our water, air and soil, as we are
exposed to a multitude of toxic wastes. No wonder we are

Almost every day we hear of someone who got sick: a
relative, friend or a loved one perhaps. It would also be
safe to say that we probably know somebody personally who
has cancer, heart disease, is obese, has irritable bowel
syndrome or is depressed. You name the disease, we
probably know someone who has it. That is merely an
indication of how unhealthy we really are as a society.

Besides the obvious reasons, as stated above, of why
Americans are generally so unhealthy, our attention must be
directed to an industry that caters to this segment of the
population, the insurance industry itself, which in most
cases focuses on "illness".

As harsh as that sounds, when you really think about it,
our current health insurance model is based primarily on
treating illness rather than wellness. Insurance covers
drugs, surgeries, hospital stays, diagnostic tests and a
variety of other medical services. When you are sick your
insurance kicks in and pays the bill. (thank goodness it

But how much of the insurance dollar is actually spent on
wellness? How many insurance plans cover nutritional
counseling, heavy metal detoxification, acupuncture, yoga,
chelation therapy or other preventive modalities? Not
many. Only a meager portion of insurance expenditures go
into promoting wellness. Why is that so when wellness
initiatives would save insurance companies millions of
dollars in the long run? Putting money into staying
healthy, while still providing benefits for the sick, would
be a wise move for the insurance industry. Increasing
wellness will reap great benefits and rewards for all.

So how can we be creative and find a type of insurance that
combines the benefits for wellness and the coverage for
illness? How can we begin to make inroads for creating a
healthier society? How do we go from a society based on
illness to one of wellness? What type of insurance can
bring us the best of both worlds? The answer: Health
Savings Accounts and other forms of Consumer Directed
Health Plan options.

You probably have heard of Health Savings Accounts or HSAs.
Their time has come. It is a hot topic in the upcoming
2008 presidential election. More and more employers are
offering this option to their employees. Families and
individuals are increasingly dropping their traditional
coverage for less expensive, more flexible HSAs. It makes

A Health Savings Account incorporates a traditional high
deductible major medical plan and a tax deferred health
savings account, which acts like a medical IRA. You have
coverage for illness with the major medical plan as you use
the funds accumulated in your savings account to pay for
services that are normally not covered by traditional
insurance for staying healthy. These include services like
dental, orthodontics, chiropractic, acupuncture, vision and
much more.

HSAs put you in control over where you spend your health
care dollars. Premium expenses that normally go to part of
your sickness insurance can now be placed into your medical
savings account, to cover wellness initiatives. All the
while you are building up your medical IRA which saves
money in taxes, is portable and rolls over from year to

Health Savings Accounts represent the future of healthcare.
Now there is finally a way to effectively counteract the
traditional insurance model and begin to take back
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Sugar Is Not Your Friend In Weight Loss

Sugar Is Not Your Friend In Weight Loss
Do you realize that the average American consumes an
astounding two to three pounds of sugar each week? Sugar
is disguised in many different forms such as sucrose (table
sugar), dextrose (corn sugar), and high-fructose corn
syrup. Sugar is used in many foods you wouldn't consider
to contain sugar. Sugar is added to bread, mayonnaise,
peanut butter, ketchup, spaghetti sauce, and in many
microwave meals. Some restaurants even add sugar to their
French fry batter. Sugar is used to add or enhance flavor.

In the last 20 years, we have increased our sugar
consumption in the United States to 26 pounds per person
per year! The rate of people with diabetes, cardiovascular
disease and cancer have increased as well.

Sugar is an empty-calorie food. It contains zero
nutrition. If you want to lose weight, foods containing
large amounts of sugar are detrimental to our weight loss,
maintenance, and overall health. We are eating less food
so it is important to make certain what we eat counts
nutritionally to our bodies,

Have you ever noticed that when you eat an item that
contains mostly sugar or simple carbohydrates, you want
more? You don't feel satisfied. You want more and more.
Sugar and simple carbs are not satisfying or allow you to
feel full. Eating sugar is a vicious cycle of eating and
wanting more resulting in excess calories and weight gain.
When you cut your consumption of sugar, you lose the taste
for it. Lose the habit of sugar for successful weight loss.

The "glycemic index" is a measurement of how a certain food
affects blood-glucose levels, food being assigned a
numbered rating. The lower the rating, the slower the
absorption into the digestive process. This slower
absorption provides a more gradual, healthier infusion of
sugars into our bloodstream. On the other hand, a high
rating means blood-glucose levels are dumped into our
bodies quicker. This "dump" stimulates the pancreas to
secrete insulin to drop blood-sugar levels. The drop of
blood-sugar levels results in rapid fluctuations which are
not healthy because of the stress they place on the body.

Sugar has many negative consequences to impact our health.
Some of the dramatic ones are:

* Sugar can suppress the immune system.

* Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.

* Sugar can contribute to hyperactivity, anxiety,
depression, concentration difficulties, and crankiness in

* Sugar can reduce helpful high density cholesterol (HDLs).

* Sugar can promote an elevation of harmful cholesterol

* Sugar can cause kidney damage.

* Sugar can increase the risk of coronary heart disease.

* Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.

* Sugar can increase fasting levels of blood glucose.

* Sugar can lead to tooth decay and periodontal disease.

* Sugar can speed the aging process.

* Sugar can increase total cholesterol.

* Sugar can contribute to diabetes and osteoporosis.

* Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity.

* Sugar can increase the amount of fat in the liver.

* Sugar can cause hypertension.

* Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance.

* Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines.

* Sugar can cause an increase in delta, alpha and theta
brain waves, which can alter the mind's ability to think
clearly. Sugar may be sweet to consume but the results to
our body and health are not so sweet. The ultimate
sweetness of all is weight loss success and to enjoy our
good health.

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147
pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients
achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with
clients to create a weight loss life plan that is
customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the
International Coaching Federation, International
Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition.
Visit Cathy's website:

The Popularity of Injectable Hyaluron Gel Facial Fillers

The Popularity of Injectable Hyaluron Gel Facial Fillers
The use of injectable materials for filling or plumping up
facial lines and wrinkles dates back to 1981 in the U.S.
when collagen injections became available. From 1981 to
2003, for over twenty years, injectable collagen was the
only available facial filler. While the injection process
was easy, the popularity of collagen injections was limited
as its effects were very short-lived usually lasting around
6 weeks or so. Because the collagen material was
bovine-derived (from cows), a skin test was required prior
to injection and a small percent of patients had allergic
reactions, thus not being capable of treatment. Since 2003,
a new synthetic material has become commercially available
and collagen is now 'a material of historic interest'
primarily. This new material is hyaluron or hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluron (HA) is produced today by fermentation in cultures
of equine streptococci. The fermented material is then
stabilized via epoxidic cross-links of the
glycosaminoglycan chains. As a result of this processing
method, the HA material does not cause immunologic
sensitization and virtually no risk of allergic reactions.
Hyaluronan is a polysaccharide that is an essential
component of the extracellular matrices in which all human
tissues differentiate. In certain tissues, such as the
vitreous cavity of the eye and synovial joint fluid, it is
the major constituent. Unlike collagen, it is identical
across all animal species and microbes. The largest amount
of hyaluronan resides in skin, where it is present in both
dermis and epidermis. Hyaluronan's high capacity for
holding water and high viscoelasticity give it some unique
properties that are useful in various medical and
pharmaceutical applications.

Because it retains moisture, hyaluronan is used in some
cosmetics to keep skin young and fresh-looking. As we age,
the water-holding capacity of our skin decreases as
hyaluronan depolymerizes. Therefore, the retention or
insertion of hyaluronan into the skin is theoretically
helpful in wrinkle reduction. HA can be rather rapidly
degraded and is ultimately metabolized in the liver. Modern
processing methods have produced more stable forms of HA
that have much longer in vivo retention times. As
degradation occurs over time, water is attracted to the
material at the site of implantation. As the HA
concentration decreases, more water bonds to it thus
helping with cosmetic persistence. This feature is what
probably accounts for its longer volume retention effects
than bovine collagen. (isovolemic degradation)

A variety of differing grades of transparent gels are
available, based on the same type gel from highly
concentrated (20mg/ml)stabilized HA, which varies in
particle size and subsequent indication. Restylane has a
particulate size of 100,000 gel particles/ml, flows through
a 27 gauge needle, and is indicated for mid-dermal
applications such as deeper wrinkle reduction, as well as
lip augmentation, nasolabial folds, and glabellar creases.
Restylane Fine Lines has the highest concentration at
200,000 gel particles/ml. It can be injected through a 30
gauge needle, and is indicated for thin superficial
wrinkles. The lowest concentration gel is Perlane at 8,000
gel particles/ml which is injected through a 27 gauge
needle and is intended for shaping facial contours,
correcting deep folds, and for lip augmentation. Restylane
was FDA-approved in December 2003, Perlane received its
approval in 2007. There are numerous manufacturers of HA
injectable fillers which, in addition to Restylane,
includes Captique and Juvaderm.

The universal HA composition makes the need for
pre-injection skin testing unnecessary as the risk for
hypersensitivity reactions is minimal. It is easily
injected and flows nicely through small-gauge needles.
While not permanent, its persistence is reported to exceed
bovine collagen with estimates of between 4 and 6 months
post-injection.Rare side effects, that I have not yet seen,
include injection site inflammation at an incidence of
0.02% and local hypersensitivity reactions (swelling,
erythema, and induration) at an incidence of 0.02% lasting
a mean of 15 days.

As of today in 2008, HA injectable soft tissue fillers are
the gold standard by which all future injectable filler
materials will be compared.

Dr Barry Eppley runs a private plastic surgery practice
through his hospital-based medspa locations at Clarian
Health in Indianapolis. To learn more about the latest
trends in plastic surgery, spa therapies, or skin care, go
to his daily blog, .