Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Get Results With This Healthy Weight Loss Plan

Get Results With This Healthy Weight Loss Plan
The world is dealing with a crisis that it never really had
to deal with before. This issue is known as obesity, a
slow killer that affects millions worldwide. There are
several reasons why this is the case. One big reason is
that we lead busy lives stripping us of the ability to eat
in a healthy manner. We go from the corner fast food
restaurant to the vending machines in an attempt to keep
going throughout the day. A second problem is that our
often times crazy schedules do not permit us to exercise as
we should. If you want to experience a healthy weight loss
plan, there is a method that is sure to be able to help you.

With this healthy weight loss plan you will need to plan
out what you do to make it effective. If your the type
that never sees anything through then this may not be for
you. The plan involves a two-step process that begins with
a fasting cleanse and is followed by a sensible way of
eating. If you follow and stick with this plan, you'll not
only lose weight, but keep it off for good.

The most effective way to begin this healthy weigh loss
plan is with a total cleanse. You can find out more about
cleansing online, it's pretty straight forward. You can do
it anywhere from three days up to ten days or more. I
personally have experienced a ten day master cleanse which
helped to clear my body of all of its food addictions.
Once the cleanse is completed, you'll be able to choose
healthier foods to sustain your body.

Upon completion of the fast, you will feel better than ever
and want to continue this feeling by feeding your body what
it needs. To do this you will want to consume a raw food
diet. This diet involves consuming organic vegetables and
fruits throughout the day whenever you become hungry. In
fact, it's a good idea for you you to nibble on a little
something at least once every hour or two during the day.
When you do this, your body becomes a very efficient
machine and is burning fat at an amazing rate.

You can also speed up the weight loss by doing some
high-intensity interval training. The way that you do this
is by doing some form of exercise, typically running for
one minute. After the minute is up you walk for two
minutes. You are going to repeat this process for a total
of thirty minutes. If you integrate this form of exercise
into your healthy weight loss plan then you'll see the
weight come of at an amazing rate.

Literally lose weight overnight! In conjunction with a
healthy weight loss plan, there is one little secret you
should know. Visit for
details on a Top Secret Fat Loss Secret now. Shane Wilson
is a successful webmaster at
where he provides further information on weight loss. Stop
by today.

Warning: 10 Tips for Safe Workouts

Warning: 10 Tips for Safe Workouts
When I was a kid, I used to weight train 6 days per week
and play soccer 7 days per week...sometimes with two games
in one night!

But that isn't a recommended schedule for anyone...not even
for a 17-year old boy. If I only knew then what I know now.

And it's not just me who has trained too much. I see people
overdoing it everyday.

Too many people get hurt by training too hard and too often
that they end up stop working out for life.

In fact, I believe there is a dark side of cardio that can
result in overuse injury and stops you from burning fat.

So while I like to see people workout harder and more
intense, it is also very important for all of us to train
conservatively and not overdo things.

If you currently do cardio or interval training 6 days per
week, I highly recommend that you cut back to 3-4 workouts
per week. If you lift weights more than 4 times per week,
there is a good chance you will get a shoulder injury from

So be careful!

So here are 10 tips to train safe.

1) Don't do any exercise that you aren't sure how to do.
Always get personal instruction from a certified trainer.

2) Don't do anything that hurts or "doesn't feel right".
There are plenty of alternative exercises for every
movement. Just ask a certified trainer for substitutions.

3) Whenever you start a new program, use lighter weights
than normal, and do only 1 or 2 sets per exercise. You must
always expect additional soreness when starting a new
program just because of the new exercises, so don't try to
set world records in a new program right away.

4) If you need extra recovery within the workout or between
workouts, don't hesitate to take it. Safety first.

5) Use a spotter if you are training with heavy weights. If
you train alone at home, follow my recommendations in the
manual and do NOT train to failure.

6) Check your ego at the gym door and start with a beginner
or intermediate workout, even if you have been exercising
in the past. The new exercises, and new style of movements
will cause muscle soreness even from workouts you think
"look easy".

7) Don't do interval training more than 4 times per week.
Even pro athletes don't play hard everyday, so why should

8] Never skip a warm-up. Use the general bodyweight warmups
and the specific warm-up sets in each workout.

9) If you want to start a workout program but think you
have an injury, get medical attention and have a
professional therapist rehabilitate your injury before
starting an exercise program.

10) Check with your doctor before starting any new exercise
or diet program. All together now, "Safety first!"

Bonus 11) If you decide to use running as your form of
interval training, make sure you have good running shoes,
always do an extra thorough warmup, and choose a safe
running surface (grass or trails rather than
pavement/concrete). If you use a treadmill, please operate
it safely.

Train hard but train safe!

Learn more about the Dark Side of Cardio and get a free
sample Turbulence Training workout at:

Tips For Panic Attacks

Tips For Panic Attacks
Panic attacks are moments of extreme fear, restlessness and
worries. Compared to anxiety attacks, it does not last
long but is more intense. When you are struck by a panic
attack, you may also suffer breathing difficulties,
dizziness or even severe chest pains, and these physical
symptoms may make you believe that you are hitting the end
of the world. Panic attacks are bothering more and more
people in the world today, and even school age children can
find no escape. If you are one of the sufferers, you may
like to check out some of the top tips for panic attacks,
and, here they are.

Tip 1
Sometimes anti-depressants are prescribed to treat anxiety
and they work more effectively for generalised anxiety
disorder. This treatment can be used to patients whether
or not they also have clinical depression the same time.

Tip 2
One of the most widely-used and effective way to treat
anxiety is called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT),
whereby the patients are taught to develop positive
thinking. So, try to find a cognitive behavioral therapist
if you feel the need.

Tip 3
Do you know that our bodies' stress system is influenced by
how we breath? Slow and calm breath can reduce the level
of panic attacks, as breathing slowly gives your instincts
a sign that the fear is over.

Tip 4
Valerian root is reported to contain sedative properties
and can relieve the symptoms of anxiety. Consult your
doctor for a good dosage.

Tip 5
Learn some self help techniques, as negative self talk is
always an issue associated with panic attacks.

Tip 6
Proper exercise can relieve stress, but do not over do as
too much exercise can also trigger a panic attack.
Exercises such as yoga and meditation are the best known

Tip 7
Always look for an alternative way to stay fitter if you
are not yet up to exercise. For instance, go for a walk if
you do not like jogging, or exercise at home if you do not
like to go out.

Tip 8
Change for a healthier diet if you do not already have one.
For example, reduce your intake of caffeine and sugar.

Tip 9
Read some jokes and get yourself laugh every day. Laughing
is important to make you feel positive.

Tip 10
Make sure you have enough quality sleep. It is well-known
that the condition of anxiety and panic can get even worse
with sleep deprivation or disturbed sleep.

Tip 11
Find something meaningful in your life, such as a
meaningful job or a meaning full hobby, and try to focus on
these things. This can help you deal with the onset of any
anxiety much better.

Tip 12
Stay away from recreational drugs (most of them are illegal
drugs), as they can dramatically increase the likelihood of
getting and anxiety or panic disorder.

Tip 13
Learn something about what you are suffering. The more you
know about what is happening, the easier you can cope.

Tip 14
Panic attacks are in fact an exaggeration of the your
body's natural reaction to extreme stress or anxiety. Try
to consistently remind yourself that what you are
experiencing is a natural reaction, and that it will go

Anxiety and panics are affecting almost 20 million
Americans every year, and many of the people you meet each
day suffer from panic attacks in the privacy of their own
homes. So, don't be shy if you need to seek the help of a
doctor. The tips for panic attacks in this article can
help you alleviate your panic symptoms, but they may not
work if your condition is more severe. It is important to
always get the professional help you need.

Are you tired of the cliche deep breathing technique for
treating anxiety? If so, you may like to check out the
Linden Method at: . This
unique and easy to follow method has not only cured over
100,000 sufferers worldwide, but also are highly regarded
by a large number of anxiety specialists.

Men's fragrance Ideal

Men's fragrance Ideal
Men's fragrance is always difficult to choose as there are
so many selections available for them. Some people may
think that men's stuff are rare and difficult to find the
most suitable one, especially for perfume or fragrance
which seem to belongs to women favourite. Can anybody
clarify what the "fragrance" means? This generally includes
any type of perfume or liquid substance which will be used
to improve body scent. These are, for example, aftershave,
cologne, perfume etc.

Due to the variety of fragrance selections, it is often
seen that looking for an ideal one for you may not be an
easy job. Once you learn more about the characteristics of
each type of fragrance and able to understand your
characteristics and needs, then you can start looking for
your favourite fragrance.

However, the most important thing may be to get to know
more about each type of fragrance. You have to identify
about which type you will use. The usage may be on daily
basis or occasionally. One of the most popular and well
known men's fragrances is cologne. This type is very much
similar to perfume, which normally used by women. The
obvious difference may be that men's fragrance is much more
strong and pricy than women's. We consider that cologne may
not have long lasting effect as perfume and is normally has
mild degree in scent. Cologne is preferably designed for
men and used in more quantity. The cologne can be applied
to some parts of skin to make it attractive but perfume has
much stronger scent so we just use few drops.

These two types of fragrances can be used as substitution
of each other but women mostly use perfume rather than
these two. As today, there are many types of perfume for
men, but many of them have turned out to be interested in
using perfume. Also, the trend of using cologne still
widely exists. The other type of fragrance for men is an
aftershave. It is what can be used when a gentleman finish
shaving by applying on the area that has been shaved. Even
though aftershave may not be the fragrances that directly
design for use as a fragrance, but it is used to maintain
moisture and condition of the skin and this is the main
purpose of aftershave.

However, aftershave is considered as one of the types of
men's fragrance as it provides good and attractive scent
and could be very long lasting. Therefore, many of
aftershave manufacturers try to make aftershave to be more
than what is used for maintaining skin condition, by adding
scent into the liquid. So now aftershave is one of the most
popular fragrances for men because they do not have to buy
additional perfume or cologne but just use quality
aftershave. In all, no matter which type of men's fragrance
that you are using or planning to have one. It is necessary
to know the difference of each type of them in order to
choose the type that most fit to you.

Catherine Tyler is the professional freelance writer and
also the webmaster of , where
you can find several information of Designer Fragrance
brands for Men.

Do You Know the Japanese Food Secrets For Beautiful Skin?

Do You Know the Japanese Food Secrets For Beautiful Skin?
Today's New York Madison Avenue marketing push is all about
natural skin care products for beautiful skin. Did you
know the Japanese have simple food secrets for beautiful

The leading Japanese food secret for beautiful skin starts
by staying extremely hydrated. It has been reported they
drink 8-12 cups of green tea daily and significant
quantities of spring or mineral water. Western cultures
recently recognize hydration as critical to the facial
beauty we all desire. Unfortunately, many of the products
on the market are loaded with sugar and other sweeteners.
Japanese women have unequaled beauty as they age in their
skin tone as a result of hydrating properly with simple
mineral water and green tea.

European spas, on the other hand, have as a leading food
secret for beautiful skin fasting at least monthly, but
preferably weekly (if you have health problems consult a
medical professional; but the absence of food is itself a
food secret for beautiful skin). Fasting may further aide
other health problems such as overweight, acne, menopause
symptoms, and glucose levels.

Food secrets for beautiful skin from many non-western
cultures, is to totally avoid fried foods. Skin that has
lasting beauty and ageless beauty just cannot be maintained
on a diet of fatty, greasy, fried foods.

Japanese food secrets for beautiful skin are largely driven
by eating fresh, organic foods. Stay away from
packaged/processed/manufactured foods, refined sugars, and
white flour, eat small quantities of meat, do eat mostly
fish, and consume dairy in moderation except organic
yogurts with active cultures, which should be consumed once

One of the most significant Japanese food secrets for
beautiful skin is in their consumption of raw fruits,
vegetables, seeds, and nuts. It has also been said using
sesame oil for cooking, and even the consumption of one
tablespoon per day directly, has mystical properties, which
are the secret to the facial skin beauty Japanese women
enjoy as they age.

It goes without saying that eating fast food, and certainly
on any regular basis, could be the most unhealthy food
consumption habit practiced by western cultures.

To summarize, Japanese food secrets for beautiful skin
start with staying extremely hydrated by consuming green
tea and mineral waters. Totally avoid fast and fried
foods, processed and manufactured foods at all costs.
Menopause symptom relief and skin that has natural and
lasting beauty are clear side benefits of Japanese food
secrets for beautiful skin.

John Russell of IH Distribution, LLC brings you health,
anti-aging and skin care products from around the world.
Find fabulous skin care tips and great articles on a wide
range of topics for women at

The Best Invesment You Will Ever Make: A Quality Fitness Trainer

The Best Invesment You Will Ever Make: A Quality Fitness Trainer
Why Investing Into A Fitness Trainer Will Save You Time,
Effort And Money In The Long Run.

For those interested in obtaining quality fitness results,
a fitness coach is the only correct way to go.

For those wanting to waste their time with ineffective
methods, a fitness coach is not the solution for you.

On the other hand, if you are one of the many people
looking to improve their level of fitness without wasting
valuable time and resources, a fitness coach is the correct

The Benefits Of A Fitness Coach

The benefits of a fitness coach span longer than the rap
sheet of a career criminal. Some of the benefits of using a
fitness coach include:

1. You receive exclusive fitness knowledge from the person
who is an expert on the subject.

2. You receive access to invaluable assistance that will
help you reach your fitness goals.

3. Hiring a fitness coach allows you to focus on the actual
exercise and not the fitness planning.

4. Finally, a fitness coach allows you to learn ways on how
you can keep the body that you are trying to achieve.

If these reasons are not enough to pursuade you to hire a
fitness trainer, then you probably aren't that serious
about trying to improve your personal fitness.

Giving the gift of better personal fitness to yourself is
one of the best gifts that you can receive, so you should
reward yourself today by employing the services of your
local fitness trainer.

Free Fitness Tips

A great advantage of having a personal fitness trainer is
that he or she will have many fitness tips that will assist
you in achieving a higher level of fitness.

If you are trying to achieve better fitness on your own,
you will most likely lack the knowledge about important
fitness tips that will help you achieve your desired level
of fitness. Save yourself the trouble and talk to your
local fitness coach today to find out about these fitness

Benefit #1: Fitness Assistance

Another positive reason for having a personal fitness
coach is that you will have access to fitness assistance.
Many people simply lack the knowledge on how to exercise
properly. By setting up a meeting with your local personal
fitness trainer, you can gain access to someone who can
properly assist you in all aspects of your exercise

Benefit #2: Fitness Is For Exercise, Not Planning

By hiring a fitness trainer, you can allow him or her to
plan your personal fitness plan. By doing this, you will be
able to concentrate on exercising those pounds off while
your fitness trainer will inform you on how to do so.
Besides, you will save time as you will not have to figure
out what type of exercises you should do to achieve the
results that you desire.

Benefit #3: Keeping That Body Fitness Helped You Achieve

Perhaps the thing that most people struggle with after
achieving a higher level of fitness is that they will
revert back to their old ways simply because they lack the
knowledge on how to keep their new and improved body in
shape. Your personal trainer can give you the inside tips
on how to keep your body looking great, even years after
you hired the fitness trainer.

Call Your Local Fitness Coach Today

What are you waiting for? If you read this article, you are
most likely a person looking to improve their level of
fitness. The best way, without a doubt, to improve your
fitness is by calling your local fitness center today and
scheduling a meeting with a fitness trainer.

By doing this, you will be taking the first step to
improved fitness.

Zach Hunt is a fitness coach expert, personal trainer and
owner of Physzique, a fitness coaching service in Spokane,
WA. Go here:
or you can go here for more fitness coach tips:

Are You Only One Infomercial Away From Perfect Health?

Are You Only One Infomercial Away From Perfect Health?
Channel surfing has become a national past time. So much so
that savvy media people have built a financial dynasty in
infomercials. Infomercials have burst on the scene over the
last ten years, selling everything from financial security,
beautiful skin to perfect health. What about these health
infomercials? Should you buy into them?

When it comes to infomercials regarding weight management
products or supplements, the pattern is rather predictable.
Have a token medical professional for credibility,
establish a problem, create fear and then graciously
provide the solution. Infomercials are typically 28 minutes
long and are really four, seven-minute shows repeated.

One of the more popular infomercials that flooded the
airwaves a few years ago was selling the nutrient Coral
Calcium. Coral calcium is a form of calcium purported to be
taken from ocean reefs. The first objective of the
infomercial is to make you believe they have uncovered a
revelation in longevity. Next they explain that they have
figured out a way to extract this calcium from the sea.

Then they proceed to tell you that this miracle nutrient
will make you alkaline. Next, they talk about how disease
cannot live in an alkaline environment. Yes, even cancer
cells. They tell you how this particular form of calcium is
so unique it increases bone density like no other calcium.
"Look at sea creatures," they clamor, "do they die from our
diseases?" (As if to imply it is because they eat the
calcium from the reefs). After building an incredible
expose' on how disease cannot survive in the body in an
alkaline environment, they then tell you how THEIR calcium
will rapidly create this environment. Conclusion: Coral
calcium prevents and cures cancer as well as all other

How prevalent is this nonsense. But the fact is, millions
of people buy into this "miracle-nutrient" mentality. For
example, I was sitting with a high-ranking official of a
large bank, a very bright and well-educated man. As we were
pouring through financial data, he stopped and gave me a
"can-we-change-the-subject-for-a-minute" look. I gave him a
"sure-we-can" look and he proceeded to tell me the
following. '"That coral calcium that you see on T.V., does
it really cure cancer?" I looked at him and said, "What do
you think? Do you think Coral Calcium can cure cancer?" He
said sheepishly, "I guess it is silly to think that one
mineral is the answer to all of America's health ills." I
told the banker that indeed he was right.

Health is never about one nutrient or even ten or for that
matter even thirty. True health is about following some
basic principles and supporting the body on a cellular
level with nutrient-dense food. It is about exercising. It
is about eliminating toxins. It is about emotional health.
It is about drinking water and breathing correctly.

Infomercials exist and will continue to exist because
people want to believe that they can accomplish better
health or weight loss or a body like Chuck Norris without
having to dramatically change their lifestyle. Earlier this
morning, I saw an infomercial claiming that you can lose
all the weight you want without changing a thing in your
life. Just swallow the pill, eat what you want, continue
sitting on the couch all day and you will look like a
supermodel or professional athlete. Pure malarkey.

Improving or regaining your health is a process. It does
not happen instantaneously no matter what you hear. The
process does not have to be one of denial or cataclysmic
changes. One simply needs to acquire the right information
about their body and start making some changes on a daily
basis. But to take a journey you must start a journey.

Next time you flip the channel and land on a health
infomercial, use your God-given common sense. If it sounds
too good to be true... well, you know the rest.

Joe Costello founded Kylea Health in 1995. Kylea is a
well-respected nutritional company providing cutting edge
nutritional formulas servicing hundreds of thousands of
people. Joe is a health researcher, author, and hosts a
weekly health Television show. For more information about
Joe Costello and Kylea Health and Energy visit

Lose Stomach Fat In 10 Minutes Per Workout

Lose Stomach Fat In 10 Minutes Per Workout
If I told you that you could lose fat by doing 10 minute
workouts would you believe me?

What if I told you that you could get a better fat loss
workout done in 10 minutes than one that takes 60 minutes?
Would you think I'm a nut? Or worse, a liar?

Well I'm not and I'm here to tell you that you can lose
stomach fat by doing a workout that only lasts 10 minutes
and that it is better than a workout that lasts 60 minutes.

You're a busy person and I'm willing to bet that it's
pretty tough for you to find 60-90 minutes a few times per
week to fit in a good fat burning workout. Or if you can
find the time you usually feel guilty because it means more
time away from your family or work.

But can you find 10 minutes? Of course you can! Everybody
can find 10 minutes to fit in an awesome fat loss workout.

You might have to get up a little earlier. You might have
to do it when the kids go to bed, or you might have to
sneak it in over your lunch break.

It doesn't matter when it is because you do have an extra
10 minutes a day to fit in an effective fat loss workout.

So here's what you do:

I want you to warm-up for a couple minutes by doing a
circuit of 10 push-ups and 10 bodyweight squats. Do as
many circuits as you can in 2 minutes with little to no
rest between exercises.

I then want you to take your pick of the following 2
circuits and do the circuit as many times as possible in 10

Circuit #1: Lunge (10 per leg)

1-Leg Push-up (10)

Mt. Climber (30)

Jump Squat (8)

Rest for 30 seconds then repeat

Circuit #2: Decline Push-up (10)

DB Swing (10)

Reverse Lunge (10 per leg)

DB Bent Over Row (10)

If you do those circuits right, you'll be sweating and
breathing very hard at the end of your 10 minutes and
you'll keep your metabolism ramped up all day long, which
means you'll burn lots and lots of fat even while you're
not exercising.

Also because of the way these workouts are set up, you can
do them everyday of the week. There's no need to wait a
day between the workouts, just rotate them so you do the
same workout every other day.

Want to get more 10 minute workouts and discover how to
lose stomach fat fast? Visit
and download your free report.

Tastiest Home Remedy For Cough: Honey

Tastiest Home Remedy For Cough: Honey
Looking for a home remedy for cough? One that is natural
and perhaps easy to go down? Consider the sweet liquid from
nature - pure honey.

Now, when you are down with a bout of sickness, for
instance, cold, sore throat, or fever, I am sure at one
point or another, you have wondered and questioned what's
going on in your body, what has gone wrong and is causing
those symptoms of discomfort...

An extremely common ailment which probably all of us have
experienced before, cough is a vital bodily function and
can be technically defined as an involuntary reflex
signalled and triggered by our brain to clear a blockage or
irritant (e.g phlegm, cigarette smoke, pungent gas, dust,
etc) from the air passage. What is visible or audible to us
when this happens is a sudden expulsion of air from the
lungs that helps clear airway very quickly.

When you complain of having a cough, doctors or pharmacists
often like to ask this question: is it chesty or dry?
Chesty cough or productive cough is characterised by the
presence of mucus or phlegm on the chest, whereas in a dry
cough where the throat and upper airways are inflamed or
irritated, no phlegm is produced or expelled. In some
cases, a cough can be chesty but is not productive. This
happens when the phlegm is not loose enough to be coughed
up. Many smokers can have a continual dry cough throughout
their lives. A cough caused by a viral infection such as
the flu or common cold usually disappears within two weeks;
if it does not, it may be a symptom of a more serious
problem and x-rays may be necessary to diagnose the
problem. Persistent or chronic cough could be caused by
environmental irritants or even stress (such a cough
disappears while sleeping), but it could also be a sign of
viral infection like bronchitis or pneumonia, whereby
antibiotic medicine would be required. Signs and symptoms
that point to an infection include fever, chills, body
aches, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, headache, sinus
pressure, runny nose, and night sweats. When cough is a
warning sign of an underlying cancer of the lung or air
passage, other symptoms may also be present, including
worsening fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, or
decreased ability to swallow solid or liquid foods.


Over-the-counter cough syrups for minor coughs are easily
accessible. There are two primary goals in treating a
cough: one is to suppress the cough reflex, especially when
a cough causes pain or affects with sleep; the other is to
thin the mucus, making it easier to bring up and be flushed
from the body. It's beneficial to drink lots of water, warm
broth, tea, and room-temperature fruit or vegetable juice
to help thin and loosen the mucus.

I notice that across different cultures, home remedy for
cough can vary a lot. There is obviously an interesting
vast array of recipes for treating cough, but you may not
be very comfortable with some of them depending a lot on
the beliefs you grow up with (such as the concept of "heaty
and cooling foods" which I tend to believe in). Here I
would mention a few, using honey, one of nature's most
precious gifts: :

1. Mix equal amount of honey and lemon grass juice then
drink to reduce the coughs.

2. Mix a syrup consisting of 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper,
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger, 1 tablespoon honey, 1
tablespoon apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons water, mix
and drink.

3. Boil some water with 2 garlic cloves, 1 table spoon of
oregano. Pour into a cup add 1 tablespoon of honey and

4. Make a lemon and honey drink. Active Manuka honey and
propolis have been commonly used as ingredients in the home
remedy for cough because of their strong antibacterial

Some researchers believe that honey, a traditional, natural
home remedy for cough can offer a "safe and legitimate
alternative" to dextromethorphan (DM), which can
occasionally cause severe side-effects in children,
including muscle contractions and spasms. A study (2007) by
researchers from Penn State College of Medicine, US,
involved 105 children with coughs between the ages of 2 and
18. Before bed, the children were given artificial
honey-flavoured DM cough syrup, buckwheat honey or nothing
at all. Results revealed that parents of children who
received the honey rated their children's sleep and
symptoms as better! Honey's ability as a home remedy for
cough may be due to the way it soothes on contact and
stimulates saliva. However, please note that honey should
not be given to children under age 1 because of a rare but
serious risk of botulism.

Ruth Tan is the owner of the website Benefits of Honey at which is an immensely
rich, quality resource on honey and its benefits, and a
plethora of health-related issues.

Why we wear perfumes and other fragrances

Why we wear perfumes and other fragrances
Scented oils, perfumes and other fragrances have been
adorned by people since early civilization. In today's
market, it is found in numerous forms all around us, from
scented candles, to all your favorite bath and body
products. There are numerous reasons why people wear
perfumes, but ultimately it boils down to the fact that
they make us feel happy. The reason we feel happy is
heavily dependent on the individual, but can range from the
presence of pheromones, memories the scent invokes, a
feeling of escape, and the ability to show individuality
through fragrances.

First, Pheromones are scent triggered hormones which
stimulate sexual appetite. Logically this hormone plays an
important role in human sexuality and desire. Analogs of
the natural human hormone can be found in some perfumes
where these scents trigger increased sexual appetite. The
list of recognized pheromones is continually growing.
Though, most of the currently recognized pheromones only
work on men. As such, women wearing these types of perfumes
instill greater sexual desire in the men surrounding them,
and in return, boosting her own self-esteem as her feelings
of being attractive and adorned grow. This, certainly,
makes any woman feel happy. However, though pheromones
influence our sexuality, the results are fleeting.
Therefore, their presence in a perfume plays a secondary
role to other reasons why we wear perfumes.

Second, there is a strong connection between fragrances and
memory. For instance, we may be somewhere shopping and
smell something from a nearby bakery that reminds us of
something our Mother made for us when we where little -
like chocolaty brownies, or a homemade raspberry pie. Then,
we find a perfume or lotion that smells like chocolate and
raspberries and instantly feel at home with that fragrance.
The same goes for hundreds of other scents out there that
connects us with warm, positive memories - such as the
smell of a husband's or boyfriend's cologne on their
sweater, the smell of particular holidays, the smell of
rain or snow, and so on. Connecting ourselves to these
memories through easily obtainable fragrances makes us

Third, we all need escape. Whether we're tired Mom's,
teenagers, Grandmother's, working Mothers, or stressed
Husbands, we all need a place of escape and that escape is
often found in a bath, shower, or massage with the use of
fragrances. Therapeutic or not, fragrances can take us to a
place of calm and serenity. They can rejuvenate our minds
and energize our senses. When we surround ourselves with a
fragrance we like, we are in essence, placing ourselves in
a protective bubble that minimizes the stress of everyday.
We are instantly comfortable.

Lastly, and maybe even the biggest reason we wear
fragrances, is to show off our individuality. With so many
fragrances to choose from out there a person can truly be
original in what they decide to fragrance themselves with.
They can change the way they smell to match their mood, the
occasion, or anything they like. One day they can smell
like pomegranate and the next day, as their preference
changes, they can smell like roses and musk. The ability to
have this kind of individuality through scent directly
influences our confidence and self-esteem.

The ability of a fragrance to make us feel like desired
beings, connect us with memories, help us to escape and
help us show individuality is phenomenal. This boost of
positivity in our everyday life increases vitality,
improves our drive to accomplish, and increases resistance
to failure. Find the fragrance that makes you happy and
reap the benefits today!

Kari is an investor, entrepreneur, and writer. Her most
recent venture is the popular Sweetly You Bath and Body
company ( )

How to Stop Anxiety Attacks Naturally

How to Stop Anxiety Attacks Naturally
Anxiety attacks are bothering an increasing number of
people, and even the teenagers cannot escape the problem.
The most well-known and sought-after ways to cure anxiety
and panic are traditional medications and behavioral
therapies. These are supplemented by alternative
treatments such as herbals, medications and diet planning.
If you would like to know how to stop anxiety attacks
naturally, you may like to have a good study of the
non-drug ways.


Behavioral therapy is applied to change the behavior
pattern and thinking process of the sufferer, in order to
ease both physical and emotional symptoms of anxiety
attacks. During the treatment, sufferers are taught a set
of coping skills to reduce stress, relax, and focus on
other things so that the anxiety symptom may subside. In
the mean time, the behavior therapist also help the
patients to identify the causes of their problems and
prevent them from happening again. These methods are
essentially different from the direct interventions in
treatment by medications or hypnosis.


In essences, herbals are another form of drug, but are
considered natural because they are less addictive and
harmful compared to traditional medications. Kava Kava is
one such type of drug, and can be taken on a daily basis to
keep the anxiety symptoms at bay. Valerian Root is another
type of herb that has been found to be useful for anxiety,
and it works as both an anti-sedative and an anti-anxiety
agent. Other herbs that are known to be able to alleviate
anxiety symptoms include chamomile, B-complex vitamins, and
St. John's Wort, a potent natural anti-depressant.


Meditation helps the practitioners to put minds at ease.
When you do it for a long time, you can have easy control
of your mind and dispel excessive worries, fear, and anger.
Yoga is one of the commonly known techniques.


With regard to alleviating anxiety, caffeine and sugar are
two types of consumptions you should definitely avoid.
Sometimes, a healthy dieting plan combined with exercise is
a sure-fire cure to a number of physical and emotional


When you do exercises, your body releases a stream of
neuro-transmitters that can successfully keep anxiety at
bay. Why not start with less-intensive programs and
gradually build up? That way, you can well prevent
yourself from suffering anxiety or reduce the symptoms if
you are already having it.

All natural anxiety cures as mentioned above involve
restoring the biochemical balance of the body and making
dietary and lifestyle changes designed to improve your
general health. Many anxiety suffers try to find out how to
stop anxiety attacks naturally as the traditional
medications are believed to be addictive and sometimes
harmful to human bodies. However, natural remedies are
also admittedly less powerful, and best be used to cure
minor symptoms. In the case of more severe anxiety
attacks, traditional medications are still the first

If you are looking for a natural way to effectively treat
your anxiety, you may like to check out the highly regarded
Linden Method at: . You
will be amazed at how this unique method can quickly
transform your life!

A Mother To Be Is Worried About Birth Defects!

A Mother To Be Is Worried About Birth Defects!
All mother's or women who are planning on becoming pregnant
have been concerned at some point with the baby having some
sort of problem and or birth defect. Worrying about a
birth defect is a common occurrence among women. This
article touches upon what the definition of a birth defect,
how many types there are, risk factors and a few ways to
prevent them.

What Is A Birth Defect?

A birth defect is something abnormal that is present at
birth. Another name for it is a congenital disorder. As a
whole most birth defects occur during the first 3 months of
pregnancy. Birth defects can be mild or serious. A birth
defect can be found before birth, at birth, or any time
after birth. Some of these defects are easy to see right
away others may need special tests in order to see them,
such as hearing and or heart problems. Some problems may
not surface until later on in life.

A birth defect is a problem that results from an error in
the way the heart, brain, and spinal cord, kidney, bone,
muscle, skin or other body organ has developed. Babies
with these birth defects may need medical treatments and
even surgery. Moreover, a birth defect may affect how the
body works, looks or both.

Studies show that one out of 33 babies born each year in
the United States has a birth defect. In addition, about
70% of babies are born with a birth defect and there isn't
any known cause to the problem.

What Are The Types Of Birth Defects?

There are more than 3,000 different types of birth defects
known. They can be divided into 3 types, which are
structural, genetic and caused by exposure to a chemical
agent or infectious disease.

Structural - A structural birth defect occurs when some
part of the baby's body is not formed right or missing. A
defect like this can be internal such as a heart defect or
external like a clubfoot. A structural defect doesn't have
just one cause. Heart defects are the most common type of
defect. Nearly one in 125 babies are born with a birth
defect. Neural tube defects are also a common structural
defect. These are defects that occur when the spinal cord
or brain aren't covered correctly. Examples of neural tube
defects are anencephaly and spina bifida.

Genetics - Genetic defects are caused by errors in one or
more genes passed on by the parents (inherited defects), by
a damaged, missing, or extra chromosome (chromosomal
disorders) or by a mixture of factors (multifactorial
defects). A few examples of inherited disorders are
cysctic fibrosis, tay sachs disease, sickle cell disease.
Chromosomal disorders are an example of a problem that
occurred when the egg and sperm were joining. The older
the women are the greater the chance of birthing a child
with a chromosomal disorder.

Down syndrome - Multifacterial defects are a result of the
interaction of the parents genes with the environment of
the developing fetus. Both abdominal wall defects and
cleft palate are examples of multifacterial defects.

Exposure to infections and harmful chemical agents. Some
birth defects can occur when the fetus is exposed to
maternal infections or by the consumption of alcohol or
certain medicines.

What Are The Risk Factors?

Certain risk factors can increase your chances of having a
baby with birth defects. Here are a few below.

Had diabetes before pregnancy

Have a family or personal history of birth defects

Are aged 35 years or older when the baby is due

Have a family or personal history of birth defects

Have previously had a child with a birth defect

Used certain medicines around the time you became pregnant

How Do You Prevent Birth Defects?

There are some birth defects that cannot be prevented. At
the same time, by taking care of you and avoiding harmful
substances will decrease the risks of a birth defect.
Birth defects can be a serious problem, but if the woman
takes good care of herself can drastically decrease her
chances of a birth defect.


The information provided herein should not be construed as
a health-care diagnosis, treatment regimen or any other
prescribed health-care advice or instruction. The
information is provided with the understanding that the
publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any
other health-care profession and does not enter into a
health-care practioner/ patient relationship with its

The author is a dedicated health researcher and degree
holder in Biology. To find the newest and most credible
information on birth defects check out

What are the most important things in a nutrition program?

What are the most important things in a nutrition program?
Nutrition program can be defined as a process of taking in
or consuming healthy and growth supporting food. With the
changing lifestyle in urban areas every other person is
surrounded with junk food or fast food temptation, but none
of those unfit food stuff works the way a balanced diet

A good or balanced nutrition for healthy living is a
benefit for every age type, especially for those spending
hours in gym or other physical activities. It is a well
known fact that nutritional diet intake is full of benefits
for every category of people and supports growth in
teenagers and kids, while helping in maintaining healthy
and fit body in adults.

Before going to nutrition filled food and the important
things in a nutrition program, you need to understand that
nutrition does not only mean having lots of protein through
the day or throwing calories away from your life or to skip
a meal or to eat less. Nutrition or nutrition program is a
process where a complete combination of all the nutrients
should be present in day to day diet i.e. you can not just
skip carbohydrates or fat from your food intake.

Mostly people involved in workouts tend to suffer from
weakness and late post-workout recovery due to incomplete
nutrition intake. You may be having protein supplements,
but your body will still be lacking in nutrition for the
absence of other vital ingredients of a perfect nutrition
program. A human body needs a well balanced combination of
the three main ingredients of a nutrition program .i.e.
protein, carbohydrate and fat. Along with these three main
components, a nutrition program also consists of vitamins,
minerals and adequate amount of water intake.

A good nutrition program consist of vital steps or things
to be taken care of, as it helps to ensure that the body is
getting complete nutrition and does not lacks in any of the
key ingredient. But, there are also things not to be done
to balance and succeed in your nutritional intake. These
'not to do' things say - do not begin a nutrition program
without a physical activity like exercising or cycling or
brisk walking, do not skip your meals (breakfast or lunch
or dinner), do not depend only on supplements and
substitutes for losing weight or gaining muscle strength
and do not skip or minus any of the three main ingredients

Another big mistake people tend to make in the name of
nutrition intake or nutritious diet is by eating less or
staying on fast through the day (with nothing but fruits
intake). Often, eating less or nothing works towards
slowing down or destroying the metabolism of a body.

Some of the most important things in a complete nutrition
program are small but 5-6 meals per day, little bit of
everything, management of calories to a level or intake of
good fat, lost of water intake through a day, addition of
fiber rich food and inclusion of vegetables and fruits in
daily intake.

Experts believe that for a good healthy and nutritional
intake one need to eat more than 3 meals per day. These
meals should be 5 to 6 in number and less in quantity; also
these small meals should consist of a balanced ratio of all
the vital ingredients. This step of a nutrition programs
helps to put an end to extra hunger or need for food and
puts an end to starvation, also this helps to boost up the
body metabolism and supports digestion system too. Next
step comes as a balanced ratio of all the ingredients or
little bit of everything i.e. to manage your 5-6 meals with
lots of protein, required amount of carbohydrates, 20 to 25
% of fat per day and desired amount of vitamins and

People in general are always afraid of fat intake and tend
to shift towards fat free or low fat food products, but
truth is that fat has its own vital role in a nutrition
diet. Fat is required for providing energy, stamina and oil
to the bones, muscles, tissues and cells in the body. Fat
intake to a desired level (specially the essential fat or
the good fat) is compulsory for not just those indulged in
muscle building, but is also equally important for rowing
children and ageing adults for lubrication of joints. There
are three types of fats present in food, such as saturate
fat, polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats. Out of
these three types, monounsaturated fats are the essential
and good fats required by a body for growth, strong joints
and bones, building of stamina and for maintaining a decent
level of cholesterol in the body. It also is said to have
good 'antioxidant' characteristics. Olive oil, canola oil
and fish oil are some of the sources of monounsaturated
fats; also this type of fat is present in both kinds of
products (plant and animal).

Objective of a nutritious diet is not just to provide
health and growth to a body, but to maintain its vital
function like metabolism and digestion. Adequate intake of
water in a day works towards helping the body in performing
these functions successfully. Water does not just prevent a
body from dehydrating, but also act as a cleanser for body
toxins. Water is needed in a body to support the breakdown
of valuable ingredients within the body.

Lastly, a balanced or perfect nutrition program can never
exit without the intake of right amount of valuable fiber
rich products like fruits and vegetables. To maintain a
fiber level within a body is important enough to not to be
ignored. You can always eat lots of salad or fruits between
your main meals to fill your body with vital fibers
required for performing digestive functions and to maintain
the nutrition level of the body. Some of the source for
fiber rich fruits and vegetables are: apples, pears,
oranges, grapefruits, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, carrots,
mushrooms and green beans.

Thus, a good nutritional diet program is essential to make
your body perform its vital functions with an ease.

This article has been brought to you by Positive Body Real
Results Magazine if you would like more free information on
health fitness fat loss and bodybuilding please visit

Looking after your hearing aids

Looking after your hearing aids
A hearing aid needs to be maintained and looked after to
ensure it is working at its best potential. Not only will
this ensure you are getting the best out of your hearing
aid but it will prolong its life.

There are behind-the-ear and in-the-ear hearing aids both
need to be looked after and maintained.

Behind-the-ear hearing aid should be cleaned every night if
not at least once a week. Remove the ear mould and tubing
which needs to washed in warm soapy water and rinsed. Do
not dry them, leave them to dry. Once cleaned and dried
then fit them back to your hearing aid.

The hearing aid itself clean with a soft dry cloth only as
any solutions may damage the hearing aid.

The tube will need to be replaced every three to six
months; this will prevent cracks and hardening of the tube.
You should be shown how to replace the tube by your
dispenser. If you have two hearing aids ensure you keep
each mould and tube with the right hearing aid to put it
all back correctly.

In-the-ear hearing aids have no tubes to detach and clean
you should clean the aid with a dry soft cloth or tissue.
Do not use any liquid on the hearing aid as it may damage
it, only use the cloth.

Some in-the-ear hearing aids come with a wax pick and
instructions how to clean.

Not only do you need to ensure your hearing aid has been
cleaned regularly but change the battery often. If the
sounds become quieter, distorted, crackling then change the
battery. It is a good idea to carry your spare battery with
you just in case. Some hearing aids have a slight beeping
noise when the battery needs to be changed.

With NHS hearing aids the batteries should be supplied free
of charge which you should be able to collect form any
local hearing centre with your record book. Privately
bought hearing aids you will have to buy batteries which
you can normally get from local chemists.

Hearing aids should be kept away from water, heat, hair
products and body sprays as they may damage it. Try and
take your hearing aid out when you go to sleep and turn it
off to save the battery. Turning the hearing aid off
whenever you are not using the hearing aid can help
maintain the battery.

There are common problems which occur with hearing aids but
to establish which problem you should go through a
checklist. It may sound simple but always check the hearing
aid is on, the volume is up, not on setting 'T', the
battery is in correctly and change battery if needed.

All these points may sound like common sense but they are
easily done.

Remember to look after your hearing aid and it will last

Information on buying and looking after your hearing aids.