Thursday, January 3, 2008

A Fit Body Burns Calories and Loses Weight- Pretty Simple

A Fit Body Burns Calories and Loses Weight- Pretty Simple
A common strategy for people trying to lose weight is to
focus on calories, so they make calorie burning the biggest
aim of all their workouts, with the added goal of being in
the "fat burning zone". See our new page on The 7 Steps to
New Year's Weight Loss. People often do very long and
repetitive cardio sessions — walking or jogging for
an hour or more at a relatively low, even level of
intensity. But this isn't necessarily the most efficient
way to burn off unwanted fat, and it's certainly not the
most effective way to achieve and maintain a strong, lean
body over time.

To do that, you need to boost your metabolism, which
regulates your body's ability to become (and stay) lean.
And shifting your metabolism depends on improving your
fitness and supporting your goal with good nutrition, which
is 70% of your ability to get the results you want.

When your body turns food and oxygen into energy —
something it does throughout the day, virtually all day
— it burns calories. That process takes place in
your cells' mitochondria, which need oxygen to burn those
calories efficiently. So the more oxygen your body is
capable of processing per minute (a function of your VO2
max — more on that in a moment), the more calories it
can grind through on a given day.

In other words, being fit helps your body run more like a
finely tuned machine — one that's naturally inclined
to eliminate excess weight.

"People who have a higher level of fitness burn more
calories even while at rest and asleep," Hyman says. Exact
numbers are difficult to nail down because each person's
resting metabolic rate is unique (based on muscle mass,
age, genetics and even climate). Still, some experts
estimate that fit, muscular adults can burn an extra
hundred calories or more per day — while at rest.

It's important to note that in the course of their daily
activities and workouts, fit adults can and do burn a
couple thousand more calories daily than unfit, more
sedentary ones.

And here's the beauty of it: Fit people are naturally more
inclined toward activity and tend to exert themselves at
higher levels. That's because exercise and activities of
all kinds become easier as your fitness improves, and even
intense levels of exertion become more comfortable. All of
which makes calorie-burning activities a much more
appealing proposition, thus further increasing active

This is what's known as a "benevolent circle" (as opposed
to a vicious one) — and the more fit you become, the
more you can take advantage of its fat-burning effects.

About The Author: Charles Carter, BS in Exercise Science is
President of LIVE, llc of -
visit the website for more information on weight loss, core
fitness programs, optimal diets, and online personal
trainer and dietician services. For more information on
products go to .


This is a letter I received recently:

I visited your web site and noticed a section called How to
Read a Scientific Article. I was quite impressed with this

This special report on your web site is vitally important
for treatment providers and treatment seekers. It is
important for all of us who value the use of the scientific
method in making decisions about what kinds of services to
seek and what kinds of services to provide.

What you mention in that article can serve as reminder to
what many of us learned as undergraduates and graduate
students in science based programs. It can serve as a
simplified and easy to remember scientifically based
evaluation tool to help sort out the different types of

Within the context of that special report on your web site
about learning to evaluate and to interpret what is true
and expose what is hype, how would you rate the evidence
presented for Neurofeedback compared to other types of

Here is my reply:

I am glad you enjoyed How to Read a Scientific Article.
Feel free to download it and distribute it to your patients
and colleagues.

As for your question about Neurofeedback:

There are many leading ADHD researchers who come out very
strongly against Neurofeedback as a treatment for ADHD.
Their main complaint against Neurofeedback is that the
research is not well done.

There are numerous studies available, but they all have
weaknesses. Most studies lack the proper controls to prove
that Neurofeedback works. In many studies, Neurofeedback
was used in conjunction with other modalities, so it isn't
clear why the children in these studies got better.

So scientifically, I would have to conclude that
Neurofeedback has not been proven to be an effective
treatment for ADHD.

Thank God, I am a clinician and not a scientist!

In my opinion, based upon the evidence that we have
available, Neurofeedback works very well for ADHD as well
as a number of other conditions.

It's true that the research does not rule out other
possible explanations for the effectiveness of
neurofeedback in ADHD. No one has proven that it is not a
placebo effect. No one has proven that it is not the extra
therapeutic interaction.

However, in my opinion, these other explanations are not
very likely. We do not see any other placebo getting the
results that Neurofeedback gets. Nor do we see intense
therapeutic attention in other settings delivering such

To the best of my knowledge, there has never been a study
that shows or even suggests that it Neurofeedback does not
work. The worst complaint the antagonists can level is
that it has not yet been proven to work.

It is true that the studies on Neurofeedback have not
proven that it works. I want to stress, however, that not
proven does not mean disproved.

Although in the pure scientific sense there is something
lacking from the Neurofeedback literature, we are dealing
with patients' lives.

It is not fair to our patients not to use what is most
probably a very effective treatment modality just because
we would like more elegant research. With that in mind we
have to evaluate neurofeedback based upon the evidence that
is in front of us.

I agree that neurofeedback needs more scientific work to be
proven an effective modality. However, as a clinician I
feel that I have all the evidence that I need in order to
advise patients to use it.

I still have a lot of questions about it. It is not really
clear to me how effective it is. What percentage of
patients fail? What percentage achieves only partial
success? I have heard claims of success ranging in the
95+%. I don't know how accurate these claims really are.

I personally don't have enough information to discern
between the effectiveness of different neurofeedback
techniques. I would like to see more research in these

Anthony Kane, MD has been helping parents of ADHD and
Oppositional Defiant Disorder children online since 2003.
Join over three thousand parents and get help for your
Oppositional Defiant Disorder child
(, help with
defiant teens ( )
ADHD treatment and ADHD information
( ) .

The New You, In The New Year : Will I Ever Lose The Belly Fat, Attract The Right Man Or Wealth?

The New You, In The New Year : Will I Ever Lose The Belly Fat, Attract The Right Man Or Wealth?
I'm sure you have been hearing about losing weight, and
sticking to your New Year's resolutions but let me ask you,
where are you right now?

Are you still feeling stuck and not sure what to do. On
one hand you have the desire, and the other you have your
mind pulling you in another direction that is away from
your goals.

Imagine having all the tools that you needed to achieve not
only the body you wanted like a flat stomach, lean legs,
and firm glutes but imagine having an incredible
relationship, money,and a sense of feeling good about

Why is it that so many women do not have the body of their
dreams and are not living their life with passion and

It's because you have spent too much time looking for the
next quick fix diet or temporary solution to a lifetime of

You need to look within yourself to get what you want on
the outside. No diet, no get rich quick scheme will do
that for you. It is when you work on your inner core,
your authentic self that you discover the true potential
within yourself. You may have Googled your way into a
short term frenzy but the truth be known that the ultimate
resources can be found within you.

You simply need to find the right combination to your mind
that unlocks your true potential and giving you exactly
what you want.

You can achieve anything you want whether it be six pack
abs or wealth.

The formula is to know that you are capable and to instill
a belief system within yourself that is so great, it's
effortless for you to take the necessary action.

There is no such thing as hard work, it is simply putting
time and effort into things that you value to get a desired
outcome. If you are telling yourself it's hard, then you
are not being truthful to yourself.

Ask yourself this question. What makes me different than
the woman that is the same age as me that accomplished the
body of her dreams, is in a fulfilled relationship, and is
living an abundant life?

The answer is she chose to see the outcome that she wanted,
instilled a belief system and took action. If you are
unsure whether this year you will ever accomplish your
goals or maybe it will happen next year then I can tell
you, that you will remain where you are at.

Here's what you need to do:

First, get clear on what you want.

Second, find the right mentor, book, or support system.

Third, take action towards your goals every single day.

Heather Picken, Female Fat Loss Expert, & Mind Body Coach
Learn how you can change your body, change your mind,
change your life by visiting:

The New You, In The New Year : Will I Ever Lose The Belly Fat, Attract The Right Man Or Wealth?

The New You, In The New Year : Will I Ever Lose The Belly Fat, Attract The Right Man Or Wealth?
I'm sure you have been hearing about losing weight, and
sticking to your New Year's resolutions but let me ask you,
where are you right now?

Are you still feeling stuck and not sure what to do. On
one hand you have the desire, and the other you have your
mind pulling you in another direction that is away from
your goals.

Imagine having all the tools that you needed to achieve not
only the body you wanted like a flat stomach, lean legs,
and firm glutes but imagine having an incredible
relationship, money,and a sense of feeling good about

Why is it that so many women do not have the body of their
dreams and are not living their life with passion and

It's because you have spent too much time looking for the
next quick fix diet or temporary solution to a lifetime of

You need to look within yourself to get what you want on
the outside. No diet, no get rich quick scheme will do
that for you. It is when you work on your inner core,
your authentic self that you discover the true potential
within yourself. You may have Googled your way into a
short term frenzy but the truth be known that the ultimate
resources can be found within you.

You simply need to find the right combination to your mind
that unlocks your true potential and giving you exactly
what you want.

You can achieve anything you want whether it be six pack
abs or wealth.

The formula is to know that you are capable and to instill
a belief system within yourself that is so great, it's
effortless for you to take the necessary action.

There is no such thing as hard work, it is simply putting
time and effort into things that you value to get a desired
outcome. If you are telling yourself it's hard, then you
are not being truthful to yourself.

Ask yourself this question. What makes me different than
the woman that is the same age as me that accomplished the
body of her dreams, is in a fulfilled relationship, and is
living an abundant life?

The answer is she chose to see the outcome that she wanted,
instilled a belief system and took action. If you are
unsure whether this year you will ever accomplish your
goals or maybe it will happen next year then I can tell
you, that you will remain where you are at.

Here's what you need to do:

First, get clear on what you want.

Second, find the right mentor, book, or support system.

Third, take action towards your goals every single day.

Heather Picken, Female Fat Loss Expert, & Mind Body Coach
Learn how you can change your body, change your mind,
change your life by visiting:

Jogging makes you slow

Jogging makes you slow
We have all done it, you have probably been ordered to do
it by your coach, you'll probably want to do it to lose
some weight... But is jogging really the answer to your
training needs.

I mean, will going for a jog solve your lack of endurance
in a game of squash, rugby, football or golf?

Are you lumping around more body fat around the court than
you absolutely have too so you feel that a jog around the
block will make this go away...

What I write over the next page or so will probably annoy
you, you may even flat out disagree with me. All I ask is
that you keep an open mind.

Some 40 or so years ago, a man Mr K Cooper invented the
world of aerobics and ever since, we have been "shackled"
to the concept of effective training involving an hour long
bout of aerobic training, normally in the form of a jog,
cycling down the street, or attending a fitness class.

However this form of training has been long since proven to
NOT be the most effective method for most sports AND, more
importantly, NOT an effective fat loss tool either.

How has this form of training managed to remain the
foremost practised workout in the world? Whilst my
sceptical head has many theories on this, the purpose of
this article is not to disprove the aerobic method, but to
provide you with reasons to try something else instead.

I could bore you with many studies that prove that Interval
based training principles and resistance style workouts are
better for your sports training needs, but instead I want
to appeal to your common sense.

Unless your chosen sport is purely endurance based, such as
marathon running, triathlon, long distance cycling or cross
country skiing then you need to look at the how you
challenge your body when you are "playing" your game?

Even an endurance based sport demands a different look for
optimum training plans, but that is for another article!

Most sports require short bursts of effort interspersed
with periods of rest. The ability for your body to handle
these efforts is based on the ability for your muscles to
recover effectively ready for the next effort. Think of the
short sprint to reach a long ball, darting across the
squash court, or rushing at an opponent to make a tackle.

Most sports require a level of strength exerted over a
short period of time, ie. POWER. Think of a tennis stoke,
golf swing, a leap or a quick start.

Most sports require a flexibility and at the same time a
stability of your joints to execute a controlled movement.
Think a kick of a ball, striking a ball with a bat, or
throwing an object.

Now tell me how spending most of your training time doing a
low intensity, aerobic style workout like that of jogging
or an hour on an exercise bike is going to help you develop
a better body for sport?

This style of workout that has been shown to restrict
mobility, increase your chances of repetitive strain
injuries and breaks down muscle tissue in order to retain
your body's natural homeostasis.

Armed with a little knowledge and a helping of common
sense, you can see that doing your "usual" workout may not
be optimum for you or your sport! I also mentioned at the
start that this style of training is not that effective for
fat loss either! The only study I will cite in this article
demonstrates that an interval based training plan has be
shown to be NINE times more effective for fat loss than
doing long slow steady state workouts such as jogging, or
working out on an exercise bike for an hour or more!

Impact of exercise intensity on body fatness and skeletal
muscle metabolism. Tremblay A, Simoneau JA, Bouchard C.
Physical Activity Sciences Laboratory, Laval University,
Ste-Foy, Quebec, Canada.

So what should you be doing for your sports training?

Well simple really, take a look at the demands your sport
has on the body...

Is it short sprints, then go out and train for short

Is it dynamic, powerful movements whilst on your feet, then
train to make dynamic, powerful movements whilst on your
feet (that means stay away from the machines, and pick up a
dumbbell or two!)

Is it jumping, first step quickness, changes of direction,
flexibility, stability, strength, power?

You see what I am getting at?

Most of us never need to do aerobic style training, whilst
to some this will come as a relief, you may still be
resisting this paradigm shift. What I propose is such a
fundamental shift in over 40 years of training folk lore
that it is easy to dismiss such a simplistic concept.

Sabine is a keen skier, water in the summer, snow in the
winter. Since changing her training approach from that of
endurance athlete to that of power and strength, her
sporting performance has taken a dramatic turn for the
better, what's more her body fat percentage dropped to
below 20%. Her workouts never last more than 45 minutes and
has not done a single aerobic workout since the change.

Whilst every sport is different, it is important to note
that the basic requirements of "most" sports requires a
very different model of training than that which is
normally adopted. Before heading out for your next workout,
take a close look at the demands of your sport and ask
yourself honestly if the jog you are about to do is going
to make a difference? Or are you just doing it because that
is what you have always done...

Tim Goodwin is a fitness professional specializing in help
the busiest people achieve more with their amateur sporting
interests, and at the same time ridding them of excess body
fat. Visit to get a
free 18 page report "How to lose weight even when you are
really busy" containing a full 4 week program which you can
start today!

Ms Fitness Competitor Amy Campbell Shares her Competition Beauty Secrets

Ms Fitness Competitor Amy Campbell Shares her Competition Beauty Secrets
After all those push-ups, endless sets in the weight room
and the consumption of more protein shakes than can ship
to your door, the time that you have put in for strength
training, time for cardio and time for practicing that
perfect routine, have you scheduled time to master and
develop your personal beauty routine as well? In the sport
of Fitness competitions, beauty is an important component
to judge's scoring for many shows. A simple schedule is
included here(see chart below) to help prepare you for this
important segment of your next fitness competition.


Put together an effective beauty routine for your face and
body. Just like the workouts, being consistent is the key
to clean, healthy skin! Your Face Routine will consist of
two components ' Cleansing and Moisturizing. Cleanse daily
(meaning EVERY DAY) once in the AM when you wake up and
once in the PM before you go to bed. Wash with a cleanser
formulated for your skin ' for dry skin, try a creamy
cleanser and for oily skin, try a foam cleanser. If your
skin is prone to blemishes (acne, whiteheads, blackheads,
etc.) try a cleanser containing salicylic acid. Moisturize
daily after you cleanse ' in the AM, try a lighter weight
moisturizer and in the PM, try a nighttime formula for
extra moisture. Once a week, schedule time to complete a
facial mask or peel to draw embedded impurities to the
surface for clearer skin, faster!

Your body routine should be complimentary to your skin
routine ' cleanse and moisturize daily. Once a week,
schedule time for ex foliation. Ex foliation is the process
of removing dry skin cells from the surface of your skin.
The result is fresh glowing skin! A good body scrub with
small granules and oil-free ingredients will work wonders
to slough off dead skin and give your skin a healthy glow
on stage!


A smile that radiates confidence and exhibits beauty to any
judge the goal here! Consistently brush teeth daily 2-3
times a day when you wake up, after lunch and before you go
to bed. Use toothpaste with fluoride and whitening
ingredients and brush for at least 1-2 minutes. Try timing
yourself when you brush to get an idea of how long to
brush. Floss 1x everyday after brushing. Flossing removes
plaque buildup and keeps gums healthy. To remove plaque and
bacteria from hard to reach areas around your teeth, finish
your brushing and flossing routine with a mouth rinse. 2-4
weeks out before a competition, schedule in teeth whitening
every other evening using teeth whitening strips to whiten
and brighten your smile for the judges.


It doesn't matter who you are, even the best fitness
competitors will appear unhealthy and unattractive with
poorly cared-for hair. On a daily basis, wash and condition
hair with a formula that is made for your hair type. Limit
the use of heat-styling tools. For example, blow dry hair
on high heat only until hair is damp then switch to a
cooler setting. Or substitute Velcro rollers for hot
rollers and curling irons. On a weekly basis, use a deep
conditioner, wrap hair in plastic wrap and leave on for a
minimum of 15 minutes for extra moisture and shine.
Schedule a haircut every 6-8 weeks to keep hair neat and
shapely. By booking haircuts in advance, you are more
likely to stay on schedule and maintain a consistent,
healthy head of hair!

To recap, if you follow a beauty schedule consistently
while training and preparing for a competition, this
essential piece will maximize your scores. While many of
these beauty concepts may seem basic or second nature to
many people, they are often the first areas to suffer when
time is short or runs out. As a show approaches, it becomes
even more difficult to find time to finalize preparations.
By maintaining a consistent beauty schedule, you will find
yourself with one less judging criteria to worry about when
it comes time for the show!

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supplements with the largest selection of diet pills,
creatine products, protein powders, and bodybuilding
supplements. Find more information on the products you are
searching for at . Want
more expert advice visit .

The Biggest Obstacles to Any Full Body Detox

The Biggest Obstacles to Any Full Body Detox
Obstacles are bound to crop up during any full body detox.
In order to allow your program to work, you must deal with
these right away. There is no point in going through with
a natural body detox if you are not willing to cut those
things out of your life as they will continue to allow
toxins in your system. This is a lifetime process.

1. Nicotine: If you're a smoker, don't even bother with a
body detox program unless you are committed to quit.
Besides being deadly, there are hundreds of carcinogens and
tons of other chemicals that will hinder your ability to
follow a body detox program. Slowly wean yourself off of
smoking or go to your doctor for help.

2. Stress: Even if you think you are doing everything
right, your whole body detox will never work if you're
constantly stressed out. Stress triggers hormones that
slow the process, and can keep a full body detox form
working. Be sure you deal with stress as soon as it comes
up through meditation, exercise or whatever works.

3. UV Rays: Frying on a tanning bed wreaks havoc on any
body detox diet, so does spending hours in the sun leaving
your skin unprotected. UV damages your body and piles the
toxins on. Be sure to wear a sunscreen with an SPF of at
least 15, and reapply after a couple of hours in the sun.

4. Not getting enough nutrients in your diet: Certain
B-vitamins, beta-carotene, and other nutrients are vital to
any body detox diet. Be sure to eat plenty of leafy
greens, including seaweed. Bulk up on fiber and eat plenty
of brown rice. Take a multivitamin daily. Omega 3s and/or
fish oil is also a good thing to add.

5. Ingesting chemicals: A total body detox includes
shunning all toxins. Try to eat as many organic foods as
possible, keeping away from foods that may have pesticides,
BGH, and other chemicals. Try shopping at farmer's market
or your local produce stand to avoid paying the higher
prices in specialty markets.

6. Staying dehydrated: Eight glasses a day is no longer the
recommended amount of water you should drink. Divide by
your weight in lbs by two, and drink that many ounces of
water daily. Hydration will help you feel refreshed and
move those toxins out of your pores.

7. Cut back on prescriptions: While some medications are
necessary, cut back on any painkillers or other medications
that are not for chronic or life threatening conditions.
Some of these medications are actually bad for your liver
and will hinder the whole body detox.

Remember that there is no way you can cut all this out at
once. Easy does it. Gradually cut back on the harmful
things and work in the good stuff. Don't think of this as
punishment or some kind of restriction. These are
lifestyle changes, an essential to making any body detox
program work.

John Khu is a health enthusiast and author of a new eBook
titled "Body Detox Tips". He is devoted to educate others
on the benefit of body detoxification. He is also the
owner of the website called
which provides complete and up-to-date information.