Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Why does stress create love handle body fat?

Why does stress create love handle body fat?
Stress plays a major factor in creating body fat. The
midsection is especially vulnerable to increased fat
commonly referred to love handles. Stress affects the
effectiveness of losing love handles and developing muscles
in the abdominal region of your body. We want to look at
the science behind what stress does to your body and the
compelling evidence that you must pay attention to.

Stress causes your body to produce more of a specific
hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is called the stress
hormone. Cortisol has its good points and has to be
included in your body's make up, but what it does when
increased in production is actually the exact opposite of
what you want to happen.

Cortisol increases the breakdown of your muscle mass
especially when increased levels are present over a long
period of time. What's more, it also helps the placement
of fat around your mid section, and therefore helps to
create those love handles that you want to avoid.

Abdominal exercises and drastic diet plans will not address
the overriding effects of cortisol. The good news is there
is real help available to you once you understand the cause
and affect of cortisol on love handles or abdominal fat.

There are two things to concentrate on here. You should
work to reduce the amount of stress that you deal with on a
regular basis. Strive daily to remove stressful situations
from your life. Taking deep breaths when you feel the
levels of anxiety increasing works great. By giving you
time to de-stress, the levels of cortisol will remain
lower. You should incorporate time for yourself to do
enjoyable activities, even though you may think that you
just don't have the time or energy to do that.

Exercise is an incredible outlet for relieving stress. Ask
your co-workers or neighbors about the athletic high they
feel when returning from the gym or other workouts. This
is actually the significantly reduced stress levels that
you may have not felt for a long time. Your body is clean
of the stress component that causes us to overeat and gain

What's more, the other aspect to consider in fighting
cortisol is to include an herbal compliment to your diet.
The herb Relora is ideal for improving stress hormone
levels. Consuming it daily can help you to reduce your
stress levels as well as help you to reduce your love
handles. You can purchase this in a supplement form that
can easily be consumed daily. Another herb to look into is
phosphatidylserine. It can help your muscles to overcome
the effects of cortisol and helps to improve the brain's
reaction to stress in general. Overall, these can help you
to overcome stress in your life.

While removing all stress from your life is not likely to
be an easy job to do, we owe it ourselves to start now.
Stress causes many physical ailments that most of us may
not recognize immediately. Increased love handles or
abdominal weight is simply one outcome of increased stress
levels. Start now by walking at lunch. Take the stairs up
a building. Park your car as far away as possible and walk
to the stores. Your body will love you for it and the
handles will slowly go away.

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Hot Pants, Cold Memories

Hot Pants, Cold Memories
Have you ever tried on a shirt, or a pair of pants, that
were supposedly in your size, but it just didn't fit? The
sleeves were too small, the pants were too tight. But the
size said it should fit, right? So if the size is correct,
then the message must be that it's your body that's not the
right size.

Well, that just isn't the truth, and you know, it took me a
while to realize that. Our bodies are not made to fit into
all the different styles that are out there-and we have to
understand that! Unfortunately, all the models and
advertising leads us to believe that clothes are truly a
"one size fits all"-and if the clothes don't fit; there
must be a problem with our bodies.

Do any of you remember hot pants? These were quite the
style when I was a teenager-and I wanted to wear them,
because "everyone" was. They were also called "short
shorts", and were the rage in the 1970's. Since everyone
was wearing them, I convinced my mother to let me get a
pair. But the problem was-they didn't look right on me.
My thighs didn't look good in those short shorts, and I
wouldn't wear them

What I didn't realize back then was that my body was the
right size-for me. But I didn't understand that, nor was I
able to accept myself as not being anything else but too
fat. I figured if the pants didn't look right on me, it
must be my fault. So I decided I had to go on a diet and
lose weight, in my thighs, in order to fit the fashion.

Of course I couldn't lose the weight-I have never been able
to stay on any diet. And I couldn't accept was that there
were plenty of other clothes that did look good on me. I
HAD to be able to wear these hot pants, because it was the
style. So sadly I wasted a lot of time, and energy on
criticizing myself for not having the right body, and it
took a long time (and gaining and finally losing 30 pounds)
to finally accept myself.

Now I realize that regardless of how much weight I may have
lost, I would never have looked like those models. My
genetic make up would have never given me skinny thighs and
legs (I suppose I could blame my parents, but I think I'm a
bit old for that). We all have different body shapes, and
we need to find the clothes that feel comfortable on our
bodies-we need to feel comfortable IN our bodies. While I
certainly enjoy wearing nice clothes, comfort comes first
now. If the skirt feels a bit tight, even if it is "my"
size, I'm not going to get it. I'm past the point of
thinking about losing weight in order to fit into a certain
pair of pants.

Over time my body has changed (gravity, perhaps? Having
kids? Certainly), and I have also gotten rid of clothes I
wore 20 years ago. I have no desire to be able to fit into
my wedding dress, nor do I think it is something I should
have to do.

I do the best I can to take care of myself. I try to eat
well, most of the time, and I do like to walk regularly,
when my schedule allows it. I'm not going to buy any
clothes that are going to give me the shivers when I think
about putting them on. The clothes I buy now will be the
ones I will remember warmly.

For free tips to becoming At Peace With Food, articles, and
links to nutritional resource websites, visit=>

New Health Care Trends Involve Environmental Endocrinology for Women in Menopause

New Health Care Trends Involve Environmental Endocrinology for Women in Menopause
Today's fervor for environmental preservation has also hit
the medical industry as researchers, scientists and doctors
are discovering the importance of the newest emerging field
called environmental endocrinology. Doctors are now
learning how environmental endocrinology, or the effect of
daily stressors like light, food and crowding on multiple
endocrine systems, controls the rate of aging and the
quality of life. This also covers reproductive
endocrinology, converging to become what we call menopause

Envronmental endocrinology has roots in the earliest
calendars, which historically were lunar calendars, based
on the time interval from one new moon to the next, or also
known as lunation. In colder countries, the concept of the
year was determined by the seasons, specifically by the end
of winter. But in warmer countries, where the seasons are
less pronounced, the Moon became the basic unit for time.

Calendar consciousness first developed in women because
their natural body rhythms corresponded to observations of
the moon, and as it turns out, 28 days is not the true
average of the natural female cycle. In ancient mythologies
it is clearly related to the full moon, but in the modern
world the female cycle is disturbed by what some
researchers believe to be the existence of artificial
lights and the use of artificial hormones. Many light
sources including TV and computer screens, have probably
perturbed the female cycle, and shortened it.

A woman's menstrual cycle responds to many subtle
environmental cues and one of these is the presence of
other women. Those who work closely together, or who live
together, can set off each other's menstrual cycles. It
happens via pheromones-chemical substances that are
secreted by the skin. Once their nasal receptors pick up
the scent, the pheromones stimulate their endocrine
systems, which then drive their menstrual cycles into a
similar pattern.

There's also evidence for photoperiodicity controlling
estrogen reception along with the obligate melatonin
response. Melatonin blocks estrogen receptors. As the light
increases with the waxing moon, melatonin secretion
diminishes, allowing estrogen full rein.

Doctors who are studying environmental endocrinology are
in the vanguard of an elite group of forward-thinking
physicians and researchers trying to put the scientific
method back into medicine, spearheaded by a researcher
named T.S. Wiley.

The studies focuse on the following topics: Insulin and
cortisol metabolism over the course of a lifetime; the
interplay of insulin, SHBG and estrogen; the effect of
declining quality of sleep on sex steroid production and
use; the seasonal variation in hormone fluctuation through
shunt physiology; the action of sex steroids on
immunological, emotional and neurological disorders; how to
use and adjust the Wiley Protocol to solve all of the side
effects of menopause'hot flashes, migraines, joint pain,
incontinence, hemorrhaging, endometriosis, hypo and
hyperthyroidism, fibroids, PCOD, insomnia, acid reflux,
gall bladder disease, thinning skin, vulvodynia, low
libido, IBS, anxiety and depression; the connection of
insulin and sex hormones to cancer; C-reactive protein and
cardiovascular risk: the eyes of the hippopotamus;
non-Genomic actions of steroid Hormones in Reproductive
Tissues; complex actions of sex steroids in adipose tissue;
and the cardiovascular system and brain: insights from
basic science and clinical studies

"Since my involvement with Wiley and environmental
endocrinology, I have become more keenly aware of the
nuances of hormonal interaction and understanding the
molecular aspects of hormonal relationships," said Courtney
Paige Ridley M.D."It answers the questions being posed
regarding cancer and other dysfunction afflicting not only
menopausal women but those women with significant
alteration of cycle created by interaction with our
estrogen toxic environment."

Kristin Gabriel is the marketing communications director
for T.S.Wiley, a medical writer and researcher in
chronobiology, environmental endocrinology and circadian
rhythmicity. She is the author of "Sex, Lies & Menopause,"
and the also the developer of The Wiley Protocol
(http://www.thewileyprotocol.com ) For more information
about the Wiley Protocol Physicians Training and
Certification, email caren@thewileyprotocol.com. *The
Medical Educator Consortium (MEC) is accredited by the
Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to
provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Grasping Panic Attacks

Grasping Panic Attacks
After a panic attack has occurred, many times a visit to
the emergency room follows to ensure that a heart attack,
stroke, or some other serious ailment has not just
happened. After every test possible, the doctor comes up
with a diagnosis. He tells you that all of your tests have
come back negative and what you are experiencing is normal
and harmless. He explains that you are experiencing panic
attacks. The doctor prescribes medicine, a follow up
checkup with your general practitioner, and then sends you
on your way. As the doctor is explaining this, thoughts
are racing through your mind. How can this be normal and
harmless? The doctor just cannot be right. He has to be
missing something. After leaving the hospital and feeling
as if the doctor has completely misdiagnosed your
situation, you have decided to take it upon yourself to
grasp what this new diagnosis means.

Grasping the fact that the diagnosis of panic attacks is
correct is the first step to conquering them. According to
The Lancet, panic attacks are sudden, sometimes unexpected
paroxysmal bursts of severe anxiety accompanied by several
physical symptoms. (eg. Cardio respiratory,
otoneurological, gastrointestinal, or autonomic) Such
attacks are often striking in their initial presentation,
affect the individual's function, and could be progressive
and disabling, especially if accompanied by agoraphobia (an
extreme form of phobic avoidance). (Roy-Byrne & Steine,
2006) In other words, panic attacks are caused from a
build up of stress and anxiety, which led you to feel
sensations in many areas of your body. You then experience
the Fight-or-Flight response.

What does Fight-or-Flight response mean? When your body
senses danger, your adrenalin will kick in. This usually
occurs when you feel fear that something might happen or is
happening. The Fight-or-Flight response is discussed in
more detail in our next article. These sensations lead us
to believe that they are symptoms of some type of serious
underlying illness, or that we are experiencing a major
health risk.

Many individuals that have encountered these dreadful panic
attacks feel as if they are losing control and worse yet,
going crazy. The fear that is caused by these sensations
leads us into being apprehensive about going out into the
public. These attacks affect our sleep. We tend to
constantly need to sleep in order to escape from the
attacks because it is on our mind from the time we wake up
until the time we go to sleep. The bad news is that you
can experience a panic attack even in your sleep! The good
news is that there are treatments and remedies that you can
take to overcome these attacks.

It is a common fact that women experience panic attacks
more than men. However, both can be subjected to it.
Whether male or female, the attacks are very distressful.
At some point in their lifetime, millions will experience
these distressful attacks and will be searching for answers
like you. Now that you know what panic attacks are, you
should learn what the symptoms (sensations) are so you can
identify them next time with your panic attack. Grasping
panic attacks is your first step to recovery!

Reference: Roy-Byrne, P., Craske, M., & Stein, M. (2006,
September 16). Panic disorder. Lancet, 368(9540),
1023-1032. Retrieved November 12, 2007, from Psychology and
Behavioral Sciences Collection database.

This article is for people who have had or know someone we
has had panic attacks. Please read the valuable information
and take control of your life. Please

Treat Yourself, But Don't Overdo It

Treat Yourself, But Don't Overdo It
Whether you're at the family barbecue, out with friends, or
having dinner with colleagues, a time will come when
temptation to cheat on your nutrition plan will present
itself, and many will give in. I have this conversation
with my clients frequently, and since the decision to
indulge a little has already been made, I try to give tips
for making better choices and still feel like you are
treating yourself.

Soda or iced tea, or juice iced tea is regarded as the
better choice simply due to the high levels of sugar and
the carbonation in soda. Iced tea can certainly have sugar
but if you have unsweetened, you can at least regulate how
much. An 8oz glass of fruit juice is about 120 cal, 29
carbs and 26 grams of sugar, hardly considered a great
alternative. All are bad for your teeth, and if you use
lemon in your tea, the acidity can lead to cavities as
sugar does in soda. One other note regarding soda, have
you ever seen how easily soda takes corrosion off your car
battery? Honestly I would choose water.

Alcohol light beer on average carries about 27% less
calories than regular beer, with Michelob Ultra and Becks
Premiere leading the way at less than 100 calories and 4
carbs. Red and white wine, on a list of over 100 averaged
between 80-200 calories per glass. If you love a good
mixed drink, keep this in mind if you're trying to watch
your weight. A 12oz Margarita is around 680 cal, Pina
Colada (650 cal), rum & coke (10oz, 356 cal). Of course
the calories really add up when we add appetizers and have
a few rounds. A couple drinks and a plate of potato skins
may add up to your entire daily calorie allowance!

Eating out. Hmmm, way too many choices to be made here.
But here are a few ideas for when you're out to dinner.
Choose grilled when you can and ask for your meat to be
prepared without oil or butter. Try losing the bun of your
burger. And use mustard instead of mayo or special sauce.
Mustard can add virtually no calories to your meal. Order
salad dressing on the side, shy away from thick creamy
dressings. Have ½ your meal wrapped to go before you're
served. Choose a side of veggies rather than fries.

Don't forget dessert. This being my favorite category of
food, sometimes it's hard avoiding overindulgence and still
feel like I'm having a treat. So the only suggestion I
will make in regards to dessert is choose whatever you
like, but have a small portion. A few bites to satisfy our
craving shouldn't hurt, overindulgence will. Maybe share
that slice of pie with a friend.

Making the choice to eat healthier doesn't have to feel
like you are being squeezed with restriction. A quality
nutrition plan can include a day to relax and eat what you
want. Sometimes, like on our cheat day, we can make healthy
choices and still feel like we are treating ourselves.

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5 Tips to Prevent Boredom With Exercise

5 Tips to Prevent Boredom With Exercise
Exercise is great, but it can get repetitive. After a
while of just doing the same things over and over again you
might find yourself stuck in a rut. Not only will doing
the same exercises over and over again prevent you from
seeing more results but it will also allow your body to
adapt to what your giving it.

This is why it's very important to change up your workouts
every two weeks at the least. This will give your body
enough time to change and grow from the exercises you do
without having your body to adapt to the exercises. By
doing this, you never allow your body to get to a point
where it adapts as well as it'll keep your workouts
interesting because you'll always be doing something
different. Because you'll always be changing up your
workouts, you'll be able to keep seeing results as you
progress in your routine. Another benefit to doing
something different every two weeks is that you won't set
your body up to plateau or get stuck at a certain time of
your routine.

There are many different ways to spice up your routine.
Here are the top 5 ways you can easily adjust your workouts
to make them more interesting and prevent boredom.

1. Use Different Equipment

Now a days, you have the benefit to choose from an array of
different exercise equipments and tools. From foam rollers
to BOSU balls every different piece of equipment can add a
little bit more challenge to your exercises. What you can
try to do is look for a piece of equipment that you don't
really know how to use and use it for 2 weeks. This will
give enough to time to learn how to use it , and how to
incorporate it into your routine. If you end up liking it
then great if not move on to a different piece of
equipment. So already by following this recommendation
you'll be able to try numerous amounts of fitness tools
within a matter of weeks.

2. Workout With a Partner/Group

You know that saying two heads are better than one? Well
it kind of works the same way for exercise. If you choose
to work with a partner or friend you can benefit a whole
lot in the motivation and social departments, however one
great thing that you get when working with a partner is
that you can come up with a crazy amount of exercises that
you wouldn't be able to do by yourself.

3. Learn New Exercises

This is probably one of the easiest tips to employ. There
are many resources out there that can teach you how to
perform different exercises that fit your preference.
Whether you get ideas from magazines or from sessions with
a trainer you can definitely pick up some great exercise to
add to your routine.

4. Participate in Sports

Do you remember playing sports as a kid? Did it feel like
exercise? For the most part not really…you were too busy
focusing on what was going on that you didn't realize you
were exercising. Playing sports give you the opportunity
to work super hard without you knowing. So if you don't
like to exercise you could try and find a community centre
that has different sports that you can play or even join a
local house league.

5. Create An Obstacle Course

If your looking for a creative way to add a little spice to
your workouts you can look at making some Obstacle courses
for yourself. You can make as long or as short as you
want, it's totally up to your preference. Personally what
I do is look for a playground with monkey bars, benches and
other objects I can implement into my obstacle course.
Group 6-8 exercises together and perform one right after
the other. It's simple and creative way to kick your
workout up a notch and get some serious results.

Marci Lall is a Womens Weight Loss & Body Sculpting
Specialist. visit his website to get his FREE report "16
tips on how to get maximum weight loss and fitness results
in minimum time" --> http://www.lallpt.com

After the Cancer Diagnosis: How to Support Yourself and Your Spouse

After the Cancer Diagnosis: How to Support Yourself and Your Spouse
Everyone is shocked when they first hear the word cancer.
Some people may feel they know the test results before they
hear them, but it's still a shock to hear the words spoken
out loud. It's usually very difficult to hear or remember
anything else after hearing that your loved one has cancer.

For many people, the first few weeks after diagnosis are
the most difficult. After you hear the word cancer, you may
have trouble listening to what is being said, and asking
questions that you may have. When you are at home, you may
have trouble thinking, eating, or sleeping. Remember, you
are not always going to feel this way. We all struggle to
figure out how and why this happened. What went wrong? We
want answers, and it can make you crazy. Every cancer is
different and there just aren't any answers.

You and your loved one will have many feelings after you
hear the word cancer. These feelings can change from
day-to-day, hour-to-hour, or even minute-to-minute. Some of
the feelings you may both go through include:


Once you accept that your loved one has cancer, you may
feel angry and scared. It is normal to ask Why us? and be
angry at:

The cancer
Your healthy friends and loved ones
If you are religious, you might even be angry with God

Anger sometimes comes from feelings that are harder to
show--such as fear, panic, frustration, anxiety, or
helplessness. If you feel angry, don't pretend that
everything is okay. Talk to someone about your anger. Most
of the time, talking will help you feel better. A lot of
times caregivers don't feel like they have the right to
these feelings, that only the cancer patient does. Cancer
definitely affects the entire family, and you must
acknowledge these feelings and work through them, for
everyone's sake.


The word 'cancer' frightens everyone I know! You may be
afraid or worried about:

Taking care of your loved one
Taking care of your family
Paying your bills
Keeping your own job while taking care of your loved one
Losing your loved one

Most people feel better when they know what to expect. You
will feel less afraid when you learn more about the
specific kind of cancer and its treatment....so read as
much as you can and learn as much as you can about your
loved one's cancer. Don't let the word cancer disempower
you. Knowing the facts, and recommended treatments will
reduce your fear, and make you a stronger partner for your
loved one.


Your body may react to the stress and worry of your loved
one's cancer. You can learn to handle stress in many ways,

Talking to people in the same situation as you are
Listening to music
Reading books, poems, or magazines
Relaxing or meditating
Talking about your feelings with family and close friends
Writing your feelings down in a journal to get further
clarity around them

The key is to find ways to control stress and not to let it
control you.

Lack of Control

When you first learn that your loved one has cancer, you
may feel as if your life is out of control. You may feel
this way because:

You are now focused on doctor visits and treatments
You feel helpless
You feel like you don't have time to do the things you
normally do

Stay focused on what you can do, right now, to improve the
situation. And remember, it won't always be this way.


You may find that your friends or friends don't know how to
deal with your loved one's cancer and they may not ask
about it or know what to say. You may not have the energy
or focus to take part in the hobbies and activities you
used to enjoy. And sometimes, even when you are with people
you love and care about, you may feel that no one
understands what you are going through as everyone is
focused on your loved one.

Consider joining a support group or talking to a close
friend or family member that understands. It always help to
know that you are not alone.


Once you have accepted that your loved one has cancer, you
will often feel a sense of hope. There are many reasons to
feel hopeful.

People with cancer can (and do) lead active lives, even
during treatment
Your chances of your loved one's living with--and living
beyond--cancer are better now than they have ever been
before Many doctors and most alternative practitioners
think that hope may help the body deal with cancer.
Scientists are looking at the question of whether a hopeful
outlook and positive attitude helps people feel better. If
you are hopeful, that will help your loved one be hopeful
as well.

Here are some ways you can build your sense of hope:

Write down your hopeful feelings and talk about them with
Plan your days as you usually have done
Don't limit the things you like to do
Consciously look for reasons to hope

You will experience so many feelings as you learn to live
with your loved one's cancer diagnosis. It's OK to take
time to mourn and let the diagnosis sink in. It may feel
like a loss of freedom and safety, but it won't always be
this way. Life moves forward, and your loved one's cancer
becomes just one more thing in your life that you have to
deal with. Once you tackle this cancer head on, there's
nothing you can't do!

Jayne Hutchinson was immersed into a new world after her
husband was diagnosed with cancer. She found there was
little information and support available for spouses and
partners. She created the My Loved One Has Cancer web site
to fill that gap.This web site features comprehensive
resources and tools to make the cancer journey easier for
the spouse or partner of a loved one with cancer.


Top 7 Interval Fat Burning Programs

Top 7 Interval Fat Burning Programs
Everyone always asks me, "What's the best interval program
for fat burning?" And unfortunately, like with every other
type of workout style, there really is no "best" interval
program. But that's good news because it allows us to use
variety in our approach. (So perhaps the best interval
training method is simply the one that changes every 4
weeks.) One thing that is known, is that intense interval
training workouts result in more fat burning than slow
cardio training programs.

Interval recommendations have ranged from 15 seconds to 5
minutes (these are known as aerobic intervals). So let's
take a look at each interval recommendation and all those
in between.

1) 15 Second Intervals

The great thing about 15 second intervals is that you'll be
able to work at a very high rate (almost near your maximum
power output), as long as you get adequate recovery between
work intervals. The downside is that it is very difficult
to do 15 second intervals on machines, because it takes a
long time to "build up" and "bring down" the machine
settings to the correct speed.

If you decide to use these short, high-intensity intervals,
you should do so only if you already have an above average
level of fitness. Your rest interval should be at least 15
seconds long, and can be as long as 60 seconds. The longer
you rest, the harder you will be able to exercise in each

2) 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off

This method is known as the Tabata protocol, after the
Japanese scientist that published a study on this routine.
It is very demanding (obviously), and while some trainers
have suggested this is the best method for interval
training, I don't think there is any proof that you will
get better results.

Clearly, the pro's with this method (as well as the 15
second intervals) is that you'll get your workout done
faster (provided you do the same number of intervals as any
other workout). Again, it would be very difficult to
perform this type of interval training on a machine, due to
the time lag as you increase or decrease the settings. And
finally, these too should only be performed by above
average fitness levels.

3) 30 Second Intervals

The Turbulence Training workouts tend to use a lot of 30
second intervals. Beginners will rest up to 90 seconds
between intervals, while advanced fitness levels will rest
30-60 seconds. The longer (relative) rest allows you to
work harder in each successive interval (i.e. you'll almost
be able to match your performance in the first interval
with each following interval). Short rest intervals (as in
the Tabata protocol) will lead to a dramatic drop-off in
performance with each interval. You can easily do the
3-second intervals on any machine.

4) 45 Second Intervals

These intervals are proven for fat loss, in addition to
being effective for many team sports (such as hockey,
soccer, basketball, and rugby). I have used 45 second
intervals extensively in both areas of training. Not only
will these tax your muscles, they will also tax your will
to complete each interval (if done at the right intensity).
Use 45-90 seconds of recovery between intervals. Do 3-6
intervals per workout. Your fitness and fat loss will

5) 60 second intervals

Similar to the 45 second intervals in benefits and
toughness. Use 60-120 seconds of recovery between each.

6) 120 second intervals

These are now officially aerobic intervals, and can be used
for both fat loss and improving aerobic capacity for sports
and running. A great way to achieve two fitness goals at
once. Exercise for 2 minutes and then recover for 2
minutes. Repeat 6 times. These workouts take longer
(obviously), but can have a role in changing your body and
improving your performance.

7) 5 minute intervals

Same strategy as with the two minute intervals. This really
increases your workout time, so these are only used with
serious endurance athletes.

Beginner vs. Advanced

If you are thinking that these intervals all sound "too
intense" for you, please don't worry. Interval training is
all relative. You don't have to sprint for your life in
each type of interval. Instead, just work at a slightly
harder than normal pace. By the end of the interval, you
should be getting tired, but you shouldn't be gasping for
air. Start conservatively and you will get the hang of it.

For example, if you regularly use level 5 on the stationary
bike for 30 minutes continuously, you might try doing a 1
minute interval at level 7. Try that for an interval
workout and let me know how it goes.

My favorite intervals for fat loss are between 30-60
seconds. These have been the staple intervals in my
Turbulence Training workouts since the first workout was
designed back in 2001. But again, I think you will get your
best fat loss results if you vary your interval training
workouts - just like you must vary your strength training

Interval training cardio is the secret to fat burning

Visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com to learn about the
dark side of cardio. Men's Health expert Craig Ballantyne
shares his trademarked Turbulence Training home fat burning
workouts to help you burn fat without long, slow cardio
sessions or fancy equipment.