Thursday, January 17, 2008

Perfect Natural Insomnia Treatment

Perfect Natural Insomnia Treatment
A natural insomnia treatment can be very rewarding and
cost-effective. The hardest thing about getting a good
night sleep is that many people do not know that it even
exists. However a good treatment for insomnia can be a
very good way to finally get the sleep that you deserve.

If you ever tried any prescription drug or over-the-counter
insomnia treatment, it may be time to try something new,
something effective, and something safe for everyone. In
today's market, many safe insomnia treatment options now
exist, to help bring about a good night's sleep.

Many times doctors,info commercials and drug companies will
not tell you about the natural insomnia treatment options
out there for you. You may be asking yourself why?
Prescription insomnia remedies can be addicting, harmful,
and worse of all habit-forming. Once you're hooked on a
prescription insomnia treatment, it may be impossible to
overcome and you may end up with a lifetime addiction on an
insomnia drug. Natural insomnia treatments allow you to
have the same performance as a prescription insomnia
treatment without any of the harmful side effects or any of
the addiction. However; if a doctor told you about that
they would lose money and a customer who will come back for
their lifetime.

Herbal treatments have caught on with more popularity in
the past 10 years than ever before. It's only because now
we're finding the herbal treatments can be just as
effective as prescription treatments without any of the
complications. The same concept holds true for natural
sleep remedy medicines, as well as many other herbal
treatments. One of the best findings with the herbal
natural insomnia treatment options are that they are safe
for pregnant and nursing mothers, babies, young children,
and elderly adults.

Do not believe the hype if you're told that getting a good
night's rest has to come at a price. A price tag should
never be very expensive for a natural insomnia treatment.
A good night of sleep can come as easily as just laying
down in bed and to others as hard as taking ever
prescription drug under the sun.

The headache of Insomnia Treatments alone can be enough to
scare people away. However, many people are scared of the
unknown and there simple is no reason to be. The more
natural the insomnia cure the easier and gentler on your
system it will be. Getting solid relief for insomnia is
probably the most important thing you could do with your

The effects of lack of sleep are critical and in fact left
untreated insomnia can do more than just make you look and
feel tired. It can cause many health problems including
memory loss, aid in colds and flus becoming worse, increase
stress and anxiety and worse of all it could claim your
life over time. More and more accidents occur year after
year due to the effects of sleeping disorders. It may just
be time to benefit from a natural insomnia treatment.

Mike Brown- Learn more about a safe natural insomnia
treatment. Plus at the website you can receive a free
guide to a better nights sleep.

8 Tips to Beating Acne Quick

8 Tips to Beating Acne Quick
Because so many people suffer from acne all around the
world, there are advances in medications to treat it
everyday. You probably see your local drugstores as well as
grocery stores lined with products that claim to cure acne
quick, but do they really deliver results? Wouldn't you
rather spend less money and not have to worry about the
effectiveness of the product you just bought? Well if
you're like most, then you'll be interested in some natural
acne treatment tips.

Tip number one is to start eating lots of fruits and
vegetables. They contain plenty of protein which is great
for your body, including your skin. The pectin found in
some apple skins is great at absorbing toxins found
throughout your digestive system, which prevents some of
those toxins from being released through your skin and
causes acne breakouts, You can also mix them with other
things to create facial masks as well.

Tip number two, you can use crushed up garlic bulbs to
treat your acne. Believe it or not, people have claimed
success using this method. Simply apply the garlic to your
face daily and watch the results appear overnight.

Tip number three will help with the swelling and irritation
of your acne. You can use ice for this purpose. Just cover
the swollen areas of your skin with it once a day. Try to
not apply ice directly to your skin, however. A simple cold
compress should work fine without the risk or pain.

Tip number four, you can use the pulp found in papaya as a
facial mask to treat your skin. It is a fruit which
contains lots of vitamin A, a great source of nutrition for
your body.

Tip number five, try cutting down or cutting out altogether
the consumption of dairy products such as milk and also
sugar as well. These foods promote acne growth and aren't
very good for you anyway.

Tip number six is eat as many oranges as possible. By doing
this you will give a huge boost to you immune system and
your body will thank you. Tip number seven involves grating
up a potato and simply applying it to the effected areas
for at least thirty minutes a day. This will help with the
swelling and irritation.

And finally, tip number eight utilizes the juice of
cucumbers as a facial mask/paste. This too contains
vitamins that are essential to your skins health.

To receive 5 free acne fighting tips, visit our website at and sign up today.

To Quit Smoking - Making A Change

To Quit Smoking - Making A Change
Anytime someone succeeds at making a change in their life,
it is the result of something more than just discipline and
willpower. Regarding someone who wants to stop smoking who
will be dealing with physical withdrawals, it is a little
more difficult but it can be done, and in fact, is done -
all the time. Perhaps not by you YET, but that doesn't mean
you will never succeed with your attempts to quit smoking.

I see it all the time; people trying to loose weight,
trying to quit smoking, trying to accomplish something but
always falling back to the old way. Often times, they will
succeed for awhile but it doesn't stick and they end up
back where they were. This usually is the result of trying
to succeed by applying discipline and willpower. It gets
you going in the right direction but then you tire out and
fall back.

Changing something about yourself is really not about
changing. It is about "exchanging"- exchanging one way for
another. How is this different? Changing requires you to
control your behavior. This is done by the suppressing of
your natural tendencies. Over time, this suppression only
frustrates you. This is why it doesn't work in the long-run.

Exchanging - is to switch tracks altogether. It is a very
different mindset. It is about replacing one life for
another, instead of trying to control the current life.
This means that, to some degree, you become a different
person. To some degree you are "exchanging" one person for

This is a good thing. This is part of the process of
maturity. This is why in my articles and in my book I
emphasize personal development as part of a persons program
to quit smoking. This understanding applies to all areas of
a life where something needs to be different.

In the case of the smoker who understands what I am saying
here, this person doesn't just stop smoking (which only
controls the behavior). Instead, this person actually
becomes a non-smoker (a different person to some degree).

Smoking is supportive of the very person that you are. When
someone is truly ready to be a different person, they no
longer need that reinforcement because that person they are
reinforcing is no longer who they are. Again, I say - it is
about "exchanging"; one person for another, one lifestyle
for another, one set of values for another.

So then, the question really becomes; do you only want to
quit the behavior - or - do you desire to become a
different person, to some degree?

Frank Andrews is the author of two self-help books. This
developed as the result of being a student of personal
development for over 25 years. Having worked through many
of his own personal struggles, he now provides information
to help others. You can find free quit-smoking information
on his website at:

Portion Distortion

Portion Distortion
Do you know what a normal portion of food looks like? No,
not the portion they serve in restaurants. How many true
portions are in the meals they serve in restaurants? We
are accustomed to thinking of platters as what a normal,
healthy portion, serving size should be. We are used to
the food contained in a restaurant portion the norm.

In only 1957, a "hamburger" weighed one ounce and had 206
calories. Today, that same "hamburger" weighs six ounces
and packs over 600 calories. Now, that's portion

Typical restaurant entrees are often so large that they
contain calories and fat in amounts appropriate for two
people (or even more!). The problem is we've become so
accustomed to being served impressive, plate-filling meals
that we've lost sight of what healthy portions should look
like. Restaurants, knowing that we equate quantity with
value, aren't about to start serving us smaller, healthier
portions—unless we ask for them. If you want
something smaller - Ask! Tell your food server you want a
smaller version of the meal they're offering.

So, if the food on the plate isn't a true portion, what
does a serving size look like? Without pulling out your
food scale, here are some ways to be in the know of your

Protein (3 ounces of meat, fish and poultry) = Deck of
playing cards.

Peanut butter (2 Tablespoons) = Ping pong ball.

Vegetables (1 cup of salad greens) = Baseball.

Fruit (1/2 cup of fresh fruit) = ½ of a baseball;
Medium piece of fruit = Baseball.

Dairy and cheese (1-1/2 ounce cheese) = 4 stacked dice.

Fats (1 teaspoon margarine or spreads) = 1 dice.

Grains (1/2 cup of cooked rice, pasta or potato) = ½

Here are some other strategies to keep restaurant portions
in check:

-On your way to being seated, check out what other
customers are eating; you'll get a sense of how the
restaurant sizes its meals.

-Order your main meal from the "appetizer" side of the menu
instead of the "entrée" side.

-Request that the kitchen split the meal in half and wrap
it up before they even serve you. You can enjoy a smaller
portion without being tempted to eat more than you should.
And you can bring the leftover half home for the next day's

-Share an entrée with a friend. (If there are four
of you, share two entrees, etc.)

-Ask for the bread and butter basket to be kept in the
kitchen. Alternatively, ask for it to be placed at another
location on the table other than by you.

-Review the restaurant's menu online before you pull into
the parking lot of the restaurant. By planning ahead in
this way, you'll know what you want to eat and you won't
have to look at the menu. You won't be tempted because you
were proactive in checking out the menu already. You
already know your order before you sit down at your table.

When dining out with family and friends, don't leave your
resolve at the door. Consider eating at a restaurant as a
treat that you don't have to cook or clean after the meal,
and it allows you to enjoy the company of others. Don't
make your dining experiences as an excuse to indulge but
focus on the dining experience, and being with family and

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147
pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients
achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with
clients to create a weight loss life plan that is
customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the
International Coaching Federation, International
Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition.
Visit Cathy's website: