Tuesday, April 1, 2008

How To Lose Weight

How To Lose Weight
I was going to title this: How to Lose Weight in a Safe and
Healthy Way, but I decided not to. My reasoning was that
most of the people I have met who wanted to lose weight,
were paying very little attention to, or were not aware of,
the ultimate effects on health that most supposed weight
loss solutions will have. As with so many things in our
modern society, most of us are focused on attaining some
immediate, simple, or relatively painless solution to our

It is this attitude that keeps an entire industry of weight
loss supplements, diet pills, and producers of fad diets
afloat. One sad aspect of this is that most of these
weight loss solutions either have a minimal effect on the
problem for most people, or have no effect at all. Since
most people seeking to lose weight are driven by hope,
rather than knowledge, as they try one product or diet
after another, not only do they fail to lose weight, but
they begin to lose hope as well.

Sadder still is the fact that, in many instances, not only
do the pills and promises fail to deliver, but may actually
affect health in a negative way! When you consider that
one major reason to lose weight is to acquire better
health, to find yourself going in the opposite direction
can be devastating. Yet, as hope springs eternal, the
individual continues to place trust, and money, in the next
fad diet, the next diet pill, the next weight loss

Perhaps saddest of all is the fact that healthy, permanent
weight loss is simple to attain, and there is often no need
to invest any money at all!

Another sad fact is that while permanent, healthy weight
loss is simple to attain (I did not say "easy" or
"immediate") many people will fail under any weight loss
plan simply because of a combination of unrealistic
expectations and lack of knowledge of how their body works.

Unrealistic expectations and lack of knowledge are the two
main reasons that people turn to diet pills, fad diets,
weight loss supplements and other purveyors of false hope.

The basic weight loss equation is:

More calories in than used = Weight gain

More calories used than taken in = weight loss

Most diet pills, and other weight loss supplements "work"
by causing either more calories to be burned, or by causing
fewer calories to be taken in. In other words, they either
"rev up" the metabolism, at least temporarily, or they
suppress the appetite. Some act to interfere with body's
ability to absorb fats.

Most diets, fad or otherwise, act on the assumption that
merely decreasing the calories you eat will cause you to
lose weight. Some add the idea that certain foods will
contribute to the weight loss process by filling you up,
providing fewer calories than other foods, or by
stimulating your basic metabolic rate in order to burn more

Almost all of these diets and products will commonly
include a remark or warning that the product or plan will
work best, or only work at all, when combined with regular
exercise and sensible eating habits.

Now, there are many reasons why diets don't work, and that
discussion is too long to go into here. I have written
several articles on this subject, and they can be found on
many sites around the Internet, including my own. One
major fact to remember about diets is that once you cut
your calories to a low enough level to produce a weight
loss, your body is going to reduce its basic metabolism so
that you will simply establish a new point at which your
weight will be maintained. This normally occurs after only
a few pounds are lost, so, in order to lose more weight,
you have to cut your calorie intake farther.

When the time comes that you "fall off the wagon" and go
back to eating the way you did before the diet, your body
needs fewer calories to function, so even more calories get
stored as fat.

Diet pills (generally appetite suppressants) and other
weight loss supplements, which all work by altering the
normal functions of the digestive system, merely relieve
you of taking responsibility for eating properly, may cause
health issues, and will usually stop being effective the
moment you quit taking them.

Neither method, diet pill or diet, improves health, or
teaches and encourages a healthy lifestyle in which weight
loss and weight management is a normal byproduct. Even
when, as instructed, they are used in conjunction with
regular exercise and sensible eating and living habits,
they only contribute a small portion to overall weight
loss. The actual weight loss process is carried by the
exercise and sensible eating, while the pills and potions
just help.

Additionally, whether a diet pill which obstructs or alters
the normal function of the body, or a diet which curtails
the ingestion of the broad range of nutrients necessary for
a healthy body and mind, interfering with the normal
nutritional needs of a healthy body is, almost by

Since the purpose of weight loss should at least partly be
to be healthy, incorporating some moderate, regular
exercise into one's life while taking the initiative to eat
more sensibly, the two steps that are the most effective
weight loss tips around, should be the basis for any weight
loss program. In fact, regular exercise and sensible
nutritional decisions will completely negate the need for
weight loss supplements, diet pills, or fad diets. The
person who opts for a lifestyle in which these two issues
are given importance...and are acted upon...will find that
they have discovered the real secret of how to lose weight.

Donovan Baldwin is a freelance writer currently living in
central Texas. He is a University of West Florida alumnus,
a member of Mensa, and is retired from the U. S. Army after
21 years of service. He has published many of his articles
on diet and weightloss at
http://nodiet4me.com/articledirectory .

There is Hope For Bunion Sufferers!

There is Hope For Bunion Sufferers!
Who ever named it a "bunion?" Probably the same person who
named an enlarged thyroid a "goiter", but seriously,
bunions are the common description of a bump on the side of
the big toe. Really they are much more than that.

Bunions are known in medical terms as Hallux Abducto Valgus
which in English is a crooked big toe joint with a bump on
the side. This is actually a progressive misalignment of
the big toe joint which starts with a slight leaning of the
big toe toward the second and then gradually produces the
characteristic bump and joint symptoms. In the late stages
of progression, the big toe actually can overlap or
underlap the second and cause reactive hammertoes
(contracted) of the other toes. Even though they are
extremely common, most people wait until they have
significant symptoms and deformity before they seek medical
attention. Often they have had pain in shoes and with
activity for years when they finally come into the office.
This is due to the misconception that they always require
surgery for treatment.

What causes bunions? No, it's not always the shoes! (But,
they don't help) Bunions are caused by the faulty
biomechanics of your foot structure that you inherited.
Couple that with high heeled shoes or even just shoes that
crowd your toes (listen up guys who wear cowboy boots!) and
you are prone to the formation of bunions.

Symptoms of bunions are the prominent bump with redness
from rubbing in shoes, grinding of the joint, pain,
swelling, burning and occasionally even numbness.

Diagnosis of a bunion is done by x-ray findings together
with physical exam. A bump is not necessarily always Hallux
Abducto Valgus, so a complete podiatric exam including
x-rays should be done to evaluate your condition. Many
people actually have arthritis of the big toe joint or even
just a cyst overlying the joint and think they have bunions.

Treatment includes shoe gear modification, an orthotic
device to control the abnormal biomechanics, padding,
anti-inflammatories or injection therapy to decrease
inflammation, and at the later stages, surgery.

When is surgery needed for bunions? If you have pain every
day, in every pair of shoes you own (including your
athletic shoes) and you have treated your condition with
conservative therapy without any relief; it's time to
discuss bunion surgery. Surgery should never be
contemplated without pain and activity limitations. There
are many advances in bunion surgery and varied procedures
depending on your foot type, the stage of your deformity,
your activity level, your medical history, and your age.
Make an appointment to discuss surgery with your podiatric
foot and ankle surgeon if you have progressing symptoms.

The American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons cites a
survey that showed 96% satisfaction after bunion surgery
with a board-certified foot and ankle surgeon. 96% of the
survey respondents identified pain relief as a desired
outcome of the surgery, and 86% also said they hoped to
improve their walking and increase their physical activity
following surgery. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10
representing "much pain," the survey respondents averaged a
score of 7 when assessing their pain before surgery, and
the average score dropped to 2 when they assessed their
pain six months after the operation. 92% said they were
able to increase their physical activities -- walking,
running, golf, tennis, exercise -- and 90% said they would
recommend bunion surgery to others. This is great news!
Many people fear the surgery more than pain every day in
their shoes! Obviously, this fear is unwarranted!

Fear of surgery should not keep you out of the office
because 80% of patients who come in asking for bunion
surgery leave with a conservative treatment plan. Call or
contact your podiatric foot and ankle surgeon for an
appointment today to get your questions answers. Don't live
with the pain of bunions for one more day.

For more information on foot and ankle health, visit our
website at http://www.faant.com or my blog at
http://www.myrundoc.com . For a podiatrist in your area,
visit the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
consumer website at http://www.footphysicians.com .

Facial Skin Care Easy Tips

Facial Skin Care Easy Tips
It is quite acceptable fact that human skin is the toughest
and at the same time, most sensitive part of our body. This
is because skin could respond very well to any substance
that comes directly in contact with it, and also respond
very quickly to weather extremes. However, the most
sensitive part of the body that requires extra care and
timely treatment is facial skin.

It is very important both for man and woman to take
complete care of facial skin otherwise getting exposed to
pollution, UV rays, dust make the facial skin dull, dry and
full of wrinkles. If the proper care is not given on time
it can lead to premature ageing. People who do not take
care of their facial skin suffer from the problem of
blemishes, carracks and acnes to name a few major ones. So,
it is very necessary to understand your skin type and take
proper care of it so that you can enjoy your smooth and
revitalizing skin. Though cleaning the face everyday,
applying right type of skin moisturizer forms the basic of
facial skin care but also it demands more so as to keep the
skin fresh and clear for long. For healthy skin, it is very
necessary to intake essential nutrients and vitamins that
help in building body tissues.

However, the three common skin types are normal, oily and
dry skin and for best facial skin care, the use of unique
method is required according to the skin type. Here are
certain tips following which can result in effective facial
skin care for each kind of skin type.

1) Accumulation of oil on facial skin blocks the pores and
lead to various skin problems. So, if you have oily skin,
wash your face many times daily and wipe it with clean
towel. This will help you wipe off all the excess oil from
the facial skin. Also, making use of astringent and
oil-free moisturizer counts under the best facial skin care
for oily skin.

2) Though you have normal skin and it looks fresh but most
of the pores of facial skin are blocked. The best facial
care for such kind of skin is the application of gentle
face wash and soft messaging. Also the use of toner is the
best facial skin care.

3) The dry skin is mainly prone to crack and tightening of
skin, so it needs special facial care as compared to normal
skin. To treat the problem of dry facial skin, use of thick
moisturizer serve the purpose to the best.

4) Using natural methods and applications is one the best
and effective means of facial skin care. This is because,
as compared to chemical based skin care products, natural
products are free from side effects. There are so many
natural based products available in the market that are
made out of natural ingredients like herbs, flowers and
fruits extracts, olive oil, rose water and turmeric. Making
use of proactive skin care treatment also helps to keep
facial area healthy.

Please visit following websites to find out more about
useful skin care tips:

The Importance of Not Working Your Core Muscles

The Importance of Not Working Your Core Muscles
You've been bombarded with the idea of your "core muscles"
and how important it is to work them. You get it from
infomercials, magazines, television... actually it feels
like everywhere really. Well, they are wrong.

OK, now that I've got your attention I need to back-peddle
a little. They are not completely wrong. There are 2
points that are missed in this mad rush to make the most of
your money... uh, I mean core.

Gee, What Are Them There Core Muscles Anyway?

In case you are not clear on what is being talked about
when the term "core muscles" is thrown about let's run
through the list. When talking about core muscles we are
referring to the muscles found at the obliques, abdominals
and lower back. These areas of the body are the ones that
usually frame the posture of a person. Hence, a good
posture reflects the good condition of these muscle areas.

Ok, back to the 2 points mentioned earlier in the program.
The first is the belief that your core muscles are just
your abdominals. The second is the over emphasis on only
the front half of your core.

At what point did the "core" become one sided? As
previously stated the lower back is an important part of
your core. Like many things in life there needs to be
balance. Your core requires strength in the lower back as
well as the stomach to maintain proper posture. Evidence
is coming to light that lower back pain can be caused by
many different muscles and not only a weak back as once

Too many people with perfectly strong backs end up laid out
in pain in spite of that strength. My personal experience
falls in line with back pain not being from a weak back.
My back pain improved dramatically once I got serious about
getting my stomach strength up to par with my lower back.
Please note that I got my stomach and lower back strength
on equal footing. That balance is crucial.

The second point of overemphasis relates to the too many
people pushing that you need to be working on your stomach
to get that sexy fitness model look. It is so heavily
preached that one can get the impression that it should be
the focus of your exercise routine all the time. If you
spend as much time working your abs as infomercials focus
on them you will never have time to do anything else.

Concentrating on your stomach as much as the infomercials
stress you will eventually fold in half. Alright, you
won't really fold in half but you can't neglect your lower
back and expect to skip through the rest of your life
injury free either.

In addition, while the core is an integral part of your
body it has a limit on how much strength can be gained.
Once a certain level of strength is gained it can be easily
maintained. Remember you only need to be as strong as your
goals require. (Danger! Bad pun zone ahead.) Any more is
wasted time.

Besides the most effective stomach exercise never talked
about is the full range back squat. Yes, the very back
squat that is demonized by the popular media. You cannot
crunch, twist or Swiss Ball Super Plank yourself to the
same level of effectiveness. But that is an article for
another day.

The take home lesson of this article is that while it is
critical that you exercise your core you must do so
properly and in a balanced manner. You must balance out
your core by making sure you perform exercise for you lower
back as well as the stomach. You also must look at your
stomach training as one part of an overall exercise routine
that emphasizes the whole body.

Are you guilty of trying to crunch your way to a fitness
model body? Don't feel bad you are not alone. I wizened
up and want to share what I learned with you. Grab your
FREE Fat Loss Report before they are gone:

Why no one has time to train any more!

Why no one has time to train any more!
Time is a very precious commodity, once it has gone it
cannot be reclaimed, got back or reversed! The busy
professional, by definition is "busy". So making time to do
a workout or even your sports specific training is often an
after thought.

You are busy with work commitments, busy doing "busy stuff"
that takes up huge proportions of your time, you have a
busy social life associated to your work life, networking
is key to your career progression and professional standing.

This problem affects corporate athletes of all levels. If
you are an aspiring Olympic athlete but NEED a career as
well working to supplement your sport. Or, you are a
weekend golfer, rugby or soccer player who happens to be a
Director, VP or CEO of a multinational company, the
restrictions on your time are the same.

If only you had more time to train, your game could be that
little bit better, taking you to club, regional or national
championship level!

The ultimate cost of this is lost opportunities to fully
enjoy your sport. It will leave you with too many "if-only"
and "what-if" questions later in life.

Also the opportunity for social and professional networking
is lost too. This means missed business or promotion
opportunities, because you don't play golf, or the rest of
the management team play for the local soccer or rugby
team, and you don't.

The time required to train for sports is not as intensive
as you may imagine. Workouts that are effective to lose
weight and get you back into some kind of physical fitness
also don't require a huge investment in time.

You'll be happy to learn that workouts need not take hours
out of your day. In fact 20-40 minute workouts can see you
excelling at your chosen sport, far beyond your current
levels. AND at the same time lose the belly too.

Gone are the days of ineffective, slow, bring cardio
workouts requiring you to spend hours on the treadmill, or
pounding the pavement early each morning, or late every

Workouts can be much more focussed, getting you further
towards your health and fitness goals can be done in a
fraction of the time, leaving "Time" to be a POOR excuse
rather than a legitimate reason for not training.

If I were to tell you that 20-25 of cardio workouts was
"enough" to make substantial improvements in body shape and
highly effective for sports conditioning, would you feel
that this was within the realms of possibility in your time
restricted life?

Short, sharp but effective high intensity interval workouts
can produce some startling results in a matter of weeks.
Marco, a senior partner for a multinational accountancy
firm, found the 25 minute interval routines fitted neatly
into his morning routine. Sacrificing only a few minutes
less in bed of a morning. The result, a pant size less in a
matter of 28 days and plenty more energy and effectiveness
at the office too.

The big caveat to this is with most busy professionals, you
need to sacrifice a portion of your day to fit this type of
workout in, however this is less of an ask than an hour
long run that you would usually think of doing.

Start today, get your running shoes on, or get to the local
gym and jump on your favourite cardio machine and hammer
out an interval routine today.

For a highly effective interval routine plus other time
saving workouts, claim your free e-report "How to lose
weight even when you are really busy" at
http://www.corporateathletehandbook.com/ . Tim Goodwin is a
fitness professional from Luxembourg, training the busiest
individuals to achieve amateur sporting success and a
healthier body. Feel free to duplicate this article with
the bio and link intact.

Silence the Voice of Emotional Eating

Silence the Voice of Emotional Eating
Do any of these situations sound familiar to you?

You are working on a big project for your job and it is
coming together nicely. You are satisfied with the
progress you have made and know that your boss will be too.
All of a sudden, you want to eat...perhaps something
sweet, salty and crunchy.

The bakery down the street is only a couple of minutes
away. You ate lunch less than an hour ago so you aren't
really hungry. You can't stop thinking of eating your
favorite baked items. Why?

You are on your way to school to meet with your child's
teacher for a routine mid-year conference. Your child is
excelling in school so you anticipate it will be a positive
conference about your child's progress. No reason to be
anxious, right? On your way to the school, you drive by
your favorite fast food restaurant. You aren't hungry yet
you are have this overwhelming urge to drive through for
something they serve. You drive through for a "quick bite"
and are a few minutes late for the conference. What

You received good news and you want to eat; you feel
anxious or worried and you want to eat; you are feeling
down for no particular reason that you can identify and you
want to eat. What is this voice that is similar to a
recording playing over and over in your head? Sometimes
this voice is screaming and so overwhelming for the urge to
give in. This is head hunger or emotional eating.

What exactly is emotional eating? Emotional eating is
when we eat in response to situations and feelings other
than true physical hunger. Emotional eating is a way to
alleviate or calm emotions such as worry, boredom, sadness,
or stress. Emotional eating is the urge to change the way
you're currently feeling to another more comfortable
feeling. For example, you feel anxious and you don't know
what to do with this emotion of anxiety. You turn to food
to calm you and bring your anxiety down. Sometimes even
positive emotions can cause the urge to emotional eating.
The key to leaving the voice of emotional eating unanswered
is to be aware. Be aware that emotional eating is
triggered when you eat to feed a feeling, whether
consciously or unconsciously, rather than feed a physical
hunger. Imagine a signal light of Stop-Look-Listen!

STOP means that you need to take a pause. Even if you're
on your way into the kitchen or drive-thru you need to
Stop. Think it through. Fast forward to how you'll feel
after you eat. You'll feel regret, shame, and
self-depreciation. Ask yourself if it is really worth it?
Taking the pause to Stop is very important to silencing the
voice of emotional overeating.

LOOK means that after you've completed Stop, Look inside
yourself. What are you feeling? What do you need? Food
isn't the answer. Look to use your emotional eating as a
barometer into what's going on with you.

LISTEN means that you've identified what you're feeling or
the bothersome situation. Once you've identified the
trigger to the emotional eating, you can Listen and
emotionally process the feeling or situation.
There are distinct differences between emotional eating and
physical hunger are:

* If you are craving a certain food, and only that food
will do (such as cookies, chips, pizza, or a certain
unhealthy food choice), that is emotional eating. If you
eat because you are experiencing physical hunger, you are
open to food choices to satisfy that hunger.

* Emotional eating hunger strikes suddenly while physical
hunger occurs gradually. Emotional hunger happens
instantaneously and wants to be satisfied NOW. Physical
hunger does not demand to be satisfied immediately and can
be delayed.

* Emotional eating is usually a process that is ongoing
and prolonged. You can't seem to be satisfied and continue
eating. The emotional eating is driven by feeling a sense
of fullness inside you and is not driven by physical
fullness. One of the behaviors associated with emotional
eating is searching. You eat something and then search for
more or something else to feel full and satisfied. With
physical hunger, you can stop eating when you feel a sense
of satiety.

* Emotional eating causes you to feel guilt and shame
afterwards. Negative self-talk usually results after
emotional eating. Eating in response to physical hunger
does not result in negative emotions or self talk. Eating
to satisfy physical hunger is an act of self-care and
nurturing, resulting in positive feelings from taking care
of yourself.

Food can be a welcome distraction. If you are worried,
i.e., about your presentation or a parent-teacher
conference, food can take you away from your worry and
distract you from your feelings. The distraction is only
temporary and the situation or feelings return. In
addition to the situation or feelings that you initially
emotionally ate to cope, you now have added the negative
feelings from the emotional eating episode.

When we have a headache or a physical discomfort, we take
medication. Emotional eating is similar in that if we feel
emotional discomfort, we want to eat to stuff the feeling
or diminish the intensity. Food is for nourishment not for
medicating! Emotional eating also serves to numb you and
allow an emotional escape.

Here are some tips and what to do when you want to
emotionally eat:

*Identify the urge to emotionally eat. Does it strike so
quickly that you haven't recognized it before? Instill a
moment of pause (use the Stop-Look-Listen strategy) when
the desire occurs. This will allow you the opportunity to
deal with the situation and feelings causing the drive to
emotionally eat.

*What is triggering the desire to emotionally eat? Check
in with yourself. What situation or feeling is most
prominent at the time? Are you feeling worried, sad,
overwhelmed, or angry?

*Distract yourself in a healthy, positive way rather than
with food. Make a list of things you can do when you feel
that urge to eat over your emotions. Call a friend, read a
book, take a walk, watch a movie, listen to your favorite
music, dance, go outside and change your environment from
the house (and kitchen), indulge in a bubble bath, or take
a nap.

*Feel the feelings. Feelings are temporary. They can be
used as a gauge as to what is going on inside you that
needs your attention. Feelings will pass when they are
experienced and allowed to come and go.

Be proactive and develop strategies for conquering
emotional eating. Write a checklist of activities you can
engage rather than emotionally eat. Many times the
strongest compulsion for food occurs when you are feeling
emotionally vulnerable. Many of us turn to food for
comfort when faced with a situation, uncomfortable
feelings, or looking to carve out time just for ourselves.
Nurture yourself in other ways than food. Food is a
temporary quick fix while self-comforting acts are long
lasting. If you have given in to emotional eating,
learn from it and start again. Make a plan by
incorporating a new strategy for the future. Play it again
- review the situation and feelings that you emotionally
ate over and substitute another way of coping. Focus on
the positive, healthy changes you've made in your life.

Empower yourself to silence the voice of emotional eating.
Make your goal to be stronger than the pull of emotional
eating. Remember the answer to handling situations and
feelings lies inside of you and not in a bag of cookies.

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147
pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients
achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with
clients to create a weight loss life plan that is
customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the
International Coaching Federation, International
Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition.
Visit Cathy's website:

Creating Your Own Space as a Cancer Caregiver

Creating Your Own Space as a Cancer Caregiver
Often when you are focused on taking care of a loved one
with cancer, you forget about yourself. It's easy to think
of everything your loved one might need or what might make
them feel better. It's just as easy to lose track of
yourself. To maintain your own health, you need to focus on
yourself, even if it is for just 15 minutes a day.

One way to help you focus on yourself is to create a
personal space...just for you. A space that reflects your
own personality, needs, and tastes. It can be a corner of a
room or a separate room, depending on where you live and
what your family's needs are.

Fill your space with anything that gives you joy and
inspiration. It should be appealing to you -- inviting,
quiet, and comfortable. Don't be afraid to be resourceful
and creative....you can always make changes!

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Music: Listen to your mood and play something to honor
where you are. Don't always fall into the same habits of
playing the same type of music. Music has a profound impact
on our moods and outlooks....use it to enhance yours.

Make it comfortable: Your personal space offers you a place
to read, listen to music, do some stretching or meditation,
or just sit quietly and relax. Consider a fouton, day bed,
or reclining chair so you have the option of how you use a
space. Make it really comfortable with lots of pillows and

Keep it natural: If you can, choose a space that has
natural lighting. Being in touch with the world outside, on
whatever level, always helps. Bring outdoor life into your
space. Plants and flowers are both uplifting and add color.

Scrapbooking: Take some time to dig all those photos out of
the drawers and make them into an album. It sounds like a
chore, but re-visiting friends, family, and travel is
always fun. There are now electronic photo frames that
rotate photos in them as well.

Scents: Scented candles, incense, essential oils, and
atomizers can play a vital role in enhancing your mood, and
even transporting you to a favorite place or cherished
memory. Scents are often recommended to enhance a
meditation experience as they have calming and soothing

Bulletin Board: You can post anything that makes you feel
good.... Photos, cards, keepsakes....anything that makes
you think of happy times and sharing them with the special
people in your life.

Your personal space is a reflection of your needs during
this time. It can, and will change....and that's part of
the fun. Just focus on what motivates you, inspires you,
and makes you feel good in that space right now.

Jayne Hutchinson was immersed into a new world after her
husband was diagnosed with cancer. She found there was
little information and support available for spouses and
partners. She created the My Loved One Has Cancer web site
to fill that gap.This web site features comprehensive
resources and tools to make the cancer journey easier for
the spouse or partner of a loved one with cancer.


8 Reasons Why 'An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away' Can Still Work For You Today

8 Reasons Why 'An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away' Can Still Work For You Today
Two thousand years ago the wisdom, "An Apple A Day Keeps
The Doctor Away" fit people's lifestyle just right. The air
clean and crisp without the pollution of industrialization;
the earth not depleted and chemically denatured; food back
then supported healing.

In today's environment, we would have to eat a basket of
apples a day to get the nutritional value our ancestors
once got from one apple. But who could eat a mountain of
apples every day? Wouldn't it be nice to find a potent
vitamin pill that grows on a tree, is easy to eat and
tastes good? Luckily, modern science found such a super
food! Here are the findings:

1. The super food doesn't look like an apple but rather
like berries - Chinese Wolfberries. The longest lived
people on earth eat Chinese Wolfberries every day.

2. These berries literally reverse the aging process. The
Chinese wolfberry is the ONLY substance in the world
"documented" by scientists to reverse the aging process due
to its high levels of antioxidants.

3. Eating Wolfberries lets Ningxia people live virtually
disease-free well past the age of 100. Antioxidants fight
free radicals. Free radicals are a common denominator to
all degenerative disease and aging. Dr. Bruce Ames of the
University of California at Berkeley estimates that the DNA
in each of our cells is attacked by free radicals over
10,000 times a day. Disease-free "feels" like this
141-year-old Ningxia woman milking the cows at 4 a.m. She
only sleeps 4 hours because she feels, she'd "miss out on

4. Imported from a remote area of central China near Inner
Mongolia, NingXia wolfberries are especially
antioxidant-rich. According to an independent laboratory
test known as ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity)
developed by USDA researchers at Tufts University, original
NingXia wolfberries supersede all other goji berries sold

5. NingXia Wolfberries excel as a doctor-recommended choice
for antioxidant supplementation."Antioxidants are vital for
optimum health and the promotion of longevity. This
delicious elixir provides a rich additional source of
vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients - safe and
perfect for all ages." Dr. Ronald Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D.,
former member of the UCLA School of Medicine, and England's
Royal London Homeopathic Hospital

6. One ounce of juice a day slows the normal aging process
and boosts the immune function by 81%, say lab tests.
Research studies by Sue Chao (July 2002) reveal: The juice
"increased spleenic phagocyte cell counts (immune cells) by

"Young and middle-aged people may be able to [slow the
normal aging process] simply by adding high-ORAC foods to
their diets." Floyd P. Horn, Administrator of the
Agricultural Research Service

7. At last, an apple a day - or should I say - a serving of
Chinese Wolfberry in the form of a delicious berry juice
still holds power to promote long life and good health.

"It is never too late to get started on the road to good
health, because life is ageless." Robert Delmonteque,
Senior Editor of Muscle and Fitness Magazine, and Advisory
Board Member of the Journal of Longevity

8. Today's "vitamin pill in the bottle" is priceless. It is
a gift of health as well as a gift for the wallet when
considering disease prevention rather than a sickly,
painful and costly retirement.

To your health!

Maria Schasteen is editor of http://www.aroma-essence.com ,
a long-time resource for health and wellbeing.