Saturday, June 14, 2008

How To Lose Inches Off Your Hips and Thighs

How To Lose Inches Off Your Hips and Thighs
Thunder thighs. Saddle bags.

How do those two phrases make you feel? I'm willing to bet
that you don't feel very good after reading them.

They probably make you feel fat. For that I apologize.

I don't want to make you feel fat. I want to make you feel
like a lean, strong woman capable of doing anything she
sets her mind to.

But how do you feel that way when you've got all that extra
flab hanging on your thighs?

Good question.

There are a few things you need to start doing right now if
you want to get rid of the thigh fat and get a set of
strong, lean legs.

The first one is obvious. You need to clean up your diet.

That doesn't mean you need to rush out to the bookstore and
grab the latest best-selling fad diet. That'll just make
things worse in the long run because you'll gain more
weight than you lost when you go off the diet.

All it means is you need to get rid of fat gaining foods
like processed carbohydrates, too much chocolate (at least
switch to extra dark), anything fried, and calorie-bomb
coffee drinks. You then need to replace those things with
lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fat fighting
nuts like almonds and lean sources of protein like chicken
and turkey breast, and lean cuts of beef.

The next thing you need to do is focus on interval training
for your cardio over the boring, monotonous 60-90 minutes
you're used to. By doing interval training for your
cardio, you'll burn more fat than with the moderate-paced
stuff you've been force-fed for years, plus you'll get done
in a fraction of the time.

There are lots of different ways you can do interval
training. You can do it on a treadmill, elliptical, or
stationary bike by mixing bouts of high intensity exercise
for 20-40 seconds with bouts of very low intensity exercise
for 60-90 seconds. Repeat the cycle for around 12-15
minutes and you're done!

You'll be done with your cardio sooner than many of the
ladies have even entered their "fat burning zone." A zone
which doesn't exist by the way.

The next thing you need to focus on is performing
resistance training properly.

To really lose fat off your thighs, you need to stop
focusing on those isolation exercises like the hip
adductor/abductor machines, leg extensions, etc. and start
focusing on big compound movements like squats and lunges.
There are so many variations of squats and lunges that you
should never get bored with them.

And don't worry. Doing those exercises will not give you
bigger thighs. I don't care what you may have been told,
it's practically impossible for most women to get big
thighs from doing those types of exercises.

Here's a quick leg workout I gave to a client of mine who
was wanting to lose thigh fat.

I told her to do this mini-circuit right after her warm-up.

1A) Walking Lunge - 10 reps per leg 1B) Plie Squat - 8
reps 1C) Mountain Climbers - 30 seconds

I told her to perform those 3 exercises as a circuit moving
from one exercise to the next with little to no rest. You
should also perform this circuit 3-4 times before moving on
with the rest of your workout.

Perform this mini-circuit before you do anything else in
your workout, 2-3 times per week for 4 weeks and I
guarantee you'll lose thigh fat.

Learn how busy women from all over the world are losing fat
faster than they thought possible by going to
Once there be sure to grab your 5 free fat loss workouts.

Losing Weight with the 3-Day Diet

Losing Weight with the 3-Day Diet
If you badly want to lose weight fast, and don't mind
feeling famished, consider the 3-Day Diet - desperate times
call for desperate measures. Here are the steps needed to
make the 3-Day Diet a success:
1. Stock up on coffee, water, grapefruit, saltines and lean
protein like tuna or chicken
2. Remove all enticing foods from your kitchen. Enlist the
support of your significant other
3. Weigh yourself the morning you begin your diet, and
follow the plan precisely. Make sure you exercise as well,
as this will enhance weight loss.

The 3-Day Diet was actually a craze, dating back to 1985,
which has amazingly endured the test of time. The diet is
often erroneously called the Cleveland Clinic Diet, and it
is a strictly controlled plan that must be done for three
days at a time, followed by regular eating for four or five
days before opting to recommence the plan. One of the
drawbacks is that the guaranteed weight loss (up to 10
pounds) is likely due to fluid loss and not the more
desirable fat loss.

Here is the 3-Day Diet meal plan:

Day 1

Breakfast Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low
or Equal
1/2 grapefruit or juice
1 piece toast with 1 tablespoon peanut butter

1/2 cup tuna
1 piece toast
Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal

3 ounces any lean meat or chicken
1 cup green beans
1 cup carrots
1 apple
1 cup regular vanilla ice cream

Day 2

Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
1 egg
1/2 banana
1 piece toast

1 cup cottage cheese or tuna
8 regular saltine crackers

2 beef franks
1 cup broccoli or cabbage
1/2 cup carrots
1/2 banana
1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream

Day 3

Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
5 regular saltine crackers
1 ounce cheddar cheese
1 apple

Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
1 boiled egg
1 piece toast

1 cup tuna
1 cup carrots
1 cup cauliflower
1 cup melon
1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream

In addition to its strict daily food prescription, dieters
drink 4 cups of water or noncaloric drinks daily.

Although the 3-Day Diet has a bad reputation as a "fad"
diet, we can see that these meals are actually balanced.
Unlike other diets, which encourage you to limit your
intake of carbohydrates and protein, the 3-Day Diet ensures
that you get all the nutrients your body needs for the day.
Most people's everyday eating habits do not match the
completeness of this diet.

In spite of this, the best way to lose weight is the old,
traditional way, although it takes a little longer. Eat
lots of green, leafy vegetables, and also fruits in
moderation, cut out processed and fatty foods, don't snack
between meals, and exercise regularly. You can go jogging
or bike riding, or even swimming. Within a few months, you
will find that you are slimmer, and a lot healthier than if
you had depended solely on the 3-Day Diet.

Astrid Bullen is an avid fitness enthusiast and writer.
Please visit her website for more
information on fitness, diet plans and losing weight fast.

Do You Suffer With Embarrasing Digestive Disorders?

Do You Suffer With Embarrasing Digestive Disorders?
In the United States millions of people suffer from some
form of digestive disorder. Chances are if you are over
the age of 30, either you or someone close to you have had
to deal with either bloating, gas, heartburn, diarrhea,
constipation, abdominal pain all make up irritable bowel

Do You Have IBS?

Irritable bowel syndrome is a group of functional bowel
disorders. Approximetly one in 5 americans and more than
20% of the population have symptoms of IBS. In addition,
IBS makes up around 20 50% of visits to a digestive

IBS is characterized by bloating, cramping, diarrhea,
constipation and abdominal pain. IBS as you probably know
can cause a great deal of discomfort and distress, but
doesn't permanently harm the intestines, and in most cases
doesn't lead to any serious diseases. A lady named tonya
who recently revealed how embarrassing her IBS has become
stated that her digestive problem has escalated. The
incidences of diarrhea, constipation, gas and bloating have
achieved an all time high. Do you also suffer from IBS?

What Are The Symptoms Of IBS?


-Abdominal pain

-Watery Stools

-Hard or difficult to pass bowel movements

What Causes IBS?

There aren't any specific causes for IBS that researchers
have yet come across. Studies indicate that people who
suffer from IBS have a large bowel that is particularly
sensitive and reactive to certain foods and also stress.
Here are three hypothetical causes of IBS..

-An individuals colon may respond negatively to stimuli
such as certain foods or stress

-People with IBS frequently suffer from depression and
anxiety which can make the symptoms worse.

-Researchers have a strong theory that IBS may be caused by
a bacterial infection in the GI tract.

There are some healthy ingredients which deliver and
maintain a full functioning, optimal running digestive
system. Four of these are listed below.

-Benonite clay-

A completely safe clay that absorbs water and forms a gel
and thereby works as a mild laxative. The absorbing water
traps toxins into the gel it forms and helps to carry them
out of the body.


Wormseed detoxifies the intestinal tracts unwanted
organisms that are present without eliminating the
bacterial flora. It thereby effectively helps reduce
occasional constipation and diarrhea.

-Black Seeds-

Contain high amounts of dietary fiber and have been widely
used to promote bowel health.

-Turkey rhubarb-

Has powerful properties as an intestinal cleanser. This
herb considerably reduces occasional constipation and small
dosages have been used for hundreds of years to assist

IBS does affect millions of Americans, but it can be
resolved in a way that is safe and natural. As a result,
you don't have to be embarrassed and uncomfortable about
any of your digestive disorders.


The information provided herein should not be construed as
a health-care diagnosis, treatment regimen or any other
prescribed health-care advice or instruction. The
information is provided with the understanding that the
publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any
other health-care profession and does not enter into a
health-care practioner/ patient relationship with its

The author is an expert in health with a B.S in Biological
Sciences from one of the best undergraduate instituins in
the country. If you suffer from chronic gas, bloating and
heartburn check out

Learn To Quit Smoking The Easy Way

Learn To Quit Smoking The Easy Way
Learn To Quit Smoking The Easy Way! - Is There An Easy Way?

Today there are many people out there wondering if there is
an easy way that they can quit smoking once and for all. If
you've been asking yourself this question, the answer is a
resounding yes, and there's a whole lot of evidence to
prove it. In fact, there are many people today that will
tell you that they were able to stop smoking overnight and
they have never even wanted to smoke again. Sound great? Of
course it does, and more than likely you are wondering how
you can do this too.

Basically the easiest way that you can finally quite
smoking is to start changing the way that you are thinking.
You see, if you've been smoking for many years, more than
likely your brain actually thinks that smoking is a very
important part of your life. You can begin to feel
emotionally connecting to smoking, which is something that
many people don't even realize. Being able to stop smoking
is not just about having the right will power that you
need, but it also requires that you can sever the links
that you have emotionally with the habit of smoking.

The facts actually show that nicotine is really one of the
least addictive drugs physically that is out there on the
market today. You can go to bed at night and sleep the
night through without the body going into withdrawal and
you don't wake up in a cold sweat because you need to have
a smoke. While this may be something new to you, you'll
find that smoking is not really a nicotine habit, but it is
a psychological habit - essentially an addiction of the

If you really want to quite smoking the easy way, then you
need to start seriously thinking about the things you
believe about smoking. It's important that you don't stop
at saying that it has negative affects on your health. You
know that. However, smoking also breeds attachments that
are emotional and irrational, and you need to understand
this. If you're a smoker you're not going to argue that
smoking does your health good, but you will probably try to
argue that smoking helps you to relax, which is really a
belief that is quite irrational.

If you want to find an easy way to finally stop smoking for
good, then you need to understand that it is a mental
thing. You don't need to start using the patch, chewing
gum, or using any other gimmick out there that is supposed
to help you stop smoking. All that these things do is keep
up the emotional attachment that you have to smoking
without providing the side effects that are physical, but
this is really not enough to really help you quit. It's
important that you get rid of the physical and the
emotional attachments if you truly want to quit smoking for
good. Do this, and it really will be easy to stop smoking.

In less than 3 hours You CAN learn how to Quit Smoking -
FOR LIFE - from the comfort of your home - without gums,
pills, or patches and, without gaining any weight or
suffering a single major craving - Fully Guaranteed!

The Right Food for Optimum Health

The Right Food for Optimum Health
Diabetes is the scourge of modern living. While you may not
be diabetic, chances are you are already exhibit some form
of glucose intolerance.

Your pancreas is likely producing far more insulin than
necessary to move your blood sugar into the cells of your
body. It's the direct result from consuming highly
processed food that creates unnatural spikes in blood sugar.

There is no one reason why people get diabetes. Heredity,
obesity, stress, lack of exercise and what is eaten all can
bring on diabetes.

When it comes to food most of us eat what is convenient and
lacks the essential nutrients our bodies need to function
on a normal level. It's hardly surprising that you get sick
since your body is unable to cope with the viruses,
bacteria and pathogens that invade it on a daily basis.

Despite our hurried liefestyle and stress, it is up to you
to take your health into your own hands. You simply cannot
rely totally on your doctor or a quick fix from a pill.

The first step is to consume a diet that is rich in all the
nutrients your body needs. That means taking time to
prepare food and eat properly.

What you should be eating are:

--Fresh Vegetables: They are the most important part of
your diet. the best veggies are the dark, leafy green
vegetables such as spinach, kale, cabbage, broccoli, beet
greens, collards and Swiss chard. You should eat at least 5
servings of vegetables a day.

--Fruits: Berries are a good source of vitamins,
anti-inflammatory compounds and anti-oxidants.

Cherries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries all make
for a better snack than a chocolate bar. You should have at
least 2 servings of fruit every day.

--High fiber cereals like oat bran, oatmeal, cream of wheat
and farina make for a better breakfast than Corn Flakes
which ranks high on the Glycemic Index.

Eat bread that is whole grain; stone ground wheat, oats,
rye, bulgur and barley. Consume 4 servings of bread,
cereal, whole wheat pasta, rice or noodles every day.

--Fish. We simply don't eat enough of it. Fatty fish such
as halibut, sardines, salmon and mackerel are high in
healthy omega-3 oils. Eat fish at least once a week. It's
believed that the reason we get sick is due to the
imbalance between omega 3 to omega-6 oils. We consume far
too much omega-6. If you can't stand fish, try a
pharmaceutical grade fish oil supplement.

--Nuts and seeds are not just for birds. While they contain
fat, the fat is mostly of the mono-unsaturated variety.
Snack on walnuts, Brazil nuts, almonds, pecans, sunflower,
pumpkin and flax seeds.

--Meats. We love beef and consume way too much. You should
eat lean meat that is organic and pesticide free. Turkey,
chicken, fish, seafood and eggs are all high in protein and
far leaner than beef. Limit your consumption to 2 or 3
servings or about the size of a deck of playing cards.

--Water. So it's not a food, as such. We can survive quite
long without solid food but we must have water. Drink about
8 to 12 glasses of pure water to help flush out toxins.
It's been shown that toxins play a large part toward the
development of diabetes.

That's a good list to get you started on the road to better
health and recovery. Chances are you're not eating half of
this list though you should. Cut out the fat, sweets, sugar
and salt that makes up the ingredients in most of the foods
you've been accustomed to eating.

Changing your diet means more energy and better health.
There's no better time to make a change in your diet than
eating the right foods.

Mario Carini is a diabetic and has been treating his
condition through natural means. In order to lose weight he
has used Avatrim Green Tea Weight Loss. You can get it

Eat Berries and Supercharge Your Health

Eat Berries and Supercharge Your Health
Ah Berries. They are truly one of nature's most perfect
foods. They taste delicious, look wonderful and are
chock-full of health benefits. Amazing health benefits!
Berries should be eaten fresh if possible and to maximize
the health benefits you should try and buy organic berries.
The health benefits can also be maximized by juicing fresh

But what exactly are the health benefits of berries?

Let's take a list of the most popular berries and quickly
bullet-point the health benefits...


*Rich source of polyphenols (anthocyanins)
*Help protect against cancer
*Help protect against heart disease
*Natural anti-inflammatory properties
*Protection against rheumatoid arthritis


*Blueberries have the highest antioxidant content of almost
any fruit
*Loaded with anthocyanins
*Can help slow-down the aging process
*Promotes urinary tract health
*Protect the cells from free-radical activity
*Could help to prevent Alzheimer's disease
*Help to improve brain-function
*Contains ellagic acid which can help prevent cancer *Could
help protect against colon cancer


*Chock-full of antioxidants and phytonutrients
*Contain proanthocyanidins that can help prevent disease


*Loaded with antioxidants and phytonutrients *Excellent
source of vitamin E
*Can help fight infection
*Contains high amounts of tannin and phenolic acids


*Great source of ellagic acid which can help prevent cancer
*Loaded with phytonutrients, antioxidants and tannins
*Could help prevent cancer and other degenerative disease

I am often asked, "What is the healthiest of the berries?"
This is a good question. All berries are fantastically
healthy, however; if I had to eat just one type of berry I
would definitely choose the remarkable blueberry.
Blueberries could possibly be one of the healthiest foods
on the planet. They have what is believed to be the highest
antioxidant content of any fruit and a plethora of other
health benefits. But this does not diminish the healthy
benefits of the other berries.

Here are some tips on buying berries...

1. If you can, try and buy organic berries as these will be
free of harmful pesticides and other chemicals
2. Try and buy berries that are plump and brightly colored
as these are ripe and loaded with phytonutrients
3. Avoid berries that look overly soft or that are bruised
4. Try and use berries soon after purchasing them as they
can go bad quickly 'especially organic berries 5. Always
cover and refrigerate berries

If you want to take advantage of the health benefits of
berries but are finding it difficult to consistently eat
fresh berries, there are some supplement options that can
deliver the benefits in a powder or liquid form. But like
most health products you need to educate yourself and
beware of the many hype-driven, low-quality products that

There has been so much media attention given to berries
lately that legions of berry-based supplements have popped
up on the shelves of grocery stores and health food stores
seemingly overnight. The majority of these are not worth
your money because they contain just a smattering of berry
powder and you would have to consume obnoxiously large
quantities to get any real health value.

The supplements you should target are those that are
powders or actual juice. Look for high potencies and keep
two critical factors in mind. The first factor is you want
to look for supplements that use organic produce. This
ensures the integrity of the bulk ingredients and ensures
that there are no harmful pesticides and other chemicals.
The second factor to look for when shopping for berry-based
supplements is that the source of the berries are juice
extracts as opposed to berry powder.

The difference between the two is enormous. Berry powder
means that they take a whole berry, freeze-dry it and then
grind it up 'skin and all. Berry powder is not bad for you;
it just limits the amounts of phytonutrients you are
getting. Juice extracts, the highest quality source of
berry ingredients, means the berries are actually juiced
and then the juice is freeze-dried. The phytonutrients and
phytochemicals are found in the juice of the berries, not
necessarily in the skin and leaves.

Keep in mind however, that buying supplements that contain
organic, juice extracts is going to cost you more because
the produce is more expensive and the process more tedious.
But the extra money spent means you are getting the maximum
health benefits from the supplement. Visit our website to
learn more about whole-food, super-food supplements.

Berries are some of nature's most perfect foods. Whether
you eat them fresh or take berry-based supplements, do
yourself and your body a favor 'keep eating more of them.

Joe Costello founded Kylea Health in 1995. Kylea is a
well-respected nutritional company providing cutting edge
nutritional formulas servicing hundreds of thousands of
people. Joe is a health researcher, author, and hosts a
weekly health Television show. For more information about
Joe Costello and Kylea Health and Energy visit

Medical Tourism to India - Breaking the myths

Medical Tourism to India - Breaking the myths
Myth #1: It will be riskier to get treatment in India as
compared to Australia. Remember, Medical care always
entails risk. Top hospitals in India are accredited by the
Joint Commission International - Leadership for Quality &
Safety in Health care, which certifies through painstaking
periodic inspections that procedures and practices meet
international standards for delivering patient quality
care. JCI is the sister organization of Joint Commission on
the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), the
U.S. hospitals certifying body. And most facilities have
management and staff training tie-ups with leading U.S.
medical organizations such as Harvard Medical
International. Many facilities are super-specialty
hospitals, equipped with the most advanced equipment for
diagnosis and treatment. These hospitals employ hundreds of
highly-trained, experienced and specialized surgeons with
impeccable credentials. Many have been either trained or
have previously worked in the U.S., Europe or Australia.

Vast majority speaks English fluently and most of the
leading hospitals in India recognize that international
patients have special needs and requirements. In order to
provide a highly specialized service, these hospitals offer
seamless patient services of world-class quality. Most of
the hospitals boast of a separate and discreet
International Patients centre, providing five-star luxuries
and maintaining the standards at par with the western
hospitals. Myth #2: Indian doctors will not be as qualified
as the Australian doctors. India's medical schools are
highly rated. What's more, most of India's leading doctors
have also studied and worked in the best medical
institutions, generally in U.K and U.S.A. Moreover, the
doctors from the hospitals /specialty centers in our
network keep abreast of the latest technologies accepted
worldwide by attending refresher courses from time to time.
Their global acceptance can be gauged from the fact that
every year, hundreds of renowned Indian doctors visit
Europe and USA to teach at leading hospitals and
universities by invitation. New and innovative techniques
are constantly being adapted and mastered by Indian
surgeons who have success rates as good as those in the
world's best hospitals.

Myth #3: Benefits are not substantial in going to India for
medical treatment. There are significant benefits in
traveling to India for your next major medical treatment or
it may be incidental if you are planning a trip to India;
those in this category are generally cosmetic & aesthetic
procedures or minimally invasive procedures such as
dermatology or dental procedures. One can save 50-80% on
treatment costs. In addition to the treatment cost savings,
you can get instant access to any medical treatment,
bypassing any waiting lists in Australia. Most of the top
corporate hospitals will have a separate section for
international patients, offering the five star luxuries, in
addition to the best of the healthcare excellence.

Myth #4: I know of people going to Thailand, Malaysia,
Singapore.. I will be the first one to go to India for
surgery. India is a recent entrant into medical tourism.
The combination of high quality, world class, affordable
surgery costs and Healthcare Services is attracting a
regular stream of foreign patients to India. Many people
from UK, USA, Europe, and Canada go to India for medical
treatment. In 2004, Indian facilities treated an estimated
150,000 medical tourists; the Apollo group alone has so far
treated 95,000 international patients... The Indian
government predicts that India's $17-billion-a-year
health-care industry could grow 13 per cent in each of the
next six years, boosted by medical tourism, which industry
watchers say is growing at 30 per cent annually. According
to a study by McKinsey and the Confederation of Indian
Industry, medical tourism in India could become a $1
billion business by 2012.

It is understandable that for many people, travelling to
unfamiliar country for medical treatment can sound
daunting. That is why knowing someone who has worked in
India as a doctor, has understanding of capabilities of
healthcare facilities as well as local knowledge of both
India & Australia, can prove to be a great asset in making
ones treatment choices.

Hemani Thukral is a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of
Surgery (MBBS). She has worked in a number of hospitals in
India.Having worked as a doctor in India, her priority is
client's well being and thereby, has laid the foundation of
company that is based on 'Quality Care' and 'Trusting

Learn from the Dogs

Learn from the Dogs
I have a little walking companion. Sydney. She's a
pug/beagle mix and she's a fired up, always excited little
hound. During the day when Syd is at home she spends a good
part of the day doing what dogs do, sleeping. She usually
does that up in my daughter's bedroom. Then there's the
time when it's time to go.

I go to the bottom of the stairs and whistle and I can
immediately hear her feet hit the floor and she comes down
the stairs with tail waggin and this happy look on her
face. Who said that animals don't smile?

So then we go through the ritual. I go in the garage and
get her collar and leash and she comes into the kitchen all
excited to go. She knows it's time to go on the daily
stroll and she's ready. I often hear people say that
animals are dumb and have no emotions or feeling. Well I'm
hear to tell you that a lot of animals are smarter then a
lot of people. You see, animals just get after it. The get
after it that I'm talking about is they move whenever the
opportunity presents itself . Not only do they move but
they move with a passion and conviction.

As I go through my day and come in contact with the many
people that I get to meet I wonder about this dumb animal
thing. Seems to me that it's not so much that they know
something that we don't, you have to move to stay healthy,
but they're smart enough to do it whenever the opportunity

This country needs some movement and we need it on a large
scale. We need adults to buy into it so that they can teach
their children how to do it. Sitting on one's arse and
expecting that you can do nothing and eat whatever you want
is not the answer if you're planning to live a long,
productive life.

During my life I've heard sick people say, " If I only had
my health". So how much is it worth? If you don't have
your health you know how difficult it can be.. If you do
have your health you better do what you can to keep it.
Whatever your case try to do something to make yourself
stronger. It will affect your health in a positive way.

Get yourself in motion. Do what the animals do to stay
healthy and fit. Move and move with passion.

-Fred Nicklaus

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