Sunday, April 13, 2008

Your Weapons In The Fight Against Wrinkles

Your Weapons In The Fight Against Wrinkles
It is unlikely that there will ever be a cure for wrinkles.
They are the most obvious sign of aging, and while there is
a lot we can do to minimize wrinkles and camouflage blotchy
skin, there is no permanent escape.

Why some people have more wrinkles than others is a
question that is often raised, and there is no one answer.
Genetics does play a large part, lifestyle and diet - even
in childhood - are all factors, and a good skincare regime
is important as well.

There is not a lot you can do about genetics, but if you
look after diet, lifestyle and skincare, you can help
arrest the progression of lines and wrinkles.

Anti aging experts are passionate about the importance of
diet for all over health, but especially for skin health.
While much health care focuses on our internal organs,
especially heart, lungs, kidneys and liver, the biggest
organ in the body is in fact the skin.

By increasing the amount of green leafy vegetables you eat,
you are infusing your body with antioxidants that fight
free radicals that destroy your skin's cells. Free radicals
are most at home with poor diets that are rich in fat and
sugars. Freshly prepared sandwiches with low fat meats or
fish, with a load of salad, make a filling and healthy
lunch choice. Add fresh fruit juice or water instead of a
soda, and you have probably saved money as well!

When you stop to think about what you are buying to eat and
actually look at healthier alternatives, you are well on
the way to healthier skin. Your whole body will thank you
for then taking the next step of actually buying and eating
the healthier foods!

Increasing your level of fitness will also help your skin
cells fight wrinkles, because you are increasing the blood
flow to your skin, stimulating the production of fresh
cells. Exercise also increases the production of collagen,
which helps to add vibrancy to the skin, and 'plumps' it up.

If you lead a stressful or busy lifestyle, learning how to
properly relax will also help your anti-wrinkle campaign.
Taking quality 'time out' helps reduce the stress hormone,

For many people the most effective way of reducing the
appearance of wrinkles rests with their skincare products.
By investing in an anti-wrinkle cream that is backed by
science you should be able to see through the advertising
hype of some of the leaders in cosmetics. Beware of the
high advertising budgets - the products should speak for

For more secrets to younger looking skin visit:

Some Essential Potentially Life-Saving Best Nutrition Facts!

Some Essential Potentially Life-Saving Best Nutrition Facts!
What do you think is the most dangerous thing you'll ever
encounter? What do you consider to be the biggest threat to
your life?

Let me help you answer. Here are some suggestions.

Is it a car crash? A bus crash? A plane crash? Being
wrapped around a lamppost, having been hit by a transport
vehicle? An accident at the workplace? A misadventure while
taking part in a sport? Encountering some wild psycho
lurking around the corner of a dark alley? Etc, etc...

-All these things are indeed serious considerations, but a
least statistically they pale into insignificance when I
tell you the answer.

The biggest threat to your life is the food you eat.

Many, many people become ill or dead through the effects of
constantly taking bad nutrition, far more than any accident
or injury.

For example, if you're in a crowded place sometime, quietly
count ten people at random. Then say to yourself, eight out
of those ten people will die of a cardiovascular related
problem or cancer. And all eight could prevent their
conditions from happening if they only chose to eat the
right food.

A politician, whose name has long escaped me (not
relevant), once addressed a select committee on nutrition
and human needs. What he said really hit the nail on the

As a nation, we have come believe that medicine and medical
technology can solve our major health problems. The role of
such important factors as diet in cancer and heart disease
has long been obscured by the emphasis on the conquest of
these diseases through the miracle of modern medicine.
Treatment, not prevention has been the order of the day.

The problems can never be solved merely by more and more
healthcare. The health of individuals and the health of the
population is determined by the variety of biological,
behavioural and environmental factors. None of these is
more important than the food we eat.

Too many people continue to doff their hat to the doctors.
But many doctors know very little about the healing powers
of nutrition because they're too busy promoting invasive
and expensive drugs with potentially damaging side effects
that only treat symptoms.

Here are the essential potentially life-saving nutrition

Good nutrition is:

* Natural. Grown from the garden, farmed and raised in
natural conditions...etc.

* Has had little or no heat treatment.

* Is free of chemicals & toxins.

* Is immune system building.

* Ultimately allows the free flow of energy in the body

Bon appetite!

I, Paul Phillips am a health writer researcher. I graduated
in 'Biological Sciences' which includes biochemistry,
physiology and nutrition. I have worked in various related
research and development labs.
I am always willing to give advice and help people in my
field. For more information please try the link below

Good Food For Good Mood

Good Food For Good Mood
One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has
not dined well." - Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf was on to something: food - and our
relationship to it - is our sustenance, our lifeblood. It
has the potential to be a source of nourishment and
wellbeing or, as is the case for many people, a source of
angst and unhappiness.

Last month, I wrote about sugar and its impact on our mood,
cravings, attention, and energy. I know, based on your
notes to me, that many of you resonated with my thoughts,
and that many of you struggle with sugar cravings, sugar
crashes, and sugar conflicts of your own.

This month, I want to extend that conversation to talk in
general terms about food and how it affects our
biochemistry (mood, cravings, attention, energy, etc. . .).
It has become clearer and clearer to me as a therapist and
a certified health counselor that everything we eat has a
powerful effect on our lives. No, not just our weight
(which is what most of us focus on), but on how we feel
physically AND emotionally.

As a psychotherapist, I was never taught to think about
food and nutrition. I was taught that people's unhappiness
or anxiety or eating disorders or other various struggles
were a result of their early upbringing or difficult
experiences or traumatic losses. I was taught that if
there was something going on with a person's brain
chemistry (as evidenced by specific signs and symptoms), it
should be treated with medication.

Although this perspective is useful, it leaves out a huge
missing piece: The idea that food matters; that my
clients' nutrition might be contributing to their
depression, their anxiety, their binging, their purging,
their lethargy, their attentional problems, their
behavioral concerns, and their mood instabilities. And even
more importantly that these feelings, in part caused by
mis-firing or mis-wiring in their brain, might be improved
by nutritional changes.

At this point in my career, I know better, but many people
-psychotherapists, doctors, and consumers included - still
do not think this way.

Yes, when a destructive or negative mood hits, it often
does have some psychological and historical origins, and in
some cases, medication may be needed. However, this is not
always the case and it is almost never the only thing going
on. What, how and when we eat - as well as the quality and
quantity of the food we put in our mouths - has a profound
effect on our mind and our mood.

According to Anne Marie Colbin, in her book, Food and
Healing, "mood. . . can be one of the first indicators that
something is out of kilter . . . A change in diet, which
can be embarked upon at any time, at any hour of the day,
can make us feel more centered, improve our disposition and
concentration, and even increase our joyfulness and good

And in her book, The Mood Cure, Julia Ross contends that
the brain is responsible for most of our feelings. If our
brain is high in certain neurotransmitters (like serotonin
and endorphins, for example), we will feel happy and
optimistic, focused and calm. However, when our brains run
low on these neurotransmitters, due to genetic factors,
stress, or diet - "it stops producing normal emotions on a
consistent basis" and we feel bad. She states loud and
clear that "regardless of your genes, but especially if
your mood-programming genes are inefficient, good nutrition
is essential." According to Ms. Ross, we can repair our
brain with foods and nutritional supplements.

However, some of us may use food (or other substances) to
self-medicate. This is what I often see in my practice.
Unfortunately, the foods we usually turn to are the foods
that make us feel worse. Truth is, the Standard American
Diet (also known as "SAD") consists primarily of highly
processed, refined foods . . . foods which are altered so
much from their original state, that it's not clear whether
they are actually even a food anymore (I mean, what are
Cheetos anyway???!).

Not only do these foods lack nutrients, enzymes, and
essential fats, which are key to stable and healthy brain
chemistry, but they contain a whole bunch of additives,
dyes, pesticides and other neurotoxins. Many of the
additives found in most processed foods (like sugar and
refined flour, MSG and its relatives, aspartame and other
fake sugars, and dyes) have been implicated in a host of
neurological, behavioral and mood problems. In addition,
thanks to these additives, many of these foods are
addictive and enticing - they temporarily provide some
relief, excitement and an energy boost, and keep us coming
back for more.

Over time, however, eating SAD foods contributes to a SAD
life. When our diets are primarily made up of these "fake"
foods, is it a wonder we feel depressed, anxious, have
trouble focusing, or feel stuck in a binge-diet or
binge-purge cycle?

Remember, food and mood go hand in hand. Yes, the way we
eat not only affects how we feel and the quality of our
lives, but the opposite is also true: the way we live, the
way we work, the way we love profoundly impacts how we
choose to feed and nourish ourselves.

If you'd like to make changes in your diet to improve your
mood, here are a few ideas to get you started:

1) Keep a food journal. This is not to be used as
ammunition to criticize yourself but rather to notice how
certain foods affect you. Take special note of your mood,
your energy, your cravings or whatever symptoms you
struggle with, both right after you eat as well as several
hours later. You may find that you are sensitive to common
foods found in your everyday diet that may be contributing
to your crankiness.

2) If your diet is not rich in vegetables (and maybe
even if it is), consider a good, whole-food based
multi-vitamin and mineral supplement.

3) Reduce the worst bad-mood foods: sugar, white
flour, caffeine, fake sweeteners, and chemicals. (Don't
recognize a word on a label? Don't eat it!). Yes, sorry,
but this does include diet soda!

4) Get enough of the best good-mood foods: high quality
protein, water, unprocessed or minimally processed grains,
fruits and veggies.

5) Get enough of the right kinds of fats(I know I need
to write a whole separate article on this!). Consider an
Omega-3 (fish oil) supplement (I like Nordic Naturals),
which has been found to have a very positive impact on mood
(of course check with your doctor if you have any medical

6) Get out and enjoy the SUNSHINE! The longer and
brighter days of Spring can help us get out of a bad mood

Karen Schachter is a licensed clinical social worker &
certified nutrition counselor who works with women who want
to have a healthier relationship with food & in turn,
improve their nutrition, improve their mood & energy,
decrease their cravings and just generally enjoy life more
fully. She helps parents figure out what to feed their
children & how to feed their children. Sign up for her FREE
newsletter @

Natural Weight Loss Supplements And Weight Loss

Natural Weight Loss Supplements And Weight Loss
Natural weight loss supplements are better for your weight
loss efforts than diet pills. Many over the counter diet
pills can cause the jitters, sleeplessness, increase your
blood pressure and your heart rate. Natural supplements are
made from all natural ingredients, mostly herbs and plants.

Natural weight loss supplements are mild any yet proven to
be highly effective. Some of these weight loss products
are made from Chinese herbs. The Chinese have been using
herbs to treat disease and weight loss for thousands of

Natural weight loss supplements should be used as part of
an overall weight loss program. Healthy weight loss
consists of a three part approach. The other two elements
to healthy weight loss include diet changes and a regular
exercise program.

Dieting does not work. In order to effectively lose weight
and keep it off involves lifestyle changes. The most
crucial change is switching to a diet of natural foods.

A diet of natural foods consists of whole grains, beans,
vegeatbles and fruit. It is best to avoid processed and
prepared foods. A diet of natural foods has benefits other
than weight loss.

Here are a couple of things to keep in mind.

1- Home cooked meals are one of the best ways to lose
weight. It's just common sense. Home cooked meals, when
prepared properly, will contain less fat and more
nutrition. Because of this, you will be doing yourself
more good than harm.

It is important to include whole grains, vegetables, beans
and fruit. Ideally, your food should be fresh as opposed to
canned or frozen.

2- You should avoid fast food restaurants at all costs.
These foods are highly processed and will only contribute
to your weight and harm your health.

This first benefit you may notice is increased energy.
Healthy weight loss can also reduce the risk of heart
disease, diabetes, hypertension and arthritis. A healthy
diet will help to lower your cholesterol.

A healthy weight loss effort includes a daily exercise
program. This does not have to be complicated. As a
matter of fact, it should be something that you enjoy.

You can walk, jog, run, swim or ride a bicycle. Your
exercise program can include tennis or golf. What matters
is that you have some sort of regular workout program for
about one hour each day.

An interesting aspect about this type of program is that
the weight loss is effortless. When you focus your efforts
on lifestyle changes instead of dieting, the weight will
come off by itself.

The key to making all this work is to dedicate yourself to
transforming your lifestyle. Your focus is not on dieting
and losing weight. Once you understand this you will be
well on your way to your ideal weight and better health.

Kathryn Soloff wrote a special report to help you lose
weight. Get "Information On How To Lose Weight" here FREE=>
Learn more about Natural Weight Loss Supplements here=>

Medical Mistakes: What ever happened to "do no harm"?

Medical Mistakes: What ever happened to "do no harm"?
Every doctor makes the promise to "do no harm." But
doctors, nurses, physicians' assistants, nursing homes, and
hospitals do make mistakes. And a shocking report from the
Institute of Medicine shows medical mistakes are a common
occurrence and pose potentially life-threatening risks for
patients. If medical mistakes were counted among the
leading causes of death in America, they would be eighth on
the list.

Surgical mistakes such as amputating the wrong foot
frequently make headlines. But we may never hear about the
more subtle errors, like a delay in diagnosis or
misdiagnosis which costs precious time which could have
been used to fight an illness or disease. These kinds of
medical mistakes also cost lives.

According to the report, medical mistakes are a huge
problem. It quoted studies that estimate anywhere from
44,000 to 98,000 hospitalized Americans die every year from
treatment errors or surgical mistakes. To put that
statistic into sharper focus, even the low-end figure of
44,000 deaths exceeds the number of people who die each
year in highway car accidents, of breast cancer or AIDS.

The cause, according to the Institute of Medicine, is not
recklessness on the part of doctors or nurses but rather
basic flaws in the way hospitals, clinics and pharmacies

Most doctors have notoriously poor handwriting which often
leads to prescription mistakes. Pharmacists try to
decipher a dosage: was it 10 milligrams or 10 micrograms?
Or even the name of the prescribed drug can be confusing.
Too many drug names are very similar. For example: the
painkiller Celebrex and the anti-seizure drug Cerebyx; or
Narcan, which treats morphine overdoses, and Norcuron,
which can paralyze breathing muscles.

Safeguards have already been implemented to reduce the
likelihood of such mistakes. Many hospitals are now using
computerized prescription systems in an attempt to ensure
that pharmacists don't misread doctors' scrawled
prescriptions. And the Food and Drug Administration is
attempting to reduce drug confusion by ensuring that the
names of new drugs don't sound too similar to drugs already
on the market.

But far more is needed. There needs to be a concerted and
comprehensive effort to raise the bar on consumer safety in
the health care industry. Insurance companies and health
maintenance organizations should also bear the burden of
improving safety.

Unfortunately the patient may be the one who can do the
most to prevent many medical mistakes. As a patient, you
have the time and motivation to double-check your diagnosis
and medications. Research your condition. Education can
allow you to double-check your diagnosis, examine all
possible treatments, check your medications for possible
adverse effects, and so on.

Christopher M. Davis is the managing partner of Davis Law
Group. He brings over 15 years of practical yet innovative
experience to personal injury cases. He practices law in
Seattle, WA. You can learn more about Mr. Davis at or .

Take It Back, Geico!

Take It Back, Geico!
"So easy a caveman can do it!", says the Geico commercial.
Well, I have news for Geico. An article about the
Paleolithic diet (see 'Consumption of Trace Elements and
Minerals by Preagricultural Humans' by Eaton and Eaton in
'Clinical Nutrition of the Essential Trace Elements And
Minerals') tells us that cavemen were far from stupid: they
had a smart dietary regimen. In fact, their diet can tell
us what is wrong with the modern one.

Meat was very important. They especially ate the organs,
bone marrow and brains of animals, which are the most
nutrient-dense parts. They also ate wild plants and
berries but rarely grains. Stone Agers lived in small
groups as nomadic hunters and gatherers. The time and
energy needed to gather and mill grains into digestible
forms with primitive technology was not worthwhile for them.

The authors list the nutritional advantages Stone Agers had
over modern people.

They got their energy from foods with far more nutrients
per unit of energy than do modern humans. They consumed no
'empty calories': energy intake without associated
nutrients such as you find with soda, sugar and white flour.

They probably took in two to 8 times more minerals than us.
Uncultivated plants and wild game generally have more
nutrients per unit of energy than do comparable foods
available in the local supermarket. The authors compare
wild honey with commercial honey. Wild honey has far more
iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, as do uncultivated
fruits and vegetables compared with cereal grains or wild
game with commercial meats.

Stone Agers generally consumed more energy per day than
most modern humans because of their need to wander and
hunt, so took in an absolute higher number of nutrients.
Most modern people are not as physically active as they

Our diet is so different because two revolutions have taken
place in nutrition.

The first is the transition from nomadic hunting and
gathering to an agricultural lifestyle. Grains such as
wheat became the main source of energy in the first
agricultural civilizations. Humans lived in larger groups
than the Stone Age bands of hunters and gatherers. They
built city states such as in ancient Greece and Mesopotamia
or river-mouth states in ancient Egypt and China. It
became more worthwhile to cultivate large crops of grains
and gather and mill them in established land with better
technology and a division of labor.

I have not seen a definitive account of how much the health
of the population changed because of the transition from a
diet of predominantly wild game and wild plants to
cultivated cereal grains. We can only look at modern
research and opinions about the role of grains in our diet
and health to guess how our newly-civilized ancestors fared
on their new diet. Some, such as Dr. Mercola, say that a
no-grain diet is optimal while others, such as Dr. Hark,
recommend a whole-grain diet which is presumably what the
ancient Egyptians, Sumerians and others ate.

I do not believe we know whether intolerance for many
grains such as wheat, oats, barley and rye, but not corn or
rice, is purely a modern health problem or not. For
example, is wheat intolerance caused by the properties of
wheat itself so that ancient populations in agricultural
societies would have experienced it even if they did not
know the cause or is it a modern phenomenon caused by the
treatment and processing of wheat as part of industrial

I lived in Morocco for a year in the eighties. It is an
agricultural country where farming is done with far less
use of fertilizers and pesticides than in western
countries. The population eats bread as a staple and
appear very strong and healthy. Their wheat is usually
unadulterated, so I think it is the quality of the wheat
rather than the attributes of wheat itself, such as gluten,
which cause intolerance.

The second revolution in nutrition is the transformation of
diet during the Industrial Revolution when people left the
land for factories and cities. Humans lost their
connection with the land. Agriculture became mechanized
and industrialized as described in Thomas Hardy's novels,
designed to feed large urban populations as cheaply as
possible. The effects of this second revolution on health
are much clearer and negative in many ways.

Affluent Western nations now consume categories of food
which never existed before: refined flours, sugar and other
sweeteners, cooking oils, and pasteurized milk. Many of
these only provide 'empty calories' while accounting for
possibly two-thirds of our energy intake and contain
preservatives, taste enhancers and coloring agents never
used before. Chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer,
arthritis and diabetes are the consequence.

It is difficult to know for sure whether cavemen were
healthier than humans in agricultural societies or modern
times. However, the article takes the position that we can
see Stone Age nutrition as the gold standard because human
biology evolved as an adaptation to the circumstances of
preagricultural times.

The first human lived maybe 2 million years ago. The first
agricultural civilization came into existence maybe 10,000
years ago in the Middle East. Human biology takes many
generations to evolve and could not possibly adapt to
changes in diet in the short time since the founding of
agriculture. Our bodies are built to thrive on the food
that was available before then. We remain very similar
genetically to our Stone Age ancestors of 20,000 years ago
or more.

This theme is explored in another interesting article: 'The
Late Role of Grains and Legumes in the Human Diet, and
Biochemical Evidence of their Evolutionary Discordance' by
Loren Cordain, Ph.D. on

We now suffer
from what Dr. Loren Cordain describes as 'evolutionary
discordance' - undesirable results of having genes
developed for a different environment to the current one.
Many suffer from living on a modern diet with a body built
for a preagricultural diet. To the extent that modern life
and diet is different from that of the preagricultural era,
we are exposing ourselves to ill-health and chronic
degenerative diseases.

The most practical remedy is to avoid processed foods and
just stick to the food you find around the periphery of a
supermarket: fresh fruit and vegetables and fish and meat
(organic if you can afford it). That is probably the
closest you can get to the cavemen's diet and eating in
harmony with your genes. So, Geico, you owe cavemen an

I work in information technology supporting the health care
program of a pension system, so am familiar with the issues
of our health care system.
I also believe that your health and fitness is a statement
- how you perceive yourself and how you want others to
perceive you. My site summarizes what I have learned. For
more information on how you can achieve health and fitness
at 50 or any age, go to =>

How To Gain One Pound Of Muscle Per Week With This Rediscovered Bodybuilding Trick

How To Gain One Pound Of Muscle Per Week With This Rediscovered Bodybuilding Trick
How would you like to learn a simple trick that will help
you pack on a solid pound of muscular bodyweight each and
every week without spending any more time in the gym and
without forcing feeding yourself by trying to choke down
more food at each meal?

Well in this article I'm going to show you exactly how to
do just that by overcoming one of the most catabolic times
of the day for you, and turning it into your advantage. Do
you know when the most catabolic time of day is? It's when
you go to sleep because you literally starve your muscles
for eight hours!

Just think about it, you would never go eight hours during
the day without eating a meal. But that is exactly what you
do each and every night when you go to bed. The old time
bodybuilders knew about this. And during heavy bulk up
training phases they would literally set their alarm clocks
and wake up during the middle of the night and eat a high
protein meal in order to prevent muscle breakdown.

If you are staying a certain weight right now then you are
consuming your maintenance calorie intake. In order to gain
muscle you need to consume above this calorie maintenance
level. But chances are if you are struggling to gain weight
then you feel that you are already eating like a mad man
and can't possibly eat any more food.

However, this middle of the night meal will provide these
much needed extra calories for muscle gain, and since this
is in addition to your daily meals it won't feel like you
are forcing down more food. Another bonus is that because
you haven't eaten for several hours most of the calories
will be headed for your muscles and not stored as bodyfat.

If you consume a night-time meal replacement or protein
shake with 500 calories in it; that's 3500 calories for the
week over and above your current maintenance calorie
intake. This will help you gain about 1 lb. of solid muscle
a week. If you can stick with it you can gain some serious
muscular bulk pretty quickly.

There are 2 ways to squeeze in this extra muscle building

One option is to set your alarm clock for the middle of the
night. However, if you are like me you hate the sound of
the alarm clock as it jolts you out of your sleepy slumber
like a slap in the face.

The second option, which is a lot more easy, is to simply
drink a couple glasses of water before going to bed. This
will naturally make you wake up in a few hours because
you'll have to go to the bathroom.

Then all you have to do is before you go to bed is mix up a
meal replacement drink in a shaker bottle and put it right
on the bathroom counter. This way you don't even have to
think about it, you can just drink it and then go back to

It only takes a few minutes of preparation each night and
then a couple minutes to chug down the meal replacement
drink. The little bit of work involved is well worth the
reward of a bigger more muscular physique.

Lee Hayward is a Physique Transformation Specialist who is
committed to helping bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts
gain muscle and burn bodyfat. Visit his website and
download a copy of his FREE Muscle Building e-Course.

Diet, Nutrition and Younger Looking Skin

Diet, Nutrition and Younger Looking Skin
Although improving your diet won't erase wrinkles from the
outside, it will help protect your skin from the inside.
The health of your whole body has a definitive affect on
the health of your skin. The skin is, after all, the
largest organ in the body.

Free radicals are toxic by-products of energy production.
They are chemicals with an unpaired electron absorbed into
the body. Once there, they react with any structure in a
cell, causing damage in the form of mutations leading to
gene malfunction. These malfunctions can lead to vital
functions being altered.

The cell membrane is vulnerable to free radicals and the
damage results in rigid, fragile and leaky cells.

Antioxidants protect the cells from free radicals. A diet
rich in antioxidants is great protection from the damage
done by these free radicals. Lycopene, found in red fruits
and vegetables is a powerful antioxidant, as are flavonoids
and carotenoids. These can be found in fruits and
vegetables and herbs such as spinach, asparagus, basil,
lima beans, garlic, dill, onion, cabbage, apricots, peaches
and plenty of others. And don't forget the tea. Fresh, raw
or just lightly cooked is the best way to get the full
benefit of the antioxidants.

There are foods associated with keeping smoother skin that
has less wrinkles. Eating these foods doesn't guarantee
wrinkles will disappear or never appear, but there is a
correlation between eating them and having fewer wrinkles.
Mono-unsaturated fat, olives and olive oil, fatty fish like
sardines and salmon, reduced fat milk, eggs, nuts &
legumes, and the previously mentioned foods high in
flavonoids and carotenoids all result in healthier skin. As
would be expected, saturated fats, sodas, sweets, butter,
margarine, meat and potatoes are their counterparts that
result in wrinkles.

Drinking plenty of fluids, especially water, is another way
to keep youthful skin. Although staying hydrated is good
for the skin it does not necessarily help with wrinkling as
wrinkles occur in the dermis as the result of the sebaceous
glands producing too little sebum, the skin becomes dry and
more apt to wrinkle. What drinking water does is keep the
blood circulating well and cleans the pores by allowing
sweat to flow freely. Water also helps with metabolism.

As for hydrating the skin from the outside there are
excellent creams and lotions available. The very best of
them, penetrates into the dermal layer to help stimulate
the natural production of collagen.

A balanced diet, good nutrition and science based skincare
creams are important in having younger looking skin and are
vital to the anti-aging process. Antioxidants fight off
free radicals and micronutrients act as sponges to soak up
destructive ultraviolet rays, all working together to
prevent wrinkling and spotting.

Scientifically developed Skin Cream is the best way to
avoid wrinkles. Learn more:

The Key to Curing Panic Attacks

The Key to Curing Panic Attacks
You would be surprised at how many people visit the
emergency room because of a heart attack when the reality
is they are only experiencing a panic attack. That will
give you an idea of how intense the symptoms of a panic
attack can be.

First let's look at the different physical symptoms that
indicate you might be having a panic attack.

Shortness of breath

Trembling or shaking


Tightness of the chest

Inability to focus or sit still

Chills or hot flashes

Not only do people experience physical symptoms with panic
attacks, but there are psychological symptoms as well. Here
is a list of the most common psychological symptoms people
experience when having a panic attack or experience while
expecting a panic attack to happen:

Fear of losing control

Fear of dying

Agoraphobia or fear of public places

Feelings of unreality


Potential tendency to turn to substance abuse

For people dealing with recurring panic attacks it can be
difficult for family members or loved ones to fully
understand what you are going through if they have never
experienced a panic attack before.

Sometimes you may feel like you are forced to face the
panic attacks alone because your closest friends and family
may think you are simply trying to get attention or may
quickly lose patience with you because they don't see it as
a big problem.

It's important to understand that you are not alone in your
dealings with panic attacks or anxiety disorder. Many
people commonly experience these types of symptoms
throughout their lives. Some more than others, but you are
not as alone as you may think you are when dealing with
these type of problems.

Rest assured panic attacks are not as life threatening as
some people think them to be. The cure for panic attacks
lies in how you handle the panic attack symptoms.
Controlling your thoughts is the key to controlling the
power the symptoms have over your mind and body.

If you are unsure whether or not the symptoms are from a
panic attack it is a good idea to visit your doctor to get
checked out. Even if you are absolutely sure you are
experiencing a panic attack it doesn't hurt to have a
doctor investigate the symptoms you are experiencing.

Most importantly remember that panic attacks can be treated
without the use of medication, and most people just need
someone to help guide them in the right direction.

At last! For men and women who want quick, simple and
effective HELP...

7 Food Myths Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Program

7 Food Myths Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Program
It seems like nearly every day we hear news about the
latest thing that we once thought was good for us, and how
it's now detrimental to our health.

After a while, you kind of stop paying attention.

But when you're working on your weight loss goals, there
are some foods that could be sabotaging your diet, and you
might not even know.

1. Bran is a whole grain, and it's good for you. So it
would stand to reason that bran cereal is good for you too.
But guess what? Lurking in those cereals is often hidden
sugar, hidden salt, and even some fat.

2. Another food that health enthusiast usually enjoy is
granola or granola bars. If you actually look closer you'll
see that granola bars contain high levels of high fructose
corn syrup and other sugars, and some bars have as many as
10 grams of fat. Maybe it's not the best snack choice after

3. While lean meat is an excellent source of protein, one
of my favorite go-to meats, ground turkey, can sometimes
contain more fat a pound of ground beef contains.

4. Another place you can be sabotaged is in the bread
aisle. When you see a brown bread wrapper with the words
multi-grain, wheat, or some other healthy description you
probably automatically think, "healthy." Yes and no. You'll
score higher in the healthy column by purchasing bread that
is whole grain.

5. If you enjoy hearty salads, be sure to watch out not
just for the extras like croutons and other salad bar
toppings, watch out for those flavorful and calorie laden
dressings that make the salad taste so good.

6. Energy and protein bars are marketing primarily to women
who want to shape up and lose weight. Beware, because often
times energy bars have as much sugar and fat as a regular
candy bar.

7. The biggest deception laid upon dieters is the term
"low-fat." Remember, they may have taken out the fat, but
that doesn't mean the sugar is gone. Low-fat foods can
still pack substantial calories too, so read the labels

Take everyone's favorite snack for example ' potato chips.
These can be labeled all natural and seem like less of a
guilty pleasure, but even natural potatoes become fattening
when they get fried and coated with salt. So don't be
fooled by creative packaging. A marketing professional
helped to design the package. Instead focus on the label
that lists nutritional values.

One last tip you may not have considered... Also watch your
portions or servings. Most labels that offer calorie
content information, are based on a one half cup serving.
Depending on what food you're talking about, one half cup
just might not be enough to satisfy you. So then, the
calories you thought you were consuming, based on what you
read on the label, have just increased.

There are lots of traps out there for those on a weight
loss program, but if you use your savvy, you will
successfully navigate your diet choices!

Debbie helps women wanting to lose weight quickly through
her blog on natural weight loss tips and
supplements... .

Anti-Aging Skin Care

Anti-Aging Skin Care
Cosmetics, cosmecueticals (ways of treating the skin and
making it look nicer by applications that act like
pharmaceuticals) and other beauty aids of the same ilk may
well be effective when it comes to anti-aging skin care.
However, they may be quite expensive and do they really get
to the root cause of premature ageing and skin disorders
such as acne, spots, psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis?

Let me put it like this. You put your car into a garage
because it's not running well. The mechanic carefully beats
the bonnet into a nicer shape, paints over it, then
re-lacquers the surface and finally gives it a nice waxy
sheen. He then tells you your car has been fixed. Indeed
you are delighted with the look at it and you drive away
from the garage a satisfied customer. ...Until you find
that the fault still persists.

This is an absurd way of dealing with the car problem
because the mechanic never got to the underlying root
cause: that which is below the bonnet, the engine! This is
an analogy that can be likened to the way in which many
people are being treated for anti-aging skin care and skin
disorders. 'The route cause of the problem lies beneath
the skin!

Treating the underlying root causes.

Whether it's through premature ageing or by disorders,
poorly skin can manifest a result of:

1. Poor nutrition 2. Toxicity 3. Stress 4. A lack of

So anti-aging skin care and the prevention of disorders can
be very effectively handled by.

Good Nutrition

-Take foods containing plenty of vitamin C. This has the
effect of forming good connective tissue, which is capable
of preventing wrinkling and is immune system building for
fighting infection.

- Get a good supply of omega-3 fats. This is found, for
example, in fish oils or flax seed oils. Be sure to get a
good quality supply, such as cod liver oil. Omega-3 helps
to keep skin fats normal and retains moisture. This is a
good way to prevent inflammation; skin cracks and helps
prevent disorders such as acne, spots, psoriasis,
dermatitis and eczema.

- Eat a range of fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably
organic. Nuts are good for the skin, since they are rich in
vitamin E. Remember, vitamins, enzymes and minerals act
synergistically and all serve to effectively slow down the
ageing process and prevent skin disorders.

-Keep insulin levels reasonable constant. Don't let them
fluctuate too much by meal skipping or overeating...

-Get around 10-15 minutes of sunshine a day.


-Junk food. It causes ageing and body toxicity. Junk food,
for example, is capable of giving rise to oily skin: The
sebaceous glands produce sebatin during toxicity. They then
get clogged up with dead skin and micro-organisms,
resulting in pimples and spots. Don't ever underestimate
the potential damage that junk food is capable of.


-Avoid environmental toxins. Use chemical-free lotions.

-Smoking. This causes free radical damage to the surface of
the body's cells, or the DNA or RNA inside. This can lead
to ageing or serious illness.


-Look into ways of managing stress.

-Sleep well

-Avoid tensions, particularly around the facial muscles.
Acupuncture is a good form of making the facial muscles
relax for reversing the ageing process.


-About half an hour a day is recommended.

I, Paul Phillips am a health writer researcher. I graduated
in 'Biological Sciences' which includes biochemistry,
physiology and nutrition. I have worked in various related
research and development labs.
I am always willing to give advice and help people in my
field. For more information please try the link:

Discover the Incredible Use of Honey in Hibernation Diet!

Discover the Incredible Use of Honey in Hibernation Diet!
The recent revolutionary Hibernation Diet created by a
British pharmacist and a nutrition expert caught my
attention by making a powerful connection between poor
sleep and obesity. It advocates incorporating mild
resistance exercise and a healthy, balanced, and wholesome
diet void of highly refined, processed foods such as white
bread, pizza, burgers, chocolates, beer and sugar, and
suggests taking a generous spoonful or two of honey at
night, either as a warm drink, a smoothie or straight from
the jar. This fascinating honey hibernation diet promises
to help us sleep and lose weight at the same time by using
our biology and working with our bodies, rather than
against them ' "recovery biology". A new approach to fat
metabolism, it requires no straining from aerobics
exercise, no wearing out on a treadmill and no pounding it
out in the gym. Sounds too easy, too miraculous or too
far-fetched to be believable?

Natural honey when taken prior to bed is believed to be
able to fuel the liver, speed up fat-burning metabolism,
ease stress hormones and help us get a better night's
sleep. This oldest natural sweetener also contains a wide
variety of vitamins, including vitamins B6, B1, B2 and B5,
and minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium,
manganese, phosphorous, potassium, sodium and zinc,
anti-oxidants and amino acids, the building blocks of

What I learnt about the Hibernation Diet is that honey
provides a fuelling mechanism for the body at night,
keeping blood sugar levels balanced and letting your
recovery hormones get on with burning fat stores. This
proposition that honey reduces blood glucose level was
published in the Journal of Medicinal Food in April 2004.
However, to most people, it seems to defy common sense
since honey comprises two sugars, namely glucose and
fructose in a 1:1 ratio. Moreover, eating late at night is
often discouraged by many people who believe that during
bedtime, metablic rate is low and the body cannot burn
calories and would easily put on weight. Being a honey
enthusiast, I naturally wanted to know more about how the
hibernation diet works scientifically for the good of the

I read that when sugars are absorbed from the gut into the
blood they are first absorbed by the liver, which is the
only organ in the human body with the fructose enzyme to
process this sugar. In the liver the fructose is converted
into glucose, stored as liver glycogen or human starch, and
released only if and when blood glucose falls.

Fructose also triggers the glucose enzyme in the liver
allowing the liver to take in as much glucose as it
requires. This has been referred to as the Fructose
Paradox. In other words, fructose lowers the Glycemic Index
of glucose; fructose enters the liver and opens the gate
for glucose entry preventing a rapid rise in blood glucose.
This natural blood glucose regulator found in fruits,
vegetables and honey, regulate blood glucose levels and
stabilize blood glucose to maintain a regular supply of
glucose to the brain.

Some simple questions that the hibernation diet expert asks
to check if the liver has fuelled up well for the night:

- Do you wake regularly during the night?

- Do you have night sweats?

- Do you experience acid reflux during the night?

- Do you get up to go to the bathroom during the night?

- Do you feel nauseous in the early morning?

- Do you wake up exhausted?

- Do you have a dry throat in the morning?

- Do you get night cramps?

- Do you feel weak in the early morning?

If "yes" is the answer for any of these questions, it could
mean that instead of burning fat and repairing muscles,
your body has produced a stream of stress hormones while
you've slept.

The hibernation diet also goes on to explain how fructose
in honey fuels the brain which is the most energy demanding
organ, burning up to 20 times the fuel of any other cell in
the body. We become exhausted after having to concentrate
for a lengthy period. That's why we often hear that mental
exhaustion is worse than physical exhaustion. The brain
needs glucose to survive, however glucose occupies a large
amount of storage space and there is no room in the brain.
And the liver is the only organ that can both store and
release glucose into the circulation. This is why looking
after your liver glycogen amount by ensuring that the liver
and the brain are well provided for both in the day and at
night is so critical. Any fall in blood glucose is
detrimental for the brain. The adrenal glands to be
activated and the adrenal hormones if overproduced can lead
to conditions such as heart disease, osteoporosis, obesity,
diabetes, poor immune function, depression and other
distressing health problems.

What I find inspiring to read is that we burn an amazing
70% fat during rest, 35% during low level exercise, 20%
during moderate exercise, and a low 10% during intense
exercise. During sleep we should burn fats. However, if the
liver is not fuelled prior to bed, we release stress
hormones from the adrenal glands which raise our heart rate
and blood pressure. These hormones instead of burning fat,
degrade muscle and bone. The liver must deliver 10 grams of
glucose every hour -- 6.5 to the brain, 3.5 to the kidneys
and red blood cells. As the liver capacity is only 75
grams, most people go to bed with a depleted liver,
activating the adrenal glands and do not recover. And if
you do not recover you do not burn fats. The hibernation
diet essentially aims to encourage people to reap the
benefit of your body's own natural recovery system and
optimize their recovery biology or fat burning biology, as
explicitly termed by the author who believed that this diet
is not only to a healthy weight but unlocking energy
resources you never know you had. So, if you interested to
have a more in-depth account of this honey diet, check out
the book "The Hibernation Diet" in which you will find
details of the suggested diet plans for breakfast, lunch
and dinner, and the different types of resistance exercises
described in clear steps.

Benefits of Honey at is a
huge honey resource community specially built for all the
honey lovers and fans in this world. This site is packed
with rich, quality information on honey and health-related
issues based on our knowledge and experience with honey, so
as to promote its invaluable benefits which we believe
could bring many positive spin-offs in your everyday life
and to your family and friends.

The Healing Crisis

The Healing Crisis
The healing crisis occurs as people cleanse their body.
Sometimes the cleansing causes us to have an allergic
reaction. This is good as it means we are removing toxins
from the body.The only people who will experience a healing
crisis are people with a toxic body.

Our bodies become toxic over a long period of time.
Toxicity is a combination of poor diet, and chemicals that
we take into our body, throught the air a breath, what we
put on our skin and our hair. We also get toxins from
clothing, smoking, and the water we drink. These are only a
few of the places where you can ingest toxins but by
becoming aware of these you will start to understand how
our bodies become so laden down with toxins. As we become
more toxic, our bodies develop a life style disease.

Disease is defined as a lack of good health. This can
result from trauma, or toxicity. Most people cause their
toxicity by their poor life style. Today we have many
people who have made changes in their life style and are
cleansing and feeding their body with holistic products.
When we first start to cleanse our body we often have some
reactions, like irritability, tiredness, flu like symptoms,
or allergic reactions. This is not a bad thing. This can
occurs when harmful impurities are cleansed from our body.
This is called "The Herxheimer Reaction" or "The Healing

When the Healing Crisis occurs most people stop using the
cleansing products. What they don't realize is, the product
is working, this is good. The best thing to do is, slow
down the cleansing process, take half of the recommended
dosage and drink lots of water, then slowly increase the
dosage until you are back at the recommended dosage. If the
crisis occurs again take a rest for a few days and start
again with a half dosage. If a person perseveres the crises
usually passes in a couple weeks and they end up feeling
better than they did before they started.

Cleansing has become very important, our industrialized
world is full of toxins, and our life styles are too busy.
Because of this we have more people suffering from life
style diseases.

Don't despair! Our bodies are miracles, when we cleanse and
feed our bodies, with wholesome food, and quality
nutritional products, our body will heal itself.

With cleansing and a good life style we can have a healthy
vibrant body.

Jane Kriese Millikin, is a author, a health and wealth
counselor, and an independent distributor, for an amazing
"Cleansing and Weight Loss System" Visit me at the web site;
Also order your free "Candida Testing Kit" by emailing me