Saturday, March 29, 2008

What Every Woman Over 40 Should Eat For Breakfast To Lose Weight

What Every Woman Over 40 Should Eat For Breakfast To Lose Weight
Want to burn fat, feel fuller longer, stay energized,
reduce calorie intake, prevent snacking between meals and
stay satisfied on busy days when you aren't able to eat?

Then you must include eggs for breakfast.

Research has shown that when overweight and obese people
simply ate eggs for breakfast their appetites were
satisfied longer and they eat fewer calories for the rest
of the day.

Eggs are considered to be the highest quality protein of
any food you can get which helps preserve lean muscle
tissue and increase in fat loss.

Eggs also contain every vitamin and mineral except vitamin
C. Nutrient dense foods help you to get the nutrition you
need without the excess calories and eggs are about 70

Not only are eggs one of the easiest ways to lose weight
but you will improve your memory (choline), have healthier
eyes (lutein and zeaxanthin easily absorbed by the body
through an egg than from other source), have stronger hair
and nails (sulphur and b12), and 6 or more eggs consumed
per week could lower your risk of breast cancer by 50% (as
shown in one study).

And did you know with so many people being vitamin D
deficient (another reason for overweight) eggs are one of
the few foods that naturally contain vitamin D.

So all together now...

"I love eggs from my head down to my legs oh yeahhh!!"

...oh sorry got carried away now where were we...?

Bottom line, eggs need to become your meal to start the day
and lose that excess weight effortlessly.

Oh and here is one more tip: Whip up some stir fry veggies
in some olive oil and mix in the eggs and you have the best
veggie scramble ever and talk about a power meal besides
being so satisfying and yummy.

Hey how about 1 more tip to help with shedding those excess
pounds, burn the fat, feel fuller longer, stay energized,
reduce calorie intake, prevent snacking between meals and
stay satisfied on busy days when you aren't able to eat?

Here are 7 natural weight loss supplement ingredients to
look for, that work synergistically and do just that:

7-Keto will help you lose 3 times more weight then diet and
exercise alone.

Chromium is a natural fat burner.

ATP is a source of energy for the body. The mitochondria in
our cells use it to fuel the cell.

Cassia is a glucose stabilizer. It is a natural way to help
with extremes in the fluctuation of blood sugar. Too
little, we eat.

Gymnemia is a "feel good" mood stabilizer.

5-HTP is a feel good chemical. This enhances serotonin, we
feel better; eat less and this decreases sugar cravings.

Evodiamine is a natural energy enhancer.

Debbie endeavors to encourage women to take care of their
bodies and feed their minds with good positive thoughts.
She shares her expertise on quick weight loss for women at
her blog .

What is Corrective Exercise?

What is Corrective Exercise?
Do you suffer from any kind of back pain, knee, hip, ankle,
shoulder or neck pain? Do you suffer from low energy or
persistent headaches? Do you want to look, feel and perform
better in you life? If you are one of these people, a
corrective exercise programme is around the corner waiting
to change your life!

Corrective exercise is the precise training method that
will keep your body in balance by addressing exactly what
the body needs. Through resistance training, stretching,
breathing and movement coaching you will discover what it
really is like to feel physically good!

Unfortunately we live in a society that encourages various
habits and lifestyles that create muscle imbalances. These
imbalances pull our posture and joints out of position and
leave our bodies open to aches and pains. Our faulty body
positions and subsequent movements lead to a number of
problems including:

- Altered breathing patterns
- Impeded blood flow
- Compression of nerves and muscles
- Inflammation and pain

Corrective exercise training addresses these imbalances. It
counteracts your daily movements and bad habits that are
causing your body harm by stretching out the overworked
muscles and strengthening the weak under-used ones to bring
physical balance back to your life.

Benefits of corrective exercise include:

- Ideal posture
- Stronger muscles
- Increased energy & fitness
- Improved blood flow
- Greater sense of well-being

There are no generalisations when it comes to corrective
exercise training. Each body is unique and tells a
different story. We therefore each require a different
training routine to bring the balance back.

Corrective exercise can benefit everybody, simply because
very few people in the world are in perfect physical
balance. The majority of us that perform jobs where sitting
for long periods is required are some of the most in need
for corrective exercise, but others can benefit too.
Examples include:

- Athletes often develop muscle imbalances through training
patterns & movements that emphasise particular muscle
- Manual workers that perform repetitive movements every
day will often complain of aches and pains.

Pain is not a necessary presence in our lives. It is
something that can and should be eradicated through
Corrective Exercise Training. Go ahead and change your life

By discovering how your body really should work you will
become more balanced, have improved posture, improved
health as a result and become pain free. Your body wants to
be healthy, happy and able to respond to any challenge you
put in front of it. Give it the chance to do that!

David Osgathorp Owner, All About You Performance &
Wellbeing. Unit 3 Broadbent Close, Highgate, London, N6
5JW. Tel: 020 8348 9706, Mob: 07779 729122. If you would
like more information then pleas contact us via the

Training For Your Mind That Will Dramatically Reshape Your Body And Your Mind

Training For Your Mind That Will Dramatically Reshape Your Body And Your Mind
Training Report: What if I told you there was a tool so
powerful and so helpful that it can almost put your quest
for fitness here on auto-pilot....

Well, I would be telling you the truth, all possible
through training.

Without sounding like an infomercial for some miracle pill
or magic juice, what is this mystery force. Simply put, it
is your mind! Training for your mind!!

Like Albert Gyorgyi says, "Whatever a man does he must do
first in his mind."

I wholeheartedly agree with that statement, it's the truth.
You can't write without thinking about what you are going
to write about first, you can't say anything unless you
think of it first, well at least anything meaningful.

Training Concept: Every single thing that you do originate
in your mind. Whether that be an easy task such as writing
your name, (hopefully easy for you), or a harder task -
when you may not know the path to your goal.

Apply this process to training and fitness - and we can say
that you have to see yourself thin and an ultimate outcome
of weight loss in your mind first - before you can even
begin the process.

Why is it for some people that being heavy is a frame of
mind rather than just a temporary condition. I have to say
as a Fitness Coach - if you are going to be fit and healthy
you have to start thinking like a fit and healthy person.
This can be summed up by a quote from Mike Todd.....

Training Concept # 2: "I've never been poor, only broke.
Being poor is a frame of mind. Being broke is only a
temporary situation." You must believe it yourself before
you can actually do something. You are never going to be
able to do something if you don't think you can or don't
believe you can't.

If you are stuck in a "heavy mindset", your body will stay
the same accordingly.

Planning is indeed a guarantee for reaching your Fitness
goal. When you go grocery shopping do you have a plan?

Or do you go around the isles letting your stomach decide
for you what you will buy at the time. I always advocate
shopping with a list when you are full. If you plan out
your grocery shopping trip you are much more likely to get
only what's on your list.

Then you don't have those extra boxes of twinkles or bag of
cookies sneaking into your shopping cart - which would be a
very bad temptation to have lurking in your house - unless
you eat everything on the way home in the car.

The title of a great book, "Battlefield Of The Mind", says
it all in the title.

Training Concept #3: Why have a battle take place in your
mind each time you need to make a decision. You are tempted
to dive into that freshly baked double-triple fudge cake at
the office party, are you going to sit their staring at it
and try and decide what you should do, weighing the pro's
and con's in your mind.

Or are you going to let your goals decide for you. You say
to yourself I already thought this out, and this won't help
me reach my goals, so you happily reject the temptation and
move on to the delightful broccoli casserole.

Let your mind decide what your future will be rather than
your stomach and rely on your Training.

Plan out and determine what you want to happen in the
future, and how you are going to go about getting there. If
you don't decide yourself - your circumstances will shape
what happens.

Go for some training and set your mind to create the right
circumstances in order for you to succeed on your journey
to fitness.

Zach Hunt is a training expert, personal trainer and owner
of Physzique, a fitness coaching service in Spokane, WA. Go
or you can go here for more training tips:

Killer Heels? Why women need to rethink their high heels and 21 tips for better foot health

Killer Heels? Why women need to rethink their high heels and 21 tips for better foot health
We all have them, those adorable, had-to-buy-them, high
heel shoes hiding in our closet. In fact, many of us have
hundreds of pairs! They are torture devices made by men for
women because they make our butts look good. We also like
the way they make us feel tall, in charge, and yes, sexy!
High heeled shoes are seen as a career woman's six-gun, but
what are we doing to our feet?

High heeled shoes have been linked to many foot ailments
like bunions, hammer toes, neuromas, metatarsalgia,
Achilles tendonitis, ingrown toenails, and corn and
calluses. Chronic knee pain and back pain can also be
linked to high heeled shoes. Is this the price we have to
pay for cute shoes? What is a fashion conscious woman to do?

As a podiatrist, I see twenty-something-year old women
every day complaining of pain in their feet. Often, they
attribute their pain to their exercise regimen or running
shoes. After a thorough history examining their pain, we
often realize that the shoes they run in are not the
problem. It's the shoes they wear to work everyday.

Wearing high heels changes the biomechanics of walking and
can have an impact on the entire structure of the foot and
the relationship of the knee to the ankle, as well as your
lower back. But there are steps (so to speak) you can take
to minimize the damage from your killer heels!

1.Buy shoes that fit! Sounds like a no-brainer, but most
women wear shoes at least a half a size too small. Measure
your feet every time you buy shoes, even just a few extra
pounds can make your shoe size larger. Remember that the
number is just a suggestion, different brands can size
completely differently.

2.Wear a wider shoe than you think you need. The shoe is
not going to stretch that much when you "break it in". Most
women also but their shoes too narrow!

3.Always buy shoes in the afternoon or at the end of the
day. Your feet swell throughout the day, so you will get a
better, realistic fit if you buy in the afternoon.

4.Buy leather shoes, not synthetics. Leather is more

5.Beware of the pointy-toed, high heeled shoe! These are a
double-whammy! Try to avoid the severe point and go for
more of a taper or square toe box.

6.If you have bunions and hammertoes, a silicone protective
sleeve can help your pain from rubbing in your shoes. Make
sure your toe box is wide enough to accommodate the padding.

7.If you have two different sized feet (and most people
do), shoe stretchers can be used to stretch the toe box if
one foot is only a little bigger than the other. If you
have significantly different sized feet, some stores and
websites will sell you two different sized shoes.

8.Try to avoid really high heels. Your feet (and knees)
will thank you if you adjust your heel height to lower than
3 inch heels.

9.Try to wear a consistent heel height. Going up and down
in height can be quite a pain in your Achilles tendon.

10.Chunky heels are much more stable than stilettos. Try to
wear a wider, more supportive heel or even convert to

11.If you have to wear heels and have a flexible flat foot,
try "Insolia" insoles. They are relatively inexpensive and
can make a 3 inch heel feel like a 2 inch heel by
distributing stress from your forefoot to the middle of
your arch.

12.If you have constant knee pain, avoid heels all
together! One study showed a 26% increase in stress on the
knee joint in heels higher than 2 inches. Osteoarthritis in
the knee has been linked to chronic wearing of high heel

13.Always have a pair of running shoes or casual shoes in
the car or in your desk. You never know when you need to
make a mad dash for the airport or get stuck running
errands. Always have a pair of comfortable shoes on hand
for emergencies.

14.Applying lotion to your feet daily can help with corns
and calluses. An emollient lotion with an exfoliant can
help with thick, hard skin caused by shoe pressure.

15.Get a regular pedicure. Having a regular pedicure and
keeping your toenails in tip top shape can help with
ingrown toenails, also caused by shoe pressure. Make sure
your pedicurist is using sterile instruments and never let
them cut your corns and calluses with a sharp blade!

16.Never perform bathroom surgery on your corns and
calluses. Also, never use those over-the-counter corn
removers; the acid plaster in these products does not know
when to stop and can cause nasty sores and infections!

17.Get a regular massage. Massage can really help with
delayed muscle soreness and fatigue from the abnormal
stress from high heeled shoes.

18.Toe stretching exercises can be very helpful after
taking off your shoes. This helps increase the circulation
to the poor little tootsies that are cramped in your shoes.

19.Stretch your Achilles tendon and calf muscles at least
every day if not twice a day. Regular stretching can help
combat the shortening of the Achilles tendon that occurs
from chronic wearing of high heel shoes. This shortening
can lead to tendonitis and heel pain!

20.Core strengthening exercises can help stabilize your
feet and decrease the stress from high heeled shoes. Every
woman should do core exercises at least three times a week.
They help with back pain, knee pain and foot pain caused by

21.See your podiatrist if you have any pain that last more
than five to seven days. A few aches and pains are normal
from high heeled shoes, but if you have pain, numbness or
burning that persists for more than 5-7 days, you have an
injury. Simple solutions are available at your podiatrist
if you seek help early. A delay in treatment can lead to
needing surgery or worse......

Women have been wearing high heeled shoes for centuries,
but there are a few things we can do to make our feet more
comfortable if we are slaves to fashion....and aren't we

For more information on foot and ankle health, visit our
website at or my blog at . For a podiatrist in your area,
visit the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
consumer website at .

3 Steps To Lose Weight Successfully

3 Steps To Lose Weight Successfully
Are you fat? Are you frustrated? Have you come to the
conclusion that there is no reliable solution to lose
weight. Well, you will be happy to hear that you are
wrong. Fortunately, there is almost a solution for every
problem and weight loss is no different.

The secret here is that everything depends on you. How
much are you willing to commit yourself to this problem.
Your determination will be the deciding factor in how
successful you will be in your weight loss endeavors.

Truthfully, not all weight solutions will be appropriate
for you. There are some solutions that have adverse
effects on your health. Obviously, you should stay away
from these solutions.

The facts are as follows. You simply cannot expect to lose
those unwanted pounds overnight. Becoming fat does not
happen in a vacuum. Nor does it happen overnight. Just as
you gained that extra weight over time, you can only lose
it after a considerable amount of time and effort.

However, it is crucial that you lose those extra pounds.
Yes, having that extra weight does cause unnecessary health
risks. Of course, you want to look and feel better.
Losing weight is a quality of life issue. Losing that
extra weight will have a profound impact on every aspect of
your life.

Here are a few things to keep in mind.

1- Home cooked meals are one of the best ways to lose
weight. It's just common sense. Home cooked meals, when
prepared properly, will contain less fat and more
nutrition. Because of this, you will be doing yourself
more good than harm.

It is important to include whole grains, vegetables, beans
and fruit. Ideally, your food should be fresh as opposed to
canned or frozen.

2- You should avoid fast food restaurants at all costs.
These foods are highly processed and will only contribute
to your weight and harm your health.

3- You should not rely on weight loss pills to lose weight.
The only real way to lose weight is to eat a healthy diet
and combine it will regular exercise.

Natural weight loss supplement can be helpful. They can
help kick start a weight loss program. They should be used
in conjunction with a good diet and a daily exercise

If you do decide to use natural weight loss supplement,
choose something that is all natural and mild. Chinese
herbs have proven to be very effective in weight loss

Slow and steady wins the race. If you change your diet and
exercise regularly, losing one to two pounds per week is
ideal. If may not seem like much but it is a realistic and
healthy approach. Before long you will achieve your target
weight. Along with that accomplishment, you will look and
feel better.

Kathryn Soloff wrote a special report to help you lose
weight. Get "7 Steps To Lose Weight" here FREE=>
Learn more about Natural Herbal Weight Loss here=>

7 Super Foods You Should Be Eating

7 Super Foods You Should Be Eating
There are actually many "super foods".

Foods that are super nutritious, low in calories, improve
your overall health and help you succeed with your weight
loss plan.

The next time you're at the market, stock up on these...


This vegetable is a heavy component in Asian cooking and
has tons of nutrients. It contains a chemical that
increases your body's creation of enzymes that combat
damaging free radicals and can reduce your risk of cancer.

One cup of cabbage has just 72 calories, making it a fiber
rich, health food that won't expand your waistline. One
easy way to incorporate cabbage into your diet is to add it
to sandwiches and salads, replacing iceberg lettuce.

Swiss Chard

Another leafy green, this slightly salty, slightly bitter
vegetable comes from the Mediterranean. Swiss chard
provides lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect retinas from
becoming damaged.

The more lutein and zeaxanthin you consume, the more
protected your eyes will be. You can easily prepare chard
in a sauté pan or wok, adding garlic for flavor.


High in potassium, this obscure fruit is native to the
tropics. A guava actually has 63 percent more potassium
than one medium size banana. It's also high in fiber, with
nearly 9 grams of fiber to each cup of guava.

This super food is easy to prepare, you just eat it ' the
entire fruit is edible. Not every grocer will carry guava,
so try higher end grocery stores or markets that cater to
the Latin population.


This is a yummy spice that can be added to your diet in a
variety of ways. You can sprinkle a little on top of your
low fat latte, add it to your cereal, or oatmeal.

Cinnamon actually helps to control blood sugar, and helps
your cells to metabolize sugar. Adults with type-2
diabetes, who consumed an average of ¼ teaspoon of
cinnamon each day for 6 weeks, experienced a decrease in
their blood sugar and their cholesterol, making cinnamon a
super healthy addition to your diet.

Pomegranate Juice

This juice has actually been linked to decreasing blood
pressure. It is high in Vitamin C and because it's a
powerful juice, you don't need much. Look for brands that
offer no added sugar.

Pumpkin Seeds

You don't have to wait for Halloween to enjoy these yummy
treats. Eat them shells and all. They are high in magnesium
and low in calories, offering a healthy form of fiber. You
can find them at the market, close to other nuts and seeds.


They aren't just for old people. Prunes are actually dried
plums and in recent years have been marketed as such. They
are extremely high in antioxidants that help prevent cell
damage and reduce your risk of some cancers.

These super foods can easily be incorporated into your
weight loss program without sacrificing your calorie
conscious ways.

So take a few extra laps around the market next time and
throw some of these into your basket for better health!

Debbie endeavors to encourage women to take care of their
bodies and feed their minds with good positive thoughts.
She shares her expertise on natural weight loss and
radiantly healthy living at her blog .

A Simple Walking Weight Loss Program

A Simple Walking Weight Loss Program
It's a fact that walking for weight loss has to be one of
the most effective, and healthiest ways to lose weight.

While all kinds of exercises produce all kinds of
different, yet positive, health benefits, walking is a
natural form of exercise which stands out from all the rest.

A walking weight loss program is simple to start, easy to
keep going, and can be incredibly effective. While no
single exercise is perfect, and many can provide a range of
health benefits similar to walking, it is very hard to find
a weight loss program of more value when taken as a whole.

No exercise is perfect, and walking is no exception.

It does not build much muscle, does not directly increase
flexibility to any great degree, nor does it necessarily
prepare someone for any specific activity other

However, this last point is not necessarily a bad thing.
Many people who started out walking to lose weight or get
healthy have moved on to hiking, running marathons, and a
wide range of other activities. However, it was getting up
and moving, getting fit, losing weight, improving health,
increasing energy, and creating a better self image through
an initial walking weight loss program that got them

Some more great things about walking is that it needs
little in the way of equipment, other than a good pair of
shoes; it requires little space and no real training at
all. Additionally, walking is a natural function of our
lives, and most of us can find ways to simply incorporate
more walking in our lives without creating some formal
workout routine.

In fact, I came up with the bare bones of this article
while lying in bed this morning. Later, while watching
CNN, I saw a story by Dr. Sanjay Gupta, in which he focused
on a woman who had lost 40 lbs and was able to stop taking
her blood pressure medication simply because she started
riding the train into Atlanta and walking several blocks
from the station to her office instead of driving in and
parking nearby!

However, many people are just not sure of what to do, or
what to expect, and want what my wife refers to as a
"recipe". They want to be told how often to walk, how far
and how fast to walk, and what they can expect from
following that recipe. A failure or breakdown in any of
these aspects often leads to the individual dropping out of
their walking weight loss program or not starting in the
first place because it all seems too complicated or too

Any exercise program, and walking is no exception, is often
at risk with people new to exercise simply because of
expectations being to high, and knowledge on the part of
the exerciser being too low.

Let's cover the expectations and knowledge part up front
before we get to the subject of establishing a personal
walking weight loss program.

While researchers in a lab environment can establish
averages and baselines for weight loss, burning fat, and
the use of calories, these figures are based on data
obtained from several different participants. This data in
its final form can only represent an overall average of
these many different subjects performing specifically in
the parameters of the trial.

You are one individual whose sidewalk may be different
from the research facility's track and whose parents are
different from those of the subjects in the study. Not
only is your genetic makeup different, but what you had for
breakfast and how long ago you had it is different, as is
your personal level of health and fitness.

Do you see my point?

You cannot directly compare your activity or results to
those of the studies themselves.

On the other hand, the data DO definitely show that regular
walking can help you lose weight and increase your health.
Just because you cannot duplicate the results of a study
exactly, or even perform the program followed by the
participants exactly, does not mean that you should give up
on the idea of creating your own walking weight loss

Additionally, many such studies have produced the same
basic results, using slightly varying walking programs, so
it is not absolutely necessary to follow any one specific
program to the exclusion of all other. In other words,
when it comes to your walking weight loss program, yours
has as good a chance as being effective for you as theirs

How much weight will you lose and how fast will you lose it?

That is going to depend on many factors as well.

For example, your age, sex, weight, physical condition, and
diet will be just a few of the factors which will come into
play. How often you exercise, how intensely you exercise,
and your long term commitment (extending over many months
or even years) to your walking weight loss program will all
have an impact on your final results.

Is walking the only exercise you need to lose weight?

Not necessarily. While many people can lose all the
"weight" they need to lose through walking, using
resistance exercises to build muscle tissue can cause you
to lose weight more effectively and during periods when you
are not specifically exercising. Walking will build a
small amount of muscle tissue if you are not in shape at
first, but once built, that's all you're going to get and
you will have to walk farther, faster, or more often in
order to burn more calories.

In fact, some people will only be able to burn fat or
calories to a certain level, and may find themselves at a
new, though healthier, level of weight and fitness without
having reached their goals.

This is why you see many people who walk a lot who are
still overweight.

In most cases, they have not modified their eating habits,
they have not added resistance training to their exercise
program, or they have not increased their walking program
by going farther, faster, or by adding hilly terrain or
having challenged themselves to reach a new level.

The good news is, however, that if, like the lady in
Atlanta, you simply begin by finding a way to add some
additional walking to your daily lifestyle, it will not be
immediately necessary to take on the demands of a formal
fitness program. Keep finding ways to add more walking to
your daily activities, however, and you will see a definite
loss of weight and improvement in many health areas.

If you have hesitated to get started because of issues with
time, equipment, and/or because you think you must have
some particular goal or structured process to guide, you,
get over it. You just need a few minutes somewhere in your
day, a good pair of shoes, and an area to walk in, and you
can start your own highly effective walking weight loss

Donovan Baldwin is a freelance writer currently living in
central Texas. He is a University of West Florida alumnus,
a member of Mensa, and is retired from the U. S. Army after
21 years of service. He has published many of his articles
on diet and weightloss at .

All Natural Health - 5 Simple Tips To Be More Alkaline

All Natural Health - 5 Simple Tips To Be More Alkaline
I am sure you have heard that that fruits and veggies are
good for you. There are many reasons for this, but the
reason I want to talk about in this article is how these
foods help keep your acid-alkaline balance at a healthy

Foods can be categorized as acid or alkaline, this
classification is not made based on how they taste, but on
the residue left by the food in your body after it has been
metabolized. This is like the ashes left after a fire has
burnt out.

Basically all degenerative diseases like cancer, arthritis,
heart disease and osteoporosis thrive in an acidic
environment. Our bodies work hard at keeping the blood pH
at 7.4, which is slightly alkaline (anything below 7 is
acidic). This is done by making deposits and withdrawals of
acid and alkaline minerals from places like your bones,
tissues and fluids like your saliva.

As you can see, if most of your diet leaves an acidic
residue, your body must tap in to your reserves to keep
your blood pH where it need to be, weakening your tissues
and bones by pulling out alkalizing minerals.

Test Your pH

Your saliva offers a window where we can easily test the pH
in your body. This can be done with a pH paper. When you
buy pH paper, look for the kind that shows half steps or
smaller gradation, like 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, and so on for a
more accurate reading. You can get pH paper at the
pharmacy, health food store or online. It is easiest to do
the saliva test first thing in the morning before you eat
or drink anything; it must also be done before exercise or
teeth brushing.

Fill your mouth with salvia and then swallow it, do this
twice. This is to make sure the saliva you will be testing
is clean. The third time put a little bit of saliva on the
pH paper. Compare the colour of the pH paper with the
included colour chart right away, and record your pH
reading. For a more accurate reading, repeat the test over
several days and calculate and average. Be sure to mark
down the date and pH, so you can measure your progress.

Healthy pH Range

The ideal pH range is 6.6 - 7.4. pH and fluctuates during
the day, and tends to be lowest in the morning. If your pH
is consistently over 7.5 you may be too alkaline, which is
also damaging, balance is key.

Measuring the pH in your saliva is a simple way of keeping
a finger on your "health" pulse, and acts as a great
incentive for healthier eating habits.

To shift your pH from being chronically acidic, it is
recommended that your diet is about 75%-80% alkaline foods
and 20%-25% acidic foods, and to maintain a healthy pH
level aim for 60% alkaline foods and 40% acidic foods.

5 Easy Ways to Alkalize

1. Eat Your Fruits & Veggies

Eat lots of fruits and veggies. Be aware that most meat,
grain and dairy are acid forming, so remember to balance
them with greens and other alkalizing foods. Eat your
greens raw, cooked or juiced. Juicing is a great way to
alkalize quickly.

2. Make Green Drinks a Good Habit

Make it part of your routine to have a Green Drink once or
twice daily. This is an easy way to alkalize, and fits busy
schedules well. Another easy way to get greens, is to put
chlorophyll drops in your water, 10 - 15 drops a day is
enough and makes your water bright green.

3. Get Your Minerals

Minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and
iron all support an alkaline environment. Organic and whole
foods are higher in minerals, and use sea salt (that is
grey and moist) in your cooking.

4. Reduce Stress & Negativity

Stress is acid forming, so take a look at what the
stressors are in your life and change them if you can. If
you can't change the stressors, change your attitude
towards them. All negative states like anger, fear,
jealousy and overwork have an acidic effect on your body.

5. Boost Positvie Emotions

Positive thoughts and emotions like prayer, peace, love and
kindness all raise your pH. Deep breathing exercises also
help induce a calm and health promoting state.

For more natural ways to boost your health and well being I
invite you to get a complimentary copy of my special report
"Your Individual Diet - Eating for More Energy, Better
Sleep & Clearer Thinking? It will guide you towards a
personalized diet in a few easy steps. Just go to and get your copy now!

Dumping Syndrome of Gastric Bypass and Non-Weight Loss Surgery Weight Loss

Dumping Syndrome of Gastric Bypass and Non-Weight Loss Surgery Weight Loss
Are you thinking of having weight loss surgery and you've
heard about dumping syndrome? What is dumping syndrome?
What are the symptoms? What causes it? What's the
advantage to dumping?

I'm asked many times as a post-op RNY Gastric Bypass
patient about dumping syndrome. For me, it has been a
great thing as it has been a deterrent of eating my
pre-operative favorites consisting of sugary food choices.
I've provided some details about dumping syndrome as it
relates to RNY Gastric Bypass, and how the function of it
can benefit non-RNY weight loss surgery patients and
non-weight loss surgery weight loss.

Under normal physiologic conditions, the stomach and
pylorus (the opening of the stomach into the small
intestine) control the rate at which the gastric contents
leave the stomach. That is, the stomach, pancreas and liver
work together to prepare nutrients (or sugar) before they
reach the small intestine for absorption. The stomach
serves as a reservoir that releases food downstream only at
a controlled rate, avoiding sudden large influxes of sugar.
The released food is also mixed with stomach acid, bile,
and pancreatic juice to control the chemical makeup of the
food that goes downstream and avoid the "dumping syndrome."

Early dumping syndrome happens when the lower end of the
small intestine (jejunum) fills too rapidly with undigested
food from the stomach. Patients can develop abdominal
bloating, pain, vomiting, sweating, rapid heart rate,
stomach cramps, fatigue, light headedness or diarrhea.

Since with the RNY Gastric Bypass the majority of the
stomach is not being used and a new, small pouch that
directly connects to the small intestine is created, there
may be dumping. Early dumping syndrome is due to the rapid
gastric emptying causing bowel distension plus movement of
fluid from the blood to the intestine to dilute the
intestinal contents. These symptoms usually occur 30 to 60
minutes after eating.

Late dumping is related to the blood sugar level. The small
bowel is very effective in absorbing sugar, so that the
rapid absorption of a relatively small amount of sugar can
cause the glucose level in the blood to rise rapidly. The
pancreas responds to this glucose challenge by increasing
the insulin output. Unfortunately, the sugar that started
the whole cycle was such a small amount that it does not
sustain the increase in blood glucose, which tends to fall
back down at about the time the insulin surge starts. These
factors combine to produce hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
which causes the individual to feel weak, sleepy and
profoundly fatigued. Essentially, the person crashes from
the highs and lows of the blood sugar and absorption
factors Restricting simple carbohydrates (fruit juice,
rice, pasta, potatoes and other sweet tasting foods) and
eating more protein can reduce the symptoms of dumping.

There are some RNY post-ops that do not experience dumping
syndrome. However, just because a person does not
experience symptoms of dumping syndrome, it still has the
remaining impact of blood sugar issues along with eventual
weight regain by eating the wrong types of foods. If a
weight loss surgery patient, such as Lap Band, does not
have the same possibilities for dumping that a RNY patient
does, the foods that cause dumping syndrome should still be
avoided. Simple carbohydrates, sugary, fatty foods are not
healthy choices for any weight loss surgery patient and
anyone wanting to lose and maintain their weight.

Healthy choices certainly benefit us physically. Healthy
choices are beneficial psychologically as well. By
exercising your muscle of making healthy food choices, you
GAIN physically and psychologically and LOSE weight.

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147
pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients
achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with
clients to create a weight loss life plan that is
customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the
International Coaching Federation, International
Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition.
Visit Cathy's website:

Them Mighty Knees (With Their Protective Knee Braces)

Them Mighty Knees (With Their Protective Knee Braces)
As major joints go, the knee is quite an impressive
article, and it is obviously important for keeping us all
on the go - be it on two or four legs! It is a complicated
mixture of ligaments, tendons and bones allowing, not only
the hinge movement, but also some degree of rotational
movement as well. Therefore the knee has four major
ligaments that are involved in the complicated process of
keeping the knee stable; and us humans mobile. It's
generally the ligaments that are most at risk. Most will
probably not give the knee a moments thought, until it
starts to give us gyp! Then maybe a little painkiller; more
seriously, an operation and a lengthy recovery period; or
perhaps the all important knee brace! This is an area which
is almost as complicated as the knee itself, and the knee
brace certainly provokes a lot of debate in medical and
physio circles: a serious injury to a top athlete's knees
might be considered newsworthy stuff! After all Beckham and
Rooney only broke toe bones. The world may very well have
come to an end if it had been the knee that was the problem.

So knee braces: what is it all about? Are we talking some
simple bandage-like construction? Actually no! Knee braces
come in two basic types, which provide very different forms
of assistance: the functional knee brace, whose purpose is
to support the knee once damage has already occurred; and
the prophylactic knee brace, whose more controversial aim
is to actually prevent the damage in the first.

The functional knee brace has been used to allow movement
and to support damaged and torn ligaments. Whilst several
studies appear to have been carried out on the usefulness
of functional knee braces, these studies have only been
done on the effects of low, not high, impact sports. For
this the evidence is less clear. The advice: consult a
doctor of physio, as the efficacy is usually dependent on
the type of ligament injury sustained. This is great for
Granny and the twisted knee; not so great for the Olympic

However, it would be much more useful to prevent this sort
of trouble before it starts, and the prophylactic knee
brace is designed to give support to the most commonly
injured ligament, thus preventing a costly and time
consuming operation. Its use as a preventative measure came
into being through American football players in the NFL in
the 1970s, and has shown some degree of protection in
certain forms of ligament damage. And it's not just
athletes who have espoused the benefits of this device:
those involved in high level motor bike sports have also
argued for its use as part of the standard protective gear.

Charlie Cory makes his living from computers as a
consultant, and has been creating web sites and marketing
them for a number of years. His website about Knee Brace
Support gives you a wealth of information about Knee
Support and related matters.
Visit for more information.

Weight Loss Software - It's Worth Taking a Look

Weight Loss Software - It's Worth Taking a Look
Are you trying to lose weight? Is it time to take charge of
your health? If so, you have probably decided that it's
time to begin a new diet. For some, this is not the most
pleasant thought, but it can actually be something to look
forward to, if you have the systems in place for your
success. The system is not your own personal trainer or
dietitian. The system you can put in place for success is
called weight loss software.

Weight loss software is a convenient tool that supports you
with your weight loss goals. You are able to set your
goals, motivate yourself and track your progress. This type
of software will benefit you in many ways, not the least of
which is keeping you on task.

Using software as your weight loss program support is an
awesome way to stay on track. You can personalize it with
your own specific goals and then proceed to track your
progress. You can stay motivated because you actually have
a reminder right there, showing you where you want to go
and tracking where you've been.

Have you dieted before? Have you failed before? Rest
assured that you are not alone. You don't have to have the
same negative experience this time around though. By
choosing to come at your plan in a different way, you may
just maximize your success.

One of the most challenging parts of a weight loss program
is knowing what to eat and when. Not only this, sometimes,
when you're not careful, it is so easy to overeat and lose
track of the fact because, well, maybe you haven't been as
organized about your eating on that day. With a software
program that supports you in weight loss, not only can you
keep track of your calorie intake, but you can take the
guesswork out of future meals by utilizing meal planning
and recipes with calorie information that is included on
your software.

And what about exercise? Yes, weight loss software hasn't
left this important component to your weight loss diet out.
It is a well known fact that dieting without exercise is
rarely as successful as dieting with exercise. With this
type of software, you can plan your workouts and keep track
of your exercise routines. And as the inches melt away, you
can keep track of how many inches you are actually losing.

So, if you are serious about losing weight, you won't want
to pass on trying weight loss software. Everyone deserves
to feel good and look their best. And you can too, if you
just implement the right plan with the right tools like
weight loss software.

To learn how diet software can help you lose weight, go to
For reviews of popular diets, check out

Minerals and Other Nutrients for Healthy Skin

Minerals and Other Nutrients for Healthy Skin
Anti-aging creams and anti-aging lotions can protect the
skin from harmful effects of the environment. Many of the
most effective ones contain vitamins, minerals, and other
nutrients to promote healthy skin that is smooth and young

Selenium is a mineral believed to function as a cancer
preventative. Whether taken as a part of the diet
(whole-grain cereals, seafood, garlic, eggs) or as a
component of an anti-aging cream, it protects the skin from
sun damage.

Copper, when combined with Vitamin C and zinc, is valuable
in the production of elastin. Deterioration of the elastin
found naturally in the skin causes wrinkles. The diet is
rarely deficient in copper, but topical application of the
mineral in an anti-aging cream form results in healthy skin
with both elasticity and firmness.

Zinc can be found in oysters, lean meat, and poultry. It
can be taken orally or used as a topical lotion to cure
acne and control oil production.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid is a very powerful antioxidant.
Anti-aging products make good use of Alpha-Lipoic Acid
because it is unique in that it is able to penetrate both
oil and water, unlike most of the other antioxidants that
can perform only one process or the other. It is able to
repair skin DNA, reducing the risk of skin cancer and
promoting healthy skin. Finally, this powerful compound is
able to repair damage caused by environmental factors such
as smoke and pollution. Alpha-Lipoic Acid is available in
supplement form as well as in topical creams.

DMAE is another powerful antioxidant. Free radicals are
unable to harm skin cells when plenty of DMAE is present.
Damage from sunlight and cigarette smoke is unable to
penetrate the membrane surrounding cells if there is
adequate DMAE. Age spots are also unable to form when
there is plenty of DMAE, which is available both in
supplement or topical cream.

Hyaluronic Acid is a nutrient that is not readily available
in the food we eat ' it is produced by the body itself.
The skin looks smooth because of the ability of Hyaluronic
Acid to hold up to a thousand times its weight in water.
Anti-aging creams make use of this nutrient to create a
younger looking healthy skin.

EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) are necessary to produce the
skin's natural oil barrier. Without this barrier the skin
may be dry, inflamed and/or troubled with whiteheads and
blackheads. EFAs are found in the diet in many foods such
as baked goods, poultry, cooking oil, safflower oil,
cold-water fish and flaxseed. It is possible to get
additional EFAs by consuming Evening Primrose Oil or Fish
Oil Capsules.

John Russell of IH Distribution, LLC brings you health,
anti-aging and skin care products from around the world.
Find fabulous skin care tips and great articles on a wide
range of topics for women at

Stimulus & Response - A brief review of cycled training

Stimulus & Response - A brief review of cycled training
Dictionary Def of a - Stimulus:

An agent, action, or condition that elicits or accelerates
a physiological or psychological activity or response.

When we put the body under conditions that are more
stressful than it is used to, it responds in a myriad of
ways. The mechanisms within the body - cardio vascular,
muscular, neural, skeletal and hormonal (CMNSH) - are
pre-programmed to protect and nurture our precious bodies.

It is exactly this response that we are trying to elicit in
our training pursuits, whether they are sporting, health,
weight loss or any other type of physical pursuit where a
physical change is the goal.

It does not matter if you lift weights or train for
marathons. Every time you train the goal is to get the
body to respond to the stimulus you are giving to it. The
mechanisms of CMNSH need to be challenged beyond what they
have been put through before. When this occurs the body
adapts to this extra stress by building its self bigger
stronger and healthier.

It is whilst you sleep that the real healing and
rejuvenation begins. After your eyes shut the pineal gland
(situated behind your eyes) releases melatonin. This
starts a whole hormonal cascade of events with all the
important hormones like testosterone and human growth
hormone being released.

This is called the overload principle and is undisputed as
the system by which we progress. When you are actually
training or lifting weights you are not changing your body
you are actually damaging it (in a good way). That is why
athletes are told to: train, eat and sleep, then they grow!

However, as soon as your body gets used to the stimulus it
stops. In other words your body has stopped adapting as
the stimulus is not great enough to elicit the responses
that it once did and adaptation has halted.

The body actually adapts quicker than most people think and
keeping a training programme in the same mode for to long
will either end with a plateau or possibly with some form
of overuse injury.

To continually challenge all the components of CMNSH
systems is therefore essential to change the stimulus.

Below is just a small sample of the different types of

* Strength * Hypertrophy * Muscular endurance *
Cardiovascular * Power

And these all have sub components that are interrelated,
such as:

* Enzymic changes * Rate coding * Fibre type *
Motor unit synchronicity

Add to all that plyometrics, lactate threshold, hill
sprints, intervals, bodyweight....the list goes on.

Well I hope you're still following me but what I'm trying
to say is - If you don't continually change the type of
stimulus you give the body then you will stop changing.

Let's look at a practical example. Most people know some
one who either plays tennis 3 times a week or goes out for
a 3 mile run every day. The one thing you notice is they
don't seem to be changing shape at all. Maybe they did
when they started but not for a long time. This is because
their body is used to it now. If they changed what they
are doing I can guarantee they will start to progress
again. That doesn't mean they have to stop what they enjoy
doing they just need to make some changes.

One word of caution though. You should not change what you
do every time you train. In order to get the most
consistent changes it is important that some sort of
structured programme which changes regularly but follows a
system is adhered to.

This is the basis of cycled training - also know as
periodization - that optimises progression and avoids

My clients and I will not spend any longer than 6 weeks
doing the same programme. In most cases they are between 2
and 4 weeks. As I said earlier it is important to keep to
some structure otherwise it is hard to monitor progress and
progress will be slow.

To help explain this further I am going to look at one
weight training exercise and explain how you would progress
with it.

Example: Squats Weeks 1-2 Strength: 4-6 reps Weeks 3-5
Strength Hypertrophy: 6 to 10 reps Weeks 6-8 Muscular
Development: 10 to 15 reps Weeks 9-10 Endurance: 15-50

The weight lifted during each phase would try to be more on
each successive session in that phase. This means you may
squat 100kg for 6 reps in week one but by the end of week 2
you might be able to do 120kg for 4 reps. In week 3 you
would obviously not be able to lift 120kg for 6 to 10 reps
so you would select a lighter weight. Maybe 85kg, which
you would challenge on each successive session until the
phase changes.

This continues until you arrive back at week 1 again. At
this point you will not be able to do 120kg for 4 reps as
before but you wouldn't need to start back at 100kg and by
the end of the week 2 you should be lifting more than you
did at he end of week 2 the first time round.

Now I have massively oversimplified the concept (remember
CMNSH systems are complex) and I probably wouldn't choose
to do either all squats for every phase or return to squats
again the second time. What I hope it has done is shown
the concept of cycling training programmes which have
different focuses.

It depends on your goals as to what you need to work on but
I can almost predict that everyone reading this will avoid
the things that they probably need the most. It's human
nature, you can't avoid it.

Alex Poole is a strength & conditioning specialist based in
Bristol, UK. He owns and runs Kinetic Fitness Ltd, a
unique members fitness & sports injury rehab facility. He
is an international presenter of his highly specialised
weight training technique and conditioning methods. You
can find more of his tips and training ideas at

Easy Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Easy Healthy Weight Loss Tips
It continues to amaze me how people will try just about
every weight loss pill on the market to try and lose
weight. There is not some magic pill that will be the cure
all for your weight problems. When you are trying to lose
weight you need to focus on one thing, healthy weight loss.
You need to get the crash diets and short periods of
exercise out of your mind. They will not help you and may
even hurt you in the case of crash diets. What your body
needs is to be weened off it's old lifestyle and gradually
placed into a new, healthier one. Yes, this does take some
work and a lifestyle change.

When beginning a healthy weight loss regimen there are
several factors that need to be addressed. These factors
include: your current state of health, age, your current
eating habits and physical makeup to name a few. When you
maintain a low body weight and do it in a healthy manner,
you lower the risk of disease like diabetes and heart
disease. So, starting and following a healthy weight loss
regimen is not only good for your outward appearance and
self esteem, but it is also good on and for your body.

When starting your new healthy life style the are some tips
that I have found to be of great benefit. For starters,
you need to set a goal for yourself and it needs to be
realistic and attainable. If you set a goal of losing 20
pounds by next week your just setting yourself up for
failure. You need to have a more realistic goal like
losing 20 pounds in two months. Next, and this may be the
hardest part, you need to stock your cabinets with healthy
alternatives to the junk food you may have currently. The
third tip involves portion size. Your meals should be in
small portions spread out throughout the day. If you
currently eat three times a day, break those meals up into
six smaller meals. Avoid treating mealtime like a buffet.
The fourth tip involves drinking a minimum of ten eight
ounce glasses of water a day. And finally, you need to
change how you think about food. Instead of "Living to
eat", you should focus on "eating to live".

As with any healthy weight loss lifestyle, you will need to
consult with a physician to make sure you do not have any
preexisting conditions that may hamper your efforts. It
would be a real motivation killer if your new lifestyle
begins to negatively affect your health because of a
condition you were not aware of. One final point, I want
to stress again the misconceptions of taking a pill to
alleviate your weight issues. Diet pills are meant to be
taken in conjunction with a healthy weight loss routine.
If you do decide to take a weight loss pill, make sure you
consult your physician before doing so and make sure your
living a healthy lifestyle as well.

Shane Wilson is a successful webmaster of where he delivers solid
information on the topic of Healthy Weight Loss. For more
information please visit

Benefits From the Detox Foot Bath

Benefits From the Detox Foot Bath
Many people have recently begun turning to a detoxifying
foot bath as a means to deal with the aches and pains of
every day life. Others rely on the system to deal with
more major ailments like high blood pressure and heart
problems. Whatever the reason a Detox Foot Bath is being
used, there are a whole host of benefits to be gained
through its use. The cleansing of toxins and heavy metals
from the body will have a positive effect in many different
ways, often times beyond the original use of the system.

One of these major benefits is in the ability to help deal
with obesity. When the body is cleansed it is quite common
for the metabolism in the body to begin to speed up. With
a heightened metabolism rate it is far easier to accomplish
a reduction in weight. While a cleansing in and of itself
isn't likely to completely deal with obesity, when used in
combination with exercise and a healthier diet it can be an
important piece to the puzzle of weight loss. Working
alongside the heightened metabolism rate is an increase in
energy level. Without the heavy metals and toxins the body
is able to properly heal and rest, and this in turn allows
the body to recover more completely. A better recovered
body is likely to give a greatly increased level of energy.
This energy level can be used in an exercise program in
which case the Detox Foot Bath would be directly involved
in two of the three main components is getting obesity
under control.

Having one product that is able to accomplish both of these
things is a major benefit that should not be overlooked.
While the energy level is increasing, the stress level is
likely to be decreased. Anyone who has had to deal with
stress is likely to realize how much the entire situation
can become a downward spiral. In large part this is
because stress itself can cause a release of toxins into
the body. These toxins then throw the body out of balance,
which can in turn lead to a lower threshold for stress.
This type of cycle can be dealt with before it begins
simply by dealing with the toxins that quickly lead to a
short fuse.

Anyone who is using a Detox Foot Bath as a means to deal
with a specific ailment is likely to only be looking for
that specific problem to be cured. The reality is,
however, that while that ailment is likely to be dealt with
the body is also going to have an enhanced immune system by
the time the process is complete. So while a single
ailment is being dealt with the body is getting a boost to
be able to avoid future ailments before they even begin.
With all of these benefits and more it is clear that using
a Detox Foot Bath is a smart way to deal with any ailments
that are occurring as well as any that may be on the

James is the owner of
To learn more about the Detox foot Bath or Detox Foot Spa

Effective Treatment for Ringworm

Effective Treatment for Ringworm
Ringworm is a skin disease caused by a parasitic fungus
called Dermatophytes. This parasitic fungus lives on dead
tissues of human and animal's skin. it grows well in a very
moist environment, including many parts of the body such as
feet, toes, scalp, and thighs. The fungus that causes
Ringworm is likely to multiply and grow rapidly in these
conditions and transmit from person to person.

Ringworm can be transmitted from person to person by
sharing clothing or other items such as towels, bedding and
household items with an infected person. The most obvious
indication of a ringworm infection is the presence of an
inflamed, itchy ring-like structure on the skin. In many
cases, one finds these circular patches all over the skin,
causing considerable irritation and pain.

If you notice similar symptoms to those described above,
then there is the possibility of a ringworm infection. Your
first step should be to get a comprehensive diagnostic exam
by a doctor or dermatologist. Sometimes, we find that many
types of ringworm are difficult to identify, such as scalp
ringworm. Once the type of ringworm you are infected with
is diagnosed, it becomes easier for a doctor to prescribe
effective treatments. Ringworm treatments may take anywhere
from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the
characteristics of the fungus and the effectiveness of
treatment prescribed. If the patient is prescribed an
anti-fungal treatment (such as an ointment) and stops using
it when the rash disappears, there are chances that the
ringworm infection may come back with a more severe
infestation. Patients are required to continue treatment,
generally for one or two weeks after the ringworm symptoms
have disappeared, to ensure the infection does not return.
To treat ringworm effectively, it is very important to
strictly follow the doctor's guidelines completely.

If a person is suffering from scalp ringworm, then he can
also use Selsun Blue, a shampoo formulated to help reduce
the itchiness caused by rashes. Apart from that, there are
many other useful treatments that can be used to cure
ringworm, which also include natural treatments. Once the
treatment is finished, the person should try to make
changes to their lifestyle in order to avoid future
recurrences of a ringworm infection, such as focusing on
improving their personal hygiene and cleanliness. If you
find yourself having the symptoms of a ringworm infection,
make sure you see a doctor to be diagnosed and treated as
soon as possible, otherwise the disease will become more
severe or take a much longer time to cure. If you see the
symptoms such as red itchy rings on your body, do not
ignore them as it could be the early stage of ringworm. As
a popular saying goes, "An ounce of prevention is better
than a pound of cure." Be sure to consult with your doctor
and take the prescribed treatment seriously, otherwise this
infection could have severely debilitating effects on your

More articles about effective ringworm treatments are
available at

The Key to Weight Loss is Knowing Your Body Type

The Key to Weight Loss is Knowing Your Body Type
What causes obesity? As with many medical conditions, the
caloric imbalance that results in obesity often develops
from a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Since 1980, the total number of obese and overweight
Americans has doubled. California ranks 36th in adult
obesity with 22.7 percent and 32nd in childhood obesity
with 13.2 percent. Obesity is second only to smoking as the
most preventable cause of death. Body fat is referred to as
adipose tissue. It is a loose connective tissue. The main
role of body fat is to store energy for use later by the
body. It also helps to cushion and insulate the body from
shock when we move, walk, jump or subject it to any other
kind of movement.

Four Basic Body Types

There are four basic body types: Liver Belly, Thyroid,
Adrenal, and Ovary. Most of us are a combination of these
body types; however, we all have a predominant type. There
are general characteristics or symptoms that go along with
each type.

Liver Belly: Imagine you're at the beach and you see a man
small in stature, with thin arms and legs, yet his belly
sticks out (pot belly). This is the characteristic liver
belly type. This type of fat distribution is not exclusive
to men. Women may have this type of belly fat as well,
simply not as extreme. Often the person will experience
bloating, flatulence, belching, right shoulder and mid back
pain or soreness without any trauma. Generally, there are
digestive disturbances.

Thyroid: This body type had fat distribution throughout
their entire body (face, neck, shoulders and legs).
Characteristics are fatigue even after having a full night
of sleep, cravings of carbohydrates and fat for energy,
hair loss, thinning of the outer portion of the eyebrows,
and brittle fingernails. They are often cold, especially
their hands and feet. This is the person who chooses to
wear socks to bed at night, even in the summer time.

Adrenal: The belly fat on the abdomen drops or sags down
towards the legs. Because our adrenal glands are our stress
glands, generally men and women who have this body type
have been under an enormous amount of stress for a
sustained period of time. Adrenal body types often complain
of chronic low back pain, fibromyalgia, and fatigue. When
walking up the stairs, their thighs feel heavy and often
they crave salt at night.

Ovary: Exclusive to women. In this body type, the woman is
usually petite above the navel and from the mid-thigh down.
The progression of the OVARY type of adipose fat deposits
seems to be basically in the hip and thigh. The
development of increased fat increases the potential of
ovarian cysts. Women with this body type often experience
fatigue during their menstrual cycle, and also some "brain
fog." Their menstrual pain is in the lower back or hip
areas, and sometimes in the knees. Often these women will
have a history of pre-menstrual syndrome, and they gain
weight (water retention) during their cycle. They may have
a history that includes lack of libido, infertility, hot
flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and menstrual cycle
acne and mood swings. During their period they experience
heavy flow, constipation, and thinning of the hair.

Good News for Your Body Type When you recognize the type of
body fat you have, you will be able to address weight loss
with a plan and a purpose. There are specific, managed
diets that address each body type and allow you to release
the fat and keep it off.

The most proven method of losing weight is a combination of
eating healthy, natural foods and exercise. Sometimes
nutritional supplements are recommended. To learn more
about your body type and nutritional requirements, contact
me for a personal consultation and evaluation.

In closing, allow me to share one of my patient's stories:

Mr. B., age 69, came to my office wanting to lose weight
and improve his energy. His body shape was the classic
liver belly, a large protruding abdomen. After two weeks on
the liver enhancement diet and supplement program, along
with eliminating dairy, he began to lose weight. After
several months, he had lost 20 pounds. Even more
importantly, he stated that he has more energy and vitality
and has not felt this good in 40 years!

Dr. Michael B. Roth has been a holistic chiropractor for 23
years. His goal is to transform the health care system
from crisis/reactive care to a wellness model of health.
Dr. Roth is a dynamic speaker on health and wellness who
can motivate and transform your audience and you to bring
your own health and well-being to a new level!
Learn more about Dr. Roth's programs by visiting his