Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Willpower is the Key if You Want to Stop Smoking

Willpower is the Key if You Want to Stop Smoking
We are simply told "just stop". Stop smoking that is. If
only it were that easy right? But the fact of the matter
is that both psychological changes and psychological issues
play a role in any program to stop smoking. It is not even
easy for the most determined of people to flip a switch and
stop smoking.

However, the commitment to quit has to be part of any
program. On average, only 6% will be successful in
quitting during their first attempt. Finding the willpower
to make the decision a permanent thing is the key to

We all make small choices in any area of life. However,
the big choices are rarely a matter of snapping the mental
fingers and opting for a course of action. More thought
and effort than that is needed. It is those twin helpers
that are the link between willpower and achievement.

One of the major factors as to why people smoke is stress.
And we all know that stress keeps on coming year after
year. Something happens in our lives and we feel stress,
therefore reaching for a cigarette to restore calm.

It is possible to interrupt that journey at several points
along that moving train of events.

Begin slowly. Search for those times when reaching for a
cigarette is just down to habit. The first thing you do in
the morning is reach for a cigarette. If this is the case,
then put them out of the way and exert willpower so as not
to get them.

Delay your after dinner cigarette for a few minutes more to
begin with and then longer and longer. It is these small
victories that will reduce the quantity of cigarettes that
you smoke every day and strengthen your willpower.

As your control over impulses is better gained, your
self-confidence will grow. You will feel in control. This
will reinforce the feeling of willpower, and you can direct
events rather than them directing you.

The next thing to look at is the long term plan. Select a
day to stop smoking. Estimate what date you will run out
of cigarettes. Remind yourself of the high price of
cigarettes, not only in dollars, but also health wise, and
prevent yourself from buying anymore.

The first two weeks will be hard, which will make the
largest demands on your willpower. The cravings will also
be at their strongest during this time. The chemical
changes that take place in your body will adjust to lower
levels of dopamine, therefore flushing smoke
ingredient-created compounds out of your body which will
create an urge to resume.

Think of the long term consequences in order to help
yourself. Keep photos of diseased lungs around the house
and remember the times when you were short of breath when
walking up a hill. Assist your willpower in every way

Sticking to the plan for life is what follows next. This
is the really hard part. Willpower not only selects an
action today, but directs your life towards a better

Get lots of information about how to stop smoking at . Discover the most
successful ways to quit smoking and what might work for you.

All Natural Health - 7 Steps to Getting Ready for Mercury Filling Removal

All Natural Health - 7 Steps to Getting Ready for Mercury Filling Removal
Do you still have mercury amalgam fillings in your mouth?
You have probably heard that they are linked to many
conditions like depression, chronic fatigue, thyroid
problems, food allergies and yeast conditions, to just name
a few...

You may say that your mercury fillings are not causing you
any trouble, which is great, but don't wait until you have
symptoms to have them removed. Removing the mercury
fillings will cause them to release even more mercury, so
it is better to do it when you are in good shape and
properly prepared.

For many toxic substances no symptoms are notices until a
critical level is reached or you are compromised in other
ways, like through great emotional stress. Mercury leaves
the tooth as a vapor when you eat, drink and brush your
teeth, and it enters and accumulates in your body.

But don't rush out now to have your fillings removed
immediately. It is important that you find the right
dentist to do the job and take the time to prime your body
before removing these toxic fillings. Even if you think you
have no mercury fillings left, it may be worthwhile to
visit a biological dentist to make sure all of it is
actually gone.

1. Find the Right Dentist for the Job

To find a mercury free or biological dentist, ask around or
search through any of these organizations:

- International Association of Mercury Free Dentist (IAMFD)
800 335 7755

- International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (
IAOMT ) (863) 429-6373

- International Association of Biological Dentistry and
Medicine (281) 651-1745

- Holistic Dental Association (619) 923-3120

2. Ask the Right Questions

Here are a few questions you are smart to ask your dentist
before you book your appointment to have your fillings

* How many fillings are removed at one time? The answer to
this question will depend on your general state of health;
just make sure that only one quadrant of your mouth is
worked on at each visit, this is to make sure meridians are
not messed with.

* How are you protected during the procedure? Make sure you
get oxygen, vitamin C, cotton or a rubber dam in your mouth
and activated charcoal to take after the procedure.

* Do they offer bio-compatibility testing for the material
that will replace the mercury? If it is not done in the
office, ask for a referral to someone who can help.

It is wise to follow the suggestions below for at least 3-4
weeks before starting removal of your mercury fillings.

3. Eat the Right Diet

Eat a diet limited in sugar and processed foods, but make
sure your diet is high in protein since the sulfur bearing
amino acids will help in the detoxification.

4. Tune Up Your Liver & Kidneys

Start with a liver & kidney cleanse so they are ready to
deal with the increased mercury levels right after the
removal of the fillings. Use herbs and drainage remedies to
do this.

5. Stock Up on the Good Minerals & Antioxidants

Vitamin C and Vitamin E are antioxidants and will help
protect your cells against free radical activity. Take 250
- 500 mg of vitamin C with every meal and 400 units of
vitamin E daily.

Supplementing with quality minerals to ensure a healthy
mineral base is also essential, since the body is forced to
use toxic metals if there are no others around. Especially
the trace minerals selenium and zinc are important in
mercury detoxification, but avoid extra copper and iron,
unless instructed otherwise by your health care

Minerals need sufficient hydrochloric acid in the stomach
to be ionized and absorbed into the body where it is
needed. If you are over age 50 or have food allergies it is
recommended that you take a digestive enzyme with
hydrochloric acid (Betaine Hydrochloride) at the beginning
of your meal.

6. Culture Your Internal Garden

Take a high potency quality strain of probiotics, like HMF
Super Powder from Genestra. This is to make sure you have a
strong intestinal flora to support you during the detox.

7. Be Very Regular

Since 90% of mercury leaves the body through the bowel make
sure it is moving well, or you may end up making things
worse! You should have 1 - 2 bowel movements daily. If you
need help to get your bowel going take 3 tbsp of Hemp Seeds
daily, drink lots of water and take a green powder that is
naturally high in magnesium.

A final caution to not start chelating with products like
chlorella and cilantro until all the fillings are removed,
since you don't want to start pulling mercury out of your
teeth and in to your system. This is only done AFTER all
the fillings are removed.

Watch for Part II of this article series and learn what to
do on the day of the removal and how to detox afterwards.

Disclaimer: These recommendations are not intended to be in
place of advice from a physician, dentist or natural health
practitioner familiar with your case.

For more natural ways to boost your health and well being,
I invite you to get your copy of this month's health
building free gift. Just go to for
more info.