Saturday, October 6, 2007

Stubborn Fat Part 5

Stubborn Fat Part 5
The Importance of Exercise In addition to eating the proper
anti-estrogenic foods to remove stubborn fat, it goes
without saying that a crucial part of any program is
exercise. Diet alone is not enough. Regular exercise is not
only beneficial for fat loss, but also for your overall
health. Exercise lowers body fat, blood sugar, blood
pressure, and cholesterol. You need to set some goals and
plan to exercise on a continuous basis.

If you attempt to lose weight without exercise, you should
expect only temporary success and expect to succumb to the
rebound effect. This simply means that sooner or later you
will eventually gain back the fat, which will be harder to
remove the next time around.

Instead of using the diet-only approach, emphasize the diet
and exercise combination and focus on increasing your daily
activity level overall (for more information on exercising
more rather than just eating less, see my article,
"Movement Sufficiency, Not Calorie Deficiency"). Here are a
few quick and practical suggestions: Walk to the store
instead of driving, go for a bike ride, walk upstairs in
office buildings rather than using the elevator, and park
your car at the end of the parking lot instead of looking
for the front row spot. Take short walks during daily
breaks or after you get home. Mow your lawn with a push
mower; vacuum your carpets every other day; tidy up your
backyard, basement, or garage; iron your clothes; wash your
windows; and play with your kids. These activities are
usually not looked at as "exercise" or "workouts," but all
such activity adds up at the end of the day, and it can
work wonders as it accumulates over the long haul.

Naturally, of course, you should also have a more
structured and formal exercise program to achieve maximum
reductions in body fat. Even mowing your lawn has health
benefits and burns some calories, but for really making
inroads into reducing those stubborn fat stores, more
intense and focused exercise is a must.

A great type of routine for stubborn fat loss goals is a
circuit training program. This style of training not only
raises your metabolism, improves your cardiovascular
ability, and increases strength, it is also time efficient.
Put together a routine that uses large body parts such as
legs, chest, back and shoulders into groups and perform all
of the exercises nonstop. You can also mix cardio interval
training into your circuit workouts or in addition to your
circuit workouts to increase the fat burning effect.

A Simple Circuit Program

Here is an example of an effective and time efficient
circuit program that can easily be performed at home with
nothing but dumbbells and a Swiss ball.

A1 - Swiss ball Squats (ball up against the wall)
A2 - Dumbbell Cleans
A3 - Dumbbell Flys on a Swiss Ball
A4 - Lunge
A5 - Dumbbell 3 Matrix (side laterals, bent laterals, front
A6 - Dumbbell Row

Perform each exercise with perfect form for 6-8 reps and
then get on your cardio equipment and go hard for 1-2
minutes. Rest about 90 seconds before repeating the circuit
2-3 more times, as your schedule and fitness level dictate.

You can easily take one or two ideas from this series, put
them to work, and immediately begin to see improvements in
stubborn fat reduction. However, the real secret, if there
is one, is putting all the pieces together into a
comprehensive, healthy lifestyle overall.

The lifestyle suggestions below may seem basic and general,
but when combined with what you've learned in this article
series, they will have a profound impact on your outcome.

1.Don't diet-Eat reasonably but do not starve or deprive
yourself; avoid yo-yo dieting.

2.Avoid empty calories and processed refined foods like
sodas and sweets.

3.Eat many smaller meals-Eat light at every meal to keep
your blood sugar steady and your metabolism stoked.

4.Eat healthy fat-Eat omega-3 fatty acids such as those
found in salmon to promote proper hormone function and

5.Eat a lot of vegetables, focusing on the cruciferous

6.Drink lots of water-What can I say other than, "without
it, you will die!" Drink half an ounce for every pound you

7.Get sufficient quality and quantity of sleep.

8.Keep stress to minimum.

9.Avoid excessive and chronic use of stimulants.

10.Exercise-Just a little increase in daily activities will
go a long way toward improving your health; add circuits
and intervals to knock off the most stubborn fat.

11.Have a little fun-Find an exercise program you enjoy and
stick to it.

A special thanks to my good freind Ori Hofmekler

David Grisaffi is a Sports Conditioning Coach and holds
multiple certifications including three from the
prestigious CHEK Institute. Plus he is also the author of
the popluar selling e book, "Firm and Flatten Your Abs,"
which teaches you how to develop a ripped abdominal region.
Lean how to shead bodyfat and eliminate low back pain and
recieve his free newsletter by visiting:

Burning Fat

Burning Fat
Generally, many people will do cardio exercises and forget
all about weight training exercises when it comes to
burning fat. A lot of trainers swear that aerobic
exercises burn off fat and weightlifting is only used to
build muscle. This isn't entirely correct, however,
because the more muscle mass one builds, the more one will
burn fat calories, even at rest. There is a growing trend
from cardiovascular to weight training exercises.

According to a study by the Fitness Products Council and
Sporting Goods Manufacturers, the number of people lifting
free weights has increased 76 percent in the past decade.
Currently, weightlifting is among the most popular sports
in North America. This change is for the best because
cardiovascular activity combined with weight training will
result in much more effective fat loss. Cardiovascular
exercises will raise muscle metabolism during the activity
and for a short time after the exercise session. (see

On the other hand, weight lifting exercises, will raise
your muscle metabolism during the exercise session, and for
a long time after the exercise session. Some high intensity
trainers have even seen their metabolism rise for several
days following their training session. Performing adequate
weight training exercises should limit your repetitions
anywhere from 1 to 20, in general. This kind of resistance
on muscles will make their tissue leaner and stronger. The
muscle development will take place during the rest period
following the resistance training. This is why sufficient
rest periods are essential.

Whether your goal is to tone up or build muscle, it is
important to know what happens during the muscle training
process. When lifting weights, muscle tissues are torn
apart (at the cellular level) from the stress, and it's in
the recuperation period that your muscles become stronger
and therefore able to support the extra stress. Usually the
recuperation period required is 24 to 48 hours after the
weight lifting activity.

During the recuperation period, the muscle metabolism is
still burning energy, and that's when it's time to perform
cardiovascular activities. Carrying out high repetitions of
the same movement will tire the body on a different basis.
Combining low repetition exercises (weight lifting) with
high repetition cardiovascular exercise will stress muscles
in a complementary way to increase the total fat burning

Anybody who debates the fact that weight bearing exercises
don't help people lose weight and fat should lift weights
for an hour and see their heart rate go through the roof.
One only needs to look at athletes who specialize in short,
intense bursts of energy and you still see that they are
very low in body fat.

The point is to combine a weightlifting routine with a good
cardio workout to increase muscle metabolism and total fat
burning efficiency.

It's important to remember that when trying to lose weight,
lots of muscle mass can be lost in the process. With
muscle mass keeping your metabolism high, you should try to
avoid quick weight loss through fad diets or starvation.
This weight loss will be regained just as fast. Instead, go
for a gradual fat loss routine by combining weight training
and cardiovascular activities, while allowing muscle mass
to build up and increase your metabolism. It will take
longer to get results but they will also last a lot longer.

Find out how to burn more fat and lose weight using healthy
all natural tips at

Physical Relaxation and Your Longevity Health

Physical Relaxation and Your Longevity Health
Tension is one of the sources of pain and disease in human.
The opposite of tension is relaxation, which is often the
cure of pain and disease. Physical relaxation contributes
to your longevity health. It is effective stress management.

The common signs of bodily tension are pain in the neck and
back. If you are stressed out, your shoulders also get the
tension. Expressions such as "shoulder your responsibility"
and "on your shoulders" speak volumes of how your shoulders
may sustain the stress from everyday life. Given that
tension saps your physical and mental energy, always tell
yourself to "drop your shoulders" for relaxation. But it is
easier said than done.


It is because physical relaxation is a skill - something
that does not come naturally. You must first of all
recognize the problem, that is, you have bodily tension,
and then you must learn how to acquire that skill for your
physical relaxation.

For relaxation, you require the work of both your body and
your mind.

Learning to relax is not easy. It takes time, patience and
persistence. But the longevity health benefits are
substantial and lasting.

Make time to practice physical relaxation. Above all, make
it a routine - not something you do only on the spur of the

Do not do it before bedtime. Why not? Because it is a skill
to learn, and thus requiring mental effort - surely not
something appropriate when you are tired and ready to go to

Do not fall asleep while practicing physical relaxation.
However, you can may it to help you sleep better, but not
during the practice session.

Do not rush. Learn to relax at your own pace.

Do deep muscle relaxation using the pendulum method, in
which you tighten up your muscles before letting them
relax. Tense your muscle groups, beginning with the hands,
the shoulders, the feet, and then the face and the neck, in
that order.

During the practice, breathe in and out slowly and
naturally. If your stomach moves gently up and down, you
are breathing right. If your chest moves up and down, you
are not breathing right. Always breathe diaphragmatically,
like a baby does.

To practice physical relaxation, find a comfortable place
to lie down. (When you mastered the skill, you can do it
anywhere and anytime.) Follow the following steps:

Tense and then relax each of your muscle groups.

For your hands, clench your fists tight and hard, and then
slowly let go.

For your arms, tighten your biceps and your lower arms,
without tightening your fists.

For your shoulders, elevate your shoulders as high as

For your feet, screw up your toes. Stretch the front of
your legs by pointing them away from you as much as
possible such that they are parallel with your legs. Flex
your feet upwards while stretching your feet down. Tighten
your thighs and press your knees against the floor.

For your buttocks, clench them together hard.

For your stomach, crunch and tighten your abdominal muscles.

For your lower back, press it against the floor

For your chest, take a deep breath, hold it, and tighten
your chest muscles.

Going back to your shoulders, breath in, hold your breath,
and raise your shoulders as high as possible.

For your neck, stretch your head up, stretching and
tightening your chin. Press your head down in the opposite
direction until your chin touches your chest.

For your face, press and tighten your lips, clenching your
teeth. Close your eyes tight. Raise your eyebrows (forget
about the wrinkles) as high as you can go. Screw up all
your facial muscles.

Physical relaxation will increase your energy, decrease
your anxiety and irritability, and reduce physical pain due
to tense muscles.

Physical relaxation is a skill that can be acquired with
practice, patience, persistence, and the right attitude.

After you have mastered the skill through daily practice,
you can apply it to any daily situation, such as while you
are driving, waiting for the bus, or any time while working
in the office.

Make physical relaxation a part of your daily life.
Relaxation not only restores your health, but also makes
you sleep much better at night, without the use of

Mental relaxation, to complement physical relaxation, is a
more difficult issue, and will be discussed later.

Stephen Lau is a researcher, writing synopses of medical
research for scientists. His publications include "NO
MIRACLE CURES" a book on healing and wellness. He has also
created several websites on health and healing.

What Causes Breasts To Sag or Droop

What Causes Breasts To Sag or Droop
Sagging or dropping of the breasts is a natural, inevitable
process that happens to most all women at some point. The
most notable sagging happens through normal life

Webster's dictionary defines sag as: to sink downward by,
or as if by weight or pressure. Cosmetic surgeons have
definition of sagging and it is when the nipple falls below
the infra-mammary fold, or the crease of the breast. A
Ptotic (or sagging) breast, is measured according to the
level of droop that is present.

To determine if you have a truly ptotic breast you would
need to get the recommendations of a board certified
cosmetic surgeon. Through a physical exam and measurements,
the surgeon could then give you accurate information in
regards to your own unique situation. Another way to get an
idea if you are in doubt, is to look at your breasts from
the front and side.

Which way are your nipples pointing? If you turn to the
side and look in a mirror, where are your nipples in
relation to the fold of your breast? If they are just at,
or above that fold, chances are that your breasts would not
be considered to be sagging. If your nipples is lower than
the fold, then sag is present.

Breasts can start drooping at any age, because they do not
have muscles in them. They have ligaments and connective
tissue. When the gravity pulls the breasts down, those
ligaments and the skin can stretch, and so the breast
droops. This depends on the elasticity of the skin and of
the ligaments, as determined by your genes and diet and
also, the normal aging process.

Some common reasons for sagging is when a woman loses
weight and through breast involution.

When you lose weight, some of that fat disappears from your
breasts. Typically the skin and the ligaments inside the
breasts don't retract accordingly, resulting in an empty
looking breast that then may sag.

Breast involution is a process where the milk-making system
inside the breast shrinks because it's not needed anymore.
This happens either after weaning, or right after pregnancy
if you don't breastfeed at all, or during menopause. When
the tissues inside the breast shrink, and the skin
surrounding it doesn't, the breast can look empty and saggy.

There are also childless women who feel that they have
sagging breasts and wonder if it's normal. It is true that
sagging happens to all women at some time or another. Even
if you never get pregnant, your breasts will probably start
to droop as you age.

If your breasts are bothersome, or you have thought about
what can be done to improve the appearance and shape of
your breasts, then a surgical intervention might be
something to consider. A breast lift is designed to lip and
re-shape the breast to give it a more youthful, desired
appearance. A breast augmentation is designed to restore
volume and shape to the breast. Schedule a consultation
with a board certified surgeon to find out what it will
take to get you the breasts that dream of.

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Lakewood and Olympia, Washington. Each of our surgeons is
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Stubborn Fat Part 4

Stubborn Fat Part 4
As we have discussed in the 3rd installment of Stubborn Fat
we will continue with more information in the series. To
improve your results in losing stubborn fat and to reduce
estrogenic effects on your body, there are a few steps you
must take to ensure your success. Your success depends on
understanding how to detox your liver, eat foods that aid
in reducing estrogen, and exercise.

On this stubborn fat reduction plan, you are going to
consume as many anti-estrogenic foods as possible and
eliminate as many estrogenic foods as you can. In addition
to stimulating greater fat loss, this type of eating will
also help to detoxify your liver. Without cleaning out the
liver and reducing the chemical build up, your liver
becomes overburdened and your fat loss can hit the wall.

There are a few stages in stubborn fat removal, so here we

First and foremost you must eat unprocessed foods such as
fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, and occasional
wild salmon. This starts the detoxification of the liver as
you eliminate all processed foods, grains, farm-fed
livestock, and chemically altered foods. Try to eat as much
organic food as possible.

The base of your anti-stubborn fat plan is to consume an
enormous amount of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli,
cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussel sprouts, as these
vegetables are very anti- estrogenic. Include citrus fruits
such as grapefruit, oranges, and pineapple, because they
have enzymes in cofactors that aid your body against the
radical damage and help your liver detox.

Supplement your diet with omega-3 fatty acids from wild
caught salmon and flaxseed. You can also take an omega-3
fatty acid supplement such as Carlson's oil, available at

Eating raw nuts and seeds, avocados, and olive oil also
improves your body's function. In addition, eating green
leafy vegetables, whole oats and barley, legumes (no soy),
and spices such as turmeric (cancer fighter), milk thistle
(liver detoxer), dandelion root (natural diuretic), and
ginger increases loss of stubborn fat by decreasing
estrogen in your body. There are many estrogen inhibitors
that can help you decrease body fat quickly. According to
Ori Hofmekler, consuming these foods will greatly improve
your ability to remove stubborn fat and decrease estrogenic
effects. Hofmekler says there are additional estrogenic
inhibitors such as chrysin (passion flower), apigene
(chamomile),qQuercetin (onions, garlic); all of these
cofactors can work together to detoxify your liver and get
the stubborn fat off.

To simplify, systemize, and organize this information,
Hofmekler developed an anti-estrogen, anti-stubborn fat
program with three stages:

Stage 1 Defense-Eat Anti-Estrogenic Foods Estrogen
inhibitors Cruciferous vegetables Passion flower Citrus
fruits Chamomile flower Omega-3 oils Wild catch salmon
Organic dairy

Stage 2 Defense-Additional Foods That Promote
Anti-estrogenic Hormones Raw nuts and seeds Avocados Olives
and olive oil Rice germ oil Wheat germ oil

Stage 3 Defense-Foods That Serve as Cofactors and Promote
Liver Detoxification Green vegetables Spices (turmeric,
oregano, thyme, rosemary, and sage) Fruits (citrus,
berries, apples, pineapple) Whole oats and barley Legumes
(no soy) Herbs (dandelion root, ginger, alma berries, milk

A Three-week Plan Outlined below is a simple plan that will
produce good initial results in just three weeks. After
this initial three-week phase, you can then to rotate the
stages to get continued and even better results. You can
also alternate the stages by the day. After the first three
weeks. For more information on how to set up a plan on a
day-to-day basis, email me at

Stage 1. One week Detoxify your liver

Stage 2. One week High fat for fuel change over

Stage 3. One week Food reintroduction

Look for the 5th part coming soon!

David Grisaffi is a Sports Conditining Coach and holds
multiple certifications including three from the
prestigious CHEK Institute. Plus he is also the author of
the popluar selling e book, "Firm and Flatten Your Abs,"
which teaches you how to develop a ripped abdominal region.
Lean how to shead bodyfat and eliminate low back pain and
recieve his free newsletter by visiting:

Can Your Conscience Protect You from Alzheimer's Disease?

Can Your Conscience Protect You from Alzheimer's Disease?
Conscientiousness refers to your willful desire to work in
a dependable manner with attention to detail. Since the
1940s, the psychology field has considered
conscientiousness as one of five major personality traits,
the others being neuroticism, extraversion, openness and
agreeableness. Now, new research shows that your level of
conscientiousness may affect your level of Brain Fitness.

A little extra effort may be good for your brain

Researchers tested nearly a thousand older adults that were
free of any kind of dementia, rated them on the five
personality traits and then followed them for 12 years.
They discovered that high scores in conscientiousness were
protective against developing Alzheimer's disease down the

Previous studies had already shown that Alzheimer's disease
patients have lower scores of conscientiousness. What was
not known, is whether conscientiousness simply declined
with the disease or whether having low conscientiousness
scores in the first place put you at higher risk for
getting the disease, which the new data confirms.

The reason high conscientiousness might protect you from
late-life dementia is not clear, but the research team
offered some speculation. They first considered that people
with higher degrees of conscientiousness take better care
of themselves and are therefore in better cardiovascular
health, which also relates to Alzheimer's disease. However,
when they controlled for this by comparing high and low
conscientious people in similar cardiovascular health, it
did not explain the difference.

Another area they speculated on related more to the idea of
cognitive reserve, which I have discussed in the past. They
used the term 'resilience', stating that conscientious
folks typically have greater coping skills and are more
capable of dealing with big stressors. This goes back to
the whole notion of increased brain fitness and suggests
that working on your level of conscientiousness may be
another tool to boost your cognitive health.

The same thing might be good for your pocket book

It's interesting to me that a completely different field,
business philosophy, has focused on conscientiousness for
different reasons. The well known business philosophers,
Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn and Brain Tracy, have all focused on
this in different ways.

One of Zig's most famous lines is "help enough people get
what they want and you can have everything that you want",
Brian's number one piece of advice is "Do what you resolve
to do", and Jim is continually preaching the benefits of
service to others. All of these suggest that your level of
conscientiousness is directly proportional to your personal
and financial success.

The three biggest goals that almost anyone has relate to a
health goal, a relationship goal and a financial goal. Old
advice and new research come together to support the idea
that your level of conscientiousness is a primary predictor
of your ability to succeed in all of these areas.

Live long and prosper

Sometimes it's difficult in today's fast paced, stressed
out society, to slow down and do the best job possible at
whatever you do. Whether it's your career, your hobbies,
your volunteer work, your health or your valued
relationships. But maybe if we all worked on our level of
conscientiousness a little bit more we could set ourselves
up for a much better future, financially and cognitively.

In the words of Dr. Spock (the Vulcan, not the baby
doctor), "Live long and prosper".

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