Thursday, March 27, 2008

8 Super Food Secrets for Healthy Skin

8 Super Food Secrets for Healthy Skin
Want smooth, supple, wrinkle-free beautiful skin?

Scientific skin care, lotions and potions...they're all
great, but have you ever heard the phrase "beauty comes
from within"? Eat super foods for healthy skin and you'll
look younger and feel better.

Incorporating these eight super food secrets into your diet
will help erase lines, keep your complexion glowing and
give you beautiful skin.

1. Egg Whites for protein to produce collagen. Egg whites
have long been known as an immunity booster. Recent
studies show that egg whites are a great source of zinc, an
essential mineral that keeps the skin young, firm and
vital. If you're zinc deficient, all the skin care
applications in the world won't cover basic healthy,
youthful skin.

2. Pomegranate to soften your skin. A glass of natural,
pure pomegranate juice is great, but try to have at least a
cup of pomegranate seeds - not just the juice. This fruit
is packed with Vitamin C. The juice in pomegranate seeds
contains both ellagic acid and punic alagin. The first is a
compound that fights damage from free radicals. The second
is a super nutrient that increases your body's ability to
preserve collagen, the connective tissue that makes your
skin look younger, smoother and soft.

3. Olive Oil for a healthy glow. Have at least one
tablespoon a day. Olive Oil has "good fat." It contains
heart healthy omega-3's, which improve your circulation,
leaving skin rosy and supple.

4. Watermelon for a dewy complexion. Eat as much as you
like of this healthy, sweet fruit. Watermelon contains lots
of Vitamin C, Potassium and Lycopene. These ultimate
antioxidants help to regulate the balance of water and
nutrients in cells. Hydration is the secret to vibrant,
healthy, youthful looking skin and super food secrets for
healthy skin is the key.

5. Blueberries to smooth fine lines. Blueberries are
truly a super food. They contain more fiber and
antioxidants than any other food. Enjoy eating at least one
half cup of berries and give your skin the benefit of
protection from skin damaging free radicals that come from
over-exercising, emotional stress and too much sun
exposure. Blueberries prevent cell-structure damage that
can lead to fine lines, wrinkles and loss of skin firmness.

6. Green Tea to diminish brown spots. Drink at least one
to two cups per day. Not only is this healthy brew great
for your diet and boosting your metabolism, it contains
"catechins," an effective compound for preventing premature
aging and effects of sun damage. Green Tea is rich in
antioxidants that fight off free radical damage and may
reverse the effects of aging.

7. Cold-Water Fish to reduce redness. Eat six, 6 oz.
portions of Salmon, Sardines or Mackerel per week.
Cold-Water Fish naturally contain Omega-3 Fatty Acids which
strengthen skin-cell membranes, which helps to hydrate the
skin. Adding supplements to your diet will also help with
inflammation such as Eczema, Rosacea and Psoriasis.

8. Spinach & Kale for skin firming. Eat your green
veggies daily! These two Super Foods contain vital
Phytonutrients also referred to as antioxidant compounds
that help guard against damage from the sun. Try to have at
least three cups per week of spinach or kale. These two
leafy greens are loaded with beta-carotene and lutein.
These two important nutrients are noted to improve skin
elasticity and firmness. Also, adding Spirulina supplements
to your diet is a great way to get in your nutrients if you
aren't eating enough of your green, leafy vegetables.

In summary, beautiful skin starts on the inside. First and
foremost, drink water, drink water, drink water, green tea,
or even black tea, in place of coffee. Then, try these
super food secrets for healthy skin. They are sure to help
you look and feel your best!

John Russell of IH Distribution, LLC brings you health,
anti-aging and skin care products from around the world.
Find fabulous skin care tips and great articles on a wide
range of topics for women at

Learn from Fitness Failure

Learn from Fitness Failure
Last week, I discussed the concept of looking for a mentor
who has successfully accomplished the same type of goal
that you desire. Time and time again, a new business
becomes successful by emulating other successful
businesses. Why not do the same thing when you are trying
to lose body fat? It certainly can and should be done.

Well, a coin always has two sides. Now, it is time to look
at the other side...and it isn't very pleasant or shiny!

Sometimes, it is valuable and important to learn from
failure. Failure shows us what NOT to do. Failure shows us
what doesn't work. Specific to weight loss, what if we
could learn from others that failed to lose body fat?
Thankfully, the National Weight Control Registry's (NWCR),
located at, has more than just solutions to
weight loss. They also record the events and circumstances
that caused people to fail. Think about how valuable it
will be, and how much time you will save, if you take the
time and energy to avoid the things that have proven to
lead not to success...but to failure.

1) If the point hasn't been drive home enough, already, the
NWCR also found a common characteristic of those people
that FAILED to maintain their weight loss. What was it?
Simply stated: the people that failed to maintain weight
loss failed to continue their behavioral changes that
brought them success in the first place. In other words,
they stopped eating right and exercising.

2) Here is another interesting fact to help motivate you to
keep the weight off. The likelihood that people will regain
weight consistently drops as time passes. So, the longer
you practice the habits of eating intelligently and
exercising properly, the more you reduce the chance that
you will ever gain the weight back. This explains why fad
diets don't work! The change must become permanent, and
"quick" fixes just don't do the trick. Failure tip: stay
motivated to keep the weight off for a long time, so that
you don't fall back into the old, unhealthy,
life-destroying habits that once plagued you.

3) Sadly, life-endangering medical issues seem to be the
best motivator and predictor of successful weight loss. The
study clearly showed that people who made the decision to
lose weight after a medical scare both lost weight faster
and kept it off longer. Do yourself a favor and think
ahead...before your doctor asks you to sit down, so that
she can explain that your excess fat is literally killing

4) Do you need more motivation to keep the weight off? At
the National Weight Control Registry, they also found this
disturbing statistic: for those people who had regained
some of their lost weight, only 11% returned to their
previous lowest weight point in the following year. Let us
give you an example. Let's say that a person has
successfully gone from 200 pounds down to 150 pounds.
However, the person backslides and gains back 30 pounds.
Experience shows that only 11 out of 100 people will be
able to drop the weight back down to 150 pounds over the
next year. Keep in mind that these are people that had
already successfully lost weight and knew exactly what to
do to lose the weight they had re-gained. Logically, much
more than 11% should have been able to return to their
previous baseline weight. They had the knowledge. They had
the experience. They knew what worked for their body.
Sadly, though, logic does not always lead to success.

We can summarize all of these "failure points" pretty
easily, can't we? In essence, people failed because they
failed to continue with the habits that created the initial

Perhaps, though, you haven't yet experienced successful
weight loss. Don't let that be an obstacle for you. Use
this article to motivate you to make a serious
commitment...a lifelong that you develop a true
change in your lifestyle. You learned last week that
several lifestyle changes lead to true fat loss success.
You learned this week that working on fat loss with a
short-term view in mind is not nearly as successful, and
instead, often leads directly to failure. So, decide now to
develop the habits that are necessary to transform your
body into one that you are proud of.

Jeremy Nelms and his wife, Alissa Nelms, are known as "The
World's Happiest Fitness Couple!" You can visit their
website and read more articles, as well as follow their
personal training journals and fitness adventures at .

Forget Diets, become Nutritionally Responsible

Forget Diets, become Nutritionally Responsible
Diets don't work!

To some, who have tried every diet there is, this will not
come as a surprise. The word "diet" gives the impression of
various calorie restricted, low fat, low carb, low
something or other!!! However the actual word "diet" is
used incorrectly in many situations, we all have a "diet",
it is the food we choose to eat regardless of whether it is
good or bad. The phrase "going on a diet" is wrong because
we already have a diet.

Anyway now I have destroyed the title and first line of
this article, let me explain why we should become
nutritionally "responsible" instead of "going on a diet"

Because of the bad press that diets get, when you decide to
start a new diet plan, you immediately feel the stress of
cutting out the products you love, and being forced to eat
the stuff that you don't particularly like. The process of
cutting out alcohol, sweets and fried foods makes you want
them even more, because you are not allowed them. Going
cold turkey just makes you irritable, hungry and ultimately
you fail to stick to your plan long term.

Lets face it, you know that once you have followed Weight
watchers or Jenny Craig for the 3 or 6 month period, you'll
eventually revert back to your old habits. Long term
success is so rare on many diet plans that it makes the
authors and owners of these diets very rich as we try to
rekindle the initial short term success every 12 months or

Nutritional responsibility is a very simple process that is
a very different mindset that works on adopting life long
eating habits, rather than short term quick fixes. By not
expecting you to become a monk, never to touch the
forbidden fruit ever again, your chances of adherence to
this approach are massively increased. The philosophy of
nutritional responsibility is to eat foods that are
nutritionally sound MOST of the time, this means eating the
cleanest, freshest, unprocessed foods you can get your
hands on.

Our food supply has changed enormously over the last 10-15
years to a point that most of the aisles in the supermarket
are packed to ceiling with heavily processed foods. The
basic raw produce such as fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh
meat, fish and basic diary products have been pushed into a
small corner. Yes the processed foods are more convenient
and do take less time to prepare, but if your goal is to
live a healthy, illness free life then maybe it will pay to
prioritise the time to prepare food that will support that

As a fitness professional who truly loves his food, I
always expect my clients to approach their eating habits in
the following way. For 90% of your week eat food
responsibly, don't worry about counting calories or points,
fat grams or any of that craziness, just eat fresh, clean
produce that has NOT been processed in any way. The other
10% of the week, eat what you like, but once again be
responsible for what you eat. By all means keep a record to
make sure you are not using up more than 10%, but try not
to get worked up over the details.

If all this sounds like common sense, you would be right...
Now lets start making it common!

Tim Goodwin is a Luxembourg based fitness professional
specializing in help the busiest people achieve more with
their amateur sporting interests, and at the same time
ridding them of excess body fat. Visit to get a free 18 page
report "How to lose weight even when you are really busy"
containing a full 4 week program which you can start today!