Saturday, February 23, 2008

Cord Blood Donation Questions and Answers

Cord Blood Donation Questions and Answers
Should you wish that your baby is credited with the title
of a Good Samaritan as soon as he is born? If so, one way
is to donate blood from your baby's umbilical cord. The
umbilical cord is usually considered waste after a baby is
born (once separated from the mother). The umbilical cord
stump peels off the body of the newborn baby within 12-15
days of the baby being born.

But, the umbilical cord can be put to good use by taking
blood from the umbilical card before discarding it. This
blood can be extremely helpful to leukemia patients and
patients of other life-critical diseases. Umbilical cord
blood is different from embryo blood in the sense that this
blood is taken from the umbilical cord and the placenta
after the birth of the baby.

Why is cord blood critical to various medical functions?

* Cord blood is extremely useful for individuals/patients
who need a transplant done quickly. Cord blood is easily
accessible as they are stored in units and ready-for-use.

* Many surgeries require patients to find a matched bone
marrow donor. Bone marrow blood, especially one matching
the donor and the acceptor's RH level are extremely
difficult to find. Cord blood can be used as an effective
replacement in these cases.

* Many individuals/communities have a very rare group of
blood RH. Patients from such communities find it
increasingly difficult to find blood matching their blood
indicators. Cord blood can be used to donate blood to
these patients as they do not require to be matched with
the acceptor's blood indicator.

Umbilical cord blood - Use in transplant surgeries

Cord blood considered suited for transplantation purposes
are typed on tissues, frozen and stored. A liquid Nitrogen
refrigerator is used in sub-zero temperatures to store the
cord blood for transplantation.

What factors are considered for patients needing transplant

* Type of transplant required - Use of cord blood in
transplant surgeries is extremely dependant on the type of
transplantation required to be done. Cord blood cells are
extremely useful in treating certain life-threatening
diseases, not all of them.

* Adequate blood forming cells - Cord blood units having
inadequate blood forming cells are not considered for
transplant surgeries. A cord blood unit having umbilical
cord blood is considered effective for transplantation
purposes only if it has adequate blood forming cells.

Close to 6000 patients suffering from leukemia, lymphoma
and other life-threatening diseases are constantly in need
of cord blood to meet their blood acceptance needs. Cord
blood donated by a newborn baby is used for bone marrow
surgeries or cord transplants.

A simple act of donating umbilical cord blood can prove to
be a life-saver for many patients. Irrespective of the
race of the baby, the mother can decide to donate the
umbilical cord blood as early as the 34th week into

Looking for more valuable information about umbilical cord
blood donations? Visit us at to learn more about
umbilical cord blood banking.

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite
I am a professional fitness coach. Women come to me for
help with their fitness goals. Invariably I hear the same
question - I know you can help me tone my body, but can you
really help me get rid of cellulite?

They say it as if cellulite is something magical that
requires medical intervention or months of treatment with
the super magical cream that is an extract from a rare
African plant. It's only 17 easy payments of $10.99.

I am about to reveal to you one of biggest myths in the
weight loss and cosmetics industry. The reason for its
existence, I believe, is that the weight loss and cosmetic
industries (both billion dollar industries) stand to profit
from this myth.

What is cellulite anyway?

Quite simply cellulite is body fat found on the back of
women's thighs. It's the same type of body fat that you can
have on the belly, on the arms or anywhere else. It's fat
cells. Nothing more, nothing less.

But if cellulite is simply body fat, why does it look like
orange peel on women but not on men?

Both men and women have connective tissue layered over
their muscles, bones, and organs. It just so happens that
men's connective tissue is smoother than women's due to
hormonal and other physiological differences. This is
especially true of connective tissue found on the back of
the thighs.

As a woman accumulates body fat, some of it is deposited on
the back of her thighs. And the irregularly shaped
connective tissue that most women have causes the dimply

Countless remedies are offered to reduce or eliminate
cellulite, but for the most part they are worthless.

So how do you get rid of cellulite? The true key to reduce
body fat deposits on your thighs. That's it.

And how do you reduce body fat deposits on your things?
Unfortunately, you cannot choose to only lose fat from your
thighs, so you will have to lose fat from your belly, hips,
and everywhere else too. I know - the horror.

But how do you lose body fat anyway? Well, that's a whole
other article, but the short answer is you exercise hard
and you follow a sound nutrition plan. There is just one
problem with this approach. It's hard, so it's kind of
tough to sell and profit from.

If you have an issue with cellulite, don't kid yourself -
no cream is going to solve the problem. Forget all promises
of the quick fix, get started on an exercise program and
start changing your eating habits.

George Grigoryan is a fitness coach who has helped dozens
of women sculpt the body of their dreams. To get his latest
FREE e-book '46 Must Have Toning Tips For A Body That Will
Turn Heads,' please visit: =>

Are Toxins and Allergens Causing an Autoimmune Epidemic?

Are Toxins and Allergens Causing an Autoimmune Epidemic?
It's a condition that affects 24 million Americans - and
its incidence has tripled in the last few decades.

It affects more women that breast cancer and heart disease

And it just may be caused by the huge burden of
environmental toxins that surround us.

What am I talking about?

It's autoimmune disease.

Most of us know the most common autoimmune diseases, like
rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis,
inflammatory bowel disease, type-1 diabetes,
hypothyroidism, and psoriasis.

But there are actually more than 100 different autoimmune
conditions, which can affect different bodily systems.
These conditions occur when the body's immune system
attacks its own tissues rather than a foreign molecule like

Swimming in a Toxic Soup

Although autoimmune disease can have many causes, toxins
may be the most important.

You can read more about this issue in Donna Jackson
Nakazawa's groundbreaking new book, The Autoimmune Epidemic.

Fueled by her own struggle with autoimmune disease, Donna
identifies environmental toxins, which she terms "autogens"
- foreign compounds that create an "auto" reaction against
the self - as the true cause of autoimmunity.

In his foreword to Donna's book, Dr. Douglas Kerr, M.D.,
Ph.D., a professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine,
says that "there is no doubt that autoimmune diseases are
on the rise and our increasing environmental exposure to
toxins and chemicals is fueling the risk. The research is
sound. The conclusions, unassailable."

It's no wonder.

We are exposed to astounding amounts of toxic chemicals.

A recent government survey ("National Report on Human
Exposure to Environmental Chemicals" issued in July 2005:
http://www.cdc/gov/exposurereport/) found an average of 148
chemicals in our bodies.

Other research has found 287 industrial chemicals in the
umbilical blood of infants, including pesticides,
phthalates, dioxins, flame-retardants, Teflon, and toxic
metals like mercury.

A Better Approach to Autoimmunity

This toxic chemical soup clearly has dire effects on our
health. But conventional doctors don't address this when
treating autoimmunity.

Instead, they prescribe heavy-duty drugs like
anti-inflammatories, steroids like prednisone, anti-cancer
drugs like methotrexate, and new drugs like Enbrel and
Remicade that block the effects of a powerful inflammatory
molecule called TNF alpha.

These drugs may help in the short term - but they can have
serious side effects and don't address the root cause of

I take a different approach with my patients. I tackle the
underlying causes of autoimmune disease, such as allergens,
poor diet, toxins, infections, and stress. Then I add back
the things the body needs to function optimally, like
whole, clean food, nutrients, exercise, stress management,
clean water and oxygen, community, connection, and meaning.

And the results are stunning.

One of my patients was just 42 but could barely function.
She suffered from psoriasis and related arthritis. After
eliminating gluten and other food allergens, removing heavy
metals, and balancing her immune system, she has lost 30
pounds and is completely free of pain and psoriasis.

Another man suffered for years with the bloody diarrhea and
pain of ulcerative colitis - until he removed the mercury
and other toxins from his body.

And a recent patient with debilitating fatigue from
multiple sclerosis got nearly complete relief of her
symptoms after she had the mercury fillings removed from
her teeth and went on a comprehensive detoxification

But this hasn't just helped my patients. It's helped my
family, too.

I had chronic fatigue syndrome, a condition that has
autoimmune features. Once I addressed my mercury poisoning,
my chronic fatigue and autoimmune problems improved.

My wife developed debilitating autoimmunity with joint pain
and fatigue. Getting rid of the heavy metals in her body
with an intensive detoxification program cured her, too.

You can do it, too!

If you or a loved one has an autoimmune condition, try
these tips:

* Read The Autoimmune Epidemic to learn why we have this
problem, and how to fix it

* Find a Functional Medicine doctor who can help you
address autoimmunity (

* Come see us for an appointment at the UltraWellness
Center in Lenox, Massachusetts

* Get tested for mercury and other heavy metals

* Get tested for celiac disease (an autoimmune reaction to
wheat and other gluten-containing grains), which causes
over 60 autoimmune diseases

* Take immune-balancing nutrients and supplements,
including vitamin D, essential fats (like EPA/DHA and GLA),
and probiotics

* Practice deep relaxation daily through yoga, meditation,
biofeedback, or anything that reverses the stress response

* Practice the precautionary principle, which says that we
should avoid anything with the potential for harm. In the
US, something has to be proven harmful before it is taken
off the market. In Europe, something has to be proven safe
before it is allowed on the market. This is also known as
"better safe than sorry."

* Learn how to boost your body's own detoxification system.

Remember, by addressing the root causes of autoimmune
disease, you can start feeling better and getting well -

Mark Hyman, MD is a pioneer in functional medicine,
practicing physician and best-selling author. A sneak
preview of his book "The UltraSimple Diet" is available.
See The UltraWellness Blog for more on Autoimmune Disease:

Exercise as an Investment

Exercise as an Investment
I wish I could tell you that I love exercising.
Truthfully, I don't. I didn't pack on 147 excess pounds
because I liked exercising. What I do love is the weight
that I now maintain, the health that I feel, and the
clarity in my thinking. All of these are possible because
of healthy habits that lead to a happier, healthier life.

I've struggled with maintaining an exercise routine. My
thinking is that for only 30 to 45 minutes a day a few days
per week, I get to maintain my weight loss, feel stronger
physically, mentally and emotionally. Things don't hit me
and I don't feel like a victim of life. My weight loss has
given me that! So, for exercising a few minutes out of the
24 hours per day that I'm given is a small investment for
the huge payoff of a happier life. If only the stock
market and our economy would pay off in a big way for such
a small investment!

I need motivation to continue exercising. Through
coaching, I was able to come to the realization that 30 to
45 minutes per day a few days a week gives me a happier,
healthier life for the 23-1/2 hours in the rest of my day.
Now, that's a major payoff. That's my motivation. Through
coaching, you can find yours too.

Motivation is generated or dismissed in your head. So,
here's some ways to convince your head to get fit, stay
fit, and invest in yourself through exercise:

1. Exercise out of the gym. All activity and movement
equals exercise. Exercise is a mindset. Rather than drive
around for 10 minutes looking for the closest parking
space, park in the last row where there are virtually no
other cars and walk to your store. You'll get there
quicker, burn less gas and burn more calories. While
others are mindlessly standing on the escalator or wasting
minutes waiting for the elevator, climb the stairs. Again,
you'll be there while the others are wasting their time and
hanging on to calories they could have burned. Look for
opportunities to be active. Exercise doesn't count as
exercise if it is within the walls of a gym. Think of
exercise as all ways that you move your body.

2. Set an exercise goal. Decide that you'd like to
participate in a walk/run event, train for a long distance
walk, work with a personal trainer, increase your frequency
or duration by a certain time. Give yourself rewards for
reaching your exercise goals.

3. Ban boredom. Who wants to exercise if you are bored?
Mix it up. One of the most popular television shows is
celebrities that are learning ballroom dancing. Many of
them have toned and lost impressive amounts of weight.
Take dancing lessons to have fun and count as exercise.
Other fun forms of exercise can include bowling,
snowboarding, Zumba, swimming, water aerobics, walking your
dog, or even laser tag. Rather than think of exercise,
think about exercise combined with fun. Actual physical
activity isn't boring at all. How you do it though can be.
Reframe exercise as exercise combined with fun.

4. Exercise Multi-Tasking. While you're exercising, watch
your favorite recorded television shows or dvd. Listen to
audiobooks only while you're exercising. Load up your iPod
or MP3 player with your favorite motivational songs.
Listen to those tunes only while you're exercising. There
are video games that you can dance to that definitely work
up your heart rate as exercise. You'll have so much fun
you'll forget you're movement counts as exercising.

5. The more the merrier - bring a friend. Exercise with a
friend, coach or personal trainer. Anyone to make it fun,
share the companionship of exercising together plus the
bonus of accountability.

6. Turn challenges into successes. Does your vacation
give you an excuse to put your exercise routine on hold?
Do projects at work derail your workout time? Does weather
put the freeze on your regular activity? Look at these as
opportunities to further deepen your commitment to yourself
and exercise. Look for ways to incorporate activity into
your vacation, set limits for your work projects, bring
your exercise and activities indoors. You'll strengthen
your commitment and exercise muscle into a no-give
dedication to your health.

7. Exercise Stars. After you've worked out and felt
great, write it down. Create a log or journal with your
comments after a work out. Use images of past successful
exercise experiences to remind yourself how great you feel.
When motivation is questionable, pull out your notes of
past exercise sessions to remind you of those powerful
positive feelings.

I can't say that I'm in love with exercise. I'm friends
with it and I like it very much. What I am in love with is
my life following weight loss, maintaining my weight,
feeling happier, stronger and healthier than ever before in
my life. All of that for a mere 30-45 minutes per day?
Now, that's an investment and dividend payoff that gives
and gives the other 23-1/2 hours in your day. Exercise is
the investment that keeps on giving all through your day.
An investment in yourself is the best one of all.

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147
pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients
achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with
clients to create a weight loss life plan that is
customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the
International Coaching Federation, International
Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition.
Visit Cathy's website:

How Adam Sandler Taught Me To Eat Healthy

How Adam Sandler Taught Me To Eat Healthy
The other day a friend of mine told me I just HAD to watch
the movie "Click" starring Adam Sandler. Seeing that I was,
as he put it, "into all that personal development stuff" he
said he thought I would like it. Well, since Adam Sandler
has never struck me as a "personal development guru", this
was enough to intrigue me enough to watch the movie...

The show is actually quite good, and has a great moral to
it (although let me be quick to point out that it's
delivered with plenty of Sandler's usual vulgar bathroom don't say I didn't warn you). Long story short -
it's a modern-day "It's a Wonderful Life" where the main
character realizes that his career is not worth the price
of his family...good feel-good kind of stuff.

However, this was not the part of the movie that stuck most
in my mind.

It was actually just one little line in the script that
came and went so fast that it wouldn't register with most
people. But it was profound...

It goes like this...

Sandler's character, Michael, it seems, has a penchant for
Twinkies and other junk food. His strange new friend named
"Morty" (Christopher Walken - the one who gives him the
magic remote control that can "fast forward" to the
future), makes a simple, yet powerful observation about his
eating habits...

He says, "Michael, THAT FOOD (speaking of the junk food) is
contributing to your DEATH, not your LIFE".

What's especially poignant about this statement is that
later in the movie, it's revealed that Michael's new friend
"Morty" is a really an Angel...

...He's the Angel of DEATH.

Don't worry, this is not just another lecture on junk food.
It goes deeper that that, I hope. The reason that this
statement from Morty, the Angel of Death, hit me (other
than the fact that I was eating popcorn and drinking a soda
when I heard it...yes, I do have "free days to enjoy my
favorites") was that I realized there is NO neutral middle
ground or "coasting". Every small thing that we do either
takes us closer to the life that we really want - or closer
to destruction.

The fact is - all food that you take into your mouth has
either a positive effect or a damaging effect. Fruits,
vegetables, and other healthy foods help the body, while
junk food destroys it - slowly.

However, the reason so many people fall victim to "it's
just one twinkie" is that it takes so long to notice, that
most of us think that nothing bad is happening. Since we
can't see the plaque lining up in our arteries, or since we
don't feel bad, we figure we've got "good genes" (or some
other lie that we tell ourselves) and we're somehow going
to cheat the truth. But that's not how it works. By the
time we realize what we've done, it's often too late. We
can end up 50 lbs overweight with a heart condition,
cancer, diabetes, etc.

And on a side note...this way of thinking can also work
against us in ALL other key parts of our lives, if we let
it happen:

- Like when we hang around "toxic" negative people. Little
by little, we take on their attitudes and before we know
it... we're one of them.

- When we yell our kids for the 10,000th time, and withhold
our praise for the good things they do. Slowly but surely,
the walls go up and our behavior helps to turn them into
the "nightmare" teenagers that we feared...yet created.

- When we simply TALK about achieving higher financial
success, but never get around to DOING anything about it.

We spend our lives working to make someone else's dreams
happen, only to end up bitter and resentful and on a fixed
retirement income.

The GOOD NEWS is that you can chose to change your behavior
and attitude about food and exercise (and all parts of your
life if you chose) which will lead to inevitable success.

How? By consciously making the small, seemingly
insignificant right decisions day-in-and-day-out. This is
what the successful minority DO and unsuccessful majority

The truth is, there is enough "how-to" weight loss "gurus"
and "plans" in the world RIGHT NOW for anyone to become
incredibly confused. People don't need more "How-To" weight
loss programs. They need more "DO" solutions. Think about
this for a moment...66.3% of Americans are overweight and
that's estimated to shoot up to 75% in 2015 if we don't
change our ways. Look, it's EASY to do the things day
in-day out that it takes be successful at weight loss.
Problem's also EASY not to do them. Which do you

So what's it going to be? Put yourself in Adam Sandler's
characters' shoes...are you going to continue to do the
things that lead to your destruction? Or are you ready to
make the necessary changes that will ensure you stick
around, happy and healthy, for a very long time?

Choice is yours....

From a sickly little girl to a healthy chef to the stars,
Darlene Nicholson transformed herself into The "Kick in the
Butt" Healthy Lifestyle Expert and creator of the popular
DVD "The Healthy Grocery Store Tour". Grab a copy of her
free ebook "4 Steps to Permanent Weight Loss"...guaranteed
to open your eyes to how easy weight loss can be with the
right plan of attack.

Metatarsalgia The Pain In The Forefoot Bones

Metatarsalgia The Pain In The Forefoot Bones
It is unlikely that you realize how big a deal the ball of
your foot really is. It is a major player in most of
physical activities that we undergo daily. Running,
walking, leaping and even sitting down involves the balls
of your feet. But when pain starts to be felt everytime you
put pressure on your feet, if there is a great deal of
stress felt when you land from a leap or a continuous
strain when you run, you might have to think about whether
or not you have metatarsalgia.

Metatarsalgia simply means "achy metatarsal" and the
condition is simply a sore bone or bones in the forefoot.
Pain and inflammation in the balls of your feet are the
usual symptoms of metatarsalgia. This condition is
frequent among athletes and those who do high-contact
sports. Activities like basketball, gymnastics and many
other sports put high pressure on the feet and, without
proper care and rest, inflammation and pain may occur
leading to the said disorder. Excessive running and jumping
can stress the metatarsal, which is the name for the long
bones found in the front part of your feet just a little
bit below your toes.

Although metatarsalgia is not highly risky and has little
or no long-term drastic effect, it can definitely hamper
you. If you are in a physical career and your mobility and
use of your feet are vital to your work, metatarsalgia may
pose a major problem. This disorder is highlighted by
sharp pain that continuously gets worse after prolonged
periods of activity. This is followed by numbness or
tingling in the toes that eventually worsens even when you
rest and relax your feet.

The immediate remedy for this disorder is rest. Prevent
pressure from being applied to your feet. Soaking the feet
in ice and cold water may help soothe the pressure and
eventually dampen the pain. Wearing proper footwear and
shock-absorbent shoes also helps prevent the progression of
metatarsalgia. Since this is more a strain than a disease,
metatarsalgia is very simple to avoid and treat. More often
than not, this disorder is simply a byproduct of bad
maintenance and improper foot care.

Learn to be responsible in taking care of your feet. Like a
well-oiled and maintained care, your feet can go a long way
without any further complications. Exercise and a balanced
diet are important to athletes and to you as well, but take
time to consider the little things like the balls of your
feet, and take that much deserved vacation to relax when

Allan Tan is the creator of . He
provides more helpful information on bunions, bunion
treatment, foot orthotics, heel spurs, plantar fasciitis
and ankle sprains that you can read up in the comfort of
your home on his website. He and his partner setup this
informative site to help people understand more about their
foot health and problems.

Being Free From Smoking - A Toast To Good Health!

Being Free From Smoking - A Toast To Good Health!
Stuck with the smoking behavior?

It really is true. It is not just about quitting smoking.
It is really about developing a healthy mind-set, and from
that, develop a healthy life in general. Good health is a
way of life.

I believe that most of the people who do not succeed at
quitting smoking find themselves stuck with it because the
only change they really try to make is the stopping of the
smoking behavior itself. Everything else remains the same.
There life doesn't really change. But when the goal becomes
"being a healthy person", then "everything" changes.
Smoking is only a symptom of an unhealthy life or unhealthy
way of thinking and believing. When a person takes an
interest in creating a healthy "life", every aspect of life
becomes reconsidered and reevaluated.

Let me give you an example; one that applies to my life. A
few years ago, in my early 50's, the people in my inner
circle who were within my age group were dropping off like
flies. Mostly from cancer. One had a heart attack but
survived and is now partially disabled. Why should this
interest someone who wants to quit smoking? I am not
sharing this to tell you that smoking can make you sick.
You already know that and there are plenty of people in
your life to graciously point this out to you. You don't
need one more people-fixer to straighten you out and cause
you to get frustrated, angry and develop the desire to
smoke even more just to spite them. I am sharing about
those people who got sick for the purpose of telling you
what motivated me to make a change while I still had my

The key point here is that I decided it was time to develop
a healthy "life" in order to maintain my current condition
while it was still good. I realized that I was paddling
down a river that had a waterfall ahead and I did not want
to fall over it. I decided to get out of that river and get
into another one that was more safe. So for me, I did not
want to get cancer or some other major physical breakdown.
I want to be healthy in my old age and to die healthy; ha,
ha! As a result I developed an interest in a healthy diet.
The research I have done has convinced me that an
unhealthy, non-nutritional diet is the main cause of
internal physical illness along with certain lifestyle
contributing factors.

In some of my other writings, I mentioned that "desire" is
where change begins. I really had a desire to be on a
healthy diet and to lead a healthy lifestyle. Well, I did
in fact, get on a healthy diet. Before doing so, I was 15
pounds overweight. This did not concern me in the slightest
nor did I look overweight. I really never gave it a thought
and it was not my motivation for changing my diet. It
really never occurred to me that I would lose weight nor
did I even try to. My only thoughts were about maintaining
good internal health. Now here is where I come to the point
I am making. Within two years after changing my diet, I
lost 30 pounds. This was a by-product of developing a
healthy life. (Here is a side note, then I will get back to
the point. One similarity to quitting smoking and going
through nicotine withdrawal, was quitting all the sugar and
going through sugar withdrawal. This was the most difficult
part which lasted only a few months. It really can be done
when you are "inspired" to obtain a greater reward. For
nicotine withdrawal, there are all natural products to help
with this phase. For the sugar withdrawal, I just drew on
the strength of my determination about who and what I
really wanted to be. This comes from an inspired desire
that wells up from within. No one can give you that. You
either have it or you don't. It usually requires being
ready for it. This is something that comes in time and it
can't be forced.)

Now, to get back to the point. After losing the 30 pounds,
I discovered other dietary things that I believed would be
even more beneficial to my long-term health. By adding
these things to my diet program, I started losing even more
weight. I did not want to, but I did. I actually got
scared. I thought I might have made myself sick; the very
opposite of what I was trying to do. I started weighing
myself every day because if this continued, I was going to
run to the doctor. By the end of the 3rd year, I lost
another 10 pounds. I had now lost a total of 40 pounds.
Then finally the weight stopped coming off. I was relieved.
As it turned out, I was just fine. Since then I have
enjoyed a few foods (in moderation) that I previously
eliminated. This brought my weight back up about 10-15
pounds but I am at a nice body weight.

Here is specifically the point. Making a change in my life
for the purpose of being a healthy person had a side
benefit. Namely, weight loss. Though this was not my
purpose, it is just the natural result of developing a
healthy life in general. When our desire is "to be a
healthy person and have a healthy life", then all these
other issues (smoking, drinking, overweight, etc.) just
take care of themselves, so-to-speak. Regarding smoking,
once your desire changes from "wanting to quit the smoking
behavior" to "wanting to be a healthy person with a healthy
life", then your whole life focus changes. It is no longer
about "stopping" something (which only causes frustration).
Instead, you become inspired to "become" something new; to
develop something new; a new life! It becomes more
interesting and exciting. Can you feel the difference? In
many ways, you become a renewed person with a whole new
approach to life that changes many areas of your life along
with a new purpose and new lifestyle.

To your good health!

Frank Andrews is the author of two self-help books. This
developed as the result of being a student of personal
development for over 25 years. Having worked through many
of his own personal struggles, he now provides information
to help others. You can find free quit-smoking information
on his website at: