Sunday, October 28, 2007

Significant Deficiencies Of Dietary Magnesium Are Surprisingly Common

Significant Deficiencies Of Dietary Magnesium Are Surprisingly Common
Magnesium is one of the most important minerals for human
health and is required throughout the body; but by far the
largest quantities are found in the bones and muscles.

Almost all the body’s enzymes are dependent to some
degree on adequate supplies of magnesium, and these enzymes
are essential for several hundred vital metabolic
reactions; amongst the most important being the production
of energy within cells through the metabolism of dietary
proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Magnesium is also needed
for the synthesis of protein, the activation of genes and
the transmission of impulses between nerve cells.

In addition to the above general functions, magnesium is a
vital element in the complex of nutrients required for the
production of glutathione, one of the body’s most
important fat-soluble anti-oxidant enzymes. Glutathione
protects those parts of the body’s cells which are
composed of fat, such as the membranes, by neutralising any
free radicals attacking these delicate structures.

Magnesium may therefore be regarded as an important
anti-ageing nutrient in its own right, but it has also been
the subject of extensive research into a number of more
specific health functions.

Adequate levels appear to be particularly important in
ensuring the proper take up of calcium by the bones, and
low levels of blood magnesium have been shown to be linked
with correspondingly low levels of calcium; and to have an
inhibiting effect on the action of vitamin D, which is
itself essential for the proper functioning of calcium.
Logically enough, therefore, some research has suggested a
link between supplements of magnesium and increases in bone

There is some research evidence to suggest that low levels
of blood magnesium may be a risk factor for the development
of high blood pressure, and also that magnesium supplements
can be of benefit for reducing blood pressure in sufferers
who have inadequate intakes of dietary magnesium, but
orthodox medical opinion maintains that more work is
necessary before this link can be definitively established.

Low levels of magnesium intake are also associated with a
significantly increased risk of diabetes, but there have
been conflicting results from research studies into the
question of whether supplements of magnesium may be useful
in managing the disease.

Likewise, the benefits of the use of high doses of
intravenous magnesium in the immediate aftermath of heart
attacks remain a matter of controversy, but there is good
evidence that oral supplements of magnesium may reduce the
risk of dangerous blood clots in individuals suffering from
cardiovascular disease.

There is also a known association between low levels of
blood magnesium and recurring migraine headaches, and there
is some evidence that supplementation may reduce the
frequency of attacks.

Supplementation has also been shown to help alleviate the
symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome in more than 70% of

Unprocessed whole grains such as brown rice or cereals are
the best food sources of magnesium. A serving of oats or
bran, for example, may typically provide as much as 90 mg
or more of magnesium per serving; a cup of brown rice a
little less, and a serving of wheat cereal perhaps 60 mg or
so. Dark green vegetables such as spinach may provide up
to 80 mg; and beans and nuts are also a useful source, a
single ounce of hazelnuts or peanuts, for example,
supplying almost 50 mg of magnesium. Milk may also supply
around 30 mg.

But despite these apparently widespread and rich sources,
there is evidence that many people do not obtain sufficient
dietary magnesium and that the diets of older people, in
particular, are likely to be inadequate. The European
Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for magnesium is 300
mg, but in the US higher levels of 420 mg for men and 320
mg for women have been prescribed. Given the importance
of magnesium within the body, these findings are a cause
for concern, and indicate that most adults should be
considering supplementing with magnesium.

However, some caution needs to be exercised when taking
extra magnesium in this way; because 350 mg per day has
been established in the US as the upper safe limit for
supplemental magnesium for adults. Below this level there
should be no risk of the relatively minor, albeit
unpleasant, gastric side effects, principally diarrhoea,
which have sometimes been noted when higher dose
supplements have been taken.

It’s important to note, however, that more serious
consequences of excess magnesium have been observed in
those already suffering from kidney problems. Such
individuals appear to have a higher sensitivity to
concentrations of the mineral, and may suffer further
deterioration in kidney function and possibly blood
pressure problems as a result.

No such problems have been observed to arise from high
levels of magnesium consumed in the diet, and it needs to
be remembered that like all other nutrients, magnesium does
not operate in isolation within the body and interacts
closely with other vitamins and minerals.

Any supplementation should therefore be taken as part of a
comprehensive multi-mineral. And for the maximum
anti-oxidant effect through the production of glutathione,
this should be taken alongside a good quality multi-vitamin

Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter specialising in
direct marketing and with a particular interest in health
Find out more at

Negative Aspects Of Gastric Bypass

Negative Aspects Of Gastric Bypass
Overweight has become a significant problem, particularly
in the United States. In the United States, it’s
estimated that two-thirds of all adults are overweight,
with one-third of all adults being obese or severely
overweight. The health risks of being overweight are well
documented and are absolutely legitimate in the physical
dangers they present. There are also the emotional burdens
that come with being overweight, and these emotional
hardships are often quite difficult to cope with.
It’s easy to understand then why people often search
for effective weight loss methods.

Gastric bypass is one method for weight loss that has
garnered a considerable amount of attention over time.
Gastric bypass is a surgical procedure for weight loss that
involves literally making the stomach smaller and bypassing
part of the intestine in the digestive process. Gastric
bypass is achieved by dividing the stomach into two
sections, one smaller than the other, and by altering part
of the small intestine. Though gastric bypass is a complex
procedure, the outcome is fairly simple: less food is
consumed because one gets the feeling of food fullness
sooner, and less calories are absorbed.

The thought of using a surgical procedure to achieve weight
loss holds considerable appeal for some, most likely
because it comes across as a bit of an automatic solution.
One has surgery, and the problem of being overweight is
solved. In this respect, gastric bypass may seem like an
easy or a no effort solution. The reality of the situation,
however, is quite a different story.

To begin, gastric bypass typically will not be performed
unless a person is obese or severely overweight, and has
been so for at least a period of five years. Gastric bypass
will also not be performed until and unless other weight
loss methods have been legitimately tried without success.
The reason these conditions are in place is because gastric
bypass is a serious procedure, and one that is often seen
as a last resort. The seriousness of gastric bypass is in
the possibility for complications, and the outcome of the
surgery itself.

The most serious possible complication from gastric bypass
is death. This likelihood is remote, but not impossible:
roughly one percent of people who have gastric bypass
surgery die as a result. Other potential complications from
gastric bypass include vitamin and mineral deficiencies,
ulcers, hernias, internal bleeding, and other general
complications. The outcome of gastric bypass surgery can
present considerable difficulties as well. People
who’ve had gastric bypass often report feeling
nauseated after meals, feeling weak and as though they
generally lack energy, and feeling as though they
don’t get the same satisfaction from the eating
process as before. Gastric bypass is a solution for weight
loss, but it’s not an easy solution, and it’s
certainly not the solution for everyone.

Zinn Jeremiah is a freelance author. For help with weight
loss, visit or .

3 Ways to Lose Stomach Fat

3 Ways to Lose Stomach Fat
The best way to burn belly fat is a shock to most men and
women. Even most personal trainers usually guess,
"Crunches", "Situps", or "aerobic cardio" as the best way
to lose stomach fat. But none of those work best, or even
work at all!

In fact, I often get asked, What's the best way to burn fat
and lose my belly? Do aerobics work better than interval
training? Does resistance training help at all? What should
I eat to lose stomach fat? All of those are common

And now here's the truth. Cardio is not the best way to
burn fat. In fact, I've met very few people who have
successfully used cardio to lose stomach fat. And most of
those people were young men, and anything works for them
when they want to burn fat.

If you want to lose stomach fat fast, you need to increase
the intensity of your workout by using both resistance
training and interval training to lose stomach fat.

Australian researchers, such as Professor Steve Boucher,
even believe that interval training can lead to a spot
reduction of belly fat. That's something that no amount of
abdominal training can do!

While bodybuilders and young guys without any cares in the
world can spend an hour a day on cardio - and sometimes get
results - men and women who only have 45 minutes, 3 times
per week for exercise just can't depend on slow cardio
workouts to burn belly fat.

Let's take a look at the perfect workout plan to get you
maximum fat burning results in minimum workout time.

Here are the keys. First, start with a circuit of
bodyweight exercises to prepare your body for a fat burning
workout. This should only take 5 minutes.

Follow that up with supersets of resistance training using
multi-muscle exercises for maximum metabolism boosting.
This works so much for post-exercise calorie burning than
slow cardio workouts. That will lead to more belly fat
burning as well.

After 15 minutes of resistance training, finish with 15-20
minutes of interval training. Use a warmup, then do a few
intervals, and then cool-down. You don't need a lot of
intervals to get great fat burning results.

With that workout schedule, you'll be in and out of the gym
in 45 minutes, three times per week.

Compare that to what most people do, which is run, jog,
cycle or use the cardio machines for 45 minutes straight.
Sure, that will burn calories, but it doesn't build a
better body.

Men and women love the fast fat burning results they get
from short burst exercise sessions. Your body was not meant
to run marathons. Instead, it was meant to perform quick
bursts of exercise, and that is why resistance training and
interval training sculpt a better body than long, slow

The best way to lose stomach fat is to use the following
three exercise methods.

1) Bodyweight circuit training to warm-up the body

2) Resistance training supersets to boost the metabolism

3) Interval training to burn belly fat

Put those three, short exercise methods together into one
great belly fat burning workout if you want to lose stomach
fat fast!

Learn how to lose stomach fat in the free report, "The Dark
Side of Cardio" from .
Craig Ballantyne exposes fat loss myths and gives you the 3
keys to getting ripped abs.