Thursday, March 13, 2008

Top 10 Super Foods To Kick Your Metabolism And Energy Into High Gear!

Top 10 Super Foods To Kick Your Metabolism And Energy Into High Gear!
Seems everyone has a list these days. Well I have one of my
own that not only works for me, but for hundreds my clients
as well. These foods will not only help your body burn more
calories but they are delicious, affordable and EASY to
prepare. So print out this list and Get Energized!

1. High Fiber Cereal - look for 5 grams or more of Fiber
and no more than 8g of sugar. I like to have at least one
hot cereal (rolled oats) and one cold (Kashi Go Lean

2. Apples - Okay, any fresh fruit will do, but apples are
so easy to grab and go, we always have them on hand. Make
it easy on yourself and have at least 2 different fresh
fruits you can choose to eat each day. This week I have
apple slices and grapes on hand.

3. Almonds - Your "portable protein" - the perfect
emergency snack or pair it up with a fruit or veggie. High
in metabolism-boosting Protein and Healthy Fats. But it is
easy to eat too many - measure out 1/4 cup servings and
stick in a snack size baggie.

4. Eggs - Yes, they ARE good for you. They are considered
the gold standard of protein quality because of their
superior amino acid content. It takes less than 3 minutes
to prepare an egg. One of my favorite on-the-go egg tips:
microwave your eggs in a coffee cup (lightly coated with
olive oil for easy clean up). Your egg is now the perfect
shape to top a whole wheat English muffin and eat on the

5. Spinach - This super veggie goes with everything. At
only 5 calories per cup how could it not?! Use in omelets,
wraps, salads, side dishes...the list goes on.

6. Yogurt - great source of protein and the live cultures
help boost immunity. Goes great with Kashi Go Lean Crunch
or other high fiber cereals. HOWEVER: Avoid choosing brands
that contain High Fructose Corn Syrup. Read the ingredients.

7. Grilled Chicken - okay this is tied with frozen wild
salmon filets (loaded with omega-3's.) One of the easiest,
most versatile "meal makers" available. I'll have to share
the many ways chicken can be prepared just to prove it is
not boring to eat!

8. Black Beans - Packed with the leanest protein and very
high in fiber - and only $.75 a can - how can you go wrong?
Beans are a great alternative to those who feel like they
are eating the same protein day in and day out.

9. Salsa - yes, tomatoes have wonderful health benefits,
but in salsa form they also work well to add low cal,
energizing flavor to your meals. From eggs, to rice and
beans and even as a salad dressing (my absolute favorite).
Choose a spicy variety and get the added
metabolism-boosting kick from Capsaicin - the chemical in
peppers that gives them their bite.

10. Green Tea - A Morning Must. Now I used to be an avid
Starbucks fan....but the extra calories and ton of sugar
completely sabotaged my results. Green tea was the perfect
replacement. It has a lower level of caffeine (to help me
get off the energy roller coaster) and loaded with EGCG.
(studies show this ingredient causes your brain and nervous
system to run more quickly - helping you burn more
calories.) BONUS: It enhances your mood as well. Be sure to
brew your own for these benefits are NOT found in store
bought green teas.

Now this list is not exclusive for I could go on with 10
more energizing super foods. But this is simply way to get
you started.

Holly Rigsby, CPT, MAT America's #1 Fat Loss Expert for
Busy Moms and the author of Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle
System and expert contributor at She has helped well over 500 Mom's
lose the stubborn baby fat and get their pre-baby body
back. Don't miss her Free Report: Top 5 Busy Mom Metabolism

What Is Psychotherapy?

What Is Psychotherapy?
Psychotherapy involves undergoing regular meetings or
sessions with a psychotherapist who is trained to listen to
you in a non-judgemental empathetic way and who can help
you make sense of your thoughts and feelings in order to
reach an understanding of what the problems are and how
they can be dealt with in a more constructive and positive
way. It has not to be confused with psychiatry even though
some psychotherapists may have psychiatric training.
Psychotherapists are usually trained in another discipline
which may be psychiatry, nursing, psychology, or social
work amongst others, and will have undergone some form of
advanced training in psychological and counselling

There is a current debate about the difference between
counselling and psychotherapy with no clear-cut definition
between the two. On a simple level, someone may need
counselling to help them deal with a particular crisis or
situation in their lives such as divorce, redundancy, or
other traumatic event. Counselling can help an individual
feel better and more positive, it can improve confidence
and help a person regain control of their lives.
Psychotherapy on the other hand can help people to deal
with psychological problems which may have developed over a
period of time or that require some kind of specialist
help. As you can see, there is a great deal of overlap
between them.

So what sort of problems can psychotherapy help with?

Basically, anything that is causing emotional or
psychological distress. For example:

* Anxiety and Stress
* Panic Attacks
* Depression
* Relationship problems
* Difficulties at work
* Eating disorders
* Alcohol and drug abuse
* Social exclusion
* Problems relating to sexuality
* Post traumatic stress disorder
* Personality disorders
* Victimisation and abuse
* Phobias
* Obsessive compulsive disorders
* Post natal depression

How do I get referred for psychotherapy?

You could start by speaking to your doctor as he or she
will be able to advise you on the best course of action for
you and your particular circumstances or you may prefer to
seek out a suitable therapist yourself on a private basis.

Current NICE guidelines recommend that when someone is
suffering from a mental health problem they should be
offered some form of therapy before resorting to drugs. In
the past this has not always been possible due to a general
lack of therapists in some areas so doctors were often left
with little option other than to prescribe medication.
However, the NHS in the UK plans to increase the number of
therapists in order to make talking therapies more
available on the NHS. Indeed, in the light of recent
reports that Prozac and other SSRIs are ineffective for
some types of depression, in the future psychotherapy is
likely to become one of the first options in any treatment
plan for mild to moderate depression as well as other types
of mental health problems.

What are the different types of psychotherapy available?

There are many different types of psychotherapy available,
so finding the right one for you can be daunting if you
don't know what the various options are. Broadly speaking,
some of the most common approaches include cognitive
behaviour therapy, psychoanalytic psychotherapy and group

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy or CBT as it is sometimes
referred to aims to change the negative behaviour patterns
or ways of thinking that may be quite destructive into more
positive ways of thinking in order to bring about a change
in the way that an individual perceives themselves, those
around them and the world in general. By talking to a
cognitive behaviour therapist about how you feel about
yourself, your environment and the people around you and
exploring how the way you think influences your behaviour,
new ways of coping and dealing with situations can be

Psychoanalytic psychotherapy

This type of therapy is aimed at reaching the underlying
reasons for the psychological problems or distress
experienced by an individual, which are often subconscious
in nature. By understanding the causes then it is possible
to reach a new level of awareness so that the individual
can alter their thinking patterns and behaviour and regain
a sense of wellbeing.

Group therapy

Sometimes people who are suffering from similar problems
and issues may benefit from group therapy sessions. The
main advantage here is that someone undergoing group
therapy doesn't feel alone, they have the support of others
in the group who are able to understand what each person is
going through, which can be a positive step forward to
becoming well again.

Depression and anxiety are serious mental health conditions
that can strike anyone at anytime. For more information
about depression and selp help come and visit

Why Nutrition Is The Key, But Fitness Is Most Important

Why Nutrition Is The Key, But Fitness Is Most Important
When you say the word diet what comes to your mind?

Eating the right types of foods day in and day out is
probably the top pick.

Although this is a great idea, and it's what every
bodybuilder or Personal Training enthusiast should be
doing, it only addresses one part of the equation.

What Is The Other Part Of Total Fitness & Health?

Well, to tell you the truth without this, dieting wouldn't
do you any good.

This is more important as far as health and well being
even more so than having a perfect diet.

A planned cardiovascular exercise and weight training
program could be the key to your success and continued

When you are working out daily this increases your
motivation ten fold.

After you get done with a hard workout are you going to go
to the kitchen and have a pint of rocky road ice cream with
a piece of cheesecake on the side, I don't think so.

When you put all of that effort into a workout or Personal
Training you will obviously want to capitalize on the
workout and continue its benefits by eating optimal foods
throughout the day. A great idea would be to put a note or
poster on your fridge/pantry that says "Is is worth it", or
something to that effect. This will really make you think
twice before you go into the pantry to grab that box of
twinkles and run to the couch to chow them down.

Not only does your exercise affect your belly it also
affects your mood. Study after study show that consistent
exercise affects your mood in a positive way. Meaning
you're gonna be happier every day. Rather than the only
thing to look forward to being your daily ritual of eating
on the couch you're actually gonna feel good about yourself.

A recent study also showed how even those that eat healthy
are still not necessarily if they don't exercise. The main
factor in a person's health is if they exercise. You're
internal fat can still be at a high level when you visually
look thin with a shirt on.

So you can see that dieting is not just what you eat but it
is also about working out. If you don't know how to workout
effectively or are confused about where to even start
consider getting help from a reputable personal trainer or
fitness studio.

Zach Hunt is a fitness expert, personal trainer and owner
of Physzique, a fitness coaching service in Spokane, WA. Go
or you can go here for more weight loss tips:

Why Almost Everyone Is Wrong About Stomach Exercises And Abdominal Muscles

Why Almost Everyone Is Wrong About Stomach Exercises And Abdominal Muscles
"Stomach exercises" are among the most frequently asked
about and searched on (via internet) yet misunderstood
subjects in the entire field of health, fitness and
exercise. Regardless of age, experience or gender, everyone
wants a flat "stomach" because the abdominal region is the
true showcase of your physique. Since the abs are usually
the last place to "shape up" and "lean out," then most
people would say that if you've got abs, you've got it all.

Well, in my way of thinking, this is only partially true.
There's more to a complete physique than "abdominal
exercises" and "six pack abs" and most people are
completely wrong about "stomach exercises" and ""stomach
muscles." (you'll find out why in just a moment)...

The Difference Between "6-Pack Abs" And Truly "Fit Abs"

Having a great looking set of abs is very much a matter of
low body fat. But make no mistake, just being lean and
seeing a "six-pack" doesn't mean you are strong, fit or
conditioned. Real fitness means more than visible muscle
development, it means strength, endurance, and stability,
and this type of true functional fitness does not come from
merely eating the right foods or reducing your body fat.

Nutrition is so important that you could even say that "abs
are made in the kitchen, not in the gym" and you would not
be telling a lie. But this clever maxim is not telling the
whole truth either. Great abs come from nutrition AND
training, not one or the other. The training develops them.
The nutrition uncovers them.

Don Juan Ponce de Leon arrived in America in 1493 looking
for a fountain of youth and today in the "stomach exercise"
marketplace, it seems that far too many people are looking
for a "magic fountain" in order to flatten their waistlines.

Ponce never found the fountain of youth and you will never
find a magical solution for flat abs. There are no short
cuts. It takes a change in lifestyle to get a change in
health, physique and performance. That includes nutrition
AND training. There's No Such Thing As "Stomach Exercises"

THIS is your stomach! Proper choice of exercise is a
critical factor in your quest for a firm and flat
waistline. But you will never get a great "stomach" from
ANY "stomach exercise" because your stomach is a part of
your digestive tract, not your skeletal muscular system! So
let's get the terminology straight, shall we? The area of
you body you really want to improve is called your "core
region." Many people refer to it as the "abdominal region."

However, training only with "ab exercise" is NOT the
optimal approach. The abdominals only include the front
(anterior) side of your body and if the only type of
training you do is abdominal training, you may be
unwittingly setting yourself up for lower back problems. If
you don't think this is serious, then consider this
statistic: According to the

American Chiropractic Association, more than 31 million
Americans are suffering from low back pain at any given
time. So would you like to trade great abs for a bad back?
I didn't think so. The good news is that you can kill two
birds with one stone. You can develop great abdominal
muscles, great core muscles and a strong, pain-free back by
using exercises that focus not on the "stomach," (which is
not a muscle you train at all), not on the "abdominals,"
(which is only part of the muscles you need to target), but
on the entire core.

The core is the key to your success. The core is the entire
complex of muscles around your hip and waist region from
your lower rib cage to the bottom of your pelvis. If you
just focus on "abdominal exercises" alone (or "stomach"
exercises, LOL), you will develop what I refer to as a "one
dimensional body." I focus on training the body as a whole,
or "multi-dimensional training" to develop a complete
person and to develop effective and powerful athletes.

What every program I write has in common is that I do not
attempt to "isolate" the abdominals (or train the "stomach
muscles!") It's all about the core and about integrating
your body as a unit so you function better in daily life.
As you do core-focused exercise programs you are improving
not only your muscular system but also the systems that
drives your muscular system - that is, the nervous system.

This may very well be the most important secret for getting
better results in your workout programs. The more
efficiently your nervous system works, the better your
results will be. Core workouts that improve both muscular
strength and conditioning while also improving neural drive
and develop stronger neural control of the associated

This type of training for your core may very well be the
most important secret for getting better results in your
workout programs.

* THIS is why my "brand" of core training gets results in
women who have had C-sections, or other abdominal surgeries
when nothing else worked

* THIS is why the core exercises I recommend will flatten
out a "pooching" belly, which is a result of deep muscular
weakness and lack of neuromuscular control (It's NOT just a
body fat problem!)

* THIS is why my clients have overcome lower back when all
else failed

* THIS is why my workout program have helped men and women
recover from embarrassing incontinence

* THIS is how I have helped hundreds of new moms regain
their flat and firm midsections after having their babies

* THIS is why my clients remain injury free, while so many
other training programs are actually the CAUSE of injuries
* And THIS is why my type of training - PROGRESSIVE CORE
TRAINING - develops amazing athletes - top wrestlers, PGA
golfers, and pro boxers with powerful punches and abs of
steel. I've written an entire book about core training
("Firm And Flatten Your Abs), which you learn more about on
the Flatten Your Abs home page, as well as dozens of
articles which you can read elsewhere on this site (or you
can subscribe to my biweekly newsletter).

The purpose of this article was not to give more workout
routines (there are plenty of core training workouts to be
found on this site and in my book and lots more to come in
upcoming issues of my newsletter). The purpose of this
article was to "install" 3 incredibly important lessons
into your brain:

* You can't train your "stomach" because your stomach is an
internal organ of digestion not a skeletal muscle!

* You can't totally "isolate" your abdominals because your
abdominals do not work in isolation, they work in
conjunction with the rest of your body (and "isolation" as
with only doing crunches, is not the optimal approach

* You get more by training your core! You become a better
athlete, you help prevent injuries, you get stronger and
you get that coveted 6-pack abs look. I hope the "morals"
of these lessons have already sunk in and will become a
part of your own fitness philosophy... and the next time
you hear someone talk about "stomach exercises", you'll now
be able to get a good chuckle out of that.

David Grisaffi is a Sports Conditining Coach and holds
multiple certifications including three from the
prestigious CHEK Institute: Level II Corrective Holistic
Exercise Kinesiologist, Golf Biomechanic, and Nutrition and
Lifestyle Coach. Plus he is also the author of the popular
selling e book, "Firm and Flatten Your Abs," which teaches
you how to develop a ripped abdominal region. Lean how to
shed bodyfat and eliminate low back pain and receive his
free newsletter by visiting:

Television News Report Reveals Unsettling New Information on Trasylol Recall

Television News Report Reveals Unsettling New Information on Trasylol Recall
On February 17th, 2008, the investigative television
program 60 Minutes aired a segment on the prescription drug
Aprotinin, marketed by Bayer as Trasylol. In the report,
we are given the sordid 14 year history of the drug; from
concerns before its Food and Drug Association (FDA)
approval, an aggressive marketing campaign during the early
years of its introduction to the market, to numerous
fatalities resulting from common Trasylol side effects.

As far back as the early 1980's, the concerns over the
potentially fatal side effects of Trasylol have been
discussed. Dr. Juergen Fischer, director of the Institute
of Experimental Medicine at the University of Cologne,
found severe incidents of kidney damage in animals given
Trasylol. When he relayed the results of his research to
Bayer, they disregarded the information, overlooking a
potentially deadly Trayslol side effect. Soon thereafter,
similar side effects showed up in patients given the drug
in U.S. hospitals. Most common among the Trayslol side
effects was acute renal failure, also known as acute kidney
failure, resulting from damage to the kidneys. Cautious of
it's continued use, Dr. Nicholas Kouchoukos, one of
America's top heart surgeons conducted a small study on 20
patients given Trasylol. Of those given the drug, 13 had
problems with kidney function after taking the medication.
Ignoring these results and several other similar studies,
the FDA approved Trasylol for use in 1993.

Through a relentless marketing campaign and intense
pressure on the FDA, Bayer had all but cornered the market
on Trasylol's use in all open heart surgeries, and was the
favored drug to control bleeding in other major surgeries.
Sales of the drug hit $300 million in 2005, with projected
sales of $750 million for 2006. Dr. Dennis Mangano, a
leader in the medical research field, was finishing a study
around this same time, a study that had followed the
records of 5,065 patients in 17 countries given Trayslol.
Published in the New England Journal of Medicine in January
2006, this was the largest Trasylol study ever conducted
and ultimately the most illuminating, suggesting not only
an association between patients given Trasylol and acute
kidney failure, but also an tendency for increased chance
of death in the hospital.

When Dr. Mangano presented his results to an FDA advisory
committee, the reaction was less proactive than he had
imagined. Since Dr. Mangano's results were based on the
hospital records of patients rather than a more traditional
study involving a placebo, the committee was hesitant to
comply with his request to remove the drug from the market.
Unbeknownst to the committee, Bayer possessed the results
from a study conducted by hired Harvard professor Dr.
Alexander Walker, which looked at the records of nearly
70,000 patients in the same way that Dr. Mangano had
conducted his research. Even more amazing were the
startlingly similar results that Dr. Walker's study found:
patients given Trasylol had an increased risk of acute
kidney failure and death. Bayer's failure to inform the
panel of their confirming results led Dr. Walker to contact
the FDA, insisting that Bayer had deliberately withheld
potentially damning information to continue lucrative sales
of Trayslol. However, the FDA's only response to the
confirmation of the fatal side effects was the issue of
another warning to doctors; it would be a full year before
the committee would reconvene to reevaluate to efficacy of
the drug.

Meanwhile, a clinical study run in Canada in 2007 was
halted when participants in the study group began dying.
The German government immediately pulled and banned
Trayslol; through a combined effort between the Canadian
government and the FDA, Bayer was persuaded to put a
temporary hold on the continued marketing of the fatal drug.

It is believed that approximately 4.5 million people have
been given Trayslol worldwide; a third of those patients,
about 1.5 million people, were given the drug in the United
States in the 14 years the drug was available. By Dr.
Mangano's estimates, if, in the brief time frame between
his study and the most recent temporary moratorium on the
drug, the drug had been taken off the market, it could have
saved about 22,000 lives - approximately 1,000 people every

For more information on this and other legal issues, visit, . Here, users can find information
on topics ranging from trasylol injections to mesothelioma
lawsuits to all-terrain vehicle (ATV) accidents.
Additionally, find information on TBI at .

Tips To Make Wrinkles Appear Less

Tips To Make Wrinkles Appear Less
No matter how hard you try you simply can not stop time
from progressing forward and that means that you can never
stop yourself from aging. Now, aging is not inherently a
bad thing on its own because with age there comes maturity,
sophistication and knowledge. Then again, also with age
there come the onset of wrinkles and, of course, most
people would prefer not to have to deal with wrinkles. As
such, there is a bit of nervousness on many people's part
when they start to see wrinkles on their face. But, there
really is no reason to panic because there are a few
options available to people who would prefer wrinkles made
less of an appearance.

While it is impossible to prevent your skin from wrinkling
there are certain habits or lifestyle choices you can avoid
to reduce the potential for wrinkling to become worse. For
example, did you know that smoking has been linked to the
onset of excessive wrinkling? Needless to say, is yet
another good reason for throwing away that pack of
cigarettes and quitting once and for all. Granted, smoking
isn't the number one cause of wrinkles but if it is linked
to wrinkles then it should be avoided.

However, if there was one definitive "villain" that was
commonly believed to be guilty for contributing to wrinkles
it would be excessive exposure to sunlight. Now, whether
you are tanning outside all day or you spend a lot of time
in the bed at the local tanning salon you are well advised
to curtail such an activity. This is because excess
sunlight can damage the skin and damaged skin is
susceptible to wrinkling. So, if you are concerned about
developing wrinkles later in life skipping out on all those
tanning sessions would reduce their potential frequency of

But what happens when wrinkles start to appear? What can be
done to reduce their presence? Well, there are a multitude
of treatments out there designed to deal with the problem
of wrinkles but there are generally a few that are the most
common. So, let's take a look at them.

Botox is currently and extremely popular product/treatment
that can effectively deal with wrinkles. Botox treatment
involves a series of injections into the skin with the
purpose of eliminating the common "frown lines" that are
the hallmark of facial wrinkles. In a similar vein there is
another treatment available known as "fillers" which also
involve injection therapy. With this type of treatment, the
injections are designed to flatten out the wrinkles and
make their appearance far less noticeable.

If your wrinkles are quite pronounced and nothing seems to
be working to make them less noticeable it may be necessary
to take additional steps to eliminate their appearance.
This can include laser resurfacing which can be employed to
smooth wrinkles out through exposing the wrinkles to a
concentrated beam of lift or any one of a number of plastic
surgery treatments. Probably the most common type of
surgical procedure used to deal with wrinkles is
dermabrasion surgery which literally seeks to sand down the
wrinkles. While laser resurfacing and dermabrasion surgery
work they come with an expensive price tag. But, most
plastic surgeons offer financing for those who would prefer
to engage in such a procedure so there are options to
having to deal with the costs.

Again, while wrinkles are inevitable they can also be
treated by a number of processes or reduced by changing
certain lifestyle choices. So, there really is no reason to
fret about wrinkles. Well, you can fret but what good would
that do? Instead, explore some of the aforementioned
treatments and see if they work for you.

Richard Adams is the founder of Buy Wrinkle Cream - the
ideal place to search for wrinkle cream products online at

Do You Need an Oil Change?

Do You Need an Oil Change?
Healthy fats and oils can provide major health benefits.
For example, some omega-3 fats and omega-6 fats are
important for maintaining good health of the body and
brain. In addition, healthy fats and oils can help people
absorb nutrients such as Vitamins A, D, E or carotenoids.
To get the full nutritional value in a salad, it's good to
have some healthy fat or oil at the same time.

The omega-3 fats are found in cold-water fish such as
salmon, tuna, and mackerel. Vegetarian sources of
omega-3's are flaxseeds, soybeans and walnuts, and to some
extent leafy green vegetables and sea vegetables. Omega-3s
may help heal inflammation and increase metabolism. These
healthy fats can contribute to a youthful appearance making
skin, hair and nails healthy.

Because of their high levels of omega-3 fats, fish oils
have been shown to help improve a variety of conditions. As
part of a balanced diet, fish oils may help with arthritis,
colitis, depression, psoriasis, menstrual cramps, multiple
sclerosis, and problems with memory and attention. Omega-6
fats are found in many nuts, seeds and seed oils (walnuts,
almonds, sesame seeds are examples), and in soybeans.

Unhealthy fats and oils are those that can undermine health
or those that lack nutritional value. For example, certain
saturated fats and oils can contribute to health problems.
Frequent consumption of high-fat animal foods such as
bacon, chicken skin, and butter, can mean too much
saturated fat in the diet, increasing the risk of diabetes,
weight gain, inflammation, and cardiovascular problems.

There are two simple steps you can take to help lower your
intake of saturated fat. First, choose only lean cuts of
meat, and skip anything deep-fried. Second, when having
dairy products, switch to nonfat and lowfat varieties.

Trans fats are the most dangerous fats. They interfere with
the body's normal chemistry and actually block effects of
the essential fats. They may be twice as bad as saturated
fat in increasing the risk of heart disease. They
contribute to weight gain, inflammation and depositing of
fat around the waistline.

The kinds of products that contain trans fats such as
hydrogenated vegetable oil, include breads, rolls and
pastries, cookies, cakes, crackers as well as many types of
fried food. Avoid consuming trans fats by reading the
labels on food you buy from a store. Skip anything with
hydrogenated oil or partially-hydrogenated oil on the label.

Dr. Leo Galland is a board-certified internist in private
practice in New York City. Jonathan Galland is a health
writer and Co-Author of The Fat Resistance Diet, available
in paperback at For a free one-day meal plan
and recipes, visit .

Drug Free Hair Loss Treatment

Drug Free Hair Loss Treatment
Hair loss is a medical disorder that if left untreated
could end in baldness. It is a medical condition that is
found both in men and women. In the last ten years or so
there have been great advances made in hair loss treatment.
Today there are various treatments to address most types of
hair loss. The important point is that a sufferer must seek
a hair loss treatment as early as possible to prevent
further hair loss.

Minoxidil is a topical FDA approved hair loss treatment for
women sold as Rogaine. This hair loss treatment is a
pre-mixed solution in liquid form. This baldness hair loss
treatment can be used by both males and females. However,
it tends to be more a mens hair loss treatment. Side
effects are rare but often subside when the baldness hair
loss treatment stops. Some of the possible side effects are
acne, headaches, blurred vision and lightheadness. People
who suffer from chest pains, palpitations, sudden weight
gain, and fainting and heart problem should avoid using
this hair loss treatment.

Finasteride is another FDA approved hair loss treatment for
women and men and it is sold under drug names of Propecia
and Proscar. Propecia is taken orally as a pill everyday.
It is mainly a mens hair loss treatment. Finasteride is not
recommended for women who are pregnant. The use of this
baldness hair loss treatment often causes side effects.
Rash, hives, itching, ejaculation problem, testicular pain
and breast tenderness are some the common side effects.
Propecia has a success rate of 80% as reported by its
users. Propecia and Rogaine are only effective in treating
hair loss at the crown.

For those who have the money to spend there are permanent
natural hair loss treatments such as hair weaving and hair
transplants. In most cases people only resort to these
hair loss treatments after achieving no results with other
baldness hair loss treatments.

Laser hair loss treatment is another method that is
available on the market today. This baldness hair loss
treatment is most suitable for those who have just begun
losing hair. Of course, there is always the hairpiece
option which is readily available and not costly.

However hair loss treatments that use pharmaceutical
medicines and surgery are expensive and come with some
risks and harmful side effects. Hair loss in men is mainly
caused by the male hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in the
body. In the case of women the causes could be either
childbirth or hormones or hereditary thinning (alopecia) or
menopause or hormone imbalance. Drug free hair loss
treatment is clearly the best hair loss treatment possible
as an alternative for conventional drugs, medications or
surgery. Herbal hair loss treatment products are free of
side effects and very affordable. Hair loss treatment
herbal supplements are effective in stopping, preventing
hair loss and stimulate regrowth of hair.

There are on the market excellent hair loss treatment
herbal products for both men and women. Drug free hair loss
treatment herbs have been used for centuries by different
cultures to treat hair loss. Probably the most effective
and popular herbal hair loss treatment herbs are saw
palmetto, rosemary, grape seed, bilberry and nettle. These
hair loss treatment herbal products blend special nutrients
and herbs to inhibit DHT and to promote the regrowth of
hair. To cure baldness, to stop hair loss and to regrow
hair the hormone DHT in the body must be suppressed in men.
For women the drug free hair loss treatment must be able
to promote the growth of hair follicles.

Stop worrying about your hair loss! You can prevent further
hair loss by taking action now! For more information on how
to stop your hair loss go to :

Tips to Reduce Your Stress and Anxiety

Tips to Reduce Your Stress and Anxiety
Do you have a stressful life? If you are like most people,
you have answered yes to that question. We all have varying
degrees of stress and what is stressful for one person may
not be stressful for the next. But whatever your level of
stress may be, too much stress for a prolonged period of
time can play havoc on your mental and physical state. So
if you have stress or anxiety issues, keep reading this
article to uncover ways to overcome them.

First of all, sit down and make a list of everything that
adds stress to your life. Once your list is complete try to
find ways to get rid of some of these things. For example,
if possible, hire some help to assist you with your
business or even with chores around the house. Stop trying
to do it all yourself.

Cut back on the caffeine and start getting enough sleep.
Caffeine can make you jumpy. Not getting enough sleep can
make you feel foggy and tired. Try to eat right by
increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables. Drink more
water to stay hydrated and keep your body functioning
properly. If you feel good, you will be able to handle
stress a lot better.

A very powerful, all natural way to reduce stress and
anxiety in your life is to learn meditation techniques.
Learn how to do yoga or some other form of deep relaxation
techniques to bring your stress level down. Practice this
daily and you will be amazed at how much better you will
feel and how well you will function.

Take daily doses of supplements and vitamins. This can keep
your body healthy. There are also certain vitamins and
supplement that have been proven to be effective at
reducing stress and anxiety. Do some research and find the
products that are the best for you. Don't let a day go by
without taking your supplements.

Exercise is one of the most effective stress reducers. When
you exercise, your body releases hormones that naturally
make you feel calmer. What could be better than going to
the gym after a stressful day at work and beating the
living daylights out of a punching bag? When you exercise
you also will feel better about yourself and you will look
better. Maintaining confidence can put some stress and
anxiety issues to rest.

Managing your stress and anxiety is not that hard if you
know what to do. But you should always pay a visit to your
doctor for a check up, just to make sure there is nothing
physically wrong that could be causing these problems. If
you get a clean bill of health, start eating better, start
exercising and start living a stress free, enjoyable life!

Tips to Reduce Your Stress and Anxiety

Think Fat Loss NOT Weight Loss

Think Fat Loss NOT Weight Loss
It is the fault of our popular media we are all obsessed
with weight loss!

Unfortunately, this is to the downfall of our "real" goal
of looking great naked!

The media obsession with those figures on the scales sets
false hopes and promises, ultimately leading to failure in
our goals. Whilst some publications and reports have
recently stopped using weight as the primary indicator,
it's twin brother of Body Mass Index (BMI) is used instead,
in the false assumption that there is an ideal weight for
your height!

Yes, BMI is a slightly better indicator than simply weight
alone, but it forgets some of us are naturally built like
an anorexic marathon runner, or a muscle packed
quarterback, throwing the BMI measure completely out the

The problem with weight loss is the unhealthy fixation with
restricted calorie diets, hundreds of hours of aerobic
exercise, and in some cases, surgical methods to cut a few
pounds from the scales.

I call it "unhealthy", as these traditional weight loss
methods have been shown in many scientific studies to be
detrimental to our body's metabolic rate, causing our body
to hold on to the body fat we are so desperate to lose.
There is more evidence in the gym today, you'll spot many
of the members on the treadmills and in aerobic classes day
after day, week after week, without any noticeable
difference in body shape. Even the aerobics instructors are
looking a little "chubby"!

Restricted calorie diets cause our body to go into
starvation mode, with the ultimate result of slowing our
metabolism and causing us to store more fat rather than
losing the stuff.

It is clear that all the old approaches are not working, so
what does work then?

If fat loss or body shape and size was our primary focus, I
believe we are more likely to attain our goals. The process
of "fat loss" would mean you concentrate on actions to
boost your normal metabolic rate, and boost it
significantly enough to allow fat to simply disappear

This would include exercises to build more metabolically
active tissues, this means resistance type training to
increase muscle tissue. You would also look to adopt eating
habits that boost your metabolism rather than slow it down,
meaning eating smaller meals every 2 to 3 hours, and eating
foods that contain good protein sources and not the
processed carbs that are so prevalent in the modern diet.

These methods will not only allow you to drop the 1, 2 or
more dress/jean sizes, show your flat stomach or 6 pack
abs, and make your butt look smaller, but you'll probably
lose some weight in the process too ;o)

So today is the day to change your focus from those numbers
on the scales, to simply working out how to lose the fat
that is covering your body. Losing the fat is not
complicated, it simply requires a shift in your perception
of what are the most "effective" methods. Start today by
quitting the "diet", eating sensibly and regularly instead.
Get into the gym and do the more effective resistance
workouts and stay away from the cross trainer!

Tim Goodwin is a Luxembourg based fitness professional
specializing in help the busiest people achieve more with
their amateur sporting interests, and at the same time
ridding them of excess body fat. Visit to get a free 18 page
report "How to lose weight even when you are really busy"
containing a full 4 week program which you can start today!

Does Diet Soda Make You Fat?

Does Diet Soda Make You Fat?
One common method of reducing calories when attempting to
lose body fat is to make the switch from regular colas to
diet colas.

In fact, one of the first questions that many personal
trainers ask their new clients is, "How many sodas do you
drink in a day?" After all, the high fructose corn syrup
found in the vast majority of soft drinks in this country
is proven to be loaded with calories that send insulin
levels (with a subsequent fat-storing physiological
response) into the stratosphere.

Pretty simple, right? Make the switch, and you're off to
the fat loss races. Unfortunately, that doesn't appear to
be the case.

In 2005, Texas researchers declared that the risk of
obesity increases by 41% for each can of diet soft drink
that you consume. An increase of 41% for EACH can is
definitely not a good scenario.

Logically, we agree that it simply doesn't make sense. Diet
colas contain no calories, so how can fewer calories
(compared to regular colas) lead to weight gain?

The answer to that question turns out to be fairly complex.
Everyone has heard the joke, "I'll take a
super-mega-cheese-bacon-mayo burger with an ultra-giant
french fry, please...and a diet coke. I'm on a diet!" It
turns out that, intentional or not, the joke is reality for

There are actually two major reasons that diet sodas may
actually lead to fat gain.

The first is psychological and behavioral. When people
switch to diet cokes, they often start to cheat a little
(or a lot) on their food intake. Someone that switches to
diet colas from 4-6 regular sodas each day may logically
think that they are now entitled to cheat a few times.
After all...they are now doing "better". However, it's
easy to rack up a few hundred extra calories having "just
one more".

The second reason is that your body is smarter than we
think. When we ingest diet drinks, all those chemical
ingredients have been shown by researchers to create an
insulin response that potentially leads to fat storage, and
our brain responds by stimulating our appetite. Suddenly,
we are now more hungry, and it becomes more difficult to
watch our portion sizes.

Overall, it's a pretty bad situation. The combination of a
stimulated appetite, larger number of psychological and
behavioral "cheats", and an insulin response will have you
sectioning off yet another area of your closet for clothing
that no longer fits.

Finally, all research aside, the real world experience of
many personal trainers and fitness professionals show that
the majority of their clients lose fat faster when the diet
sodas are kept at bay.

The solution is clear (pun intended): many successful
dieters have experienced substantial weight loss after
making the switch from diet colas to plain water. Without
the chemically-induced insulin response, water will help to
satiate our appetite, especially when dieting. In
addition, repeated research has shown that an increase in
water intake correlates very well with a subsequent
decrease in fat deposits.

And wasn't reduced body fat the original goal, anyway?

Make your fat loss journey simpler. Kick the soda habit
and grab water for quicker weight loss.

Jeremy Nelms and his wife, Alissa Nelms, are known as "The
World's Happiest Fitness Couple!" You can visit their
website and read more articles, as well as follow their
personal training journals and fitness adventures at .

A Donut is not Always a Donut - Timing is Everything

A Donut is not Always a Donut - Timing is Everything
Do you have a sweet tooth in the morning? Do you crave that
bowl of high-sugar cereal or a donut with your coffee? We
all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the
day, and getting something for breakfast is likely better
than getting nothing at all. However, a new study from a
group in Australia tells us that if you must eat those
sweet, high carbohydrate foods, you would do much better
putting them off until lunch and grabbing some more protein
in the morning.

A g'zillion different studies show us why it is so
important to eat a morning meal. Breakfast eaters have an
easier time controlling their weight, better energy
throughout the day and higher performance on the job or at
school. We also know that foods with a lower glycemic index
(meaning they are less likely to spike your blood sugar
because they have less simple carbohydrates) are better
than high glycemic breakfasts for all this stuff.

A new study took this logic a step further and asked what
would happen to your blood sugar if you spread out all your
carbohydrates evenly throughout the day, or, conversely,
loaded most of them up at breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Researchers expected that the peak in blood sugar would be
highest right after eating the high carbohydrate meal. In a
sense, they were right, but with one big surprise.

A high carbohydrate breakfast meal caused a much bigger
spike in blood sugar than a similar meal at lunch or
dinner. It appears that our bodies can tolerate a dose of
carbs much better in the afternoon or the evening, than we
can in the morning. This study utilized type II diabetics
to provide and exaggerated normal blood-sugar response, but
presumably, this applies to everyone.

Why is this important and what does it have to do with the
brain? Your body needs to control its blood sugar (glucose)
in a tight window in order for all your systems to operate
at their best. Importantly, your brain uses glucose
exclusively as an energy source, whereas the rest of your
body can tap into energy from fats and proteins. So giving
your brain a steady supply of glucose is important for
optimal brain function.

If you are constantly eating a big chunk of your daily
carbs at breakfast (by scarfing down the donuts, pancakes,
French toast or high sugar cereals), then you are probably
spiking your blood sugar fairly high in the morning on a
regular basis.

This has a couple of problems. First, in the short run,
spiking your blood sugar causes your body to respond by
releasing insulin to crash it back down. This will cause a
drop in energy levels during the mid-morning hours, which
is a time when many folks need to be on their toes at work,
and kids need to be attentive in school. Second, in the
long run, constantly spiking your blood sugar can
eventually lead to insulin resistance and type II diabetes,
which increases your odds for heart disease and cognitive
problems as well.

Obviously it's best to get rid of the high sugar foods from
your diet completely, but let's be reasonable. Most people,
me included, enjoy a fresh-baked cinnamon roll every now
and then and we aren't willing to deprive ourselves of all
of life's pleasures.

So here's the solution - just don't eat this stuff for
breakfast. It's the worst possible time of day for these
kinds of foods. Unfortunately, these are the common
breakfast foods that we feed our kids on a regular basis
and find littering the morning menu of our favorite

Still, try to switch to higher protein meals in the
morning, like eggs or a quick breakfast shake and you will
likely notice an increase in energy throughout the morning
and the rest of the day. If you just can't go cold-turkey
on the morning office donuts, grab one to stick in your
desk and eat it with lunch instead (just keep it to a

Reference: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2008)

Learn to control stress, improve your metabolism and boost
your intelligence with the four cornerstones of Brain
Fitness. Visit for FREE
Brain Fitness resources.

8 Ways to De-Stress Your Commute

8 Ways to De-Stress Your Commute
Longer commutes and rising gas prices are adding stress to
getting to work or just getting weekly errands done. Don't
let traffic stress you out. Here are eight ways to
de-stress your commute.

1. Leave earlier in the morning. Don't make yourself a
victim of rush hour jams. Strive to arrive an hour or even
two hours early, at least one or a few days a week. Use
this time to take an energizing walk, and then start work a
few minutes early to organize your day's priorities.

2. Leave work later. Postpone your departure time to avoid
the usual rush hour snarl, even if just for one or two days
a week. Take a course at a nearby community college, or
spend an hour at the local library. Plan an after-work
get-together with friends once a week to take a break from
sitting in traffic.

3. Whittle down your gas bill. Alleviate some of the
financial stress that comes with paying higher gas prices
by making sure your car is tuned up. Keep tires inflated to
the recommended pressure, because under-inflated tires use
up more fuel. Replace clogged air filters. Also save gas by
lightening up the load in your car trunk.

4. Relax. When you find yourself in unavoidable traffic
jams, breathe deeply, in and out for several seconds or
even several minutes to calm and focus your attention on
the road. Stress is contagious, so don't become an
instigator or a victim of road rage on today's already
stress-congested highways.

5. Learn. Keep a book-on-tape or book-on-CD to entertain or
teach you while you are sitting in traffic. Public
libraries have huge selections of histories, motivational
recordings, language lessons, business tips, biographies
and other topics.

6. Don't talk on your cell phone. Cell phones are becoming
an increasing cause of traffic accidents, which is why many
cities are banning cell phone talk on the road. Don't do
it. In an emergency, pull over and off the highway and come
to a complete stop before you make a call.

7. Accept the inevitable. Sometimes unexpected traffic
tie-ups can make you late. It's a common denominator among
today's commuters, so keep that in mind before you worry
that your boss or acquaintance won't understand. Besides,
accelerating and braking too much in traffic also uses more
fuel. Be accepting (and safe!) instead of stressed.

8. Consider mass transit. Instead of dreading getting
behind the wheel, you'll look forward to letting someone
else do the driving while you read or plan your day's
schedule on paper. Besides, a healthy walk to the bus stop
is one more way to make exercise part of your day!

Ruth Klein, America's De-Stress Diva™, is owner of
the award-winning firm The Marketing/Time Source. With a
master's degree in clinical psychology, Klein, is the
author of the best-selling Time Management Secrets for
Working Women and five other books on business and
lifestyle topics. Sign up to receive Ruth's 7 Part
Mini-Course on Branding and Productivity.

How To Get Yourself Motivate To Achieve The Body Of Your Dreams

How To Get Yourself Motivate To Achieve The Body Of Your Dreams
If you find yourself always stopping and starting a fat
loss program, or you keep telling yourself you can't lose
the belly fat no matter what you do, then I suggest you
read on.

Many women ask me how they can get motivated and stay
motivated when looking to lose weight.

When we think of motivation we think of getting all excited
to do something, and then it tends to fizzle. The key is
not trying to become motivated, rather coming from

If you have ever attended a seminar, watched a movie, or
read a book that motivated you towards achieving a flat
stomach, or whatever your goals are then you found yourself
a week later unfocused it is because you were using
motivation instead of inspiration. Motivation comes from
outsides sources, and inspiration comes from within.

Inspiration requires no will power, it's simply something
you cultivate deep within your soul and everything that you
do is goal oriented. You don't think twice about having
that piece of pie, or skipping a workout.

You become what it is that you desire, and you don't stop
until you get there. All you need is the proper tools to
get you there, and that is the mindset for success and
telling yourself that you believe in yourself, and that you
are worth it. You value yourself enough to make your goals
a reality and you don't give yourself excuses, such as "I
am too busy and I am too old".

You are the driving force and you are so worth having the
body and health you desire. You need to dig deep within
yourself and ask yourself this question; "How is having the
body I want affecting me in all areas of my life?"

Sit quietly and listen and wait for tears of inspiration to
come to you as you hear the quiet whispers of how
incredible your life will become empowered by simply taking
action and believing in yourself.

Come up with 50 reasons how having the body and health you
desire will affect you in all the 7 major areas in your
life. These areas are: Physical Financial Family Career
Mental Spiritual Social

For example for physical you may say it will affect you by
having more energy and fitting into the size clothing you
would like.

Financially you might feel that it would cut down on your
medical expenses, or help you to earn more money because
you now have the confidence in the area of your career.

You will be a great example for your family, and socially
you feel that it's easier to be around others because you
have a great sense of self worth. Mentally you feel more
balanced and calm.

Spiritually, you feel inspired everyday to take action to
whatever your dreams and goals are. If you thought
achieving the body of your dreams was only about the
physical, than think again.

Having the body you want, will affect all the 7 major areas
in your life.

Heather Picken, Transformational & Inspirational Coach For
Check out our online community that will help inspire you
to create the body of your dreams:
Also check out the fat burning & mind empowering system:

Why Inositol Is Much More Than Just A Powerful Fat-Burner

Why Inositol Is Much More Than Just A Powerful Fat-Burner
In common with choline, inositol is often regarded as a
member of the B-complex of vitamins, although this is not
strictly accurate. Both choline and inositol, however,
work in similar fashion to the B vitamins. Inositol is
vital for the health of cell membranes and for the
transmission of energy and nutrients between cells. There
is also evidence that abundant supplies of inositol may
enhance the action of vitamin E, one of the body's most
important fat-soluble anti-oxidants. Inositol therefore
not only reduces blood cholesterol but also helps prevent
the oxidation of the low density lipids (LDL), or "bad
cholesterol", which is a principal precursor of potentially
lethal hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis).

And it's not just in the reduction of potentially harmful
blood fats that inositol has a role to play. Taken
together with choline, in the form of lecithin, inositol
stimulates the metabolic rate and thereby acts as a
powerful fat-burner for many people whose excess weight is
principally due to a slower than normal metabolism.

But for many nutritional therapists the most important
functions of inositol lie in the areas of mental health and
brain function. The nutrient is widely used by
practitioners to tackle problems with the nervous system,
obsessive compulsive disorder, agorophobia, and anxiety and
panic attacks; and there is also some preliminary, albeit
inconclusive, evidence that supplementation with inositol
may help maintain cognitive function in sufferers from
Alzheimer's disease.

Since the 1970s, doses of 1,000 mg a day of inositol have
also been used by practitioners in the relief and treatment
of diabetic neuropathy, the nerve damage that is one of the
most painful and debilitating consequences of this disease.

Research also suggests that high doses of 6 - 12 g of
inositol, taken over a period of several weeks, may help
relieve the symptoms of depression; evidence which is borne
out by the observation that the blood and brain levels of
inositol in sufferers from this condition are often much
lower than normal.

Other deficiency symptoms, although it is hard to isolate a
lack of inositol as their only cause, may include
cardio-vascular disease and high cholesterol, digestive
problems, hair loss, irritability, mood swings, and skin

Apart from lecithin, which is commonly granulated from soya
beans, good food sources of inositol are wholegrains,
wheatgerm,. meat, citrus fruits, nuts, rice and legumes (ie
peas and beans). Moreover, the body is able to manufacture
a certain amount of inositol from the phytic acid released
by the plant and other dietary fibres consumed in food. So
it would seem that a well-balanced, healthy diet,
containing a selection of foods from the major groups,
should provide at least an adequate supply of inositol; and
indeed there is evidence that most individuals in Western
societies can obtain around 1,000 mg from their normal
daily diet.

The problem, however, is that a significant proportion of
the inositol obtained from ordinary dietary sources is
often rather poorly absorbed. And in common with the
B-complex vitamins the nutrient is easily lost from the
body; the consumption of excessive quantities of caffeine
being a very common culprit in flushing it away.

Practitioners therefore commonly recommend supplementation
with inositol, a practice which is regarded as very safe.
The US Food and Nutrition Board has prescribed neither a
Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) nor an upper safe
limit, but therapists normally suggest beginning with a
dose of 500 mg to check individual tolerance and
requirements. This can be steadily increased to 1,500 mg
or more for optimum general well-being and many people find
granular lecithin, which also provides the benefits of
choline, to be a pleasant and convenient way of obtaining
this level of intake; given that a single teaspoonful will
commonly provide around 100 mg of inositol. But far higher
doses of up to several grams a day may be prescribed for
some of the specific conditions described above.

Like all other major nutrients, inositol functions best
when all the body's necessary nutrients are adequately
supplied. But in the case of inositol it is particularly
important to ensure a good intake of vitamin C and all the
B-complex vitamins; the action of vitamin C being vital in
sparing and conserving the body's blood levels of inositol.

Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter specialising in
direct marketing and with a particular interest in health
products. Find out more at