Friday, February 1, 2008

8 Top Tips to help you Lose Weight

8 Top Tips to help you Lose Weight
All over the world people are looking to lose weight. If
you are reading this article then I'm guessing you are one
of those people. You may just want to drop a couple of
pounds or you may want to completely transform your overall
appearance. Maybe you even want to lose some weight for
the associated health benefits. Whatever the reason behind
your weight loss drive I'm here to help. The following
article contains 8 top tips to help you lose weight.

1) RESTRICT YOUR CALORIES:- You may not want to hear this
but the bottom line is that you need to consume less
calories if you want to lose weight. There are a number of
ways you can go about this. The first method is to write
down everything that you eat in a normal week and work out
the average number of calories you are consuming each day.
Then adjust your eating habits so that you are eating less
calories each day than your current average. Another
method is to write down your target weight in pounds and
then multiply this by 12 if you are female and 14 if you
are male. This will give you the approximate number of
calories you will need to consume to reach and maintain
your target weight. A final solution is to use a Basal
Metabolic Rate (BMR) calculator (of which there are many
available for free online) to calculate the number of
calories you should be consuming.

2) EAT THE RIGHT FOODS:- Apart from restricting your
calories, eating the right foods is an important factor
when trying to lose weight. You need to be consuming lots
of healthy, nutritous, low calorie foods such as fruit,
vegetables and whole grain carbohydrates. Eating smaller
meals more frequently can also help you in your weight loss

3) DRINK MORE WATER:- Drinking water has a number of
benefits which can help you lose weight indirectly. First,
being properly hydrated keeps your body functioning at its
optimal level meaning you can burn fat more efficiently.
Second, it reduces water retention and the additional
weight that this may bring. Finally, it makes you feel
fuller so that you are less likely to eat too much.

4) EXERCISE:- A good diet is half of the challenge when
losing weight but you also need to exercise. Start with
trying to do 15 minutes a day of walking, cycling, sports
or whatever else you fancy. So long as you are active each
day you will be burning additional calories and losing
weight. Remember, the more exercise you do the more weight
you will lose.

5) CONSUME POTASSIUM:- Avocados, bananas and apricots are
all rich sources of potassium. Potassium can help remove
sodium from your body and has been associated with weight

6) CONSUME PROTEIN:- Protein can be found in raw meats,
dairy products and even supplements. Research has
associated consumption of protein with a temporary fat
burning effect and a suppressed appetite, both of which can
help you lose weight.

7) SET OUT A PLAN:- Even if you have all the right
information, poor planning can mean that you do not take
action and ultimately you do not lose weight. Think about
how many calories you are going to be consuming each day.
Which meals allow you to achieve this? How will you make
sure you consume enough water each day? Which sources are
you going to use for your daily protein and potassium?
When and where are you going to exercise each day? You
need to consider all these factors and then create a plan.
Write down how you are going to incorporate all the above
into your daily routine and then stick with it.

8) STAY POSITIVE:- Sometimes the right information and a
plan are still not enough. If you have a plan but you do
not believe in it you are unlikely to lose weight.
Negative thinking can be your ultimate downfall. Keep
thinking positively about your weight loss plans and you
will continue to lose weight. Everytime you start to feel
down think of the weight you have already lost and how good
you will look once you have reached your target weight.

I hope this article helps you in your weight loss efforts.
If you stick with regular exercise, a healthy diet and
create a solid weight loss plan you should lose weight.
Stay positive, act on the information in this article and
you will succeed.

The Free Fitness Tips Website provides readers with a free
fitness tip every day of the year. The tips include
exercise tips, healthy eating tips and weight loss tips.
You can have these fitness tips delivered directly to your
email inbox every day by visiting

How to Get Rid of Your Pimples Effectively

How to Get Rid of Your Pimples Effectively
Here you will find the information you need to get rid of
your zits and pimples as quickly and effectively as
possible. Although not every single method may work for
everyone, there is bound to be one that works right for
you. You will no longer have to look in the mirror and see
those ugly zits and pimples on your face. You can be free
to go out in public and feel good about who you are and how
you look.

Although society makes it seem like there is something
wrong or defective about people who have acne, it is
completely natural. And to help ingrain this idea into the
minds of acne strugglers, let's take a look at why acne
occurs in the body. It is usually the result of an
imbalance of hormones in the body, sometimes due to
pregnancy or menstruation in women, or adolescence. When
this happens, the body's glands secrete unusual and
unhealthy amounts of oils which act to clog the pores in
the skin therefore creating acne. And although it is
thought of as a typically adolescent skin condition, anyone
of any age can get it.

Now, on to how to get rid of this nasty skin affliction.
Here are some helpful tips to assist you in combating your
acne effectively.

The first tip you'll want to keep in mind to is always
consume vast amounts of water everyday. By doing this you
purify your body and your skin. It fights off all the
bacteria that gets inside your pores and creates the acne.
In fact no liquid is better at doing this job which is why
you should drink at least eight glasses a day.

Keeping your dietary needs in mind is another good
suggestion for beating acne. You'll want to eat as many
fruits and vegetables as you can everyday. They contain the
vitamins and proteins that help your body to function
properly. You will also want to know what foods to avoid as
well. Any foods that are made using vegetable oil are good
ones to stay away from, as well as eating excessive amounts
of sugar or caffeine, including chocolate.

If you are a women who uses cosmetics or a man trying to
mask acne scars, then you'll want to consider which
products to buy. Never buy any with a bunch of oils and
chemicals that could be potentially harmful to your skin.

Are you sick and tired of dealing with acne? If so, head on
over to to discover how to
become acne free in only 3 days!

Unlocking the Secrets of Your Sense of Smell: Part 3

Unlocking the Secrets of Your Sense of Smell: Part 3
Does your sense of smell diminish as you age?

Like our eyesight, our sense of smell weakens as we age.
While the jury is still out in determining just when our
sense of smell peaks and begins to decline—some
experts say that it peaks at the age of eight and begins to
decline as early as the age of fifteen—the general
consensus, however, seems to be that our sense of smell
remains sharp well into our fourth and fifth decades and
that it largely depends on our particular state of health.

As we age, our numbers of olfactory receptor cells
diminish. Research suggests that a sixty-five year old may
have as few as one-third as many receptor cells as an
individual who is twenty. And though our sense of smell is
most acute between the ages of twenty and forty, we use our
sense of smell to enhance our living, alert us to danger,
and make important decisions about people and places
throughout our lifetime.

In "Taste and Smell Losses with Age" Dr. Susan Schiffman
reports that as we get older, our ability to detect odours,
discriminate among different odours, and perceive the
strength of odours diminishes. She found that odours for
many elderly subjects are only half as intense as those for
young people.

Though our sense of smell generally begins to weaken after
our sixth decade, (in one study, about one quarter of
subjects between the ages of sixty-five and eighty years
old had a total lack of a sense of smell), Dr. Schiffman
claims that the sense of smell of many of the octogenarians
would rival that of twenty year olds. She concludes that
that elderly subjects who demonstrate good mental and
physical health generally have a sense of smell which is
comparable to that of young individuals.

Can you "exercise" your nose to keep it young?

Yes. While researchers are searching for treatments to
help counteract the effects that aging has on our sense of
smell (and taste), there are "exercises" that you can do
now to keep your nose (and taste buds) young. Like our
other senses, our sense of smell can be kept young with its
constant and creative use that includes:

* Using your mind, not your nose to smell. Imagine the
scent of different fragrances in much the same way you
imagine the notes of a song. We perceive most fragrances on
an unconscious level. Try to imagine the scent of a
cinnamon candle, a peppermint stick, or lilacs in the
spring. Write a list and practice imagining these scents
on a regular basis—perhaps, a few times a week.

* Purchase scented candles. While you enjoy the benefits
of their scented aromas, take the time to smell each one
individually. Smell often, but not for long. Alternate
between fragrances. The more you do this, the sharper your
sense of smell will become. If you need to refresh your
nose, step away, blow a few puffs of air through your nose,
and then sniff again.

* Stop and smell the flowers! Everywhere around you are
fragrances. Your job is to notice and smell them. In the
course of each day, try to make a mental note of at least a
couple dozen or more scents. Try to associate what you did
during the day while you experienced these fragrances.
Make fragrance diaries, recording fragrances along with
your thoughts and activities.

* Vary your fragrances throughout the day. Use one
fragrance to wake up to, another to give you energy at
midday, and another to calm and relax you in the evening.

Luke Vorstermans is the founder of The Sense of Smell Lab,
a world leader in the development of innovative products
that use our sense of smell to influence behavior, trigger
memories, manage cravings, enhance moods and improve sexual
health. To learn more about enhancing your sex drive, go

Say Goodbye to Food and Weight Obsession: Change Your Thoughts to Shape Your Body without Dieting

Say Goodbye to Food and Weight Obsession: Change Your Thoughts to Shape Your Body without Dieting
Food and weight obsession has become a national pastime.
Nearly 4 out of 5 women hate their bodies. This leads to
incredible feelings of shame and self denial. Most of us
have been taught to idolize the skinny models that adorn
fashion magazines. We were also led into years of dieting
dysfunction by our well meaning families and friends
attempting to help us achieve society's thin ideal.

As a woman who has struggled with emotional eating for 35
years, I thought the answer was finding the right diet. Now
I know better.

Recently it has been revealed and admitted by the medical
community that diets just don't work for 90-98% of all
people. In the April 2007 issue of The American
Psychologist, the Journal of the American Psychological
Association, UCLA researchers reported that diets don't
work in the long run.

According to the latest results of a composite study done
at UCLA, Traci Mann, Associate Professor of Psychology at
UCLA and lead author of the study said, "We found that the
majority of people regained the weight, plus more.
Sustained weight loss was found only in a small minority of
participants while complete weight regain was found in the
majority. Diets do not lead to sustained weight loss or
health benefits for the majority of people."

For so many years, I bounced back and forth from diet to
diet, until I found Weight Watchers and followed through,
going back as many as 20 times in an attempt to lose
weight. Then in 2001, I finally reached my goal weight. I
managed to keep the weight off for over 6 years, thinking
that I had it all figured out. Yet my life was miserable. I
was caught in patterns of overeating, skipping meals,
over-exercising and in constant fear of regaining the
weight. I thought if only I could control what I was
eating, I'd be okay. I was wrong. The problem was not what
I was eating, but what was eating me! Now I realize that
the dieting was a part of the problem that distracted me
from looking at parts of my life that were unfulfilling.

As a Professional Coach, I've learned that the reason why
diets don't work is because they fail to address the
emotions that push you to eat when you're not hungry. When
you are carried away by the momentum of your emotions, it
is not possible to attend to what you are eating, be
mindful and nurture yourself.

You're too busy battling with your feelings and dealing
with the little critic that sits on top of your shoulder
and spouts negative comments about your weight and your
body. The good news is that you can transform that critic
to a supportive coach but it requires that you change your
thinking. By taking that step, you generate new empowering
habits that support your new empowered self image.

Today I'm no longer restricted by a diet. I eat what I
want, when I want and pay close attention to how hungry I
am and what I am feeling. I look in the mirror and see all
of me. I'm no longer made up of disparate parts. I don't
see myself as a pair of flabby arms, dimpled thighs or a
tummy. I love myself as I am. I'm still on the road and
haven't yet arrived at my destination, but I am loving the

Now I eat like a naturally picky eater. I am no longer a
slave to food because I've learned some very important
principles that have changed the way that I think about
myself and my relationship to food. Since the focus has
come off of what I am eating, I spend more time doing
things that I love, enjoy my life more and appreciate
myself and love my body as it is. As a result, the excess
weight on my body and in my life are slowly and surely
melting away.

If you're a woman who has struggled for years with being
overweight, feeling afraid of eating real food, caught in a
cycle of binging and dieting, then you may have to consider
that you are a part of the majority of those like me, for
whom dieting does not work. I'm here to tell you that there
is an alternative and it doesn't include dieting.

Andrea Amador, CEC, M.NLP is President of The Juicy Woman.
She is devoted to empowering women to love themselves more,
yummy up their lives and lose weight without dieting. To
get started on the road to changing your thoughts to shape
your body, take her quick assessment, "Are You Struggling
with Food and Weight Obsession?"

What to Order in a Restaurant - It's Not as Hard as You Think!

What to Order in a Restaurant - It's Not as Hard as You Think!
Bread baskets, fried appetizers, and large portions are
just a few of the things that can scare the pants off of my
clients who are working hard to maintain a healthy diet.
Eating out can make you feel like you are walking into a
war zone. For many of you, that is exactly what you are

Walking into a room with the enemy.

The enemy is food.

However, it doesn't have to be.

You see, I know that the chefs (who cook with all the wrong
ingredients) want you to enjoy the dining experience at
their establishment.

After all, if you don't come, they won't make a living.

You are the customer and you are paying the bill.

So, what are the keys to getting your food prepared the way
you want?


The knowledge is: knowing how you would like your meal

The timing is: when to ask.

For example, if you only eat Kosher food, are vegetarian,
or follow other dietary restrictions, oftentimes food
substitutions can be made. Heck, if you inform airlines
ahead of time, you can even have your meal on the plane
prepared to meet your dietary requests.

BUT if you don't plan ahead and call first (there is that
timing thing again) you will either have no meal or you may
need to eat something that does not fit with your lifestyle

So let's say you are not that strict with your eating
choices. You may choose something like chicken with wild
rice and steamed veggies.

Great job, right?

You made good choices. Yes?

Sure, but do you know how they prepared your great choice?

You see, the chef and the restaurant are all about
everything tasting amazing. And that sometimes means
taking liberties with the ingredients they use and their

Which often means: high fat, high sugar, high calories.

So here are some subtle changes you can make to your order
when you speak to the server to ensure you have a meal that
is 400-500 calories instead of 1400-1500 calories.

"Waiter, could you please ask the chef to go light on the
(cheese, oil, butter, cream, sauce) __________?"

Many times, you can eliminate these things all together.

Sandwiches- "Waitress, could you please exchange the cheese
and mayonnaise with spicy mustard and a tomato?"

Chicken- "Pardon me? Is the chicken white meat or dark
meat? I would prefer a white chicken breast please."

Baked Potato- "When you bring me my baked potato, can I
please get the condiments on the side?" (NOTE: Only eat
half the potato and use condiments to taste. Meaning,
don't drown your potato!)

Fish- "Sir, could I please have my fish (choose baked,
broiled, poached or grilled) ___________, rather than deep
fried? And, could you use olive oil and lemon or vinegar
for seasoning please?"

Salads- "Madam, I would like the vinaigrette dressing on
the side instead of the creamy Italian." Then dip your
fork in the dressing before you start getting into the
salad. You will be amazed how much less dressing you use
and how little you miss the soupy taste.

Eggs- If you absolutely despise egg whites try this- "Can I
have 3 eggs? 2 egg whites and one whole egg?" Similar
taste, but less fat and cholesterol.

Italian Sauce- "Can I please have the chicken with marinara
sauce rather than alfredo?"

Bread- "Please make my toast whole wheat with sugar-free
jam on the side."

Finally, if you know you are going to have a high calorie
choice and it is around dinner time- choose to divide your
meal in half before you even start. Have the rest boxed up
and take it home.

You will be amazed how satisfied you will feel. And I
don't know about you, but I love leftovers!

For over 17 years Bobby Kelly has taken his passion for
coaching to a level not reached by many in the fitness
profession. Bobby has been interviewed and featured as an
expert adviser on CNN, Fox News, ABC, NBC, and CBS as well
as local affiliate stations in numerous markets. Bobby
knows the success of hard work, determination and
persistence, and he'll get you where you want to be. Visit
Bobby today at

7 Travel Tips for Fat Loss

7 Travel Tips for Fat Loss
Last year I flew over 20,000 miles and over 2 dozen
airports, visiting New Zealand, Australia, LA, Florida,
Chicago, New York, Baltimore, Allentown, Detroit, and many
other cities, all to learn how to help you lose more fat.

In addition, I also learned - the hard way - about how
difficult it is to eat on the road, and when stuck in
airports for hours and hours at a time (as I was in
Washington one night for 7 extra hours).

The biggest thing you need to do is plan ahead, and that
goes for everything you do in your fat loss program, but
nutrition is the biggest component of your success.

And that's where people fail big-time when traveling. After
all, there isn't too much good food to eat in airports,
however, its easy to find nutritious food if you know where
to look (you can get apples and almonds, and often bananas
and even grilled chicken in most airports).

After nutrition, simple laziness is the next big hurdle we
have to overcome while traveling. It's easy to skip a
workout because you can say, "the hotel gym doesn't have
the equipment I'm used to"...but if you have a bodyweight
training resource, you know there are dozens of great
exercises you can do without the need for fancy machines.

Here are 7 tips to help you stay fit and not fat while

1. It's up to you to pack good nutrition options for the
road since it's almost impossible to eat appropriately when
you are stuck in airports or on the road. Some healthy,
road-worthy snacks and fluids include water, Green Tea,
nuts, apples, and jerky.

2. Plan your business travel meals as much as possible so
that you can stick to the options provided in the nutrition
section. With all of the focus on nutrition these days,
airlines and hotels are much more accommodating in meeting
the special nutrition requirements of customers. Ask and
you will receive.

3. Make the necessary accommodations so that there is an
adequate hotel gym or nearby fitness establishment so that
you can continue with the regularly scheduled routine.

4. It is best to purchase a day-pass and go to a local gym
to work with a certified personal trainer. However, if
there is no time, and there is only a small hotel gym with
no weights, use one of the bodyweight-only workouts.

5. Schedule your workouts with as much dedication as you
schedule your business meetings. Take advantage of whatever
time slot is available during your travels for exercise.
Training is another appointment that can also be used as an
excuse to skip the unnecessary post-meeting cocktails and

6. Travel with a "maintenance mindset". Stick to your plan
and you'll return home without gaining any fat or losing
any fitness. Minimize the nutrition dangers of food, booze,
and inactivity with a positive mindset.

7. Spend waiting time walking. If you are enduring a
layover in an airport, walk around the airport for a
mini-workout if your schedule and surroundings permit.

Bonus Tip: Alternatively when on business travel, consider
using this time as a recovery week from training if you
have been training consistently. Stay active, but allow
yourself some mental recovery from a strict training

So stay strong and stay fit when you are on the road. This
year, I'm off to Las Vegas, Nashville, and Hawaii. I'll be
using these tips to burn fat on the road.

For more fat burning tips and ways to avoid cardio, get
your free report from

Prescription and Over the Counter Drugs Can Cause Harm: Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

Prescription and Over the Counter Drugs Can Cause Harm: Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
Adverse drug reactions are all too common. Most are
unreported; however, they contribute to over 150,000 deaths
per year, making them a leading cause of death in the U.S.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner has
estimated that anywhere between 3-11% of hospitalizations
every year are due to adverse drug reactions. People taking
various prescriptions and over the counter medications are
often unknowingly making themselves susceptible to serious
adverse side effects that can lead to death.

Stevens - Johnson Syndrome (SJS), and Toxic Epidural
Necrolysis Syndrome (TEN) another form of SJS, are severe,
adverse skin reactions to both prescription and over the
counter medications. Many different drugs can trigger SJS,
but anti-convulsants, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory
drugs are most consistently responsible for causing SJS.
While anyone can develop SJS, a Caucasian predominance has
been reported. It is most commonly seen in children and in
women (a 2:1 ratio compared to men), and can lead to death
if left untreated. According to some reliable sources and
reports from 3% to 15% of patients who contract severe SJS
die from the syndrome. Additionally, over half the people
who develop SJS experience serious upper respiratory tract

First discovered in 1922, Stevens - Johnson Syndrome is a
serious inflammatory skin disease and is characterized by
painful, ulcerated lesions on the skin and mucous
membranes. According to the Stevens - Johnson Syndrome
Foundation, the symptoms of SJS include:

. Rash, blisters or red splotches on the skin.

. Persistent fever.

. Blisters in mouth, eyes, ears, nose and/or genital area.

. Swelling of eyelids and/or red eyes.

. Conjunctivitis.

. Flu-like symptoms.

Patients with these symptoms have a recent history of
having taken a prescription or over the counter medication.

Various prescription drugs have been found to be strongly
associated with SJS, and some have even been recalled by
the FDA. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
have recently come under a great deal of scrutiny relative
to causing SJS. One such drug is Bextra, an
anti-inflammatory drug prescribed to treat the pain
associated with osteo-arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
All of these drugs now have recently strengthened the
warning and precautions sections of their packaging. Most
are now required to have a "black box" warning, the highest
warning level the FDA issues on approved drugs. Some NSAIDs
have even been recalled by the FDA and/or taken off the
market voluntarily by the manufacturer.

While it is impossible to prevent the development of SJS,
short of never taking any needed prescription or over the
counter medication, there are ways to treat the disease if
one does develop symptoms. It is of the utmost necessity to
stop taking the drug associated with the negative side
effects/reactions. After that, hospitalization is usually
necessary, combined with a variety of treatment options
including care from burn units, the ICU and dermatological
teams. If identified and treated properly in a timely
manner, most patients who come down with SJS can recover

To learn more about Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, use . Here individuals will find
information on medical issues affecting Americans including
the most recent side effects of Avandia, a type 2 diabetes
prescription drug linked to heart disease and osteoporosis.
To learn more about Avandia litigation or even to learn how
about an out of court Avandia settlement, visit .

Powerful Anti-Oxidant Flavonoids Found In Red Wine And Chocolate!

Powerful Anti-Oxidant Flavonoids Found In Red Wine And Chocolate!
There's now good evidence that it's not just in fruits and
vegetables that health promoting anti-oxidant flavonoids
are to be found. These powerful compounds have also been
identified in tea, particularly green tea, red wine, beer
and even chocolate. So if you've ever suspected that many
of those who advocate healthy diets are motivated more by
denying you your little pleasures than a genuine interest
in your well being, now may be the time to take a little

Flavonoids occur widely in fruits and vegetables and their
principal function appears to be to protect these plants
from disease and the damage which may be caused to them by
extremes of light or heat. It has long been suspected,
however, that the well established health protecting and
curative properties of the many plants commonly used in
folk remedies for humans may also be due to flavonoids.
And there is now abundant evidence to support the idea that
certain flavonoids, particularly those of the polyphenol
type, possess potent anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant

Two of the biggest premature killers in the affluent
Western world, as well as major causes of disability and
early loss of independence, are stroke and heart disease.
Both frequently follow on the development of the
cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, otherwise known as
hardening of the arteries, and it is known that the
oxidation of low density lipids (LDL), the blood fats known
as "bad cholesterol", is one of the major causes of this
condition. The prevention of LDL oxidation is one of the
key functions of vitamin E, the body's most important
fat-soluble anti-oxidant, but anti-oxidant flavonoids are
also known to play a role. Consistent research findings
confirming this benefit of flavonoid anti-oxidants have led
successive governments and health agencies to urge the
public to consume at least five daily servings of fresh
fruits and vegetables, and the evidence indeed suggests
that such high flavonoid diets are linked to a reduced risk
of heart disease and perhaps even some cancers.

But it's not just the flavonoids in fruits and vegetables
that may have these effects. Much attention, for example,
has recently been paid to the so-called "French Paradox",
whereby France boasts a surprisingly low rate of heart
disease and related conditions, given the preponderance of
saturated animal fat in its national diet. There has been
much speculation that the low rate of this disease, by the
standards of advanced Western nations, may be linked with
relatively high consumption of red wine, and analysis of
the anti-oxidants in this drink, also found in red grape
juice, suggests that the theory may have some substance.

And at least one major study has suggested that the
incidence of stroke is substantially reduced in older
people, otherwise a very high risk group for this illness,
who regularly drink substantial quantities of tea, which is
also rich in anti-oxidant polyphenols, but whose diet tends
to be low in fresh fruits and vegetables.

As well as red wine and tea, there is now also evidence
that anti-oxidant flavonoids may be found in beer and even
chocolate. But in fact this is not as surprising as it may
at first appear. The coca beans which are the primary
ingredient of chocolate are a good source of polyphenols,
and were known to ancient civilisations for their medicinal
properties. Broadly speaking, the darker the chocolate the
richer it will be in the particular flavonoids derived from
the beans, which are powerful anti-oxidant agents not
commonly found elsewhere.

The latest research seems to offer good evidence that the
flavonoids particular to dark chocolate (procyanidins) may
have a useful role in helping to prevent the oxidation of
the LDL, "bad cholesterol", which is, as noted above, a key
precursor of serious cardiovascular disease. Procyanidins
also appear to work closely with vitamin E, the body's most
important fat-soluble anti-oxidant, sparing the vitamin to
work more effectively, and may also help to prevent
excessive clotting or "stickiness" of the blood.
Procyanidins are readily absorbed by the body following the
consumption of dark chocolate and appear to have a
significant overall anti-oxidant effect in the
cardiovascular system.

But of course it's not all good news. You'll be only too
well aware of the health reasons why it would be unwise to
rely on tea, red wine, beer or chocolate as your principal
sources of dietary anti-oxidant flavonoids. De-caffeinated
teas are available, however, and dark chocolate is
relatively low in sugar and fat; whilst all the evidence
suggests that moderate consumption of alcohol may protect
against a variety of conditions, including heart disease.
Red wine, in particular, is rich in the anti-oxidant
flavonoids which appear to offer significantly enhanced

As always, the key is balance; and in the context of an
otherwise healthy diet, particularly one rich in fruit and
vegetables, there is no reason why these highly enjoyable
luxury foods and beverages should not make an important
contribution to your overall level of anti-oxidant intake.

Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter specialising in
direct marketing and with a particular interest in health
products. Find out more at