Wednesday, March 26, 2008

21 Tips For Weight Loss

21 Tips For Weight Loss
Follow these 21 tips for weight loss and it is only a
matter of time before you start losing weight.

1. Keep away from low carb diets which offer quick weight
loss. These types of diets are short term and do nothing
for long term healthy weight loss.

2. Make sure you eat some fruit on a daily basis but don't
overdo it because most fruits are acidic and too much acid
can lead to its own problems.

3. Start doing some cardio exercisers about 3 times a week.
Anything that is going to increase your heart rate and
breathing over a period of a set time is fine.

4. Increase the length of your cardio workouts on a weekly
basis, but don't try to increase in big steps. This allows
your body to gradually get used to the changes.

5. Eat slower and chew your food for longer.

6. Make your own healthy lunch at home for work and avoid
lunching out.

7. Begin a weight training routine a couple of times a
week. This will strengthen and tone you. Also it will give
a big boost to your metabolism.

8. Get into the habit of eating at a table or in the
kitchen. Try to eat where you can't see a television.

9. Always eat breakfast; this is probably one of the most
important steps that you can take.

10. Make sure that you eat some green vegetables on a daily

11. Increase the fibre in your diet, especially through
cereals and whole grain foods.

12. Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day. This will
keep you hydrated, help fill your stomach and flush out

13. Begin eating smaller portions more frequently
throughout the day instead of eating 2 or 3 large meals.

14. Get rid of all the junk foods out of your house and
refuse to buy anymore.

15. Avoid food which is coated in batter and bread crumbs.

16. When watching television, start jogging on the spot
when the commercials are on. It's only a few minutes but
can add up to a lot of calories being burned through the

17. Never ever have second helpings regardless of where you
are or what the occasion is.

18. Start cooking your food in a more healthy way e.g.
grilling, steaming and boiling.

19. Try to visualize on a daily basis on how you want to
look. Imagine seeing yourself as if you had already lost
the weight that you have wanted to lose.

20. If you have a day where you eat things you shouldn't
have, don't think that's the end of your weight loss
program. It is just a minor blip so don't feel guilty about
it. Forget it and get on track the next day.

21. Remember why you are doing it and keep in mind all the
benefits you will reap when you succeed. Make your weight
loss program a habit that becomes something normal for you.

There you have it, 21 tips for weight loss. Write out a
plan around these tips and follow it on a daily basis to
the letter. A few months own the road you will be glad that
you did.

Visit and find out what you can
do if you really want to lose weight.We have helped
thousands to successfully lose weight.Why should you be any

5 Ab Exercises that are Better Than Crunches

5 Ab Exercises that are Better Than Crunches
Crunches are an overused and under productive exercise.
They present a considerable risk to the health of your
lower back and spine and only work a limited range of your
core muscles. They never have and never will burn fat off
of our 'stomach' or midsection and if you do enough of them
will simply cause you to grow bigger and stronger abs
muscles without working your lower back and oblique
muscles. Doing excessive amounts of crunches could very
well lead to imbalanced abs and core development as well as
potential lower back and spine pain and problems. Here are
5 exercises that work your abs and core in better, safer
and more balanced positions than any crunch can.

1. Stability Ball Roll Outs:
Kneeling on the ground in an upright position with your
elbows on a stability ball. Roll the ball out in front of
you extending your body and arms as far as you can go.
Keep your back, spine, and body from your shoulders to your
knees straight like a board or plank. Hold the extended
position for a second or two. Pull yourself back to the
starting position

This exercise works your abs, lower back and core all at
once. You can keep your spine straight and stable
throughout the whole exercise which makes this very safe
for your spine and lower back.

2. Planks:
Lie face down on the ground Get up into a push up position
resting on your feet and hands (you can also rest on your
elbows instead of your hands.) Hold this position for a
timed interval keeping your spine and body straight like a
board or plank. Start with a manageable time like 30
seconds working up to 60-70 seconds as you get better at

This exercise works all the muscles of our core and keeps
your spine stable and straight.

3. Side Planks:
Lying on the ground on your side. Stabilize your body on
one hand (or elbow) and your feet. Keep your body rigid
and straight like a board or plank. Hold this position for
a timed interval. Switch and do the other side in the
exact same fashion

This exercise will work your oblique (side abs muscles)
harder as well as working your abdominal muscles and lower
back muscles. This exercise also allows for you to keep
your spine straight and keeps your back safe from injury.

4. Mountain Climbers:
In a push up position. Bend one leg bringing the knee up to
your chest (you can also touch your opposite elbow to that
knee for added work.) Alternate each leg and arm in a
climbing type of motion. Keep your back straight throughout
the movement.

This is an advanced exercise that works the core muscles
similar to a plank with the added work of moving your legs
and arms.

5. Stability Ball Pikes:
In a push up position with your feet on a stability ball
Keeping your back and legs straight no bending at the knees
pull the ball toward your body. You should end up in a
pike position with your hands on the floor your butt
elevated in the air, bending at the waist only, knees
straight. Slowly roll the ball back to the starting position

This exercises also works all the muscles of your core
without putting your lower back in a compromised position.

These are just a few examples of ways to work your 'core'
and abs without ever doing a crunch. Each one of these
exercises works all the muscles of your core in a more
balanced way than a crunch and also allows you to keep your
spine and lower back in a safer position.

John Barban is a professional strength and conditioning
coach and nutrition expert. He has extensive experience
designing nutritional supplements and has developed his
trademark workout for women 6 Minute Circuits. John is an
expert contributor to and
recomends the diet program , and
believes it is the best new diet for easy and effective
weight loss.

Sciatica Exercises Made Simple

Sciatica Exercises Made Simple
Sciatica exercises come in many different forms, but the
last thing you need when you're in pain is to have to learn
a complicated exercise routine. But using exercise to
alleviate sciatica doesn't have to be difficult. Getting
relief can be as simple as doing just one exercise and
doing it frequently until such time as the pain is gone or
at least much improved.

To figure out what exercise will be of most benefit, it is
important to try to distinguish whether you have sciatica
from a lumbar disc bulge /herniation, or whether you have a
condition called "piriformis syndrome", which produces
symptoms very similar to disc-related sciatica but is
caused by contraction of the piriformis muscle in the
buttock area.

One simple way to tell the difference is to sit in a firm
chair to do a couple of basic tests. In the sitting
position, try straightening your knee on the painful side,
so that your leg is parallel to the floor. If this
increases your symptoms, chances are you have true sciatica
related to a disc problem.

The second test is to bend your leg to pull the knee toward
your chest. Begin by first bringing the knee on the
painful side toward the shoulder on the same side. Then
release the leg slightly and pull the knee toward the
opposite shoulder. If pulling the knee toward the opposite
shoulder increases the pain significantly more than pulling
it toward the same side shoulder, chance are you have
piriformis syndrome. It should be noted that it is
possible to have both true sciatica and piriformis syndrome
at the same time.

Once you determine whether you have true sciatica or
piriformis syndrome, or both, you can usually get
considerable relief from just a single exercise for either
condition (two exercises if you have both).

For true sciatica, most people will find relief through the
basic McKenzie extension exercise (named for physical
thearapist Robin McKenzie). This is done by lying on your
stomach on a firm surface and propping your upper body up
on your elbows, so the curve in the lower spine is
increased. Getting into this position may be painful at
first, but within about 30 seconds, most people will notice
a decrease in the severity or the range of the sciatica, or
both. Look for the symptoms the furthest from the spine to
decrease first.

As long as the symptoms are decreasing furthest from the
spine, the exercise described is beneficial, even if the
symptoms closer to the spine seem to increase at first
(they'll usually improve with repetition of the exercise
over time). I recommend staying in this position for 1 to
2 minutes at a time and then either lying flat or getting
up and moving around for at least a few minutes in between
to prevent the back muscles from getting tight.

For piriformis syndrome, you can do a simple stretch of the
piriformis muscle. I recommend you do this by lying on
your back, pulling your knee on the painful side toward the
same side shoulder for a few seconds, then partially
releasing the leg and then pulling your knee toward the
opposite shoulder. Hold this stretch for about 10 seconds
at a time, then carefully release your leg for a a few
seconds before repeating the stretch.

Whether you need the McKenzie extension exercise, or the
piriformis stretch, or both, the sciatica exercises work
best when repeated frequently - up to several times per day
while you are having signficant symptoms.

Once you are feeling better, it is important to learn the
appropriate sciatica exercises and precautions you need to
do in order to prevent a return of the pain. Don't be
fooled! Just because the symptoms go away, it doesn't mean
that everything is back to normal. All too often, sciatica
sufferers go from one episode of pain to the next, with
episodes becoming more severe and more frequent over time,
because they fail to manage the problem correctly so you
can avoid the common problem of developing chronic pain and

Dr. George Best has been treating sciatica and piriformis
syndrome for over 15 years in his San Antonio, Texas
practice. To obtain his free E-book with illustrated
sciatica exercises and his free video course on
understanding and treating sciatica, go to .

Weight Loss Vision Board

Weight Loss Vision Board
Weight loss goals are important. Your dreams of wearing a
particular size or seeing a specific number on the scale
are also important. Are these weight loss goals and dreams
someplace that you can see them? Do you have a visual
reminder of what you want? Take it out of your head and
create a weight loss vision board.

A weight loss vision board is a great tool to consider a
work in progress as you lose weight, get closer to your
goal, change habits, experience successes along the way, or
even photographs. You can put photos of you, pictures from
magazines of a body that you'd like to achieve, meaningful
words or pictures from magazines that inspire or motivate
you. Anything that means something to you that will keep
you focused and serve as a reminder of your weight loss
goals can be placed on the board.

Have a photo taken of you once a month. As you lose
weight, place the photos reflecting your progress of a
smaller body size. Another tip is to wear the same clothes
each month for the photo. Again, as you lose weight,
you'll see the clothes becoming loose and then baggy. This
is another great way to keep motivated by seeing how far
you've come.

If you have a photograph of you at a smaller body size that
you want to return to, including it on your weight loss
vision board. If you see a photo with a body size you'd
like as your goal, cut it out. Place your face on that
body for a very motivating visual.

If you want to exercise more, cut pictures that motivate
you such as a toned body, a photo of someone exercising,
hiking, walking or running, or other mementos of
inspiration to you.

Make a graph of your starting weight and keep track of your
progress. Show your goal weight as well so you see
yourself moving closer and closer to it on your graph.

I have a client that has created her weight loss vision
board. She hung it in her kitchen which has been a very
effective way to stay on track. At times that she's been
tempted or even headed to the kitchen, she sees her weight
loss vision board front and center. It has saved her from
many extra calories and pounds, and kept her motivation and
confidence high that she will achieve her weight loss goal.

Make a visual reminder of motivation and inspiration by
creating your own weight loss vision board. Set up a
visual center that update and change regularly as you lose
weight. Have fun with it as you create it and update it to
reflect your personal change and weight loss. Be creative;
think out of the box in what you put on your weight loss
vision board. When it comes to any goals and success, see
it to believe it. When you see it - you can be it!

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147
pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients
achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with
clients to create a weight loss life plan that is
customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the
International Coaching Federation, International
Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition.
Visit Cathy's website:

The Magic Formula To Lose Weight

The Magic Formula To Lose Weight
Everyone wants to look and feel good. So it is mind
boggling to realize that being overweight is at epidemic
proportions. As a result, we as a nation have become
obsessed with weight loss.

Weight loss products are a multi-million dollar business.
Each and everyday those of us who are overweight or obese
search for the perfect solution to our problem-how to lose
those unwanted pounds.

There are diets, books on diets, diet pills, herbal
supplements, exercise programs, weight loss programs,
prepared foods, diet drinks and the list goes on.

Industry statistics reveal that the average person
attempting to lose weight changes weight loss products or
programs about every six months. This makes one wonder if
anyone is successfully losing weight.

Well, I'm about to reveal to you "The Magic Formula" for
losing weight and keeping it off forever. It consists of
three steps. If you can appreciate the fundamental truth of
what I am about to reveal, you will be at least halfway
toward your goal.

Implement what I tell you and you will never have a weight
problem again. Here are the three steps to "The Magic

Step 1- This, believe it or not, is the most crucial step.
Without this you are fated to have a see-saw experience in
your attempts to lose weight.

This is it - Make Up Your Mind!

I see this on just about every weight loss list that has
been published. It is usually stated as setting your goals.
Oddly enough, I don't see the emphasis that this step

Making up your mind is much more involved than writing your
goal down on a piece of paper. It is much more than
putting pictures on your fridge of your ideal weight
wearing a swimsuit.

Making up your mind is a personal conviction that you
arrive at by going deep inside, finding that reservoir of
inner strength and making your weight loss program your
number one priority.

When this is done properly, every step that you take will
lead you to your goal. Even your missteps. Conversely,
not establishing your goal concretely will make your
missteps into obstacles that you can not overcome.

Step 2- Change your diet. Let's face it, dieting does not
work. If you have tried dieting you realize the yo-yo
effect that it creates. You lose weight and gain it back.
Then you repeat the process.

It is important to realize that getting fat does not occur
in a vacuum. When you eat commercial food, processed food,
food with preservatives and chemicals, you will gain weight
and put your health at risk.

Every living creature has a food source that is appropriate
for its consumption. For humans, it is whole grains,
beans, vegetables, seeds, nuts and fruit.

Here is a simple truth. If you can make these foods the
largest percentage of your diet two things will happen.
You will lose weight effortlessly. Your health will
improve. It is that simple.

Step 3- You probably need more physical activity. Regular
exercise accomplishes much more than just burning calories.

Exercise gets our blood moving. It improves our mood and
clears our mind. It gives us confidence. In other words,
it makes us feel better. Have you ever noticed that it is
easier to accomplish our goals when we feel better?

The best type of exercise is, when possible, natural
exercise. Going for a walk, jogging, riding a bike or
swimming. Any activity that you can do daily for between a
half hour and an hour will work just fine. Figure out what
it is that you enjoy and just do it.

There you have it, "The Magic Formula" for weight loss.
Give it some thought and think about how you can implement
these changes into your life. I guarantee that once you do
you will be very happy with the results.

Kathryn Soloff wrote a special report to help you lose
Get "7 Steps To Lose Weight" here FREE=>
Learn more about Natural Herbal Weight Loss here=>

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Diagnosis Challenges

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Diagnosis Challenges
Today, it is estimated that more than one million people in
America live with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. However,
centers that work with disease and statistics also estimate
that for people with this condition, 80% are not even

In other words, in addition to the one million, more people
are struggling through daily life, feeling fatigued,
experience sleep disturbances, feeling muscle and joint
pain, and having no idea there is something wrong.

Complex Syndrome

Because Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a complex illness, one
that is often misunderstood, it is difficult to diagnosis.
While healthcare professionals are dedicated to making a
correct diagnosis and forming the right treatment, many
overlook Chronic Fatigue.

Keep in mind, that while some illnesses can be compared
with diagnostic laboratory tests or some type of biomarker,
Chronic Fatigue cannot be. Additionally, many of the
symptoms people deal with are also symptoms associated with
other illnesses such as MS, Lupus, and even some cancers.

Known as the "invisible illness", Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
is not only frustrating for the individual but doctors as

Typically, a person walking around with this condition
looks normal. In fact, with Chronic Fatigue, it is common
to have days where no symptoms exist whereas other days,
the illness is debilitating. All of these factors combined
make Chronic Fatigue Syndrome a challenging illness, for
diagnosis and treatment.

Good News in Diagnosing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The good news is that in 1994, a study was conducted in
which a reliable algorithm for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome was
developed in adults. While children can also end up with
Chronic Fatigue, although rare, a firmed diagnosis in this
case is near impossible simply because children are not
able to vocalize symptoms as an adult could. In cases of
children, diagnosis is slightly different.

One of the main criteria for diagnosing Chronic Fatigue is
the individual having symptoms of fatigue for six
consecutive months or longer. As you can imagine, the
person needing to wait six months only adds to the
frustration but this time helps distinguish Chronic Fatigue
from another illness.

From there, the doctor will review specific symptoms in
addition to fatigue to include flu-like symptoms such as
body aches and pains and memory problems. Taking the
symptoms and getting a solid medical history certainly
helps in the diagnosis.

Depending on what the doctor finds, he or she may request
blood work be done, looking for hormonal imbalances,
decreased levels of serotonin, and so on. Additionally, a
urine sample will likely be taken, which again would help
the doctor rule out other causes for your symptoms, or lead
to a conclusion of Chronic Fatigue. Once other illnesses
have been eliminated as a possible cause, chances are the
doctor would then turn his/her attention to Chronic Fatigue

Because this condition can mask other symptoms or cause
confusion, a confirmed diagnosis is very challenging.
Doctors want desperately to find an answer so they can
provide accurate treatment. However, getting to the
diagnosis is tough in many cases.

Your best bet is to do your research to find a doctor who
works with other Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients, someone
who will be aggressive in his/her approach so an accurate
diagnosis can be made. Or look for solutions with
alternative approaches to recovery.

Hailey Harris is an expert in dealing with Chronic Fatigue
and Fibromyalgia symptoms after suffering for more than 8
years with health problems. She is now symptom free and
living a pain free life. She developed found
at to help others learn to do the
same. To receive tons of info, tips, and healing strategies
for free visit .

How to Use Visualization to Build Strength and Muscle Mass

How to Use Visualization to Build Strength and Muscle Mass
If you are reading this right now, I want you to raise your
hand as high as you can. Go ahead and do it right now if
you haven't already, I am going to make an important point
here. OK, keeping your hand as high as you can, I want you
now to raise your hand a little bit higher. What's my
point? Most of us have no idea what we are truly capable
of, and we tend to often cut ourselves short.

If you are interested in building muscle and gaining some
raw strength beyond what you thought was capable for
yourself, or maybe you just want a little trick to get some
better results, then try visualization. You have probably
heard someone at one time say, "I have to see it to believe
it." Well, any successful person in life in any category
thinks the exact opposite, they believe it first and then
they see it. Apply this to your training and your results
will shoot through the roof.

Two ways in which you can use visualization are what we'll
call long-term and short-term. Let's use the bench press
for example. Let's say you currently can bench press 185
pounds for 10 reps and your goal is to eventually bench
press 250 pounds for 10 reps. Long term visualization is
when you take some quiet time at night when you are lying
in bed, relax your body and mind, and after a few minutes
when you feel relaxed, you begin to visualize yourself
bench pressing 250 pounds for 10 reps.

The key is to make it as real as possible, as if you are
really in the gym working out. Use your senses to make this
visual as real as possible; recall the smell, what the gym
looks like, the feel of the bar in your hands, what it
sounds like in your gym, everything. See yourself
completing each and every one of the ten reps in good form.
Repeat this visualization every night, making it more and
more of a real experience.

Another trick you can use is to see someone else perform
ten reps with 250 pounds. When I was squatting around 300
pounds and had my goal of 415 pounds, I went on YouTube and
watched videos of other people squat 415 pounds with ease
and this totally gave me a new perspective, and the 300
pounds I was currently squatting no longer seemed so heavy.

Short term visualization works like this: when you are
actually at the gym and getting ready to bench press, lie
down on the bench and close your eyes. If you are going to
do 10 reps, then visualize yourself doing all 10 reps in
good form. It is important that you go through each rep in
your head - and that you finish! Once you see it in your
mind, snap open your eyes and perform the set; and repeat
what you've already done in your imagination.

A final little trick you can use is to visualize yourself
as being your favorite bodybuilder or anyone with a lot
more muscle and strength then you have while performing a
set. Convince yourself as much as possible at that moment
that you are really that person; visualize having those
muscles and the strength that comes with it, and then
perform the set. This technique also works when doing
exercises that might not be as challenging on your
strength, such as pumping out your pectoral muscles with
some dumbbell fly's; I'll bet you'll be able to pump out a
few more reps then usual acting like a pro bodybuilder.

Practice these visualization techniques and over time you
will be getting a heck of a lot better of a workout then
you were without them, thus bringing you closer to
performing your best, meaning you'll get better results.

Derek Manuel is the author of the best-selling, How to Gain
Weight and Build Muscle for Hardgainers. If you want to
learn how you too can gain 20 to 30 pounds of solid muscle
in as short as 8 weeks, or if you just want more quality
information on how to gain weight and build muscle, please

Antioxidant Supplements

Antioxidant Supplements
A key ingredient to improving your lifestyle and living a
healthy life is antioxidants. There are several antioxidant
supplements out there that can help you live a healthy
life, that are natural and won't cause you any damage. You
can also eat different types of food that contain
antioxidants as well, although supplements are the ideal
way to get the right amounts of antioxidants.

If you take in more antioxidants through food and
supplements, there are a few benefits that you'll have,
with the first being cell protection. Antioxidants can help
to protect your cells from damage, which helps to fend off
diseases. Many times, you can have a lack of vitamins in
your body, which will cause you to recover from diseases or
injury very slow.

When you have the right amount of vitamins and antioxidants
in your body, you'll notice the differences. In most cases,
you can get antioxidant supplements in the form of herbal
or natural, which will greatly help your body. They have a
lot of benefits as well, such as preventing various
diseases, keeping blood clotting under control, and
restoring libido. Nutrition and proper dieting is a very
important part of life, therefore you should always keep
your health under control and make sure you eat well.

There are non synthetic supplements out there as well, that
are ideal for keeping your health maintained. They can be
easily absorbed by your body, unlike that of synthetic
supplements. Synthetic supplements are well known for their
absorbing, as it can take a long time before you see any
type of results.

Non synthetic on the other hand, gives you almost immediate
results, as they are easily absorbed by the body and don't
have any type of side effects.

Keep in mind that even though you may be taking vitamins
that contain antioxidants, you'll still need to remain on a
healthy diet. You'll need food that contains the minerals
and vitamins you need as well, although the supplement
vitamins will give you more. You can also use vitamins and
supplements that contain antioxidants if you aren't able to
eat the right foods that contain these precious nutrients.

For more reasons than one, you should always make sure that
you include foods and supplements that contain antioxidants
in your diet. If you aren't taking in the right amount of
antioxidants, you'll be at a risk for disease or other
harmful effects. Antioxidants do a lot for your body, which
is why you want to ensure that you are taking in the right
amounts. You can find many different vitamins and
supplements that include them, all you need to do is make
sure that you are eating right and doing all you can to
lead a healthy lifestyle.

Steven Godlewski is a self-made millionaire and is
currently working with the staff at He
has an extensive background in nutrition as well as other
health related fields. For more health-related articles or
2 FREE bottles of Liquid Vitamins see their website at: SEE Video at: