Monday, October 1, 2007

How is Your Weight Loss Plan Going?

How is Your Weight Loss Plan Going?
So...How's is your Weight Loss Going? I don't pose this
question to bring on frustration or discouragement but
rather to get them to take a step back for a minute and
remember the basics. When approaching fitness it is
essential to remember that our bodies are amazing and the
majority of the time they stay in perfect balance.

The average American gains 1.5 lbs.of fat a year. That
calculates out to an excess of 5,250 calories for the year
or an extra 14.38 calories per day! This means that that
one last bite at dinner, if it is one bite too much, really
does add up!!! The point is physiologically speaking our
bodies are smart and function exactly how they should.
What ever form we are right now results mostly from our
life style and habits or in essence how we are "training"
our bodies' everyday. The definition of insanity is to do
the same thing over and over again expecting different
results. If we want a different outcome then we have to
make some changes!!

Why do we do what we do? It is important to change our
habits, but before we can be effective in making that
change permanent, it is essential to evaluate the core of
our being and analyze our belief system. Everybody does
everything for a reason. If we can alter our belief system
and change the way we think that will result in a change in
behavior and a change in our habits.

For example: You get home late. You have been driving the
kids to and from school, to soccer and back home again, and
it has been a long day of running errands and finishing
work. You come home to a house that looks as if a tornado
has passed through. You are tired, worn out and just need a
little break. You go to the refrigerator and open the
freezer and you see the carton of ice cream screaming your
name. You reach in and grab the carton with a giant spoon
and you begin digging away. What is it about the ice cream
that you believe is going to help you feel less stressed?
There is something or you wouldn't have been eager to grab
that container. Many people turn to food as a comfort. I am
not saying we shouldn't enjoy food; it really should be a
pleasure in life but there needs to be a healthy balance.

It is when you become dependant on food that you are going
to over eat and think that food is the enemy and ultimately
develop an unhealthy relationship with food. We have to get
back to truth. Is food an enemy? Of course not... we would
not be living if it weren't for food. Is food going to
relieve our stress? Most likely not. It is only going to
distract us from the problem that we don't want to face.
Make sure your belief system is based on truth! Then begin
building your habits from there.

Join our Revolutionary Fitness Community that is committed
to bringing you the exact cutting edge fitness tools that
you need to Finally Succeed. Are You Ready to Lose Your
First 10 Pounds?

We Can Look and Feel Better

We Can Look and Feel Better
Most of us have the strong desire to look and feel better.
Looking and feeling great is something that many people
believe is a luxury that they cannot afford or enjoy. This
simply isn't true. Looking and feeling better does not
happen by chance. Those people who do look and feel great
are that way because they have taken some positive action.
What many of us don't know is that the positive actions of
looking and feeling better are both easy and simple.

If you really want to look and feel great, stop and take
inventory of your current situation - after all you don't
know which direction to head if you don't know from where
you are starting. Unhealthy habits, including smoking or
excessive drinking of alcohol, should be stopped. You
already knew that one! But did you also note your personal
stress level? What about the amount of rest you get each
night? While everyone's situation is unique to them, many
of us share some common themes - unhealthy habits, high
levels of stress, and not enough rest to rejuvenate the

The night shift is a killer! Studies have shown that
people who work at night, and sleep during the day don't
live as long as people who work during the day and sleep at
night. One possible reason is that Night Owls get even less
deep rejuvenating sleep than those who try to sleep at
night and work during the day. You may have also heard of
depression occurring during the long winter months when
daylight hours are at their lowest levels. While sunlight
can be harmful, we all need some sunshine in our lives.
Sunshine causes the brain to produce serotonin, and
serotonin has a positive impact on our moods and energy

After taking inventory and eliminating the unhealthy habits
it is time to detoxify your body. You detoxify your body
to remove all of the harmful and dangerous toxins that you
have built up over your lifetime. There are a number of
products, such as those offered by Life Force
International, that are designed to cleanse the colon and
detoxify the body that you should strongly consider. By
detoxifying your body, you will begin to lay the foundation
for looking and feeling great for the long term.

Next, examine what you put into your body. You may find the
need to make some lifestyle changes. Drink more water, and
try to drink less or better yet, eliminate sodas
(carbonated beverages) and caffeinated beverages. Our
bodies are made up of more than 70% water. Your body needs
clear water, no teas, to cleanse and purify itself. Make
sure you are drinking eight to ten glasses of water daily.
Avoid fried foods and all types of junk food. Eating baked,
broiled, or steamed meats and vegetables, as well as
fruits, nuts, and grains will build on the foundation you
started by detoxifying.

To continue your journey of looking and feeling better,
make sure that you aren't allowing your body to go into
starvation mode during the day. You should be eating six
smaller meals each day instead of the customary three large
meals. Or for some of us, eating the one really large meal
when we get home from a stressful day at work and stand in
front of the refrigerator gorging on whatever is easiest to
grab! Studies have shown eating smaller meals throughout
the day - meal snacking - leads to a 25% increase in energy
and ability to concentrate. Remember that your body
already goes into starvation mode each night, since you are
literally fasting for twelve to thirteen hours or more
between your evening meal and breakfast the following
morning. This is one of the primary reasons why breakfast
is one of the most important meals. Taking a nutritional
supplement first thing in the morning, such as the liquid
nutritional supplement called Body Balance from Life Force
International, is a great way to ensure your body gets what
it needs quickly.

Start an exercise regimen. This doesn't mean that you have
to become a body builder, run a triathlon, or swim the
English Channel each day. A brisk twenty to thirty minute
walk each evening will suffice. As long as you are getting
at least thirty minutes of continuous movement each and
every day, you will be building on the foundation started
by detoxifying your body and eating right. For even better
benefits to your personal well being, do not count the time
spent at work, on your feet, as movement. While it may
count in terms of keeping your body in shape, a thirty
minute exercise period each day is healthy for the body and
the mind - it relieves stress and releases endorphins that
make you feel happy and well.

Finally, you should take a good nutritional supplement, as
well as a multi vitamin each day. Life Force
Internationals' Body Balance is a great nutritional
supplement that is highly recommended. Body Balance is a
liquid supplement which means a high absorption rate by
your body.

When you make these easy and really simple changes, it
won't be long before you start seeing and feeling great
results. Not only will you look better and feel great, but
you will find that you sleep better, and that you also have
a more positive outlook on life.

Ronald Godlewski has successfully founded and run several
businesses and is currently working with Life Force
International. For more information on Liquid Nutritional
Supplements and to receive a FREE Quart of Body Balance

Cord Blood Banking: Should You Bank Your Baby's Cord Blood?

Cord Blood Banking: Should You Bank Your Baby's Cord Blood?
Cord blood banking is a relatively new concept. It is only
in the last ten years that parents have seriously begun to
bank their baby's cord blood. While the practice of
banking cord blood is still not common it is becoming more
popular as people begin to learn about its benefits.

Cord blood is the blood that remains in umbilical cord
after a live birth. Currently the umbilical cord along with
the placenta and associated blood are all discarded after
birth. Cord blood stem cells have more extensive uses than
bone marrow stem cells and do not face the controversy that
is associated with embryonic stem cell research.

Cord blood stem cells can develop into various types of
cells such as muscle, nerve or blood cells. Since these
cells can regenerate immune system and repair damaged
cells, they have the potential to treat heart disease,
kidney disease, liver disease, stroke, spinal cord injury,
multiple sclerosis and Parkinson disease.

Cord blood may indeed be the way of the future. Currently,
it can treat more than 75 diseases, immune deficiencies and
other conditions. It is effective for treatment of certain
types of cancer, blood disorders and auto-immune diseases.
The cord blood can be used not only by your child, but also
other family members.

In recent stem cell breakthroughs, researchers were able to
develop bone and cartilage, and grow mini liver and lung
cells from cord blood stem cells. These cells can
potentially be transplanted into the body to repair damaged
organs, thus overcoming the severe shortages of organ
donors. Researches are hopeful that cord blood stem cell
transplant can regenerate into organs inside or outside the
body and saves many lives. There is less chance of the body
rejecting the new organ regenerated from your own cord

There are 2 types of cord blood banks: private and public.
If you want to bank your baby's cord blood for use by your
child or other family members, then you should choose a
private cord blood bank. However, private cord blood
banking can be costly as you have to pay for the cord blood
collection process and annual storage fees. There are cases
you should consider storing cord blood privately. Parents
of children of ethnic minorities are encouraged to bank
their baby's cord blood as it is difficult to find bone
marrow match. Private cord blood banking is also
recommended where there's a family history to diseases only
treatable with cord blood.

Cord blood stored in a public bank can be used by anyone
who needs it.

If you decide to bank your newborn's cord blood, you will
need to choose a cord blood bank ahead of the birth,
typically at least a month or two before the due date. Once
you fill out the paperwork and inform your doctor and
hospital about the decision. Many hospitals are not
equipped to handle this immediate cord blood collection at
the birth and special arrangements may need to be made.
The cord blood will be collected and returned to the bank
of your choice to be stored for later use if needed.

Cord blood banking is an insurance against future diseases.
There have been several cord blood stem cell breakthroughs
in recent years. Learn about the miracle of cord blood by

Gain Muscle - Why you're NOT making Muscle Building Gains

Gain Muscle - Why you're NOT making Muscle Building Gains
Are you eating your prescribed six bodybuilding meals a day
and not gaining muscle?

Have you been blowing your hard-earned cash on body
building supplements with techie names like "Nitric-this"
and "Cell-Max-that", yet still fall short of getting the
size gains you're after?

You're not alone. Thousands of muscle building enthusiasts
are needlessly struggling – grunting and sweating for
painfully little progress – and mislabeling themselves

Building muscle, like accomplishing anything, requires some
rational thinking and a well-executed strategy. It doesn't
just happen because you made it to the gym and finished
your workout. It won't occur simply because you're using a
product that was purportedly created by a "genius" wearing
a lab coat. Successful natural muscle growth takes place as
a result of adherence to laws of nature – just like success
with any endeavor in life.

To back my point, let's look at what many muscle building
aficionados counter-productively do in gyms around the
world. This is a simplistic example, but some variation of
this scenario is the cause for much unneeded frustration
for too many natural bodybuilders.

Let's say Bill and Joe are training partners. They arrive
at the gym to perform their much-anticipated biceps
workout. Bill likes to start out with standing barbell
curls and he's glad he has Joe there to spot him. Bill just
knows that if he can get Joe to assist him with the heavy
sets, some "forced reps" will really get his arms growing.
He's decided to use the ever-popular 'pyramid technique' to
work his way up to those heavy sets.

Bill ends up doing six sets. His sets are as follows: 50
pounds/8 reps, 55 pounds/8 reps, 60 pounds/6 reps, 70
pounds/6 reps, 55 pounds/7 reps, 50 pounds/6 reps.

Bill feels proud of himself. It was a grueling biceps
workout. His first three sets were moderately challenging.
However, the 70 pounds he piled on the bar for his fourth
set of 6 reps represented a respectable stretch for him.

Although he didn't ask for any help from Joe, he definitely
had to dig deep within himself to find that extra
pride-inducing push that allowed him to achieve the set of
six reps. This fatigued his biceps enough to make the final
three sets sufficiently challenging, even though they were
performed with descending amounts of weight.

Five days later, Bill and Joe are back again for another
biceps workout. Why? Because their schedule says it's time
to work those muscles again. Of course, muscles only grow
from recovery between workouts – not directly from the
tissue-ravaging training sessions themselves. But Bill and
Joe have apparently worked out some kind of deal with their
biceps in which the muscles have agreed to recover and grow
in a four to five day span (sarcasm).

Bill wants to get bigger, so he's decided to boost his
heaviest set up to 75 pounds. He figures this will really
"shock" his biceps into growth. His sets on this workout
look like this: 50 pounds/8 reps, 55 pounds/8 reps, 65
pounds/6 reps, 75 pounds/6 reps, 55 pounds/6 reps, 50
pounds/5 reps.

Wow... Bill got a little assistance from Joe and managed to
use five pounds more weight on his two heaviest sets. That
extra intensity caused him to fall short a couple reps on
his final, lighter sets. But that's okay, right? Bill is
increasing the poundage and getting stronger and bigger,
isn't he?

Hell no! ... Bill is deceiving himself. If you add up the
total volume he moved in the approximate twenty minute time
period during the first workout, it was 2,305 pounds. Five
days later, he moved 2,260 pounds in the same time frame.
His volume of lifted weight went down. Now he's counting on
moving forward after having possibly over-trained in this
most recent workout. Yet he's not even aware of what he's

Until Bill straightens this out, it won't matter how many
stomach-stretching meals he piles down. And all the nifty
powdered supplements made by smart looking guys in cute
little lab coats won't help much either. He'll just be
peeing all that into the toilet and wasting time to boot.
That is, unless and until he gets his bodybuilding strategy
on track. Nice, huh?

Scott Abbett is the author of HardBody Success: 28
Principles to Create Your Ultimate Body and Shape Your Mind
for Incredible Success. He is a certified fitness trainer
and a Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP. To see his
personal transformation, visit http://

Facts About Diabetes

Facts About Diabetes
The amount of people being diagnosed with some type of
diabetes is growing every year. Most of this is because so
many people are exercising less and eating unhealthy foods
more now than ever. These two things play a big part in
people ending up with diabetes. Many of these people may
not even be aware that they have this disease yet.

The cause of diabetes continues to be a mystery, although
both genetics and environmental factors such as obesity and
lack of exercise appear to play roles.

There are two major types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes
results from the body's failure to produce insulin, the
hormone that "unlocks" the cells of the body, allowing
glucose to enter and fuel them. It is estimated that 5-10%
of Americans who are diagnosed with diabetes have type 1
diabetes. Type 2 diabetes results from insulin resistance
(a condition in which the body fails to properly use
insulin), combined with relative insulin deficiency. Most
Americans who are diagnosed with diabetes have type 2

There is also pre-diabetes which is a condition that occurs
when a person's blood glucose levels are higher than normal
but not high enough for a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes.
There are 54 million Americans who have pre-diabetes, in
addition to the 20.8 million with diabetes.

Diabetes symptoms may vary from person to person but most
of the time anyone with diabetes will experience some or
all of these symptoms. Some symptoms are: going to the
restroom more often, staying thirsty, fatigue, blurred
vision, stomach pain and occasionally people suffer from
weight loss.

Type 1 diabetes is normally only found in children and type
2 diabetes is found mostly in adults but not always. There
are some cases where children are being diagnosed with type
2 diabetes. Some people may be diagnosed with being
borderline diabetic, which normally ends up turning into
full blown diabetes but not always.

Some of the most important things people with diabetes
should know is a healthy, nutritional diet and a regular
exercise program can help in treating the disease. Speak
with your doctor about what kind of diet you should
consider following, along with a moderate exercise program.
The doctor or a nutritionist should be able to tell you
exactly what kinds of foods you should be avoiding and give
you some tips on how much exercise you need every week.
Doing this has many health benefits and will also make you
feel so much better about yourself.

You should know the truth about some of the most common
myths about diabetes. Myth #1 You can catch diabetes from
someone else. No. Although we don't know exactly why some
people develop diabetes, we know diabetes is not
contagious. It can't be caught like a cold or flu. There
seems to be some genetic link in diabetes, particularly
type 2 diabetes. Lifestyle factors also play a part.

Myth #2 People with diabetes can't eat sweets or
chocolate. If eaten as part of a healthy meal plan, or
combined with exercise, sweets and desserts can be eaten by
people with diabetes. They are no more "off limits" to
people with diabetes, than they are to people without

Myth #3 Eating too much sugar causes diabetes. No.
Diabetes is caused by a combination of genetic and
lifestyle factors. However, being overweight does increase
your risk for developing type 2 diabetes. If you have a
history of diabetes in your family, eating a healthy meal
plan and regular exercise are recommended to manage your

Myth #4 People with diabetes should eat special diabetic
foods. A healthy meal plan for people with diabetes is the
same as that for everyone - low in fat (especially
saturated and trans fat), moderate in salt and sugar, with
meals based on whole grain foods, vegetables and fruit.
Diabetic and "dietetic" versions of sugar-containing foods
offer no special benefit. They still raise blood glucose
levels, are usually more expensive and can also have a
laxative effect if they contain sugar alcohols.

Myth #5 If you have diabetes, you should only eat small
amounts of starchy foods, such as bread, potatoes and
pasta. Starchy foods are part of a healthy meal plan.
What is important is the portion size. Whole grain breads,
cereals, pasta, rice and starchy vegetables like potatoes,
yams, peas and corn can be included in your meals and
snacks. The key is portions. For most people with
diabetes, having 3-4 servings of carbohydrate-containing
foods is about right. Whole grain starchy foods are also a
good source of fiber, which helps keep your gut healthy.

Myth #6 People with diabetes are more likely to get colds
and other illnesses. No. You are no more likely to get a
cold or another illness if you have diabetes. However,
people with diabetes are advised to get flu shots. This is
because any infection interferes with your blood glucose
management, putting you at risk of high blood glucose
levels and, for those with type 1 diabetes, an increased
risk of ketoacidosis.

Myth #7 Insulin causes atherosclerosis (hardening of the
arteries) and high blood pressure. No, insulin does not
cause atherosclerosis. In the laboratory, there is
evidence that insulin can initiate some of the early
processes associated with atherosclerosis. Therefore, some
physicians were fearful that insulin might aggravate the
development of high blood pressure and hardening of the
arteries. But it doesn't.

Myth #8 Insulin causes weight gain, and because obesity is
bad for you, insulin should not be taken. Both the UKPDS
(United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study) and the DCCT
(Diabetes Control & Complications Trial) have shown that
the benefit of glucose management with insulin far
outweighs (no pun intended) the risk of weight gain.

Myth #9 Fruit is a healthy food. Therefore, it is ok to
eat as much of it as you wish. Fruit is a healthy food.
It contains fiber and lots of vitamins and minerals.
Because fruit contains carbohydrate, it needs to be
included in your meal plan. Talk to your dietitian about
the amount, frequency and types of fruits you should eat.

Myth #10 You don't need to change your diabetes regimen
unless your A1C is greater than 8 percent. The better your
glucose control, the less likely you are to develop
complications of diabetes. An A1C in the sevens (7s),
however, does not represent good control. The ADA goal is
less than 7 percent. The closer your A1C is to the normal
range (less than 6 percent), the lower your chances of
complications. However, you increase your risk of
hypoglycemia, especially if you have type 1 diabetes. Talk
with your health care provider about the best goal for you.

There is no cure right now for diabetes but there are
several different forms of treatment available for you. Do
not give up hope on feeling better and living a long,
healthy, happy life. Even if you are one of the many that
has been diagnosed with this disease, it does not mean that
your life as you know it is over. It simply means you may
need medication and you will have to consider certain
lifestyle changes that will have an amazing outcome once
you have done so. There are many other treatment options
that could eventually be available to you but are currently
undergoing more detailed research.

Janice Lockeby has first hand experiene of living with
diabetics. Her husband is a type 2 and her two children
are type 1. They all live a very normal and healthy life
now. She has tips and information about keeping your blood
sugar low at