Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Great Cardio Myth

The Great Cardio Myth
Have you ever stopped to think about WHY you work out the
way you do?

If you're like most people you've probably just fallen into
the rut of doing the same things from workout to workout
with little consideration for WHY you're doing them. For
example; most people are presented with a basic programme
when they join a gym and follow it blindly for weeks,
months or even years without ever taking the time to think
about whether or not the programme is right for their own
particular requirements.

No wonder so few people achieve the results they desire
from their training... they don't even know what their
exercises are supposed to do!

It's this simple; exercises are like tools. If you choose
the wrong tool to achieve the goals then it'll take you
longer to get there, if you ever get there at all! It's
like trying to drill a hole using a hammer, it just doesn't
make sense... and neither do most peoples workouts.

A prime example of using the wrong tool can be seen if we
look at the common approach to cardiovascular training

Most women incorporate CVT into their programmes primarily
as a method of weight control and body fat reduction. Using
all manner of methods from rowers to steppers, treadmills
to bikes and cross-trainers to 'aerobics' classes, women in
gyms up and down the country, and indeed the world, can be
found spending a disproportionate amount of their total
training time on exercises that... ...wait for it... ...may
actually be making them fatter!

That's right, it's not a typo. The much hailed panacea of
aerobic training can actually contribute to making women
(and men too) proportionately fatter than before they
started training.

Talk about using the wrong tool! We're basically 180
degrees out of phase with our intentions when we train this

You see, the way the human body works is paradoxically
simple yet complicated at the same time. The simple part of
the energy system equation tells us that exercises that are
performed at a lower intensity use fat as the primary fuel
source and oxygen as a catalyst. Indeed, the very term
'aerobic' means 'with oxygen'. By definition these
activities are less taxing and are able to be sustained for
longer, almost indefinite periods of time. For example, as
you sit there reading this article you're predominantly
using your aerobic system.

So, that was the easy bit. Aerobic = low intensity fat
burning. Sounds ok doesn't it?

Well, consider this (This is the complex, sciency bit, but
bear with it, it's important).

The longer we engage in higher level aerobic activities
such as those typically included in a workout, the more we
secrete a nasty little group of hormones called
'glucocorticoids', with the stress hormone 'cortisol' chief
amongst them. One of the lesser known qualities of cortisol
is that it is catabolic in nature, meaning that it breaks
down muscle tissue along with fat in order to metabolise
this stored energy for immediate fuel.

Why is this bad?

Well, it's our muscles that give shape and definition to
our bodies. If we lose muscle faster than we lose fat then
proportionately we're fatter... even if the scales tell us
we're several pounds lighter! In a society that places a
higher priority on what we weigh, this is a difficult
concept to grasp but nevertheless it's true just the same.

Total weight is no indicator of how fat you are just as
total weight lost during a diet is no indicator of the
effectiveness of the diet. They are merely measurements of
total mass regardless of what that mass is made from.

Another point to bear in mind is that it is primarily our
lean tissues, our muscles, that burn the fuel that we eat
in order to create movement. Therefore, any loss of muscle
tissue means that our metabolism will slow down. The exact
opposite of what we need if we're trying to lose body-fat!

So what's the answer? Am I saying that CV exercise is 'Bad'?

No, far from it!

Cardiovascular training is extremely beneficial in
maintaining a healthy heart, preventing disease and keeping
surplus body-fat at bay, but considering many of the
drawbacks of the current over-emphasis on aerobic training,
I'd strongly recommend giving 'anaerobics' a try.

What are anaerobics?

Basically, the opposite of aerobics, these are activities
that are carried out 'without oxygen' [Note: we're never
truly without oxygen, just that oxygen cannot meet the
demand of the activity] and involve higher intensity,
shorter duration bursts of activity to produce the training

The benefits of this type of training include: Higher
calorie consumption Anabolic in nature - Meaning that it
promotes lean tissue. Increases metabolism Shorter, more
effective workouts

You can incorporate anaerobic activities into your workout
simply enough just by increasing your intensity during your
training. Instead of 15 minutes of steady-paced (and
mind-numbing) aerobic work, try the following:

5 bursts of high level (80% or more of your top effort) for
2-3 minutes duration.

Rest completely between each effort.

40/20 splits.

Go all out for 20 seconds and then recover for 40 secs.
Repeat 5 times.


Go as far and as fast as you can for 1 minute. Rest totally
in between sets and then repeat sprints 5 times.

As you can see, anaerobic training is characterised by a
high intensity of effort. If you can hold a conversation
during or immediately after the activity then you didn't
come out of your aerobic zone and may need to put forward a
little more effort.

There you have it. Probably the most effective, yet least
utilised, fat loss method there is. Give anaerobics a try,
I mean a fair try and you'll be amazed at what you can
achieve in a relatively short period of time. The results
of training this way can be quite spectacular.

You're thinking it sounds hard aren't you?

Well, you're right. It is hard. I never said it'd be easy
did I? But if you want the results...

Dax Moy is a performance enhancement specialist and master
personal trainer with studios in and around London.
Voted one of the UK's leading fitness experts, Dax is a
regular guest on TV, radio and print publications on the
subject of health, fitness and the performance mindset. To
learn more about Dax's unique training style visit

Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction

Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction
It may seem silly to discuss the symptoms of erectile
dysfunction since it shows up in such an obvious way. If
you have it, there is one major symptom that you notice. A
symptom is defined as a condition that signifies the
presence of something else. In this case, the ED is the

Erectile dysfunction, however, is usually the result of
some other underlying condition. This underlying condition
could be either psychological or physical. Disease,
hormonal issues and neurological conditions could all
trigger the onset of ED. More serious cases could be caused
by things such as depression or anxiety.

Due to the fact that modern medicine and technology are
allowing people to live longer and healthier lives, many
people are enjoying sex later in life than they once did.
This, and the fact that ED affects more men over the age of
65, is why this problem is now being looked at as a real
medical condition.

If a person is unable to enjoy sex, which is a natural part
of life, there can be devastating psychological effects.
The presence of ED can also indicate the presence of some
other disease. This is why the treatment of ED can be so
difficult. There is often an underlying condition that also
requires treatment.

Aside from the obvious symptoms of ED, there are many other
physical symptoms that may accompany it. One example of
this would be high blood pressure. Diabetes is another
underlying condition that is characterized by excess blood
glucose and continual thirst. These are just two possible
conditions that could be related to the onset of erectile

There may also be various psychological symptoms that
accompany erectile dysfunction. Chronic depression is often
associated with this condition. The difficulty arises when
trying to decide if the depression is causing the impotence
or the other way around. Either condition can cause the

The reason for impotence may be something as simple as
performance anxiety if no other underlying condition can be
found. This could occur if a man is once again trying to
begin a sex life after a long period of time without. This
could be because of being widowed or divorced, for example.
The worry and anxiety of beginning to have sex again can
cause doubt about one's ability to do so. This can often
lead to actual impotence. A pattern of self doubt and lack
of confidence can begin if one starts to believe they
cannot perform sexually.

It is up to you to sit down with your doctor and try to
determine what the actual causes of the condition are. No
treatment will be successful without a proper diagnosis.
The condition may be able to be treated with drugs, such as
Viagra or Cialis, or some other treatment may be necessary.
Either way, proper diagnosis is the key.

Moses Wright is a health conscious webmaster. He sets up
this site to help people learn more about erectile
dysfunction. You can find more resources at:

AMA Declares Grocery Store Shelves "Empty" Even Though You See Lots of Food!

AMA Declares Grocery Store Shelves "Empty" Even Though You See Lots of Food!
Our son was ill and NOBODY had any answers.

60% of Americans consume a multivitamin & 50% have visited
alternative care providers (herbalist, etc.) yet all
disease indices continue to rise. Why?

Did you know that studies have shown an adult women in 1951
could receive her RDA/RDI of vitamin A & Beta Carotene from
eating 2 peaches, but now she would have to consume OVER 50
peaches to get THE SAME AMOUNTS of these nutrients? (USDA
Study results noted in Pediatrics Journal, 1998,

Because of these types of studies, in 2002, the Journal of
the American Medical Association (JAMA) declared "it
appears prudent for all adults in America to add a
multivitamin and mineral supplement to their diet".
(Source: JAMA, Jun02)

Now when you go to the grocery store you see shelves that
are "full",...right? Well,...according to the AMA
declaration, that's where the subtle, but profound, issue
of vibrant health begins. We see "full" but they declared
many, many items on the shelves (even many fruits and
vegetables) "empty" - due to green harvesting, mineral
deficeint soil growing practices, pesticide usage, modern
processing, etc. And because of all the studies on this,
the USDA has increased their recommendation from 5-7
servings to 10-12 servings of Fresh, Fruits & Vegetables
per day. (Source:

When British Sailors suffered heavy losses due to the
disease scurvy, but one sailor survived fine by digesting
some lime, and then they all starting using limes - they
became known as "limies". Now, you may "think" (as I did)
that it was the vitamin C that did the job...but in 1937, a
Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to a man named Albert
von Szent-Gyorgyi (1903-1986). He discovered it was the
"whole food" that prevented scurvy -- "We have found that
in certain pathological conditions (scurvy), ascorbic acid
is ineffective, while the condition can readily be cured by
the administration of extracts of Hungarian red pepper or
lemon juice."

The typical method for bringing vitamins to market is to
"isolate" them. What that does, is remove {or isolate} the
vitamin (vitamin C in this example of scurvy) FROM its
whole food aspect. Check yours by not eating with them - if
you feel sick, they are probably not "food based".
Or, can check the label. If it states Made in China
or USP that generally indicates that they are synthetic
(not food). Or, if the vitamins are listed in the RDA/RDI
table as well as in the ingredient list, they are synthetic
and/or isolated vitamins and they won't do your body much
good at all.

Mark writes to help people understand health issues that he
and his R.D. wife learned after their son recovered from an
"un-curable" illness, simply by adding time and critical
missing nutrients. He has published a series of Free
Wellness Newsletters available at: and his Wellness
Consulting Group has a 24/7 educational National Wellness
Call at (641) 715-3900 Pin 33880.

Sciatica Exercises - Let Your Body Be Your Guide

Sciatica Exercises - Let Your Body Be Your Guide
Sciatica exercises are extremely important to the long-term
relief and management of disc-related sciatica. Although a
number of different exercises for sciatica are recommended
by various experts and non-experts alike, only a few are
actually appropriate during an acute, severely painful
sciatica episode, and some of the most commonly-suggested
sciatica exercises may actually make things worse when used
during times of acute pain.

For example, while commonly recommended to people with
sciatica, exercises such as hamstring stretches and the
yoga position, "downward facing dog" can be beneficial as
part of managing one's condition once the pain is reduced,
these exercises can place tension on the sciatic nerve and
aggravate an already inflamed and sensitive condition. In
general, any exercise that causes pain to increase in the
leg and/or extend further down the leg should be completely
avoided during the acute phase of sciatica.

To alleviate sciatica pain during the acute phase, the
McKenzie exercises are among the safest and most effective
treatment options available (even more effective than
medication and even injections in many cases). Though
often associated with spinal extension and mistakenly
called the "McKenzie Extension Exercises", McKenzie method
may involve any number of spinal positions/movements. The
whole point of the McKenzie method is to evaluate different
positions/exercises to find what best produces
"centralization" of symptoms.

"Centralization" is a term used by McKenzie practitioners
that means that symptoms move out of the areas furthest
from the spine. For example, if you had sciatica that went
all the way to the foot, centralization would be if the
symptoms left the foot and perhaps only went as far down as
the knee. Or, if sciatica symptoms started out going as
far as the knee, centralization would be if the symptoms
left the thigh and only went as far as the hip area.

Any exercise/position that produces centralization is
considered beneficial, even if the symptoms increase in the
areas closer to the spine. For example, if you had
sciatica and low back pain and tried one of of the McKenzie
exercises and the sciatica completely went away but the
back pain got worse, the exercise would still be considered
beneficial and it would be recommended to continue using
it. In the long run, a sciatica exercise that produces
centralization will usually eventually result in
improvement in all symptoms, even if more central (closer
to the spine) symptoms get worse at first.

The simplest of the McKenzie exercises for alleviating
sciatica is done by simply lying on one's stomach on the
floor or a firm surface and propping one's chest up on the
elbows. This places the lower spine in a gentle extension,
which can help relieve sciatica by pushing bulging spinal
discs forward, and away from the nerve roots that form the
sciatic nerve, reducing pressure and irritation. This
position can be maintained for several minutes at a time
when helpful, but I suggest using it for one to two minutes
at a time with at least a few minutes' break in between.
The frequent breaks prevent the low back muscles from
tightening up as much, and yet still allows for good
overall results. For more complex sciatica exercises,
getting detailed instructions either through an illustrated
guide or an experienced health care practitioner is advised.

Dr. George Best has been treating sciatica patients since
1991. For a free e-book on sciatica exercises and a free
online video series on sciatica and the treatment options
for it, visit .

Escalator Injuries...Are We Putting Our Children at Risk? Does Shoe Gear Matter?

Escalator Injuries...Are We Putting Our Children at Risk? Does Shoe Gear Matter?
The rising popularity of flip flop sandals and Crocs shoes,
has brought escalator safety concerns for children in the
United States to the forefront. As a physician and mother
of three small girls, a few questions came to mind. These
two types of shoe gear have been lumped together as
increasing risks, but is this a truly fair assessment? What
is the truth about the risks involving our children and
escalators? Is awareness enough to protect our children? Do
the shoes our children wear on escalators matter?

Let's start with a look at the numbers. In the United
States there are an estimated 35,000 escalators with
approximately 245 million riders daily. The Consumer
Product Safety Commission estimates that about 10,000
people go to the emergency room every year after accidents
on escalators and 20 percent of these injuries involve
entrapment of feet, hands, or shoes. That's approximately
2,000 emergency room visits per year for such entrapments,
which usually involve softer shoes or bare feet. The fact
that these figures have been fairly constant for the past
15 years, long before the advent of Crocs, seems to nullify
the idea that somehow Crocs are more susceptible to such
entrapments than other soft footwear. Given the number of
kids wearing Crocs today, it only stands to reason that
eventually an entrapment would occur, as Crocs are not
immune to rider missteps resulting in being grabbed by
escalators, any more than flip flops, jelly shoes, sandals
or soft running shoes.

What puts our children at risk? The fact that escalators
are dangerous to small children has been well known for
years. In fact, in 1997, in the Journal of the American
Academy of Pediatrics, it was reported by a group of
physicians from the Department of Pediatrics, New York
University School of Medicine and the Pediatric Emergency
Service, "Children are at risk for sustaining severe
injuries on escalators. Young age, inadequate adult
supervision, improper activity while riding on the
escalator, and escalator-related mechanical problems all
increase the risk of injury. Public and parent education
directed toward escalator safety issues may help to reduce
escalator-related injuries in children." The largest
incidence of injury was reported to be involving children
between 2 and 4 years old (50%) with the average age being
6 years old. It should also be noted that 60% of children
fell prior causing their injury.

The action of stepping off the escalator is associated with
an increased risk of injury. Young children may remain
standing on the escalator and allow their feet to slide off
at the end, instead of actually stepping off. The small
size of a child's foot may increase the risk of it slipping
into the gap where the last step slides into the comb
plate. While stepping off an escalator may seem like a
simple and natural task to an adult, the developmental
level of young children limits their ability to both
anticipate and coordinate this action. In addition to feet
becoming entrapped during the process of stepping off,
children's small extremities may become lodged between two
steps or between a step and the side-rail.

We can continue to ride escalators with our children if we
follow some simple safety tips from the Consumer Product
Safety Commission:
1. Loose shoelaces, drawstrings, scarves and mittens can
become entrapped. Make sure a child's clothing does not put
them at risk.
2. Always hold children's hands, just like crossing the
3. Do not permit children to sit or play on the steps.
4. Do not carry children in strollers, walkers, or carts.
Use the elevator.
5. Always face forward and hold the handrail. If you fall,
you put your child at increased risk!
6. Avoid the edges of the steps where entrapment can occur.
7. Always pay attention and alert while riding with your
children, note where the emergency shut off is.

Prevention of escalator-related injuries is the key and
efforts should be focused in two directions. Safety
education for parents should include and give specific
guidance regarding injury prevention about riding on
escalators. Increased parental supervision should be
encouraged, such as hand-holding or even carrying of young
children while riding on and especially while stepping off
escalators. Children should be taught not to run, play, or
sit while riding on an escalator and of course, children
should face forward and hold the handrails.

The bottom line about escalator injuries is that no matter
what shoes a child is wearing, if the parents are not
supervising them closely, injuries can occur. There is no
specific correlation between shoes and injuries; they occur
even in the best of circumstances usually due to
inattention and children's unsafe behavior. Parents need to
be diligent about watching their children and following the
guidelines to provide a safe ride for all children on

Dr. Marybeth Crane is a podiatric foot and ankle surgeon
and managing partner of Foot and Ankle Associates of North
Texas, LLP, in Grapevine, Texas. She is also the mother of
three girls, Alex, Caitlin and Sasha; and always holds
their hands while riding escalators. For more information
about children's feet and injuries, visit my website at .

What You Need To Know About Ringworm?

What You Need To Know About Ringworm?
Ringworm sometimes makes many people confused with its name
because it refers to the fungal disease, not a "worm". This
disease is often called "Tinea Corporis" which is a
transferable skin disease that caused by molds such as
fungus, also known as Dermatophytes. This fungus generally
thrives on the dead tissues which exist on the surface of
the skin. It develops itself into spherical shape and
spread very rapidly. It typically occurs on the feet,
toenails, fingers, scalp and all other parts of human skin.

The most common causes of ringworm in human is when the a
person having direct contact with infected patient or
sharing clothing or other accessories of the patient such
as towel and comb. This disease can also be transmitted by
infected animals or pets. Particularly for children who
usually stay closely with pets, so they have more
opportunity to be infected by ringworm disease.

Ringworms generally thrives in the moistly environment such
as when people wearing socks or caps for long period. This
condition enables fungus to grow and spread rapidly and
this cause ringworm on scalp, thighs, toes and feet.
Ringworm is also inherited by pets, specifically dogs. Your
pets normally get the disease from surroundings stuff or
creatures such as rodent burrows, kennels or may be from
some other animals that are already infected. There are
around 35 ringworm species that can occur to dogs.

One of the most common skin diseases in dogs is the
"Mircosporum Canis" that accounts for most cases of
ringworm disease. This ringworm symptom normally found on
dog's skin, and commonly, it will rapidly develop the
spherical patch on the area that has the hair loss. Patch
may become inflamed as well as having dandruff or small
skin flakes on it. The areas where these patches can take
place are paws, tails, ear tips and face. Pets frequently
get the disease by expose themselves and touch with rodent
burrows or contaminated soil. As a result, these animals
spread the disease to other animals and human who stay
close to them.

There are several ways to decide whether you are having
ringworm; the first one is, if you are having ring-shape
red rashes on the skin, then there is possibility that you
are getting infected by ringworm. Ringworm disease can also
make your hair break down (for scalp ringworm) or turn your
nails discolored, thick and hard (ringworm on nails or
toenails). Also, ring worm on feet is other variation of
the ringworm that causes severe itching amidst your toes.

There are several methods available to treat ringworm
disease and one finest approach is to make use of
anti-fungal ointment. You can easily look for this ointment
product in the market, especially in drugstores to help in
eliminating fungus from the skin.

You can also use some natural treatments to cure ringworm,
which including:

* Tea-tree oil which is the most popular option of natural
healing the ailments of ringworm.

* Vinegar is another suitable approach to treat the
ringworm disease since it will eliminate the infection
presents on your skin.

Please visit more information about ringworm at:

How To Get Pregnant?

How To Get Pregnant?
How to get pregnant seems obvious to most people, but there
are still thousands of couples that haven't become parents
yet through having intercourse. It's almost as if all the
stars of the universe have to line up correctly before
conception takes place. In this article, I reveal not only
how a woman becomes pregnant, but also is there a safe time
to have sexual intercourse and what is the best way to get
pregnant. I also will provide a link to tips for becoming
pregnant, which is revelation information for those couples
contemplating having kids.

How Does A Woman Become Pregnant?

In most cases a woman becomes pregnant after having sexual
intercourse. Sexual intercourse is when a man puts his
erect penis inside a woman's vagina. There is a friction
that occurs when the penis moves in and out of the vagina.
This friction causes the penis to release through
ejaculation a sticky white substance called semen. Semen
contains millions of tiny sperm cells. These cells swim up
the woman's vagina into the uterus and then into her
fallopian tubes. At the fallopian tubes the sperm may join
with the tiny egg that the woman releases every month. If
this joining of the sperm and egg occur then this is called
fertilization or conception, this is how to get pregnant
the old fashioned way.

Is There Ever A Safe Time To Have Sexual Intercourse?

An integral part of how to get pregnant is knowing if
there's a window of time when conception occurs. Pregnancy
can occur in the few days following ovulation (the
releasing of eggs). Conception takes place in the middle
of a woman's menstrual cycle. It's hard to pin point for
the most woman when they are ovulating. Furthermore, it
takes the egg several days to travel to the uterus and
sperm can survive for a few days waiting for the egg to be
released. As a result, a woman can potentially become
pregnant over the span of several days. Next, this may be
the reason why unprotected sex during a woman's period can
still lead to pregnancy. Because a woman in most cases
cannot pin point when ovulation takes place, there is no
guaranteed safe time to have unprotected sex with someone.

What Is The Best Way To Get Pregnant?

In writing an article about how to get pregnant, it's
important to discuss different ways to become pregnant. It
makes sense if you want to get pregnant to have sex on a
regular or frequent basis around the time of ovulation.
For example, a woman with 28 day menstrual cycle this will
be around 14 days after the start of their last period even
though it can vary from woman to woman. Some doctors in
various countries offer ovulation-testing kits.


The information provided herein should not be construed as
a health-care diagnosis, treatment regimen or any other
prescribed health-care advice or instruction. The
information is provided with the understanding that the
publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any
other health-care profession and does not enter into a
health-care practioner/ patient relationship with its

For general information on health diseases check out or . If you or a
loved one suffer from cancer, prostate disease, diabetes or
heart ailments and more this is the site for you.

Be The Strongest Women In The Gym... No Weight Training Allowed!

Be The Strongest Women In The Gym... No Weight Training Allowed!
You train regularly, lift weights, row, run, step and swim.
In fact you consider yourself to be pretty fit compared to
most people and yet, no matter how hard you try, there are
some exercises that just never seem to get any easier.

If you're like most women, exercises like chinups,
pull-ups, dips, pushups, and lunges probably present the
biggest challenges you face during your workout.

For this reason you avoid them like the plague opting
instead for their machine-based counterparts like lat
pulldowns, chest presses and leg extensions.

After all, you're still hitting the same muscles and you
seem to handle a fair amount of resistance so you must be
getting stronger right?

Well... yes, but not in the way you think!

You see, when you're on a machine, several factors come
together to create the 'illusion' of strength.

Of particular note is the simple fact that you are not
required to stabilise the weight in your hand (the machine
does this for you) and as such you are able to generate
more force.

This is great as long as you're on your machine but try
lifting that same heavy load with free weights and you'll
find that you won't be able to move it.

This is why so many regular exercisers find that they get
stronger in the gym and yet still struggle to carry their
shopping home from the supermarket, they're simply not used
to stabilising the weight they lift and so they're not
trained for unstable lifting.

Though many exercise equipment manufacturers claim to
provide the ultimate in resistance machinery with their
space-age pulleys, cams and levers, one has to question the
benefits of any piece of equipment that may not produce
results in the 'real world'.

Many exercisers will find that their strength appears to
increase very quickly on the resistance machines but this
can cause problems outside of the gym setting when people
attempt to lift similar weights and end up injuring

One possible answer to reducing the strength deficit
between machine training and real-life demands is to work
on developing your relative strength.

Simply put, this is how strong you are for your bodyweight
and it's a great measure of your functional potential.

In most sports for example, it is not your maximal strength
that determines how well you perform, rather it is your
ability to move your bodyweight faster, higher and longer
than your competitors.

Most gyms today spend an hour during an induction teaching
people how to push buttons and set up machines and yet pay
no attention to developing the fundamentals through
bodyweight exercises. This is a real shame as it is often
these very movements that the human body is crying out for
and responds best to.

Whenever an exercise program includes bodyweight exercises
you can always guarantee greater results in strength,
muscle tone and fat loss and with far less associated
injuries than we often see on machines.

This is not surprising when we consider that when we carry
out bodyweight exercises we mobilise some 600 muscles
concurrently creating a far greater sharing of load across
the joints and increasing the calorific demand of the
exercise by a huge amount.

Another benefit of this type of conditioning is that it is
very time efficient. A simple circuit of pushups, pull-ups
and lunges will quite literally work every muscle in your
body and burn more calories than any number of similar
exercises performed on a machine. And you don't even have
to belong to a gym to perform them!

The downside of this type of training (there's always a
downside isn't there?) is that it's hard to train this way,
at first anyway.

Many women won't attempt bodyweight training because they
get frustrated at not being able to do many pushups or
pull-ups. However, with just a little persistence,
appreciable increases in strength are possible in
relatively short time which can be very satisfying -
especially when you're able to do more pushups than the
muscle-bound guy's pressing the huge weights.

If you're serious about getting into great shape fast then
try the following circuit for a month to develop some real
relative strength. You'll be pleasantly surprised at the

1. For each of the circuit exercises, perform a one minute
test and record the number of repetitions performed for

2. Rest as long as you need between each exercise.

3. Now halve the number you achieved in each exercise. This
will determine your repetitions (If you got 10 pushups in
your test you'll do 5 in your circuit).

4.Perform a circuit of all four exercises without rest and
time how long it takes to complete. Record this too.

5.Your goal over the coming weeks is to cut this figure by
half. When you can, re-test and repeat.

Circuit exercises: Pushups, pull-ups (under a table if you
have no bar), lunges, sit-ups (or other abdominal
exercise), squats, dips.

Dax Moy is a performance enhancement specialist and master
personal trainer with studios in and around London. Voted
one of the UK's leading fitness experts, Dax is a regular
guest on TV, radio and print publications on the subject of
health, fitness and the performance mindset. To download a
free copy of Dax's Elimination Diet which has been
downloaded by over 24,000 people visit

Delaying Ejaculation

Delaying Ejaculation
The difference between men and women in the time it takes
to achieve orgasm can be quite significant. In most
instances of male female intercourse, a male will ejaculate
sooner than his female partner will. This isn't necessarily
an issue: over time, couples often, though not always,
develop patterns that allow for each partner to achieve
some level of sexual gratification. Still, many men and
even some women have an interest in methods that can slow a
male's ejaculation time, so that times of physical intimacy
can be extended.

One method that some claim slows the time it takes a man to
ejaculate is known as Kegel exercise. Kegel exercise is
named after the man who invented it, physician Arnold
Kegel. Though Kegel exercise has developed a reputation for
increasing ejaculatory control and slowing male orgasm, its
effects are meant to benefit both men and women in ways
that aren't always related to sexual intimacy. In fact,
Kegel exercises are meant to strengthen areas of the pelvis
thus reducing or eliminating certain conditions: urinary
incontinence in men and women; shifting of the internal
organs in women; prostate malfunction in men; and enhanced
ejaculatory control in men.

The way to perform Kegel exercise is to alternatively
tighten and then release what are known as the pelvic floor
muscles. The pelvic floor muscles can be felt during an
attempt to hold back a urinary stream. To do the Kegel
exercise properly, these pelvic floor muscles should be
tightened and then released for a count of ten, ten times
each. It's important to activate the proper muscle group
during this exercise: some people will tighten the abdomen
or surrounding muscles instead, and will not receive the
proper benefit. Kegel exercise should be performed every
one to four days.

The question of whether Kegel exercise actually does help
delay male ejaculation isn't necessarily absolutely
validated at this point. For one, the exercise must be done
consistently over a period of weeks to see results. For
some men, this sort of a routine is burdensome to maintain.
An alternative to Kegel exercise for enhancing ejaculatory
control is to use various enhancement oils, creams, or
capsules. These products are designed to promote better
male ejaculatory control while also enhancing ejaculation
when it does take place. These products are typically sold
exclusively online.

There are options then when it comes to slowing male
ejaculatory response. Which method to use will ultimately
depend on personal preference. For some, using the Kegler
exercise routine will have the greatest appeal; others will
choose some form of enhancer.

Zinn Jeremiah is a freelance writer. Find more of Zinn's
work by visiting . For male
enhancement, visit .

Eczema - How To Recognize The Different Types

Eczema - How To Recognize The Different Types
Eczema is inflammation of the skin, which results in severe
itching. It converts your smooth skin to a hard one. The
condition may be caused by any allergies in you or in your
family history. However, there is no exact reason for this

Eczema comes in many forms. Here are some common types of

STASIS ECZEMA - This type of eczema affects the legs of
varicose veins sufferers resulting in possible irritation
inflammation and staining.

ATOPIC ECZEMA - This type of eczema is common in babies'
aged 2 to 18 months and can be a hereditary allergy. It is
a very common type of eczema. Weeping sores can appear when
the baby scratches the small pimple that arises after
affecting the face, inside of the elbows and behind the
knees. Apply petroleum Jelly in mild cases. Severe cases
require corticosteroid ointments. Your Doctor may prescribe
Antihistamines to reduce the itching. It is also advisable
to keep the baby cool and only use cotton clothing to avoid
further irritation.

NUMMULAR ECZEMA - In this type of eczema, circular scaling
patches or spots may arise anywhere on the skin. Adults
are commonly the target for nummular eczema and the cause
is unknown. Application of Corticosteroid ointment on the
affected skin may reduce the irritation, but this is not
likely to cure the condition. Symptoms can be seen on hands
and legs. Itching is common in this disease. The skin will
become reddish and rough.

HAND ECZEMA - This type of eczema will arise on your skin
due to exposure to detergents or washing up liquids. Wear
rubber gloves if you want to avoid such contacts. This may
lead to burning and cracking of the skin. You can treat it
with hand creams and in severe cases corticosteroid

Eczema has different conditions and forms and it can be
mild, moderate or severe. The skin becomes red, dry, warm
or itchy in milder cases. You can treat it with cream and
lotions. It can change becoming inflamed, cracked, itchy,
scaly, crusty or bleeding. Your skin will look worst at
this stage. If you are suffering from wet eczema then you
might experience bleeding and weeping fluid from the
patches. It is also called weeping eczema. People with this
type of eczema feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.

Dandruff or adult seborrheic eczema can appear on other
parts of the body. It is most commonly seen in adults
between the ages 20 and 40.

The other type is varicose eczema that is commonly found in
elderly people. In the middle age you may get discoid

Contact eczema may arise when a person encounters an
allergy causing substance. It may appear from the contact
of irritants such as an acid, a cleaning detergent or any
chemical. The name of the eczema suggests the meaning.

Even though you may have identified the type of the eczema
you are facing, it is still best to consult a good doctor
to get a professional diagnosis and to begin treatment
right away.

Our Eczema Care site offers helpful information on the
causes, symptomes and treatment of many types of Eczema.
Visit to get help now.

Sixty Percent of Americans Take a Multivitamin so Why do All Disease Indices Continue to Rise?

Sixty Percent of Americans Take a Multivitamin so Why do All Disease Indices Continue to Rise?
AntiAging and Wellness Medical Research Reveals Critical
Health Elements Missing From Everyone's Diet -- Or,...How A
Cell Phone Dead Zone Can Be Just Like Your Body.

A recent discovery explains how your 60+ trillion cells,
body systems & organs communicate through glycoproteins -
you can review over 20,000 articles on the far reaching &
antiaging impact of these proteins by visiting &
searching "glycoproteins" -- Ironically, if your doctor
began his or her practice before 2002 they are most likely
completely unaware of this new health & antiaging science.
This new science is called glycobiology and a whole new
branch of study has been recently added to the major
medical textbooks - you can search the term glycobiology on
the web to verify these facts or see how the complete new
field of glycomics is predicted by MIT to be "1 of 10
technologies that will change the world." (Feb. 03 Issue of
MIT's Technology Review).

Why is this discovery important to you, your current health
& future wellness?

These special proteins are tree-like structures that are
designed to cover and coat everyone of your cells and they
are made with eight unique monosaccarides.

These tree-like structures are what your cells use to
communicate critical messages that are absolutely essential
for each of us to enjoy excellent health, antiaging &
immunity from illness. MIT's Technology Review (Feb. 03)
stated "If you don't have any glycosylation, you don't have

Problem is, our modern food supply is missing 6 of the 8
needed nutrients involved in glycoprotein synthesis. You
can verify this by visiting the non-profit organization,
The Longevity Institute ( Click on the
index & read newsletter 8B. This is a deficiency that,
over time, has far reaching impact on human health,
antiaging & your quality of life.

Listen,... when communication breaks down between a husband
and a wife it is not pretty. Miscommunication can result
in fighting when there is no real enemy (over active immune
response). Breakdown in communication can also lead to
failure to attack a "bad guy" (underactive immune response).

Have you ever driven through a cell dead zone and found
that you can hear only every third or fourth word? How
frustrating is that? Your body, without these critical
nutrients, (which are essential for effective cellular
communication) is similarly frustrated. It cannot
communicate properly at the cellular level and messages
break down, leading to various health challenges. There are
a number of ways to address this lack of "cellular nutrient
communicators" for your optimal health and our Free
AntiAging & Wellness Newsletters explain this and more.

Mark has been writing about health and wellness after his
son recovered from an "un-curable" illness in 2006. Visit and he'll share with you a
series of FREE Newsletters explaining what he and his wife
learned from AMA Certified Medical Education and three ways
you can safely and effectively address nutrient issues
associated with multiple health challenges and proper cell
to cell communication.

Powering Through Weight Loss Roadblocks

Powering Through Weight Loss Roadblocks
When starting a new weight loss plan, you begin with lots
of enthusiasm and expectations.

However, as you continue making changes in your lifestyle,
you may hit the occasional road block:

Perhaps the pounds aren't dropping fast enough...or you've
had trouble fitting a regular exercise routine into your
already hectic schedule...maybe you've had a hard time
giving up some of your favorite foods or struggled with
portion control techniques.

Don't Despair... Celebrate!

Instead getting discouraged, take a moment to congratulate
yourself for starting your weight loss program, because in
doing so you've already worked through the excuses.

And as you probably know by now, weight loss programs begin
by shifting your beliefs and making behavioral changes.

Granted, it's a lot of work!

So, if you've begun your weight loss program and need a
little motivation to stick with it, read on... Not Too Fast

Many dieters struggle because they want their results
faster. The American Dietetic Association recommends
dropping just 1 to 2 pounds each week, so real and lasting
weight loss isn't something that happens in a matter of
days, healthy weight loss takes time.

In fact, losing weight too rapidly can mean you're losing
lean tissue or water, not the dreaded fat. This will
actually slow down your metabolism, making your struggle
with weight loss even more difficult.

"Seeing" Success

You've likely heard of "thinking yourself thin." Well
there's validity to using visualization to reach your
goals. Picture yourself six months from now, and think of
how great you'll feel and look as a thinner version of you.
If you have old pictures of yourself, taken when you were
closer to your target weight, put them up where you can see
them. Use them to remind yourself what you are working for.

Think of the habits you adopted that got you to your
current weight, and begin eliminating them.

Focused Goals

Making a lot of changes at once can be overwhelming, so set
small and realistic goals.

Your goals should fit easily into your lifestyle, like:

A) double your daily intake of fruits and vegetables B)
walk thirty minutes at lunch time C) order the side salad
instead of the French fries

As these new habits become part of your routine you'll see
results and won't feel like you're giving your life and
entire overhaul.

Partner Up

Finally, find support. You can recruit a friend, family
member, or co-worker to exercise with, to dine with, to
talk to. There are also a number of online weight loss
support communities and forums that connect folks with
similar issues and goals. Dieters who have support
experience more success in making changes, and have an
easier time staying motivated.

Celebrate the milestones, whether it's dropping 5 pounds,
jogging a 10 minute mile, or fitting into your skinny
jeans! Toot your own horn and enjoy the benefits of your
weight loss plan.

Remember: What you set in motion, stays in motion.

Debbie endeavors to encourage women over 40 to take care of
their bodies and feed their minds with good positive
thoughts. She shares her expertise on natural weight loss
and radiantly healthy living at her blog .