Thursday, March 20, 2008

AMA Declares Grocery Store Shelves "Empty" Even Though You See Lots of Food!

AMA Declares Grocery Store Shelves "Empty" Even Though You See Lots of Food!
Our son was ill and NOBODY had any answers.

60% of Americans consume a multivitamin & 50% have visited
alternative care providers (herbalist, etc.) yet all
disease indices continue to rise. Why?

Did you know that studies have shown an adult women in 1951
could receive her RDA/RDI of vitamin A & Beta Carotene from
eating 2 peaches, but now she would have to consume OVER 50
peaches to get THE SAME AMOUNTS of these nutrients? (USDA
Study results noted in Pediatrics Journal, 1998,

Because of these types of studies, in 2002, the Journal of
the American Medical Association (JAMA) declared "it
appears prudent for all adults in America to add a
multivitamin and mineral supplement to their diet".
(Source: JAMA, Jun02)

Now when you go to the grocery store you see shelves that
are "full",...right? Well,...according to the AMA
declaration, that's where the subtle, but profound, issue
of vibrant health begins. We see "full" but they declared
many, many items on the shelves (even many fruits and
vegetables) "empty" - due to green harvesting, mineral
deficeint soil growing practices, pesticide usage, modern
processing, etc. And because of all the studies on this,
the USDA has increased their recommendation from 5-7
servings to 10-12 servings of Fresh, Fruits & Vegetables
per day. (Source:

When British Sailors suffered heavy losses due to the
disease scurvy, but one sailor survived fine by digesting
some lime, and then they all starting using limes - they
became known as "limies". Now, you may "think" (as I did)
that it was the vitamin C that did the job...but in 1937, a
Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to a man named Albert
von Szent-Gyorgyi (1903-1986). He discovered it was the
"whole food" that prevented scurvy -- "We have found that
in certain pathological conditions (scurvy), ascorbic acid
is ineffective, while the condition can readily be cured by
the administration of extracts of Hungarian red pepper or
lemon juice."

The typical method for bringing vitamins to market is to
"isolate" them. What that does, is remove {or isolate} the
vitamin (vitamin C in this example of scurvy) FROM its
whole food aspect. Check yours by not eating with them - if
you feel sick, they are probably not "food based".
Or, can check the label. If it states Made in China
or USP that generally indicates that they are synthetic
(not food). Or, if the vitamins are listed in the RDA/RDI
table as well as in the ingredient list, they are synthetic
and/or isolated vitamins and they won't do your body much
good at all.

Mark writes to help people understand health issues that he
and his R.D. wife learned after their son recovered from an
"un-curable" illness, simply by adding time and critical
missing nutrients. He has published a series of Free
Wellness Newsletters available at: and his Wellness
Consulting Group has a 24/7 educational National Wellness
Call at (641) 715-3900 Pin 33880.

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