Sunday, October 7, 2007

How the Power of Your Mind Can Help You Become Healthy and Fit

How the Power of Your Mind Can Help You Become Healthy and Fit
Wouldn't it be great if we could attain the body of our
dreams just by thinking about it? What if I told you that
your mind actually plays the most important role in your
success in getting fit? Sounds crazy, but it's true...

Our subconscious mind has one all-important job, and it
succeeds every time. What is this job? To prove that your
beliefs are true. Note the wording here: To prove that YOUR
BELIEFS are true. Not to point out what is actually true.
In fact, your mind can't distinguish between whether an
event is really happening or not. Visualization is a
powerful tool. There have been studies done with athletes.
The athlete is told to visualize his/her event in their
mind and talk themselves through the event. After the
event has happened, their coach played a video tape of
their actual event and in many cases, the actual event was
identical to the athlete's prior description of the event
before the event happened.

Your beliefs are the truth for your life. Whether or not
these beliefs are in fact true doesn't matter. If you
believe something to be true, then your subconscious mind
will perceive the universe around you in such a way that
makes this belief true.

So how does this relate to your fitness level?

If you have the belief that getting in shape is hard, that
eating healthy is boring, or that weight loss is elusive
then you will find getting in shape to be very difficult.
If you think of yourself as a fat person, or an
out-of-shape person, or just an average person then your
subconscious mind will do everything in its power to keep
you that way.

Take a minute to let that sink in.

The great thing about our subconscious mind is that we can
train it to work for us instead of against us. All we have
to do is change our belief.

I'm sure you have heard the term "Believe and Achieve" -
many schools have this painted on their walls and it is
even printed on T-shirts. Well, the concept is absolutely
true and when applied can bring success to your door faster
than you thought possible.

It won't help if you simply think that it 'isn't
impossible' or that 'it could happen someday.' These aren't
true beliefs.

In order to have your desired result you need to truly
believe with every fiber of your being that you will
achieve this goal. If you are overweight then close your
eyes and picture yourself fit. If you have fifty pounds to
lose then think of yourself as fifty pounds lighter.

Machelle Lee owns and operates The Invisible Gym in Santa
Cruz, CA. Her mission is to inspire people to become
physically active and enjoy the benefits of a balanced,
healthy lifestyle. For more information and questions you
can visit her website.

Lyme Disease is it Contagious

Lyme Disease is it Contagious
"Is Lyme Disease contagious?" is a question asked by many
folks who wonder why their family members all have the
disease too.

As my step son who is getting his life back from Lyme says,
"Lyme is like an octopus. It reaches out with its many arms
to other members of the family." Once one member of the
family is diagnosed with the disease it is not uncommon to
find that one or more other members have it as well. You
may be surprised, as I was, to learn that tests results
reveal several generations of one family testing positive
for Lyme.

So, how does this happen that many members of a family have
Lyme but their friends do not. How is this disease passed
from one human being to another? This is an important

Lyme bacteria are passed from one person to another through
the blood and at least one other body fluid. Although Lyme
can be passed to a person via blood transfusions, the most
commonly known ways people get Lyme include:

• Tick bite

• Mosquito bite

• From a man to his sexual partners through semen

• From a woman to her unborn children in utero

• Dogs, horses, cats, rats, mice

All get sick with Lyme and pass it on to those who inhale
the vapors of their infected feces. As you may imagine this
method of transfer occurs most frequently among those who
clean cat litter boxes and horse stables.

When presented with this information, people often wonder

"If a mother passes it onto her unborn children, is Lyme a
genetic disorder." The answer is, "No, Lyme is not a
genetic disorder. The Lyme bacteria transfers from the
mother to the child in the blood."

"Is Lyme an autoimmune disorder?" Gone untreated Lyme can
strip away the T-cells, the immune system's front line of
defense against unwanted foreign invaders. When those
T-cells are low, the B-cells try to do the job of the
T-cells. B-cells can end up attacking the body itself as
they are not designed to deal with foreign invaders.

By way of brief example my husband spent some 30 years of
his life in treatment and with surgeries associated with
the diagnosis of Crohn's disease. Crohn's is referred to as
an autoimmune disorder. The immune system seemingly turns
on itself, and cause ulcerations of the digestive tract.
Turns out he regained excellent health when he was finally
diagnosed as having and received treatment for Lyme and
Lyme related co-infections. As soon as those were treated
and resolved all of the symptoms here-to-fore thought of as
Crohn's symptoms were gone.

The next question that is voiced is, "How do I protect my
family." Watch out for ticks wear light colored clothing
when you are outside especially in heavily wooded areas.
You will be able to see little ticks on light colored
fabric and brush them off. Be especially watchful during
the months of May and October when tick are being born and
are active. Tick and mosquito repellants can be helpful as

Check with your veterinarian about Lyme symptoms in pets.
And finally if you are symptomatic be sure and stay in
close touch with a Lyme literate physician.

Forward this article to friends. They will thank you for it!
For your FREE downloadable, ebook, "150+ Symptoms of Lyme
Disease" and more about Lyme visit,

Why Calcium Is Vital For Far More Than Just Strong Bones

Why Calcium Is Vital For Far More Than Just Strong Bones
It's well known that adequate calcium is essential for the
maintenance of strong, healthy, bones and teeth, and indeed
this is where around 99% of the approximately 1.2 kg stored
in the average adult human body is to be found. But this
is not in fact this vital mineral's most important function
within the body, because calcium is also needed in the
blood in very precise quantities to ensure that certain
vital physiological processes can carry on unimpaired.

These include the constriction and dilation of blood
vessels - essential for the body's internal temperature
regulation, the transmission of nerve impulses, the release
of energy for muscle contraction, the secretion of certain
vital hormones such as insulin, and the clotting of the

As evidence for the importance of these functions it is
only necessary to observe that the body will strip the
bones of calcium in order to maintain the necessary blood
levels of the mineral should these be in danger of falling
too low because of inadequate dietary intake. Since the
bones, like all the body's structures, are in a constant
state of regeneration and repair, the potential
consequences if this deficiency is allowed to persist over
time can be catastrophic.

In extreme cases, deficiency in children and adolescents
may lead to the weakness and malformation characteristic of
the disease, rickets. In adults, especially older adults,
the most obvious consequence may be the loss of bone
density known as osteoporosis - a major cause of the
greatly increased incidence of the serious fractures which
are such a significant risk factor for the health of the

But there are other problems which may be associated with
low intakes of calcium.

There is good evidence to implicate low calcium intake as a
risk factor for the development of high blood pressure
during pregnancy (pre-eclampsia) in those women who are
susceptible to this potentially dangerous condition; and,
interestingly, research has shown that supplementation with
calcium to a daily intake of 1,000 - 1,200 mg a day may
also be effective in reducing blood pressure in the general
population. A number of studies have linked low levels of
calcium with pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) and indicate that
supplementation may help reduce the severity of these

There is even now some evidence that low calcium intakes
may tend to encourage the body to deposit more fat within
existing fat cells. Although the relationship is not fully
understood, it appears safe to say that a plentiful supply
of dietary or supplemental calcium is essential for success
in the pursuit of any weight loss program.

Given the importance of calcium in all these ways, it's
alarming to note that average intakes for most people in
the developed world are known to fall well short of the
suggested level, and the figures are particularly serious
for adolescents whose growing bones who have the greatest
need. Perhaps as many as 75% of boys and 90% of girls in
this age group may be calcium deficient.

Dairy products are by far the best sources of dietary
calcium and an 8 oz serving of milk or yoghurt, or 1 ½ oz
of cheese, will provide around 300 mg of calcium. Leafy
green vegetables, with the exception of spinach, are also a
useful source, although you would need 3 - 4 servings of,
for example, broccoli or kale, to match the calcium
obtained from a single standard glass of milk. It should
also be realised that The consumption of diets high in
protein and salt, ie those characteristic of the affluent
Western world, is known to increase the excretion of
calcium and consequently the risk of deficiency and
associated problems with bone strength and health.

Owing to this, and a number of other possible variables
affecting the individual's need for dietary calcium, the
Food and Nutrition Board has set out figures for Adequate
Intake (AI) of the mineral rather than the Recommended
Dietary Allowance (RDA) which it commonly prescribes for
vitamins and other vital nutrients. Babies and infants
should begin with an intake of around 200 mg per day,
rising to 800 mg by the age of eight. Children of nine and
over, young people whose bones are still growing, the over
50s, and pregnant or breast-feeding women, will have higher
needs and should aim to consume 1,200 -1,300 mg of calcium
a day.

To maintain the health and density of fully formed bones,
adults between about 20 and 50 should aim to consume 1,000
mg of calcium daily, through a combination of diet and
supplements. In all cases, combining this supplementation
with at least 400 IU of vitamin D will greatly assist with
the absorption of the necessary calcium.

Calcium supplements should also always be taken with food;
the recommended upper safe limit for total calcium intake
being 2,500 mg, below which there should be no problems.
However, since high calcium intakes can adversely effect
the absorption of other essential minerals, notably
magnesium, zinc and iron, it is recommended that
supplementary calcium should always be taken as part of a
comprehensive multi-mineral supplement.

Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter specialising in
direct marketing and with a particular interest in health
Find out more at

Insomnia affects sleep quality - how to overcome it?

Insomnia affects sleep quality - how to overcome it?
We all know sleep is important because our bodies' systems
undergo repair and maintenance during our sleep.

But during our lives, we will experience some sleepless
nights which are considered normal. But for some people,
poor quality sleep is a recurring or even a lifelong

When your sleep quality is affected, the end results could
well be feelings of fatigue during the day, irritability,
poor memory, loss of productivity and loss of interest in
family and social life.

Therefore, achieving quality sleep is very important to
your physical and emotional health. The quality of sleep
is associated with number of sleeping hours. Doctors
normally recommend that adults should need 7 to 10 hours of
sleep daily and children would require more hours. But it
varies among individuals. What matters is, for the
duration you sleep, are you achieving the right quality of

Insomnia, or the inability to sleep well, is a common
problem which could affect anyone at one time or another. A
person with insomnia may have difficulty falling asleep or
staying asleep, wake up frequently during the night, or
wake up earlier than desired the next morning.

Insomnia generally falls into two categories, acute
insomnia and chronic insomnia.

Acute insomnia, which can last from one night up to several
weeks, may be caused by:

1. A single stressful event

2. A period of emotional stress

3. Illness

4. Temporary pain or discomfort

5. Disturbances in the sleeping environment such as noise,
light or sleeping in a different bed

6. A change in the normal sleep pattern, caused by jet lag
or working in a late shift

This kind of insomnia usually doesn't last long once the
root cause(s) is resolved. But it could be dangerous
during the healing period as lack of sleep over a
reasonable period could affect your concentration, leading
to serious consequences such as accidents while driving or
at work.

Chronic insomnia is more serious as it can last for months
or even years. The likely causes are:

1. Mental or emotional conditions, such as depression or
anxiety, or stress.

2. Poor sleep habits, such as watching television
programmes in bed or going to bed at different times.

3. Too much stimulants intake such as coffee or cigarettes.

4. Excessive drinking

5. Lack of regular exercise

6. Existing medical health problems such as breathing or
heart problems, hormonal or digestive disorder, or chronic

7. Side effects of certain drugs

8. A different sleep disorder such as sleep apnea.

Before we go on, a little more explanation is required here
for sleep apnea. It is a condition whereby a person
regularly stops breathing, or has slowed breathing during
sleep for 10 seconds or longer. Depending on the frequency
the breathing stops (apnea) or slows (hypopnea), we
classify the condition as mild, moderate or severe.

A person suffering from sleep apnea may snore loudly, and
have restless sleep with difficulty breathing. As a
result, he may wake up with a headache and tiredness which
last the whole day. However, sleep apnea may improve with
changes in sleeping habits. Sometimes, doctors may suggest
use of devices to help easier breathing during sleep or
even surgery.

Insomnia can be cured as long as the victim develops a
regular sleeping habit.

Here are some remedies to help you ease or eliminate your
sleeping disorder:

1. Reserve your bedroom for sleeping and sex only i.e.
avoid eating, working, computers, TV, video or loud music
in the bedroom

2. Create a clean and comfy environment for sleeping - soft
lights, good ventilation, appropriate room temperature,
good support pillows, sufficient comforters

3. Avoid caffeine drinks such as coffee, tea, soft drinks
or chocolate drink and/or cigarettes after 7pm in the
evening. Also avoid snacking before bedtime.

4. Improve your diet by reducing meat intake and eating
more fruits and vegetables especially kiwi, berries, green
leafy vegetables, whole grains and cereals.

5. Switch off your mobile phones, blackberries, MSN or
Yahoo! Messenger, ICQ etc after a certain time at night.

6. Drink a glass of warm drink such as soymilk or herbal
tea before going to bed. But remember to visit the bathroom
right before bed to reduce the chances of needing to get up
later to do it.

7. If you find you can't sleep after half an hour in bed,
get up and read a book or listen to some soothing music.
Use warm tungsten reading lamp instead of florescent lamp
and don't read books which are stimulating. Avoid watching
TV, VCDs or DVDs as the light from these devices are bright
and will affect the body's biological clock, worsening your
sleeplessness condition. You can return to bed as soon as
you feel sleepy.

8. Exercise regularly does help to release tension, aiding
sleep. But note not to do it late at night as this can
result in insomnia.

9. Train your body to sleep and wake up at the same time
every day regardless of whether it is a weekend or public
holiday. The ideal time to get into bed is between 9 to
11pm so as to achieve the desired 8 hours of sleep.

10. If you need to nap during the day, try to keep it
within 45 minutes which is sufficient to rejuvenate you.
Napping too long may result in groggier mind and adversely
affect your nocturnal sleep.

11. If you're working at home, stop work at least two hours
before bedtime to allow your mind to unwind and relax.

With all these measures, doctors sometimes still need to
prescribe hypnotics for sleep as treatment for insomnia
But these medications are meant for short term only while
patients try to find solutions to their various acute
stressful problems.

Laura Ng is passionate in providing quality nutritional
facts and
health tips, plus recommending 100% toxic-free vegan
recipes to
anyone who cares about his/her health. Join her iOneHealth
Club now to receive more health secrets and freebies
available to her members only. You'll gain plenty but lose
nothing. Promised. Visit now.

The Top 7 Weight Loss Tips

The Top 7 Weight Loss Tips
When dieting, weight loss motivation can be a bit elusive.
The constant cycle of putting on weight, losing weight,
putting on weight and losing weight can become tiresome and

The following tips come from my courses and seminars to
help you get rid of weight and find that weight loss

Tip 1 - Know what you want

Make sure you know exactly how much weight you want to get
rid of. Some weight just doesn't cut it, so have an exact
figure of what your target weight is and how much you are

Tip 2 - Stay off the scales

Don't weigh yourself every day, it'll dent your weight loss
motivation and frustrate you. Instead, pick one day a week
when you are going to weigh yourself and weigh yourself
every day at the same time (I usually recommend Monday's as
you may be at your heaviest after the weekends excesses!).

Tip 3 - Measure yourself

Often weight loss isn't immediately noticeable through
weight, but is more obvious through inches lost. so,
measure your chest, waist, hips and thighs and record the

Tip 4 - Track your progress

Motivation comes from seeing results, so track your weight
loss and your measurements shrinking and you will find
yourself being more motivated to lose weight.

Tip 5 - Eat regularly

Most dieters think that by skipping meals they are going to
lose weight quickly. NO! It doesn't work like that. If
you skip meals then your body starts to think there's a
famine coming, which means your body piles on the fat to
survive the famine. Eat regular meals.

Tip 6 - Don't Deny Yourself

Many dieters will deny themselves anything naughty such as
chocolate, cakes and so on. Trouble is, when you deny
yourself something, you want it more. So instead CHOOSE
not to have it, because then you are in control.
Occasionally, you may choose to have it, which is great too.

Tip 7 - Drink, drink, drink

And no, I don't mean alcohol. I mean yummy, delicious
water. Drink plenty of it as it will flush toxins from
your system and help keep you healthy. The experts
recommend that you should drink at least 2 liters (just
over 4 pints) of water every single day. Avoid caffeinated
drinks and fizzy soda's as these don't help quench your
thirst or remove the toxins from your system.

These seven tips for weight loss motivation and success
will help you to rapidly lose weight with the minimum of

For further information about weight loss and other great
health topics go to ==>

Fuengirola Hot Tubs - Latest Technology

Fuengirola Hot Tubs - Latest Technology
The best spas in the world use the most advanced controls
in the industry which are acknowledged to be made by
Balboa. These have the, state of the art, soft ™ touch
controls whereby all the functions are conveniently located
at your finger tips. By utilizing Balboa's patented
software and deign with stat e of the art materials and
components Balboa's M7 technology provides you with a more
reliable heating and control system.

Smart sensor technology

• Sensors monitor each other via soft ware to regulate spa
functions such as water flow temperature etc

• Assures a proper operating environment for the heating

• Multiple high safety systems

• All safety functions are always in action

• Eliminates excessive cycling

• Detects flow restrictions such as a dirty or blocked

• Minimizes the build up of calcium in the heater element.

Imagine having your very own personal masseuse to direct
which muscles and tendons to massage. A spas massage
sequencer will allow you to control Jet Patterns, placement
and speed so that you can easily pinpoint the area of your
body to massage.

This is what you should expect from a hot tub Jacuzzi with
modern technology

Maximum Turbo charging:-

• The Jets provide a vigorous massage to loosen those tight
knotted muscles and increase blood and oxygen circulation
which helps to bring nutrients to sore muscles and joints
Medium Turbo charging:-

• This reduces the volume of forced air which is injected
into the water for a mid-range level of massage

Low turbo charging:-

• This level produces a low level of forced air and water
mix in order to soothe tired and aching muscles back to

Hydro boost Level:-

• Injects a mild level of air into the water in order to
provide an invigorating massage.

Hydro-Massage Level:-

• Provides a pure warm stream of water to help soothe
muscles, ligaments and tendons and increases the blood flow
and oxygen circulation round the body.

Ultra Wave Lounger

• Probably the best spas in the world have an Ultra Wave
Lounger which is designed to massage the shoulders, full
back, thighs, calves and feet. This kind of lounger with 54
Jets just in one seat provides a pulsating wave massage one
to two rows at a time from ones neck right down to ones
toes. Seven function programmable controls provide seven
massage patterns at three variable speeds over your body.

Wave Max Seat ™

• The wave max seat ™ has 20 jest in one Seat alone that
stair step five streams of water one at a time ,up and down
your back thereby providing the sensation of gentle finger
massage massaging those tired and aching muscles.

Foot Massager

• Strategically placed 14 nozzle jets allows a constant
flow to all 14 nozzles providing an invigorating massage to
a wide area of the feet. Ideal for Golfers and those walk a

Neck & Shoulder Massage

• The contoured wrap around neck rest has two directional
Jets that allow warm jetted water to be directed to
various locations of the neck and shoulders to sooth neck
and shoulder tension.

These are just some of the ideas and technology available
today in the latest Hot tTub designs that are available. If
you are looking for a spa and this kind of technology is
bot available then you are probably looking at last years
or even the last decades model or perhaps a cheap import.

The author Jacuzzi John supplies premium quality Hot Tubs
from Estepona on the Costa Del Sol In Spain and for further
information please go to and .

Diabetes - "Silent Killer"

Diabetes - "Silent Killer"
Type 1 diabetes mellitus - diabetes, for short. This
chemical disorder disrupts the body's ability to utilize
certain nutrients, primarily a blood sugar called glucose.
Treatment for diabetes is made more difficult because a
person can have the disease a long time before it is
diagnosed. "Because the early symptoms are relatively
mild," notes Asiaweek magazine, "diabetes often goes
unrecognized." Hence, diabetes has been dubbed the silent

Why Serious
Diabetes has been called "a disorder of the very engine of
life," and for good reason. When the body cannot metabolize
glucose, a number of vital mechanisms can break down,
sometimes with life-threatening consequences. "People don't
die directly from diabetes," says Dr. Harvey Katzeff, "they
die from complications. We do a good job of preventing
complications, but a poor job of treating [them] once they

Diet and Exercise
Although Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented, scientists
are studying the genetic risk factors and are trying to
find ways to suppress an immune attack. "With type 2, the
picture is much brighter," says the book Diabetes - Caring
for Your Emotions as Well as Your Health. "Many of those
who might be genetically susceptible avoid showing any sign
of this disease simply by eating a balanced diet and
exercising regularly, thereby staying physically fit and
keeping their weight within normal limits."

Underscoring the value of exercise, the Journal of the
American Medical Association reported on a large study
involving women. The study found that "a single bout of
physical activity increases insulin-mediated glucose uptake
[by the body's cells] for more than 24 hours." Hence, the
report concludes that "both walking and vigorous activity
are associated with substantial reductions in risk of type
2 diabetes in women." The researchers recommend at least 30
minutes of moderate physical activity on most if not all
days of the week. This can include something as simple as
walking, which, says the American Diabetes Association
Complete Guide to Diabetes, "is probably the best, safest,
and least expensive form of exercise."

However, exercise by people with diabetes should be
professionally supervised. One reason is that diabetes can
damage the vascular system and nerves, thus affecting blood
circulation and feeling. Hence, a simple scratch on the
foot may go unnoticed, get infected, and turn into an ulcer
- a serious condition that may lead to amputation if not
treated immediately.

Insulin Therapy
Many with diabetes must supplement their diet and exercise
program with daily testing of glucose levels along with
multiple insulin injections. As a result of improved health
through diet and a good routine of exercise, some with Type
2 diabetes have been able, at least for a time, to
discontinue insulin therapy. Karen, who has Type 1
diabetes, found that exercise increases the efficiency of
the insulin she injects. As a result, she has been able to
cut her daily insulin requirements by 20 percent.

If insulin is needed, however, there is no reason for the
sufferer to feel discouraged. "Going on insulin does not
imply failure on your part," says Mary Ann, a registered
nurse who cares for a number of diabetes patients.
"Whatever form of diabetes you have, if you carefully
control your blood sugar, you will minimize other health
problems later." In fact, a recent study revealed that
people with Type 1 who kept strict control of their
blood-sugar levels "had drastic reductions in the
occurrence of diabetic eye, kidney, and nerve diseases."
The risk of eye disease (retinopathy), for instance, was
cut by 76 percent! Those with Type 2 who keep tight control
of their blood-sugar levels enjoy similar benefits.

To make insulin therapy easier and less traumatic, syringes
and insulin pens - the most common tools used - have
microfine needles that give minimal discomfort. "The first
shot is usually the worst," says Mary Ann. "After that,
most patients say they hardly feel a thing." Other methods
of injection include automatic injectors that shoot a
needle into the skin painlessly, jet injectors that
literally fire insulin through the skin by means of a fine
jet blast, and infusers that employ a catheter that stays
in place for two or three days. About the size of a pocket
pager, the insulin pump has gained popularity in recent
years. This programmable device dispenses insulin through a
catheter at a steady rate according to the body's daily
needs, making insulin administration more precise and

Keep Learning
All told, there is no blanket therapy for diabetes. When
considering treatment, each individual must take into
account a number of factors in order to make a personal
decision. "Even though you may be under the care of a
medical team," says Mary Ann, "you are in the driver's
seat." In fact, the journal Diabetes Care states: "Medical
treatment of diabetes without systematic self-management
education can be regarded as substandard and unethical

The more those with diabetes learn about their disease, the
better equipped they will be to manage their health and
increase their prospects of living a longer, healthier life.

The Role of Glucose
Glucose fuels the body's trillions of cells. To enter the
cells, however, it needs a "key" - insulin, a chemical
released by the pancreas. With Type 1 diabetes, insulin is
simply not available. With Type 2, the body makes insulin
but usually not enough. Moreover, the cells are reluctant
to let insulin in - a condition called insulin resistance.
With both forms of diabetes, the result is the same: hungry
cells and dangerous levels of sugar in the blood.

In Type 1 diabetes, a person's immune system attacks the
insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. Hence, Type 1
diabetes is an autoimmune disease and is sometimes called
immune-mediated diabetes. Factors that can trigger an
immune reaction include viruses, toxic chemicals, and
certain drugs. Genetic makeup may also be implicated, for
Type 1 diabetes often runs in families, and it is most
common among Caucasians.

With Type 2 diabetes, the genetic factor is even stronger
but with a greater occurrence among non-Caucasians.
Australian Aborigines and Native Americans are among the
most affected, the latter having the highest rate of Type 2
diabetes in the world. Researchers are studying the
relationship between genetics and obesity, as well as the
way excess fat seems to promote insulin resistance in
genetically susceptible people. Unlike Type 1, Type 2
diabetes occurs mainly in those who are over 40 years of

About 90 percent of those with diabetes have Type 2.
Previously, this was referred to as "non-insulin dependent"
or "adult onset" diabetes. However, these terms are
imprecise, for up to 40 percent of those with Type 2
diabetes require insulin. Furthermore, an alarming number
of young people - some not even in their teens - are being
diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.

The Role of the Pancreas
About the size of a banana, the pancreas lies just behind
the stomach. According to the book The Unofficial Guide to
Living With Diabetes, "the healthy pancreas performs a
continuous and exquisite balancing act, managing to sustain
smooth, stable blood-sugar levels by releasing just the
right amount of insulin as glucose levels wax and wane
throughout the day." Beta cells within the pancreas are the
source of the hormone insulin.

When beta cells fail to produce enough insulin, glucose
builds up in the blood, causing hyperglycemia. The opposite
- low blood sugar - is called hypoglycemia. In concert with
the pancreas, the liver helps manage blood-sugar levels by
storing excess glucose in a form called glycogen. When
commanded by the pancreas, the liver converts glycogen back
into glucose for use by the body

The Role of Sugar
It is a common misconception that eating a lot of sugar
causes diabetes. Medical evidence shows that getting fat -
regardless of sugar intake - increases the risk among
genetically susceptible individuals. Still, eating too much
sugar is unhealthy, since it provides poor nutrition and
contributes to obesity.

Another misconception is that people with diabetes have an
abnormal craving for sugar. In reality, though, they have
the same desire for sweets as most others. When it is not
controlled, diabetes can lead to hunger - but not
necessarily for sugar. People with diabetes can eat sweets,
but they must factor their sugar intake into their overall
diet plan.

News You Can Use From Around The World

How Positive Thinking Affects Your Overall Health and Fitness

How Positive Thinking Affects Your Overall Health and Fitness
You may be wondering what your mind has to do with getting
your body into great shape. In a single word, your mind has
everything to do with getting the body of your dreams. Your
mind will single handedly make or break your success.

How? Well, your mind works hard to reinforce the beliefs
that you hold about yourself. If you think of yourself as a
fat person, or an out-of-shape person, or just an average
person then your subconscious mind will do everything in
its power to keep you that way. It's like self-sabotage.

However, if you begin to think of yourself as fit, healthy
and attractive, then your mind will do everything it can to
make your belief a reality.

*Take time everyday to visualize your new body and to focus
on your goals.

Everyone who successfully sets out to lose body fat and
achieve results does so by implementing a plan. Your plan
is crucial to your success, picture it as a guiding map
needed to find a new destination. Without it you are lost.

Here are the 2 major parts to your plan:

1. Diet: They say you are what you eat, and that is never
truer than while losing weight. Cut junk food from your
diet and stick with fresh healthy foods instead. Eat small
meals throughout the day containing protein, carbohydrates
and minimal fat.

2. Exercise: Yes, you will have to break a sweat, but the
good news is that once you make exercise a habit you will
likely find it to be enjoyable. It is important that you
make exercise a part of your lifestyle, and not something
that you do on random occasions. For maximal results
exercise 4-5 times each week doing both cardiovascular and
resistance training.

*Stick with your healthy eating plan and exercise
routine-these are the building blocks to your success.

Determination is the one thing that will guarantee that you
will lose weight, tone your body and feel better than ever.
You have to want it-that's it. Thinking about it is not
enough. Now it's time for action!

You have to want your dream body... more than you want that
burger and fries. more than you want to skip your workout.
more than you want that chocolate cookie. more than you
want to sit on the couch.

The shape and size of your body is in your hands, and your
hands only. I believe that you possess the kind of
determination that it takes to change your body-you simply
need to dig down deep enough within yourself to find it.

Fuel your fire by building a network of support in your
life. Enlist friends, family and loved ones to encourage
your efforts and to keep tabs on your progress.

*Surround yourself with support and don't give up.

Machelle Lee owns and operates The Invisible Gym in Santa
Cruz, CA. Her mission is to inspire people to become
physically active and enjoy the benefits of a balanced,
healthy lifestyle. For more information and questions you
can visit her website.