Wednesday, November 14, 2007

How to get fit on a budget

How to get fit on a budget
Joining a gym can burn a hole in your pocketbook. You
might not have the room in your budget for a gym
membership. Do not despair there is plenty that you can do
that will cost you either very little or close to nothing
at all.

You do not have to believe all those commercials that say
you need to have the latest fitness equipment in order to
get fit and lose weight. Those machines not only cost
money but nine out of ten times they do not live up to
their promises and wind up collecting dust under your bed.
Save your money and instead try taking a brisk walk
everyday. You can walk through your neighborhood, local
parks or even around a high school football field during
the summer when it’s not being used. If it is
raining, take a ride to your town mall and do laps around
the mall. Not only will you get a great workout, you can
also check out the latest deals. Other quick and free
things you can do is to take the stairs whenever possible
and park further away at stores.

You can also get a great workout by cleaning. Working out
in the garden can burn up to 400 calories in an hour which
is almost the same as you can get from walking your dog.
Shoveling Snow can burn almost 500 calories in an hour!
Virtually every household chore can be turned into some
form of exercise from scrubbing your floors to vacuuming
your carpet. The key is to increase your heart rate
while doing them.

Your kids are also excellent workout tools. Have you ever
spent a day chasing after a toddler? It is exhausting and
take it from me, they can leave you breathless. They have
an unbelievable amount of energy and you can work up a good
sweat just trying to keep up with them. Another activity
toddlers love is dancing. Put on some music and boogey
down with your tot. Not only are you spending more time
with your little one, you are getting a good workout.
If you have older kids also, take them outside and play
with them. Play kickball, or tag your it. Take them to
the park and run around with them. All of these fitness
ideas will cost you nothing at all and but for once you
will be gaining something in return,.

If you have the room in budget there are some inexpensive
fitness items you can invest in. Free weights or
dumbbells are usually very inexpensive and can help
strengthen you upper and even lower body. You may pay more
money for them at a sporting store but Target and Wal-Mart
sell them for only a few dollars. Jump ropes are also a
excellent and inexpensive way to get a good cardio work out.

Worse comes to worse and you have no room in your budget
for any of those items, chances are you have a every
workout tool you might need already in your pantry. A bag
of flour weights the same as a stomach ball and you can
fill empty milk jugs to act as weights.

There is no need for exercise to cost a lot of money. Save
the money you would spend on expensive equipment or gym
membership and use it on the new wardrobe you will soon

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Keeping Score

Keeping Score
When you begin to exercise and change your eating habits
there will be no way to know if you are making progress
without first finding a way to keep score. You need to have
a means of measuring the effectiveness of what you are
doing. Otherwise you will never know if what you are doing
is really working.

There are a variety of ways to honestly evaluate your
progress. For instance the good old-fashioned bathroom
scale is a great scorekeeper.

The day you begin your new fitness lifestyle, write down
your weight on the calendar. Then once a week weigh
yourself again and write that weight on the calendar. Now
you have a reference point. You'll be able to see if you've
made any progress in weightloss over the course of the
week. Always be sure to weigh at the same time of the day.
Your bodyweight fluctuates throughout the day based upon
your level of hydration. I like to weigh first thing in the
morning before I have anything to eat or drink.

Along with the bathroom scale, a full-length mirror
combined with a hand held mirror is another great score
keeping tool. Simply strip down to your birthday suit and
stand in front of the mirror. DO NOT SUCK IN YOUR GUT! Do
not try to make yourself look better. Simply stand the way
you normally stand. Soak it in...and then be honest about
what you see. Turn to the side. Turn your back to the
mirror and use the hand held mirror to check out the rear
view. Get those images imbedded in your mind. Then be
honest. What do you think about the way you've been caring
for your earth suit?

A long honest look in the mirror could be all the
motivation you need to start making some positive changes.

A camera is one of the best score keepers of all because it
causes you to see yourself differently than you would by
simply looking at a mirror. One moment frozen in time
speaks volumes.

Get someone you trust to take pictures for you as you begin
your program. Wear as little clothing as possible for the
pictures. Take front shots, side shots, and rear shots.
Date the pictures and then file them away. After working
out consistently for 2 or 3 months take them out and give
them a look. Then take a new set of pictures, date them and
file them with the others. This will be the best way to
chart your progress. (Thank God for digital cameras. Now
you can take the scary "before" pictures without having to
have them developed!)

I don't know about you, but if I am trying to make progress
in any area of life, I want to do what works. If what I am
doing isn't working, then I want to make adjustments until
I get the desired results.

The only way to know if what you are doing is working is to
HONESTLY track your progress.

Someone once said that the simplest definition of insanity
is to keep doing the same thing over and over expecting to
see different results. Don't be insane! Be wise. Be honest.
Make the commitment to get the results you want and then do
what you have to do to get them.

Change is never easy, but by the grace of God, you can do

James Flanders is a lecturer and teacher with a passion for
helping others get fit spiritually and physically. His DVD
"Make The World Your Gym" and CD "Eat, Drink, Move,
Breathe" are available at:

Detox and improve your life with correct breathing

Detox and improve your life with correct breathing
Are you breathing deeply enough? Do you even think about
your breathing? Can you take a slow controlled breath in
for 10 seconds and then a slow and controlled breath out
for 10? Breathing is so natural to all of us but often
little thought is taken over how we breath and the huge
impact it can have on our lives if we breath incorrectly,
or too shallow. Many of us breath too shallow sucking in
our bellies and raising our shoulders. The fact is that the
deeper you breath the better your general well being and
the more relaxed you are able to become.

The breathing process has a large impact on our internal
organs and the diaphram plays a central part in this. The
diaphram is dome shaped and acts as a natural barrier
between our heart and lungs and our other internal organs.
The upper part of the diaphram actually supports the heart
and the lower part attaches around the lower ribs and lower
lumbar vertabrae. As we inhale the diaphram moves down
allowing more air to be take into the lungs as the chest
cavity increases, as we exhale the diaphram raises and the
chest cavity is reduced. So the deeper we breath in the
more oxygen can be taken into the lungs and conversely the
more carbon dioxide can then be expelled.

Deep breathing not only allows us to take in more oxygen
and expel more carbon dioxide it also has a huge impact on
other areas of our health. As a deep breath is taken in the
bottom of the diaphram actually massages the liver, stomach
and other organs as well as massaging the heart on its
return. Shallow breathing does not allow for much of this
massaging. Also, as we deep breath the belly, lower back
and lower rib cage expand. This process of up and down, in
and out allows for a natural detox of our body through the
promotion of blood flow, peristalsis and lymphatic pumping.
Our lymphatic system is vital for removing toxins from our
body and plays a key role in our immune system. Other than
massage and muscle contraction the lymphatic system has no
other means of inducing movement.

Deep breathing is also a huge relaxation instigator. I am
constantly telling my clients to control their breathing
during exercise, most people take more breath than is
necessary. Breathing too shallow and rapidly expels carbon
dioxide too quickly and isn't very good for your health.
Deep breathing slows things down which in turn signals our
parasympathetic nervous system and promotes a relaxation
response. This is a great stress reliever and also helps to
harmonise our system and promote overall long lasting

My advice is to start taking some time to understand your
natural breathing patterns. Try to slow things down. Take
long controlled breaths in and slow controlled breaths out.
Think about drawing your belly button into your spine as
you breath out and letting your lower stomach relax as you
breath in. Deep breathing is vital for all aspects of good
health, focus, concentrate and control your breathing and
you will live a much healthier and stress free life.

Greg is a health and fitness professional based in
Hampstead, North London. He achieves fantastic results for
his clients by using his indepth knowledge and the most up
to date techniques.

Wellness and fitness are not the same thing

Wellness and fitness are not the same thing
Have you ever stopped to think about how to determine your
current fitness and wellness levels? Does your doctor ask
you each time you visit if you believe yourself to be fit
and well? Probably not. Nor does he likely give you any
method for determining where you're at for yourself.

There are fitness centers everywhere, most staffed with
counselors who can test your fitness level. But what about
your wellness level. Are they one and the same?

The fact is, being fit and being well are totally different
conditions. However, both are essential to maintaining your

Your wellness rating depends on your immune system,
including the vitamins, supplements and nutrition you
intake. It's a fact that people who are fit can sometimes
be unwell, and well people can sometimes be unfit. However,
when you combine the two and use sound principles based on
clean living, exercise and healthy eating, you attain a
state of balance that helps you to maintain both fitness
and wellness.

Many people don't take the time to completely understand
the advantages of being both fit and well. We read and
absorb the information we're given through the media and
health organizations without ever questioning whether we're
receiving the information we really need, or simply what is
profitable for these companies to make available.

Fitness gyms need your monthly fees in order to stay in
business, so they probably have no real concern about the
condition of your immune system. Physical fitness is a
condition of the body alone.

Hospitals and doctors need you as a patient in order to
remain operational. They will tell you that you need to be
fit and well, but often leave out important information
that affect your wellness and, therefore, your ability to
stay fit.

What about diet? What about vitamins? What role does our
daily intake play in our health, wellness and fitness? The
fact is, diet has more influence than you have been led to
believe or understand.

Our body's ability to stay well is directly related to the
nutrition you receive every day. The mind's ability to
remain well is also a direct result of our nutritional

For example, the human brain doesn't develop well without
the necessary input of protein in our daily diet. No
protein, no intelligence. If there is no intelligence, then
none of the other states can be attained.

Spiritual input is another determining factor when
establishing our wellness level. Spiritual reflection is a
way to cleanse ourselves of the toxins of our daily life.
Wellness encompasses our complete state of being, mind and
health. It's a condition of the whole ... mind, body and

So, for those who believe they are fit, it's also important
to pay attention to your wellness as well. Finding the
ideal balance is the best way to achieve a long and healthy

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What Are Fitness Singles

What Are Fitness Singles
Fitness singles is all about single people who are fit
finding other single people who are fit. Even better is
finding a mate to share common interests in activities that
you can do and enjoy together.

In this article we will look at some of the benefits
fitness singles can bring to each other.

1. Athletic dating, this is a great concept. There are so
many different dating sites that specialize that it only
makes sense to have a group for people who like to be in
shape and enjoy sports.

Think about that, you have seen categories in other dating
membership sites for speed dating, senior dating, black
dating Jewish dating, Christian dating, and so on. Athletic
dating matches people who are into fitness and love sports.

2. Sport specific dating, how many people do you know
trapped in a relationship with someone they love and have
nothing in common with. Believe it or not men do like to
go to plays and women do like to go to a football game.
Dating someone who likes the same sports as you could make
you feel like you have died and gone to heaven.

As you get older being able to share your life with someone
who likes golf for example, or tennis. How about a partner
who loves to travel and take hikes all over the world.
Rafting, running, bowling, cycling and on and on we go.
This is exciting stuff.

3. Health benefits, although no one can predict the future
it is a medical fact that people who exercise lead a more
healthy and productive life than those who do not. Fitness
singles gives you the chance to find people who are healthy
now and stand a very good chance of being reasonably
healthy for many years to come.

4. Appearance, singles who are fit look darn good. These
are people who are outside, they get sun, they have low
body fat. As a couple they are the envy of the room because
everyone can see they are in shape. When you are on a
dating site for athletic people you are going to find
people who look like that.

5. Money savings, many fitness activities do not cost a lot
of money. Certainly some are more expensive than others.
Cycling for example could be nothing more than getting on
your bike and riding as far as you can each day.

This is 5 good things about fitness singles and why you
want to be part of this group if you are single.

Marvin Perry is the founder of, as an
avid athlete Marvin decided to create a dating site for
athletes you can join at: =>

How do you develop a new weight loss habit?

How do you develop a new weight loss habit?
Experts Say it Takes 21 Days to Form a New Habit.

How do we develop a new weight loss habit?

There are two main factors in developing new habits. The
first is repetition. We just have to start doing something!
We all have been really eager to set new goals and dream
about what that resulting goal is going to get us, but that
enthusiasm is simply not enough to make our dreams reality.
We have to put those goals to action if we are going to see
any results.

Weight loss habit is what is going to maintain that change
in long-term behavior. Habits are formed through
prioritizing and repetition. Rather than choosing if you
are going to exercise, decide when you are going to
exercise. Over time it will become a part of your day, a
part of your routine, it will become habit.

Exercise needs to become a habit we incorporate in our

Make it a habit to do a weight training routine regularly.
Make it a habit to do some kind of cardiovascular exercise
regularly. Make it a habit to stretch daily. Make it a
habit to eat proper proportions. Habitually steer away from
empty calories especially high sugar foods.

So at first it might feel like a chore to get up off the
couch pull on your running shoes and head out the door, but
if you are consistent and persistent over time, you won't
see that it is a chore anymore but rather it becomes a part
of who you are.

The second factor in developing weight loss habits is
rewards. Unfortunately your weight loss program doesn't
always yield immediate rewards. For me personally I have to
work out pretty hard for one to two months before I notice
any physical changes. The main reason for this is we are
with ourselves every second of everyday of our lives.
Although our bodies are changing we just don't recognize
that change as easily.

As you begin developing new habits of successful weight
loss and fitness you will notice changes in your energy
levels and confidence because you are taking control and
taking action to make a change that will improve your life!
Since the physical rewards aren't noticed right away feel
free to set little rewards for yourself on short term goals
that you set and meet. But make them rewards that are going
to keep you motivated and moving toward your weight loss

An example would be if I set the goal to be able to run
three miles straight without stopping. Once I reached that
goal I would go to a movie with a friend, or maybe buy an
new outfit for that newly trimmed figure. Whatever
motivates you. Setting your rewards for your short term
goals is going to make your fitness journey more exciting!

It really is about making a lifestyle change! And our
lifestyle really is a combination of what ever our current
weight loss habits are.

Join our Revolutionary Fitness Community that is committed
to bringing you the exact cutting edge fitness tools that
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How To Protect Yourself From Fake Hoodia Sellers

How To Protect Yourself From Fake Hoodia Sellers
If you have ever tried to buy Hoodia over the internet, you
already know it's probably one of the most confusing
experiences in your life. There are seemingly thousands of
sellers out there, all with very convincing arguments about
their brand. It's so hard to work out who to trust, who to
believe and so who to buy from.

You're smart, so you probably know that not all sellers are
going to give you the same quality of product, no matter
what it seems at first glance. Once you know the industry,
you'll find it's just like buying any other product or
service. The top few companies selling Hoodia sell the
best, most potent type, while there are hundreds of other
sellers who sell ineffective Hoodia that really doesn't do
much for your weight loss goals.

So how can someone who may not know too much about which
companies are the best, but who wants to enjoy the weight
loss benefits from using pure Hoodia, invest in the right

The first thing to do is to weed out 99% of companies that
are clearly selling powder puff versions of the real thing.
Below is a list of three things you will see on any website
selling Hoodia. I mention them here because when you go to
these websites, you should not give these sales tactics any
credibility. You need to look for other things. Here are
the three things you'll find on most Hoodia websites that
you should pretty much ignore:

1) Written testimonials from 60 minutes, Oprah, the BBC,
and other news outlets about the effectiveness of Hoodia.
Although these testimonials are genuine, they are about how
well the Hoodia plant works in reducing your hunger in
general - it's got nothing to do with the actual product
label being sold on that site. This means that these news
testimonials could be used by any store selling any pill,
with even a small amount of Hoodia in it. So, these
testimonials don't guarantee that the type of Hoodia being
sold on that site is going to work as well as it may seem.

2) A certificate proving how pure the Hoodia from that
website is. The usual type of certificate found on the
internet really should not give you much confidence. The
reason is because most of these certificates are sought out
when the company first starts. At this point the companies
will send out their purest most potent batch to be tested.
After getting their certificate, they will go on and sell
far less effective, diluted versions under the same name.
It is the old 'bait and switch' and many Hoodia suppliers
online do it.

3) 'Souped-up' Hoodia pills that contain Hoodia with other
ingredients, such as green tea, that apparently will really
boost the weight loss effects of Hoodia. If you know
anything about chemistry, you'll know that when you put two
different ingredients together, it's very rare that they
remain separate. Usually they interact and the final
compound created from mixing the two ingredients can often
have very different properties to the original ingredients.
If you keep this mind, then it is really impossible to say
how two ingredients, that both supposedly help you lose
weight, will react inside your body. It may be that both
become ineffective when mixed. The other thing against this
sort of supplier is that most of the other ingredients that
are mixed with Hoodia have not yet been proven as
ingredients that really do help. Many of them have also
been known to cause side effects. So all in all, you have
to be careful when you come across a seller selling pills
like this.

So that's a short list of what to look out for to be
careful. You need to know more though to protect yourself.

You need to know how to pick out a genuine supplier. This
involves looking for a certain type of testimonial that's
not so common amongst Hoodia suppliers on the internet.
You'll also need to know how to recognize a certain type of
certificate that very few companies get about their Hoodia,
because if they're not genuine they'll be caught out. Only
companies that sell pure Hoodia with every batch will have
this type of certificate. And of course you'll need to look
for companies that sell Hoodia without mixing any other

If you don't protect yourself as well as you can, chances
are that you will end up buying Hoodia that really isn't
the pure form of Hoodia that works. And when you don't get
the results you were after you'll think,"this is something
else that didn't work for me", when in fact you were
misled. If this happens to you it also means you'll have
wasted your hard earned money on something that is nothing
but expensive urine.

You now know what to avoid. Find out exactly what to look
for in when you want to buy pure hoodia here: .
Check out all our other hoodia information you may want to
know about here:

How To Take Care of Yourself in Stressful Situations

How To Take Care of Yourself in Stressful Situations
Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) can get very
easily overwhelmed, frustrated, and stressed out during the
times when a lot is required of us. And when we're in that
state, we tend to skimp on self-care. We think that we
should go, go, go and do, do, do—without taking care
of ourselves first.

Last year we moved to a very small town. The nearest
grocery store is 15 minutes away. My bank is 20 minutes
away. And the farm where I like to get organic meat is in
the opposite direction, in the middle of nowhere, about 45
minutes away.

If I leave my house on only a quarter tank of gas and want
to go to all three places, I won't make it. My car gets
fairly good mileage, but I won't get to where I want to go
unless I stop and refuel.

Pretend, for a moment, that you are a car. How much gas is
in your tank right now?

In the same way that a car can't drive without gas, you
can't give to those around you when your tank is empty. And
in the same way that a car drives best on a full tank of
gas, you have a lot more to give when your tank is full on

This means that you make sure your needs are being met
before you meet everyone else's needs—that includes
your spouse or partner, your boss, your parents, your
siblings and yes, even your kids to some degree. Otherwise,
you burn out. And then you're no help to anyone.

If a car can't drive a couple of hours on a quarter tank of
gas, how can you go all day, all week, all month, without
filling your tank?

So here's some fuel for top 3 tips for
practicing excellent self-care when the pressure is on:

1. Wind down every night to de-stress and sleep well.

When the stress picks up, it's more important than ever to
allow recharging time. Sleep is extremely important, and
winding down before bed helps ensure restful sleep. Think
of yourself as a cell phone. If you don't get charged, you
won't work the next day!

2. Eat well.

Don't underestimate the power of food to make or break your
mood and energy levels. If you use sugar and caffeine to
keep you going, instead of nutritious whole foods, you're
sure to crash. And crash hard!

3. Say "no."

You're the only one who knows what you can comfortably
handle, and what's too much pressure, time, energy, or
stress. If you push yourself too much (or allow yourself to
be pushed too much) then you'll burn out and be no good to

These tips apply whether you're traveling, busy at work, or
preparing for the holidays. Remember them!

Jennifer Koretsky is the Founder of the ADD Management
Group, Inc. and the author of the new book Odd One Out: The
Maverick's Guide to Adult ADD. Jennifer and her team work
with ADD adults who are overwhelmed with everyday life in
order to help them simplify, focus, and succeed. For free
resources and information on adult ADD, visit .