Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Chronic Pain, Aloe Vera and Your Immune System

Chronic Pain, Aloe Vera and Your Immune System
Everyone has known pain at some time or another. A bruised
knee when we were children, a stubbed toe in the middle of
the night, or a 'splitting headache' at the end of a very
stressful day are all forms of everyday pain that each of
us has experienced. Pain is your body's way of telling you
that you it has been damaged. Your nervous system sends
pain signals to the brain which in turns starts specific
chemical processes that sensitize the affected area. The
now damaged and sensitized area becomes inflamed.
Depending on the severity of the injury or damage, your
nervous system, automatic brain response, and resulting
inflammation can occur for short or long periods of time.

Chronic pain is something very different. Some of us have
experienced sustained and sometimes debilitating pain.
Sometimes, chronic pain results in oversensitivity of our
nervous system causing our pain response pathways to remain
open. A lower back injury is one example where even after
healing, the biological gates through which pain signals
pass can remain open. So even after the injury has been
resolved, the pain continues, becoming an illness that
quite literally takes control over your life. Chronic pain
such as this reduces your energy, reduces your ability to
sleep and rebuild, and adds significant stress to your body
and lifestyle.

Fucoidan and fucose, two of the important nutrients found
in sea vegetables are well known in Asian countries for
their healing and pain-relieving effects. Studies on both
animals and humans have shown that in certain conditions
essential glyconutrients can help heal the body and return
jammed pain pathways to their normal state. These
nutrients can help increase 'cellular communication' ' the
way and efficiency cells, especially those around injured
areas, communicate with other cells in the body.

Chronic pain can also be the result of disease, including
cancer. Our immune system plays a critical part in
fighting off disease and in turn chronic pain. Modulating
or fortifying the immune system means we strengthen the
production, activity, and effectiveness of all the body's
parts that make up our immune system. A very important
group of immune system agents are called macrophages.
Macrophages are scavenger cells found in the bloodstream
and other tissue. These immune system agents help the
immune system detect dangerous microorganisms and tumor
cells and then help to remove them from our blood.

Aloe provides excellent nutritional support for your immune
system by modulating the immune system through at least 23
different polypeptides (immune stimulators). The ability
to modulate the immune system helps us understand how Aloe
can aid in controlling many different types of diseases and
disorders. The polypeptides and the anti-tumor agents of
emodin and lectins found in Aloe Vera help explain its
ability to possibly aid in the treatment of cancer.

We can now see how a combination of sea vegetables with
their property to help increase cellular communication and
Aloe Vera with the property of modulating the immune system
can lead to an effective way of providing the body with the
tools and nutrients needed to repair itself. The nutrients
found in Aloe Vera and sea vegetables can give the body
what is needed to help fight disease, reduce inflammation
and alleviate chronic pain.

Ronald Godlewski has successfully founded and run several
businesses and is currently working with Life Force
International. You can obtain more information on the
nutritional value of vitamin supplements at
http://www.PillFreeSupplements.com and receive a FREE Quart
of a Vitamin Supplement or call him toll free at
1-888-LFI-CUST (1-888-534-2878).

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