Thursday, November 8, 2007

Why Take Fish Oil As A Dietary Supplement

Why Take Fish Oil As A Dietary Supplement
The human body is a complicated system that no one really
understands completely. Even science and doctors have
admitted to being clueless when it comes to how the body
works and how a person might be able to help their body
maintain its health. But recent research into supplements
has come up with a sort of panacea for many of the current
health concerns – fish oil. While it sounds like the
snake oil of times passed, the relevance of this supplement
to your future is something you might want to think about.

Fish oil is a substance that comes from fish that contains
Omega 3 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids can not
be produced by the body so they need to be ingested either
through diet or through direct supplementation. Since so
many people have troubles maintaining a healthy and
balanced diet, it's no wonder that this might be the reason
for the turn towards an unhealthy life. The fatty acids in
fish oil are connected with a number of benefits for the
body, but also for your life and for your well being.


Taking fish oil as a dietary supplement is one of the
easiest steps that someone can take for their health. Not
only can you simply take the recommended dosage and be done
for the day, but you can also rest assured knowing that
fish oil supplements are tested and retested to meet high
quality standards. This will ensure that you're not
getting too high of mercury levels in your fish oil routine
as well as making sure that you are getting the right
amount of fish oil on a consistent basis.


What's more is that fish oil is a relatively inexpensive
investment when it comes to your health. Not only is it
low in price, but you can also get a high number of pills
for this lower price. Of course, there are a range of
prices that you can pay for fish oil supplements, but by
shopping around, you will be able to find one that suits
not only your budget, but also your needs. The only thing
to be concerned about is the supplement that extremely low
priced as it may not have the higher quality that more
moderately priced supplements will.

Protective Benefits

One of the most interesting facts about fish oil is that it
seems to protect the body from future ills. Studies done
in 2003 at Harvard Medical showed that taking fish oil on a
daily basis can help to protect the heart from damage and
disease. Something in the chemical structure of these
Omega 3 fatty acids helps to keep the heart muscle healthy
and strong.

In addition, fish oil has also been linked with protecting
the body from many cancers. Cancers like breast, ovarian,
stomach and colon cancer have all been linked with fish oil
– that is, they seem to be reduced in incidence when
those studied took fish oil supplements.

The use of fish oil also seems to boost concentration and
brain development in all ages. Since the fish oil works to
help messages be transmitted from one part of the body to
another, the mind is able to focus better when the fish oil
is taken on a regular basis. As you age, this becomes all
the more important in terms to preventing things like
Alsheimer's and dementia.

Repairing Benefits

Other recent studies have concluded that fish oil may also
have a part to play in the reparations of damage that's
already been done to a body. In the matter of a damaged
heart, this is especially promising. When the heart is
weakened or a part of it dies (as it does during a heart
attack), it needs all the help it can get in order to get
back to its previous state of health. Fish oil supplements
have been linked with helping this reparation to occur.

Your skin is also helped by the use of fish oil, helping to
repair the damage caused by the sun and other environmental
factors. Instead of the skin showing early signs of
wrinkling, the use of fish oil can help to add moisture and
firmness to the skin, shaving years off the face.

Your Body Needs It

And since fish oil contains essential fatty acids, the
truth is that your body needs to take this drug in order to
survive and to thrive. When the body gets enough of the
fish oil supplements, it will be able to handle many health
problems in the early stages.

When You're Pregnant

If you are pregnant (and if your doctor agrees), taking
fish oil can help to boost the intelligence of the child
whose brain is still developing. This can lead to reduced
problems with behaviour as well as with ADD and ADHD>


Fish oil as a dietary supplement isn't just something that
you should consider, it's a medically studied and supported
way to help your body maintain ideal health.

Dave McEvoy is an expert in omega 3 fish oil EPA with over
20 years experience; for more information about fish oil
and how it can help come and visit.

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