Monday, December 31, 2007

Let nature give you a helping hand with losing weight

Let nature give you a helping hand with losing weight
For the vast majority of us diets do not work. Full stop.
Period. Changing your diet for a certain period of time in
order to lose weight will allow you to lose weight for that
period of time. But what happens when you stop diet. Yup,
you guessed it, because I've been there and, seeing as
you're reading an article about losing weight, so have you!
Diets do not work. In a world that is obsessed by being
thin and conforming to a certain way of looking i.e.
skinny, dieting is the most popular pastime in the western
world. Whilst it used to be a pastime solely dominated by
the female population, men are become just as obsessed by
this media driven phenomenon as their female counterparts.

So why do people use diets and why have people been drawn
to diets for so long? Well, the first part of the question
is easy. People start diets in an effort to lose weight.
They want to lose weight for any number of reasons. They
want to lose weight for a specific event such as a holiday
or a wedding or because they think it will make them more
attractive to the opposite sex. Whilst these reasons may
be valid at a particular point in time they are seldom
sufficient to promote weight loss in the long term. What
happens when that special occasion has been and gone? What
happens if a partner is found (or not found - the answer is
usually the same!) Diets provide a route to the
fulfillment of a dream. Happiness!

Diets also absolve the person on the diet of any
responsibility should they not lose the desired weight. "I
was on the X diet (you've probably tried a few like me so
put the name of that diet where the X is!) but it didn't
work. Was it the diet that didn't work? Or another good
one is "I was on the X diet for two weeks - I lost 10
pounds!". Pity those ten pounds lost have now returned
with an extra three or four.

So, seeing as diets do not work, where does that leave us?
Well, we need to think about the reasons for wanting to
lose weight and the way to go about it. There is nothing
wrong with wanting to lose weight for a special occasion or
in order to find a partner but there needs to be a longer
term goal in mind. Weight loss is about life change,
changing from the things that made you put on weight to
those things that will make you lose weight and then
stabilize your weight.

Losing weight is more than something you try for a couple
of weeks every now and then. It is about changing the
perspective you have about food. There is no such a thing
as good food or bad food for example. Some foods contain
more fat than others just as some foods taste nicer than
others (the nicer tasting food usually contains more fat
though!) but neither are good or bad. Some foods just put
more fat into your body than others, nothing more, nothing

So, let's cut to the chase. If you want to lose weight you
need to think about losing weight long term. Get yourself
a long-term goal and develop a plan to how you are going to
lose weight. Break your plan down into small goals. If
your long term plan is to lose thirty pounds break those
thirty pounds down into five pound goals. But how are you
going to lose those the first of those five pounds? You're
going to make small changes to what you eat and you are
going to write down everything you eat. As soon as you
know exactly what you eat then you can start making
changes. Did you think that the biscuit you had between
breakfast and lunch didn't count as food!

Take time to prepare your food - you never know, it might
even become enjoyable. Eat normal meals but do not eat
between meals. Do not snack between meals. You will lose
weight! Fortunately nature has given us a helping hand.
There are supplements on the market today which allow the
fat which we eat in our food to pass through the body
without being absorbed. Obviously if less fat is absorbed
into the body the less fat the body will store and you will
lose weight. The best of these all natural fat binding
weight loss products on the market today is Proactol.
Proactol allows nearly thirty percent of all fat to pass
through the body un-absorbed thus allowing natural weight

So, if you want to lose weight, give up diets now. They
don't work


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