Friday, January 25, 2008

5 fat loss myths that you must not ignore!

5 fat loss myths that you must not ignore!
I recently gave a presentation to about 70 females on the
subject of fat loss and the common methods we use to
attempt to rid ourselves of excess body fat. During my
research for the talk, I unearthed a large amount of
material that supports my belief that most of the world's
population are being misled in their quest for a slim, but
healthy body, that so many of us crave!

Does it feel like the whole idea of fat loss is only
possible for the genetically gifted...

Are you searching for the quick fix that will trim away
body fat overnight?

Or are you still waiting for our "trusted" pharmaceutical
companies to produce the ultimate weight loss pill that
will solve worldwide obesity problems...

Sharing some of the following facts and myths with you is
not going to be easy for you to stomach, I suspect that
you'll be shocked, dismayed or maybe you'll feel that none
of what I tell you is true.

In fact I am fairly sure you'll dispute much of what I
report, so I ask you to check my sources, read for yourself
the studies that I cite. You'll be as shocked as my
audience when you really do discover the truth about fat

Myth 1 - Skipping meals and snacks is OK if I want to lose
fat! Do you skip breakfast, the odd lunch, or maybe you
don't eat at all for a whole day, because you "don't feel


There is nothing worse for your metabolism than irregular

Eating 6 meals a day compared to just 2 meals a day of the
SAME caloric value total for the day, will result in more
fat loss!

Check out study no.1 to discover why eating every few hours
is ESSENTIAL for fat loss!

Myth 2 - A calorie is a calorie

Unfortunately NOT.

Eating a diet of refined carbs and low fat will actually
make you fatter, than a diet of low carb, high fat of the
same caloric value!

If you think about it we have been told by the FDA in the
US to reduce the amount of Fat in our diet and replace it
with carbs like bread and pasta. The food pyramid clearly
showed this!

Sadly it is all those refined carbs that have been adding
to our waist line and not the fats.

Study no.2, proves that a diet high in fat actually
resulted in MORE fat loss!

Myth 3 - You must only train in the "fat burning zone" to
lose fat!

Probably the biggest myth in the world of health and
fitness today, and one that drew the most gasps and head
shaking in my audience!

The fat burning zone DOES exist BUT, it is NOT an effective
workout strategy for overall fat loss.

How can that be?

To be honest you don't need to read the studies to prove
this, you can see for yourself in the gym. How many people
do you see going to the gym week after week for months on
end, doing their fat-burning zone workouts, BUT never
actually changing shape?

The nail in the coffin of your fat burning zone workouts is
crystal clear study no.3 comparing a 'diet only' group to a
'diet and exercise' group. The exercise consisting of a 45
minute "fat burning zone" routine, 5 days a week for 12

The abstract from this study states: Results indicate that
moderate aerobic exercise training during a 12-week period
has no discernible effects on body composition.

i.e. fat burning zone workouts do nothing for losing body


Myth 4 - Calorie counters on machines are useful for fat

We've all done it, waiting for the calorie counter on the
treadmill or cross trainer to tick by 400 or 500 calories
burnt during your workout. We can then feel all virtuous as
we tuck into our post workout coffee and chocolate muffin,
safe in the knowledge we have "earned" it.

Unfortunately, calories burned during your workouts are not
significant when you want to lose fat!

Study no.4 compared endurance style workouts to higher
intensity interval training where the number of total
calories burned during the workout, was over twice as much
for the endurance group than the intervals group.

You would think that the endurance group would logically
lose more fat given that they have burned more calories in
total? However the intervals group lost NINE times more fat
than the endurance group!

Those calorie counters on your exercise bike are really
worthless, my advice, cover them up!

Myth 5 - Crunches will get rid of your belly fat!

How many crunches do you do each day? 10, 20... maybe 50,
100... or maybe more?

Any self respecting fitness professional will tell you that
"spot reduction" doesn't work! If it did, all the people
doing 100 crunches a day would be walking around with a
perfect SIX PACK, but flabby butt and thighs! It just
doesn't work like that!

So quit wasting your time and effort on this ineffective
exercise and have a go at doing some of the more effective
methods instead...

THREE truly effective ways of getting rid of body fat

1. Drop the refined carbs from your diet. Eat more high
quality proteins and unrefined carbs in the form of fresh
fruit and vegetables. 2. Do some short, sharp and very
effective interval workouts. 3. Get your trainer to show
you some intensive ALL BODY resistance workouts, utilising
large muscle groups as much as possible!

Each of these methods will achieve the necessary result of
boosting your "basal metabolic rate", this is your 24/7 fat
burning system in your body.

Utilise all 3 methods and fat will literally melt away!

12 weeks is a relatively short time period in your
lifetime, and this is all it took for Claire to drop over
5% in body fat, and drop 2 dress sizes utilising the same
three methods of fat loss. With renewed confidence in her
body and her structural health too, she is now embarking on
a new sporting passion of rock climbing....

So what would you do with your new body?

Whilst you may not want to believe that these 5 myths
really ARE myths, I urge you to follow up on the studies I
cite and see for yourself!

Better still, would be to get down to your gym, adjust your
nutritional habits, and try out the EFFECTIVE methods for


Study 1. Iwao, S., Mori, K., Sato, Y. Effects of meal
frequency on body composition during weight control in
boxers. Scan J Med Sci Sports 6:265-272, 1996 Study 2.
Effects of a low-fat versus a low-carbohydrate diet on
adipocytokines in obese adults. de Luis DA, Aller R, Izaola
O, Gonzalez Sagrado M, Bellioo D, Conde R. Study 3.
Influence of diet and/or exercise on body composition and
cardiorespiratory fitness in obese women. Utter AC, Nieman
DC, Shannonhouse EM, Butterworth DE, Nieman CN. Study 4.
Impact of exercise intensity on body fatness and skeletal
muscle metabolism. Tremblay A, Simoneau JA, Bouchard C.

Tim Goodwin is a fitness professional specializing in help
the busiest people achieve more with their amateur sporting
interests, and at the same time ridding them of excess body
fat. Visit to get a free
18 page report "How to lose weight even when you are really
busy" containing a full 4 week program which you can start

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