Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Spa Water Treatment Options

Spa Water Treatment Options
Since mankind decided that hot tubs would be fun we have
had to face the challenge of keeping that water clear and
safe. Chlorine and Bromine have been in use since almost
day one. Both have their advantages. They kill everything.
The down side is also that they kill everything. By that I
mean that Chlorine and Bromine are both caustic chemicals.
That is both how they function and what makes them less
desirable. Not only do they kill germs and bacteria but
they are harmful to your skin, hair, bathing suits, spa
jets, pump impellers, pets and environment. With the
heightened awareness of the environment and our own
physical health, there has been a wide variety of
alternatives to the old standards.

Minerals can be used to treat the spa water with less
harmful effects. First, Copper can be used to treat your
water and keeps stuff from growing in your water. It is a
lot safer for your skin, hair and health, and won't cause
premature break down of your pump and jet components.
Still, because it does a good job of killing things you
need to use care when you empty your spa. Some areas have
banned using copper to treat water because if it does end
up in the water shed it will kill fish and algae.

Another popular choice is Silver and zinc. I would just
recommend sticking with the liquid based versions. You
should never use anything directly in the filter area of
the spa because you do not want the risk of anything being
sucked into the water pump.

Ozone can also be effective in water treatment. It works by
exposing ultra violet light to air which forms an energetic
oxidizer. It destroys algae, viruses and bacteria. Again
you should know how to use your system properly. Avoid over
exposure to ozone while using the spa. No ozone bubbles
should be entering the spa during occupancy. Also you
should not be able to smell ozone while you are in the spa.

One thing that a lot of spa owners forget about is checking
your spa water pH. Maintaining the proper pH level can
greatly improve the effectiveness of the water treatment.
Spa water that is not properly balanced can cause
irritation to eyes, and mucous membranes. Just because you
keep a handle on your chemical treatment, do not get lazy
about checking the pH.

Finally, circulation of the water. Stagnant water,
especially warm stagnant water is a breeding ground for
life. Regular circulation of the water for significant
periods of time will reduce the need for chemicals and
increases the effectiveness of the spas filtration. It is
better overall for your spa pump to run for three to four
hours at a time for two to three times per day as opposed
to running for thirty minutes at a time ten times per day.
If your spa only runs for thirty minutes it does no have
enough time to properly filter all the spa water.

The bottom line is that yo want to be able to enjoy your
spa for years to come. However like your car, regular
maintenance can have a profound influence on that. If you
maintain your car, change the oil, replace the filters,
rotate the tires, you stand a much better choice of
enjoying your vehicle with fewer unpleasant surprises. The
same goes for your spa.

The Author is a former Police Sgt, Pilot, Trained Mechanic
and over twenty years experience as a business owner.
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