Sunday, February 3, 2008

Energy Drinks? Don't Waste Your Resources

Energy Drinks? Don't Waste Your Resources
One of my many jobs involves teaching nutrition to business
students at a nearby college. I really love doing this,
because, of course, I think the information they get is the
most important information in the world (even if they are
there to study business).

Actually, that is only partly true. The rest of the truth
is that I have an important opportunity to teach them how
to tell nutrition myth from fact. Each lecture begins with
a question they wrote down on an index card and submitted
the first day of class.

I want to tell you about last week's question. It had to
do with what are called "energy drinks." You've seen them
in the stores, on the shelves. They are in colorful
bottles and make amazing claims to keep you awake, make you
a more brilliant person, improve your fitness performance,
or, as the sneaker advertisement used to say "run faster
and jump higher."

That, my friends, is the myth. Let's talk about the facts.

First, the word "energy" means "calories." And the
calories found in these flavored waters is about the same
as a soft drink, unless it contains artificial sweeteners.
If the beverages contain sugar, then they are correct in
calling themselves "energy drinks." But we know that is
not the type of energy they want you to believe is found in
their products.

However, the advertisements make you think that these
beverages will improve your mental and physical
performance. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to
support these claims.

One reason you may feel more alert after swallowing one of
these drinks is because they contain caffeine. An herb
called ephedra used to be added to these products, and some
people did feel a boost because of this. However, ephedra
was found to be a dangerous supplement, people died after
consuming the product, and it was removed from the market.
Now, however, a different herb, guarana, can be found in
drinks making the "energy" claim. Again, there is no proof
for the products' claims, and there may be a danger
associated with the herb itself. Unfortunately, the
government does not regulate herbal supplements, so the
consumer must learn for him/herself.

Often times vitamins may be added to these "energy" drinks.
Again, you must remember, energy means calories! The only
reason you may be "energetic" is from the sugar and/or
caffeine that has been added. There are no calories in
vitamins. Yes, we do need vitamins, but our body can only
use them when we have actually consumed food. Our bodies
need vitamins to breakdown the foods we consume. When you
take vitamins (whether in pill or beverage form) without
food, you are wasting both vitamins AND money. Most of the
vitamins we consume in excess of what our bodies need are
excreted in our urine. It has been said that Americans have
the most expensive urine in the world!

There is really only one reason for you to drink these
energy beverages, and that is because you like them. As
long as you are not at risk for any disease associated with
consuming the "energy" additives (caffeine, guarana), you
are probably fine. Just remember- if you think you are
getting any special boost to improve your mental and/or
physical performance-you are wasting your energy!

For free tips to becoming At Peace With Food, articles, and
links to nutritional resource websites, visit

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