Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Diet Fads And Hads. Are You Being Conned When It Comes To Beating The Bloating?

Diet Fads And Hads. Are You Being Conned When It Comes To Beating The Bloating?
It may come as a heart-sunken surprise to some that over
95% of diets don't work. Many meticulous and
well-researched studies have been done to show this.

For example, research at the University of California, Los
Angeles (which can be sourced from found
that initially, slimmers, when starting out, lose about 5%
to 10% of their weight, regardless of the type of diet
used. Then, however, some months after, they not only
regain the lost weight, but also end up heavier than they
were when the diet first began. -It could be said that the
irony in this may be summarised with a simple equation:
Diet = Weight Gain! Many of the so-called experts with
their fad-diets know this.

Many dieters find themselves in this recurring pattern or
circumstance: They give up and return to the same old
eating habits. Then, because their body's metabolism had
adjusted to the diet period, they put on even more weight
than before.

Another major factor that contributes to a failure to lose
weight through diet comes from the fact that dieters are
being conned by false and misleading information. This
includes calorie counting. 'The whole idea of calorie
counting should be taken and thrown out through the window.
Why? Because it's the quality of food you eat that counts
first and foremost.

We're all aware that supermarkets openly display and
well-tout their low-calorie foods, but less people are
aware that the benefits are far, far, far outweighed by the
disadvantages in eating these awful products: Low-calorie
food is factory processed and can have very little quality
nutrition value. The solution here is to eat less food, but
make sure it is quality. I always summarise good food in
that it should have the following main features or common
denominators. That the food is:

1.Natural (organic): Such as seeds, beans, nuts, fruits and

2. Is mainly free of chemicals, preservatives with
mysterious E-numbers, flavour enhancers, emulsifiers and

3. Has had very little heat treatment. Poaching or steaming
is okay

4. Is fresh, since the vitamins & enzymes will not be too
denatured and be able to take more of an effective part in
the body's metabolic requirements.

-Slick advertising and marketing has had more than its fair
share in deceiving people into eating certain products.
Besides creating much misunderstanding, it has had a
significant hand in promoting illness as well as overweight.

An example of this can be found in the deception used to
successfully market cheap and nasty fats and oils. Some
researchers including myself will say that cheap fats and
nasty oils have over the last 70-odd years contributed
quite significantly to obesity and diabetes. Don't believe
me? Have a read of a revealing article by Sally Fallon and
Mary Enig entitled 'The Skinny On Fats' (it can be got from
a search engine).

I will say that what I'm about to put forward to you are
the most important recommendations you could ever get about
diet weight loss.

There are 4 factors responsible for weight loss, which can
be turned into recommendations. The first 2 recommendations
are obvious and well known, but the other 2 are not. I
wouldn't guarantee to anyone that they will lose weight if
they don't pay heeds to all 4.

The first 2, the obvious ones are

1. Eat healthier in tandem with

2. Appropriate exercise. The remaining recommendations are

3. Undergo hormonal therapy. Many people who have no
success with 1 and 2 have hormonal imbalances, which can be
put right by practitioners who are well versed in this form
of treatment. Finally, another very important factor is

4. To eat accordingly to your 'metabolic type'.

'We know that carbohydrates, proteins and fats are part of
an essential diet, but what many don't know is that each
one of us has a 'tailor-made' specific dietary requirement,
because our body's metabolism differs from one person to
the next. For example, because of the nature of one
person's metabolic processes, he/she being a 'protein type'
would need more protein than another individual who is a
'carbohydrate type'.

A individual's metabolic typing can be established through
a diet questionnaire. Eating accordingly to your 'metabolic
type' may not only produce successful weight loss, but also
prevent grogginess and mood swings.

I, Paul Phillips am a health writer researcher. I graduated
in 'Biological Sciences' which includes biochemistry,
physiology and nutrition. I have worked in various related
research and development labs.
I am always willing to give advice and help people in my
field. For a wealth of vital information please try the
link below

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's a Diet Fad that is a big CON:

Are You Faux Dieting?"

This article is by the biggest FAUX Dieter ever. She did NOT lose the weight she claimed to have lost, yet is trying to sell everyone on a dangerous diet.

For more Kimkins info:

Kimkins on

Kimkins on Insider Exclusive

Kimkins on

Say NO to Kimkins!