Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Health and Fitness - How to Keep Fit as You Age

Health and Fitness - How to Keep Fit as You Age
It is common knowledge that as we begin to add years under
our belts that we will need to work a little harder at
maintaining fitness and weight. It takes a little more to
shed those last few unwanted pounds.

It is well-known around the globe, today, that our
metabolisms begin to slow to a biological crawl as we get
older. Except for the hopes of some sort of miracle, or
some extreme technological breakthrough, this is the facts,
and we have no choice but to live and accept it as it is.

Medical science, for some time now, has been doing exactly
that; trying to find a "cure," if you will, to the
unstoppable process of aging. Studies have, in the last
twenty years, hinted as to what causes aging. Hopes are
that by continuing these studies, more knowledge will be
attained, therefore, this newfound knowledge should put us
closer to finding methods to "reverse," or at least slow
down the aging process.

There's no telling as to when such a breakthrough is going
to happen, so until then, it seems that the most sensible
thing for a person to do is to use the methods we have in
order to stay healthy. It should be of no shock to anyone
to know that the two main factors to achieving this goal is
proper exercise and a sensible diet.

Depending on a persons age and current health, it's wise to
establish a diet and workout regimen that will better suit
the individual. Some discomfort following the days after a
person begins working out is expected, but this discomfort
will, within a few days dissipate to a comfortable level.
Extreme pain is a sign that a person is overexerting
themselves, which will not help in the long-run. Find a
happy medium.

Let it be known that in order to maintain a healthy
physique, it's necessary to alter your diet as well. How
healthy of a physique can one expect to get when they
haven't cut down on fatty foods?

Some people, after reaching a certain age, have a tendency
of eating foods that they would've normally have shunned in
their earlier years. At times, this indulgence comes as a
sort of reward after the many years of discipline and
hard-labor. The one thing that goes over-looked by so many,
though, is that this can prove very negative in these
latter years as our metabolisms slow.

As with everything and at any age, everything should be
done in moderation. There's nothing wrong with an
occasional snack every now and then as this could prove
beneficial, both for the mentality and for health reasons.
Sugar and fat are actually necessary components in our
diets, seeing that simple sugars are essential for energy
and unsaturated fat is beneficial for regulating hormones
and other important activities.

Although, many of us try to maintain a healthy diet,
regular exercise is also a key attribute to a true healthy
body. Even something as simple as walking is suggested to
strengthen our cardiovascular systems. It's been proven
that this simple activity helps to keep the joints strong
and lubricated, and helps to maintain strong muscles and

Professionals have proven that those in the 60 or more age
group with little to no exercise have only a 60% aerobic
capacity of those in the 30 year old age group. Up to seven
pounds of muscle mass can be lost in just the small span of
ten years without proper diet and exercise. Studies have
also proven, though, that this does not have to be the
case, as long as we learn how to take better care of

Certain medical facilities have examined the effects of
runners for the span of twenty-five years, and have shown
that the results proved that these runners lost very little
capacity over the past twenty years. Even those that
engaged in resistance training maintained over a ten year
span. This is in accordance with a very popular saying that
goes, "Either use it, or lose it."

For people that really haven't changed their lifestyles,
whether by diet or by exercise, have a better chance of
reversing the effects of aging. Like anything else, though,
it's wise to start slowly, and work yourself up to a
regimen that you're comfortable with. Many people that
overexert themselves tend to feel more pain than those that
start slowly, and because of this, many people tend to give
up before they've witnessed any positive results. Even to
become a jogger, one should start as a power-walker. Also,
very importantly, don't be afraid to seek the advice of a

Moses Wright is a health conscious webmaster. He sets up
this site to help people learn more about keeping fit. You
can get more useful resources at:

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