There is a missing link in why diets will often fail women.
It is the mental diet you must have and re-programing your
subconscious mind is the key to losing weight and more
importantly keeping it off.
If you learn how to program it the right way you will stop
the vicious cycle of gaining weight or not being able to
lose it.
The average person thinks 40,000-50,000 thoughts a day and
most of them are negative. You get what you think about.
If you think that you will always be broke then you will.
The same thing applies to gaining weight or not being able
to lose it! Your subconscious mind is so powerful that it
remains on like a computer program running 24/7.
This means when you are sleeping whatever thoughts you have
during the day they are programmed in your subconscious.
Think about the dreams you have at night they are a direct
reflection of your current mental state, so if you wake up
in the middle of the night scared from a bad dream that
means you are scared of something going on in your present
How does this work with weight loss?
First let's look at why so many women have trouble either
keeping weight off or losing weight. It simply starts with
what they believe.
For example do find that you say these statements to
"I am too old to lose weight." "My whole family is
overweight and it's just in my genes." "It's too hard."
"Nothing ever works for me." "I can't seem to motivate
myself to eat better or workout."
I'm sure you might have a few more to add to this list.
If you have these types of beliefs then it will be hard for
you to lose weight or keep it off because you have
essentially programmed your mind for failure.
So what can you do?
If you find your mind is programmed with these dis
empowering beliefs you can actually re-program it for
ultimate success.
Think again about your subconscious mind being a computer
program and giving it a better program to run, rather than
one that takes up too much space or has a lot of errors.
I want to share with you some powerful motivational tools
that help re-program your mind for ultimate fat-loss
success. Nutrition and exercise are very important.
However, without the right mind set, permanent weight loss
is impossible.
You need to know how to change the internal dialogue or
program in your mind in order to change the physical part.
Trust me no diet will work if you don't understand and
apply these principles.
Here are some powerful ways to re-program your mind:
Start by putting yourself on a "mental diet". Each time
you find yourself saying something negative about your
body, food, or exercise try turning that negative statement
into a more positive one.
For example you might say " I hate this fat around my
stomach" Instead say " My stomach is getting flatter"
This sounds very simple yet it's a very powerful way to
start changing your beliefs and in turn change your body.
Just for fun keep a log of how many times you do this and
of course make sure you re-frame the negative statements
into positive ones.
After putting these powerful mental tools in place you will
be amazed and think it's magic because all of the sudden
your weight seems to melt off your body and you will be
happier than you have ever been.
Heather Picken, Female Fat Loss Expert, and Co-Founder Of
Fat Loss For Women online community:
Shed your belly fat now and get your FREE fat burning
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