Sunday, November 18, 2007

How Can I Lose 10lbs In 30 Days?

How Can I Lose 10lbs In 30 Days?
Is it possible to lose 10lbs. in 30 days? Depending on
how much you weigh this may or may not happen. If you weigh
190 lbs. you could lose the 10lbs in 30 days.

A smaller person it would be much more challenging to do.
A woman that weighs more will be able to lose more weight
initially and 2lbs. per week is fine, anything more than
that is going to be mostly water and muscle.

Every woman is always looking for fast weight loss. I
would also focus more on fat loss and not weight loss
because fat loss is more permanent. Many women focus too
much on scale weight when really it doesn't give you the
full picture of what is going on.

You could lose 10lbs of fat while gaining muscle and the
scale might only go down by 5lbs. That is where women will
go nuts because they are so focused on what the scale says,
and not what their clothes are doing.

If you're clothes are looser than you are going in the
right direction and you look better. I have had many women
look like they lost 10lbs on the scale but in reality they
only lost 3 or 4 pounds on the scale.

In regards to the question about losing 10lbs in 30 days
for fast weight loss. First off, you have to be dedicated
to the process because if you're not then the weight or fat
you lost will come right back on.

You must first condition your mind and re-program it for
ultimate fat-loss without doing this you will never get to
your goal. I discuss many times how your subconscious mind
is responsible for 97-98% of your beliefs and habits and
your conscious mind is only 2-4%.

So once you have that down, then you can look to see what
you are doing for your nutrition. This is crucial in losing
weight/fat as you must have a deficit in your food intake
but also make sure that the foods you are eating are what I
call "fat burning" foods.

All foods are not created equal, which means some foods
will burn fat in your body, while others will store fat!

I give these examples in my system so there is no guess
work. For example a piece of chicken and a piece of white
bread containing the same calories will break down
differently in your body.

Forget about those diets that have you counting points
because it won't work in the long run, they will only ruin
your metabolism since it's focusing on weight loss and not
fat loss.

You need to make sure you are eating high quality,
fat-burning foods so you can increase your metabolism. If
you don't eat enough then your body will put on the brakes
to burn fat. Eating smaller meals throughout the day will
also help your body to burn more fat and keep your energy
levels up.

Let's take a look at exercise now. Weight training will
build lean muscle and believe me you want that because the
more lean muscle you have the faster your metabolism will

I suggest 3-4 weight training sessions a week. These
sessions should be fat-burning in which you are using
weight that is challenging and working out your whole body.
Keep rest in-between set short as well.

Cardio should be intense. Walking will not burn as much
body fat as doing interval or HIIT training. These are
short, intense sessions that will keep you breathing hard.

Go at a pace where you are breathing heavy, but let me
caution you if you are new to this pace yourself. Doing
things too much too soon is not a good idea. If you do 5-7
cardio sessions (30-45 minutes) that are intense you will
start to notice your fat melting away.

Keep in mind you need all these components when trying to
lose fat/weight quickly and safely.

My best advice is to think long-term and in doing so it
will stay off and you will feel better about the process,
instead of just fast weight loss with temporary results.

Heather Picken, Female Fat Loss Expert, and Co-Founder Of
Fat Loss For Women online community:
Shed your belly fat now and get your FREE fat burning
updates on the best workouts for women and nutrition:

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