Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Problem WIth A Low Fat High Carb Diet

The Problem WIth A Low Fat High Carb Diet
Fat has been made public enemy number 1 in the battle for
health and fitness. The low fat thinking has lead to a
great variety of low fat food. Its so bad that people will
not buy something if its not called low fat. Everywhere you
look in the market place now there is a low fat version of
everything. You can even get low fat ice cream. The
unfortunate thing here is that if you are only buying low
fat products, you are probably being mislead for a lot the
things you buy. That's because you may not understand how
certain foods are processed in your body.

Before I tell you about that, let's talk about the actual
low fat diet. This diet tells you to eat low fat foods to
avoid getting fat. Now the food manufacturers understand
this, and so that's why we have a low fat version of
everything. But many of them replace the fat with a huge
amount of sugars and other refined carbohydrates to keep
the taste.

Therefore, if you are following a low fat diet, you are
probably eating a lot of refined carbohydrates.

So, what does that mean?

Refined carbohydrates get processed immediately in your
body, and turns into glucose. This glucose is put into your
blood stream to be distributed throughout your body to
provide energy for you. Now, if you don't need this energy
right now, your body stores it as glycogen in your muscles.
If all of your glycogen stores are already full, then it is
stored as fat!

I hope you understood that. Let me rephrase it to be sure.

If you eat a lot of refined carbohydrates, it will
eventually turn to fat if you eat more than you need.
Unless you are very active, and make use of your glycogen
stores, you don't need refined carbohydrates. Even then,
you might only use them straight after a workout.

So although you may be eating what's called a 'low fat'
food, it is really anything but low fat.

Now the main exception to this is low fat milk, low fat
cheese or low fat natural yogurt. These usually don't have
refined sugar. Most of the other types of 'low fat' foods
though are full of it.

The worst thing about these refined carbohydrates are that
they are very addictive. If you study the role of insulin
in your body, you'll realize that your body starts craving
for these high sugar foods, often when you aren't even
hungry. It's a vicious cycle you want to stay away from.
It's a cycle that most obese and overweight people are
right in the middle of. There are also other effects of
eating too many refined carbs. These include unstable
energy levels, mood swings, headaches and onset of life
threatening diseases such as heart disease.

So if you've been trying to eat low fat, and don't see any
results with your weight decreasing or with your health
improving, no matter how little you've eaten, this might be
one reason. What you eat is as, if not more important as
how much you eat.

So next time you go shopping and you see the "Low Fat" sign
on the food, make sure you check the ingredients label to
see how much sugar and carbs are in it. Now you know that
excess refined carbs are pretty much the same thing as fat,
you'll be able to see right through the sneaky companies
that try and trick you with this.

To learn more effective diet strategies, visit: . You
can also read about why crash diets don't work here:

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