Tuesday, January 29, 2008

How to Handle Excessive Underarm Sweating

Excessive underarm sweating is a condition that can be
embarrassing to talk about, but very easy to treat. If you
suffer from excessive sweating here are some things you can
do to make sure you keep your sweating under control.

Hyperhidrosis is the medical term for people who suffer
from excessive underarm sweating. It is estimated over 8
million people suffer from it in the United States alone so
we are talking about a pretty significant number of people.

Sweating is perfectly normal thing and a necessary thing
for the body to do. Sweating is how our body controls it's
temperature and we all have over 3 million sweat glands.
When we are exerting ourselves or on hot days our body is
forced to work a little harder to cool off and that is when
we sweat.

Some people have bodies who work extra hard all of the time
to keep cool and this causes excessive sweating. Usually a
strong underarm odor is another problem that comes with
people who cannot stop sweating.

To cure it and keep it under control you have to find ways
to keep your body cool naturally. Here are a few

1. Some people have reported having high levels of lead and
mercury in their system, possible form old dental fillings.
Mercury and other heavy metals interfere with enzymes and
digestion. By replacing those and taking a multi vitamin
with no copper as well as B Vitamins and Folic Acid they
were able to stop sweating excessively.

2. Use a prescription deodorant like CertainDri or Drysol.

3. Look for a deodorant that contains active ingredients
that blocks the sweat pores. Something that contains a high
level of Aluminum Chloride.

4. For drying out your underarm use an antibacterial soap
when you shower.

5. Avoid wearing clothes that fit to tightly. Loose
clothing will let your underarms breathe easier. Natural
fabrics, like silk and cotton allow sweat to dry more

6. Avoid spicy foods, caffeine, onions and garlic, and
alcohol. Spicy foods tend to make you sweat more and
alcohol and caffeine cause you to perspire more as well.

7. Meditation has proved to help some people. Excessive
underarm sweating can cause excessive anxiety. Meditation
maintains the body's hormonal balance and helps you relax
which allows your body to cool down and sweat less.

8. Lower your body temperature by drinking plenty of water.
Plus this is good for everything else that can go wrong
with your body!

Don not give up. Excessive underarm sweating is a condition
that thousands of people deal with on a daily basis, so
there is no need to be ashamed or embarrassed. Speak with
your physician today or try some of the suggestions in this
article to see if one works for you.

Jeff Schuman invites you to visit his stop sweating website
to learn how you can stop excessive underam sweating in 3
easy steps. You will find an all natural plan all-natural
plan that is designed to stop excessive underarm sweating
in two weeks or less. It has proven to be effective for 96%
of those who have tried it. To learn more please go here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, a great post with some really useful tips.

The key is for sufferers to take action.

All the best,


Visit: http://www.excessive-sweating-info.com/