Friday, July 6, 2007

Natural Migraine Treatment: Butterbur

In this article: ‘Natural Migraine Treatment: Butterbur’ you will discover:

What is butterbur?
Why is butterbur a natural migraine treatment?
How much butterbur do you need to take as a natural migraine treatment?

What Is Butterbur?

Butterbur grows in northern parts of Europe and Russia.

Apart from reducing migraine headaches attacks, butterbur can also help with the symptoms of hay fever and asthma.

Butterbur contains petasins, these are known to relax blood vessels, smooth muscles and reduce inflammation.

These activities are all good for the migraine sufferer.

Why Is Butterbur A Natural Migraine Treatment?

Butterbur is considered a natural migraine treatment because studies have shown that by taking butterbur extracts you can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.

How Much Butterbur Do You Need To Take As A Natural Migraine Treatment?

As a natural migraine treatment, try taking 75 mg of butterbur extract twice a day. This was the amount taken in the previously mentioned studies.

Note: As with all supplements, please consult you doctor before taking butterbur extracts.

Take butterbur standardized extracts which contain at least 15% petasins.

Warning: Make sure you only take butterbur extracts that exclude pyrrolizidine alkaloids.

Butterbur contains unsaturated pyrrolizidine alkaloids which can cause liver damage after prolonged use.

Most standardized extracts exclude pyrrolizidine alkaloids, but it is always best to check.

So, to sum up…

Butterbur is a plant which grows in northern parts of Europe and Russia.

Butterbur contains petasins, which studies have shown are good at reducing the frequency of migraine attacks.

For as a natural migraine treatment try taking butterbur extracts but make sure pyrrolizidine alkaloids are excluded. Migraine: more...

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