Friday, July 6, 2007

Why You Should Quit Smoking Cigarettes NOW

No matter what method you decide you to use to quit smoking cigarettes, you can be sure that it will be well worth it. Quitting will have a huge positive impact on your health. A 35 year old man who quits will usually increase his life expectancy by 5 years by decreasing the risk of smoking related illnesses.

About one third of all American adults are smokers. Usually they begin to smoke occasionally and then find they are doing it al the time, including it in their daily routine. Smoking gives them a great, calm feeling. Many smokers use these effects to relieve stress. Because of the good feeling it gives them, many people don’t see any harm in smoking.

However, there are many, many downsides to smoking. The most serious downside is the greatly increased risk of lung cancer and many other diseases. Smoking also has a very negative effect on the human skin, causing wrinkles and premature aging. It also gives you bad breath, makes your clothes smell and turns your teeth yellow. Cigarettes are also very expensive, quitting will save you a lot of money.

Saying goodbye to the cigarette is not easy and usually requires a lot of effort and perseverance. Because smoking is a long term habit as well as a strong addiction, smokers will usually suffer for quite while when quitting. The benefits are more than worth it though. In fact the benefits are so great that smokers should quit without giving it a second thought; a much healthier and longer life awaits them.

To find out how you can easily quit smoking with the Final Smoke program, read our
review at

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