Sunday, February 24, 2008

9 Metabolism Boosting Exercises that You Can Do at Home

9 Metabolism Boosting Exercises that You Can Do at Home
In your quest to lose weight there are only two things you
can do. The first is to eat fewer calories, the second is
to exercise. This sounds simple, but not all exercises are
made the same. I would say that all exercise is definitely
good, but some exercises give you more return for your time
spent. Specifically exercises that can give you both an
cardiovascular and resistance workout are #1 in my book.
Exercise that can do both of these will help you burn
calories while you workout and boost your metabolism every
day by maintaining your muscle mass.

Here are 20 great exercises you can do right in the comfort
of your own home that will burn a tone of calories and
maintain good strong muscles and boost your metabolism even
when you're not working out.

Bodyweight squats - Stand with feet shoulder width apart
squat down like you're sitting back into a chair, drive
your heels into the floor a return to the starting
position. Try 10 reps to start working up to 20, and then

Y-Squat - Same as above, with your arms up and out to your
sides to make your arms and body resemble a "Y" shape. Try
10 reps, working up to 20 and then 30 reps.

Squat jumps - Starting in the same position as above, squat
down as if you're sitting back into a chair and then jump
up from this bottom squat position. When you land from the
jump sit right back down into this squatting position and
repeat. Try 8 reps to start, working up to 12, 15 then 20.

Lunges - Standing with feet shoulder width apart talk a
long step forward with your right foot lunge down touching
your left knee to the ground. Drive your right heel into
the ground and push yourself back to the starting position
and switch legs. Try 10 reps per leg to start, working up
to 15 then 20.

Reverse Lunges - Standing with feet shoulder width apart
talk a long step backwards with your right foot, touch your
right toes to the ground lunging backward touching your
right knee to the ground. Drive your left heel into the
ground and step back forward with your right foot, then
switch legs. Try 8 reps to start working up to 15 then 20.

Push-Ups - Lying flat on the ground face down. On your toes
and hands push yourself off the ground. If toes and hands
is too difficult, start with knees and hands. Try 8 reps to
start, working up to 12, 15 then 20. (once you can do more
than 20 on your knees and hands, start trying to do some on
your feet and hands)

Push-Up/Stick-Up - Do a push up the same as above, now in
between each push up stand up and raise your arms above
your head (like your being held up at gun point...this is
why they call it a 'stick up') and then get right back down
and do your next push up. Continue doing each repetition
like this. Try 8 to start, working up to 12 and then 15.

Step-Ups - Go to a set of stairs and step up to the second
stair with your right foot. Step back down and then switch
feet. Continue alternating feet until you've stepped up 20
times with each foot.

Bridge - Get into a traditional push up position on your
hands and feet keeping your body rigid and hold for 30
seconds. As you get better at these work up to 45 and then
60 seconds.

Start by working through one set of all of these exercises.
As you get better at them you can progress to adding
another set of each, or choose which exercises you like to
add more sets. Take 30-60 seconds rest between each

John Barban is a professional strength and conditioning
coach who has completed graduate studies in both exercise
and nutrition. He has extensive experience designing
nutritional supplements and has developed his trademark
workout for women 6 Minute Circuits. John is an expert
contributor to and recomends the
diet program , and believes it is
the best new diet for easy and effective weight loss.

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