Sunday, November 11, 2007

Breaking through that Plateau Women

Breaking through that Plateau Women
It happens all the time. You change your eating habits;
start exercising and you lose weight steadily each week.
Then suddenly as you get closer to your goal your weight
loss begins to slow down drastically and eventually seems
to come to a stand still. No matter how hard you try, you
can not get the scale to move and weeks go by while you are
still the same weight. This is perhaps the most
challenging part of losing weight and getting fit and it is
also where you are the most vulnerable. This is the point
where you are at the most risk to fall back into old
habits. It is very frustrating to be doing everything
right and trying so hard and not seeing those numbers
change on the scale. It is frustrating enough to make you
reach for a bag of candy to make yourself feel better.
Before you reach for that candy and sabotage all your hard
work, know you are not alone. You have simply hit a

A plateau is simply when your weight loss efforts come to a
stand still. It happens to everyone at one point in their
weight loss. The problem is, since we are all different,
we can’t predict exactly when a plateau might happen
to us but when it does it is not fun. A plateau does
should not mean that we are going to fall back into our old
habits. A common misconception that we have about
plateaus is that they mean we failed. We haven’t
failed. We are just at a standstill.

So what can we do to break through this plateau? The
first thing is to make sure you are eating properly. Make
sure you are eating enough to compensate for your workout
also. Ideally you should eat within a half hour to 2 hours
after your workout to refuel your system and make sure it
is a balanced meal that includes carbs. You might want to
try drinking a little more water to avoid dehydrations also.

Another thing to look at, did you add rest in your exercise
program? Rest is very important especially when strength
training. Whenever you strength train tiny tears happen
in the fibers of your muscles. Those tears repair
themselves with stronger muscles but in order for that to
happen you have to rest those muscles. Ideally you should
rest 1-2 days between workouts. If you did legs on
Monday, you should not do them again till Wednesday or

Lastly, try switching up your cardio workouts. If you have
been using the treadmill, try using the elliptical. If
you have been taking step classes, try taking a kickboxing
class. If you have been using workout videos, try a new
one and see what happens. The possibilities are endless.
You can also change the duration of your workout. You
might want to try and do a shorter but more intense workout
one day and then an easy longer one the next day. One day
you could take a 30 minute kickboxing class and then the
next day take a 45 minute walk around your neighborhood.
Keep variety in your workout.

Following these easy suggestions will bust you through that
plateau in no time and if you hit another plateau you have
the tools to know how to handle it.

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