Sunday, November 11, 2007

Lyme Disease Amazingly IS All in Your Head

Lyme Disease Amazingly IS All in Your Head
Many of us with chronic Lyme disease have spent years of
our lives in our relentless pursuit of good health. We have
been to dozens of physicians in search of correct diagnosis
and treatment.

Likewise many of us who have been on this quest hear
physicians dismiss us with a something like this, "I can
not help you. This is all in your head. Now, go get a life."

Those words feel like a close-fisted slug to the belly.
Those words knock the wind out of a patient who is
desperate to get their life back from Lyme. Those words
spoken by a trusted medical doctor create a heavy load of
shame and cause the patient to wonder, "Am I really just

One fellow I know left his primary physician's office with
the business card of a psychologist. This was the doctor's
prescription for dealing with what had been erroneously
determined to be psychosomatic.

Those of us who decide to plug along in spite of hearing
those painful words leave many a doctor's office shaking
our heads and thinking, "OK, I may be crazy, but what about
the double pneumonia and/or the floaters in my eyes and/or
the tremendous pain in soles of my feet, and/or the
non-stop itching and dozens of other symptoms for goodness
sake. These symptoms are real. How can we deal with those?"

If you are on the lookout for real solutions to your very
real Lyme-related symptoms this next sentence may cause you
to laugh right out loud after. Lyme disease really is all
in your head, but not in the way your Lyme illiterate
doctors imply.

When a load of Lyme spirochetes are injected into your
blood stream and make it through your immune system's lines
of defense where do you think they go? Those little
bacteria go straight to your brain, begin multiplying and
begin causing multiple brain infections.

Upon learning this important piece of information each of
our Lyme-infected family members quit telling people that
we all have "Lyme." That statement alone caused people to
look at us with tat "deer stuck in headlights look." Now,
when we get into conversations about health struggles,
first we admit to having brain infections, then we talk
about Lyme. With this change in language lay people and
physicians alike seem to take our words and symptoms more

As you learn about Lyme, you will find out that it does not
travel alone. It takes company with it where ever it goes.
So, in addition to learning about Lyme, be prepared to
learn about Lyme-related co-infections as well. Yes, they
like to take up residence in brain matter too.

Some of the Lyme-related co-infections that our family
members had included, Epstein-Barr virus (mono); Parvo
virus (comes from dogs); Strep; HHV6; H-Pilori (the number
one bug on the planet) to name a few. Each of these little
buggers were diagnosed and treated, then, thankfully came

Now your challenge is discernment. The next time you hear,
"It is all in your head." You can ask yourself, "Does this
person think I'm nuts? Or, have I finally found someone who
is Lyme literate?"

Forward this article to friends. They will thank you for it!
For your FREE downloadable, ebook, "150+ Symptoms of Lyme
Disease" and more about Lyme visit,

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