Friday, July 6, 2007

Common Causes of Deafness and How You May Be Able to Prevent It

Can you have any control on whether you will lose your
sense of hearing? There are many causes of deafness and
certainly some are preventable.

Deafness can vary from mild to severe. Deafness at birth is
called congenital deafness and that which occurs after
birth is called adventitious deafness. The causes of
adventitious deafness are many. Lifestyle has a vital
responsibility for cause of hearing loss and one of the
main causes of adventitious deafness is noise.

Some common causes of deafness are:

• Hereditary Disorders: Hereditary deafness happens when
the parents pass the defect on to their children. It means
that people are born deaf and this is generally caused by
the malformations of the inner ear.

• Genetic Disorders: Genetic deafness occurs when the baby
is in the mother's womb.

• Prenatal Exposure to Disease: When pregnant mothers
suffer from rubella, influenza or mumps, the baby born will
either be deaf or will have some hearing problem.

• Noise: Loud noise like gunshots, firecrackers, explosions
and rock concerts tends to damage the ear mechanisms. A
single exposure to loud noise does not damage the eardrum.
Repeated exposure to sound over a long period of time will
affect the ear with moderate to severe hearing loss.

• Disease: There are certain diseases that cause loss of
hearing such as meningitis, mumps, chicken pox and
cytomegalovirus. In the case of meningitis, the inner ear
tends to become inflamed which leads to deafness.

• Trauma: A hole in the eardrum, a fractured skull or
changes in air pressure lead to deafness.

• Wax: The ear canal produces a waxy substance, which is
useful in lubricating and protecting the tissues. This has
to be cleaned out once in a while. If not done, the wax
will build leading to short term deafness. Even foreign
substances such as the tip of a cotton bud or a hairpin can
cause hearing loss if they puncture the eardrum. This is
not too serious as the eardrum heals on its own, although
it can take a few weeks.

• Excess Mucus: Excess mucus is caused either due to the
common cold, hay fever or other allergies. This blocks the
Eustachian tube, which leads to loss of hearing.

• Ear Infections: During an ear infection, the fluid and
pus fills in the middle ear. This does not allow full
transmission of sound and leads to partial hearing.

• Drugs: There are certain drugs like chloroquine, which
lead to temporary deafness.

• Age-related Hearing Loss: This type of hearing loss is
commonly found in old people. This is normal and rarely
leads to deafness. Age-related hearing loss also known as
'presbycusis' begins with loss of certain speech sounds
like 'S', 'F' and 'T'.

• Tinnitus: Tinnitus is the ringing sound in the ears.
Middle ear infection and damage caused by loud noises can
cause tinnitus. This disease can cause psychiatric symptoms.

• Occupational Hearing Loss: Men working in bars, pubs, and
nightclubs are liable to have their sense of hearing
impaired. Such people are exposed to loud noise most of the
time. The deafness is caused by the damage to the hair
cells of the organ of Corti in the cochlea.

In addition to the above causes of deafness, there are many
unknown causes. Loss of hearing is a serious problem. Some
say it is worse than losing one's sight. People lose their
quality of life due to the isolating nature of the

If you or someone you know has hearing loss, you know how
isolating that can be. Keep up with the latest digital
hearing aids - information that Michael Jennings has put
together on the subject hearing loss ==>

Ten Minutes to Full Body Sculpting

Most people fail in body sculpting because they just don't
have the time to get in a full workout. Even those with the
best of intentions can have troubles finding time in their
schedules. But in reality, when you treat your exercise
program like any other appointment in your life, you do
have time – you just have to commit to your goals. What can
help is a body sculpting or resistance training routine
that takes the smallest amount of time possible, while
still being effective. Here is one routine that will help
you do just that.

Before you begin the body sculpting, you need to realize
that it's actually not the time that you spend exercising
that matters; it's the resistance that you place on your
muscles. Better put, the harder you workout, the harder
your muscles need to work and thus the more results you
will get in return. You can turn nearly any workout into a
ten minute workout routine, but you need to be sure that

* Doing the exercises correctly
* Performing each movement as 'hard' as you can – you
should be able to feel your muscle contracting throughout
the movement
* Focusing all your attention on your workout
* Avoiding the use of gravity to help your movements
* Doing the workout day after day

This ten minute body sculpting routine is so simple that
you can even use other exercises to substitute if you get
bored with the routine. All you need to do is start off
with one minute of walking in place or jumping jacks to
warm up. Then you want to do one minute each of the follow

* Pushups
* Squats
* Calf raises
* Tricep dips (using both at the same time or switching
from one side to the next after thirty seconds)
* Bicep curls (using both at the same time or switching
from one side to the next after thirty seconds)
* Shoulder presses
* Crunches
* Oblique crunches

Follow this body sculpting with one minute of walking in
place slowly to cool down and you're done. The key to the
effectiveness of this routine is that you are hitting all
the main parts of the body, focusing on working them out to
tiring and then moving onto another body area. You don't
want to count repetitions during this exercise, just do as
many solid form repetitions as you can.

What you will want to realize about the body sculpting
routine is that you will not lose weight from this alone.
By increasing the activity in your day, watching what you
eat, and adding some cardio to your schedule, you will be
able to create the kind of calorie deficit that will be
conducive to weight loss.

Machelle Lee owns and operates, The Invisible Gym in Santa
Cruz, CA. Her mission is to inspire people to become
physically active and enjoy the benefits of a balanced,
healthy lifestyle. For more information and questions you
can visit her website.

What Is The Optimum Time To Go On A Diet?

Dropping a dress size, much like a big night out, tends to
be one of those things we like to don't rush. For ages we
are saying that we are going to reduce your waist. Perhaps
you gulp down your final chunk of chocolate cake and you
count down to the time you will begin your weight loss.

You have to focus yourself so you can beat the pain heading
in your direction. Commitment is what is required and you
will be requiring all the assistance you can in order to
drop a few pounds.

Eventually the big day arrives - you begin your exercise
plan - yet almost immediately you've had enough again. All
that planning for so little an increase in fitness.

What gives?

The solution , you might have guessed, is that a certain
something got your attention. Something you see as being
more important than your health. Maybe it was a meal out or
a school reunion and it's as though you never started.

Lots of individuals will try to time the beginning of an
exercise program to get around situations where temptations
such as this could arise. People aim to begin an diet
regime in conjunction with a relation or over a vacation
period to try and make it easier for them. The evidence
would suggest it's a great idea, for most people it's a
long way from the truth.

The reason for this is an easy one - you may behave
yourself for a while but when one of the multitude of
hurdles you face each day crops up, you're not prepared to
deal with it and so we use it an an excuse to go back to
eating junk and quitting running (or both).

Far more use on day one of your diet to have a slight set
back, and then to keep fighting. These ocassional set backs
will surely help to get you ready and get you used to
coping with the crap you will experience and means you can
make it through the winter an even more focused dieter.

Relish the hiccups as a challenge. Feel the pride of each
one you beat and you will grow ever more of a winner. All
of a sudden you'll find hiccups have become positive things
not things to be fearful of.

And here's a further surprising point to making a success
of weight loss - and one that I have only just experienced
for myself by mistake.

Consider how many diets or exercise programs have you
started and stopped during your life? How many times have
you given up? When you gave up, besides feeling a tiny bit
depressed for a while what happened? Not very much. Your
hunsband or wife didn't start ignoring you. You company
didn't close down. The sun still rose the next day.

In other words you're used to quitting, and you're aware
that nothing nasty will happen .

But what if it did happen? Consider if failure couldn't
happen? Let's say that a doctor said to you that you had to
lose 50lb in the next 9 months or you'll die? Or that your
spouse says they won't tie the knot unless you lose that

If you consider the situation in that light, it soon gets
wonderfully easy to stick to your diet.

My goal has been to lose weight, then once I've lost the
weight to find a spouse. Now I find that half way to the
finale of my diet I have come into contact with a beautiful
lady plus I am finding it reasonably simple to stay
disciplined on my diet because I want to make them respect
what I'm doing.

What exactly could you put in place to make certain winning
is the only option for you? Could you plan a photo shoot?
Or else tell everyone what you're doing.

Whatever is needed to almost totally eliminate the chance
of you giving up. Take action on it. It'll be the best gift
you've ever given yourself.

Richard Adams is a keen advocate of healthy diet and weight
loss programs having experimented on himself with various
programs over the years. His latest site will teach you
everything you need to know about weight loss ->

The Dark Secret Part II

Walk with me for awhile, and discover that we can overcome the external and internal barriers to change. This is just one aspect of the dark secret: to learn how to defeat our negative side. Also, you will soon discover the soothing power contained within my four healing steps: face stressful emotions; use positive thoughts to control them; take positive action; turn to Positive Power.

Basically my healing system is a spiritual approach to personal growth, counseling, and social reform. I believe that human service professionals need to acknowledge the realm of spiritual healing in their work. It is time to see that clever treatment modalities and clinical interventions all have their proper place; but ultimately what heals is not the therapeutic relationship. It’s the power of Love-Light that must flow through the therapeutic relationship, which actually produces the healing and change.

If this thesis is true, it should have many implications for the future of the helping professions, including how they are trained and educated to do clinical work. It also has powerful applications to the arena of social change. I believe it is time to apply healing principles to social reform as well as personal growth and development.

Feel free to adapt it to your own belief system and problem solving style. The least my discussion can do is to start you on a journey to your Love-Light within. This process can not fail because it is founded on the principle of absolute power of the Positive—the Light as you personally define It.

The more one uses my healing formula, the stronger one’s conviction will be that the life journey is fundamentally about spiritual transformation—acceptance of our personal connection to the Light. For me, whatever is Love-Light always brings more life, health, wisdom, prosperity, happiness, wholeness, love, and freedom to change.

My concept of spirituality defines Light as everything that is positive in life. Spirituality is all about believing in the Light, and feeling our emotional connection to It. Spirituality is ultimately about breathing in the Light, walking in the Light, and letting It shine—the harbinger of health, happiness, and transformation.

But let us not forget that our negative side thrives on darkness, fear, despair, hopelessness, anger, violence, depression, addictions, and self-destructive behavior. Its sole purpose appears to block all the Good that we so richly deserve. Do not be dismayed. We can work together to let go of the pain of the past.

Mr Eby is a Master Social Worker with more than 30 years of professional experience. He lives in Grants Pass, Oregon, with his wife Susan. He currently works as a therapist and counselor for Options of Southern Oregon, the local mental health agency. He has also provided online life coaching services for many years on Ebay. He is the author of The Dark Secret About Healing And Recovery. More information is available at

Why You Should Quit Smoking Cigarettes NOW

No matter what method you decide you to use to quit smoking cigarettes, you can be sure that it will be well worth it. Quitting will have a huge positive impact on your health. A 35 year old man who quits will usually increase his life expectancy by 5 years by decreasing the risk of smoking related illnesses.

About one third of all American adults are smokers. Usually they begin to smoke occasionally and then find they are doing it al the time, including it in their daily routine. Smoking gives them a great, calm feeling. Many smokers use these effects to relieve stress. Because of the good feeling it gives them, many people don’t see any harm in smoking.

However, there are many, many downsides to smoking. The most serious downside is the greatly increased risk of lung cancer and many other diseases. Smoking also has a very negative effect on the human skin, causing wrinkles and premature aging. It also gives you bad breath, makes your clothes smell and turns your teeth yellow. Cigarettes are also very expensive, quitting will save you a lot of money.

Saying goodbye to the cigarette is not easy and usually requires a lot of effort and perseverance. Because smoking is a long term habit as well as a strong addiction, smokers will usually suffer for quite while when quitting. The benefits are more than worth it though. In fact the benefits are so great that smokers should quit without giving it a second thought; a much healthier and longer life awaits them.

To find out how you can easily quit smoking with the Final Smoke program, read our
review at

Natural Migraine Treatment: Butterbur

In this article: ‘Natural Migraine Treatment: Butterbur’ you will discover:

What is butterbur?
Why is butterbur a natural migraine treatment?
How much butterbur do you need to take as a natural migraine treatment?

What Is Butterbur?

Butterbur grows in northern parts of Europe and Russia.

Apart from reducing migraine headaches attacks, butterbur can also help with the symptoms of hay fever and asthma.

Butterbur contains petasins, these are known to relax blood vessels, smooth muscles and reduce inflammation.

These activities are all good for the migraine sufferer.

Why Is Butterbur A Natural Migraine Treatment?

Butterbur is considered a natural migraine treatment because studies have shown that by taking butterbur extracts you can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.

How Much Butterbur Do You Need To Take As A Natural Migraine Treatment?

As a natural migraine treatment, try taking 75 mg of butterbur extract twice a day. This was the amount taken in the previously mentioned studies.

Note: As with all supplements, please consult you doctor before taking butterbur extracts.

Take butterbur standardized extracts which contain at least 15% petasins.

Warning: Make sure you only take butterbur extracts that exclude pyrrolizidine alkaloids.

Butterbur contains unsaturated pyrrolizidine alkaloids which can cause liver damage after prolonged use.

Most standardized extracts exclude pyrrolizidine alkaloids, but it is always best to check.

So, to sum up…

Butterbur is a plant which grows in northern parts of Europe and Russia.

Butterbur contains petasins, which studies have shown are good at reducing the frequency of migraine attacks.

For as a natural migraine treatment try taking butterbur extracts but make sure pyrrolizidine alkaloids are excluded. Migraine: more...

So Many Diabetes Treatments - How Do You Know Which One Is Right For You?

By []Aron Wallad

Do you take drugs? Are herbs for you? How much does diet play into the diabetes treatment? To each is own. Finding your remedy as a diabetes patient will relieve you of the agony of having a severe case of diabetes.

Initially when I was diagnosed with diabetes I thought that my condition would subside if I watched what I ate, exercised and found some good alternative to taking medications. Drugs were not in the game plan for me. Having spoken to some diabetics I finally got the message that it was crucial to not watch what I ate but to drastically change my eating regimen. From eating almost anything to being careful about what I put in my body. This was the biggest realization for me.

Why do you think I started to get better?

I started to eat just raw foods. An acupuncturist suggested that I do this diet of only raw fruits and vegetables. She said it was very difficult for people to stay on. But I gave it a try.

I listened with new ears and I have taken her advice. In only one week of eating raw fruits and raw vegetables the tingling feeling in my feet has subsided greatly. My blood sugar has hit a new low of 91.

Changing my diet has worked for me. Here is my list of beneficial things to do to help you with your diabetes disease. In my order of preference.

1 Start eating better - Watch your fat, carbohydrate and sugar intake.

2 Drink lots of green tea

3 Exercise on a regular basis

4 Take the stress out of your life as best you can

These are my top four recommendations. I have added drinking lots of green teas on a daily basis and have found that even on those days when I stray form my diet my blood sugar levels are good. Your situation may be different than mine. By doing what works for you will keep you on the track to better health. Finding what works for you is the main thing.

Finding something that worked was the key component for me. I felt much better about myself and I had hope that this disease could be addressed. When I say what worked I am talking about taking my diabetes disease out of the danger zone. Getting my blood sugar level to "between 80-120" on a consistent level is what I mean by out of the danger zone Herbs and exercise helped. I still take herbs and exercise regularly. What has made the biggest impact was changing to a healthful and helpful eating plan. And as I have stated before, drink lots of green tea. I drink between five and eight glasses every day.

Altering your diet will help you with your diabetes disease. If learning from some of the best by makes sense to you then go grab your e course and free MP3. The MP3 is an interview I did with The Diabetes Warrior. He lowered his blood sugar and lost over 100 pounds. Quite a remarkable guy.

If you would like to learn more about diabetes from someone who has conquered the disease with food then go grab your free MP3. Go here right now

Lose Those Last 10 Pounds with L-Carnitine

How many times have you said to yourself "I just can't lose
those last 10 pounds"?

If losing those last 10 pounds is your passion, then you
will appreciate the benefits of L-Carnitine supplementation!

It's no doubt that weight loss and supplements are
controversial issues in the fitness industry. The basis for
true weight loss is proper eating and regular exercise.
Supplements are beneficial for an added kick to super
charge your weight-loss program. While supplements do serve
their place in a fitness program, don't rely on them as the
bulk of your regimen, they are a tool.

Of the many fat-loss supplements bombarding the fitness and
weight-loss industry, L-Carnitine is one that I always
found useful when trying to drop extra pounds. It can help
mobilize fat so it can be burned more efficiently when your
rotate your calories on the lower end.

L-Carnitine is an amino acid and may aid in fat-loss
endeavors. Its main function is to transfer long-chain
fatty acids into the mitochondria where they can be used to
produce energy and burn fat. L-Carnitine can also aid in
preventing fatty build up in the liver and heart.

Other benefits of the wonderful supplement are reducing
triglyceride levels and improving muscular strength.
L-Carnitine can also help lessen the nervousness and
irritability associated with low carbohydrate eating plans.
Additional advantages are suppressed appetite, increased
energy, and reduced muscle fatigue. L-Carnitine can also
protect against liver disorders, cardiovascular diseases,
and diabetes.

Your body can make L-Carnitine if you receive proper
amounts of the amino acids lysine and methionine. You also
need suitable amounts of vitamin B and C, as well as iron.
This can also be received through nutrition, from such
foods as animal protein.

Those who exercise a great deal use a lot of L-Carnitine.
Therefore, it needs to be replenished to prevent a
deficiency. If you are not receiving enough of these
vitamins, minerals, amino's through your diet you could
possibly have an L-Carnitine deficiency, making those last
few pounds stubborn to remove.

A lack of L-Carnitine can result in muscular weakness and
low energy levels, as well as weight gain, and cramps.
Long-term deficiencies can lead to diabetes, cardiovascular
disease, obesity, and Alzheimer's.

Vegetarians are more likely to have an inadequate amount of
L-Carnitine due to the lack of animal protein in their
nutrition. Therefore, L-Carnitine is an excellent
supplement for vegetarians.

Recommended Dosage

Liquid L-Carnitine is an easy way to receive the
recommended dosage of L-Carnitine quickly. Supplement with
3 to 5 grams of L-Carnitine 20 to 30 minutes before cardio.
Use L-Carnitine consistently for 6 weeks and then take 4
weeks off of L-Carnitine.

This product is absolutely safe. However, if you have a
weak stomach, take it with a meal.

Since L-Carnitine helps to release fat more efficiently
during cardio, provided your carbohydrates are not in
excess, it is important that you eat foods of quality and
exercise consistently. These factors are what make the fat
burning process possible. L-Carnitine is the spark plug to
get the fire burning!

Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988.
She is a nationally qualified bodybuilder and holds two
personal training certifications. She has written 6 ebooks
on fitness and has helped hundreds of clients transform
their bodies.

Laughter Meditation - Laugh Your Way to Good Health, Fitness and Well Being

There are various laughter therapies used across the world to treat various ailments. Some of the prominent few are listed below.

Laughter Therapy: The idea behind this therapy is a healthy and cheerful laugh that can make a person feel better, to relieve stress, combat diseases and strengthen the immune system. It is said that even one minute of laughter can give the body up to 45 minutes of therapeutic relaxation. It stimulates appetite and digestion and also expands the blood vessels and sends more blood racing to the extremities. This process sends more oxygen to every cell in the body, it also serves to speed tissue healing and stabilize many body functions. Laughter even produces a feeling of well being.

Laughter Yoga & Laughter Clubs: Somewhat similar to traditional yoga, laughter yoga is an exercise which incorporates breathing, yoga, stretching techniques along with laughter. The structured format includes several laughter exercises for a period of 30 to 45 minutes facilitated by a trained individual. It is practiced as a supplemental or preventative therapy. Laughter yoga can be performed in a group or a club. Therapeutic laughter clubs are extension of Laughter Yoga, but in a formalized club format. This form of laughter from the Laughter Clubs is about self generated laughing - not telling jokes or apparently about anything except laughing. Laughing till it hurts your belly, until tears are streaming down your face. We very often spot a large group of people standing in a circle and laughing hysterically in a park in your locality. Many people have formed such laughter clubs across the globe and practice this task of laughing religiously.

Laughter Meditation: In laughter meditation there are some similarities to usual meditation. However, it is the laughter that focuses the person to concentrate on the moment. There is a three stage process of stretching, laughing and or crying, and a period of meditative silence. In the first stage, the person places all energy into the stretching every muscle without laughter. In the second stage, the person starts with a gradual smile, and then slowly begins to purposely belly laugh or cry, whichever occurs. In the final stage, the person abruptly stops laughing or crying, then with their eyes now closed they breathe without a sound and focus their concentration on the moment. The process is approximately a 15 minute exercise. This may be awkward for some people as the laughter is not necessarily spontaneous. This is generally practiced on an individual basis.

Clown Therapy: Somebody once said, "A clown is like an aspirin, only he works twice as fast." In some hospitals "clown rounds" are made. The clowns perform various fun acts, share jokes etc that make the patients (usually children) laugh. For hospitalized children, clown therapy can increase patient cooperation and decrease parental & patient anxiety. In some children the need for sedation is reduced. Other benefits include pain reduction and the increased stimulation of immune function in children. This use of clown therapy is not limited hospitals. They can transform other places such as nursing homes, orphanages, refugee camps, war zones, and even prisons. The presence of clowns tends to have a positive effect. It was noted that 10 minutes of belly laughter can help the patients with two hours of pain-free sleep.

Humor Therapy: It is also known as therapeutic humor. Using humorous materials such as books, shows, movies, or stories to encourage spontaneous discussion of the patients own humorous experiences. This can be provided individually or in a group setting. The process is facilitated by clinician. There can be a disadvantage to humor therapy in a group format, as it can be difficult to provide materials that all participants find humorous. It is extremely important the clinician is sensitive to laugh "with" clients rather than "at" the clients.

Go ahead and laugh. Do it with pride, do it for your health!

Visit Anandmurti Gurumaa site for a number of amazingly simple and effective guided meditation techniques. You would also like the great soothing meditation music cds from Mystica Music.

What Are The Benefits of Meditation? Are They Worth The Effort?

The benefits of meditation have long been known since ancient times. It is speculated by researchers that primitive societies engaged in meditation as they gathered around the fire. They would stare into the fire and take their mind into another place. Although these early societies probably did not realize the true benefits of meditation, they realized that by staring at the flames, their minds felt more relaxed and at ease. Around 500 B.C., the concept of Buddhism made its appearance. Meditation is associated with the teachings of "Buddha", and different forms quickly spread throughout Asia and Europe. Eventually, the concept of meditation began being practiced in the West once the benefits were realized.

Meditation Benefits

Meditation has numerous benefits. Many of these benefits are both psychological and physical. Below is a list of benefits of meditation.

Psychological Benefits

Augments a positive outlook on life.Creates a harmonious relationship between you and your environment.Helps us let go of things we cannot control.Your mind will be more open to understanding others.You will be able to develop a new attitude, one that is positive in nature.Physical Benefits
Less stressLower blood pressureBetter sleep patterns (helps to regulate REM or "rapid eye movement" cycle)Better physical healthSlows heart rateCreate a New You!

The benefits of meditation will give you euphoric feelings of joy and happiness. You will feel an inner peace with yourself and more in touch with nature. When you engage in meditation on a regular basis, not only are you obtaining its benefits, but you are essentially creating a new persona. Others will notice this persona, and in return, these individuals will channel positive thoughts your way, reinforcing your positive outlook on life!

Discover the benefits of meditation and how meditation can help to improve your life at learn how to meditate.

Children And Babies Health Support - How to Raise a Healthy Child, in Spite of Your Doctor?

Today, parents are more aware of specialized nutrition for specific problems that arise from infant and children's health issues. Television influences the visual stimuli and since the children are not born with a preference for salty or overly sweet foods, they have to acquire a taste for them. Despite attempts to provide 3 nutritional meals a day, who says they will eat it. Kids are finicky and won't sit still even though, the food is prepared with the best of intentions.

Now Foods has complete Vitamins and Minerals in Orange Splash and Berry Chewables.

Child Life Essentials has a great tasting Vitamin and Mineral in 8 oz liquid. Chewables and Liquids have come a long way since first introduced in the 60's (I was there). Yummi Bears by Hero Nutritional Products has Whole Food Nutrients in a value size, so if you have several little ones, this has 200 Bears with certified organic veggies and fruits, all the good ones, even brussel sprouts, cabbage and spinach, various berries too. For the older ones that can swallow, they also have a Vegetable And Fruit Blend in caps that have an enormous array of nutrients including Green Tea, Digestive Enzymes etc. Of course breast milk is the very best for infants, however your Doctor might even suggest a multi in liquid for little ones. I find prescription ones not entirely full of the right nutrients, and may also have other ingredients from the pharmaceutical companies, that may not sit well with a parent, who would like a more wholesome multi. Country Life has Maxi Babycare with iron in a Raspberry flavor, with all the essentials including Vitamin K for bone development. Twinlab has Infant Care, fruit flavored with Fish Liver and Cod Liver Oil. Bringing up baby means a lot of diapers. With all the new kinds of diapers out in the market including the plastic ones, California Baby has a Calm Diaper Cream, with food grade nutrients from Zinc, Tea Tree and Aloe, with an Essential Oil Blend.

Boiron Homeopathics has Calendula Ointment to sooth sore tuchies. California Baby has a Bubble Bath for the sensitive ones, this should be for all young ones, so they don't have to deal with artificial ingredients and the bad stuff from other sources. It comes unscented in 13 ozs and no irritation. They specialize in chemical sensitive children, and have quite a range of products. Now, you pre -moms, that needs some help with nausea and feeling icky. Babys Bliss has a Peach and Ginger flavored Liquid, supporting those endearing moments. Babys Bliss also has Gripe Water in 4 ozs of Liquid. An amazing formula that works for those teething stressful times of discomfort (they say if grown-ups had to go thru that, we couldn't do it). Hylands has Teething tabs for babies and a Homeopathic Kids Kit with 7 items for the little ones to keep on hand for any issue that walks in. This Kit addresses all the various ailments that we all have experienced while growing up.

Ear Infection, pain and hurting!

A Hot Topic in every parenthood, because it's so prevalent. Recent studies of children who have had a tympanostomy, an incision in the ear drums, to place plastic drainage tubes show that up to 52% of young ones develop hard scar tissue, according to Dr. Robert Mendelsohn MD, author of "How to raise a healthy child, in spite of your Doctor". Dr. Michael A Schmidt, author of "Childhood Ear Infection", wrote the great majority of all ear infections involve no bacteria, they are inflammation and fluid back up, usually related to allergies, mostly to milk products and nutritional deficiencies including not enough Vitamin C. Hyland's has Eardrops and Tabs for ear pain and burning. Eclectic Institute also has Ear Drops For Kids, just warm and drop in the ear. Wallys Natural Products has Ear Oil, Almond, Tea Tree, Garlic Eucalyptus, and Mullein (good for glands). You may look into Ear Candling, an old fashioned remedy that cleans wax out of the ears. The American Academy of Allergy and Immunology, says that a child has more than 25 percent chance of developing allergies if one parent has it.

If both have, it's a 66 percent chance. Most are unaware that allergic and chemical sensitivities can trigger ear infections, a higher rate even in the antibiotic group, so be sure to give Natren's Life Start for Infants 2.5 ozs. It provides the beneficial bacteria to restore what has been destroyed in the gut. American Health has the Acidophilus in Liquid Culture 16 ozs in flavors of Banana, Blueberry and Strawberry. Child Life Essentials has Life Colostrum Plus with the Probiotics. Colostrum will rebuild anti-bodies and children may do a complete turn about. In powder form you can sprinkle on foods, or even take separately. Also drop in some Garlic Oil, odor free by Wakunoga/Kyolic, it helps keeps away vampires and possibly infections and parasites. For those that need more concentration and more focusing, less squirming and fidgeting, Source Naturals has Focus Child which includes all forms of Phosphatidylcholine (brain food) DHA and Grape Seed. Jarrow has a Liquid Max Dha, which can be added to shakes and food. Natures Way has the Efa Blend Attention Focus, essentials for intelligence and vision. Since Calcium is antagonistic to lead build up in children's bodies and those that have a Lactose Intolerance with dairy, Country Life has Tall Tree Chewable Calcium in Tutti-frutti Flavors. Peter Gillhams Natural Vitality has Kid Calm and Baby Calm, in a special proprietary formulation of Magnesium and Vitamin C, relaxing nerves and more concentration. In Schools and Daycares, respiratory problems always arise.

So when the Immune System need attention Bio Strath Liquid is perfect for children immunity, all with herbs, nutrients and aminos. Herbs For Kids has VI Protection Blend for all Viral Infections, very tasty with Echinacea, Hyssop and Lemon Balm. For more builder-uppers, there is Barley Essence Berry Blend by Green Foods Corporation in Raspberry and Straw berry flavors. It's Young Barley Grass, a complete Phytonutrients (veggies). For problems with mucus and coughing, Boerickle And Tafel has the 8 oz Childrens Cough And Bronchial Syrup for that deep growling bark. (We used to call it croup) Eclectic Institute has Echinacea/ Goldenseal, a natural antibiotic in a Strawberry Tincture, and Herbs For Kids has several blends helpful for allergies, cold and flu. Don't forget the Vitamin C in Liquid by Natrol Ester C With Elderberry and Source Naturals has the very hip Mega Kid (a new one) in a variety of flavors includes the antioxidants Spinach, Broccoli and Carrots (just what they love to eat) What about Constipation and Diarrhea? Yerba Prima Powder in Apple Cinnamon 12 ozs, with Oat Bran and Barley Bran, put some in Rainbow Light's Protein Energizer. Rice Protein, no dairy, no soy, or sugar, low fat, low carb, Chocolate flavor with a Whole Food Base, and easy to digest. Even grown-ups can do this. Also good to fill you up, since obesity concerns are running rampant.

Throw in Real Berry/Real Green Bars, has all the Berries, and Apple Fibers, makes a wholesome Snack, between meals or part of one. No High Fructose Corn Syrup or Trans Fat Oils, lethal for children with special needs or low immunity. In today's world pediatricians are now recognizing and acknowledging the importance of Supplementation. There's even more awareness in the medical community as many over the counters are filled with dyes, sugars and alcohol. Parents now have the ability to ensure their offspring will be alright and healthy Naturally!

Click here for more products for Children and Babies Health Support

Eight Tips To Keep You Safe When Taking Natural Vitamin Supplements

Have you been wanting to take natural vitamin supplements because you think they will be beneficial to you or have you been taking them and have actually had them be hazardous to your health? Natural supplements can be hazardous to your health when you do certain things. So, follow the things below and you should have no problems when taking your vitamin supplements.

1. Whenever possible choose multivitamins over natural vitamin supplements that contain specific vitamins. Multivitamins provide you with a healthy dosage of all the essential vitamins you need plus important minerals.

2. Read consumer and professional reviews of all natural supplements before buying one. It is important to do this because you need to research all the supplements possible to find out which one is right for you.

3. When shopping for supplements make sure you identify your physical strengths and weaknesses. You need to find out which vitamins you need more of and which vitamins you need extra dosages of so that you can buy the vitamin supplement that will help you.

4. Think of your budget when buying a natural vitamin supplement. The one you buy will be the one you should take for the rest of your life so you should buy one that you are able to continue to buy without hurting your budget to much.

5. Make sure you check the expiration date on the vitamin supplement because certain stores continue to sell expired medication to the public. Many health complications can occur if you take expired vitamin supplements so just make sure you watch the expiration date.

6. Only buy from a legitimate store such as a pharmacy. You should never go to a friend or any other illegitimate vendor because you will not know if the product is of high quality.

7. Only buy natural vitamin supplements that have been approved and licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration. Only the supplements approved and licensed by the FDA have been tested and can guarantee that there will be no serious side effects. Products not approved by the FDA can have serious side effects that can harm you.

8. When taking vitamin supplements you need to practice a healthy lifestyle. This means you need to reduce the amount of liquor you intake, you need to get around 8 hours of sleep each night, and you should not be smoking. These things will help you to get the most out of your supplements.

These eight tips should be followed when taking natural vitamin supplements so that you can get the best results out of them and you also do not get harmed while taking them.

Live longer and healthier by finding out about the benefits of multi-vitamin supplements by visiting a popular vitamin supplement website that provides tips, advice and vitamin resources to include information on amino acids, weight loss supplements, herbal nutrition supplements and anti aging natural supplements so you can feel better and become healthier.

Our Health Starts in Our Minds

Are you aware that you are what you think?

No, really!

Your mind has an amazing power to influence your body. Perhaps to a degree of which you are unaware! That's why you hear of people who are very sick with a good attitude getting better, and those with a small cold and a bad attitude get sicker. The mind is the single most influential part of your health.

Yes external things can affect you, but what affects the external qualities of your life? According to The Secret, as well as many quantum physics books and metaphysical resources, our thoughts and feelings heavily influence the reality around us. In fact, we create our own realities! Therefore, our minds are the only real factor in our health, because even the external causes of problems are attracted to us by the thoughts and feelings we hold.

We need to practice holding happier thoughts, happier feelings, and practicing methods for relieving stress every day. Soon you will find that this becomes automatic, and that your life is changing quickly for the better. For more info, see The Secrets of Manifesting Your Reality, a free e-book on the subject.

Finally, there are things we can put into our body that will help us to sharpen our minds, feel better, release stress, and up our energy levels. The best one bar none is Tunguska Blast, which will boost your immune system, up your energy, make you sleep like a baby, lower your stress, sharpen your mind, and make you feel much better. Grab a bottle on that site and give it a try for a month - you will absolutely love it!

Fill your mind with positive things, not negative. Avoid the News, avoid the Media, avoid the Celebrity Trash Talk. It's all garbage, and putting garbage into your brain can only yield one result... as computer users say, Garbage In, Garbage Out. Keep abreast of the newest developments. Check articles, websites, info sites... whatever you can. For example, here's an interesting article.

So remember, you're in charge of a healthier you - get started today!

jonpeeoh is the owner of, a site aimed towards expanding awareness of the fact that we all create our own realities, and can change the world for the better in the blink of an eye.

Stress Can Kill

Changing times leads to increasing stress. A survey done in
2005 on over 1,000 executives from Singapore, US, Hong
Kong, Britain and Australia revealed that a high percentage
of Singaporean managers, are more prone to information
overload stress.

They remain pessimistic that such situation will only
worsen over the next two years. And this is not only
happening to executives, in fact all humans at any age,
will face stress, the only difference is in the level of
stress which can be very individualistic.

Technology is not helping as it should. Remember those days
when handphones/internet are not so common. Once we are out
of office, we can choose to be sheltered from events by
virtue that we are isolated because we cannot communicate.

Now with handphones, internet and so on, we remain
contactable and unless we make it a point not to touch
those gadgets, it becomes an invisible pressure to continue
responding to those information/people, while we are away.

When we are under stress, the HYPOTHALAMUS which is part of
the brain that controls body temperature, hunger and
thirst, gets triggered. The HYPOTHALAMUS then adds pressure
to the PITUITARY GLANDS to release a hormone chemical ACTH
(adrenocorticotrophic hormone) into the bloodstream. This
further stimulates the ADRENAL GLAND to secrete more
chemicals (eg CORTISOL) that affect various part of our

The net results : our bodies become charged on full alert
for a fight or flight response ; tense and highly strung.
We will feel cold, hot or thirsty suddenly and have a
queasy feeling in our stomach.

If our stress is prolonged without control, it can weaken
our immune system, causing us to be vulnerable to infection.

This is partly due to the CORTISOL released during stress
which kills the good killer cells, MACROPHAGES in our body.
MACROPHAGES "eats" invading bacteria, keeping us healthy.
It also badly affects the functionality of THYMUS GLAND
which plays a key role in the body's immune system. THYMUS
GLAND pumps out millions of LYMPHOCYTES each day which also
kills invading bacteria.

Apart from physical illness, some experience emotional
exhaustion as well. Too much stress leads to burnout, which
is characterised by emotional and physical exhaustion. What
follows would be all kinds of illness, emotional and
physical as well.

In more serious cases, some choose to end their lives…it's
sad and frightening, isn't it?

Who are under more stress ? Men or Women ?

Studies have shown that sex hormones somehow modulate the
stress response, causing stresssed females to secrete more
of the trigger chemicals than do males. Men may protest but
more often, women have so much more to cope with than men -
parents, children, other family members, their jobs and
their health.

The stress associated with the interpersonal relationships
for women tend to be ongoing for long periods of time. So
they become worn out from it all more visibly and sooner.

A healthy individual knows when to cut off, and what to
prioritise. Going for relaxation, meditation, exercise and
prayer do help.

Learn to Be good to yourself, starting TODAY.

Changing your lifestyle to vegetarian helps you combat
stress. Learn how in

How The Medicare Doughnut Hole Is Making American Seniors Sick

In 2003, Congress passed The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act into law. The crafting and passing of this bill was highly influenced by lobbyists from both the pharmaceutical and insurance industries. These groups made sure their coffers would be filled with taxpayers' money without providing any substantial benefit to American seniors. It was not until the Bill was passed that many started to see the pitfalls of the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan.

Also known as Medicare Part D, the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan started providing prescription drug coverage benefits to Medicare-eligible beneficiaries in 2006. One of the most surprising elements of the drug plan for many seniors was the gap in coverage known as the Medicare Doughnut Hole.

In 2007, the gap in coverage starts once an individual has spent $2,400 on their prescription drugs for the year. Individuals receive no further benefit from the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan until they spend another $3051.25 and make it to the $5451.25 annual expenditure mark.

An estimated 7 million Medicare Prescription Drug Plan beneficiaries will hit the coverage gap in 2007. Hitting the doughnut hole can have very serious health consequences for seniors. In fact, it can even potentially result in death.

Shockingly, a 2006 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine called, "Unintended Consequences of Caps on Medicare Drug Benefits," found that drug plans with a cap on drug coverage (as is the case with the doughnut hole in the Medicare Drug Plan) have an annual death rate that is 22% higher than plans that do not limit drug benefits.

This study also found that individuals whose benefits were capped were less likely to adhere to their long-term prescription drug therapies once they reached the coverage cap. This non-adherence to drug therapies led to significant increases in hospitalizations and emergency room visits.

By creating a gap in coverage in Medicare Part D, U.S. Congress also created the potential for a major health crisis for seniors once they hit the doughnut hole. As Medicare drug plan prices continue to rise more every year, seniors will be at greater and greater risk of being unable to afford their medications while in the doughnut hole. From April 2006 to April 2007, Medicare drug plan prices increased 9.2% on the top 15 drugs prescribed to seniors.

These price increases, combined with the doughnut hole, will lead to a vicious cycle of non-adherence to drug therapies and poor health outcomes. During the time of year when seniors are hitting the doughnut hole (usually in the late summer and fall months) many will simply stop taking their medications. Come January, when a new Medicare benefit year begins, seniors will start up their therapies again. That is, if they were able to survive the doughnut hole.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jeremy Cockerill is a licensed pharmacist with a Canadian Pharmacy and the creator of a new, free report called "Medicare Doughnut Hole Facts and Secrets." Free copies of this report can be requested by calling toll-free 1-866-363-3222. More doughnut hole information and a free Doughnut Hole Predictor tool can also be found at

How to Get Your Picky Eater to Eat

One of the biggest concerns for parents is when their child
doesn't eat. I had one of these picky eaters, and to see a
kid eat three bites for each meal is really a little scary.
You might think, "How can they survive?"

First of all, keep up with their regular, yearly doctor
visits so that you can chart and record if they are growing
at an average rate. If your child has always been in the
25th percentile on the growth charts, then that's just your
child and his or her uniqueness. But if your child started
out in the 90th percentile and is now down to the 10th
percentile, this will clue you and your doctor to
investigate and find out if there is some type of serious

Next, you have to take into account all the snacks, juice,
and milk that you've fed your child between meals in order
to accurately decide if your child is eating enough.

Children should not drink more than 4-6 ounces of juice per
day. If they do drink more juice, this fills them up
without giving them the variety of nutrients that they
need. And juice does not include the full spectrum of
nutrients that you will find if you feed them fresh fruit.

Water is as important for your children as it is for you.
If they don't like the taste of water, and don't acquire a
taste in a matter of days with water as their main option
when thirsty, you probably need a water purifier. This will
improve the taste and make it easier to persuade your
children to drink water.

Another subject around kids eating is forcing kids to stay
at the table and finish all of their food. It really
doesn't work to make your child sit at the table for hours.
It never worked for me as a kid and I don't suppose it
worked if your parents made you sit for three hours,
either. The theory these days is that if you force a child
to always clean his plate, this will promote obesity. You
want a child to recognize when they are full and not

One strategy for getting your picky eater to eat more at a
meal is to cut down on snacks between meals so that your
child is hungrier when meal time does come.

An example of this is when I realized that I was giving my
light eater a snack only an hour and a half before supper
because he was begging me for food and I wanted him to eat
more. When I stopped feeding him whenever he asked for food
and put up with the "I'm so hungry!", his eating habits got
better. A snack three hours before a meal is fine and

Also, do not give any more food, snacks, or dessert unless
your child has eaten the previous meal. Put what they don't
eat--if you placed kid-sized portions (the size of their
palm or fist) on their plate in the first place--in the
fridge and if they are hungry later, pull the plate out of
the fridge and heat it up. It almost never fails that they
eat some more of their supper at this later time. If not,
they go to bed hungry and eat pretty well at breakfast. You
just have to stick to your rules, so the child knows what
to expect.

Side note: You are doing your children a disservice if you
make special meals for them instead of the meal you are
cooking for yourself. This encourages the picky eater to
continue to be picky. You will do your children a favor if
you serve a variety of foods and give them exposure to
different tastes and textures. They don't have to like
everything. They do have to try everything.

Sometimes when I say "no dessert unless you finish your
supper", my light eater will finish his supper and not want
any dessert because he's full. This is OK!

There's also the picky eater that only eats the meat at one
meal, or only the vegetable or only the pasta for another
meal. You have to look at the overall intake of food over
several days to judge if your child is getting enough of a
variety of foods. If they only eat pasta every meal, this
is a problem. But if they vary between the different food
groups- meats, grains, dairy, fruits and vegetables-then
you probably don't have to worry about severe deficiencies.

Offer your child raw fruit or raw veggies at every meal and
snack, if possible. Encourage them to eat as much of these
kinds of food as they like. A child can get lots of
nutrition through fruits and vegetables. Few people realize
that there is even a small amount of protein in most fruits.

Never tell your kids that they can't have more of a raw
fruit or vegetable, if they want more. If the food is raw,
in its original state, children instinctively can tell when
their body needs more. They will ask for more, so give it
to them. They will not be able to verbalize why they need
more of a certain raw food, but if they're asking for more
of something that's good for them, allow it, please.

You cannot force your picky eater to eat, but you can offer
only healthier choices, so that you know they are getting
the nutrients needed to grow healthy and strong.

Anita Murray is a Professional Health Coach, Nutritional
Consultant, and Founding Editor/Owner of
To learn more about natural ways to support your health,
take this unique, Interactive E-course entitled, "8 PROVEN
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Anti-Anxiety Herbs

Mulungu and Graviola are two anti-anxiety herbs that have
been in use for a long time as natural anti-depressants and
stress relievers.

Erythrina Mulungu, commonly known by several names such as
Mulungu, Murungu, Murungo, Muchocho and so on, is a medium
sized tree that grows to a height of 10-15 meters, and
brings forth a profusion of flowers. The bark and root of
this plant are used as medicines to reduce anxiety and
stress, and also as a pain reliever. The herb reduces blood
pressure, regulates heartbeat, and acts as a sedative.
Mulungu has been in use for centuries in South America as a
natural anti-anxiety herb to calm agitated nerves. The herb
is used to reduce anxiety and promote restful sleep. It is
also useful in treating asthma, bronchitis, and liver
conditions. A study in 2002 found that the plant does
possess the properties of anxiety and stress relief,
confirming the validity of the native usages of the plant
for these purposes.

Graviola is small evergreen tree that is about 5-6 meters
in height. The leaves, fruits, bark, roots and seeds of
this plant have excellent medicinal properties, and have
been in use for centuries as indigenous medicines. Graviola
is used to relieve spasms and reduce depression. The bark,
leaves and roots of Graviola have sedative, antispasmodic
and hypotensive properties.

The anti-anxiety herbs marketed by Amazon Botanicals
contain these two herbs, and makes the user feel happier.
They are made from fully natural sources and are therefore
free of harmful side effects. At the same time, these
anti-anxiety herbs are fast and effective. They are faster
than St. John's Wort, and free of side effects and liver
toxicity that other herbs like Kava Kava induce.

The anti-anxiety herbs produced by Amazon Botanicals use
fresh Mulungu and Graviola and avoids fillers of any kind,
in contrast to other manufacturers who buy from secondary
sources, and use stale or adulterated products. This
ensures safety and efficacy of the herbal preparation that
is manufactured.

The products are available in two forms – anxiety tincture
and anxiety tea. The tincture is manufactured by extracting
100% pure Mulungu and Graviola in distilled water and 40%
alcohol. The suggested dosage is 60 ml twice a day taken
under the tongue or with water or juice. The tea is made
from 100% pure Mulungu and Graviola leaves and bark, and
comes with a natural flavor. The tea is to be prepared by
simmering the tea bags in water for thirty minutes or more.
Longer periods of simmering make the preparation stronger
by allowing more of the ingredients to be dissolved.

Persons with dangerously low blood pressure levels should
avoid use of the herb, as this is known to result in
further lowering of the blood pressure. Persons with high
blood pressure who are on medication should consult their
doctor, as use of the herb may require a reduction in the
dosage of the drug they are taking for treating high blood
pressure. The drug should also be avoided during pregnancy.
Large dosages of Graviola can cause nausea and vomiting.

Patricia McDougall B.Sc. is a Chartered Herbalist and
graduate of the Dominion Herbal College, British Columbia,
Canada. Originally from Peru, Patricia is the Director of
Research and Development for Amazon Botanicals LLC of
Newark Delaware.