Salt is not a food. It is a rock. If you put 4 ounces of
salt in water and drink it, you will die due to all that
sodium. There are websites that say that you need salt.
They are selling salt. Then they say that regular salt is
bad but their salt is good for you. But it still has the
sodium in it that will kill you. No fossils of man that
over 10,000 years have salt in them. So they figured that
that is when people began eating salt. They have skeletons
of people that are millions of years old.
The refrigerator is only a recent invention. Fruits and
vegetables can be kept un-refrigerated but animal products
need to be kept cold. Salt kills bacteria so that would
help keep animal products to stay good a little longer. It
could be used to keep foods from going bad, until they
could ferment. It kills life. You can rub into cuts to
torture people.
When people consume salt, the body is constantly trying to
get rid of it but can only get rid of so much per day with
you consuming more everyday. So it stores the excess under
the skin. It need to absorb a lot of water to keep it from
being toxic. So salt causes a lot of water weight.
LATEST NEWS: In an effort to reduce high blood pressure and
cardiovascular disease, the American Medical Association is
urging "the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to revoke
the 'generally recognized as safe' (GRAS) status of salt
and to develop regulatory measures to limit sodium in
processed and restaurant foods." Vitamins and minerals have
a minimum RDA (recommended daily allowance). All of them
have this except sodium. Instead it has a maximum RDA.
If you look in the foods made by nature they have around 15
milligrams of sodium. But when you look at man-made foods,
you have a large pizza with 3,000+ mg of sodium or a can of
chicken noodle soup with 2,000+ mg of sodium. An avocado
has 21 mg of sodium but 1,400 mg of potassium making it a
very healthy food for you.
The body determines how much water you need by the
concentration of sodium in it. This is why you can be on a
raft in the ocean surrounded by water and die of
dehydration. You will only get more dehydrated drinking the
ocean water or your salty urine. This is why I call salt
anti-water. It makes it so water will not work.
The book, The Rice Diet Solution (©2006) by Kitty
Gurkin Rosati R.D. and Robert Rosati M.D. says that in
addition to salt causing water retention, it also
stimulates the appetite causing people to eat more. During
the first 5 days of a fast the body dumps huge amounts (up
to 80,000 mg per day) of salt so it gets rid of all the
excess salt. So this is why someone can lose up to 15
pounds of weight during the first 5 days of a fast. They
lose 15 pounds of water.
If the body continued to lose sodium after this excess is
removed then the person would die after a few more days of
fasting due to lack of sodium instead of being able to fast
a month. But the body no longer needs to get rid of it so
the sweat and urine are no longer salty. But due to
ignorance, some people think they need to replace this salt
since the body is getting rid of it. Sweating helps you
lose retained water since you are sweating out excess salt.
Chuck Bluestein is a nutritionist, ethnobotanical herbalist
and a fasting expert. His website has information on weight
loss, healthy diet, fasting, neck and back pain, natural
cures, pure water, Amazon rainforest herbs and how to be