Saturday, November 17, 2007

Anti-aging Naturally is Better

Anti-aging Naturally is Better
When it comes to anti-aging people are willing to do most
anything to "turn back the clock". Everything except the
easiest solution ' Prevention! We all know, mostly do to
media hype, that the sun can cause us to age more rapidly.
Because of this knowledge, people have begun to be using
more and more sun block as their anti-aging tool.

Did you know that part of the anti-aging fight could start
with the foods you put in your body everyday? One of the
best anti-aging tools we can find is food with antioxidants.

Foods that contain Vitamins C and E should be part of your
daily food intake as well. Vitamins C and E are important
because they help fight free radicals, which are forms of
unstable oxygen that can render or damage healthy cell
function. These forms of oxygen are formed naturally by the
metabolism. We also produce them when we are exposed to
strong ultraviolet rays and air pollution such as smoke.
When these "free radicals" build up in our body they aid in
the progression of age and even in developing age related
diseases. So in the fight on anti-aging you will definitely
want to take in Vitamins C and E daily. But these aren't
the only nutrients you will want to take in daily for
anti-aging. You will need protein, calcium, and Vitamin D.
Making sure you get these much needed nutrients on a
regular if not daily basis can help with anti-aging.

There are several foods that rank high on the recommended
list for anti-aging foods because of their natural ability
to rid the body of toxins. One that kept coming up while
researching this topic was Blueberries. Several other foods
were listed even many other berries. But blueberries always
seemed to top the list of anti-aging foods, because they
are naturally high in anthocyanin. This is an antioxidant
found in their blue pigment.

This is not only good for anti-aging, but it help fight
cell damage, which could cause cancer, heart disease and
many other age related diseases. It is even suggested that
blueberries could reverse short -term memory loss and aid
in the improvement of motor skills.

Although blueberries ranked high on the anti-aging food
chart several, other fruits were highly recommended as
well. Kiwis for example are loaded with antioxidants and
fiber. Apples were recommended for healthier lungs.
Tangerines are believed to reinforce healthy bones and
cherries aid in preventing gout.

All of this is very important to consider when trying
discovering a natural anti-aging regimen, because when your
body is unhealthy you look and feel bad. When you look and
feel bad and run down your body will age.

So, I guess the bottom line here is...good nutrition is the
best solution to anti-aging. Naturally that is!

Learn how to stay healthy naturally.

Five Tips For Healthy Holidays

Five Tips For Healthy Holidays
It's that time of year again - holiday season! Here's
something to look forward to: between Turkey day and the
New Year the average person will gain between 7 and 10
pounds. The good news is that you can avoid these
additional pounds with a little know how. For most of us
the holiday pounds start with Thanksgiving dinner. Did you
know that the average person consumes around 3,500 calories
on this day alone? Yikes. That equals one pound in extra
calories - not to mention the leftovers you will be eating
days afterward. Take these tips and make Thanksgiving a
guilt free day this year:

Tip #1:Take 2 steps to start your day right.

Step One: Eat breakfast. You see, most people skip
breakfast on Turkey day in order to 'save room' for the
feast - maybe you have done this yourself. When you eat a
healthy breakfast that is high in both fiber and protein
two great things happen.

- Your metabolism is started early in the day, thus
catapulting you into full fledged calorie burning mode.
This will come in handy later in the day.

- You won't be famished when you sit down for dinner, so
you will have less room to binge. (This means fewer
calories land on your waist.)

Step Two: Exercise for 30-60 minutes. I know exercise is
the last thing on your mind on a busy holiday, however it
is worth your effort. You will negate some of the extra
holiday calories and your metabolism will climb even higher.

Tip #2: Lighten the menu.

If you're in charge of the menu this year then you are in
luck. As chef you can make a few modifications to the meal
that will drastically reduce the fat and calorie intake of
each guest. Do the following to lighten your feast:

- Instead of cream-based dip for your veggie platter, use
dip made from nonfat yogurt or nonfat sour cream.

- Replace traditional stuffing with an assortment of
chopped vegetables. Fill your turkey with mushrooms,
eggplant, onions and celery. Or replace half of your
traditional stuffing with chopped vegetables.

- Flavor your mashed potatoes with roasted garlic instead
of butter. Or serve baked sweet potatoes instead of butter
laden mashed potatoes.

- Roast vegetables without oil - use cooking spray instead
and toss them with dill.

- Use unsweetened apple sauce or pureed plums instead of
butter or oil in dessert recipes.

- Put out an assortment of fruit for dessert instead of

- Make the recipe for Low Fat Thanksgiving Green Bean
Casserole below.

Tip #3: Use strategy.

Traditional Thanksgiving food items weren't all created
equal - nutritionally that is. Roasted white turkey meat
(without skin) is a great source of lean protein. Vegetable
dishes (without added fats) are also very healthy. On the
other hand, buttery mashed potatoes, white bread rolls,
cream based dishes, and heavy gravy are all packed with fat
and calories. Fill your stomach with the healthy items
first - white turkey meat and plenty of vegetables. Then
simply 'sample' the less healthy items in small portions.
This simple strategy will save you tons of extra calories
and it won't leave you feeling cheated.

Tip #4: Pace yourself.

Most people get into trouble at Thanksgiving dinner by
eating full speed ahead until they finally realize that
they are full (after their second and third helping). The
trouble with this method is the lag time in communication
between your stomach and brain. You see, you may have
satiated your hunger with the first helping, but it takes a
little while for your stomach to communicate that message
to your brain. And during that lag time you took the
opportunity to go for your second and third plate of food.
This year sit calmly in your chair after that first plate
and wait at least 20 minutes before getting seconds. You
will be surprised to find that the thought of more food
doesn't sound good anymore - and you will have saved
yourself unnecessary weight gain.

Tip #5: Get Support to Keep Off the Weight

Want to make this holiday season extra special? Why not
start your very own phone coaching program with a weight
loss coach right now! Together you will keep the holiday
pounds away. Hiring a coach is different than recruiting a
friend to diet with, or asking your spouse to help.
Neither one of these people are truly going to hold you
accountable. If your spouse is anything like mine, he's no
help at all. I'd get, "It's a party, enjoy yourself!" Or,
"It's Christmas, have what you want." And a diet buddy is
probably no better. When it comes down to it, they aren't
going to jeopardize your friendship over a diet failure.

Having a happy holiday season does not have to mean putting
on excess weight. Using these simple, easy strategies can
help you avoid being one of those people who end up 10
pounds heavier by New Year's. I hope these five tips keep
you fit and healthy this holiday season.

Jennifer is an experienced fitness/weight loss coach who
truly cares about helping people. If you'd like more tips
and easy recipes, visit to get her free
bi-monthly newsletter.

Party in Peace

Party in Peace
As the holidays rush upon us, I am hearing from clients
their fears about what to do at parties. They fear eating
too much, losing control, getting too fat. They are afraid
of becoming a manic eating machine-one that starts to eat,
and cannot stop.

One of the reasons I work so hard with clients on their
relationships with food is because when you are at peace
with food, you realize you cannot lose control. Of course,
as with all relationships, you have your ups and downs, and
holiday time may indeed be one of those "down" times. But
you need to trust yourself and believe that even if you
have several days of overeating, even if you feel you are
in a "bad" relationship, you WILL work it out. Your
relationship WILL improve, because you have made it a good

Remember, we are talking about a few holi-DAYS, not five or
six holi-MONTHS!

When you are at peace with food, you can go into the party
and take a deep breath, look at all that is available, and
make the choices you want. Maybe you don't feel like
eating at this moment, you would rather go talk to a
friend. Maybe that chocolate éclair looks too good to pass
up, so you put it on your plate. Remember to take some
time with your food choices; because that is the only way
you'll really be able to enjoy them. My mother used to
say, after we'd rushed through a dinner that she had spent
time preparing "you people don't eat food, you INHALE it!"
Don't inhale your éclair; take some time to enjoy it.

If you want a glass of wine, by all means, take one (just
don't go out and drive right away). My suggestion about
parties and drinking is this: one glass of wine, followed
by one glass of seltzer water, followed by one glass of
water. Following this recipe, you can walk around with a
beverage in your hand, always be sipping on something, and
not worry about losing the control that happens with too
much alcohol. Plus, you will not experience the symptoms of
dehydration that often accompany too much drinking (in
other words…the hangover).

This is a time of year when you start seeing lots of
recipes for modifying favorite foods. If that is something
you want to do-of course, you do it. But I believe that a
modified recipe makes it a new food, and perhaps not a
favorite one anymore. Many times, especially around the
holidays, you pull out the old family recipes, or the new
family tradition recipes. I want you to keep them the way
they are, and not be afraid of them, and here's why:

As I said earlier, when you are truly at peace with food,
you feel safe around meals, snacks, desserts. You trust
yourself to make the choices that are right for you, and
you know how to balance your eating behaviors. You know
that the times of overeating are balanced by the times of
smaller portions. This is a relationship that works for the
long term.

Please be kind to yourself during this time. The holidays
are meant to be enjoyed, not endured. It is a time to be
with friends and family. Happy holidays.

For free tips to becoming At Peace With Food, articles, and
links to nutritional resource websites, visit

Reasons For Overweight

Reasons For Overweight
Excessive weight is a significant problem, particularly in
western societies and in the United States most of all. The
numbers may vary, but general estimates are that two-thirds
of people in the United States are overweight, and
one-third of people in the United States are obese, or
extremely overweight. Given the exceptional levels of
people carrying excess weight, it's worthwhile to consider
what some of the possible reasons for the overweight
epidemic are.

In most cases, excess weight is a reflection of calorie
consumption. There are exceptions to this, most notably in
circumstances where some form of bloating illness has set
in. Generally speaking however, excess body weight is
directly attributed to food consumed. The formula isn't
quite so simple as eating and gaining weight: it's a matter
of consuming more calories than are burned off through
physical activity. In other words, eating more food than
one uses for energy.

So then there are two factors in typical weight gain: food
eaten and energy burned, or not burned. If energy goes
unburned, it eventually gets stored as fat. A typical form
of human energy is physical movement. Most humans to one
degree or another physically manipulate their bodies.
Performing this sort of physical manipulation takes energy.
The level of energy required to physically move depends
upon how much movement is actually undertaken. In the case
of many people in the west, and in the United States
especially, people don't move around very much in
comparison to the level of food they intake. What we have
then are lots of people who consume more energy than they

The energy factor in overweight can be expressed in terms
of exercise; or more accurately, in terms of lack of
exercise. This is the next factor in the explanation of
levels of overweight. In short, people who are fat
typically don't exercise. Overweight people do move about
typically, but ordinarily moving about is not exercising.
To exercise essentially means to exert physical energy at
unusual levels. Under this description, walking to the car
or moving down the aisle at the grocery store would not
constitute exercise.

The next obvious question would be why don't people
exercise. The obvious answer is that people don't exercise
because they don't want to. A secondary reason, however,
and one that likely carries a lot of legitimacy is that
people don't exercise because they have little spare time
in comparison to the amount of obligations they have. A
working person who has children can see literally all of
their time filled. But there are always priorities to be
made, and not making exercise a priority is a good bet to
lead to overweight, and all of the problems that go along
with it.

Zinn Jeremiah is an online writer. For help with weight
loss, visit or .

Discover The Missing Link: Why Your Diet Is Failing You

Discover The Missing Link: Why Your Diet Is Failing You
There is a missing link in why diets will often fail women.
It is the mental diet you must have and re-programing your
subconscious mind is the key to losing weight and more
importantly keeping it off.

If you learn how to program it the right way you will stop
the vicious cycle of gaining weight or not being able to
lose it.

The average person thinks 40,000-50,000 thoughts a day and
most of them are negative. You get what you think about.

If you think that you will always be broke then you will.
The same thing applies to gaining weight or not being able
to lose it! Your subconscious mind is so powerful that it
remains on like a computer program running 24/7.

This means when you are sleeping whatever thoughts you have
during the day they are programmed in your subconscious.

Think about the dreams you have at night they are a direct
reflection of your current mental state, so if you wake up
in the middle of the night scared from a bad dream that
means you are scared of something going on in your present

How does this work with weight loss?

First let's look at why so many women have trouble either
keeping weight off or losing weight. It simply starts with
what they believe.

For example do find that you say these statements to

"I am too old to lose weight." "My whole family is
overweight and it's just in my genes." "It's too hard."
"Nothing ever works for me." "I can't seem to motivate
myself to eat better or workout."

I'm sure you might have a few more to add to this list.

If you have these types of beliefs then it will be hard for
you to lose weight or keep it off because you have
essentially programmed your mind for failure.

So what can you do?

If you find your mind is programmed with these dis
empowering beliefs you can actually re-program it for
ultimate success.

Think again about your subconscious mind being a computer
program and giving it a better program to run, rather than
one that takes up too much space or has a lot of errors.

I want to share with you some powerful motivational tools
that help re-program your mind for ultimate fat-loss
success. Nutrition and exercise are very important.
However, without the right mind set, permanent weight loss
is impossible.

You need to know how to change the internal dialogue or
program in your mind in order to change the physical part.
Trust me no diet will work if you don't understand and
apply these principles.

Here are some powerful ways to re-program your mind:

Start by putting yourself on a "mental diet". Each time
you find yourself saying something negative about your
body, food, or exercise try turning that negative statement
into a more positive one.

For example you might say " I hate this fat around my
stomach" Instead say " My stomach is getting flatter"

This sounds very simple yet it's a very powerful way to
start changing your beliefs and in turn change your body.

Just for fun keep a log of how many times you do this and
of course make sure you re-frame the negative statements
into positive ones.

After putting these powerful mental tools in place you will
be amazed and think it's magic because all of the sudden
your weight seems to melt off your body and you will be
happier than you have ever been.

Heather Picken, Female Fat Loss Expert, and Co-Founder Of
Fat Loss For Women online community:
Shed your belly fat now and get your FREE fat burning
updates on the best workouts for women and nutrition:

Natural Weight Loss Methods Versus Unnatural Weight Loss Methods

Natural Weight Loss Methods Versus Unnatural Weight Loss Methods
When is it the time to stop using natural weight loss
methods and start using unnatural ones? This is a question
primarily asked by people suffering from obesity, and one
that requires a great deal of thought prior.

Obesity in adults is something that can do damage to more
than just your self-esteem. As a result of being
considerably overweight, much more strain is placed on your
joints, particularly at the knee.

Generally, your breathing becomes shallower, having to work
harder to draw in the large amounts of oxygen required for
simple tasks such as walking across the road or climbing a
flight of stairs.

In addition, being obese puts you at an increased risk of
diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure,
and heart disease, to name a few. If you are female, the
risk increases yet again with infertility, breast cancer,
and endometrium cancer being just a few of the diseases
that you might suffer from as a result of being obese.

Obese people tend to have great difficulty sticking to
natural weight loss methods as, for the first few weeks '
or even months ' any weight lost tends not to make a
visible difference to their appearance.

Concerning appearance, which is the least important
health-wise but the most important to the ego, most obese
people have great difficulty locating clothes that fit
well, without having to go to a tailor. It becomes tiresome
to constantly try clothes on that do not fit well or are
tight, and soul-destroying.

Some of the different types of diets that obese people have
been recommended ' which are those aimed specifically at
losing weight very quickly ' include ones used on obese
patients awaiting surgery.

Such diets consist of mostly of water and vegetables, so
reduce the calorie intake significantly without risking
dehydration. Other natural weight loss methods include
concentrated green tea drops, food combining, and the blood
group diet, all of which rely on speeding up your

Ultimately, in order to encourage natural weight loss, you
need a faster metabolism. To do this, you need to eat
little and often, lots of fruit and vegetables, and drink
plenty of water.

Should you no longer believe that natural weight loss
methods are worthwhile, then the alternative, of unnatural
weightloss methods, can be considered. Some of these
include diet pills to suppress hunger, the insertion of a
gastric balloon, having your stomach stapled, and
liposuction, amongst others.

Whilst these may seem like a way to solve the problem of
obesity, they do not guarantee you will enjoy a consistent
weight loss, unless your eating habits change permanently.

Unfortunately, most people suffering from obesity do not
follow natural weightloss methods because they find them
too difficult. It is far easier to try to ignore the
problem, or eat something sweet or high in fat, and far
more expensive to switch entirely to the healthy option of
regular fresh fruit and salad daily.

If you feel your weight is becoming a problem and you no
longer have control over how much or what you eat, then it
is advisable to see a nutritionist or a doctor. Sometimes,
excessive eating can be due to an underlying problem and
other times, it can simply be from habit.

Invariably, it is important to ascertain the reason behind
the obesity before you embark upon any natural weight loss

Get in touch with the industry experts at for more help.
Steve Magill has written several articles with regard to
the weightloss business. As a Fellow in the (FBAE) he is
considered an expert consultant when it comes to helping
people to lose weight.

Quicker Results With Quick Workouts

Quicker Results With Quick Workouts
Have you ever been working out and notice while you were
doing your exercises that you could feel what I would
describe as a "burning" sensation in the muscle? Nothing
indicative of injury, but just felt the muscle working
outside of it's usual comfort zone?

This is a good thing!

This is called training to failure and I do it in 85% of my
training with clients. I usually do not have clients stop a
set until they cannot move the weight another inch. If that
takes them past the rep range they are supposed to be
working in on that exercise for that day, then I make an
increase in the weight for their next workout.

This one technique is the core principle of progressive
resistance training and it holds the key to continued
progress in building muscle and burning off large amounts
of body fat all at the same time.

Study after study has shown it's a fact that how much heart
or intensity you put into your training is much more
important than how long you train. This is great on two
fronts. First, if you are short on time you don't have to
worry because a quick intense workout will get you better
results anyway! Second, it makes life easier. Who wants to
own a great body if it takes hours every day to get and
then maintain it?

If you want to see visual changes to your body on a daily
basis, you must put everything you have into quick, intense
cardio and weight training sessions.

When you combine intense (for your level) training sessions
with proper nutrition that contains foods that will prime
your metabolism, you'll see and feel changes to your body
very quickly!

A lot of people think that it takes months to burn fat,
build muscle and get stronger. This just isn't true! When
you combine the proper training program, with a great
nutrition plan you will get immediate feedback.

If you have been training on a regular basis and not seeing
the results you deserve from all that time spent dieting
and working out, maybe you need to take a hard look at your
fitness program. Something is wrong. Maybe you have been
putting in long hours at the gym at 50% of what you are
capable of. Maybe you have been cutting your food back too
much and have shut down your metabolism.

There are only three variables that you can play with.
These are resistance training, nutrition and cardio. Train
quickly and intensely with big compound exercises. Eat the
proper foods in the right amounts and burn off some extra
calories with cardio done in the most productive ranges for
the level of fitness you are at.

If you get these three factors lined up with each other,
everyone sees quick and rapid results on the scale and in
the mirror. No exceptions unless it's medical.

Regardless of your genetics, time constraints or finances,
you can transform your body so you feel great about the
skin you're in.

The first thing I would do is give your training a kick in
the rear, bump up the intensity and get out of that gym
faster! You'll be able to fit your workouts into your day
and still have energy left over to do some other fun things
in life!

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