Thursday, August 2, 2007

Finding Quality Personal Fitness Trainers

When you use the services of a personal trainer, you get
the skills and the background of their training and
experience, while also increasing the chances of reaching
your fitness goals. Trainers aren't just there to help you
train for major athletic events;fitness trainers can help
you achieve any of your fitness goals. Here are some ways
to find the best trainers for your needs.

Finding fitness trainers is much easier than any of the
workouts they will have you perform. You can start by
heading to the local gyms and workout facilities to see
who's already working in these locations. Many personal
trainers will have their business cards left at these
businesses or they might be training other clients when you
enter the area. You can choose to either:

* Pick up a card and call them for more information
* Talk to the trainer during or after a workout
* Ask the fitness center staff who they recommend

For another way to find fitness trainers, head to your
local phone books for the extensive listings. This is a bit
of a trickier venture as everyone looks good when they're
listed in the paper. To help you choose someone that's
going to work for your needs, you can narrow the field down
by highlighting those that are closest to where you live or
work (this makes them the convenient choice). From there,
you should call these trainers and set up initial fitness
evaluations to see what their style is and whether you
might be a good fit.

Another way to find fitness trainers is to head to the
internet to find the local listings. This tends to be an
easier option for many fitness enthusiasts as you can look
through information online and get a better idea of what
they might be able to offer you. You can also see the
services they are certified in as well as any other
specialties they might include. When you call for more
information, be sure to schedule an initial evaluation as
well as ask for copies of their certifications to be sure
they are trained in keeping you fit and safe.

In the end, many people find fitness trainers via their
friends and family. Ask around to see who they might
recommend for your fitness goals as well as any personal
trainers that are specifically trained for your needs.
While you might be asking a trainer to help you with your
exercise plans, they need to be someone who is willing to
be your partner along the way as well.

Machelle Lee owns and operates The Invisible Gym in Santa
Cruz, CA. Her mission is to inspire people to become
physically active and enjoy the benefits of a balanced,
healthy lifestyle. For more information and questions you
can visit her website.

Recognizing ADHD Symptoms In Children

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) is a common
neurobehavioral disorder that is characterized by
inattention coupled with hyperactivity or impulsivity. The
result is impaired function. Over 4 million children aged
4 – 17 have been diagnosed with ADHD. Although it is most
often diagnosed in children, adults may also suffer from
this condition. Over 2 million children receive drug
treatment to control their ADHD symptoms.

ADHD symptoms can be divided into three categories. These
are inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Learning
to recognize ADHD symptoms can help to determine when to
seek professional help. These symptoms need to be present
for at least 6 months before someone is diagnosed with
ADHD. Not every child will exhibit all the symptoms of
ADHD. Each individual case is different so if you have
concerns you should address them with your health care

Inattention Symptoms
Most children are inattentive from time to time. If your
child has several or more of signs of inattention or the
symptoms are severe, you should get him or her examined for

Inattention symptoms include:
- Failing to pay close attention to details or makes
careless mistakes in schoolwork or other activities.
- Often having difficulty in staying focused when doing
tasks or during playtime activities.
- Often does not listen or respond when directly spoken to.
- Not following through with instructions and does not
finish tasks such as schoolwork, chores or work duties.
- Having difficulty in organizing tasks or activities.
- Avoiding or refusing to carry out tasks that require
close mental effort.
- Often losing things needed for tasks or activities such
as pencils, school assignments, books or tools.
- Often forgeting daily activities.

Hyperactivity Symptoms
All children may show signs of hyperactivity because they
are easily excited. However, if these symptoms are severe
or persist for longer than 6 months, they may indicate ADHD.

Hyperactivity symptoms include:
- Fidgeting with hands or feet or squirming in seat.
- Often leaving the classroom seat or getting up in
situations where they are expected to stay seated.
- Often running or climbing excessively in inappropriate
situations. In adults it may be a feeling of restlessness.
- Having difficulty in playing or engaging in leisure
activities quietly.
- Talking excessively.

Impulsivity Symptoms
The inability to contain impulses can be a sign of ADHD.
These symptoms need to be present for 6 months or must be
acute in cases of ADHD.

Impulsivity symptoms include:
- Blurting out answers before questions have been completed.
- Having difficulty waiting for his or her turn.
- Often interrupting others or bursting into conversations
or games.
- Impulsive behavior that started before the age of 7.
- Can't help themselves in situations where they need to be
in control of themselves.
- Are impulsive in more than one setting such as in school
and at home.

While many of these symptoms are common among children,
they may indicate that the child has ADHD if persist for
longer than 6 months. Pay attention to how many of the
symptoms are present and to what degree. If you feel that
your child has ADHD symptoms, you should arrange to have
him or her diagnosed by a healthcare professional.

Medications are the most common treatment for ADHD symptoms
in children and adult. The long term effects of ADHD
medications are still unknown but medical researchers
warned of permanent changes to brain chemistry and
behavior. Learn more about alternative treatment for ADHD at

Simple Toning Exercises for Women

Learning about toning exercises for women is the first step
to a safe and effective fitness program for women. When
you're ready to take your health into your own hands, you
want to learn as much as you can about the proper ways to
workout. This knowledge will help you make the most of each
movement as well as prevent discouraging injuries along the
way. Here are some simple toning exercises for women that
you can perform anywhere at any time.

What's great about many toning exercises for women is that
they don't require any equipment or any initial monetary
investment. All you'll need for the following toning
exercises for women is a sturdy chair or wall. You can
perform these exercises in order or you can do these toning
moves whenever you have a free moment – it all adds up to a
fitter you.

* Wall pushups – On a sturdy wall, place your hands in
front of you and slowly lean into the wall. Push back off
with your arms and chest. Repeat.

* Squats – Standing with your feet a little more than
shoulder's width apart, slowly bend your knees to come into
a sitting position, but don't let your knees extend past
your toes as you do so. Your upper body should be as
straight as possible (imagine a string attached to the top
of your head as you move). Lower until almost at a ninety
degree angle and then lift back up. * Suck it in –
While this seems a little too easy, try holding your
stomach in as tightly as you can for as long as you can.
You will work out all of the muscles in your abdomen. Do
this whenever you can. You can perform the same tightening
motion for your buttocks too to increase their tone.

* Calf raises – In a standing position, try to lift your
heels from the floor and hold in that position. Slowly
lower yourself down.

These toning exercises for women are simply to do when
you're standing around at work or when you're in line at
the post office. And while they don't require any weights
or resistance bands, they can be modified to include these
forms of resistance as you improve your fitness levels. You
will also want to remember that the more toning exercises
for women you do, the more benefits you will receive in
return. So, if you only have a few minutes to spare, try to
fit in as many exercises you can. You may even begin to
enjoy standing in line once you see the way your body

Machelle Lee owns and operates, The Invisible Gym in Santa
Cruz, CA. Her mission is to inspire people to become
physically active and enjoy the benefits of a balanced,
healthy lifestyle. For more information and questions you
can visit her website.

Protein Prices Increasing Market Wide

Throughout the country, higher dairy prices are trickling
down to the consumer, from gallons of milk to an ice cream
sundae. Industry experts say the prices are driven in part
by foreign demand for American milk products, and ethanol
producers competing for the same corn farmers use to feed

Recent price hikes in the dairy industry - beginning with
whey protein - have also sent the cost of processed
protein, cheese, cottage cheese, butter, ice cream and
other products soaring throughout the country, dairy
industry experts say. One result is that supplement
manufacturers such as Foundation Nutriceuticals have been
forced to increase the prices for their whey proteins, whey
protein isolates and milk protein. This in turn this
trickles down to national supplement companies like World
Class Nutrition. They are forced to increase their prices
to the customer. Mr Alexander from World Class Nutrition
states "We made some large buys of protein at the
pre-increase price levels but our supply has almost been
depleted." Mr Alexander told us that once the word got out
on the internet that one could still buy cheap protein,
their sales increase by 400%.

Whey protein has become the premier form of protein used in
nutritional products, shakes, and bars. Whey protein has
one of the best absorption rates which has lead to its high
demand. If you look on the label for any major product,
you will see that whey is protein used in most cases.

Whey protein will still be the major protein of choice for
athletes, bodybuilders, and people achieving weight loss.
The only problem being the prices will be going up to
something other than inflation. Whey protein still stands
as the best protein choice for supplements.

Even with the rise in prices for whey protein, you still
want to stay clear of soy protein. Studies have shown that
high amounts of soy protein can lower your testosterone and
increase your estrogen. Fatigue, lack of strength, and
decreased libido have all been reported from soy protein
consumption. These effects seem to affect men and women

Consumers will never see the deep discount prices they have
enjoyed for the past 2 decades. With Egg protein being in
already short supply from the bird flu problems,
bodybuilders and athletes will have little choice but to
pay the price. Soy is a poor alternative to whey protein
and soy causes a rise in estrogen which no athlete wants.
Unfortuneately much like the price of gas, the high price
of protein is here to stay.

WorldClassNutrition is a leader in discount nutrition
supplements with the largest selection of diet pills,
creatine products, protein powders, and bodybuilding
supplements. Find more information on the products you are
searching for at . Want
more expert advice visit .

ADHD Treatment: Ritalin Side Effects

Ritalin is a drug commonly prescribed many doctors to treat
patients with ADHD symptoms. However, Ritalin has also been
used illegally for many years and it has been proven to be
addictive and harmful to some extent.

Whilst the drug can help to manage ADHD symptoms, it is not
without side effects. There are serious and common side
effects associated with the use of Ritalin. The most
serious complaints seem to be quickening of the heart rate
and mood changes. Some children tend to experience worse
moods when they take the drug and that can lead to more
aggressive behaviour than usual. However, more worryingly
is the fact that the drug can cause changes in the blood
glucose level. This is obviously more serious for those who
have diabetes, but it can also cause serious health
problems if it goes unnoticed.

Another potential serious side effect could be tics. This
is where the child will move suddenly for no apparent
reason. It could be their arm that moves, or their head.
Either way, tics can be worrying and it is important to
take your child to the doctor straight away if you do
notice anything strange. Less common side effects include
headaches and insomnia. You should be on the lookout for
any ill effects whilst your child is on Ritalin.

The above are just a few of the side effects experienced by
some children who take Ritalin. However, they seem to be
mainly down to physicians not giving the correct doses. It
is also important that you do not give the next dose of
medication to your child if you suspect that the medication
is doing them harm. It is much better to consult with the
doctor so he can prescribe a lower dosage or alternative
ADHD medications.

The main concern which many parents have over Ritalin is
the likelihood of it causing permanent damage to their
child. A recent study conducted by Weill Cornell Medical
College in New York City looked into the effects that
Ritalin has on the developing brain. The study was
conducted using rats to test the effects of Ritalin. It was
found that Ritalin caused brain alterations, but these
gradually disappeared 3 months after the rats stopped
taking the drug. Since the study was only conducted for a
short period, the long term effects of Ritalin are still
unknown. Dr. Teresa Milner, professor of neuroscience at
Weill Cornell Medical College, warns of the possibility
that the drug could cause permanent changes to brain
chemistry and behaviour if taken for long periods of time.
Ritalin is best used in the short term supplemented with
behavioural therapy.

Of course more studies need to be done and parents do have
a right to be concerned as even the FDA has directed the
manufacturers of Ritalin and other ADHD drugs to provide a
Patient Medication Guide that fully warns patients about
their potential dangers of psychiatric and cardiovascular

The side effects of Ritalin and other ADHD drug medications
can be serious and unpleasant. The long term implications
of taking any ADHD medication remain a great concern for
many parents. Check out the all natural and drug free
treatments for ADHD at